The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 10, 1911, Image 8

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Tim KiuiD niurkiMi ait; CikiMi from the Ch:iii
liHrxburK ilullv ni-spuMs. The pruvi-iuii
prices ure ilne Uiul oljliilu in Mi'Uhuui'II
New wheat
Ham per Hi
Ration, Sides per Hi
Potatoes, per Imsliel
Butter, Creamery
Butter, Country
Kggs, per dozen
Lard, )or Hi
Live Calve.s, per U
Chickens, per It
Jersey Sweot Potatoes at Ir
win's. Waynesboro is raising a fund
of $100,000 to induco new manu
factories to locate at that place.
The Ladies' Aid Society of
Greonhill M. E. Churcli will hold
a festival in the prove Saturday
evening, August 12th. Come.
The Bedford County students
of Juniata College, Huntingdon,
and many of their friends held
their annual reunion a Bedford
Springs .last Saturday.
A three-year-old son of Luther
Trout residing in Everett, swal
lowed an eight penny wire nail a
few days ago. It required a sur
gical operation to remove the nail
which was two and live-eighth
inches in length.
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer
living near Fleming, Pa., says he
has used Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in his family for fourteen years
and that he has found it to be an
excellent remedy, and takes
pleasure in recommending it
For sale by all dealers.
' A concreie walk leading from
the porch through the lawn to the
Public Square, has just been put
down by undertaker Stoner which
adds much to the appearance and
value of his residence. Mr. Sto
ner has ono of the prettiest prop
crties in town and needs just one
more touch a concrete sidewalk
along the north side.
The proof of the corset is the
wearing of it: The Scientific
American of last week said: "The
lung capacity of the average wo
man who does not wear corsets
is about 171 cubic inches; of one
who is in the habit of wearing
corsets only 131 cubic inches; so
that the capacity of the norma'
and unrestricted lungs is about
"7.3 per cent more than that of
those which have been compress
od by the corset."
A vast amount of ill health is
due to impaired digestion. "When
tbo stomach fails to perform its
functions properly the whole sys
tem becomes deranged. A few
doses of Chamberlain's Taolets
is all you need. They wil
strengthen your digestion, invi
gorate your liver, and regulate
vour bowels, entirely doing away
with that miserable feeling due
to faulty digestion. Try it.
Many others have been perman
ently cured why not you? tor
sale by all dealers.
Fou Sal k. Two acres of land
on which is erected a two story
frame seven room dwelling, sum
mer kitchen attached, good stable
and all necessary outbuildings,
also a workshop shop suitable for
any kind of tradesman, 3 miles to
trolley, 1 miles to railroad, situ
atod in Bloserville, Cumberland
county, Pa., and only ten miles to
Carlisle market. Good chance
for trucking. Address T. C
Alexander, Bloserville, Pa.
Miss Verna Parsons, who dur
ing the last three years has
taught very successfully in the
public schools in Mount Union,
Pa., has just been re-elected to
the same position for the ensuing
vear. Miss Verna and Miss
Myrtle McClaiu took the Perma
ncnt Certificate examination at
Huntingdon last spring and pass
ed with a high average. Thewel
nientod Certiticate came along
from the State Department last
week and the girls are happy
Miss Verna is visiting her sister
Mrs. John E. Locke at Home
stead, Pa., just now.
Business Mcctitig.
There will be a business meet
ing at the Sideling Hill Christian
church August L9th in the after
noon. All the members are re
quested to be present.
Church Clerk.
Dig Surprise.
Last Friday morning as Miss
tnuio Miller was busily engaged
u her household duties, her at
tention was attracted to the sound
of a horn followed by something
similar to the cackling of goose,
and looking out was greatly sur-
)rised to see 5'J of her good neigh
bora and friends led by Captain
Daniel Elvy and General Arie
Deshoug approaching with heavi-
y laden baskets to celebrate her
04th birthday. When they reach
ed the house there was a g.'eat
chattering and laughing and as
soon as reconciled the women got
busy and emptied their baskets
on the table.. It was not safe to
put all of the refreshment on at
once for fear of a wreck, so the
stove, doughtray, and safe were
tilled. You may know the people
had a good appetite when ten
slashed big cakes, eight freezers
of ice cream were demolished, be
sides bread, rolls, gingerbread,
cookies, pies, jarred fruit, slaw,
pickles of all kinds, jellies, but
ters, etc. After dinner we were
entertained by phouograph own
ed and operated by ArioDeshong
and accordion owned and operat
ed by Daniel Elvey. Geo. Tice,
jr., also gave us some very fine
music on accordion.
Misses Fanny and Katie Miller
both were recipients of many
beautiful cards, and useful and
ornamental presents. Ihey say
they can never bo too thankful to
their friends and ueighbors for
being so kind in giving them Buch
a fine time that day. Those pre
sent were: Misses Fanny and
Katie Miller, Clarence Hoover,
Mrs. Connelly and two children
Fanny and Charley; Mrs. Ellen
Oyler and three children Mary
Annie and Hush; Mrs. Nellie
Mum ma and daughter Pearl,
John Shaffer and wife, Adam
Shaffer, Mrs. Berth Uorton and
four children Edyth, Russel,
Hazel, and Charley; Orsian Wible
wife and two children Beatrice
and Xorris; Arie Deshong, wife
and daughter Zena; Harvey
Wible,wife and son Russel; Geo,
Tice, jr., wife and two children-
Herman and Elmer; Daniel Elvey
wife and son Walter; Mrs. Annie
Croff nd three children Ethel,
Lester and Ruth; John V'ible,
wife and children Oliver, Don,
Ruth and Daniel; Susan J. Wible,
Lottie Wible; Lewis Wible, wife
and son Lloyd; Samuel Hess,
Tommy Jenkins, Alvin 1" ix, Leo
uard Sherman, Merrill lsraut,
Helen Everts, and Nora Ambrcse.
Oni: Who Was Tmkuh.
Thirty Years Together.
Thirty years of association
think of it. How the merit cf a
good thing stands out in that time
or the worthlessness of a bad
one. So there's no guesswork in
this evidence of Thos. Anss, Con
cord, Mich., who writes: "I have
used Dr. King's New Discovery
for 30 years, and its the best
cough and cold cure I ever used."
Once it finds entrance in a homo
you can't pry it out. Many fara
dies have used it forty years. It's
the most infallible throat and
lunar medicine on earth. Un-
equaled lor lagrippe, asthma,
hay-fever, croup, quinsy or sore
lungs. Price 50c, $1.00. Trial
bottle free. Guaranteed byTrouts
Drug Store.
Aug. 3. Our farmers are al
busy plowing.
Mr. Joseph E. Mellott of this
place spent Saturday evening and
Sunday at Franklin Mills.
Miss Cora Daniels who is em
ployed at Jerry Pair's near Han
cock returned homo Friday eve
ning but expects to go back in a
few days.
Court Carbaugh speut Sunday
evening in the home of Samue
Quite a number of people from
this place attended the festival at
Mt. Zion.
Poles Wanted.
The Union Telephone Company
wants about 100 chestnut poles
delivered at McConnellsbur
must be eight inches at top,
peeled, sound and reasonably
straight, 35 feet long, and of the
butt cut. Send sealed bids to
to his llice. 4 27-tf.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. J. W. Fraker and family
desire to thank the Odd Fellows,
and friends and neighbors, for
their sympathy and assistance
during the illdess and funeral of
the husband aud father, J. Wes
Harrisonville, Pa.
The following are a few bargains which wo pick
ed up. and when these are gone we can
get no more of them.
9 pairs Men's faultless Polish style, sizes 7 to 9 I-2
at $2.25. Blucher cut of same
shoes costs $2.50.
Women's faultless Polish style,
sizes: 2-4's, I 4J's, 2 5's, 2 SJ,
2 liJ'Si l-"'s, at 1.75; regular 2.
Chllils' faultless Polish (1 to 12 ut
.1..')0; regular $1.50.
A few pair Misses faultless Polish
at tl.50. A good school shoo.
You can save 25 ets a pair on the
above well known brands They
are all new and in good condition.
'Ladies' fine shoes, sizes ."5 -Ill's
and 4'h, only $1.10.
Ladies' linn regular f2 '0 hut Po
lish stylo at $1.75, sizes 3-4's, 2
5'b, 1-5J and 2 (i's.
Six pair Men's gun metal at $1.50,
sizes 7 and S only.
Juniata College
Miiintiiins its A. 11. Course at a high
siiuiiliijd. A member of the College
and University Council of l'enn'a.
Oilers thorough college preparation
in iN Academy.
Has lengthened its Normal Course
to four years.
Kneourages Illblo study, as organiz
cd In the. llible School.
Presents excellent opportunities for
Gives careful commercial training,
including Shorthand and Typewriting.
lias an Experienced Faculty, seven
1 arg Buildings, complete Equipment,
hculthful Location.
Tho Pall Term of l'.Ul will open
September 18th. For catalogue, ad
dress President, Juniata College,
7-27-71 Huntingdon, Pa.
We have a full line of WHOLE STOCK SHOES.
They are good and solid and cannot
be beat for wear.
Window shades 10c
Table oil cloth 15c
A fairly good muslin 6c
Good serviceable poplins
at 20 and 25c
Toweling 5, 6, 8 and 10c
Pure linen 25c
Men's hats 50, 75c and $1
Shippensburg work shirts
Shippensburg overalls
50 to 90c
Clothes pins lc doz
Colanders 10c
Dust pans 5c
Skimmers 5c
Tin basins 5c
Tin dish pans 10c
10 qt tin bucket 25c good
tin and full size
8 qt stew kettle, enameled
1 gal galvanized oil cans 18c
Dog chains 10c
Sewed leather halters 90c
Horse collars-tick $1.00
Horse collars all leather
$2.50, a good strong collar
Two snap tie ropes
20 and 25c
Buggy shafts 60c each
Buggy shaft ends 30c
Buggy tire and buggy rims,
spokes, etc
Fork handles, pick, axe and sledge handles;
Crocks IOc gal., glass jars and tin cans
at right prices.
Yours for business,
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect Juno 4. 1911.
Trulns leuve llunuouk an follows:
fi.50 a. tn. (Siiodiiy only) for IIukitkIowii, Hill-
Union' unit iiiU'i innll lU' poiuli,
".00 si. ill. (iluilv rxci-nt iuml:iy) for Hiitrer
town. Hiilllinon' ami InU'iiiiedkiK! points.
H.53 n. in. (iliklly excrpt Simil;iy) for Cumber
land una liilurnitrillult; potnlH
I0.0H ii in (ilnilv extent Siiniliiy) llnttcrstown
Wuyni'lMiro. I'liiinilM't'shiirtf, iMrllyHtiiirtf,
llutmvcr una hulliuioru.
I '.ri n. in (ilullv pxetMit Siiniliiy) Utile til
leads, oiiliown, Ciimlii'ihiiid. Klk lis mid
western point, linnet, ohsi-rviiuou. pur
lor ear, viliil vt'sUlinlt; Irani.
i.W I), m. (ilullv excrnt Sunday) Hiik'crstown.
(ietlvstinrir. Iluiiovu:, York. Itiilttmore
and InliTiiii'dlatu points. fcoliil vcstiliiil!
train with ulisurvallon, hulTct. parlor car.
I'roiili-nt, (jeu'l .Muniitfer.
K M Howell. Ucu'l I'uss. Aifeul.
r" rT? v Si ftp swftn
rr9005KS Ci?f 50WI.00
1 1 vrf$40!!9S Ii ifliAiwiTitfREt
guaranteed SArSFAcrofir'
the mt haailna 'e Ii wo-KI.
R - 1 iT a
Annua un-mce
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Beginning Thursday, August 3rd, the Irwin Store
will conduct its Annual Cut-price Sale which will
last ONL until Thursday, August 31. This is a
Great Opportunity
for the public to realize more than value for their
money. During this period we will offer
Jar rubbers 7c kind 5c doz
Lamp chimney No 1 and 2, 4c each
300 China fruit saucers, 5c each
200 horse shoe tumblers, 2c each
200 thin blown tumblers '3c each
100 cut band tumblers 5c each
Masons 1 at iars 46c doz
100 China salad dishes at 25 and
50c, worth 50c to $1.50
200 6x7 in. plates 4c each
100 China cups and saucers,
12c each, worth 25c
100 China plates, 10c each,
worth 20c
6 Ten-piece toilet sets at $2.00
to $3.00 worth $3.00 to $5.00
50 cake and chop dishes, 19c
to $1.50; worth 25c to $4.50
50 China sugar and Creams,
25 to 50c
200 bread and butter plates,
10c each
1 100-piece $13 dinner set 9.35
1 100-piece $19 dinner set 14.00
1 lOO-nifice S19 dinner set 15.00
100 framed pictures 10 to 50c
each worth 25 to $1.50
All our books go at cut prices. Watches, jewelry,
clocks, sHverware and cut glass at cut prices.
Don't fail to see our IOc and 25c window display.
Come in. Everybody welcome.
Harris' Sale List
will appear soon again with
many new properties
Prothonotary Si Recorder's Office,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Mrs. A. F. Little's
Our annual Midsummer Clearance Sale
of Fashionable Millinery Goods is now on. It
is our custom at this season of the year to
make a thorough clean up of goods on hand
so that we may enter our fall season with a
stock entirely new and right up to the minute.
Never more stunning style or better assortment of
beautiful and becoming hats, than we are showing this
season. No matter what kind of hat you require, we
have it here; and when you get it, you will tin J it will
cost you less than at any other store. Come and see for
yourself just what an extensive assortment we have for
your selection. Also shirt waists,' coat suits, skirts, pet
ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars,
jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any oik-
can alTord to buy. Come and see goods whether you
want to buy or not.
Advertising Real Estate.
Do you want to buy or bull a homo, a farm or a huslncs
place? If so, my business is to help you. I have a cood as
sortment located In every township in Fulton County.
in good condition, well located:
Full description of the best bargains is given in booklet form.
If you want to buy, write for one. Since I have been adver
tising the booklets through forty-six leading newspapers
throughout the country, hundreds of people from nearly
every state In the Union have gotton them and are gi tting in
terested in Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and homes. If
you want to buy, now is the tlmo, before prices advance or,
strangers, come and get the best bargains. There is no schem
ing In this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let
yon know where you can buy direct from ihe owner. My in
terest Is only a small commission to pay expenses.
If you sell a property, there is a person some
where who will pay you a good price for it, and thero is no
better wajto liud that party than advertising as I l"i
throughout the country. I chargq nothing unless It is sold,
tlien only a small commission and do not take option on it,
but leave you freoto sell at any time and get tho highest pos
sible price it may bring.
I will bo in homo ouWonly on Monday and Tuesday of
each woek.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
V V Y.V Y V V V V V V V V. V V V V V Y Y V Y V.Y Y Y. Y Y YtYY.YY Y.Y V t t i
Spring and Summer Millinery
This Season's Styles are very much more sensible than fur
number of years, and tho most fashionable designs liavo lost
nothing in charm or popularity, because of their conscrvati
Daintiness is the Keynote,
Tho hats conio In every color of tho Spring-evry graceful shape
every smart style. They are more than stylish, for the)' u
beautiful as 'well. Our hats have a certain
Charm and Individuality
about thorn that you only find in -a first-class, up-to-date M'"'
nery Store. Our prices, you will find right. You are cor
Invited to call and see our goods, and becomo one of our m.
ley Fraker.