The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 08, 1911, Image 8

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    Rend Elusive Isabel,
Mrs. Clarrnec Mollott and sis
tr Miss Clara Laiditf. and broth
er Hoy, spent lust Friday in Mc
Oonnellsburff, shopping.
Mrs. David Stevens and son
Charles, and Nellie Cridcr, near
Big Cove Tannery, were in town
Three Springs, Penn'a
S?SXd Z A store has its character just as men have. The sensationalist and fakir are looked upon with sus-
Nkws oflice
Mrs. W. &;ott Alexander and
daughter Miss Maria Dickson
Alexander, and Miss Minnie
Dickson, snout last Thursday,
Friday and Saturday m a little
trip to the State capital.
Oscar Cromwell, of Clear Ridge
came down to McConnellsburg
last Wednesday, stayed all night
in the homo of his brother Roy,
went to llarrisburg Thursday
and returned home Friday
Whooping cough is not danger
ous when the cough is kept loose
and expectoration easy by giving
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
It has been used in many epidem
ip.s of this disease with success.
For sale by all dealers.
The Kansas State Agricultural
College has established a school
for girl farmers. Up to date 52
of the fairest daughters of the
state are at the famous Manhat
tan school learning the art of feed
ing swine and pushing a plow
And more students are assured
next year. They are learning
fast too. They have proved they
can farm just as well as the men.
At a snecial meeting of the
Waynesboro borough council held
last Thursday evening it was de
cided that in the future the offi
cers of that town would be in
structed to follow up and Invest!
gate all crimes, at the expense of
the borough, until the criminal is
safe in jail or prosecuted. Our
own Town Council might get a
pointer from Waynesboro.
The woman of today who has
good health, good temper, good
sense, bright eyes and a lovely
complexion, the result of correct
living and good digestion, wins
tha admiration of the world. If
your digestion is faulty Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will correct it. For sale
by all dealers.
Wm. E. Ott wishes through the
columns of the .N i:vs to thank
his many friends who so kindly
remembered him on his ICth
birthday by sending him ninety
beautiful post cards from the
following places: Garrett, Ind.,
Rodondo Beach, CaL; Brockton,
Mass.; Linartc, 111.; I'hiladolphia,
Waterside, Chambcrsburg, Fort
LoudoD, Kearney, Dublin Mills,
Big Cove Tannery, Cito Fayetto
villo, McConnellsburg.
Christian Rissor, aged 5 years,
a Lancaster county farmer was
almost instantly killed in adriv
ing accident at Manheim. When
Risser drove into Manheim he en
countered a parade being held in
celebration of the opening of the
baseball season. LIis horse scar
ed and dashed among the crowd
. . , ...ti At ui:. ,i , -I o -l The ctnrP IS eVI-
ijiuiuii. uuMiiuaa, uuuii uuoiucao uuoo, - .
........ I I ' I A nrnrvrocCIUO
dence of the success of up-to-date twentietn century mercnanui&uifcj. j,,..-
store, constantly forging ahead; and in spite of big claims, loud advertising, ana asser
tion of others, proving, demonstrating daily that values, such as offered here are not
found elsewhere. Here are facts! Here are figures! Draw your own conclusions!
Our Spring and Summer Stock of fine Clothes are now
at their best. We give you what v;e think the best tne
world affords. The demand on us for good clothes has
never been so pressed. Preparations ' made for this
season far surpass anything we have ever shown in
greatness of stocks, in variety ot styles, anu in assort
ment of fashions. Come and see our line before you
Shirt Waists
A Charming Display, the most bewitching styles we
hnvp pvrr exhibited. Come and see them, including
you will find a most bewildering assortment of White
Jap Silk Waists, Waists of Y hite Lawn, Linen, urgan-
dies, Swiss, and Batistes at most reasonable price.
Prices ranging from 5Uc to jsj.uu.
Farming Implements
Wagons and Buggies.
5 tooth Cultivators
Single Shovel Plows,
Double Shovel Plows,
Triple Shovel Plows,
50 and GO Tooth Spike Harrows,
Grain Drills, -
Seated Top Wagons, -
Buggies, ...
$9.50 and up
$ 15.00 and up
Binders, Mowers and Rakes
Remember we buy a car load each season and are able
to name you very low figures. Call and get our prices.
Buggy and Team Harness, Bridles, Halters, Fly Nets,
Ear Nets, Whips, Etc., Etc.
One Word About Binder Twine
Our price is 8c lb., and should the price before season
is over be lower, wc will refund the difference to yu
and be glad to do it. So you run no risk in buying from
us.' We guarantee price to be as low as any body, and
give you the Pure Deering or Rl,cCormick Sisal.
200 Tons.
We have contracted for 200 tons of I. P. Thomas &
Son's, and Millers Fertilizers for this fall. Now do not
forget that we will guarantee price on any grade of
goods, and will meet any price on same. And will take
drain of any kind in payment of same; so, don't buy
until you hear from us.
Notice Prices
Granulated Sugar,
Lima Beans
Whole Grain Rice,
Loose Coffee worth 25c
Fish, white or herring,
All Scrap Tobaccos,
Five Brothers, -
- 5c lb
7c lb
4 lbs for 25c
20c lb
$5.00 per 100 lbs
. 6p'k'gfor25c
8c p'k'g
Binder Twines,
Pure Corn Chop,
Pure Corn and Oats,
Pure Rye Chop,
Hay Forks,
8c lb
$1.50 per cwt
$1.60 per cwt
$1.70 per cwt
$1.00 and up
Anything and Everything
Cream Separators, Furniture, Linloeums, Carpets, Mat
tings, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Etc., Etc.
Thanking you for past favors and solicit
ing a coutinuous of same, we are
Yours for business, , , .
Three. Springs, Penn'a.
The Laurel Ridge Christian
Church will bo dedicated on Sun
day, June the 11, 1911, and notice
is hereby given that no intoxicat
ing drinks and no intoxicated
person will bo allowed on the
ground. Committee.
Tulcs Wanted.
The Union Telephone Company
wants about 100 chestnut poles
delivered at McConnellsburg;
must bo eight inches at top,
i peeled, sound and reasonably
lie landed on his bet, but the straight, So fee long and of the
. . I I I I HULL C U b. OUUILU Uiua
jar was so great uis necK orouen. - .
. . . . I LUIS UlUtUi - w.
Mr. A. v. I' udk, aiower inomp
son township farmer, was in town . c,.ccn For cal.
lnni TUimoInn -. Knoinaaa anil I
laab i. Liu I sua y vu uuoiuuoj .
i na,..:ih iuw uuueisisucu '"'uluO
thn editor and incidentally to Anon uu wwu.a,.Tu8 T ,
It) ehnn nnrl U hm to nT Crnnfl
lUlVUUUU Ilia Buuaiiiiniuu iwwro - , , ... .
vr ..L. !l StOCK, O yOUQg SOWS BilUUUl miiui
u i i has G nice pigs the oldest litter
sists of himself and two sons, uy', " of) , ,
. . it be ng live weoks old the 22nd of
the younger of which is sixteen ")lu u "cu .
J . m, ,i a Mav. For further information
J VJtl 1 a b. "o'J. n
hnusekeenor. and a young or
call on or address
middle aired woman the latter
Trpfnrred. who Will 0 and take
charge of the work, may have
three dollars a week. Apply
sonn. or write to A. V. bunk,
Hancock, Md., R. D. No. 2, Uox i.
Geo. A. Winters,
Plum Run, Pa.
I ii II V v I El 1-
Post Card Shower.
Miss Elsie Wagner, of Knobs
ville wishes through the columns
of the News to thank her friends
who so kindly remembered her
on her birthday on the 29th of
May, by sending her 1G5 beauti
ful post cards, they came from
North Dakota. Michigan. Indi-
Ilhnois, Ohio; McKeesport,
UarriHourg, Newville, Biglers
ville, Altonwald, llagerstown,
ChamberBburg.Guilford Springs,
Mercersburg, McConnellsburg,
Cito, Dane, llustontown, Decor
um, Neelyton, Apoiio, Aiioona,
and Knobsvitle.
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baklna powtlor
nrndo from Royal Crapo
Cream of Tartar
Don't teach your children that
it is a shame to wear worn and
patched clothes if you are not
able to afford better, but that it is
no honor to wear new ones that
are not paid for. A poet said,
"Remember, that rags may cov
pr a bnr. who will some day be
the great world's joy."
ltend KliiNlvo Ituibvl.
We had a much needed rain
Saturday evening.
Those who visited William II.
Wink's Sunday were: Mrs. Philip
Iann and threo children Mary,
Oarl, and Emmer; and Fred Mel-
Mrs. Maria Palmer and Esta
and Katharine Hart started Sun
day on a visit to see Mrs. Pal
mer's brother Dennis Morgret.
Quite a number of our people
attended memorial services at
Charles Gordcn has improved
tho looks of bis house by a a new
coat of paint.
Harvey Synder and sisters are
getting their house repainted.
Nathan Mellott and wife passed
through here last Saturday on
their way to Hancock .to visit
their daughter Mrs. Joseph Per-
TheNeedmore Union Sunday
school'will hold Children's ser
vines at the 'school house June
18th. Everybody invited.
Wins Fight For Life.
It was a long and bloody battlo
for life that was waged by James
B. Mershon, of Newark, N. J., o
which he writes: "I had lost
much blood from lung hemor
rhages, and was very weak and
rundown. For eight months I
was unable to work. Death
seemed close on my heels, when
1 began, three weeks ago, to use
Dr. Kind's New Discovery. But
it has helped me . greatly. It is
doing all that you claim." For
weak, sore lungs, obstinate
coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse
ness, la grippe, asthma, hay fever
or any throat or lung trouble it's
supreme. 50c & $1.00. Trial
bottlo free. Guaranteed by
Trout's Drug Store.
There will' bo an auction of
store goods at Nevin S. Strait's
beginning at 2 o'clock sharp on
the aftornoon of Saturday, June
lOtn. There will also be a picnic
and danco during the evening.
Harris' Sale Lis!
Mrs. A. F. Little's
We have just received a lot
of New Goods this week.
and untrimmed millinery for Women, Misses
and children style, variety, quality becoming
effects, and excellent values.
Never more stunning style or better assortment of
beautiful and becoming hats, than we are showing this
season. No matter what kind of hat you require, vye
have it here; and when you get it, you will find it will
cost you less than at any other store. Come and see for
yourself just what an extensive assortment we have for
your selection. Also shirt waists, coat suits, skirts, pet
ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars,
jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any one
can alTord to buy. Come and see goods whether you
want to buy or not.
281) note farm, four miles North of
McConnollnburjf, I'a., fine buildings,,
10U acres fine oak and pine timber,
running water through farm, and at
door, good orchard, line stock farm.
Price, $11,500.
125 acre farm In Todd township,
nonrly new buildings, good wuter and
fruit, farm in pood condition. 250
acres young timbor land adjoining
goes with farm. Price, $2,500.
100 acres cleared and 50 timbor, lime
stone farm, Ayr township, well water
ed, good buildings, &c , in heart of
Cove. Price, 10,000.
125 acres, Todd township, nearly
new buildings, within three miles of
County seat, within ono mile of lime
stone quarry, fruit, and farm in good
condition. Price, $2,200,
130 acres slate land, Todd township,
two miles from limestone quarry cx
cellent buildings. On this tract there
is about 00 acres excellent timber,
within four miles of County seat, and
in sight of school and church, right
along public road. Trice, $1,800,
The Harvey Wishart farm 230 acres,
about 103 of which is good tlmler near
Wells Tannery, rod shale land, nearly
all in grass, lino largo buildings, well
watered, near good markets, this farm
lies well. Price, $10,000,
200 acre farm along State 1 load near
Burnt Cabins, Pa., good buildings,
water at barn and houso, about 100
acres of good timber, limestone quar
ry on farm, along public road, near
bchool and church. Price, 3,000
130 acres, Taylor township, about
100 cleared, 30 of which is good mead
ow land, well watered, red shale, near
limestone, within 3 miles of Huston'
town and Dine miles from ruilroad.
Price, $2,200,
250 acres, 100 of which is good tun
ber, Thompson township, within five
miles of Hancock, Md., farm nearly
level, well watered, red shalo, lairly
good buildings, inquire for price,
75 acres, Taylor township, about 20
acros good timber, good buildings
fruit, red shale, good location, about
nine miles from railroad.
Price, 1.200,
100 acres Wells township, uea
Wells Tannery, Pa., laud lies well
fair buildings, near church and school
and good markets. Prlco, $l,2t)0,
100 acres i0 cleared ana JO young
timber, within three miles of Thrc
Springs, I'a., fair buildings, nca
limestone and market, fruit and well
watered. Price. $800,
150 acre farm Delfast township, lie's
wull. There is fine timber on thl
tract moro than enough to pay for
the whole tract, near P. O. and store,
38 acres, Todd township, 15 cleared
balance good timler, good buildings
mountain water, 100 fruit trees, 50 of
which are bearing. Within ono mile
of church, school and store, five miles
from County seat. - Price, $750
1 4o acres, 2 miles from llustontown
Taylor township, red shalo land, good
buildings, water, and 5o acres good
timber. Price, fl5oo
05 acres, Licking Creek township,
Fulton County, Pa., nearly new build
ings, some timber, near school, 8oo
applo trees 5 years old and in line
shape. Price, $I2oo.oo.
looo acres best fruit land 3 miles
from Hancock, Md., on this tract is a
large amount of good timber.
350 acres, Belfast township, oi
cleared, balance timber (rcsrved), rrl
shale, good buildings, and a line (,t
f choice fruit. Land lies well, run
H be worked with machinery, vu, t
ater, and wator in fields.
Prlco, f 1,.V.-).
100 acres near Laidig, P. U.,((i
shale, good buildings; in sight of
school and P. O., ulong public roml,
Price, 1, ';().
130 acre farm In Licking Creek town
ship, two miles from P. O. and .stoic,
near school, ubout 50 acres U line
bottom land, red shale and In fertile
condition, fair build Inge, stream run
through farm, 100 acres young timlx-r
adjoining goes with farm.
Price, $1,200,
150 acre farm, good buildings, uhout
40 good timber, near Ilarrlsonvillu p,
0.f soirio bottom land, situate iiliu
public road, ono mile from riko.
200 acres IJelfust township, 00 clear
ed and under cultivation, balamu i .
cellent timber, ready for market, with
in 12 miles from Hancock, Md., fair
buildings and well watered.
Very cheap at $-.
30 acres slate land, good iou,.,
stable, Ace , and store building aid
Post Olllce, good country trade, gt,t.i
roads to market, a fine opportunity to
make money and a nice pluco to live.
Price, t'M,
Good Mill property, roller prow,,
burrs, shiDgle mill, cider mill, Ut
wator power, concrete forebay, Ac,
about 10 acres of land, house, Ay,
a good opportunity.
(10 acres, Licking Creek township,
about 25 cleared, good houso ami fair
barn, 35 good timber, oak and pine.
Price, $H
Good hotel property, doing a ni't
business, woll located, stables, Ac.
10 properties in tho Porouli n:,i!
Extension of McConnollshurg, IV.I
some double houses.
Prices from $800 to t,
Have many other properties in
ton, I'rauklin, and Cumberland C'uU'
103 acres, Union township, (I.aff.r
ty Property) near Lash Icy, gonj
buildings, lot of good timber on w,:i
place, nine miles from Hum iu 'k, Mii.,
good markets, inquire for i iit auil
Pino building lot In the IJi irfic'h "f
McConnellsLurg, I'a., good lura'.io
and good investments.
Over 5000 acres f tho best timln
land in County, mostly white pine ail
whlto oak. tracts from 100 to 1"
Loans secured for mirchaseis. t.i
reasonable terms on all properties.
Houso and lot Knobsville. !.: i-
necessarv outbuildings 2 fruit trti
seven years old, good wuter,
Good property New Grenmla, Vu
excellent houso, stable, simps, "
equipped saw mill and maelihiwvol
all kinds, ten acres ground. Ap
opportunity for the right man.
loo acres cleared, 25 timber, Aj'
township, Fulton County, I'a. Cwl
houso, new bunk barn, good water it
fruit. Price, f iuuo.oft
Prothonotary & Recorder's Office,
' McConnellsburg, Pa.
Spring and Summer Millinery
This Season's Styles are very much more sensible than for a
number of years, and the most fashionable designs have lost
nothing in charm or popularity, becauso of their conservatism.
Daintiness is the Keynote
Advertising Real Estate,
Do you want to buy or sell a homo, a farm or a business
place? If so, my business is to help you. I havo a gooi! as
sortment locuted in every township in Pulton County. Nine
hundred 10 and 20. acre tracts of Florida land.
description of the best bargains is given in booklet for"'
If you want to buy, write forgone. Since I have been adver
tising the booklets through thirty-six leading newspapers
throughout the country, hundreds of people from nearly,
every state in the Union have gotten them and are getting in'
torested in Fulton County Fruit Lunds, farms and homes. If
you want to buy, now is the time, before the weather is lit fur
strangers to come and get the bargains. I have no money to
loan, but havo arrangements to get you money at a low rate
of interest, to purchase with. There is no sclieniinU
in this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just 'ct
you know where you can buy direct from the owner. My 'u'
terest Is only a small commission to pay expenses.
If you want to sell a property, there is a person some
where who will puy you a good price for it, und there is 'l0
better way to find that party than advertising as I
throughout the country. I charge nothing unless it is suli'i
then only a small commission and do not take option on A
but leave you free to sell at any tlmo and get the highest pus
Bible price it may bring.
I will be in home Otllce only on Monday and Tuesday o'
each week.'
McConnellsburg, Pa.
The hats come in every color of the Spring-evry graceful shape
-every smart style. They are more than stylish, for they are
beautiful as well. Our haos have a certain
Charm and Individuality
about thorn that you only find in a first-class, up-to-date Milli
nery Store. Our prices, you will find right. You are cordially
Invited to call and see our goods, and become one of our many
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Peter Oullliiril, Sr., lute of Wells
township, deceased.
Nnilnp Islieretiv ulveu. that betters of Ad
ministration upon the above estate have beeo
nininil in the undersigned. All persons huv-
Iuk clulms utfulnst ald cstute will present
lliem properly nulheutloiiU-d for seuieineni,
and those owlntf the Hume will pleuse cull nnd
Mity 4. 1011, 0t. AUmmixiriHor.
Subscribe tor the "News;1
only 11.00 a year.
Succeed when everything 'SL
..oiinn no - .,
in ncrvuua
prostration itf
they ate
remedy, as thousands n . jjp
It is the best