The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 15, 1911, Image 10

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    !'nlii:iitiYU Whet. i
20 tons of Listers fertilizers for
sale at Jonas Laku's near fjaidiy.
Kov. W. M. llann will preach
at Morton's Point at 10 o'clock
next Sunday.
Mrs.Ola Cowan and Miss Dow
man, of Burnt Cabins, were in
town last Friday.
Fou Sam; Male Sheep, about
7 months old, good size, splendid
stock. ItKjuiro of Aaron Martin,
McConncllsburj?, Pa.
Tho laying of the corner stono
or the new Methodist Church at
Cito in Ayr township, will take
place next Sunday afternoon at
two o'clock.
Wantkd Salesmen to sell our
guaranteed Oils and Paints. Ex
perience unnecessary. Extreme
ly profitable offer to right party.
The Empire Oil Company, Cleve
land, Ohio.
The Cite A. M. E. church will
hold its June exercises next Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock. The ex
ercises will consist of solos,
duetts, trios, quartettes, chorus
es, recitations, Ac. .
Whooping cough is not danger
ous when the cough is kept loose
and expectoration easy by giving
Chamberlain's Cough liemedy.
It has been used in many epidem
ics of this disease with success.
For sale by all dealers.
Tho wedding of Miss Helen
Spangler to Walter Lelioy Os
walt of Altoona, will take place on
Wednesday evening, June 21, at
the home of Miss Spangler's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Spang
ler, Mercersburg.
G rover C. Kirk, of Bethel town
ship, a member of the graduat
ing class of the West Chester
State Normal School, has been
elected Principal of schools at
Marietta, Lancaster county; at a
salary of $3 for an eight months
term. His election was unani
mous. Grover is a son of Judge
Lemuel P. Kirk.
The woman of today who has
good health, good temper, good
sense, bright eyes and a lovoly
complexion, the result of correct
living and good digestion, wins
tho admiration of tho world. If
your digestion is faulty Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will correct it. For sale
by all dealers.
On Monday of last week during
a severe electric storm at Bed
ford, lightning struck tho Hartley
Bank Building and caused some
damage. Several of tho bricks
were knocked out of the structure
and in Blymyer's store and
also Code's store the bolt was
destructive, but no serious loss
is reported.
Rev. W. A. Carver, of Morris
dale Mines, attonded the com
mencement exercises ot Dickin
son College, Carlisle, this week.
His son, Professor A. il. Carver,
received the degree of A. M. in
psychology on Wednesday last.
Professor Carver is a graduate of
Dickinson College, being a mem
ber of the class of '02, since
which time he has been teaching
in Maine and Massachusetts. At
present he ie principal of the
high school at Lee, Massachusetts
Another son of Kov. Carver, Pro
fessor Walter B. Carver, who is
one of the faculty of Cornell Col
lege, also attended the commence
meut of Dickinson. The rasult
was that the father and sons had
a delightful time. Key. Carver
can well feel proud of his sons
lor worthy boys they are, indeed.
Rev. Carver was a former pastor
of the M. E. church in McCon
nellsburg, and his sons pupils in
our public schools.
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
mado from Royal Crapo
Cream of Tartar
Chairs, $2.50 to $10.00 per set; Rockers
$1.00 to $6.00; Couches, $6.50 to $11.00;
Beds, Bureaus, and Washstands; Oak Exten
sion Tables; Drop leaves 6-ft. $5.40; Iron
Beds, $3.50 to $7.50; Springs, $2.50 to
$4.50; Mattresses, $2,50 to $5.00; Cup
boards and Side-boards.
Nails at knock-down prices. Large Stock of glass
very .low. Buggy, Spring Wagon and heavy Wagon
Tire; Buggy, Spring Wagon--and heavy Wagon Rims
and Spokes.
Mowing Scythes 75 cts., everyone guar
anted good or money back; Mowing Snaths
65 cts.; hand rakes, best made, 30 cts.; ma
nure and pitch forks, . 45 cts. up; Shovels,
Forks, and Axe Handles; Double Harpoon Hay
Forks, $1.00 each; best Manila Rope 7-8 in.,
2c per foot; Pulleys 20 cts. up: Grain Cradles;
Cradle Fingers, 15 cts. each; Whetstones, 5c.
each; Binder Twine 7 1-2 cts.
IIARNESS-Collars and I lames; Harness, $9.50 to
$1(1.00; Work Collars, $1.00 to $2.80; Buggy Collars,
90 cts. to $1.50; Single and Double work Lines, Lead
Keins, Tongue and Choke Straps, Buggy Breeching,
Shaft Carriers, Hold Backs, Harness I lames, Harness
Traces for $1.50 per pair to $2.25 per pair; Harness
Saddles, Harness Bridles, $1.50 to $3.00; Summer
Lap Robes 25 cts. to $1.50; Hammocks, 60c to $2.00;
Buggy Nets, $1.75 to $3.25 per horse; Team Nets,
$3.00 to $5.00 per horse; Ear Nets, Head and Neck
Table Oil Cloth, $1.60 per roll; Linoleum 2
yd. wide 80c per yd.; Window Shades, 10 to
30c, Carpet 13 to 55c per yd., Matting 10 to
25c peryd., Galvanized Tubs 45, 55 and 65c,
Buckets 12 to 65c Ice-Cream Freezers,
Lawn Mowers, Best barn Track 5c per ft.
hinged or swinging hangers, Non-throwable
for above track 75cts. pair; Hinges 3 to 35
cts. pair; Locks Rim, Mortise and front door
Sets 20 cts. to $2.50; 3 lbs. Mica Axle Grease
20 cts., Churns $2.00 up, 16 inch ball bearing
Lawn Mower $2.25, Ice Cream Freezers, Horse
Linseed Oil, White Lead, Turpentine, Varnish,
Shellac, Putty, Filler, Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre,
Painters Colors, all at bottom prices.
Fine Machine Oil 20 and 25 cts. per gallon, 35 to
40c. elsewhere; Window Screens 20 to 25 cts., Screen
Doors $1.00 up, Best Paint for steel or wood or paper
roof 33 cts. per gallon, Plastering Hair 25 cts. a bush
el. Clocks Fine 8 day clocks $1.80 each. 12 qt.
fibre pails 28 cts. each, G qt. Sprinkling Can 25 cents.
Give us a call. Thank the public for the
liberal increase in business.
Poles Wanted.
The Union Telephone Company
wants about 100 chestnut poles
delivered at McConnellsburg;
must be eight inches at top,
peeled, sound and reasonably
straight, 35 feet Ion?, and of the
butt cut. Send sealed bids to
this oflice. 4 27-tf.
New Milk Law.
A now milk bill went into effect
in this State last Thursday morn
ing, when Governor Tener ap
proved the I'iper bill, regulating
the sale of milk and cream, a
measure' that has been looked
after by the Dairy and Food de
partment. The bill provides that
all milk offered for sale must
have at least 31 per cent, of but
ter lat and 12 per cent, of milk
solids. All cream must have at
least 13 per cent, of butter fat.
Violation of the act brings a fine
of from L'5 to $50 and from 30 to
DO days in jail, or both, at the (lis
cretion of the court.
Wins Fight For Life.
It was a long and bloody battle
for life that was waged by James
B. Mershon, of Newark, N. J., of
which he writes: "I had lost
much blood from luog hemor
rhages, and was very weak and
rundown. For eight mouths I
was unable to work. Death
seemed close on my heels, when
i began, three weeks ago, to use
Dr. King's Now Discovery. But
it has helped me greatly. It is
doing all that you claim." For
weak, sore lungs, obstinate
coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse
ness, la grippe, asthma, hay fever
or any throat or lung trouble it's
supreme. 50c & $1 00. Trial
bottlo free. Guaranteed by
Trout's Drug Store.
Of course, you want to have
your attention called to the
Racket Store's new advertise
ment, in this paper.
The hot wave announced last
Friday by the Washington weath
er bureau, arrived on time Satur
day afternoon, and by two o'clock
Sundav the thermometer' at the
Washington House registered
103 degrees in the shade. A nice
rain came Sunday iin;ht lasting
throughout Monday and the luer
cury took a drop of 33 degrees.
NO. 0003.
Tho First Nntinnul Hunk, at .MoConnclN
burn, In the Suite of I'cnnsylviiniu, ot
the close of IIiimIiicsm, June
7, 1 0 1 1 .
l.ouns unci DiscouulH J1DI..W KM
Overdrafts, secured und unsecured , 1,119,(11
U. S. Ilouils to secure olruulutlou 2S.UO0.00
Houds, securities, etc BI.XA0.7S
Premiums im U. S. liomli fM.tb
HiinkiiiK house, furniture, und fixtures IITO.OO
Due from Iluuksmol reserve
UKeuts) 123.53
Due from Suue, 1'rlvute Hunks, und
Hunkers, Trust Co's mid Suv, lluuks 1,042.50
Duo from approved reserve UKcuts... 2vr.lllT.0H
Cheeks and other cash Items lu.'.t
Notes of other Nutlonul Hunks 235.00
Fractional puper currency, nickels und
cents 121.1
Lawful Monkt Kkskiivk in Hank, viz :
Specie. M3.15I.1U
Lek'uMcnder notes 1 ,0:10.00 24.181.00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
5per cent, of olruulutlou) 1,'iV).00
.. (300,557X4
Cupltul stock puld In Ii5.000.00
Surplus fund 13,000.00
Undivided prollts, less expenses und
taxuMuid ... J.H70.07
Nutlonul Huuk notes outitundlng i'i.000.00
Due to other Nutlonul Hunks 1,310.20
Iudlvlduul deposits subjcot to Check. 70,134.74
Uciniind eertllleutes of deposit 1.020.2(1
Time cert Hemes of deposit 222,07H.I)2
Cerllllud check 35,13
Cashier's checks oulsUiudlnir 'VI sQ
Clias. Huston &
Your attention this week is called
to the following:
Binder Twine
Deering Sisal
Granulated Sugar
per pound
Lima Beans
per pound
Capital Stock Food
50c package now
Harris' Sale List
Tot A I .1ilO,557.84
Statu of I'knnhyi.vania, Im
County ur Vv i.tun , f
I, Merrill W. Nuee, Cushler of the above
named bunk, do solemnly swear thut the above
ntulemeiit Is true to the best of my kaoAledire
und belief.
Correct Attest:
Jno. P. Sipkh,
S. W. Kihk,
Pu. J. W. MusMKlt,
liKO. A. 11a iiiiih,
D, W.Ukkhh.
Rice, Whole Grain,
4 lbs. for
Lancaster Gingham
Lawn Mowers,
16 inch cut,
Fish 100 pounds,
Quality Guaranteed
8c. yd.
3-foot Field Fence,
Alkaline Phosphate,
19c. rd,
$15.00 ton,
Chas. Huston & Bro.
Mrs. A. F. Little's
We have just received a lot
of New Goods this week.
and untrimmed millinery for Women, Misses
and children style, variety, quality becoming
effects, and excellent values.
Never more stunning style or better assortment of
beautiful and becoming hats, than we are showing this
season. No matter what kind of hat you require, we
have it here; and,when you get it, you will find it will
cost you less than at any other store. Come and see for
yourself just what an extensive assortment we have for
your selection. Also shirt waists, coat suits, skirts, pet
ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars,
jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any one
can afford to buy. Come and see goods whether you
want to buy or not.
281) acre farm, four miles North of
McCcmnelishurg, Pa., fine buildings,
100 acres flno oak and pine tlmbar,
running water through farm, and at
door, good orchard, line stock farm.
Trice, U,,r)()0.
125 acre farm In Todd township,
nearly new buildings, good water und
fiuit, farm in good condition. 2.')0
acres young timber land adjoining
goes with farm. ' Price, fc2,500.
100 acres cleared and 50 timber, lime
stone farm, Ayr township, well water-
I ed, good buildings, &c , In heart of
uove. Price, 10,000.
125 acres, Todd township, nearly
new buildings, within three miles of
County seat, within ono mile of lime
stone quarry, fruit, and farm in good
condition. Price, $2,200.
130 acres slate land, Todd township,
two miles from liincstono quarry ex
cellent buildings. On this tract there
Is about 00 acres excellent timber,
within four miles of County seat, and
In sight of school and church, right
along public road. Price, $1,800.
The Harvey Wlshart farm 2.'I0 acres,
about 100 of which Is good timber near
Wells Tannery, rod shale land, nearly
all In grass, fine large buildings, well
watered, near good markets, this farm
lies well. Price, $10,000.
200 acre farm along Stato Koadnear
Burnt Cabins, Pa., good buildings,
water at barn and house, about 100
acres of good timber, limestone quar
ry on farm, along public road, near
school and church. Price, 3,000.
l.'W acres, Taylor township, about
100 cleared, 30 of which is good mead
ow land, well watered, red shale, near
limestone, within 3 miles of Huston-
town and nine miles from railroad.
Price, $2,200.
250 acres, 100 of which is good tim
ber. Thompson township, within five
miles of Hancock, Md., farm nearly
level, well watered, red shale, tairly
good buildings, inquire for price,
75 acres, Taylor township, about 20
acres good timber, good buildings,
fruit, red shale, good location, about
nine miles from railroad.
' Price, fcl.200.
100 acres Wells township, Bear
Wells Tannery, Pa., laud lies well,
fair buildings, near church and school
and good markets. Price, $1,200,
100 acres 70 cleared and 30 young
timber, within three miles of Three
Springs, Pu., fair buildings, near
limestone und market, fruit and well
watered. Price. SS00,
150 acre farm P.olfast township, lies
wall. There is fine timber on this
tract more than enough to pay for
the whole truct, near P. O. und store.
38 acres, Todd township, 15 cleared,
balance good timler, good buildings,
mountain water, 100 fruit trees, 50 of
which are bearing. Within ono mile
of church, school and store, five miles
from County seat. Price, $750.
Ho acres, 2 miles from Hustontown,
Taylor township, red shalo land, good
buildings, water, aud 5o acres good
timber. ' Trice, $15oo.
05 acres, Licking Creek township,
Fulton County, Pu., neurly new build
ings, somo timber, near school, 8oo
apple trees 5 years old and in fine
shape. Trice, $12oo.oo.
looo acres best fruit land 3 miles
from Hancock, Md., on this tract is a
large amount of good timber.
Spring and Summer Millinery
Sulnerlbed and sworn to before me thin l-lh
duy or ,fum;, lull.
Notury I'ubllo,
This Season's Styles are very much more sensible than for a
number of years, and the most fashionable designs have lost
nothing In charm or popularity, because of their conservatism.
Daintiness is the Keynote,
The hats r.ome in every color of the Spring evry graceful shapo
every smart stylo. They are moro than stylish, for they are
beautiful as well. Our hats have a certain
Charm and Individuality
about them that you only find In a llrst-class, up-to-date Milli
nery Store. Our prices, you will find right. You are cordially
Invited to call and see our goods, and become one of our many
350 acres, Helfast township, Kn
cleared,'' balance timber (resrveil), ir.,i
shale, good buildings, and a line lot
of choice fruit. Land lies well, t-aa
all' be worked with machinery, sprig..
water, and water in fields.
Price, f I.Joo,
100 acres near Laldlg, P. (),, rwi
shale, good buildings; in sight 0
school aud T. O., along public roml,
Price, iJU.5w.
130 acre farm In Licking Creek town
ship, two miles from P. O. and stme,
near school, about 50 acres is line
bottom land, red shalo and in fertile
condition, fair buildinge, stream rnnj
through farm, 100 acres young tiinb(,r
adjoining goes with farm.
Price, $1,2(0,
150 acre farm, good buildings, about
40 good timber, near Harrlsonvllle p,
O., some bottom land, situate aliQj
public road, one milo from Pike.
Price, 1,.VKI,
2!)0 acres Helfast township, 00 clour,
ed and under cultivation, balance ,v
collent timber, ready for market, wiUi
in 12 miles from Hancock, Md., fair
buildings and well watered.
Very cheap at $v0n,
30 acres slate land, good houi,
stable, &o , aud store building wj
Post Olllce, good country trade, x,,i
roads to market, a line opportunity tij
make money and a nice pluce to live.
Cood Mill property, roller proem,
burrs, shingle mill, cider mill, lii,e
water power, concrete forebay, Ac,
about 10 acres of .land, house, ie,
a good opportunity,
00 acres, Licking Creek towtisliii,
about 25 cleared, good house and hit
barn, 35 good timber, oak and pint'.
Price, i1-"!),
Good .hotel property, doinganue
business, well located, stables, Ac,
10 properties in the Horoutjh in J
Extension of McConnellsburg, IV,
some double houses.
Prices from fSOO to $l,Hi.
Have many other properties in Ful
ton, Franklin, aud Cumberland Cuua
lies. Ki.'l acres, Union township, (I.atT.r
ty Property) near Lashley, '(md
buildings, lot of good timber on ih'u
plaeo, nine miles from Hancock, Mil,,
good markets, inquire for price ,ud
Fine building lots in the Homnjjliof
MuConnellsliirg, Pa., good locntluii,
and good investments.
Over 5000 acres of tho best limber
land in County, mostly white pine ail
white oak, tracts from 100 lo HJ
acres. '
Loans secured for purchasers, ni l
reasonable terms on all proper: ie.
House and lot Knobsville, Pa; a I
necessary outbuildings 25 fruit trc J
seven years old, good water,
Price $
Good property New Grenada, !'
excellent limine, stable, shops, will
equipped saw mill and machinery of
all kinds, ten acres ground. A good
opportunity for tho right man.
loo acres cleared, 25 timber, Ayr
township, Fulton County, Pa. Cwd
house, new bank barn, good water anil
fruit. Price, f.iono.oo.
Prothonotary & Recorder's Office,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Advertising Real Estate.
Do you want to buy or soil a homo, a farm or a business
place? If so, my business la to help you. I havo a good as
sortment located In every township In Fulton County. Nino
hundred 10 and 20 aero tracts of Florida land. Full
description of the best bargains Is givjn in booklet form.
If you want to buy, write for,one. Since I have been adver
tising the booklets through thirty-six leading newspapers
throughout the country, hundreds of people from nearly
every state In the Union have gotten them and are getting in
terested in Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and Jinnies. If
you want to buy, now Is the time, before the weather is fit for
strangers to come and get tho bargains. I have no money to
loan, but have arrangements to got you money at a low rate
of interest, to purchase with. There Is no scheming
In this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let
you know whejo you can buy direct from tho owner. My in
terest is only a small commission to pay expenses.
If you want to sell a property, there is a person some
where who will pay you a good price for it, and there is no
better way to find that party than advertising as 1 do,
throughout the country. I charge nothing unless it is sold,
then only a small commission and do not take option on it,
but leave you free to sell at any timo and get the highest pos
sible price It may bring.
I will bo in home olllce only on Monday and Tuesday of
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Ksiivte of Peter (lulllurd, Sr., lute or Wells
tuwr.sliip. ilceeused. ,
Notice Is hereby Klven, Hint Letter of Ad
ministration upon the ithove estate lmve been
irrunted to Hie undei-xlKued. All pemons huv
ItiK olitlum oKuliiNt said extute will present
them properly iiutlientlouted for settlement,
and Hioko owInK the sumo will please call uud
Mil? 4. 1011. Ot. Administrator.
Subscribe lor the "News;1
only $1.00 a year.
Succeed when everything else f
In nervous prostration und em
weaknesses they are the
remedy, as thousands have tcsim
It is the best medicine ever 'u
over a druggist s counter