The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 14, 1911, Image 7

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Lost. Somewhere in town
last Sunday, a diamond stick pin
A liberal reward will be paid for
its return' to the News ofiico.
Harvey Ilelman spent Monday
and Tuesday in Mercersburg.
Jacob W. Mellott, candidate for
Sheriff is now prostrated with
typhoid fever.
Mr. and MrH. II. M. Strait, of
Saluvia, spent a few hours m town
last Saturday.
D. C. Mallott, of Locust Grove.
was registered at the Fulton
House Tuesday.
Ex-rrothonotary James P.
Waltz, of Thompson township,
was in town last Saturday.
Bennett A. Truax and wife, of
Belfast township, were register
ed at the City Uotel last Satur
The Grcenhill Presbyterian
Sunday school will hold their an
nual picnic in the grove at the
church next Saturday, Septen -
ber ICth.
Dr. J. G. Ilanks, of Breezowood
and Mr. Amos llixson, of Brush
Creek Valley, are in town this
week supervising the erection if
the. new telephone line.
The editor's family are under
obligations to Mrs. Christian
Martin of the Cove for a basket
ful of delicious grapes. We have
seldom seen grapes that were
larger and more perfect.
Twenty tive puJlets of the Bar
red Iiock variety, owued by Lewis
B. Snider, of Chambersburg, I
produced in one year lrom Sep
toraber 5, 1910 to September 5,
1U11 tlio total of 3,534 eggs.
George C. Austin, a prominent
lawyer and politician of New
lork City, and Preston li. Aus
a business man and farmer of
Chamborsburg, spent Tuesday
night at the Washington House
enroute to their old home at Salu
At a point close to the moun
tain, northwest of Willow Hill,
known as "Stony Point," some
times called "Mountain Green,"
a pnstoflice has been established
by Incle Sam, with Frank Smith
who keeps store there, as post
Tuesday, September 19. Mrs.
Mary J. Gallaher, intending to
quite housekeeping will sell at
her residence at Burnt Cabins,
cow, calf, hogs, chickens, sewing
machine, household goods, &c
oale begins at 9:30 o'clock a. m
Six months crodit on all sums
over two dollars and fifty cents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels
and little daughter Helen, of
I'niladelphia, are visiting Frank's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Daniels and Mrs. DamnTa fnt.hor
John V. Stouteagle. Mr. Daniels
is employed in the Navy Depart-
ment of the League Island Navy
Yrd, Philadelphia, Pa.
The implicit confidence that
muny.pooplo have in Cam berlain's
Wic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy is founded on their ex
perience 111 thfi liao nt that -om
w v. U11J.U I C1U
euyand their knowledge of the
many remarkable cures of colic,
diarrhoea and dysentery that it
euecteo. For sale by all
DAfter having spent two weeks
VeT pleasantly among her Kulton
cxunty relatives and friends,
daughter Margaret, of Pittsburg
-ovor to Charabersburg Mon
aa.V to Vlaif. .
. - ..,. UDl aisier in jaw Mrs
Kev. W. f. Hann will nvonoh rt.
Morton's Point uext Sunday 17th
at 10 o'clock.
At Auburn, N. Y., Eugene L.
Dunhnm, Alderman, of the Ninth
ward, ard head of the binder de
partment of the International
Harvesting Crmpany m that city,
dropped dead of apoplexy whila
running his automobiiflnonr On
eida. He had ti me to tell his wifo
to draw the- spark plug and stop
the machine before he expired.
WANTion-Good Housekeeping
Magazine requires the services of
a representative in McConnells
burg to look after subscription
renewals and to extend circula
tion by special methods which
have proved unusually success-
rui. balary and commission. Pre
vious experiencdesir ble, but not
essential. Whole time or spare
time. Address, with refer.
J. F. Fairbanks, Good Uousckeep
ing Magazine, 381 Fourth Ave..
iNew York City.
Thero is still a fair chanr.n fnr
the construction of a national
highway from Washington to
Gettysburg, as a memorial to
iincoln, due to the fact that
Speaker Clark has pledged him
self to the project, and Present
Taft, who is chairman of the Lin
coin Memorial Commission, ha
announced that a final decision in
the matter will not be made for
six months. The road is 115
miles long and will cost approxi
mately $2,000,000.
Robert G. Fowler, the first avi
ator to attempt to lly across the
Continent, left San Francisco in
an aeroplane Monday afternoon.
and made his first lap of 120 miles
in safety. The distance from San
Francisco to Now York is 4500
miles, and if ho succeeds in finish
ing the trip in the prescribed.
time he will have won70,noo. The
aviator proposes to make the dis
tance iu twenty Hying days, with
in a period of twenty six davs.
landing in New York, October
Most of the farmers of our
community havo cut sorao corn.
Mr. Crumbs who recently pur
chased the Mill property belong
ing to A. W. Bard at Emmavillo
has come to take posession of his
new home.
Claude Smith and wife, of
Lmmavillo spent last Sunday at
the home of Albert Plessiucer
and family in Whips Cove.
Harey Welch, of this place.
made a business trip to Belfast
township the first of last week.
Harriet Spade who was em
ployed at the homo of George
Layton and wife returned to her
homo last Sunday.
The saw mill on the Smathors
place will soon finish sawing the
fourth sot.
Messrs Ross and Oliver Bard.
who have been employed cutting
logs on the Smathcr tract, re
turned to their homes near Pleas
ant Ridge last Friday evening.
When you run out of good read
ing matter just subscribe for the
Fulton County Nrcws.
J. F. Spiide, one of our irost
successful farmers, has cut more
than eight hundred shocks of
corn. Mr. Spade says ho is not
near done yet.
Fruit Growers, Attention.
'ue D,X0Ui and then to be join-
. r1 r uusand and go on ' to for a week's recrea-
6WlfanV. mnilinlno V,
mn UttVU
witn the uniform success
has attended the use of
rlain'sColic, Cholera, and
,-uueauemedy. The remark
able cures nfnni, j .......
hi. i . " 'm aiarrnoea
'chit has effected m almost
& vt,a B"WU1UU" nave given it
all !,:!putatlon- sale by
on.MItT,Mr8- Jaes A. Desh-
and relatives in this coun
,,Uics is an rh7oort
v'Vl OCC I Ui
Uena. iu uu war
Port n nt' and i8 rationed at
Dehnn Mr and Mrs.
In packing and shipping fruit
Icr exhibit at the show of the
State Horticultural Association
at Duquesne Garden, Pittsburgh,
January 15-20, 1912, the follow
ing rules should be carried out:
Pack the fruit iu a good sub
stantial bcx or barrel, each speci
men carefully wrapped in paper.
The apples should be laid firmly
in the box, and if the space is not
entirely filled, it should be filled
up with crushed paper or excel
sior, so as toliold apples perfect
ly tight and avoid bruising.
Each package should be plain
ly marked with the name of the
shipper and with the nametf the
variety or varieties contained
therein. This Information should
be on the outside of the box and
it Is quite advisable to have it re
peated on the inside.
Apples for storage should be
picked before they become soft,
but allowed to color as much as
possible without destroying their
firmness. After pickine. thev
should be placed in cold storage
without delay.
Sbipto T. D. Har man. Jr..
Mgr., care Union Storage Co.,
Second & Liberty Aves.. Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Hon. Peter Morton, of McCon
nollsburg, brought his daughter
Miss Joan and Mr. Robert Alox
andor to the Valley the former
to teach Nj. 3 bchool and the Lt
ter, No. 4.
Wm. B. Stigers, of Bethel
township, candidato for the Dem
oeratic nomination for associate
judge, was in the Valley last
week shaking hands with the
R. R. Hann, of Licking Creek
township, candidate for the Re
publican nomination for county
commissioner, was in our town
last Saturday.
Clyde Plu turner's illness has
developed into a genuine caseot
typhoid fever. Trouble nover
comes single-handed.
Estolla Gracey, who has been
in Nirristown during the past
year, is visiting in the home of
Richard Alloway's family. It
might be added just here that
Richard has been on tho sick list
for a week.
After having spent two months
very pleasantly at the homo of
her parents, Mr. ai.d Mrs. L. L.
Cunningham, Mrs. Maude Neal
and little son George left for
their home in Akron, O., last
Friday. She was accompanied
to Altoona by her mother who
will spend some time visiting her
son Ralph. Flick is keeping house
B. Frank Henry and Norris
Hoover candidates for prothono
tary, were circulating among tho
Va'ley voters.
Dr. Campbell took, S.imuel
Stains on Monday to Philadelphia
Modico Chi Hospital, where he
wili undergo an operation, for
some trouble at tha base of his
right lung, resulting from relapse
of typhoid fever.
The only attraction now is tho
"Bush" meeting at Dublin Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stains,
of Springfield township, Hunting
don county; Mr. and Mrs. Charlos
Bolinger, of Wood, Pa.; Frank
Bolmger and Curtis Long, of
Jacobs visited Samuel Stains's
last Sunday.
Fred, youngest son of Jacob
Black is sick.
Russell Keith went t' Trough
Creek Valley to work for Frank
Mr. Wesley Osborne, of Bud.'i,
Illinois, brother-in-law of G rand
mother Duvall, Mrs. Lovi Sweet,
of Buda. Ill , and Mrs. J. B. Fos
ter, of York, Neb., nieces of Mrs
Duvall, visited her hero on Sun
day, driving over from Six Milo
Run, and returning same evening
Geo. Shaffer purchased afire
driving horse last week from
William Rinehart, of Btoad Top
Albert King who is employed
with the 1'. R. R. company in Al
toona is spending a few weeks at
his home iu this township.
William Burns, wife anddauth
tor Crace of Aitoona spent a few
weeks with tho family of Albert
Wesley Shaw, wifo and son
visitei m the family of Albert
King recently. Mr. Shaw has
been living in the State of Neb
raska for quite a number of years
but was raised in this township.
He is an uncle of Albert King's
Goldio Roeder, Catherine Lai
dig and Ilazal Recder of Huston
town walked over to Wells Valley
Sppt. 1, attended the picnic on
Sept. 2, and came homo Sept. 8,
The walking was good.
Kim moll the horse buyer and
dealer from Somerset county
passed through this vicinity re
cently with more than twenty
head of colts, and horses on his
way to Perry county where he
intended to sell them.
On account of tho painting o
Fairviow church, thero were no
services in that church tho past
two Sundays.
A number of our young people
attended tho Bush meeting at
Dublin Mills last week.
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell. Mrr.
Ellen French, Marjorie Cleven-
ger and Howard Kirk spent Men
day of last week at Bedford tho
guests of Mrs. Eliza Fisher.
Geoige W. Sjpss and Ross
Hann, two worthy Republican
candidates from Licking Creek
township, were through this com
munity recently.
Mrs. Casper Brant and son El
win spent a few days ' last week
with relatives and friends in
Morrison's Covj, Bedford county.
v llham 1 loefnor aud wife spm t
Sunday with the family of Mrs.
Eliza Hoover.
Margaret and Howard Kirk,
aud Harvey and Marjorie Cleven
ger spent Sunday at Bedford
At least four rattlesnakes have
been killed within fifty yards of
each other this summer on John
K Johnson's farm Edward
Deshoug killed ono ot these. It
had sixteen rattles.
Harrison Hoover left Thursday
of last week to teach in the Brock
ton Business College, Brockton,
Some of our hustling farmer's
havo cut corn.
Mrs. George Lynch returned
home after having spent a few
days visiting her mother and
friends at Big Cove Tannery.
Our school began Monday and
is under the care of Miss Jean
nette Stouteagle.
Rachel Gordon spent last Sun
day with Jessie Mellott.
George Fisher gave quite an in
teresting talk to our Sabbath
school last Sabbath.
Rev. A. G. B. Powers will
preach at Laurel Ridge next
Sabbath morning at half past ten
o clock.
Mrs. Barney Bivens spent
Wednesday with her parents
Robert Mellott and wife.
Wilbert Mann, who is spend
ing the summer at Cedar Rapids,
Iowa., expects to return to his
mauy Fulton county friends soon.
Bruce Miller spent Sunday at
Jacob Gordon's.
Stanley Humbert visited in the
home of B. F. Shives' Sunday.
Hon. D. T. Humbert and Jonas
Lake spent Sunday with 'Robort
Mellott and family.
Jacob Clouser and wife spent
Saturday and Sunday with their
daughter Mrs. Jacob Douglas at
Plum Run.
A Dreadful Sight
to II. J. Barnum, of Freoville, N.
Y., was the fever sore that had
plagued his life for years in spito
of many remedies he tried. At
last he used Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and wrote: "it has entirely
healed with scarcely a scar left."
Heals Burns, Boils, Eczema, Cuts
Bruises, Swellings, Corns and
Piles like magic. Only 25o at
Trout's Drug Store.
The farmers who were growl
ing about so much dry weather
during the middle of the summer
are now making faces at the
weather man for sending so much
ram. Some poople are so hard
tc please.
If Fulton county does not stay
in the Democratic column it will
not bo Ed Swopo's fault.
Chester Decker and wife, Leo
Decker and Oliver Mellott. Roy
and Blanche Sharpe and Eva Mel
lott, spent part of last Suuday at
E V. Mellotfs,
Richard Deshong, wife and son
Clyde, Harry Mellott and Harri
sonDoihoug, and Blanche Sharpe
and Gertrude Mellott, spent part
of last Sunday at Charles Hess's.
Charlie llass and wife were at
A. Fohuer's last Sunday.
Mrs. Sampson Mellott and sons
Austin and Harold spent last Sun
day at Harold Strait's.
Mrs. George W. Sipes and two
children, and her sister Miss
Verda Sharpe, spent part of last
Sunday at Roy Sipes's.
There will be preaching at
Ebenezor Saturday evening the
Georgia Mellott and1 Blanche
Deshong are employed in the
homo of E. W. Swope.
Mrs. Rachel Dixon and daugh
ter Margaret, who had boen visit
ing relatives in this township,
have returned to their home in
The Boosting Of Sugar Prices.
If the Sugar Trust did not havo
a worso reputation than any other
ono might be poisuaded to be
lieve the short crop explanation
of the phenomenal rise in the
price of refined sugar. Because
its reputation is so very bad. be
cause it has bought legislation,
because it has cheated both con
sumers and tho government,
there is little disposition now to
put any faith in tho explanation?.
It is said that prices are going
up because tho American refiner
lesare empty, the sugar beet
crop in the United States is be
low the average aud because the
cane crop in Cuba la comparative
ly bad.
A few months ago Congress
man Pou, of Louisiana, (a sugar
State) said that the American
Sugar Refining Company was
uot only a trust but a monopoly;
that it controlled more than fifty
per cent, of tho reh'ned sugar
business of the country and pro
bably dominated more than eighty
per cent, of it. The trust con
trols imports of raw sugar from
Cuba. Its dominance in Porto
Rico has been made easy. It
controls the beet sugar industry
in the United States. Whenever
it wants to create a shortage of
tho supply it can do so. Its
strength was created and its re
venues swollen by its "scientific"
manipulation of the "scientific"
high tariff laws.
1 lere are a couple of facts that
increase disbelief: One who is
quotad by those who are predict
ing higher prices for susrar savs
that the Louisiana cane crop Is
about normal but that the sugar
beet crop in the United States is
bad. Tho official report of tho
Agricultural Department gives
crop conditions aud comparisons
of the date of September 1. The
avorage for the previous ten
years is sot down as 100. In the
comparisons tin so called "norm
al" sugar cane crop is really
103.1, aud tho "bad" sugar beet
crop is an even 100. Perhaps
mere is a similar mistake in the
reports from Cuba. The Star
Price from $5.00 to $15.00
All strictly up-to-date in
every way
Ladies', Misses and Chil
dren's .....
Our Elegant Stock of
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.
some one got bargains in low shoes for
Men, Ladies and Children. We have run
out quite a tew, we may just have
your size yet at the same
Pitt.bursh flmmlal corporation An- r
iff high ... mtt uiivriiitoniii-nl j
lliii dlilrict. Halirr fftron to twenty I.
onllr wi'rklr and eommlmloB In- jj
rrnlmnil 11,000.00 ilivLlrnd riving S
tiirk i.f rnniinr rtlT?4. Chnrtctrt
i;rt uMlitr Cr.-t (oim.lrritioa. rotitlna
pfrmantnt; fpfrii-nc unilocular If jjj
willing to Lira. Bright futura (or jjj
young tin,
U. 8. S.ourltl., S
Dipt. 26. Union Bank Bldg., jS d. H
SXUt f,UMl MCJ orm in
Forced to Leave Home.
Every year a largo number of
poor sufferers, whose lungs are
sore and racked with coughs, are
urged to go to another climate.
l?ut this is costly and not always
sure. There's a better way. Let
Dr. King's New Discovery cure
you at home. "It cured me of
lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel
son, of Calamine, Ark., '"when all
else failed and I gainod 47 p wnds
In weight. Its surely the king of
all cough and lung cures. "Thous
ands owe their lives and health
to it. It's positively guaranteed
for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe,
Asthma, Croup all Throat and
Lung troubles. 50c and 11.00.
Trial bottle free at Trout's Drug
Notice is hereby elven Mint no an
plication will be ninde to tlm Govern
or of ronnsj ivuniu on Tuesday the
31st day of October 1111, by Charles
u. Spanglcr, Aaron U. Nace. David
A. Nelson, Geo. A. Harris, Geo. V.
Mellott, Samuel 11. Cromer, David A.
Wushabaugh, J no. A. Irwin, Win. Hull.
Samuel Mellott, M. G. Kirk, and Wil
son L. Nace truslecuntler the provis
ions of tho Act of tho General Assem
bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An Act for tho in
corporation and regulation of banks
of discount and deposit, approved
tho l.'itli day of May A. D. 1870, and
tho supplements thereto, for tho char
ter of an intended corporation to b
to bo located at McCotinollsbnrir. in
the County of Fulton, State of Penn
sylvania. Said corporation is organ
ized for dointr a coneral banking busi
ness under the Act above named and
Its supplements.
Tho capital stock of the proposed
corporation is fixed at Fiftv thousand
dollars (50,0u0.00)-and;is to enjoy all
tho riffhts. privileges and benellts of
the said Act of assembly and its sup
8-3, '11. Solicitor.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburff, Pa.
All legal bUH.ncM and oolluotiom entrusted
will ooelve oaroful and prompt tteotlon.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
It Is the best medicine ever sold
over druggist's counter.
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eats
Last year somo of our customers
asked us to i;et a little heavierTinC'un
for tomatoes. We have them now,
also, tho old kind .10 and ro doz
Wax strings 4C joz
iw jar uiua
Jar lids Klodoz
1 pint jars 4,ic ,i0i,
1 quart jars 4'c do.
t pal jars (,;. d0,
I double sheets fly paper Co
5 (fold eyed needles c
Machine thread 4,
jar miers
2.) pood 5xU inch envelopes 4c
ti sneets 01 good paper lc
2 good pen points JL.
Lonox soap 7 cakes 2."e
1 do, clothes pins lc
Box paper 10, 1.3, 15 and 2.'ic
Galvanized tubs 40. 45 and 50o
Galvanized buckots 15, IS and 20c
Tin buckets 8. 10 and 20c
i. quart tin coffee pots 10c
4 quart coffee pots KUi
quart granite stew kettles 5c
quart granulated stow kettles 20c
0 quart Herlin kettles 3ic
1 iu iru'H
2 packs hold-fast shoe nails 5c
3 packs carpet tacks 6c
Matting tacks c
Hand saws 10, 45, 75 to $ 1.50
1 tloz coat and hat hook 60
Meat saws IS to (iSc
Universal saw tools "-80
We have the best cross-cut or
.. in ... n . .
mm nies o men ir.
4 and 5 in taper files j
5 0 and 7 inch taper files 5c
13 inch horse rasps, 20c
13 inch horso rasps 25o
12 Inch funged rasps 20e
Half round wood rasps 12 and l.Vs
Hound flies lCc
1 inch harness snaps 4 for 5c
1 inch harness snaps 2 for 5c
Take down squares (iOe
22 cartridges 12c
32 cartridges .10c
32 center-liro cartridgo 40c
7 foot traces 4 So
P.azor hones 10o
ft inch strap hinges 5 and 8c
8 Inch strap hinges 10 aud 12o
Ilingos hasps . 4 and fit
All kind of nails at tho lowest prices
Mm 1
Wo have sold moro Warner
in the last year than wo ever snl.l.
Just because tho people are finding
out that they aro all right, and thero
is more arner Corsets sold everv.
where than any other. Whv nut Irv
them? they don't cost any more thnn
any otlier and not so much. 45c for a
50c one, 1)0 and !.ro for a 11.00 and
1.2j for a fl 50 ono.
Try a Warner and be convinced tlmr.
they aro tho host.
Wo have a How 8!)u Armrrsl,i r,,.
sets that wo will sell at 50o.
A good ladles black hoso
See our black hoso
Men's cork Insoles
4-4 and 5-4 shoo laces
A great lino of post cards and
town vlnu'tt 1ii
Children's Misses' and Ladies'
hoSO Sll lllortira N ami I IV.
1 1 - - - v w
Watches guaranteed for ono
vear (15. 75 nml n.
Alarm clocks ns. 7f.,. i m
And tho ono that rings for. 15
minutes 1 "
Seth Thomas 8 day clock i im
Toothbrushes .1. 5an,lliw,
Silkatrtie lloss 4c n snrw.l
Seo our pearl buttons 5c doz
Don't forget that wo run lit. nil
of you In Shoes and Cljthinir when It,
conies to school Shoes and Hosiery
we wont step back for nnv mm' nml
think we con go ahead of my. Call
and get prices.
U you want to paint any thing we
can furnish the Right paint at the
Kight price.
Cow chains lOo
Heavy and light dog chains 10c
Axos Binglo and doublo bit
45, 50 and 70c
We sell the Mann and Kelly at 70c
Manure forks 48 and 55o
Manure hooks 55o
Stoel picks 45o
Pick handles Hie
Table spoons
Tea spoons
Nob. 1 and 2 lamp globes
Lantern globes
Jelly glasses with lids
Horse shoe tumblers
Iron handles
Guaranteed horso shoo nails
Horso shoe hammers, steel
Horse shoe pinchers
Tack hammers
Paring knives
Hull rings
4 and 5o
5 and So
20c don
23o dox
5 and So
6 and 8c
5 and So
We are this year handling the same fodder yarn
1 L . I I II .
inai we naa last year. Don t get it mixed
with the cheap goods that was sold at
same price last year. Our trade on
this goods is increasing every year.
Store open all hours. Remember we do not closa
in xne evening,