The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 25, 1911, Image 10

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    A 0 quart granite pan for 10c.
at Goldsmith's.
The Odd Fellow's reunion will
be held at Pen Mar this year cm
Thursday August 10.
There are fifteen cases of small
pox in l'oudtown, near Chambers
burg. There are also several in
The new Postollie.e buildiug on
Second street is receiving a coat
of paint which greatly improves
its appearance.
. Governor Wilson of New Jersey
will be the principal speaker at
the rally of Democratic clubs
which will be held in llarrisburg
on the loth of June.
Tho total expenditures for the
relief of members, widows and
orphans by the Odd Fellows of
Pennsylvania during the past
year amounted to $1,174,111.89.
The Hunters' license bill, pro
viding for a liccnso of one dollar
for resident hunters was killed
in the Senate. There will bo no
license required for the next two
A government bulletin says
that to get rid of mosquitoes one
should use keroseno. Pretty
good advice, but we have never
been able to catch tho pesky
things in order to apply the
For soreness of tho muscles
whether induced by violent exer
cise or injury, Chamberlain's
Liniment is' excellent. This lini
ment is also highly esteemed for
the relief it affords in cases of
rhou matism. Sold by all dealers.
Miss Carrie F. Charlton, who
had been away on a live weeks
visit among friends in Altoona,
Huntingdon, Warriors Mark,
and other places returned to her
home Dear Maddensville last
week. Of course she had a royal
nice time or she would havo re
turned home sooner.
Mr. D. A. Charlton and son S.
Herbert, of Maddensville, spent
Monday in town, and called at the
Nkws oflice and had the libel
on their copy of the News
changed a year ahead. By the
way, Mr. Charlton has a number
one work horse for sale at a rea
sonable price if sold soon. Good
Miss Blanche O. Feck drove
down to McConnollsburg from
her home at Knobsville last Fri
day afternoon for her brother
Wilbcrt and John Kelso who are
at tending the Summer Normal
here. Miss Blanche says that
her mother who has been an in
valid for some time, docs not
seem to improve in health.
Ts there anything m all this
wjrld that is of more importance
to you than good digestion? Food
must be eaten to sustain life and
must be digested and converted
into blood. When the digestion
fail the whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a ra
tional and reliable cure for mdi
gestion. They increase the flow
of bile, purify the blood,
strengthen the stomach, aud tone
up the whole digestive apparatus
to a natural and healthy action.
For sale by all dealers.
A step of interest to all con
stables in Pennsylvania was taken
at Carlisle last week, when At
torney Maust, acting for Con
stable John D. Shurr, ot Lem
oyne, and firty-eight other Cum
berland county constables filed a
summons in assumpsit to deter
mine whether or not constables
are entitled to the $2.50 per diem
allowance for attending court
given them by the act of April "3,
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
mado from Royal Crapo
Cream of tartar
Memorial Services at Hustontown.
A delegation of old soldiors, J.
0. U..A. M. and P. O. S. of A ,
will decoration the graves of the
deceased veterans in the various
cemeteries of the vicinity and will
meetatthellustontowu cemetery
at 10 o'clock a. m., alter which
the address of welcome will be
delivered in the grove by Supt.
B. C. Latnberson. The forenoon
speeches will bo mado by Revs.
U W. McGarvey and E. Harvey
A free dinner for all will be
served, Tho menu will consist
of bacon, beans, hard tack and
In the af 'ernoon speeches will
be made by E. 11. Kirk, Rev.
Henry Wolf, Clem Chesnut, A.
K. Davis, and the specialty of the
day will be an address by State
P. O. S. of A. lecturer, Prof. E E.
Bach of Uniontown. '
Come out and enjoy a quiet,
peaceful Memorial Day. Not a
celebration, no loud noise, base
ball or other sports, but plenty
of good things suitable to the oc
casion. All organizations, sold
iers and their wives and soldiers'
widows are especially invited.
N. E. "Hoover,
John Woodcock,
11. E. Ciiksnut,
Tho hay in fact crops of all
kinds will bo a failuro this sea
son if it does not soon ram.
Cherries have very near all fallen
Casper Brant, and wife and
Mrs. Win. Stevens and daughter
were callers at F. T. Davis's last
Hiram Laidig and family visit
ed James Foreman last Sunday.
Mrs. James McKee and Mrs.
Allison Sipes took a pleasant
visit Friday of last week.
Ira Lake was a pleasant caller
at B. L. Waguer's Sunday.
James McElhaney and wife,
Grant Anderson, Miss Beatrice
Wagner, Miss Lessie Rowe, and
John F. Johnson called at Har
rison Wagner's last Sunday.
The ball game was a very good
one at Laidig Saturday after
noon. Laidig won.
David Strait and family visited
friends and relatives in the Cove
Saturday and Sunday of last
S. S. Touring Party.
Miss Martha Robison, a State
Field Worker, and one or more
county workers will complete the
tour of Fulton county, June 3rd
to the 8th, holding the following
district conventions:
June3.' Big Cove Tannery.Luth
eran church.
June i. Pleasant Grove, Chris
tian church.
June 5. Jerusalem Christian
June C. Buck Valley, M. E.
June 7. Warfordsburg, M. E.
June 8. Rehoboth, M. E.
Meetings at 2 and 7:30 p. m,
These are district conventions
and each school should be repre
sented. An offering for the coun
ty work will be taken.
John P. Sipes, Pres.
John M. Dieiil, Sec'y.
Postponed !
Tho Gettysburg Battlefield
Lecture by Mr. George Linn
Kieffer, of Gettysburg, has been
postponed from Thursday, May
25, till the evening of Friday,
June 2. The lecture will bo given
in tho McConnellsburg Auditori
um at 8 o'clock aud will be illus
trated by 200 or more . beautiful
views. Admission, Adults 25
cents; Children 15 cents. Tickets
on sale at Trout's Drug Store
from 9 30 a. m., May 30th.
Poles Wanted.
The Union Telephone Company
wants about 100 chestnut poles
delivered at McConnellsburg;
must be eight inches at top,
peeled, sound and reasonably
straight, 35 feet long, and of the
butt cut. Send scaled bids to
this office. 4 27 tf.
A Burglar's Awful Deed
may not paralyze a home so com
pletely as a mother's long illness.
But Dr. King's New Life Pills
are a splendid remedy for women,
"They gave me "wonderful bono
fit in constipation and female
trouble," wrote Mrs. M. C. Dun
lap, of Loadill, Tenn. If ailing,
try them. 25c at Trout's drug
The splendid ram last Friday
evening came at a most opportune
time, as the ground had begun to
ueed it very much.
Harry Locke and son James
were painting at William Allo
wav's last week.
Wildy Black, of Clay township,
was assisting Thomas's in their
log job.
Billy Davis, deputy Prothono
tary, was in our village last
Thursday attonding to legal busi
ness matters with different par
ties. Cloyd Black is housed up with
rheumatism for a companion.
Mrs. W. S. Dunlap, spent last
Sunday in the home of her moth
er Mrs. Tice.
Thornton Foster and wife visit
ed their son Harry at Ja6obs.
We read in the News of some
one in the County having a
"Peep" with four legs. New
Grenada is not behind, for W.
H. Shaw's have one of the same
kind. It has four well formed
legs all having feet. The ques
tion for debate is, whether this
chick is a biped or a quadruped.
Alloway'8 pet groundhog, got
tired of being petted, and last
Saturday "broke jail" "find left
for parts unknown. No reward.
Horace M. Gritiith, was in our
village last Saturday attending
to business.
Mrs. Wilbur Mills and sons
Fred and Ralph, are visiting
among friends here and at Water
fall, while that big hearted Wil
bur is in Canada, he having oeen
assigned to Montreal to repair
steam shovels. ,
Grace Lodge is spending part
of her vacation in the home of
Dr. and Mrs. R B. Campbell.
Fisher Moore, the genial con
ductor on the E. B. T. railroad,
in company with his lady friend
Miss Virginia Houck, both of
Orbisoma, visited in the home of
Jacob Black's last Sunday.
Harry Bohni,er aud wife visit
ed friends in Altoona and Hunt
ingdon. Saved Child From Death,
"After our child had suffered
from severe bronchial trouble for
a year," wrote G. T.. Richardson,
of Richardson's Mills, Ala., "we
feared it had consumption. It
had a bad cough all the time. We
tried many remedies without
avail, and doctor's medicine seem
ed useless. Finally we tnod Dr.
King's New Discovery, and are
pleased to say that one bottle ef
fected a complete cure, and our
child is againstrong and healthy."
For coughs, colds,, hoarseness,
lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore
lungs, its the most infallible rem
edy that's made. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by Trout's drug store.
Ram is needed very much. The
weather continues dry and hot.
Invitations are being sent out
for the llouck-Strait wedding.
Thurman Strait and Bert Wil
son are engaged in driing teams
for W. Unger.
Roland and Frank Sipes and
Harry Kline are engaged m cut
ting timber for W. Unger's Saw
Miss Blanche E. Sipes, of Cito,
is visiting her brothers aud sis
ters at llarrisonville.
Willie Sipes, who is employed
at Kearney, spent Sunday with
his mother Mrs. Famnie Sipes.
Harry Kline, who met with a
very serious accident while cut
ting logs, is improving slowly
and will soon bo ready for work,
While hoeing in the garden
last Monday Mrs. Roland Sipes
and her sister Miss Blanche
killed a large black snake which
measured 5 ft. 3 inches in length;
and, in the afternoon of the same
day they came in contact with a
largo ground hog which they
kriled. Quite an experience for
the ladies.
Hogs and Sheep For Sale.
The undersigned residing in
Thompson township has for sale
12 old sheep and 8 lambs of good
stock, 3 you ng so ws each of which
has 6 nice pigs the oldest litter
being five weeks old the 22nd of
May. For further information
call on or address
Geo. A. Winters,
Plum Run, Pa.
Funny, isn't it, how an amateur
gardener will work morning and
night on his backyard plot and in
the end be tickled to death to get
a skimp quart of early Jane peas?
The P
Implements, Furniture, Hardware,
Harness, Wire, Stoves, Carpets, Etc."
Clem Chesnut's,
Kitchen Chairs, $2.50, $3 50, 1.50
Dining Chairs, $5 00, $5 50, $0.00,
$0.50, $7.50 to $10 per set
Bedroom Suites, all prices.
Dressers, $0 00 to $12 50
Sideboards, oak, $10 50 up
Wooden Bedsteads, $2 00 to $5.50
Iron Bedsteads, $3 50 to $7.50
Springs, $2 50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50
Oak Extension Table, drop leaf
" " " ttf ft. $0 50
Mattresses, Couches, to suitbuyor
Rockers from 00c to $(1.00
Linoleums, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Etc.
Table Oil Cloth, $1.70 per roll
Linoleum, any quantity
Window Shades, 10, 20, 25 and
Matting, 10, 15, 18, 22 and 25c.
Stair Carpet, 10 to 35c. yd.
Yankee Harness at reasonable
Harness Bridles, $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50, $3 00.
Syracuse Plows and Harrows, Oliver Chilled Plows
Repairs for same constantly on hand.
Will have Screen Doors in a few days at $1 up,
with hinges, screws, and everything complete.
Stoves and Ranges
Page and Pittsburg Woven Wire Fence
Prime grade ot Hour, 50c. per Sack..
I now have the largest lot of goods ever carried. Give" me a
call. You will receive kind treatment.
CLEAl CHESNUT, Hustontown. Pa.
Mrs. A. F. Little's
We have just received a lot
of New Goods this week.
and uprtrimmed millinery for Women, Misses
and children style, variety, quality becoming
effects, and excellent values.
Never more stunning style or better assortment of
beautitul and becoming hats, than we are showing this
season. No matter what kind . of hat you require, we
have it here; and when you get it, you will will
cost you less tjian at any other store. Come and see for
yourself just what an extensive assortment we have for
your selection. Also shirt waists, coat suits, skirts, pet
ticoats, embroidery, laces, baby caps, boys' hats, collars,'
jabbots, belts, all of the latest styles and at prices any one
can atTord to buy. Come and see goods whether you
want to buy or not.
Spring and Summer Millinery
This Season's Stylos are very much more sensible than for a
number of years, and tho most fushionablo designs have lost
nothing In charm or popularity, because of their conservatism.
Daintiness is the Keynote,
Tho hats como in every color of the Spring -evry graceful Bhape
every smart style. They are more than stylish, for they are
beautiful as well. Our hats have a certain
Charm and Individuality .
about them that you only find in a first-class, up-to-date Milli
nery Store. Our prices, you will find right. You are cordially
invited to call and see our poods, and become one of our munv
customers. ,
ace to
Hustontown, Pa.
Nails of every description
Glass 8x10, 4c; 10x12, 0c; 12x20,
10c; 12x24, 12c; 12x20, 14c;
12x28, 10c. -Heavy
Tire, Spring Wagon Tire,
Buzgy Tiro.
Heavy, medium and light Spokes
and Rims.
Ico Cream Freezers, $2.00 up
Lawn Mowers. $2.25 up
Churns, $2.00 up
Hay Forks, Rope and Pulleys at
bottom prices.
Carpets, . 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50 and
55c yd.
Linseed Oil, 90c. gal.
Lead, Varnish, Dryer, Filler Col
ors and Stains.
Brooms 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45c
Driving Harness, $10 to $16
Check Lines, Buggy Lines Bug
gy Collars, cheap.
Work Collars, $1 to $2.60
Harris' Sale List
2H9 acre farm, four miles North of
McConnellsburg, Pa., line buildings,
10U acres line oak ' and pine timber,
running water through farm, and at
door, good orchard, fine stock farm.
Price, 111,500.
125 acre farm in Todd township,
nearly new buildings, good water and
fruit, farm in good condition. 250
acres young timber land adjoining
goes with farm, Prtco, J2,5()0.
10(1 acres cleared and 50 timber, lime
stone farm, Ayr township, woll water
ed, good buildings, &o , In heart of
Cove. Price, 110,000.
125 acres, Todd township, nearly
new buildings, within three miles of
County seat, within ono mile of lime
stone quarry, fruit, and farm In good
condition. Price, 82.200.
130 acres slate land, Todd township,
two miles from limestone quarry ex
cellent buildings. On this tract there
is about 00 acres excellent timber,
within four miles of County seat, and
In sight of school and church, right
along public road. Price, $1,H00.
The Harvey Wlshart farm 230 acres,
about 103 of which Is good timber near
Wells Tannery, red shale land, nearly
all in grass, line lurgo buildings, well
watered, near good markets, this farm
lies well. Price, HKI.OOO.
200 acre farm along State Koad near
Tiurnt Cabins, Pa., good buildings,
water at barn and house, about 100
ocres of good timber, limestone quar
ry on farm, along public road, near
school and church. Prlco, 3,000.
130 acres, Taylor township, about
100 clearod, 30 of which Is good mead
ow land, woll watered, red shalo, near
limestone, within 3 miles of Huston
town and nine miles from railroad.
Price, $2,200.
250 acres, 100 of which is good tim.
ber. Thompson township, within live
miles of Hancock, Md., farm nearly
level, well watered, red shale, fairly
good buildings, Inquire for price.
75 acres, Taylor township, about 20
acres good timber, good buildings,
fruit, red shale, good location, about
nine miles from railroad.
Price, $1,200.
100 acres Wells township, Bear
Wells Tannery, Pa., land lies woll,
fair buildings, near church and school
and good markets. Price, $1,200.
100 acres 70 cleared and 30 young
timber, within three miles of Three
Springs, Pa., fair buildings, nenr
limestone and market, fruit and well
watered. Price. $800.
150 aero farm Belfast township, lies
woll. There is fine timber on this
tract more than enough to pay for
the whole tract, near P. O. and store.
3S acres, Todd township, 15 cleared,
balance good timber, good buildings,
mountain water, 100 fruit trees, 50 of
which are bearing. Within ono mile
of church, school and store, five miles
from County seat. Price, $750.
Mo acres, 2 miles from Hustontown,
Taylor township, red shale land, good
buildings, water, and 5o acres good
timber. Price, $15oo.
(15 acres, Licking Creek township,
Fulton County, Pa., nearly now build
ings, some timber, near school, Poo
apple trees 5 years old and in fine
shape. Price, $12oo.oo.
looo acres best fruit land 3 miles
from Hancock, Md., on this tract is a
largo amount of good timber.
Prothonotary & Recorder's Office,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
1 Advertising
Do you want to buy or sell a horned a farm or a business
place? If so, my business is to help you. I have a good as
sortment located in every township in Fulton County. Nino
hundred 10 and 20 acre tracts of Florida land. Fall
description of the best bargains is given in booklet form.
If you want to buy, write forgone. Since I have been adver
tising the booklets through thirty-six leading newspapers
throughout tho country, hundreds of people from nearly
every state in the Union have gotten them and are getting "'
terested In Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and homes. If
you want to buy, now ts the time, before tho weather is lit fur
strangers to como and get tho bargains. I have no money t
loan, but have arrangements to got you money at a low nito
of Interest, to purchase with. There is no scheming
in this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let
you know where you can buy direct from the owner. My n'
terest is only a small commission to pay exponses.
If you want to sell a property, there is a person some
where who will pay you a good price for it, and there is no
better way to find that party than advertising us I do,
throughout the country. I charge nothing unless It is sold,
then only a small commission and do not take option on it,
but leave you free to sell at any time and get the highest pos
sible price it may bring.
I will be in home olllce only on Monday and Tuesday of
each week.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Peter llulllunl, Sr., lute of Well
township, (leeeustxl.
Notice Is taereliy Klven, that Letters of Art
mlniNtriitlon upon the above estate have teen
granted to the uudeiltiieU. All persons hav
Inif elalms BKalnst said estate will present
them properly authenticated for Hcttlement,
and those owlnir the same will please call uud
Mav 4, 10H. "t. Administrator.
Subscribe tor the
only 1.00 a year.
350 acres, Belfast township, im
cleared, balance timber (rcsrved), r,.,
..L..1.. 1 1 i
burnt', Ku(m uuiiidiin, uuu u line lot
of choice fruit. Land lies well, v,in
1 1 i. t i ...i.i. 1. 1
in uu wutki'u wan iiiui'iiiiicry, spline
water, and water In llelds.
i rice, fl,.,ti)t
100 ucres near Laidig, P. o
sbalo, good buildings; in siylit ()
school and P. O., along public road.
Price, I.;,io,
130 acre farm in Licking Creek town
ship, two miles from P. O. and store
neur school, about 50 acres Is line
bottom luiul , red shale and in fertilo
condition, fair bulldinge, stream vm,3
through farm, 100 acres young tituli(T
adjoining goes with farm.
Price, $1,210.
150 acre farm, good buildings, about
40 good timber, near Harrison villi p.
O., some bottom land, situate along
public road, ono mile from Pike.
Price, fl, :,((),
AliA- Tl. . t,n .
i.n ocres neinisv lownsnip, i,u i-ii-ar-
ed and under cultivation, balance c.
cellent timber, ready formurket, with.
in 12 miles from Hancock, Md., fair
buildings and well watered.
Very cheap at $sod,
30 acres slate land, good house
stable, and store building uui
Post Olllco, good country trade,' gom
roads to market, a flno opportunity to
make money and a nice place to livi
, Price,
Cood Mill property, roller procon,
burrs, shingle mill, cider mill, lino
water powor, concroto forcbay, ir,.
about 10 acres of luad, house, ,vc,
a good opportunity.
nu acres, ijicmng vrceK township,
about 25 cleared, good houso anil fair
barn, 35 good limber, oak ami pine.
, Price, .i.O.
Cood hotel property, doing a uiio
business, well located, stables, &c.
10 properties in tho Horough ai J
Extension of McConnollsburg, l'a.,
some double houses.
Prices from fOO to 8,ni'ii.
Havo many other properties in Ful
ton, Franklin, and Cumberland Com.
ties. 103 acres, Union township, (I-al'ir-
ty Property) near Lashley, giiml
buildings, lot of good timber on (his
pluco, nine miles from Hancock, .Mil.,
good markets, Inquire for price and
Fine building lots In the Hnmih of
McConnellsblirg, Pa., good location,
and good investments.
Over i000 acres of tlio best Unwr
land in County, mostly white pimiai.J
white ouk, tracts from lou to I'M
Loans secured for purchasers, ai.J
reasonable terms on all proper! ie.
House and lot Knobsville, l'a ; U
necessary outbuildings 25 fruit tre-i
seven years old, good water,
Price l."o on.
Good proporty Now Grenada, W,
excellent house, stable, shops, well
equipped saw mill and machinery ol
all kinds, ten acres ground.- A c'il
opportunity for tho right man.
loo acres cleared, 25 timber, Ayr
township, Fulton County, l'a. Goad
house, new bank barn, good water anil
fruit. Price, f.iooo.oo.
Real Estate. I
J OO OU .Um 5axC
Succeed when everything e,sjtm,ie
In nervous prostration an rem
weaknesses they are the I
remedy, as thousands have '
over a druggist's counter.