The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 25, 1911, Image 7

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The Racket Store will bo closed
all day Decoration Day, May 80th
Grover (J. t'eck has typhoid
fever at his home near KnobsviUe,
J. Cal Comerer, of Thompson
township, was m town on Alon
Joseph Edwards of Huston
town was a town visitor on Sat
George Morton of Pleasant
Ridge was seen on our streets on
Special blend Coffee, 20c lb.
Good 3jc Broom; now, 23 cents
at Goldsmith's
. iNeaci, or uiear uiuge
was among the visitors to town
on Thursday last.
Magsam Brothers, Eastof town
have a nine week's old calf that
weighs 205 pounds.
William Brubrker of Dublin
Mills was a business visitor on
Monday in our town.
Miss Mary Keysor, of this
place is visiting relatives and
friends In Chambersburg.
Harvey Suders, of Chambers
burg spent from Saturday until
Mouday with friends here.
Leonard Bivens of Webster
Mills was transacting business
in the County Seat on Thursday.
Ex-County Commissioner Sam
uel D. Mellott and son Alfred of
Belfast township were in town
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott, of
Franklin county, are visiting
among their Fulton county rela
tives and friends.
The festival at Knobsville has
been postponed to June 3d on
account ot the show being there
next Saturday.
Don't miss the beginning,
"Elusive Isabel ' will start next
week. See last column on third
page of this paper.
Pearl Drop Peas, good Crushed
Corn, No 1 Sweet Potatoes, Clo
ver Brand Tomatoes all 10c the
can At Goldsmith's
iMiss iMary uaumgardner is
visiting her grandmother Mrs
Emaline Daniels and attended the
Sunday school convention
Kenneth Glazier, son of Conrad
Glazier, of Ayr township, is suf
fenng with a very sore fiugcr the
result of blood tumor.
There will be Children's ser
vices at t'leasant Grove church
on the second Sunday, of June,
the 11th. Everybody invited.
An ice cream festival will be
held at Fairview M. E. church
next Saturday evening, May 27th
Proceeds for church. All invited.
David Gress, mason, has almost
finished placing the concrete in
the new house of F. M. Taylor, on
East Water Street
Editor Kirk of the Democrat is
spending some time on his farm
iu Taylor township. Mr. Kirk
lias not been well for some time.
W. Grant Wink, one of Taylor
township's successful school
teachers was a business visitor
to McConnellsburg last Satur
day. . Mrs. M. W. Nace, and little
daughter Mary Logan returned
to their home on Saturday after
spending ten days in Chambers
Horace J. Clevenger, son of
Martin L. Clevenger of Fayette
vjllo, Pa., is sponding this week
visiting among his Fulton county
Robert Kaufman, ofOrrstown,
spent the time from Thursday
util Saturday in the home of his
niece Mrs. Daniel Fix and family
f this place.
Mrs George II Knotts and
children Harry and Kathryne, ot
Altoona, are visiting Mrs Knott's
Parents John Ott and wife in
Todd township
Jacob Comerer and family and
Varies U. Eitomillor and family,
"f Mercorsburg, attended the
nneral of their aunt, Mrs. J. S.
Eitomillor, Tuesday.
Win. Deavor, wife and little
fighter Hazel, of Taylor, spent
ast Sunday very pleasantly in
Jue home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Sevens at McKinley ville.
Tannery Lutheran Church:
Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Di
no worship at 2:30 p. m., at
h'ch time the pastor will preach
-iumorial sermon to the Civil
tvar vpt.or0n
8'tinabody in the front of
" church. The theme will be,
"hat Depends upou the Commander?"
Mrs. HarVeyllichardsaod Miss
Bessie Ueinbaugh both of Ayr
township, were in town shopping
lastFiiday, and were pleasant
callers at this otlico.
There will be the annual Chil
dren's Day services at the Green
hill M. E Church Sunday evening
June 4, at 7:30 o'clock, to which
every body is cordially invited.
Sick headache results from a
disoidered condition of the stom
ach, aud can bo cured by the use
of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale
by all dealers.
Rev. A. G. B. Powers, of Need-
more, failed to meet his cougre
gations at Laurel Ridge and An
liochlast Sunday on account o
assisting at the funeral of Rev
Joseph Barney.
J. M. Howell, a popular drug
gist of Greensburg, Ky., rays.
We use Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy m our owu household
and know it is excellent." For
sale by all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Schropp,
of Lebanon, Pa., were here at
tending the funeral of Mrs. J. S
Eitemillor. Their son Arthur Is
married to Kathryn, daughter, of
S. Eitemillor.
HIDES. James Sipes & Soni
pay uio nignest market price
for beef hides at Pieir butcher
shop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price' paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
Mr. I. Dwight Thompson, of
the State Health Department,
located at Philadelphia, spent a
few days in town on the account
of the illness of his mother, Mrs.
M. A, Thompson.
row is tho time to get rid of
your rheumatism, iou will find
Chamberlain's Liniment .wonder
fully etTectivo. One application
will convince you of its merits
Try it. For sale by all dealers
iMusive isauoi ' is tne title o."
a fascinating story that will run
through several issues of the
ultox County Niows, begin
ning with next week. See the
ast column on the third page of
this paper.
Norman Mellott, of Saluvia, has
purchased a big Merry go round
outttt, and will be at Wells Tan
aery next week. It has sixteen
horses and four sleighs, a big
motor organ, and tho whole thing
is run by a gasoline engine.
Miss Letitia Peck whohas been
teaching very successfully in
New Jersey daring tho last three
or four years, is spendiug her
summer vacation in the home of
her parents, Denton Peck and
wife in Thompson township.
Allen Cutshall and wife, Rush
Cutshall and wife, and Charley
iotz, Jr. all of Three Springs,
spent Sunday in the home of their
brother Aley Cutshall and family
of Selea. They came in Allan's
big 40 horse power Overland auto.
Dr. 1. S. Garthwaite paid his
former friend's here a Hying visit
for a few days 'last week. The
Doctor is a resident of the state
of New Mexico, and we are happy
to say pleads guilty to having
struck "pay dirt" with tho Span
ish Americans.
Last Saturday Real Estate
Agent Frank Mason sold Calvin
Deneon'a farm in Union town
ship, to J. T. Buzza near Pitts
burg. Mr. Buzza will move onto
tho farm within a month from
this time. The Nathan Hill mill
property was sold to Ray Broth
Mrs Cook's fhceral Saturday
morning atnitio o'clock
Mr. and Mrs. James W, Porter
of Wellington, Kan., and tlioir
son iu law and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs. B. L. ShilYloy, of
Wyanoka, Okla., are visiting
amoug relatives and friends here
this week. Mr. Porter is a won
of tho late Hon. Jore W. Porter,
who many years ago, owned the
Frank Mason farm. This is the
first visit James and his wife
have tnado to McCunnellsburg
for twenty-one years, and noto
many improvements and changes
iu tho old Burg since they left.
Mrs. Lydia Aller wishes
through the Fulton County
Nkws to thank tho kind friends
that sent her little daughter
essie thirty-seven beautiful post
cards on her 'fifth birthday.
hey bore the post marks from
Dane, McConnellsburg, Knobs-
Hie, hnid, Three Springs and
ort Liittieton.
McConnellsburg St. Paul: Sun
day May 28. Sunday school 9:15
m. There will be no church
service in the church Sunday, as
the congregation will unite with
the other churches of the town
in a memorial meeting in honor
of the Civil War veterans. The
service will be held in the School
louse Auditorium at 10:30 a. m.
hen the pastor will preach on
tho theme, "What Depends upon
le Commander?" Y. P. S. C. E.
at 0:30 p. m.
Do Gliosis Haunt Swamps?
No, Never. It's foolish to fear
a fancied evil, when there are real
and deadly perils to guard against
in swamps aud marshes, bayous,
and lowlands. These are the
malaria gorms that cause ague,
chills aud fever, weakness, aches
in the bones and muscles and
may induce deadly typhoid. But
Electric Bitters destroys and
casts out vicious germs
from tho blood. "Three bottles
drove all the malaria from my
systom," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of
Lucama, N. C, "and I've had fine
health ever siueo." Usotlns safe,
sure remedy ouly. 50c at Trout's
drug store.
C. M. McLaughlin of lluston
town, was among tho visitors to
town on Saturday.
P. Pnndtflota Porrle P.
ym vuuuiuuiv, vtuuo
Seriously Injured.
Charles Heiges, husband of
Mamie Clevonger, formerly of
this place, was seriously, if not
fatally injured in York, Pa, Mon
day Mr Heiges is a contractor
and builder, and on Monday
afternoon was standing near a
big hotel in course of erection
when he was struck by a falling
brick At last accounts ho was
in a very critical condition
For l'rotlionotary, &c,
I hereby annouueo niysolf as a can
didate (or the Di:moci.tic nomination
for the Otlh'o of rrothonntary, Ac,
subject to tho next September prima
ries. I also pledj;o myself to support
the ticket then nominuted.
For l'rotlionotary. &c,
Taylor Township.
Sulijoet to tho decision of the )i:.lo.
I'KATKJ voters at the primary, the lut
Saturday in September, between tho
hours of 2 and x p. m. Your support
and inlliieueo respectfully solicited.
Pledges support to ticket nominated.
For County Comimssioiit.r,
Taylor Township.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Kkitiimcan nomina
tion for tho olliee of County Commis
sioner, subject to the next Septembe
primaries, and pledge my support to
the ticket then nominated.
For County Commissioner,
I.ickinu Creek Twp
1 hereby announce myself as a can
didato for tho Kkitiimcan nomina
tion for tho olliee of County Commis
sioner subject to tho next September
riinary. Your support and inlluence
especially solicited.
KoilKUT li. Han.v,
Saluvia, Pa.
For County Commissioner,
Ayr Township
I hereby announce myself as a can
oiciate lor mo kkitiimcan nominu-
ion for tho otlico of County Commis
sioner, subject to tho next September
primaries, and pledge "y support to
the ticket then nominuted.
'or County Treasurer,
Wella Township
I hereby announce myself us a can'
iduto for the Dr.MocitA'nc nomina'
tion for County Tukasi'ukh, subject
to the decision of the Pemoeratio vo
ters of Fulton county at tho uniform
u'lmary election to be held on the
last Saturday in September and pledge
myself to tho support of tho ticket
L. L. Cunningham,
Now Grenada, Pa.
For County Commissioner,
F. I). AKF.US,
lirusli Creek township.
The undersigned respectfully un
nouueos himself as u candidate for the
olliee of County Commissioner, subject
to the decision of the kkitiimcan vo
ters of Fulton county at the uniform
primaries to he held on the last Sat
urday of September.
E. D. Akicus,
Akersville, Pa.
Executors' Notice.
tisliUu ii f Chrlstliin Miutln, lulu of Ayr
township, l'u., cltxH'UM-d.
Letti-nt tesliiiiientury on the ubove estate
ImvliiK been ttruuteil to the uiiilerslKUi'd, ull
pi-mnm ImlcbU'd to tliu sukl estult) lire re
qiii'Hted to limlio piiyini'iit, unci iIiohB huviut!
cliilliix to present the miiiii1 without deluy.
Mm. l.VUIA M AltTIN,
May IH, II, (It. Kieeutorx.
Pilos stands 1.') bunds high und
weighs about l)0U lbs., black with
good bone and tho biggest and
best breeding Jack thut has ever
stood in this county.
This Jack has recently been pur
chased by William Ilershey from
James Amick of Ohio, und will
muko the season of lull, ut Wm.
Ilorshey's burn 1 mile north of
Hiram postolllce in Taylor town
ship at tho low pries of $10.00 to
insure a living colt. Mures to bo
returned on trial days as directed..
All possible cure will be tuken to
prevent accidents, but the owner
will not be responsible, should
any occur.
Wii.mam Hkksiiky,
Owner and Keeper, lJirum, Pa.
Is a beautiful Hlack Percheron Stal
lion, standing 13 hands, 2 inches high
and weighing iu breeding condition
about Nl'IO pounds. Ho Is symmetrical
ly und solidly built, and presents a I
most handsome appearanco. lie Is
broken to bo a very gentle and willing
worker, and possesses a most tracta
ble uud kindly disposition.
MA-JOll wus fouled on June 28,
l'.lOl. He was sired by Humour
Imported from La Forrlere au Doyler,
department of Orno, France, by M. W.
Dunham of Way no, 111., is still in sor-
vice and conceded to be one of the
best foalers in this country.
MA-JOU, who is regarded as among I
tho best foal-getters and has some of
tho linest colts iu Somerset county, is
now owned ,by I). J. Miller, Dublin
M ills, Pa., and will stand for service
during tho season of lull, us follows:
On Monday and Tuesday of each
week at Jesse Miller's near Dublin
Mills, In Huntingdon Co., Wednesday
and Thursday at the stable of the
owner D. . I. Miller, on the Albuugh
Cutchall farm in Taylor township, and
Friday and Saturday in Wells Valley.
TFKMS. Ten dollurs for colt that
will stand and suck. Half-price if
colt dies. Persons purling with a
uiare before she is known to bo with
foal forfeits the insurance prico.
D. J. MILLKK, Owner.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburj, Pa
All leirrbuiinfK nnd nolloouons entruntcd
will eoelve oaretul tad prompt aueutlon.
Attention, Horsemen!
The stallion known as "Pat" will
stand for service during the season at
the homo of its owner, the undersigned
three fourths of a mile north west of
Dune and one-fourth mile north of
cross roads at llert Brant's place.
"Put" is a dapple gray, coming five
years old, weighs 1I(H pounds, Is
gentle, works anywhere and has good
uction. Is a good driver and well
bred, his sire being a Percheron and
nis aum auunauntn. lorms reason
I). B. Guess, Dane, Pa.
The Black Percheron Stallion,
This horse will make the entire
soasoit of 1!11 at the stable of the
undersigned 1 milo west of IIus
tontown, on the State Road.
This horse was on the stund last
year, and proved to be a sure colt
getter, and some line colts can bo
This horso has been examined,
and found to be freefrom any trans
missible unsoundness.
Certilicute, No. 273, Pennsylva
nia Graded.
Zack McKmianev.
4- 0 mil. Owner and Keener
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, &c. v
Engines on hand all
the time.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect Sept, 25. 1910.
TrulRS leuve Ilunuoek us follows :
No. 6 hAS a. iu. (dully) for Hut'prstown, I
iiuittmore, v uyuesboro.UauiuberaburK
uua vorii.
No. 1 8 no u. m. (week days) Cumberland, and
mteriiieuiutu points
No. 410 OS a. m. (week days) Hultlmoro, (lot-
tysburtf. York and lutenneulute points.
No. S 12.M p m. (week days) Mule Orleans,
Old Town, Cumberland, KlUlim und
west. Vestibule trulu with observation
bullet cur.
No. ISM p. m. (week days) Baltimore and In
termediate NtmlonN. Vestibule truln
- llu observation buffet cur.
No. k s.4fi p. m. (week duys) leaves llaltlmore p. iu., llugerslowu B.UI p. iu.
In our last ad wg maciG mention of our CLOTHING, and wo arc
glad we did, for it brought us a lot of new trade, and it was a re
minder that hurried up our regular customers, and the result is
that we have had the biggest clothing trade this spring we have
ever had in the history of our business. We still have some left
and more coming in.
Our SHOE TRADE has been just as
ood. We had run out of those Ladies'
Dollar Shoes, but we have been lucky
enough to get a lot more ot them.
bee our OXFORDS before you buy
a pair of new shoes.
This week we want to speak to you
about some things that you need right
now. The time is here tor GARDEN
PLOWS. We have them; they are
more complete than ever, and they are
cheaper than ever. Why tramp your
ground with a horse, when you can avoid
it so easily. Price only 2.35.
This is a picture
of the best and
easiest running
made. We have
tried several kinds,
but can't find any
to touch them.
They are self-shar
pening, and we can sell them to you at
$2.50 and $2.65.
$1.90 to $2.25.
We have 2 doz. of those Mattock, Garden, and Field Hoes like we had
last summer at 45c.
Dunn Edge Mowing Scythe. This is -counted the best. 48 cents.
They were 65 last year.
We got our GLASS JARS in early. Get prices before you buy; also '
on Jar-tops and rings. See the jar we sell at 7 cents. It is as big as a
10 cent one. fa
SO-BOSS-SO TZZr-something that will do the work. 75 cents
a gallon.
We have the goods this year to get rid of the tly. If thev bother your
stock, use So-Boss-So. If they bother you in the house, use Continental
Screen Windows and Doors 20 and 25c for windows; 85c to $1.00 for
the doors; and then, for the flies that get in when you open the doors, use
genuine Tangle foot fly paper, 4 double sheets for 5 cents.
Screen Wire is cheaper than last year, 8 to 12 cents a yard.
We have just received 5 dozen more of those 25 CENT BROOMS,
same that you pay 35 cents for elsewhere.
If you wish to PAINT your house or barn, you will do well to talk the
matter over with us. At the high price of oil, you will be surprised how
cheap and good we can do it for you. White lead is only one-quarter of
a cent higher than ever it was. Just measure your house around in teet,
multiply this bv the height, divide bv 600 and vou have the number nt
gallons it will take for one coat.
We have added PLOW POINTS and Bolts to our stock.
Store open from 6 in morning until 9 at night, except Saturday and then 10 at night.
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Geo. W. Reisner A Co.,
are showing the largest and most care
fully selected line of General Merchandise
ever brought to this county: You can'suit
yourself to anything in the way of
A splendid line of White Goods, Mercer
ized Waistings, Lawns, Flaxons Linens, &c.
Never had a larger variety of Ginghams
to select from, and all at bottom prices.
Then don't forget our
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.