The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 04, 1911, Image 3

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    The Fulton County News
McCor.nellsbu'g, Pa.
75 years Die present supply (if
ir iu
la thin country will be exhaust-
ed. at the present rate of i onsumpl Ion,
Inn admonition to plant trees becomes
slonuent with meaning. There Is
great value In trees, Bays the Kansas
City Times. The big lumber fortunes
bare been made In the main, not In
buying and selling lumber, nor even
In manufacturing lumber for sale, but
la buying vast tracts of timber laud
jU holding them for the Inevitable
VJ ranees In timber prlciH Incident to
rapidly decreasing supply. Now,
t would not prullt any man or cor
pc ration to buy large areas of land
tbat could be profitably used for agri
culture, fruit growing or grazing, and
let them in trees; but It would bo
profitable for all who own timber
lands that could not be profitably
used for other purposes to maintain
them as permanent forests, using
only the matured treeB ami cutting
them and clearing the slash In such a
way as to give the best possible pro
tection to the immature timber. Al
bo, It would be profitable to every
owner of land to plant trees on any
part of It that cannot bo utilized for
ether purposes. If this great nation
could Inspire Its landholders with
this one purpose for a given time, to
the end that all land that should be
planted with trees would be so plant
ed, the problem of the future lumber
upply would be solved.
The treasure chamber beneath the
palace of Necessldades, Lisbon, Por
tugal, has been opened and examined
by the minister of public works at the
request of King Manuel, who feared
for the safety of the crown Jewels and
certain personal property of the royal
family. The Jewels and valuables
were found In the underground cham
ber Intact. An Inventory showed
thein to be worth upward of $;,000,UOO.
Among the Jewels was the diadem of
ex -Queen Anielle and a necklace given
ber by her father, the Compte de
Paris, valued at JjnO.OMl. There was
found also a table service of solid tier
man silver, weighing over a ton, also
a crown and scepter of gold studded
with precious stones; also several
bricks of gold, the largest weighing
45 pounds. The ministe r of finance
announces that all valuables which
are the private property of Manuel
and his mothtr will be returned to
them. Those belonging to the stale,
such as the crown and scepter will
be placed In the national museum.
Some peculiar rights are being set
tled in New York. A man recovered
dearly $l,wn) damages from u police
man for clubbing him because the
man In question kicked In his own
door. As the man's wife had request
ed the policeman's Interference, she
having locked tho kicked In door,
this decision for damages looks like
a desperate stand on the part of mere
man to avoid being kicked out of do
mestlc supremacy.
A man In New Jersey was lately ar
rested for assaulting a neighbor. But
It developed laur that the assailant
bad been run over by bis own auto
mobile, driven by the neighbor. As It
would have been clearly superhuman
self control which would have checked
an attack under tho clreumstaitccB,
the assault was condoned by a law
recognizing the limitations of human
A Hloomlngton. Pa., man celebrated
bis eighty third birthday by sawing
wood continuously from 7 a. m. to 7
p. in. Tho moral Is to saw wood
early In life, and when you are 83
perhaps you won't havo to do so.
Clubwomen in New Jersey are to
establish schools for the training of
maids. When they get the f.irls per
fect in tho arts of housekeeping and
cooking they will doubtless discover
that It Is wives they have been train
ing. That Ixindon hotel where no tipping
Is permitted haa proved such a success
that another like it, the largest In
T.n.inn in tn be erected at once. And
they Bay the service is perfectly
right, too.
We are told that tbe convocation
of Canterbury proposes to abridge the
ten commandments. Evidently the
commandments have been broken so
often that they need repairing.
"Are vegetarians aa strong as meat
raters?" queries a contemporary.
Well, the elephant, the ox, and the
horse are vegetarians.
A serum cure for insnnlty Is report
ed to be successful. What will tbe
frenzied finance bankers do for a de
fense, now?
In view of the recent activity or the
hen we suggest that It be allowed to
replace the eagle as our national bird
A New Jersey man suggests an affl
davit with eggs. Hut who will guar
antee that the eggs will not be
switched? v
Ice floes as large as Islands are ap
pearing In the North Atlantic, but
Uncle Sam will not annex any
Our faith in mankind remains un
shaken. We have not seen anybody
wearing a corset coat.
HOUSE VOTES TO I WiiEN circus "posters bebi";i to appear
The Reaportoinment Bill h ?fct- f
Passed. rzXTSJSl -s&fc ,Y . q erAL
Rearrangement of the Congressional
District Lett to the Legislatures
Of StateeOne Member for
Each 211,877 Inhabitants.
WushiiiL-tou, 1). C.-A bill provid
ing for the enlargement of the na
tional House of Representatives from
891 to 4 :13 members and the appor
tionment of these members to the dif
ferent States on the basis of the pop
ulation shown by the recent federal
census passed the House after vain
efforts of members of both political
parties to ti mend It In Important
The proposed sl.o of tho House is
Identical with that provided for In the
Crumparker bill, passed by the House
at the last session of Congress, but
not acted upou by the Senate. The
Houston bill, Just passed, leaves to
the Legislatures of tho different
BtatPB the power to rearrange, the
Congressional districts In their re-
Ipectlve State, on the new population
basis of one member for each 211,8"
Of Inhabitants.
Tin. tui inmnrtant amendments.
j i .i,,i ofiur!thv 1
..... , .,. ,,f tho -districting i
power In the hands of the Coventors
of States, when the legislatures had
failed to act, and to limit the House
In the future to a membership of 4 ID)
nr 433. leaving future reapportlon-
nnia in tlm Secretary of the Depart- '
nient of Commerce and Labor.
The Increase of the size of the;
.. .i i v. v ini.miu.rii of I
i'.K '.....'i- i.. ,..,. ilenubllrans'o w horn the department telegraphed
i," the. .round tbat it i
Would make tho House more un
wieldy. Insurgent Republicans were
particularly vigorous In opposing the
Increase, declaring that if It were not
for the demands of those States that
would otherwise lose members there
would be a general sentiment In favor
of keeping the membership at the
present size of 391.
WORLD OWES U. S. $441,000,000
OrVy Once Did Balance of Trade
Exceed This Amount
Washington, D. C -The world
owes tho 1 nited Stales $44 1,000,000
for food, clothing and raw materials
sold abroad. Only once has the bal
ance of trade been higher In favor
of this country, according to iio-j
ernment figures. That was in 108,
when It was more than $55,000,0011. j
Close observers of finance and j
trade predict a record-breaking lis-,
ral year if the favorable condition
continues until June.
While opinion Is divided over the j
significance of the fact that the bal
ance for March was less than half;
tho size of that of previous months,:
some point out that March a year,
ago produced a balance entirely In
the other direction, with an excess
of imports of more than $l',i,0(io,
Men and Women of International
Prominence Attend.
Washington, D. C. The pres
ence of many men and women inter
nationally prominent In the child
study movement at the Second In
ternational Congress on Child Wel
fare lent added dignity to the con
vention. President Taft. followed a Roose
velt precedent In making an enthu
siastic address of welcome to the
hundreds of mothers In attendance
at. tho opening-.
The congress was tinder the joint
auspices of iVe National Congress of
Mothers and the Parent-Teachers'
Association. The relations and'duties
of home, school, church nnd state to
the welfare of the child were the
principal topics of discussion.
$63,730,000 Ftr Railways.
Berlin. The Government has laid,
before tho Diet a hill appropriating I
263,000,000 marks ($65,750,000)
for the building of secondary rail- j
ways, double tracking some of the!
existing roads, continuing the elec-1
trlflcatlon of the lines between Mag
deburg, Halle and Ix-lpaic, beginning j
the electrification of the lines in the
Blleslan mountains and providing '
new rolling stock.
So dlera Have the Measles.
Douglas, Ariz. Measles or a dang
erous type have broken out anions
the Fnlted States troops at Nogales.
Two Men Perish In Fire.
Mlddletown, N. Y. Two men are
believed to have perished In n fire
that burned the rnctory or the New
York Piano Key Company. The finan
cial loss Is estimated at approx
imately $130,000.
Coffin Built 'or Her.
Hinckley, 111. A specially built
coffin had to be prepared for Mrs.
Henry Ansbach, the heaviest woman
In Illinois. She tipped the scale at
4 05 pounds.
Slandered From Pul-ait.
New Haven, Conn. The Rev. John
II. Carroll, of the Church or the Holy
Trinity, must pay $4,000 to William
Hassett, rormer member or tho Wal
llngrord board of education, for hav
ing slandered him In a sermon.
311,084 Settle In Canada.
Ottawa. During the year ended
March 31, no les tha 311,084 imnil
rants entered Canada and of these
-vrr one-third were from the United
1 -v' ' 1 ' ' 11 """"
u'mivrliriit. 1111 )
heporied Statement by Vice Preei
dent of Mexico Demand
it Bo Repudiated.
Washington D. ('. The repoitol
declaration of Itamou Corral, vice
president of Mexico, that Americans
were fomenting l rouble in his coun
try iu order to force Intervention, has
encountered the dlslew.r of the I'nlt-
eil StsteB government. The Stat
Department has called the matter
the attention of Mexico In order to
establish officially whether the Inter
view with tho Vice-President. In
which the statements excepted to
to have been
as published
made, was
In Mexico
The question will
Ambassador Wilson
taken up by
Mexico City,
a copy of an official statement
It had Issued unequivocally
ing the alleged utterance.
The statement expressed the confi
dent belief that the Mexican Foreign
office will promptly "repudiate and
! prevent the promulgation of any
such statements, calculated so seri
I ously to disturb the mutual con-
lldence and friendly good understnnd
i ing between the two peonies."
Mexico Cltv.- The New York cor-
1 respondent of Kl Dlarlo telegraphs
his paper that Ramon Corral should
j not have been credited with saying
1 1 lint "the Mexican revolution was
being formulated by Americans with
!the Idea of forcing intervention."
The New York correspondent ex
plains that the Interview should have
been credited to Inlgo Noriega, a rich
Spaniard, who has Interests in Mex
ico and who arrived at Sntiandcr,
Spain, on the same ship with the vice
president of the republic of Mexico.
San B'as Taken.
Nogales, Mexico. A well-authenticated
report has been received
here that the rebels have captured
the Important railroad city of San
lllns. on tho Southern Paclfic-Mex-!
ico line, in tho State of Slnaloa. San
Bias Is about 50 miles below Furrle, ;
the former capital of Sinaloa. re-i
ported yesterday to have been taken
by the rebels. The whole region ap
pears to be overrun by Instirrectns. I
To Be Highest Skycraoer.
New York. Plans were tiled here
by the Proad way-Park Place Com
pany for the construction at Proad
way and Park place of the highest
building in the world. From the
curb to the apex of the tower it will
stand 750 foot. There will he SO
stories In the main building and an
I additional 25 In the tower. 55 in nil.
(The highest, building in the world is
: the Metropolitan tower, 700 fret .1
'inches, and tne next Is the Singer
I tower, 612 foot.
Divorces "Aff nity" Earl.
New York.--Justice NowViergor, in
the Supreme Court, signed the final
Judgment annulling the marriage of
Julia Kuttner and Ferdinand Pinncy
Karlo, tho artist, whose matrimonial
experiences ndded the word "affinity"
to Kngllsh slang. Miss Kuttner was
F.arlo's second wife, the artist marry
ing her after his first wife had ob
tained a divorce In France.
Morales a-d Jlminez In Jail.
San Juan, P. R - den. Carlos
Morales, the former President, and
Maiulclo Jlminez, the former Vice
President of Santo Domingo, were
arraigned here rharged with planning
a filibustering expedition ngalnst
Santo Domingo nnd held for the
grand Jury. In default of $2.fi00
bail bonds they were sent to Jail.
Think Men Better Students.
Ma.V.M-fi, V.'is. That men nre bet
ter students than women in the opin
ion of the faculty of tho I'nlverslty
of Wisconsin, wns shown when IS
men"" and only seven women were
nnniod for membership in an honor
ary scholastic society.
On y S'x C n f -r a Kiss.
New York. For being kissed
against her will as she said, Mrs.
Agnes Springer recovered six cents
damages from Harry Nunwiller.
Ironworker Goea Insans.
New York. Ills mind unbalanced
from gazing down while working on
high buildings, Charles .' (allvan, a
structural iron worker, committed
100-year-old Ml I Burned.
Zelienople, Pa. Flro destroyed
the Zelienople flouring mill, owned
by C. B. Harper, causing a loss of
.125,000. The mill was constructed
almost 100 years ago, and was still
j using the old water wheol.
V 1
President Puts Leading Ques
tions in a Clear Light.
Uni ed Slates Hn All It Can At
tend to With the Terri
tory It is Now
New York Reciprocity with Can
ada must bo adopted now or never
and muBt stand or fall by its own
terniB. Amid tremendous applause
and the waving of handkerchiefs so
declared President Taft in an ad
dress at the Waldorf-Astoria at the
fourth annual Joint banquet of the
Associated Press and the American
Publishers' Association. His address
was the first of a series in which he
plans to evoke public sentiment in
support of his policies, and lie ap
pealed to the c:ipiiny of editors and
new spa int owners, gatnereu nom un-
length and the breadth of the
tn Imnrcs In the public, mind
reciprocity should stand alone and
"ought not to bo affected In any re
gard by other amendments
to the
tariff law." His
were- warmly cheered.
All talk of annexation he charac-i
terlzed as "bosh" and said that the
I'nlted States has all it can attend
to with the territory It is now gov
erning, lie raibod the Houso ot uep-
resentatives for Its passage of the
agreement; decUred that it would
not Injure the former nor any special
class, answered in detail tho objec
tions that have been raised to reci
procity and begged for at least "a
! kind of test" to dispel tho ghosta ex
hibited to rrlghten tho agricultural
"I have said that this was a criti
cal time in tho solution or the ques
tion of reciprocity." concluded tho
President. "It Is critical because un
! less it is now decided favorably to
; reciprocity it is exceedingly probable
' that no such opportunity will ever
'again come to the I'nlted States. Tho
' forces whlrh are at work in Kngland
1 and In Canada will derive an
; Impetus from tho rejection of this
! treaty and if we would have reciproc
, ity with nil the advantages that I
i havo described nnd that I earnestly
and sincerely believe will follow its
i adoption, wo must take It now or give
, t up forever."
Cutch Take Palmas Is and.
Manila, P. I -- Helayed ndvlcoB re
ceived hero via Join report that the
1 Hitch havo taken possession of Pal
mas Island, CO miles southeast of
Mindinao, lowered t lie Fulled States
colors nnd substituted the flag of
James C eelman Appointed.
New York. Major Guvnor has ap
pointed James Creelman, the jour
nalist, to the municipal Civil Service
Commission to succeed John C. Mc
Gulre, the president of the board,
who was named by the Mayor to one
of the vacancies on tho Rrooklyn
magistrate's bench.
"Frat" Men the Flunkers.
Ithaca. N. Y. President Srhur
man, of Cornell, has warned fra
i ternlty
men to Improve in their
studies, declaring that the 29 per
rent, of the men
tudents in the fra-i
ternltloB furnished .45 per cent, (if
the flunks.
Wants to See Battleships.
Boston.--The most compelling de
sire expressed by Stearns Kendall
Abbott, released after 30 years in
prison, was to see a modern battle
ship. He displayed no interest in
Sto-Ji Panic With Revolver.
Tarrytown, X. Y. Policeman
Welsh snipped a panic In a moving
picture show when a film caught 'fire
by drawing his revolver and threat
ening to arrest anyone who moved
toward the exits.
Herod's Palace Found.
Vienna.--Prof. Krnsy Sellin, a not
nd Egyptologist, says ho has foend
an ancient pnlnce of Herod the Great
on the plain of the River Jordan,
near the road from Jerusalem to
Eat Weeds for Dandelions.
'Klttnnnlng, Ta. Alexander Saml,
aged 3, is dead and eight other chil
dren ore in a serious condition rrom
eating poisonous weeds, which they
thought were dandelions.
Victor Eerger, Socialist, M roducea
Ro olutlon In the
Washington, D. ('.--Victor Ilorger,
of Milaul,"e, the Socialist member
of Congress, In a resolution Intro
duced in l lie House, not. only pro
poses to nbolhii the Seuale, but alms
to strike from the hand of Iho Presi
dent the veto power and 'ake from
the courts authority to Invalidate
legislation enacted by the House of
Representatives. All this it proposed
us an amendment to the Constitu
tion, which, If petitioned for by 5 per
cent, of the voters In each State,
shall be submittevl to a genera! refer
"The Senate lias run lis course,"
r.aid Mr. Merger after his threaten
ing document had been dropped Into
the hopper on the speaker's desk. "It
must some day, as with the llritlsh
House or Lords, yield to tho popular
demand for Its reformation or aboli
tion." The resolution was not referred to
the Judiciary Committee until after
several hours' delay, caused by rais
ing the question as to whether a
clause In the preamble attacking Hie
.Senate might not be a violation of
the House rules. This clause re
ferred to the Senate as "a menace to
tho liberties of the people" and as
a "body, many of tho members of
which nre the representatives neith
er or a Stale nor of Its lioople, but
solely of certain predatory combina
tions." House rule 22 authorizes the
Speaker to throw out bills and reso
lutions of an Insulting character. It
was determined, however, tliat the
resolution was not a violation.
The rule prohibiting members of
one legislative body against criticis
ing or attacking the other body is ap
plicable only In debate on the floor.
Mr. Taft'a Tnbuto to King Jamea
Version Colebratlon In
New York
New York. Letters from King
George of Kngland and President
Taft were road at Carnegie Hall at
la notable gathering In celebration of
! the threw hundredth anniversary ol
the publication of the King Jamei
version of the Kngllsh Bible. The
' King congratulated the people of thli
I country on "their share in this, out
common heritage." and President
! Taft wrote that the "Bible's spirit
has Influenced American ideals in life
and laws and government."
! The Right Rev. David H. Greer.
bishon of the Kulscopal diocese ol
: New York, presided at the ceremony
: which was held under the ausplcei
of the American Bible Society, Jamei
i Hrvce. the British ambassador, read
' the Kinc's letter and delivered at
The King said:
'I rejoice that America and Eng
land should Join In conmieiuoratiun
the publication, 300 years ago, ol
that version of the Holy Scripture!
which has so long held its own among
Kngllsh-speaking peoples.
"Its circulation In our homes hut
done more, perhaps, than anything
else on earth to promote among old
and young the moral and religioui
welfare on eittier side of the At
lantic. "The version which bears King
James' name is so clearly Interwoven
In the history of British and Ameri
can life that it is right we should
thank God for it together.
"I congratulate the President and
people of the I'nlted States upou
their share in this o; r commoc
Tho White House,
March 7, 1911
To tho Tercentenary Celebration ol
the King James Version of thf
Kngllsh Bible:
I desire to express mv deep Inter
est in tho recognition which Is being
taken In this country or so notable
an event as the Throe Hundredth
Anniversary ot the King James Ver
sion or the Kngllsh Bible.
The publication of tho version of
tho Holy Scriptures In the year 1611
assoiintes it with tho early colonic
of the Kngllsh people upon this Con
tlnont. It became, at once the Itible
or our American forefathers. Iti
classic Kngllsh has given share to
; American literature. Its spirit ha!
i Influenced American Ideas In life and
jlaws and government.
' I trust that this celebration maj
! continue nnd doe-pen tho 'influence ol
I the Bible upon the people of this re-
j public.
I Klbrrt A. Brinckerhoff, vice-presl
: dent or the American Bible Society,
i opened the meeting nnd Introduced
Bishop Groor, who said In part:
"The publication or the Bible, the
i three hundredth anniversary of
which we are assembled here to cclc-
brate, was not ottly a great literary
evrnt; It was also a great moral and
religious event.
Dr. Hyd Out on S50.000 Bond
Kansas City, Mo. Dr. B. C. Hyde
under a life sentence of imprison
ment for the murder of Col. Thonuu
ill. Swopo, wns released from the
county jail on a writ of habeas cor-
, pus granted by the seven judges
th Circuit Coi'rt here.
!is " irect Vote Mossuro
Albany, X. Y. By a vote of 105
to 30 the Assembly adopted tho reso
lution of Senator Roosevelt, advocat
ing the election of I'nlted Stato9 Sen
ators by direct vote of the people.
Curiosity Brings Trouble.
Allotitown, Pa. Overcome with
curiosity, Mrs. Rose Schultz used
hatpin on a fulminating dynamite
rartrldge that, her llttlo boy found
The ran exploded. She will never do
ilt again.
Ravaans of fie P aaue.
London. The official figures o
the ravages of the bubonic plague In
the central provinces of Indln, bIiow
the appalling total of S.1,884 deaths
from the disease In March.
Excursion to Washington Ends
Teachers' Special From Utlca, N
Bound for National Capi
tal, is Ditched Near
Easton, Pa.
Tragedy of the Rail.
A special tarrying 169 school
teachers from Now York cities
n sight-seeing excursion to
Washington Jumps the track
end Is set on fire.
The train was set on tire at
one end by the engine and on
the other by an oil tank car,
which It sideswiped.
Many of tho passengers,
though injured, plucklly assist
ed In rescuing thelrlesa fortunate
passengers from the burning
Kaston, Pa. Kiglit persons lost
their lives, several are missing ana
believed to be dead and hair a hun
dred others were Injured at Mar
tin's Crock, N. J., iu a wreck or an
excursion train carrying 170 school
teachers and rrlends Trom I'tica and
Byracuse, N. Y., and vicinity to
Washington tor a week's outing.
The train was one furnished tho
teachers by the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad, nnd
the accident occurred while it was
traveling at a high rate of speed over
stretch of track controlled by the
Pennsylvania Railroad. The loco
motive Jumped the track, the cars
toppled over and were set on fire by
exploding oil, tho wrecked coaches
having sideswiped an oil tank nlong
the track when they left the rails.
The entire train was quickly en
veloped In flames and completely
consumed by the fire. The eight
missing persons, seven or whom were
women and lived In I'tica, are be
lieved to have been burned to iloath
in tlie wreckage. The finding of
charred bones led the railroad wreck
ing crews to the conclusion that they
are dead.
The most seriously Injured were
removed to the Kaston Hospital,
where two of thorn. Miss Eleanor E.
Rutherford, a I'tica teacher, and
Charles M. Parsons, of Strondsburg,
, a Pennsylvania Railroad conduc
tor, died at night.
The cnuse of the wreck lias not yet
been determined. Tho place where
the accident occurred had boon un
dergoing repairs and unfinished work
may have been responsible for the
train leaving the track.
Diaz and Corral Started Inter-
vent on Scare t
Kl Paso, Tex. General Madero,
speaking or the alleged interview
with Vice-President Corral concern
ing the Fnited States, had this to
I am not sure that Corral mado
tho statement credited to him, but
I do know that when the revolution
was In the formative stage it was
part of the Diaz-Corral strategy to
give the impression that the I nited
States would intervene in behalf or
the Mexican government. This wns
to mnke us appear unpatriotic.
"However, the revolution got un
der way and is winning, yet there has
been no Intervention. The govern
ment, therefore, Is now trying to
mnke It appear that the revolt does
not owe its spread to tho unpopular
ity of the administration, but to
foreign elements which they allege
bavo come to the aid of the upris
U. S. We I
Show. .
In Industrial
Turin, Italy. The International
Exhibition of Industries and Labor,
tbo biggest affair of the Kind ever
attempted in Italy, was opened Sat
urday. The Turin exhibition occupies 12,
000,000 square feet, extending on
olther side of the river Po, the two
.parts being joined by four bridges,
two built especially for this occasion.
The American pavilllon comprises the
largest exhibit over made abroad by
that government. In all there were
15,000 exhibitors, representing the
European countries. North and
South America, Japan. Persia, Slam,
Turkey, Tunis and the British col
onies. Merrlam Spent $133,254 80.
Chicago. Charles E. Merrlam,
Chicago University professor, spent
$133,254.80 In his recent efforts to
become Mayor of Chicago, according
to a final statement of campaign re
ceipts ond expenditures, made pub
lic. The total receipts wore $136,
191. C5.
Cuba Shaken By Q jakn.
Santiago, Cuba. An oarthquake
wns felt here. No damage was done,
but there was great alarm for a
John D. Give $180 000.
BoBton. Charles W. Perkins, of
this city, treasurer of the American
Baptist Missionary Union, lias re
ceived a check for $180,000 from
John D. Rockefeller as the oil mag
nate's annual gift
Honor Conferred on Taft.
Washington, D.- C President
Taft was elected honorary president
of the American Society of Interna
tional Law at the closing session of
the convention at the Wlllard Saturday.
Mauch Cunk. Work on the grad
ing of the extension of the lino of thy
Lehlgji and New Kngland Railroad
from Duiilelsvllle to Tnmaqua, via
tho Lizard Creek Valley, Is progress
ing rapidly. In response, to threats
made by West Penn Township,
Schuylkill County, farmers that un
less the company came forward with
the cash for the land over which
the new road Is to pass, the courts
would be asked to grant Injunctions,
the company's claim agent took a trip
through the valley this week to re
new old options or pay the cash.
Tills move Is thought to Indicate that
the Udilgli Coal and Navigation Com
puny has no hope of fixing up its
differences with the Central Railroad
of New Jersey and that the now road
must now be built.
Reading Fish Warden Charles
Nessley mado a midnight raid at.
Glendale, In the southern end or
Berks County, and took into custody
James i lamer, Charb.s Hurnr,
Frank Quigloy and Ernest Weaver
on the clinrgc oi niegai iibiuuk- ji
is alleged that the party visited trout
streams In the vicinity of the Yellow
House, and with a large net took
nearly all fie trout in tho dam and
In tho strc:i...s
Allenlown. -Lewis F. Grammes, u
lending manufacturer of tills section,
died suddenly of heart trouble In his
Blxty-scventll year. He had many
patents tor knitting machines and
other mechanical contrivances, but
his principal invention was the mail
ing machine. Mr, Grammes and his
sons did tho largest foreign busim-i-s
from Allotitown.
Chester. Amor Talley, treasurer
of Lower Chichester Township, was
severely injured by tho explosion of
an electric light globe on a Marcus
Hook trolley car. Pieces or the glass
struck him in the eye, necessitating
the aid of an oculist. In spite of the
puln he proceeded on his way to Mi -dla
and reported for duty as a Civ -1
Court J '.for.
York Bernuso he did not like I. is
new home, having changed his resi
dence the first of April, Emanuel II.
Heckert. seventy years old, commit
ted suicide by shooting himself in
the head. Two boys
tho tragedy, having followed Mr.
Heckert from his houso to the
bam, believing he Intended to
kill rats. Tho boys crept near :
whore Mr. Heckert was sitting ai.rt
saw him placo a revolver to his h;nl
and fire.
Lewistown Mrs. Charles Relllv.
40 years old, died of burns received
when she attempted to stamp out thf
flames of a rubbish fire that had com
municated with straw in the stah
yard and threatened tho huiliii n
Rev. Mr. Rhoads Jumped the !en"
and was badly burned on the haiels
and arms in an at tempt to saw ihe
woman, whose clothing was a n .a.-s
of flames.
Hairisburg Warrants were is
sued here for the arrest of Arviur
Gleason, an Englishman, accus. i ' t
having embezzled money belom: i r,
to three women living iu Dorset, I in
land. The Information was made h
Mrs. E. Harley, who met the dmi
In Liverpool, and who, with her
tors, accompanied him to this co-.:n-try
with money to invest. Th y
charge that he secured the mono .mil
loft for New York, leaving ti'"1
stranded in this city.
Bethlehem Injuries which iil
result fatally occurred to Harold ai.'l
Charles Pursel, aged 2 and 3
old, sons of Levitt Pursel, of H"l
land, X. J. The babies, in the ih
senco or their mother, got hoi.l 'i
matches. Playing -with them n 11
couch, the latter became Ignited. In
trying to put out the blaze the cio
l,,,r ,,l lh,, en lit; lit 111''
I (I
both were burned rrom head to tact.
Scranton. Xino-year-old '1 o:nD'
Mcl.ano, known to his companions js
"Wild West," was hungry for pie.
saw a baker's wagou with eighty-'"0
juicy, tempting pies on Hie fired
corner, got into the wagon and .U'"''
off. The most he could eat wa-y'-
pies. The others he dumped i"'"
tho street; drove tho wagon to He
headquarters nnd told tho police lie
found it in "Me Fodder's bam." Ilw
was held for Juvenile Court.
Pottsville. District Attorney
Lyons has appealed to tho Sui'i'm"
Court the cases of William
W'llllnlil Inline CfltlV I'tlM Ol
lot box at lifting, but granted a ne
trial by Judge Brunim. The cae llS
before SuiK-rlor Court before a"l a
a result Grow and Jones were re
manded to jnll and It Is claimed that
the lower court cannot, now grant a
new trial. Judge Brunim di-rlr"
that the 11111 wero not properly
Tended and that circumstances We
developed which show that an lJ,;s'
tlve lias been done to them.
Stroudsburg. Hurd's Sanita"""'.
at North Wales Gap, was destroy
by fire together with n cottage. W
dry, two Ice hoiiBes nnd a large W .
belonglns to the Minlsink Farm Com
pany. The loss 1b estimated at $
000. Hurd's Sanitarium was on
the oldest summer resort pi;'1'0"
the Water Gap, and for yw ',
Loon wtt nntrrnl7.en tlV 1 1,1
plilans. For a month Hie re
i ,., i .,ri n ,,,iil.r we!''
IH-rn Ul't-iit.-,, null a i, ,,,." ...
istered at the place. There
tie dilllculty for the guests to
in safety, but most of tnei"
clothing and valuables.
sity students
Th" BucliiieU i
who hazed Claron.'
WnycholT in a cemetery
here vein-
tarily confessed their oftVnse
hotli i
...A tO
the rather or young Waycho" c(
John Howard Harris, ii-?silent
Burkroll. and expressed tm"
ingness to submit to whatever
alty' might be decided upon.
Scranton. John Early, a
.iinri "
i.i. urn aim
men, ootn toreigners, .
. . . m .,.nl-A
In a Are which destroyed
Grove breaker of the Pn"
Coal Company, in Dunmore.