The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 14, 1911, Image 6

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. i&l, Mitii and Proprietor.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1911
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Periquareof RlinimS llme II RO.
Per 'iijimrt! ouub ulmi'quunl Innortlon W.
Al d voriiieiuunu lusoriud lor lest Ibuo
bree monlbb churned by the -luare.
X mim. tfuius. 1 yr
0 io (ourlh oolumn 115.00.
Oneh:.lf oolutna US. 00.
tie Coin ma 40.00.
Church Notices.
Announcements tor Sunday, Sept.
17, Hill.
McOonnellHburjr Lutheran Church,
Clifford K. Hays, pastor.
St. I'uul, McConnellsburg Sunday
school 1):1" a. m , church service
10:30 a. m., Y. P. S. C. K. 0:30 p. m.
Biff Cove Tannery Sunday school
1:30 p. m , church service 7:30 p.m.
. L. W. McGarvey, Pastor.
Center Sunday school 0:30.
Preaching 10:30.
Fairvluw Sunday school 2:0.
Preaching, 3:00.
llustontown Sunday school 0:00.
Epworth League, 7:00
Prayer meeting Tliursday 7:30. p. m.
Dublin Mills Sunday School 0:30.
ltevlval service at 7:30.
How's This?
We offor One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case ol Cattarrh
thatcannct be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
We, the undersigned, have
known R J. Cheney for the last
13 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Drugists,ToIcdo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is takon in
ternally, acting directly upou the
blood and raucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sect free,
S'ld bv all Druggists. Price
75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Farmers are busy cutting corn
Miss May Lake is spending
some time m Everett.
Mrs. RosaOttaud son Samue
Xiay, and Mr. Lynn Houck al
of Mercersburg, were visiting
friends and relatives, and attend
ed the festival in McConnells
burg, Saturday evening.
Mrs. William Thomas i3 suffer
ing from an attack of appendicit
Abner Sheets visited in this
community Saturday night and
Raymond Paylor is employed
in Chambersburg.
Mrs. Jacob Motter visited
"William Thomas's last Wednes
John Souders, wife and family
visited William Paylor's Sunday
Miss Ida Lake who started last
week for Massachusetts has ar
rived safe at that place.
Mrs Thomas Shaw o f Big Cove
Tannery, spent Wednesday night
with her sister Mrs. Wm. Paylor,
Mrs. Arch Keyser and family
visited Isaiah JJarnharts last Sun
Our fchool is progressing nice
ly under the skillful manage
merit of Miss Maud Rinedollar.
Mrs. Philip Ott returned hom
last Sunday aftor hiving spen
some time with her daughter
Mrs. Clevenger in town.
Bessie and Annie llann and
Johnny Oliver of Webster Mill
visited their sister Mrs. Gress
Miss Annie Pine visiled her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Pine in the
Meadow Grounds Saturday night
and Sunday.
Co operation by Farmers. I
A' comprehensive p'an for ren
ting rid or that niurh berated
feature, the "Middleman." has
leon announced !y the promoters
of a movement embracing
fur mors in Pennsylvania and New
York. They supply tho Now
York produce market. I'luus for
a central receiviug station and
cold storage, etc., are carefully
outlined. A convention just held
at Newburgh, N. Y., considered
throwing out the middleman from
he dairy trade, the producers to
sell directly through co-opera
tive associations.
Itismoro than strange that
the American farmer has been so
slow to adopt co operative meth
ods. A recent magazine article
tells how the Eastern Counties
Association of England sells for
55 pounds seed mixtures that tho
farmers had to pay 70 pounds
for outside. A farmer walked
nto the office of the lloreford
Society one day. lie was afraid
that they had made a mistake in
their remittance to him for pears.
fhey had given him 2S shillings
per 100 weight, where previously
he had sold them for three shill
ings. -
In tho Teme valley m England,
cooperative associations took up
ho matter of transportation, and
'ot motor wagons started that
lauled freight for threo shillings
a ton that previously had cost the
farmers five shillings.
Franco is a great country for
co operative work among farm
ers. There are CO.000 members
of these societies in the province
ot Hnttauy alone. They buy
fertilizers, tools, and seed at low
rates, sell all products, secure
low rates for insurance, get more
favorable freight rates, etc.
Tho Anglo Saxon temperament
has a certain independence that
does not take kindly to co-opera
tion. particularly among a class
of people having tendencies of
isolation like farmers.
Our English cousins have simi
lar tendencies, although cooper
ative movements have made ir
greater advance there than hera.
Uut English experts feel that
British agriculture is falling be
hiud the Continent, because the
farmers don't cooperte any bet
The Consumer of course loot: a
askance at any movement to e:i
able the producer to get higher
prices. He need never fear. No
co (p'jrdtivo farm association can
ever get any hold in competition
with tho independent producer
until it beats out the independent
producer ou prices and quality.
Patterson's Run.
Sept. 111 would like to cor
rect a mistake in last week's
paper concerting a bad case of
diphtheria in the home of Bert
Wilson. I think a case of ton
silitis should be distinguished
from that of diphtheria. The
taxpayers of this township have
had enough of expense, and that
the health officers o.' McConnells
burg ought to foot the bills, in
stead of Licking Creek township,
A Citizen.
Not a Word of Scandal
marred tho call of a neighbor on
Mrs. W. P. Spangh, of Manville
Wyo., who said: "she told me Dr
King's Now Life Pills had cured
her of obstinate kidney trouble,
aud mado her feel like a new wo
man." Easy, but sure remedy
for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles. Only 23c at Trout's
Drug Store.
Waterfall Cider Kill.
The Cider Press a, Waterfall
will begin operating on Wednes
day, August 9th, and will be in
operation on each succeeding
Wednesday during the season,
If the Sunday laws are to be
changed thore ought to be a sec
tion providing jail imprisonmen
for the fellow who snores bo loud
that he wakes up everybody else
ii church.
the croducli of more than 30
years' experience. Three branda .
7C Special Motor
Power Without Carbon
Warl olinel an all refined, dutiltad
and treatod conUin no "natural" vasolinai,
which ar crude and unrefined and which carry
tha maximum of cnrbun.prvdiiciiig elements.
Wererly OU Works Co..Plttburg,Pa.
Independent Rullncis
Maim of Wavrly Special Auto Oil
Maaaiwaaafcaaa, rap i ii 1 11 , 1 1 , ia
the Poultry a Special Finish
Before Marketing.
A cood many dollars are lost every
year by fanners because they send
their poultry to market In poor condi
tion as regards flesh. On many faniiB
tho practice Is to ship every winter
several crates of llve poultry, younK
and old, and In most cases the speci
mens sold are picked up off the rant?e
and no attention Is paid to the condi
tion of fleHh. Tho farmer can fatten
his poultry cheaper than any one elae.
under the sun and la most canes over
a pound of weight can be added to
every fowl sold at a cost of not more
than five cents. The extra flush added
ould make tho entire consignment
sell for one or two cents a pouna
more than It otherwise would, at the
lowest estimate.
All the fowls that are to bo sold
should be selected three weeks before
the tlmo they are to bo shipped and
placed In separate quarters, suBiiestH
Tho Farmer. They should be given
a reasonably sized pen Indoors and a
fair sized yard outside, where t'icy
may exercise somewhat In fair weath
er. They should bo fed threo times a
day, morning, noon and night The
morning and noon feeds may consist
of one lurt corn meal, ono part
ground oaU with tho hulls sifted out,
one part bran and a third of a part of
high grado beef scraps. This may bo
mixed with wa'er or milk, though If
milk Is used not quite so much beef
scraps will be needed. The night feed
should bo of cracked corn. Fresh wa
ter should bo given to drink and a
box of grit and ono of charcoal should
be placed where the fowls can reach
It at any time. No more should be
fed at each meal than the birds will
eat up at one feed and any that Is
left over after 13 minutes should bo
taken away and tho feeding troughs
Colony Houses.
We got some piano boxes for the
bouses, using the largest side for the
bottom. We nailed up the top with
boards, hung a home-made door to
bottom of box and our house was
done. These houses serve the pur
pose for growing chicks as well as
those we use to buy already made.
They require so little work and are
much cheaper. M. iM. Newland, In the
Cost of Eggs.
What does it cost you to produce
your eggs? Do you know? I'rof.
Graham of the Storrs (Conn.) experi
ment station says: "I have been
much surprised at the data received
from several of the experiment sta
tions regarding the cost of egg pro
duction. In some cases I find cgg3
have cost as high as 18 cents a dozen
and some as low as 8 cents a dozen,
including labor. I find that, speaking
generally, the larger the rango the
less food was required; in fact, where
birds had free range the cost was any
where from 8 to 10 cents, and in
cases where the birds were on limited
range the cost was under twelve cents.
This has forced me to the conclusion
that it Is very hard work for a man
to run an intensive poultry plant and
compete with the farmer in egg pro
duction." A Country Doctor's Record.
Dr. James Morris, who was one of
the oldest medical practitioners In
Scotland, has Just died at Dunferm
line. When he celebrated his Jubilee
as a dix-tor some ten years ago he
made this statement: "During my
fifty years In practice I have attended
50,000 patients, administered chloro
form 10,000 tlmos with absolute Im
munity from fatal results, had 5,000
births (1,000 consecutive cases with
out a death), mado about 1,000,000
visits and travelled about 500,000
miles." Not a bad record for a conn'
trv medical man. Westminster
To Avoid Serious Results.
After eating a hearty evening meal
Edith, aged two and a half years, was
taken from the table to be washed.
"You can wash me and rock me," she
said, "but don't bend me." The De
The only louse the poultrymnn can
afford to have around is the dead
louse. See that that Is the only kind
you keep.
In making their report at
Chambersburg last week, the
Franklin county Grand Jury
said that a separate residence for
the Sheriff and his family would
be exceptionally desirable, as it
would isolate the prisoners, avoid !
tlTo daily contact of the Sheriff's
family and prisoners, which is
now wholly unavoidable, and
would further insure health, aid
comfort to the executive.
We notice by tho Hancock Star
thit Martin L. Peck is a candi
date for tho nomination for Coun
ty Commissioner of Washington
county, Maryland. Several years
ago, Mr. Peck was a prominent
teacher in the public schools of
Washington county, and since
his retirement from teaching, he I
has been actively engaged in bus i
ness, and possesses every quali
fication for the making of a very
capable and efficient officer-, ,
nr- v
5, Candidate Cards
For I'l'ollioiiiitary, iVc,
I hereby announce mysolfas a can
didate for the Dkmucuatk; nomination
for the Olllce of I'rothonotary,
subject to the next September prima
ries. I also pledge myself to support
the tickgt then nominated.
For I'rotlionotnry. Ac.,
Taylor Township.
Subject to the' decision of the I)K.lo
ckatic voters at the primary, the last
Saturday in September, between the
hours of 2 and 8 p. in. Your support
end inlluence respectfully solicited.
Pledges support to ticket nominated.
For County Treasurer,
Wells Township.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for tho Dkmockatic nomina
tion for County Tkkasckkk, subject
to the decision of the Democratic vo
ters of Fulton county at the uniform
primary election to be held on the
last Saturday in September and pledge
myself to the support of tho ticket
L. L. Cunningham,
New Grenada, Pa.
For County Commissioner,
Taylor Township.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Ukitiii.ican nomina
tion for the olllce of County Commis
sioner, subject to the next September
primaries, und pledge my support to
the ticket then nominated.
For County Commissioner,
I.ieklim Creek Twp.
1 hereby annource myself as a can
didate for the IIki'Uiilican nomina
tion for tho olllce of County Commis
sioner subject to tho next September
Primary. Your support and inlluence
respectfully solicited.
Saluvla, Pa.
For County Commissioner, -ALHFRT
Ayr Township
I hereby announce myself as a can'
didate for the Ilici'UituCAN nomina
tion for the oflioe of County Commis
sioner, subject to tho next September
primaries, and pledgo my support to
the ticket then nominated.
For County Commissioner',
K. I). A KKKS,
lii usli Creek township.
Tho undersigned respectfully an
nounces himself as a candidate for the
olllco of County Commissioner, subject
to the decision of the Kkitiimcax vo
ters of Fulton county at tli8 uniform
primaries to bo held on the lust Sat
urday of September.
K. D. AlvKKS,
Akersville, Pa.
For County Commissioner
ltrnsli Creek Township.
I hereby announce myself us a Dem
ocratic candidate for the olllce of
County Commissioner, subject to the
decision of the voters al the next
primary election to be held tho last
Saturday in Sept , 1011. I pledge to
support the ticket then nominated.
Simon N. Oakland.
For County Commissioner
A. M. Corhin,
Taylor Township.
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces himself as a candidute for the
olllce of County Commissioner, subject
to the decision of the Uki'Uiii.ican
voters of Fulton county at the uni
form primaries to be held on the last
Saturday in September.
A. M. CoitniN.
For Sheriff
The undersighod respectfully an
nounces himself as a candidate for tho
olllce of Sheriff, subject to the decis
ion of the I'lu-unucAN voters of Ful
ton county at tho uniform primaries
to be held on the lust Saturday of
J. G. Alicxandkr,
McConnellsburg', Pa.
for Sheriff,
Jacob W. Mellott,
Ayr Township.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for Sheriff of Pulton county,
subject to the decision of the Dkmo
chatio voters of Fulton county at the
primary election ou the last Saturday
In September, and pledge my support
to the ticket nominated.
J. W. Mellott.
For Sheriff.
Ayr Township.
Tho undersigned respectfully an
nounces himself as a candiduto for the
nomination for the olllce of Sheriff of
Fulton county, subject to tho decision
of the Democratic voters at the Pri
mury election to ho held on the last
Saturday of September, It'll, "and
pledges his support to the ticket nom
inated, James J. Harris,
Dig Cove Tannery, Ta.
For Associate Judge,
Hetliel Township.
I hereby announco myself as a can
didate for the Democratic nomination
for the olllco of Associalo Judge, sub
ject to tho next September primaries,
and pledge mysell to support the tick
et nomlnuted.
W. B. Stioers,
Wurfordsburg, Pa.
( l ,1 MON W ICA f.TII l'( )l I 'I'll i:i 1 1 A P
Number One,
Proposing an amendment to the Con-
..!.... r .1... .........1.1. ,A
BlllllllOU Ol U1U yiMlllllUUV.CUItil ui
Pennsylvania, so as to consolidate
tho courts of common pleas of Alle
gheny County.
Section 1. Uo It resolved by the Sen
ate and Houso of Menresentatlves of
tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In
General Assembly mot. That the fol
lowing amendment to tho Constitution
of Pennsylvania be and tho same is
hereby, proposed, In accordance with
the eighteenth urtiele thereof:
That section six of article live oe
amended, by striking out the said sec
tion, und Inserting in place thereof tho
Section (i, In the county or Philadel
phia all tho jurisdiction and powers
now vested In tho district courts and
courts of common pleus, subject to
such changes us may be mado by this
Constitution or by law, shall be in
Philadelphia vested in llvedistlnct and
scpuralo courts of equal and co-onli-ruite
jurisdiction, composed of three
judges each. Tho said coutts In Phil
adelphia shall be uusignuieu respect
ively us tho court of common pleas
number ono. number two, number
three, number four, and number live,
but the number of said courts may oe
by law increased, from time to time,
and shall be in like manner designat
ed by successive numbers. The num
ber of judges In any or said courts, or
in any county where tho establishment
of an additional court may bo author
i.ed by law, may bo lncrousod, from
tune to time, and whenever sucii in
crease shall amount in the wholo to
thr ee, such three judges shall compose
a distinct und separate court usarore
said, which shall bu numbered ui
uforesaid. In Philudolpbiu all suits
shall be instituted in the suld courts
of common pleas without designating
the number of tho said court, und the
several courts shall distribute and
upportion tho business among them in
such manner as shall tie provided ny
rules of court, und each court, to
which any suit shall be thus assigned,
shall lnive exclusive jurisdiction there
of. subject to change of venue, as
shall bo provided by law.
in the county of Allegheny all the
jurisdiction and powers no vested in
tno several niimiiercd courts or com
mini pleas shut! be vested in one court
of common pleas, composed of all tho
judges in commission in said courts
isuch jurisdiction and powers shall ex
lend to all proceedings at law aud in
equity which shall have been Institut
ed in the several numbered com is, ami
shall be subject to such changes as
may be made by law, and subject to
change of venue as provided by law.
Tho president judge of said court shall
bo selected as provided by law.1 Tho
number of judges in said court may be
bv law increased from time to time
This amendment shall take ellect on
the lirst day of January succeeding Its
A truo copy of Tit-solution No, 1.
Secretary of tho Commonwealth
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to section
eight, article nine, of tho Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Section 1. lie it resolved by the Sen
ate und House of Representatives of
tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Assembly met. That the fol
lowing is proposed as an amendment
to the Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, in accord
ance with tho provisions of the eigh
teenth article thereof:
Amendment to Articlo Nine, Section
Section 2. Amend section eight, ar
tide nine, of the Constitution of Penn
sylvania, which reads as follows:
"Section 8. The debt of any county,
city, borough, township, school Uis
trict, or other municipality or incor
porated district, except as herein pro
vided, shall never exceed seven per
centum upon the assessed value of the
taxable property therein, nor shall
any such municipality or district in
cur any now debt, or increase its In
debtedness to an amount exceeding
two per centum upon such assessed
valuation of property, without the as
sent of the electors thereof at a public
election in such manner as shall be
provided by law; but any city, tho
debt t,f which now exeaeds seven per
contum of such assessed valuation
may be uutborixed by law to increase
the sumo three per centum, In the ug
gregate, at any oue time, upon sue
valuation," so as to read as fol
Section 8. The debt of any county
city, borough, township, school dis
trict, or other municipality or incor
porated district, except as heroin pro
vlded, shall never exceed seven per
centum upon tho assessed value oi the
taxable property therein, nor shall
any such municipality or district in
cur any new debt, or increase its in
debtedness to an amount exceeding
two per centum upon such assessed
valuation of property, without the as
sent of the electors thereof at a public
election in such manner as shall be
provided by law; but any city, the
debt of which now exceeds seven per
centum of such assesod valuation
may bo authorized by law to increase
the same three per centum, in the ag
gregate, at any oue time, upon such
valuation, except that any debt or
debts hereinafter Incurred by the city
and county of Philadelphia for the
construction and development of sub
ways for transit purposes, or for the
construction of wharves and docks, or
the reclamation of land to be used in
the construction of a system of
wharves and docks, us public improve
ments, owned or to be owned by said
city and county of Philadelphia, and
which shall yield to tho city and coun
ty of Philadelphia current net revenue
in excess of the interest on suld debt or
debts und of tho annual installments
necessury for tho cancellation of said
debtjor debts, may be excluded in as
certaining the power of the city and
county of Philadelphia to become oth
erwise, indebted: Provided, That a
sinking fund for their cancellation
shall be established and maintained,
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
HIDES. .iaraes Sipes & Sons
pay the highest market price
for beef hides at ticir butcher
shop in McConnellaburg, also
highost price, paid for calf skinsi
sheepskins aid tallow.
PI Will
'f UK
An Automobile
You want tho best your money will get.
No machine on tho road to-day possesses
so many attractions to the careful buyer as
THE E. M. F.
For size, speed, appearance, durability,
ease of control, hill-climbing and sand
ploughing, this
AT $1000,
is the greatest bargain on the market.
The:Flanders at $700,
is a smaller machine but none the less'de
sirable. Don't tie yourself up until you
have carefully examined these machines.
Agents for Fulton County. Everett, Pa.
I A Strong
There is no question as to the safety
of your money if deposited with the
; Our conservative and business like
j5 methods are known to all. Consider-
ate treatment is assured all deposi-
" tors. Start an account with us to-day
and protect the wife and children.
S We Pay 3 Per Cent
Yo on time deyosits if left six months.
5 0r 0?0'r000M00
i Z J 0 0XX0'0xnQ
M 0
I Our Business Is Banking jj
II The sign "BANK" does not make a bank, Jj
J and is often misleading. It requires time,
ll energy, close attention to business and ripe j
experience in banking to make a bank. j
1 J
all the essentials necessary to make our busi- v
ness that of banking, and tender our patrons y
a service thoroughly seasoned by experience, v
backed up by a substantial capital and a large
surplus; every cent of which has j;
The Bank that made it possible for you to re- q
ceive interest on your savings.
McConnellsburg, Penn'a. K
X00XJIX0XJX0X0X0X0XX0X0X0X0XP0X0 0J''' .
Two Carloads of Buggies at one time, seems proW
stronglfor a Fulton county dealer, but that Is just w-
W. R EVANS, llustontown, Pa,
has just received. In this lot are 5 different prades and
styles, of Busies and Runabouts Including the Ml'"
burjf. He has on hand a largo stoct 01
Hand Made Buggy Harness.
. .-....--.a r. u .i u t tVio n,.lr- were not be
i ne r rices.- uuu u iih-umuu
low the lowest, he would not
0 0 x r t 0 t i i
Foundation 1
r n 000X0
,- .
be selling by the carlo