The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 31, 1911, Image 2

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    The Fulton County News
McCctDellsburg, Pa.
We shun them ut every opportunity,
those bueybodles who pone as our
friends when really they tre quite the
contrary, and who seem to thlnH they
are endowed by a speclnl act of Provi
dence with regulating the affulrs of
tbelr neighbors as well as of those
who would rather not be their neigh
bors. It Is easy to comprehend bow
svuch persons earn their characteriza
tion and easier still for us to apply
such a description to all tiose who In
any way display what we may regard
as ats undue Interest In our affairs,
says the Christian News and Courier.
It l possible, however, that the cap
wblcb we place so unhesitatingly
upon the beads of certain persons
would prove a better fit for us If we
could persuade ourselves to "try It
on." Unquestionably the mere sug
gestion to some of us that we could
ever overstep the limit of our friend
ly Interest In others is distasteful,
and In many cases probably unwar
ranted, yet It Is true that one of the
distinctive characteristics of the pres
ent age, with Its freedom of living
and Its consequent sacrifice of many
of those refining and restraining In
fluences that were so vital a part of
another and more distant day, Is the
readiness with which we Indulge our
curiosity. Not satisfied nowadnys
with the bestowal of a confidence
which Is sufficient, perhaps, to pique
our Interest It Is not unusual for some
persons to solicit further details and
In other ways to evince a too eager
concern In the affairs of others.
Gustav Frenssen's "Klaus HInrlch
Baas" reminds one of "David Copper
Held" In Its long deliberative r.nwlnd-
Ing of a life history up to middle age,
and a little, too, In Its general plan,
with Its unhappy love marriage fol
lowed by a more satisfactory union,
says the London Times. Hut Frenssen
plows deep In the field of moral and
oclal problems, and his plot Is con
vincing we are not obliged to take
the facts on the honor of the narrator.
The hero Is a peasant's son a piece
of tough, proud, full-blooded North
German humanity. In one moment of
bitter disillusionment be asks himself
what bis too great teachers, School
and Church, had done for blm except
mislead him. They had given htm
fables. Impossible Idealisms, "two gos
pels, the gospel of the Savior and
the gospel of Schiller, but of true.
genuine knowledge of life not a ves
tige." How he gets this knowledge
Is the theme of the book; a fine and
moving story which flows on In a
broad stream of Incident and charac
ter that gives a singularly powerful
Impression of the masslvencss and
variety of life.
New Tork Is protesting against a
new danger In the reckless driving of
automobiles by boys and girls through
the streets, and legal means are to be
ought to prevent the lives of cltl
tens being put In danger by children.
The automobile. In some ay, seems
to be associated with disregard of the
rights of pedestrians to an extent
which has rendered It a menace of
civilization, as well as one of Its lux
uries. But as far as children are con;
cerned. they should be legally re
strained from being allowed In charge
of any vehicle. They are too fond of
any kind of power and too Irresponsi
ble In Its use an exceedingly danger
ous combination.
Now It Is discovered that the fa
mous pirate, Captain Kldd, who, ac
cording to the old song, "much wick
edness he did as be sailed," was
really no pirate at all, but an honest
and good-tempered old sailor. Rut
there are some cherished Illusions to
which the mind will always cling, and
It will require more authority than Is
given to Induce the popular Imagina
tion to accept a romantic and pic
turesque pirate as an uninteresting
and commonploce good honest man.
Another rich American girl Is to
marfy an English nobleman. The
next generation of the British peer
age w ill be as much American as Eng-
Ilsh, If these International marriages
keep on, and with such an Infusion of
Americanism, even the famojs British
conservatism and love of tradition
may give way to a startling extent
But the nation seems not to care for
this American danger as long as It
can assimilate so much of the Amer
ican coin.
A drendnaught Is a formidable ob
ject, but It affords a shining mark for
a little aeroplane flitting hither and
yon among the clouds. In a few
years, perhaps, somebody will build
an aeroplane destroyer.
From Honey Creek, la., comes the
story that a bolt of lightning dug a
well and found water after a farmer
bad tried In vain for years. Evi
dently Honey Cre, Is trying to com
pete with Winstee, Conn.
A Pennsylvania pastor, getting $30
a month salary, has been ordered to
pay his wife $8 monthly alimony.
How true It Is that "To him that
hath shall be given, and from hlra
that hath not even that which hi
bath shall be taken away."
Dna rnllrnnd Is to teach politeness
to Its employes. It will be great to
get the soft answer wnicn lumem
away wrath when one nas just missea
the 7:19 train.
10 THE
Twenty-Five Dead and Sixty
Are Injured.
Train of Fourteen Coaches and Twc
Locomotives Jumpi the Trck
While pproaching Bridge on
the Lehigh Val.ey Road.
Manchester, N. V. Speeding east
ward behind time, Lehigh Valley pas
senger train No. 4 ran into a broken
rail on a trestle near bere Friday anu
two day coaches from the mid-sec-tlon
of the train plunged downward
40 feet, striking the east embank
ment like a pair of projectiles.
In the awful plunge and crash at
least 2G persons were killed and near
ly 60 Injured. The Injuries of sev
eral are so serious that It Is fear they
will die.
The wreck was the worst In the
history of the Lehigh Valley In this
State and one of the most disastrous
ever recorded on the system.
Was G. A. R. Train.
Crowded with passengers, many
of whom were war veterans and ex
cursionists from the Grand Army ot
the Republic encampment at Koch
ester, the train, made up of 14 cars,
drawn by two big mogul engines,
was 40 minutes late when It reached
Rochester Junction and from there
sped eastward to make up time be
fore reaching Geneva.
The engines and two day coaches
bad Just passed the centre of a 40
foot trestle over Canandalgua Out
let, 160 yards east of the station at
Manchester, at 12.35 o'clock, when
the Pullman car Austin, the third ot
a long train, left the rails.
It dragged the dining car with It
and two day coaches and two Pull
mans, In thlB order, followed.'
Ran on 1 lea.
All bumped over the ties a short
distance when the coupling between
day coach No. 237 and the rear end
of the diner broke.
The forward end of the train
dragged the derailed Pullman Austin
and the diner over safely, after
which both plunged down the south
embankment and rolled over.
The free end of an ill-fated Le
high Valley day coach, In which
most of the victims were riding,
shoved out over the gulf and, fol
lowed by a Grand Trunk day coach,
tripped the rear guard off the south
side of the trestle and plunged to
tfie shallow river bed, more than 40
feet below.
The end of the first day coach that
went over struck the east embank
ment of solid masonry and, with the
other 60-foot car behind It, both
hot against the wall with terrilflc
Passengers Burled.
Both cars were filled with passen
gers, In a few moments the cars lay,
mass of crumbled wood, metal and
glass, under which a hundred men,
women and children, many of whom
were killed Instantly, were burled.
The greatest destruction occurred
n the day coach No. 237 and a
dozen persons were taken later, dead,
from the second day coach, which,
after following the first over the
trestle, snapped Its rear coupling and
thus Baved the rest of the train from
being dragged along.
The second day coach struck on
the bottom and stood end up, the
rear end projecting a few feet above
the top of the trestle.
All of the passengers in this car
were plied in a tangled mass or
broken seats at the bottom of t.e
Hs'p Long Comlnp
Indescrible pandemonium followed.
The Pullman car E.nelyn, which re
mained on the bridge with one end
projecting over the gulch, and sev
eral cars behind it derailed and In
Immediate danger of going over on
the mass of wreckage below, were
soon emptied of all their passengers,
who, aided by gangs of railroad em
ployes from the big freight yards at
Manchester, rushed to aid.
It was several minutes, however,
before anybody reached the cars at
tbe bottom to help the victims.
The cars did not catch fire.
Axes were Becured and Body after
body was removed and carried by the
rescuers, knee deep In the creek bed,
to the bank on the west side of the
There the dead and Injured were
laid out on the ground while planks
and timber were requisitioned and a
field hospital established.
Trains Erlng Dcctors.
It was more than an hour before
many of the Injured could be re
moved and special trains from both
Y. M. C. A. Membership,
New York.; More than half a mil
lion young men are now members of
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion 636,037 to be exact, a gain of
cording to the association's year book
of North America, Just received. Of
these 157, 850 are Industrial workers
and more than half take physical
training In 648 gymnasiums. The
net property gain for the year was
$7,162,000, bringing the grand total
up to $67,539,000. Throughout the
continent the association employs
8,351 officers.
Quiet Now In Haiti.
Washington. The protection of
American Interests in Haiti is now In
the hands of the lone gunboat Mari
etta at Port au Prince. Because of
ths Improved conditions In the little
republic the Navy Department with
drew the three other warships, which
for several weeks had been guarding
foreign life and property. The scout
cruiser Salem sailed for Hampton
Roads, while the cruiser Des Moines
snd the gunboat Peoria were ordered
.o Guantanamo, Cuba.
" OHPtARIfc! Y(Xj'U.-W"rtAT IN TI(E. -
' BE 50 PLtAStDI WORLD! 13 IT -i-VlJ
.. OF THE LDVCLI65T QN FIRe rnTj p. ,.m
(Copyright. U1M
Jeneva and Rochester brought physi
cians, nurses and medical supplies.
Hundreds awaited treatment, and
the railroad station at Manchester,
a cider mill and an Icehouse were
used to give temporary shelter and
treatment to the uflerers.
It was necetsary to chop through
the sides and bottom of the day
coach at the bottom and the work of
removing the victims moved with
painful slowness.
Death had come swiftly to many,
a large number of the dead having
had their skulls crushed In when
they were thrown against the car
seats and projections.
The mortality was high among the
older pasengers, most of whom were
veterans of the Civil War and their
Twenty-Three In Moriue
The dead removed from the wreck
and brought to a morgue at Shorts
vllle, near here, numbered 23. Two
other persons died In Rochester from
their injuries. Several other persons
with probably mortal Injuries are
lying In the hospitals at Rochester,
Geneva and Clifton Springs.
So He Declares In Answer to His
Wife's Petition.
Pittsburgh, Pa. An answer was
filed here by Harry K. Thaw through
bis attorney, former Governor Wil
liam A. Stoue, to the petition of his
wife, Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, In which
Judge L. L. JJavis was asked to ap
point a lunacy commission to take
charge of the income of Thaw In this
State and provide for the support of
the wife. Thaw's Income is said to
be $60,000 a year.
Thaw claims that the verdict ot
the jury In New York State was not
a finding that he was Insane and that
the decree confining him In. Mutteawan
was a statutory only and not a pro
ceeding as to the lunacy of Thaw.
He claims that the fact that he is still
confined In the Matteawan Hospital,
under the order of court, does not
judicially or In any way establish his
present Insanity. The answer alleges
that the petition asks the court to do
what it has no authority to do.
In the second part of the answer
Thaw states:
"Your affiant Is not at present in
sane. He Is quite copable of attend
Ing to his own affairs, and does at
tend to his own affulrs. He transacts
his own business. If there was ever
any derangement mentally the affiant
has entirely recovered from It, and Is
now In possession of all his mental
Eoy Tied to Cow By Playmates I
Dragged to Death.
Utlca, N. Y. Falling from a cow
to which he had been tied by his
playmates, Lewis Burns, the 7-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Burns, was dragged by the frighten
ed animal around a field until he was
dead, according to word Just receiv
ed here from Pulaski. Lewis, with
nis two sisters, 8 and 11 years old,
went out to the pasture to tako turns
riling a cow that long has been a
pet of the family. It was a sport
the youngsters had enjoyed frequent
ly during the summer vacation. The
cow was gentle and had never tried
to throw or harm the children while
they were driving It around the field.
Laughing merrily, Lewis started off
on the ride. He had not gone far
when the rope began to slip. The
boy tried to cling to the cow's back,
but his hands slipped over Its hide
and he fell. This frightened the
cow. It dashed off on a wild circuit
of the pasture, dragging the boy
along the ground. His skull was
fractured, right arm and Jaw broken
and nearly all his clothing torn off.
He was dead when picked up.
Mlas Clsvalsnd Engaged.
Tamsworth, N. H. It is under
stood that the marriage of Miss
Esther Cleveland, oldest duughter of
the late ex-President, whose engage
ment to Randolph D. West, of New
York, was announced Wednesday,
will take place In October. The fam
ily say nothing about the affiar. Miss
Cleveland is devoted to athletics, be
ing an enthusiastic tennis player and
motorist. Mr. West Is the son of a
Princeton professor and has been at
tentive to Miss Cleveland for bo me
Wraps Himself In Flag.
Kingston, Jam. More Haytlen
exiles, some of them unfriendly to
Pranldent Leconte. are arriving here.
One of them, an adherent of former
President Simon, was obliged to
wrap himself In a Spanish flag to
upma the violence or a mob that
threatened him as he was about to
leave Haytl.
The Peruvian salt output for 1910
wm valued at $453,166 United
States gold.
Farmer, Wife and Son Are
Slain and Burned.
Mr. and Mr. Les Killed With Ham
mar and Young Son Shot While
Thay Slept Doors Bolted
and Houss Sat Afirs.
Boonvllle, Ind. A triple murder
was committed In Boonvllle. Rich
ard Lee and his wife and their 17-year-old
son, Clarence, were killed
in their beds with a bammer and tbe
house Bet on fire,
Tbe house was discovered on fire
at 4.30 o'clock Thursday morning
and by the time firemen reached It,
was blazing from all sides. Trying
to enter, they found that all the
doors and windows were locked
Breaking down the doors, the fire
men found the Incinerated bodies of
Lee. his wife and his boy.
Examination of the bodies result
ed In the discovery that the Bkulls of
the father and mother had been
crushed In with a hammer, while
they were lying In bed asleep. The
17-year-old boy had been shot.
Robbery, It Is believed, was the
motive. It Is known that the Lee
family, consisting of the father and
mother and two children, had sold a
small piece of property In Newburg
and divided up the money between
The mother and father and young -
er boy took their money and went
back to their home In Boonvllle. The
older son. William Lee, who Is 21
years old, remained in Newburg and
then returned to Boonville after his
family had gone to bed.
William Lee was arrested by the
sheriff of Warrick county on the
charge of murdering the other mem
bers of the family. William Lee, It
is said, ran out of the home at the
time of the fire, fully dressed and
spread the alarm. He claimed at
the time of his arrest that he was
awakened by the blaze and barely
escaped with bis life, not having had
time to rescue his parents and
Information also came out that
Lee and his father had quarreled fre
quently over money matters. Wil
liam, the son who Is now in the War
rick county Jail, was engaged to wed
Miss Myna Taylor, of Newburg,
daughter of a wealthy farmer, and
the nuptials were to have taken
place Thursday. Insurance policies
amounting to $5,000 were found on
the lives of Richard Lee, the father,
and his son, Clarence, both victims
of the tragedy.
Schoolboy Received Blow
Month in Abdomen.
Edwanlsville, 111. Gilbert
kins, a 15-year-old schoolboy, who
fought for the entertainment of a
dozen women and several hundred
men on the steamer Keystone State
last month Is lying at his home here
of Injuries received In the bout. His
life Is despaired of by two physicians
who are attending him. Young Jen
kins went on with Hobble Brendle In
a curtain-raiser, lie was Knocaeu
down In the second round with a blow
on the left side of the abdomen. He
fell limp to the floor, and while con
scious, was unable to regain bis feet
$400,000 In Old Postage.
Chicago. Three hundred members
of the American Philatelic Society
opened their twenty-fifth annual con
vention here. The private stamp col
lections of the members are said to
be valued at $3,000,000. The larg
est Individual collection Is that of
George H. Worthlngton, of Cleve
land, O., valued at $500,000. An ex
hibit of canceled stamps valued at
$400,000 Is displayed at the Art In
Btltute. F. N. Cornwall, of St. Louis,
was chosen president of the society
at the annual election of officers.
Emery Wheel Kills Cubsn.
Easton, Pa. A bursting emery
wheel killed Edward Blasecadado, a
young Cuban sent to the United
States to learn the machinist trade
and mechanical engineering In the
plant of the Treadwell Engineer Com
pany near here. He was operating
the wheel when It burst, and a
fragment fractured his skull. Blase
cadado came from a prominent and
wealthy family at Chapara, Cuba. He
was 21 years of age.
Madero Issues Notloes at
Jojutia-Gullty Will Be
Cuautla, MoreloB, Mexico. That
Francis I. Madero's method of restor
ing peace is not lacking In energy was
Indicated Wednesday when, as a re
sult of tils visit toJojutla notices were
posted Btatlng that lootert would be
given Just one day to return stolen
property; that failure to do bo would
result In summary court martial and
probable death sentence.
In Jojutla Madero Investigated the
work of the mobs whose members
are said to have been bandits rather
than Zapatistas. Most of the larger
stores have been looted. Madero as
sured the citizens that the guilty ones
would be severely punished. General
Hernandez, a former revolutionary
officer, Is In command of the local
garrison. After conferring with
Modero Hernandez announced that
drastic measures would be Instituted.
One looter caught In the act was shot.
A number are Imprisoned.
At Ixtla Madero conferred with
General Ambroslo Flguero'a, who de
parted In pursuit of the bandits.
Former Mexican Wsr Minister Ac
cused of Treachery.
El Paso. It Is to be war to ths
finish between Francisco I. Madero
and Gen. Bernardo Reyes, according
to friends of Madero. They declare be
gave Reyes a chance to return to
Mexico and become a useful citizen,
and that Reyes has been a traitor.
Friends of Reyes declare that Madero
Is only Jealous of the popularity of
the former war minister. Madero
has thrown the challenge to the Gen
eral and accuses him of treachery
and of planning to have him shot
In battle, to assure the success of
Reyes In the presidential election,
Returning from his trip of pacifica
tion In Morelos, where he went to
urge the Zapatista revolterg to lay
down their arms, Madero says that
while he cannot produce the evidence
asked by President De La Barra of
the treachery of Reyes, he has enough
proof to satisfy himself. In ths
capital the people are saying that If
Madero Is elected President Reyes
will have to leave the country again,
as was the case when he became too
popular for President Diaz or head a
revolution against Madero for self
Sevan Killed and Ihree Mortally
Hurt In Oleaster.
Ely, Nev. Of 10 men who were
working at the 1,400-foot level ot
the new five-compartment bhaft of
the Giroux Consolidated Mines, when
It caught fire Wednesday night,
seven are dead and three lie at the
point of death after passing through'
' the flames to reach the surface,
The men on the 1,400-foot level
i heard a noise which they thought
I was caused by an explosion. They
1 looked up and saw the shaft In
flames. They at once boarded the
cage and started for the surface, but
encountered the flames at the 1,200
foot level and stopped.
Five men left the cage and started
to walk through the 1,200-foot level
to the old Alpha Bhaft, 700 feet away,
through which they hoped to climb
out of the mine.
The five remaining In the cage gave
the signal to hoist and were pulled
through the blazing shaft. One was
dead when the top was reached and
the four others were badly burned
Rescue of the men remaining In
the mine was then attempted
through the Alpha shaft. At the
400-foot level one was found dead;
another body was recovered at the
600-foot level; a third may lay dead
at the bulkhead, but two men were
not found and are still In the burn
Ing mine.
This is the same mine In which
three and a half years ago two men
were killed and four others entombed
for 46 days on the 1,000-foot level
of the Alpha shaft.
Will Exoiange Land.
Washington. The State of Idaho
and the I nited States government
have agreed to exchange about 400,-
000 acres of land in that state, bo that
each may have Its lands in a mora
compact body than at present. Act
ing Secretary of Agriculture Hays
signed a co-operative agreement with
the state.
Thunder Causea Death,
New York. Mrs. Daniel Ferguson
of Atlantic Highlands, N. J., fell un
conscious at a window In her room
when a vivid flash of lightning and a
loud crosh of thunder frightened her,
Dr. E. E. Failing responded to a hur
ried summons and found that she was
dead. Mrs. Ferguson had always
dreaded lightning. The first peal of
thunder during any storm brought
terror to her.
Price of Beef Sosrs.
New York. The wholesale prices
of beef soared to a new high level In
New York Tuesday. As announced
at various local wholesale centers the
price of ribs and loins in the best
grade of beef is now 16 cents a
pound, as compared with 12 cents
on January 1. It is an advance ot
1 V4 cents since last week. Best
rounds of beef are advanced to 11V4
cents as compared with 9 cents at
the first of the year, and a propor
tional Increase 1b made In second and
third grade beef.
Trimble Elected Commsnder.
Rochester, N. Y. Judge Harvey
Trimble, of Princeton, ill., was
unanimously elected commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Re
public at the meeting of the National
Encampment. Colonel John Mc
Elroy, of Washington, the only other
contestant for the place, withdrew
from the race.
The Colonial Oil Company will
erect a refinery on the site recently
acquired at Zarate, Argentine.
wenty-Five Killed and Score
Narrow Stairway a Horrible Death
Trap Pis of Writhing Bodies
Ths Lttie Ones Are Tramp
led on and Suffocated.
Canonsburg, Pa. Twenty-five per
sons were killed and more than 60
Injured Saturday night when a mov
ing picture film exploded In the Can-
onsburg Opera House.
Immediately following the flash ot
the film fcome persons shouted
Fire!" There was a rush for the
exit and In a moment there was a
writhing, screaming mass of human
ity, 10 feet high, In the narrow stair
way leading to the entrance of the
Most of the dead were smothered.
A majority of the audience was com
posed of women and children, in
the fierce rush for the exit they were
thrown from their feet and trampled
by men fighting their way to tne
streets. Others were thrown upon
them, and those at the bottom of the
human pile were suffocated.
When two volunteer fire depart
ments reached the theatre the Bight
staggered them. Those of the audi
ence who had escaped from the build
ing and other spectators drawn to
the scene were rushing about the
front of the building. No person, It
eemed, was making any effort to aid
the struggling mass within the thea
The firemen pushed Into the build
ing and practically threw persons
Into the street.
As thev retained their feet they
ran shrieking Into the streets In ter
ror. The fireman nenred the bottom of
the pile and began to bring out the
unconscious forms of tbe Injured and
later came the dead.
The dead were laid tenderly In a
row along the bldewaiK. ueiauves
struggled to break past the guards
and reach the victims.
Within a few moments after the
film flashed and the panic started the
fire whistles were blown, Fractical-
lv the entire population of the town
responded and packed In narrow Pike
street, from which the fatal theatre
entrance led. All of them were ap
parrntlv terror-stricken and could
elve little aid. The only cool per
Bona were the firemen and the several
members of the police force.
John McCuIlough, operator or the
moving picture machine, had Just
thrown the Bubject of the next series
of nictures on the screen entitled A
Little Girl Shall Lead Them," when
the film exploded and the asbestos
cabinet was filled with flames. For
several moments the audience, num
bering upwards of 1,600 persons, was
totally unaware of the accident, ana
the operator heroically fought down
the flames and succeeded In ex
tlneulshlne them.
Then, his hands burned and almost
suffocated, he opened the door of the
little box and staggered out. With
the opening of the door a dense cloud
nf smoke poured Into the auditorium
At this moment some person yell
ed "Fire!" The spectators turned
n thntr spats, saw the smoke. Jump
ed to their feet and then started the
awful rush for the lone doorway
leading to the narrow, eight-foot
At thp ntalrwav thev collided and
lammed Into probably 200 other per-
ns who were awaiting f.e end ot
the performanec to take the places
of those who had seen the show.
Immediately the narrow stairway
was packed and jammed 10 feet high
with the dead and dying, the shriek
ing Injured and the screaming un
hurt, while the crowds of townspeo
pie rushed to the Bcene and added
confusion to the din.
The list of dead probably would
have been greater but for the hero
Ism of MIbs Mary Craig, pianist at
the theatre. When the cries of "fire"
sounded and the rush to safety start
ed Miss Craig began playing a slow
march. Over and over she played
the selection, never faltering, and
many In the crowd caught the swing
of the music and assisted In holding
back the crowd. When the audience
had swept from the building Miss
Craig left uninjured.
Kills Countryman, Is Caught.
Mount Holly. N. J. Salvatore
Argona, who Bhot and Instantly kill
ed Gulseppl Materl during a quarrel
on a farm near Centreton, was cap
tured at Moorestown. Before his
arrest Argona gave an armed posse
a lone chase. The murderer was
brought to the county Jail.
Socialist Victory Is Rumor.
Washington. At the headquarters
of the American Federation of La
bor here it Is rumored that the elec
tion of William H. Johnson, of Rock
Tallin (i. III., as president ot the In
ternatlonal Association of Machinists,
and the defeat of James O'Connell,
who has held that position 18 years,
Ib a victory for the Socialists In the
labor organization of the United
stntoa who are fighting Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor.
To Launch La Follstts Boom
Duluth, Minn. A number of Mid
dle States' leaders of the progressive
Republicans have received Invitations
to attend a State "progressive ban-
nimt In Mlnnannnlls. September 7, at
which a State boom for Senator La
Follotte, of Wisconsin, for President
Is to be launched. Among tnoae in
vited are Senator Cummins, of Iowa;
Governor McGovern, of Wisconsin;
former Senator Beverldge, or Indi
ana, and Senator Clapp, of Minne
Hnzletnn. H. M. Heller and Miss
Grace Sickes, of Fern Glen, enjoyed
ths distinction of having neen mar
red before the largest crowd ever
assembled In Luzerne county for the
purpose of witnessing a nuptial cere
mony. Fifteen thousand persons
paid admission to the Board of Trade
outing to wltnesB It. The bridegroom
Is twenty-six years or ago, ana a
miner, while the bride, a miner's
daughter, is 22 years old. Rev. 8.
E. Stoffiett, pastor of Emmanuel's
Reformed Church, performed the
ceremony, while Judges George R.
Ferris and Benjamin Jones, of Lu
zerne county, and a score of aspir
ants for judgeships and offices of the
coming primaries, stood In the vast
audience. Hundreds of dollars
worth of presents were showered
upon the couple.
Tamaqua. The annual conven
tion of Sub-DlBtrlct No. 1, of Dis
trict 7, United Mine Workers of
America, was held at Lansford. the
body going on record as being op
posed to a renewal of tne present
agreement unless the officers of the
union have ths right to defend the
men and take up grievances with the
operators direct. Other resolution
adopted were: Checkoff system,
eight-hour work day; Incrense of
whzpb 30 per cent for out side anil
20 per cent, for Inside men. The
officers elected are as follows: Presi
dent, C. C. Bonner, Tamaqua; vice-
president, Mike Sedlllk, Lansford;
secretary-treasurer, Ned Evans, of
Lansford. This district is one of tho
best organized In the hard coal fields.
Allentown. Joseph R. Klstler, of
Allentown, a sink digging contrac
tor, sixty-six years of age, was kill
ed at Emaus. With his helper, Fran
cis Kromer, he was digging a sink.
They had gone down thirty-five feet
and started walling up. As Kromer
was about to let down the bucket of
bricks the rope broke and the heavy
bucket fell on Kistler'B head, instant
ly crushing out his life. M. P. Reii-
hard was lowered by means of the
windless and tlpd a ropo around the
body to bring It to the top. Kromer
three weeks ago told Klstler the rope
had a weak spot, but after examining
It Klstler said it would be service
able for some time.
Pittsburg. Friends of R. M. Gu-
Jlck, owner of the Lyceum Theater
here, have taken steps to have mi
body exhumed, In order that tney
mav know the cause of his deaih.
Gulick, who was one of the must
prominent theatrical managers in
country, died here August 13 and
was burled In Greenwood Cemetery,
Brooklyn, N. Y. It was announced
tnat death was caused by Brlght's
disease. It has been discovered tnat
Gulick left a will other than the or.e
in which he cave his son. James Gu
lick, $100, and the remainder of hi
(200,000 estate to his housekeeper.
Mrs. Flo Housewright.
Erie. Five highwaymen, at least
two of whom are believed to be mem
bers of the gang which held up the
Philadelphia and Erie express i
Fivn Mile Curve, near Erie, the night
of June 30, robbed H. L. Steadman,
of Buffalo; Charles Shrlver, oi i lot
land, and Ben Gottlieb and JoM'ph
Malthawk. of this city. In the yards
of the Lake Shore and JiicniM"
Southern Railroad here. Steadman
attempted to escape and ws se
riously wounded. Tho highwaymen,
after taking all tho money their Uc-
lms had, compelled th ?m to vm-.uw
clothes with them.
South Bethlehem. Miss May
Rrennan. a member of Aiiem.
younger society set, and Roque u-
Munoz, of Tegucigalpa, no num.'". -
......... t loh rnlvertty, pre
married In the church of the W
Infancy here, by Rev. J. t. --
..... . ....i.ii tHn to Southern
points, the couple will l'f,;r '
Munoz's home, where lie
his calling of civil engineer.
Reading.-At a missionary servW
In the followers of Christ (
t n Lenccl Bcore.l I""'1'
skirts and merry widow hats.
said: "I am not a preacne
here and criticise your clothi.R J
I don't care what yiwea - '
reel aisposeu io ur
and merry widow hats, tha 3
business, but I am airam
of you who wear them are not -
churchly." , .
Readlng.-One person wo
,nd another Injured In a K ! a,
,g accident on . tno uca
Dougal while a milk tea n. d
by Davis Fetzor and his ten
son.. Lester, was driving ( "
.rinn ran nto . .
ranroiiu, on .-!.(,.. -- . , n,.
The boy was killed and 1 '
hurled some distance am. - Ralph M. . Mj
.ged 22 years, died fro fire
ceived In attempting to h una
, the kitchen range and to .c (
ate the burning b1.o pourco
quantity of kerosene. " ng
ment the flames dashcl up, DOt
her clothing ablaze. ' VllJ
arrive until all of her cloth"
burned from her body.
Waynesburg.-eorgt i
who for the last clghtoe n
written a letter every Frjia J,,
aged parents, at KirD).
Is dead here. lf(i
Bangor. -Dorothy ' Jn , the,
eight years, of ren Ar her
Easton Hospital, burnea y
neck to her feet. Tlw JHJ ,
Ing with several chlldre I
her home when " " df
threw a lighted niclt on
setting It afire PefoJ w ,cr
could oe pui -rtbly
... nlinrleS
Altoona. v.."-- briii"'"-
enty-seven years ,, w
killed in a rear-en ' ptnf.
ln.ftf" ,. la thai
,een two freigm.
lvanla yard here.