FUUCJN COUNTY NEWS - Published Every Thursday. . w. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. JOKE 15, 1911 Published Weekly, $1.00 per Annum in Advance. ADTIHTIMHO BUM. Per Quare of Bllnfin S time II M. lir iUre ein-h Hulweciuent Insertion.... Ml. All adverUnKineiim liwurtod fur leu ttaao b rue montb ehurgei by the square. II mot. II mow. I yr Onn-fourthoolumn.. Oae-tmlf ooluma ne Uulurnn .... ..115.00. IliO.OO 1 1 W 00 .. M.00. 40.00 M OO ... 40.00. MOO. 75.00 Church Notices. Announcements tor Sunday, June 18, 1911. IlUSTONTOWN, U. B. CilAKClK, . K. n. Swank, pastor. Cromwell Preaching 10:00 p. m. Mt. Tabor Preaching 2:.'i0 p. m. Wells Valley Preaching at 7:43. IlUSTONTOWN, M. E. ClIAIUJE. L. W. McGarvey, Pastor. Dublin Mills-Sunday School 9:30. Preaching, Saturday 8:00 p. m. Wesley Chapel-Sunday School 9:30. Preaching 10:.'J0. Clear Uidgo Children's Day Service 2:30. . F.pworth League, 8:00. Prayer Meeting Wednesday eve. 8:00. Hustontown Sunday school 9:00. Children's Day Services, 8:00. Prayer meeting Thursday 8:00. p. m., IIAHKISONVH.LK M. E. CllAlUJK, W. M. Cllne, Pastor. Mt. Zion Preaching 10 a in. Siloam Preaching 8:00 p. m. Preaching at Beadford Cnapol, Satur day night, June 17th, at 8:00. Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly en joy their tine results. Constipa tion and indigestion vanish and fine appetite returns. They re pulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at Trout's drug store. COVALT. Th9 crops in this vicinity are poor, caused by the continued dry weather. There have been a few rains, but they came too late to benefit the growing crops. Singing at Antioch Sunday evening was well attended, sever al poople stopping on their return from the dedication of the Chris tian Church at Laurel Kidge. James Shives spent Sunday evening at the home of William SigeL Ira Gordon and Mary Bishop attended singing at Antioch Sun day evening. John Lanehart and wife and T. B. Mellott and wife attended the dedication at Laurel Kidge last Sunday, and report a very large crowd. Mrs. Clarence Brewer, who had been suffering from tuber culosis was buried on the twelfth at the Baptist church at Tonolo- way. The farmers and lumbermen are kept busy now delivering Harry Balser's ties and lumber to market' Some of the teams make a trip every day. T. B. Mellott purchased a new buggy and horse a few days ago. Elmer Edwards and Mabelle Bill spent Sunday at Laurel Ridge. Army Peck and Etta Mellott, both, of Sharpo, were married last Sunday. Miss Lola Wilson, after having spent some time at her home near Knobsville, has again returned to Hustontown, and resumed her duties as postmistress. Lubrication Without Carbon Good oil U a mlihtr factor la ' incrtaaina tpaad and diermatint troubln. Wararlf Spaeial U idaal for aithar alroolad or watar-coolad can. Absolutely fraa from carbon light and thia faad aatilr will not coagaal. Your daalor naa It-tf not, writ ta Ua. A Uat will coBTiace you. WAVERLY OIL WORKS COMPANY Indmpmndant Rutlnmrm PlttaburK. Pennsylvania Makr$ of "Wavrly" CaWinea CIKCLS AT ClIABLKSIilRG. Many From This Section Will Visit fore paugh and Sells Bros. Show. Many people from McConells burg aud immediate neighbor hood will see Forepaugh and bells Brothers' big circus at Chambcrsburg next Monday.V Transportation lines are pre paring for the day and the indi canons point to a great circus event. The Forepaugh & Sells Broth ers' organization this season is remarkably attractive, more so than ever before m its fifty years of travel. The performance is being given by the world's 400 best artists, the menagerie has been newly reorganized and the forenoon parade is a masterwork of pageantry. The thrillers of the show are the double sooner saulting automobile, the Ty Bells "Human Butter" act and the sensation wild riding of the l'a- jara family of Gypsies. Capt Webb's two troupes of riding and juggling seals, Tay lor's wonderful monkey and dog circus, the Uines Kimball troupe of acrobats, the Alvo, the Alpine and the La Layette families of aerialist aud the fifty funniest clowns on earth are a few of the more prominent features. There are over 100 big acts, all novelties and the entire stiow is newly equipped and costumed. Over $3,000,000 has been spent in building the new outfit and tho result is dazzling. For many years the Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' circus has been the pattern of excellence. This year it is vastly improved and enlargedr" It now travels on a train more than one mile in length. Its many tents cover ten acres of ground and it gives employment to 1,124 men, women and children. In the menagerie are 728 of the rarest specimens ot animal lite and in toe canvas stables are 550 of the finest horses in the world. The parade equipment was all built last win ter in the foreign workshops of the show near Liverpool. The work was done by the best art ists, designers, sculptors and spectacle builders of France and Italy. ENID. D. W. C. Cunningham is home for the summer vacation from Dickinson College. Mrs. A. G. Edwards is visiting her daughter Mrs. W. H. Barnett at Minersville. Peter Garlic has gone to Greens burg Jto look for work. Sam Foster, and Frank, Pearl, Vera and Josephine Barton, of Round Knob, spent Sunday with George Chamberlain and family. Dickson Berkstresser drove to Saxton last Friday morning and Bernard came home and spent Saturday. Dickson staid with his sister Mrs. S. B. Coy until Monday morning. The Valley M. E. church held their children's services last Sun day. A good program was given Ed Foster has moved back to his home, and Will Anderson has taken charge of the boarding house at Keightley Bros, at An der son's mill. Mrs. David Knepper of Taylor spent a few days with her moth er Mrs. Lizzie Woodcock last week. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed con ditionofthe mucoused lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumb liug sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out often are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition uf the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Item! Kluklve Jwubcl. Pennsylvania Demonstration Orchards Are you avare of the fact that Pennsylvania is rapidly moving toward tho very front of fruit producing states? To say that this is truo is making an import ant statement, which is now be yond question. It has been dem onstrated in every county of Pennsylvania, that there is not one of tho sixty-seven counties of this Commonwealth that is not adaptod to the successful and profitable growing of fruits, es pocially apples. It is true that the same varie tics of applos will not grow profit ably in all of the Counties of Pennsylvania, but the 'grower who understands his business can select those varieties suited to proper local conditions in each and every county, and can by the methods which am now being demonstrated by the State Zoolo gist, U. A. Surface, and bis as sistants, in the Department of Agriculture, grow fruits as fine in appearance, and much better in quality, than those grows in the Far West. Recently in a conversation with a member of the Pennsylvania Senate, who is much interested in the possibilities of this State, Doctor Surface said, '-For profit able apple growing in Tennsylva nia, one point is the selection of site or location, another is the selection of proper varieties; and eight points are in the proper care of the trees, to make up the ten essential points for success. "In the care of the trees we must consider planting, pruning spraying, fertilizing, cultivating, thinning, picking, and packing. Pests can be and must be abso lutely controlled. The fruits must be not only first-class, but 'fancy,' and must be gathered and packed in not only an honest, but in a very attractive and strict ly business-like manner. "Pest control is the most im portant of all these features, but for complete success each is es sential, and it must be thoroughly modern and correct. Knowledge is power only when practically applied. Let our beginning as well as our advanced fruit grow ers keep their eyes on tho 1200 Model Orchards established by the division of Zoology of the De partment of Agriculture in this State, and.see what they can learn that will benefit them. "The dormant spraying for scale insects has just been com pleted, and the spring spraying for the Codling moth, theCurulio, canker, worm, and plant diseases is now being arranged." Announcements will be made later through the public press. Self Control. There is really no law like the law of Belf control. It is beyond all dispute that the very first leon to be taught a boy is self mastery, says the Lancaster News. There is no sight calcula ted to awaken such contempt as a kicking two-year old whose wild auger, as be pounds tne tloor wnn ms neeis, is allowed to go unspanked by the coddling par ent. Tell that little, sweet bar barian that this world is so put together that he had better die young than attempt the world with sucn a temper. If those who love him most fail to get in this idea, it will be got in by a later surgical operation perform ed by society lor its own pro tection. Frequently this later surgery proves fatal. .soberly stated, an ungovern able temper is without excuse, is a curse to its owner and all his kin, and is simply intolerable to everybody else. There never was a child, probably, who did not start to try the thing a few times. It Bis a universal inheritance, There never was a child unless unnatural whose' bad temper could not be wholly cured by wise, patient, affectionate, con stant and firm parental teaching. The adult mind should place its own strong will at the disposal of the small chap, till he gets hold of his strong will. QThat is the whole story. Re volvers and knives are not the fault. It is the rotten self-con trol that is at fault. And not only as regard homicides, but a word of other passionate and quick of fenses. It is unbearable when one has schooled himself to be a master, often with the most exhausting and constant struggle, to have some wild man let flyj and then creep back to "Bog your pardon; 1 have a quick temper. ' "Have you? So have I. Saw yours off. I am sawing mine off, painfully, every day. No, I will not pardon you, in what I would not pardon myself." DIXON DEFENDS DAIRY FARMERS Declares Milk Often Becomes Pol luted After Leaving Their Hands on Way to Con sumer. SANITARY LAWS ARE BROKEN "Don't let's put too much blame on the farmers," says State Health Com missioner Dixon., lu (llscuHHlng the question of a pure milk supply, problem that Is troubling so many municipalities throughout Pennsylva nia. "As an old farmer myself who has led the reapers around tho wheat field. swInsiiiK a cradle and then In the evening milking my share of the cows, I am nuturally favorable to the dairy farmer, but it is tho closo study of actual conditions that convinces mo that the first disease germs often, per haps most frequently, get into the niillc after it has passed out of the farmer's control. "Tho farmer Rpprcolates more today than over the necessity of keeping milk clean. He knows that if reaches the market swcot and pure the domand will bo Increased. He is up against a dlfllcult tank to make money out of his milk dairy when ho hag to constantly buy new cattle to take tho place of those that have gone dry, become sick or died. Dairyman' Problems. "He must produce or purchase food for them, keep up tho stable, pay his help, constantly replenish his supply of pans, buckets, etc., and haul this milk over all kinds of roads, through all sorts of weather and then receive for all this 4 or 4V4 cents a quart from the dealer. "The milk often begins to receive pollution on the railroad, when an at tendant takes off tho lid of a milk can, helps himself to a drink and then ro places tho lid, drippings of milk which have reached his lips going buck Into the can. "Does this sound like an exaggera tion? Let me cite you a case. I re member a baggagemastor who once called upon me for medical advice. found him suffering with ' pulmonary tuberculosis. When I advised him to drink plenty of milk be informed me that he was drinking a great deal of It. He said he hauled milk in his bag gage car and that he was In tho habit of drinking out of the lids of the cans. "At the stations and along the streets the milk dealers often purchase from each other. The purchaser sticks his finger Into the milk and then Into his mouth to determine tho sweetness and then into the second can until he tosts as many cans of milk as be pro poses purchasing. Unsanitary Methods. "Only a few days ago a gentleman came Into my office to tell me ho had Just witnessed his own milk man hand a street cleaner a drink of milk con taincd In the lid of his can and then replace the lid. I have witnessed ever and over again milk men collect bottles from their customers, poke the Index finger In the mouth of ono aud the thumb In the other to carry th bottles to his wagon. Trusting that they had boon properly cleansed by ttie housewife, the bottles were at once refilled, caps taken out of a pocket which also con talned a handkerchief and then these bottlos of ra.llk were delivered to the next customers. It Is not worth while to enumerate other Instances to make my point clear, that Is, we must not confine ourselves to the dairy farm In looking for conditions that render milk Impure. Out municipalities throughout the state will have to keep their eyes open to the way in which the dealers and others are handling the milk after It has left the farmer's care." PERSONAL TAXES. Joining Mayor Gaynor, of New York City, in his opposition to the personal property tax, P. W. Upham, a momber of Chicago's Board of Review, -declares the law as enforced in his city is a farce. "My opinion Is that only tangi ble property should be taxed," says Mr. Upham. "It is absolutely out of the question to make every man In Chicago declare the value of his per sonal wares. And at the same time this works a great hardship on hon est men. When we took hold of the board we found that only $21,000,000 worth of personal property was list ed. Now we have $500,000,000 worth, and I think we are cheating the peo ple at that. If we were able, or If It were a human possibility, to collect all of the personal taxes, Chicago would be so rich that it wouldn't know what to do with the money." Men wno stana prosperity never get the credit they deserve; It looks so easy and Is In fact bo hard. Some girls can't even wear an air of innocence without making It coq spicuous. Report of S. S. Jouring Party. Miss Martha Robinson, State Field Worker with Vice Presi dent, A. V. Johnston and Geo. W. Fisher, made a tour of six townships, Jund 3rd to 8th. Six meetings were held as follows: Ayr Attendance, 80; offering U 25. Ueliast Attendance, 143; of fering, 73; contribution, Cedar Grove School, $2.00. Brush Creek Attendance, 75; offering, 83. Union Attendance, 89; offer ing, 1 90. Bethel Attendance, 80; offer ing, $1 00. Thompson Attendance, 90; of fering, $1.40. John M. Dikiil, Sec'y. DR. WEST DUBLIN. Mrs. Susan King is visiting lier sick sister Mrs, Ripple at Shirleysburg. Edwin Brant attended Chil dren's Day Services at Zion M E. church near Waterfall last Sunday. There was an interesting base ball game on tne Laidig ground Saturday afternoon. The team which had been expected to play with kaidig not having come as nearly an equitable distribution as could be made was made from the professionals and amateurs of Hustontown, Laidig, and vicini ty. The result of the game was 2-0 in favor of Laidig. Ernest Berkstresser and broth er, of Waterfall, spent a recent Sunday afternoon at David ller- shey's. Mrs. Eliza Hoover spent a few days last week with friends and relatives in McConnellsburg and Licking Creek township. Mrs. Joseph Laidig of Minors ville, spent a few days last week at their farm in this township. A force of carpenters from Hustontown with W. F. Laidig as foreman were busily engaged at J. E. Lyon's last week. Sunday was the hottest day this year, and we believe the hot test for several years in this vic inity., Grant Hoover spent Thursday of last week with relatives at Dane. y Candidate Cards y For I'rothonotary, &c. ELLIS L. LYNCH, JMcConnellshurg. I hereby announce myself as a can dldate fortlio Democratic nomination for the Olliee of Prothonotary, Ac. subject to the next September prima' rles. I also pledge myself to support tho ticket then nominated. For I'rothonotary. &c. NOKKIS K. HOOVER. Taylor Township. Subject to tlie'docision of the Dkmo chatic voters at the primary, the last Saturday in September, between the hours of 2 and 8 p. m. Your support and influence Respectfully solicited. Hedges support to ticket nominated. For County Commissioner, WILLIAM MELLOTT, 'taylor Township. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho Ukpuijucan nomina' tion for the olllce of County Commis sioner, subject to the next September primaries, and pledge my support to the ticket then nominated. For County Commissioner, UOKEKT R. IIAXN, Lickinu Creek Twp 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Ukpciiucan nomina tion for the olllce of County Commis sioner subject to tho next September Primary. Your support and Inlluenee respectfully solicited. IwOHKKT Ii. IlANtf, Saluviu, Fa. For County Commissioner, ALBERT K. NESBIT. Ayr Township I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the RkithmcaN nomina tion for the olllce of County Commls sioner, subject to the next Soptember primaries, and pledge my support to the ticket then nominated. For County Treasurer, L. L. CUNNINGHAM, Wells Township I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Democratic nomina tion for County Tkkasuhiou, subject to the decision of the Democratic vo ters of Fulton county at the uniform primary election to be hold on the last Saturday in Soptember and pledge myself to the support of the ticket nominated. L. L. Cunning h am, New Grenada, Pa. For County Commissioner, E. D. AKERS, Brush Creek township The undersigned respectfully an nounces himself as a candidate for the olllce of County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Rei'CIiucan vo ters of Fulton county at the uniform primaries to be held on the last Sat urday of September. E. D. AKKI5S, ' Akorsville, Pa. KI&.LTKECQUGH HI Mil pRict 5oa$i.oo TRIM. BOTTLE f BEE AHO All TK i? OAT AND IUG TROUBLES I GUARANTEED SATSFACrOtX Off MONEY REFUNDED. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburp;, Pa. All legal bus.netui and colleoliom entrusted will etielve oureful and prompt attention. I IN BUYING An Automobile You want the best your money will get. No machine on the road to-day possesses so many attractions to the careful buyer as THE E. M. F. For size, speed, appearance, durability, ease of control, hill-climbing and sand ploughing, this AT $1000, is the greatest bargain on the market. The Flanders at $700, is a smaller machine but none the less de sirable. Don't tie yourself up until you have carefully examined these machines. THE EVERETT CARRIAGE AND AUTO COMPANY, Agents for Fulton County. Everett, Pa. 00fJ000A00MMM,0A0 000A0f0J.00t0J A Strong 0 There is no question as to the safety of your money if deposited with the FULTON COUNTY BANK S2 Our conservative and business like methods are known to all. Consider ate treatment is assured all deposi tors. Start an account with us to-day and protect the wife and children. 0A We Pay 3 on time deyosits 1 1 000X00X0 0000 0 (A0M000K0 0 0M K0A0 0 :: A Customer of Bank 0 8 B 8 looks for safety liberal terms courteous treatment and facili ties for the proper handling of his business. All of these are found In thU conservatively conducted back, and judging from the new accounts opened daily, the fact Is widoly recogni.od and appreciated, If you are not already one of our customers you are Invited to become ouo of the new ones. The First 0 0. Onpraten under t.hn oti-li-t. Rnnlnntr T.niva nf tho TTnRnri KtntCS Government. Fays 3 Per TWO CARLOADS. Two Carloads of Buggies at one time, seems pretty strong for a Fulton county doalor, but that is just what W. R EVANS, Hustontown, Pa., has just received. In this lot are 5 dilTerent grades and styles, of Buggies and Runabouts Including tho Mllllin burg. He has on hand a large stock of Hand Made Buggy Harnp The Prices? Don't mention It. If the prices wore not be low the lowest, he would not be selling by the carload. Foundation! 0 r y a Per Cent. i if 'left six months. 0X0000H0f00 00.00000J0A00 0t 0000tl 0 a I) (3 9 0 9 ft National Bank I "- 0 Cent. Compound Interest. i I