MARKET REPORT. conrur;TED wri-nksoav. The Rrttln market arc taken from Ibe I'lmin- hc!lllUrX (J illy newspapers. The l i ivi-n n Iirlt't uro those Hint obtain in MeOMi'iell- GRAIN Wheat a" Now v.licat. ; llrf.n Corn ,iH Oats ... 45 Kya PROVISIOxS Tlam por lh , 20 Shoulder l,r' Bacon, SldeH per It) 15 Potatoes, per bushel Hutter, Creuinery 2!) Butter, Country 20 Kjj(js, per dozen 1? Lard, per ft 1- Live Calves, por lh " Chickens, per tt). . , 1 Properly for Sale. On Saturday, Septetubpr Kith, at one o'clock p. m., (Sco. A. Com (ii or ana Ceo. A. Harris, Execu tors of the last will itc, of Samu el l'aylor, dor.o.'ispd, will sell in front ot the Court House, McCon nullsburg, Pa., the real estate ot said deceased situate in Ayr town ship containing 530 acres more or less, adjoining lands of William Paylor, Thomas Johnston, William Thomas, about 2i miles South west of McConnellsburg, good two story house, stable and other buildings, land in good state of cultivation. Buyers should ex amine property before day of sale. Terms, one half cash bal ance in one year with interest or all cash to suit purchaser. Prime- Timothy Seed for sale at Stouteagle Bros. Mr9. James Snyder, of Cham bersburg, is visiting in the family of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hum mel. Claries W. Glidden, Lawrence, Mass., came to a restaurant in Boston one day this week, and in ono hour and a half had stowed away under his belt fifty eight tiars of corn. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame baik, soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to bo without it. For sale by all dealers. Dr. P. El wood S tigers announc es the marriage of his daughter Kitty Mariah, and the Reverend Walter Blaine Mckinley, on Tues day the thirty-first day of Au gust. 1011. at Hancock, Md. At home after the first of October "The Rectory," Westernport, Md. Running up and down stairs, Hweeping and bending over mak ing beds will not make a woman herilthv or beautiful. She must got out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's Tablets to improve her digestion and regulate her bowels For sale by all dealers. Oscar Hill takes this opportu nity; to thank tho many Iriends whoso kindly remembered hi m on his recent birthday by end log such a tine lot of beautiful birthday cards. He very much appreciates them and hopes each one of his friends may have many happy birthdays and be as gener ously remembered as he was. An article that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is tho case with Cham beilain'a Coush Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them. II W, lleudrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and is my best seller." For sale by all dealers, A successful "bushmeeting" is in progress at Dublin Mills un dor the management of Rev. Mc Carvev. of llustontown. Inter esting sermons by Revs. Harry Daniels. Chas. Griffin, C. F, Weiso, U. II. Swank, J. F. Glass J. A. Carver, and F. W. Roher were greatly appreciated by the largo number of persons m at tondanco. Revival services wil be continued in the church. Of tho many .parents whose homes were brightened by the homo coming of their chil dren during the summer vaca tioo. none were more delighted than Hon. and Mrs. D. 11. Patter son at Webster Mills, whose ab sent children were home recent ly, and tho vacant chairs around the family board were again fill d. J. Campbell is a partner in his father's business at Webster Mills; Blanche is at home; Eliza beth has just been elected to the position of Assistant Superintend entofthe Maryland University Hospital, Baltimore, Md.; Henri etta ("Dott") is in training in the Biime hospital, to become a pro fessional nurse, and William M (Billy) 19 at the head of the Pipe Department of the Frick Lindsay Company, Pittsburg. Release For Graft Prisoners. William P. Snyder, former Auditor General, and James M. Shumaker, former Superintend ent of Public. Buildings and Grounds, who were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the State n connection with the finishing and furnishing of the Capitol, will be released from the Eastern 'enitentiary on October 8. Thev were sentenced to two years, but the allowance of time off for good behavior, under the commutation act will reduce their terms to 19 months. It is understood that both will return to their homes, Snyder to Spring Cfty and Shu maker to Johnstown. NO. UOB3. REPORT OF THC CONDITION OF The First National Hunk, lit .McCoiiiil-U-hlM'H. Ill (lie Suite t.f I'l'iinsylviiuiii, lit the close of UiinIiicss, Septem ber), MM I. ItKNOUIICKH. Loans and Discounts IM,W4.7i) Overdrafts, seem cd and unsecured. , 117,111 U. S. llouds to secure circulation 2&.000 00 1'remluins on U. S. llouiH Bin. 46 Jlonds, Keourltiui, etc 97.M3.&0 lluukluK house, furniture, and Uxturus 870.00 Due from Nutlonal llnnls(not reserve agents) 0.0 Due from Stiite, l'rlviite Hanks, Anil Hankers, Trust Co's and Siiv. Hanks 1H2.8S Due from approved reserve iiKenls... 33,:tM.ll (Jheeks mil other cash items KIS.'.K) Notes of other National Hanks 20Ti.uO Fractional paper currency, iiIcIicIh and centH 211.15 Law if oi. Money Kknkhve in Hank, viz : Speeio Hd,!W.V0 Leiral-tenilcr notes I.0M.0O Itedemptlon fund with U. S.Treusurer (Rper cent, of circulation) l.gvt.00 ToTAi t 35H.;i'J7.tS7 IJAU1MTIKS. Capital stock paid in $,0n0.00 Surplus fund 13,000.1)0 Undivided protlts, less BApcnses and taxes paid 4.53H.09 Nutlonul Hunk notes oiitUnndlnK iS.OOO.OO Due to other National Hanks SM Individual deposits subject to cheek. IW.iwe.W No Need to Slop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop worlt, it staggers you. "I can't" you say. You know you are weak, run-down and failing in health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Elec tric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to pre vent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will beneht you from the first dose rhousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guar anteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Trout's Drug Store. Deuiand eertltlcutes of deposit . Time uertlllcalea of deposit.... (Jertllled checks, 1'usliier's cheeks outstanding... iiM.'tr , 323, 1 1. UK .s llVi us VCJ 1 1 I - KJK MAX H. SHEETS t For SHoriff of Fulton County Democratic Candidate of the Rank and File MAX II. SHEETS is a candidate for tho olllce of SHER IFF OF FULTON COUNTY. He dosorves nomination and election. MR. SHEETS, is jierhups, mom widely known tlian any other man in this county. Ho has claims of a special nature upon his fellow citizens. He has hecn a part of tho lUe of our county ail his life, and has always contrib uted to the entertainment, pleasure, and progressive ad vancement of our citizens. In season and out of season he has been at the command of those who desired his services. Without regard to creed, politics or nationality ho has al ways lent a helping hand when he could do so. Without money and without price, any church, society, gathering or person could call upon MAX SHEETS and receive his aid unless circumstances, over which he had no control, prevent ed. Now when the time has come when he limy be helped why not help him? He seeks tho olllce of SHERIFF and is thoroughly competent to perform its duties. MR. SHEETS has been In active business in this, his nativo county, all his life and is one of our best citizens. The Democratic Primary election is an open one and every vote will count. Why not help MAX SHEETS. .b50,3'.)7.07 TOTAL Statu or I'knnsvi.vania, I OuL'NTV or Klil.TuN. t I, Merrill W. Naec, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly Hwcurtliat the above mulcment is trueto the best of uiy knowledge uml belief. MKKIUM. W. NAUK. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this din day of Septembej, Hill. M. HAY SHAWN Kit, Notary Public. VOTE FOR SHEETS FOR SHERIFF. ISku,.; Correct Attest: Jno. P. Sipks, Dii. J. VV. Muhhkr, S. W. KutK, 1), W. (Juksh, Pktkii MoltToN, Directors. Farms In Demand In York and Adams. York and Adams county farms continue to charge hands and in almost every instance at good prices. During the past few weeks many ideal homesteads or fruit farms have been sold. Lo cation, state and cultivation and improvements cause the prices paid to vary, but as a general rule the considerations were high, showing the demand for rural homes. That there is a decided "back to tho farm" movement at present Is evident from the num ber of persons, now residing in towns or boroughs, who have pur chased farms. McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friend than any other magazine or patterns. McCall's is tho reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. St Money mid Keep In Style hr tubjeribinj: McCall's Maipmm it o". tntll only 30 ccnti vear, including any one ui the celebrated McCall Vattcrm lice. McCall Pattern) Lead all otheri in ityle. fit. simplicity, economy and numlwr imd. Mitre dealers aell McCall P.iitcrn than any other two make, combined. None hiphcr lluu ijccuta. ltuy flora yuur dealer, or by mail hum McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St., New York City ffnt-SuapU Copy, ftratua C.utt tad PMin CftttiofM few. For Sale! A good kitchen range equipped with oven thermometer, warming closet, and large water tank; also a medium size double heater coal stove and a wood stove, are for sale at reasonable prices, at the Lutheran parsonage, McDonnells burg. Cuki'oiu) E. Hays. Cider Making. The undersigned will make cider at his home near Jugtown school house Tuesday of each week for two weeks and then Tuesday and Wednesday only. Nick IIoiiman. Metal Sign Boards. The State Highway Depart ment within a short time will ask for bids for sign posts to be erect od at road intersections. These will bo ot an indestructible char acter, the linger boards being of metal. The Sproul act makes provisions for tho sign posts which will give accurate informa tion regarding the lpcation of towns, but these will not be placed a mile apart, but at every intersection. Hi4 & PWER KIN Absolutely Pare Tho only Baking Powder mado from Royal C rape C ream of Ta rtar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE M, Jurors Drawn For October Court. Following is a list of jurors drawn fur October term of court: GRAND JCKOKS. Ayr Kdvard Clugston. David Kendall. Bethel Job Iless. Brush Creek Robert Diehl. Dublin H. M. Chne, Dolph Jones John Marks, John W. Snider. Licking Creek Thomas HollenS' head, Kdward Sharpe. McConnellsburg; Frank B. Sipes KIH3 linger. Taylor Isaiah Baker, David K Chesnut, William Leidy. Thompson Watson Carbaugh, Har ry B. Hill. Todd Benjamin Cline, Philip Rot. Union W. C. Beatty, Georire Sipe Wells II. E. Spangler, John W Gibson. rivriT JURORS, Ayr Abcer Lake, Barton Lopue George C. Mellott, James Wooda Sr., William Ott. Belfast G. C. Deshonsr, Ross Hoi lenshead, Raynard Mellott, Samuel D. Mellott. Bothel Stephen Fisher, Fran Lewis. Brush Creek Charley W. Acres Moriran Barton. James Garland Watson I'lessintjer. Dublin Irvin Bradnick, John Fore man, John Fleming, William Galla1 gher, William Kelso. Licking Creek Bali zer Cutchall Milton Chne, William C. Davis, Kmery Ilesler. McConnellsburg Michael Black Joseph Doyle, J. Kendall Johnston Marsdon Kirk, Ellis Lynch. Pau Wagner. Taylor Howard Barr.ett, Joh Kneuper, Jacob C. Lamberson, Geo Laldlg, Sr., B. II, Shaw. Thompson Asa Brakeall. Isaac Culler, J. W. Douglas, Roy Mason Ezra L. Peck, Elijah Souders Todd Hal Trout. Union Johnston J. Ilendeishot Gilbert B. Mellott. Wells -W. H. Baumgardner, J. W Duvall, John Houck, Cllde Plumer, Johnson's Cider Mill. The undersigned "will make ci lcr at his flouring mill in Thorn sou township, the following days of each week Tuesday. Wedues dav. Thursday and Friday. Ci der boiled for merchant's use. First class whiskey barrels for sale. James Johnson BANNER SALVE POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Pma FREE DEMONSTRATION FARMING WITH YN AMITE 5 Drawn from ctual phntnicraph Slumpa bluated out into lirowood. Here ! Here ! I HAVE A SMALL STOCK OF China Ware :- both American and Imported that I am going to SELL and from my regular Prices I will cut it all . . :-: One-Third Off :-: from Regular Price, If you need any odd pieces, come in as they are all BARGAINS E. R. McCLAIN, Post Office Building. 1.C 53 1 18 S8 to 18 28 3 $ 58 53 58 53 58 58 Advertising Real Estate. Do you want to buy or sell a homo, a farm or a business nlaec? If so, my business is to help you. I have a Rood as sortment located In every township in Fulton County. TWO WATER-POWER GRIST MILLS in good condition, well located: Full description of the best bargains is given in booklet form. If you want to buy, write for one. Since I have been adver tising the booklets through forty-six leading newspapers throughout the country, hundreds of peoplo from nearly every state in the Union havo gotten them and are getting in terested In Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and homes. If you want to buy, now Is the time, before prices advance or, strangers, come and get the best bargains. There is no schem ing in this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let you know where you can buy direct from the owner. .My In terest is only a small commission to pay expenses. If you want to sell a property, there is a person some where who will pav you a good price for it, and there is no better way to lilid that party than advertising as I do, throughout the country. I churgo nothing unless it is sold, then only a small commission ami do not take option on it, but leave you free to sell at any time and get the highest pos sible price it may bring. I will be in homo ollico only on Monday and Tuesday of each week. FRANK MASON, Agent. McCounellsbnrg, I'a. 0 04 1 . .,ut"u.fw -vr. ivi; wmv f m ri.f .'T.i if";. rvrf yiVHf 7. Y.Y T.Y CT Y.V Y Y.Y Y.t 1 1 - 1111 M i l t.i .i t. t.? Juniata College Maintains its A. D. Course at a high standard. A member of tho College and University Council of l'enn'a. Offers thorough college preparation in its Academy. Has lengthened its Normal Course to four years. Encourages Bible study, as organiz. ed in the Uiblo School. Presents excollent opportunities for Music. Gives careful commercial training, Including Shorthand and Typewriting. Has an Experienced Faculty, seven large Uulldings, complete Equipment, healthful Location. The Fall Term of 1911 will open September 18th. For catalogue, ad dress President, Juniata College, 7-2"-7t Huntingdon, I'a. Iff 1LLTC COUGH; f -in i in m i 1 1 i" fl GUARANTEED SA7FACTORY Off WON FY WWW. B air nrnaaii at """ "' " Drawn from actual photoumpli. Ten montlia Liter $800.00 worth of celery per acre. Come and learn tlie modern, quick, cheap and safe way to use the giant force ol dynamite lo Remove Slumps and Boulders. Plant Trees. Dig Ditches. Break Up Subsoils and Make Old Farms Produce Big Crops. SPSE RED CROSS DYNAMITE Will Be Demonstrated on the Farm ol Patterson Bros., 1 milesouth of McConnellsburg', on Cove Road, September 21st, 1 p.m. Red Cross Dynamite is sold by GEO. W. HAYS, Mc Connellsburg, Pa. Harris' Sale List of REAL ESTATE will appear soon again with many new properties added. GEORGE A. HARRIS, Agent, Prothonotary & Recorder's Office, McConnellsburg, Pa. Mrs. A. F. Little's SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE IV. M. COMERER, agent for IHhGEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Nailers, Saw mills, Sc. Engines on hand all the time. Western Maryland Railway Company. In Effect Juno 4, 1911. Trains leave Hancock its follows: K.S0 n. m. (Suaduya only) for tlnvpmtown, Hal' tl more and liitiirim'iihiie pnium, R.OOu. m. uliillv rxm-Dt Sunday) fur Hairpm town, Mainmort! anil ItiU'riiicdlute points. H.hO a. in, (dully except Sunday) for Cumber , laud mid IntiM'Uii'dlate point 10.081). in. (daily ixi'pt Sunday) Iluifpmtown, Waynrstioro. ("hiimni'rsDurtf, it.'t tyMburK. Hanover aim naiiunoie, 12.50 n. m. filnllv exoi'iit Sunday) Mttic Ol Irani, Ohllowti, Cumberland, Kikins and western points. MnlUrl. observation, par lor e:ir. solid vestibule train. S.liSp. in. (dully 'xeepl Sunday) lliiifeiNlown, CetUslnirif. Hanover, Vorli, llalliinore null interiiii'illate points. Solid vestibule train with observation, buffet, parlor cur. A HuUEItTSoN. J A SllltFHKIIIl. 1'i'oskU'Ht, Cieu'l MtiQUKer. F M Howell, Ueu'l l'ass. Aguut, Our annual Midsummer Clearance Sak1 of Fashionable Millinery Goods is now on. It is our custom at this season of the year to make a thorough clean up of goods on hand so that we may enter our fall season with a stock entirely new and right up to the minute. Never more stunning style or better assortment of beautiful and becoming hats, than we are showing tn season. No matter what kind of hat you require, have it here; and when you get it. you will find it cost you less than at any other store. Come and see to yourself just what an extensive assortment we have to your selection. Also shirt waists, coat suits, skirts, pc ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars, jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any one can afford to buy. Come and see goods whether yo want to buy or not. PULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $L00 a Tear in Advance. . tft mt htauna f It? t wbU