MARKET REPORT. C(Pi(i:i:t.TKlJ UVKUY vVKHMiSDAY. Tin- itrnln nmrUcis me iiikeu Ironi the Cliam- lu-rsiiiirK iluilv newspapers. I lie provisni prices ure those thai uliluiii m McUouuell tiuru. GRAIN Wliniit New wheat Jinin Corn OuU ,. Uyo PROVISIONS lliiin per l Shoulder Huron, Sides per Hi l'otulues, per bushel liuttor, (Jreumery Huttur, Country. V.jlXS, per dozen Lard, per tt Live Calves, per lb Chickens, per tb Jersey Sweet Potatoes at Ir win's. Emanuel Keefer, Jas. Sharpo, and D. W. Cromer, County Com missioners, were in session on Saturday. Proper Time to Seed Alfalfa. I am rweivin' mq'uironos as to whether it is still safe to seed alfalfa: from which I iud'e that some readers got a wrong lmjires siou from my article on the sub lect. The established practico with successful alfalfa growers in the cast is to seed during August; '2 and our experience here shows that any time during the whole month, and even during the hrst week of September, is safo. We havo tried this question out pur posoly, seeding as late as Octo her 1st; but the later scedings wero badly, hurt. No August seeding has been seriously hurt by frost, even during the very hard conditions o' last winter and sprin The point I was trying to make is that perhaps the established practice of soeJing in August, while it is bringing good results, is not tho very best practico. In dications are that the early July si 70 4 20 2!) "20 Hi 1 li 12 iii(lin". for masons I will dis ... The "virgin Mary came back CUS3 lalor at longth, i3 going to ...IV.. nnnntntn'ITlinsil'lV It I -. L . ! . . 1 .. l give even oeiier results. iun now I wish to correct a wrong impression. liy all means go ahead and seed any time during tho present month Conditions this August Teachers' Preliminary Meetings. Tho Teachers' Preliminary meutings of this county will be held as follows: Thompson. P.ethel, Union, and Uelfast, at Needmore, Wednes day, August Urd., Brush Creek, Licking Creek, Taylor, Wells, aud Dublin, llus- tontown, Thursday, August LMth. Ayr, McConnellsburg.andTod, McCounellsburg, Friday, August 25th. List of questions will bo mailed to each teacher. All teachers are expected to attend, at least, one of these meetings. We extend tj all peoplo who are interested in the i m provem en t of tho schools, an invitation to attend. It is to be hoped that the teach ers will come prepared to discuss tho questions on tho list and that they will feel that it is their duty to make these meetings as profit able and interesting as possible. Bring your qjestlons along. Meetings will begin at i) o ciock a. m. Yours very truly, B. C. Lamukunon, Co. Supt. nvor t.hfi mountain'1 Tuesday. It was observed that she was carry ing au umbrella E. W. Swope, of Pleasant Kidge was a business caller at tho N i:vs nfliro last Saturday. Ed is haul ing telephone poles to town for are better than they were during any ol tlio tnree preceding years; yet seedings during those years tho new Hell line. The Trustees of the Cito M. E Church will hold a festival in II P. i Ilohman's Locust-(Jrove on Saturday evening, Aug. -15th Everybody welcome were all right, I have just received a fresh supply of inoculating material aud of circular letters telling how in Ilea if. nnrl in-ill ho VPfT clflll trt 1 m MO V. ... w .w.j f, Tuesday, August 22. Mrs. mail, without expense, to those i who wish to use it. Do not make tho mistake of seeding without inoculation. It is a vital necessi ty Alfalfa in its second year yel lowed badly this summer, during tho vcrv dry weather. We cut x i iuuj iu0u.iw j -.wu I Trnnv will soil at t,ho res donee it; ana it is now recovering uuuiv, r mnf.hor Mn. W . A. Truax No stands will havo to be turned ono and a half mile south of Pleas under this year, so far as exam Ant.TIioVfi " horses. 2 shotcs. 1 ined or reported l.oifop 9 hilcrmfio. liaV. &C. A. B. RSS Sale bosinsat 10 o'clock a. m. Schcllsburg, Pa., Aug. 10, Kill Nellie Tritlo will sell at her resi dence in McConnellsburg,2hors es. wagon and bed, s urrey, har ness, plows, household goods, &'c. Salo bezins at 10 o'clock Credit 6 months. Mrs. Frank Bowser and two children Sara and Clyde from Bedford are spending some time with relatives and friends at, and about, Pleasant Ridge. Mr Bowser will join them in about three weeks, and accompany them homo. Wednesday, August !10, Ro Iwrt J. Flemins. executor of the will of T. E. Fleming, deceased, will sell at the residence of the Into dnnnclnnt. at Clear Kidze in Dublin township, horses, cattle, farming implements, grain, house hold goods, itc. Salo will begin at 10 o'clock, a. m. A. L. Wible, auctioneer. I-un Business Meetings. There will boa business mo. in" at the Sideling Hill (Jliristn. church August 18th in the after noon. All the members are re qucstodto be paesrnt. KirnK.v S, Church Clerk. There will bo a business meet ing at Laurel Ridgo Christian church on Saturday, August 19th at 2 o'clock. Members of the church are rcqucstad to be pres ent for tho purpose of transact ing important business. Friends in tho community are at liberty to be with us, as we do not havo secret business meetings. A. (J. B. Powkks, Pastor. A King Who Left Home set tho world t) talking, but Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y. says he always Keeps at Home the King of all Laxatives Dr. King's New Life Pills and that they're a blessing to all his family. Cure constipation, headache, indiges tion, dyspepsia. Only 2jc at Trout's Drug Storoi Thirty Years Together Thirty years of association- think of it. How the merit cf a good thing stands out in that time -or the- worthlessncss of a bad one. So there s no guessworK in this evidence of Thos. Ariss, Cmi cord, Mich., who writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for DO years, and its the best cough and cold cure I ever used." i Once it finds entrance m a home you can't pry it out. Many fam llies havo(used it forty years. It's tho most lufallibio throat and luricr medicine on earth. Uu- equaled lor lagrippe, asthma, hay-fever, croup, quinsy or sore i Mr. W. S. Cunsalus. a farmer Iuul's. Price 50c. 1.00. Trial living near Fleming, Pa., says ho bottle free. Guaranteed byTrouts has used Chamberlain s oolic, Drug Storo Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m bin familv for fourteen years. UMU:' hulluw. and that he has found it to bo an Roland Sharpo wife and daugh nvf.pllf.nt remedy, and takes tor Mabel spent last oaturuay in 1 7 I unenrn m fwnm m pnd ins? it. the home of Mrs. Shape s uncle JFlLUtCIUl U I www- O l,w Balf. hv all dealers. Lewis Sines in Whips Cove, . . .... . , . Mrs. Austin hwopo, aaugnter uasper urant, accomii.uiiBu ujr ,-., ,i .. , , .. j.neima, auu sister ucumuc IIIM HUH i'dlltta, o iiijriwi uo.i.j., teacher, ot near West Dublin, was in town Friday. Mr. Brant in Kctson all of Pittsburg, are sDendinz a tow weeks with her nay. MT. jirau u.- ..,,, Uu,u cWfm(, forms us that' tho wife of his mi c.,.1nM brother Scott d.ed m U-ator Kansas, on the 22nd of July. Mrs Rnmn9nn Mfil,n.t Brant was a western lady but ' & aud HarolJ; fter UMbanu was oorn au Mel, in Tay or townsh.p, and taught I MeJott .Ai.A.n tfiima nf cfhnrvl 111 thP Leona and Hazel Strait spent night at Hoy several terms of school in the county in tho eighties. Mr. and Mrs. Brant had been married twenty years but had nochi'dren Fulton Democrat. A vast amount of ill health is flnotoimDaired disrestiou. When last Saturday Sharpe's. Those who spent part of last Sunday at Mrs. Emahno Daniels' wero Oliver Daniels wife, and dauchter Evahne; Rosa and tho stomach fails to perform its Kyillis Daniels, George Mellott functions properly the whole sys- an j Jlirgi Bowers and grand A few ,i We luvent had any rain along Sideling Hill mountain for so long tem becomes deranged doses of Chamberlain's Taolets in all vou need. They will strengthen your digestion; invi- tjiat tnQ fj8hes have to stand on gorato your liver, aud regulate your bowels, eutirely doing away wit.h that miserable feelins: due to faultv diL'estion. Try it w.. J o Many others have been perman cured whv not vou? For Bale by all dealers. Foil Salk. Two acres of land there noses to wet their gills Lea Truax, Mrs. Kutli Swope and daughter-in-law and grand daughter, and Howard Swope and friend Gertrudo Ketsin, spent Sunday at Abraham Dcsh- onz's. Harry Mollott spent part of on which is erected a two story last Sunday in tho home of I lart frame seven room dwelling, sum- man iruax. L-,f,.h0n irood stable Grandpa Brumbaugh is spend 0u ,naaarv nntiiuildinffs. inir a few days with L. W. Swopo. also a workshop shop suitable for Howard Booty returned homo any kind of tradesman, 3 miles to last Friday trnltpv. i miles to railroad, situ nfQ,i .n ninsnrvillp. (Cumberland Frank M. Diehl, Uuion town pnnntr. Pa., and onlv ten miles to ship's candidate 'for Prothono Carlisle market. Good chance tary, spent Tuesday night in f,, f,M,in AfUroaa T. t1. town. Mr. Diehl is m ucb. en Alexander. Bloserville, Pa. I couragod by his prospects. Harris Sale List of REAL ESTATE will appear soon again with many new properties added. GEORGE A. HARRIS, Agent, Prothonotary & Ftecorder's Offico, McConnellsburg, Pa. Mrs. A. F. Little's SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Our annual Midsummer Clearance Sale of Fashionable Millinery Goods is now on. It is our custom at this season of the year to make a thorough clean up of goods on hand so that we may enter our fall season with a stock entirely new and right up to the minute. Never more stunning style or better assortment of beautiful and becoming hats, than we are showing this season. No matter what kind of hat you require, we have it here; and when you get it, you will tind it will cost you less than at any other store. Come and see lor yourself just what an extensive assortment we have for your selection. Also shirt waists, coat suits.'skirts, pet ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars, jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any one can alford to buy. Come and see goods whether you want to buy or not. 9 pairs Men's faultless Polish style, sizes 7 to 9 1-2 at $2.25. Blucher cut ot same shoes costs $2.50. We have a full line of WHOLE STOCK SHOES. They are good and solid and cannot be beat for wear. BUY YOUR FALL SHOES AT HOLLINSHEAD'S. Window shades 10c Table oil cloth 15c A fairly good muslin (c Good serviceable poplins at 20 and 25c Toweling 5, 0,8 and 10c Pure linen 25c Men's hats 50, 75c and $1 Shippcnsburg work shirts 45c Shippensburg overalls 50 to 90c Clothespins ledoz Colanders ' 10c Dustpans r Skimmers I Tin basins' J Advertising Real Estate., Po you want to buy or sell a home, a farm or a business llaeo? If so, my business Is to help you. I havo a good us snrtmmit located In every township In Fulton County. TWO WATER-POWER GRIST MILLS In pod condition, well located: "Vull description of the best bargains Is given in booklet form. If you want to buy, write for one. Since I have been adver tisui),' tho booklets through forty-six leading newspapers throughout tho country, hundreds of pooplu from nearly every state in the Union havo gotten them and are getting in terested In Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and homes. If you want t(j buy, now Is the time, before prices advance or, strangers, como and get tho best bargains. There is no schem ing lu this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let you know where you can buy direct from the owner. My in terest Is only a small commission to pay expenses. If you want to sell a property, tliore Is a person some where who will pav you a good price for It, und there is no iwtter way to tind that parly than advertising as 1 do, throughout the country. I charge nothing unless it Is sold, then only a Binall commission und do not take option on it, but leave you free to soil at any tlmo and get the highest pos sible price It may bring. I will bo in homo otllce only on Monday and Tuesday of each week. FRANK MASON, Agent. McCounellHburg, l'a. Look Here! 1 NOTE PRICES M,H. HOLLINSHEAD Harrisonville, Pa. ho following are a few bargains which we pick ed up, and when these are gone we can get no more of them. SHOES Juniata College Maintains its A. fi. Course at a high standard. A member of tho Collcgw and University Council of I'nnn'a. Oilers thorough college preparation In it-H Academy. lias lengthened its Normal Course to four years. Encourages Pablo study, as organ!, ed in tho Uiblo School. Presents excellent opportunities for Music. dives careful commercial training, including Shorthand and Typewriting. Has an Experienced Faculty, seven lurge Huildlngs, complete Equipment, healthful Location. Tho Fall Term of. 1911 will open September 18th. For catalogue, ad dress President, Juniata College, 7-27-71 lluntini'don, l'a. Women's faultless Polish style, sizes: 2 4's, I 4J's, 2 Vs, 2 Si, 2 (ij's, 1-"H, at $1.75; regular .2. Childs' faultless Polish (1 to 12 at 1..'!0; regular 41.. "i0. A few pair Misses faultless Polish at tlM, A good school shoo. You can save 2") cts a pair on tho above well known brands They are all new and In good condition. Ladies' line shoes, sizes .1 ;ij's and 4rs, only $1.10. Ladies' lino regular $2 0 but Po lish style at 1.7"), sizes 3 4's, 2 .Vs, 1 .0 i and 2 ti's. Six pair Men's gun metal attl.50, sizes 7 and K only. . M. COMEKER, agent for 1HL GEJSER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time. Tin dish nans 10c 10 qt lin bucket 25c good tin and lull size 8 qtstew kettle, enameled 45c 1 gal galvanized oil cans 18c Dog chains 10c Sewed leather halters 90c Horse collars-tick $ 1 .00 Horse collars all leather $2.50, a good strong collar Two snap tie ropes 20 and 25c Iiuggy shafts GOc each Buggy shaft ends 30c Buggy tire and buggy rims, spokes, etc Western Maryland Railway Company. In Effect June 4. 1911. Trulns leuvc lliim-ock iih follows: "i.fiOii. m. (Siindiivs only) for lluversiovvn, tiiiiurc uikI liilt'riurilhite points, ".00 u. in. (dully rxcepi Sunilay) fur Ilui'i r- town. HailiiiMiri' und iiilriiiicdiuLi! pomi-.. S.50 II. in. (iluilv exiiepl Sunday) Tor Clllul'iT- luiul und InlcmiiMlinlt! points 10.08 ii in (diuly except Suniliiy) IInj-'i'iMo ui. Wuynt'sluiro. 'lmmlTuurtf, lirll.iiiii,:, Ilunoyrr and haltiinorti. l&'iS p. in (dally except Sunday) Utile Ot Jeans. (Mdtouu. (u?ijlici-laiid, KIU !. ;nid western points. Itutlel. ntervaiiou, p. tr ior car, MViil vestibule trulu. 4.55 p. in. (dally except Sunday) Hat'ersiou n. l.cUYsiMiiv. nanover. lorn. iviiMinnrc ami intermediate points. Solid veui'j;i? train with observation, nutlet, parlor . i r. A ItnllKHTMlX, J A SlIKellKlill I'resident, L.en'1 Man.r.vr. K M Howell, lieu'l Pass. Agent, Fork handles, pick, axe and sledge handles; Crocks 10c gal., glass jars and tin cans at right prices. Yours for business, M. H. HOLLINSHEAD. i mmmm ANOKl THROAT AN3 LUifS mm GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY cja' mower nFvr'vi:v. BANNER SALVE ho mt haaiina 'e lr th wo" Cut-Price Sale NOW ON AT THE IRWIN STOI McConnellsburg, Pa. Beginning Thursday, August 3rd, the Irwin Store will conduct its Annual Cut-price Sale which will last ONL until Thursday, August 31. This is a Great Opportunity for the public to realize more than value for their money. During this period we will offer Jar rubbers 7c kind 5cdoz Lamp chimney No 1 and 2, 4c each 300 China fruit saucers, 3c each 200 horse shoe tumblers, 2c each 200 thin blown tumblers 3c each 100 cut band tumblers 5c each Masons 1 qt jars 46c doz 100 China salad dishes at 25 and . 50c, worth 50c to $1.50 200 G in. plates 4c each 100 China cups and saucers, 12c each, worth 25c 100 China plates, 10c each, i worth 20c 6 Ten-piece toilet sets at $2.00 to $3.00 worth $3.00 to 50 cake and chop dishes, 19c to $1.50; worth 25c to $4. 50 China sugar. and Creams. 25 to 50c 200 bread and butter plates, IOc eacn 1 100-piece $13 'dinner set I 100-piece $19 dinner set 4. 1 lOO-piece $19 dinner set IJ 100 framed pictures 10 to 50c each worth 25 to All our books go at cut prices. Watches, jewelry, clocks, silverware and cut glass at cut prices. Don't fail to see our IOc and 5c window "display. Come in. Everybody welcome. THE IRWIN STORE.