The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 27, 1911, Image 7

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I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable Compound
Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou.
bles for seven years, was all run down.
I and bo nervous J,
could d o t do any.
thing, i he doctor
treated me for dif,
fnn?nt tilings but
did mo no good. I
got so bud that I
could not Bleep day
or night. Wh loin
rJ this condition I rrsd
Ifif T.vrlla !! linlr
ham's Vegetable.
Compound, and
began its 11 so and
wrote to Mrs. linkham for advice. la
t short time I had gained my avcra?o
weight and am now strong and well."
-Mrs. Kaltje Stevens, lL i D., Ho.
B, Uox 81, Waurika, Okla.
A notlior Grateful Woman.
Huntington, Mass. "I was In a nrr.
tous, run down condition and for thrca
years could find no help.
"1 owe my present good health to
lydia & l'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound and Wood Purifier which 1 be
lieve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what helped mo
and does not say one word against it."
Mrs. Mart. Jantitte Bates, Box
1.14, Huntington, Mass.
liecause your case is a difficult on,
doctors having done you no good, di
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial. It surely has cured
many rases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
rains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, and nervous prostration.
Maybe Sign Wat Not All Good Latin,
but She Translated It Without
Jack returned home from college,
where hp had won hlh honors as a
(Undent of ancient lanKuagPB, but he
phnded lunornnre one day when his
yoiinn ulster nuked hltu to tranidute
a F)gn kIip had seen of an optician's
which rend thus: "Con aultu Ratio
utyw urcy rs."
Jack (struggled nmnfully with It for
several minutes nnd gave It up.
"There lire come words In It that
are Latin. The others aren't, anyhow.
It doesn't make sense."
"That Is what 1 unld." replied his
flsti r. "Hut cook translates It. with
out any trouble. She says It means
'Consult us ahnut your eyes.'"
Open-AIr Schools Increasing.
Since January 1, 1A07, sixty-five open
Ir F.'houls for children afflicted with
or !erili.insed to tuberculosis have
teen established In twenty-eight cities,
Accorling to an announcement made
by the National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
The firs', upon air school In the United
States was established on January 1.
lt07, by the board of education of
Tnivlcence, R. I., at the Instance of
Dr. Kilen A. Stone. The next school
was established In May of the Rame
year at I'lttRburg, and the third at
Huston In July, 1008. According to
the reports received by the national
association, the result of the open air
class work has been to rpstore most
of the children to normal health and
efficiency, One of these open air
schools or classes should be estab
lished Uir ench 25,000 population, es
pecially In cltieR.
Willing to Make an Effort.
On a large estate In the Scottish
highlands It was the custom for a
piptr to play In front of the houst
every week day morning to awaken
the residents. After an overconviv
lal Saturday night, however, the piper
forgot the day and began his reveille
(can It he played on the pipes?) on
Sunday morning. The angry master
fhouted to him from the bedroom win
dow: "Here, do you not know the
fourth commandment?" And the piper
sturdily replied: "Nae, sir, but ye'll
hie hustle It 1 11 hlc try It, sir.'
Solely to Blame.
IHner Who is that singing so dread
folly out of tune?
Restaurant Proprietor It Is my
IMner Perhaps the accompanist
Plays out of tune.
R- P. She is accompanying herself!
London Opinion.
There Is nothing so easy but that it
becomes difficult when you do It with
reluctance Terence,
Makes a
Good Breakfast
ave some
cream or
For a pleasing change,
"prinkle Post Toasties
ovc fresh or stewed fruit,
111(111 add cream and you
kave a sttiall feast.
"The Memory Lingers"
Ka tie Cisck. Mich.
n mm
Information and Gossip at
Brief Mention of Matter a Thay
Occur at the State Capital
Official and Other
wise. Hate to l-'lulil, .Mine Fire.
The Joint legislative Commission
appointed to make an investigation
of the mine fire which has been
burning beneath Carbondalo for sev
en or eight years, filed Its report
with the legislature and reconi-HK-nds
that the Slate take Imme
diate control of the situation and
that an appropriation of $100,001
be nado for the purpose of extin
guishing the fire. The commission
finds that the continuance of t lie lire
Is dangerous to the community and
that the State Ik'partnietit of Mine
should bo given authority and
means to proceed Immediately te
either confine the fire or extinguish,
it and that the Attorney General sue
the owners of the tract for the cost
of putting out the fire. The report
of the commission criticises the own
ers of the property known as the
Watts-Scurry tract for a disposition
to allow the lire to burn out and for
failure to furnlBh specific Informa
tion to assist the commission In IN
investigation. Accompanying the re
port Is a statement by Chief of Miner
James K. Roderick in which he says
the only way the fire can be con
trolled Is by digging a channel
around It. Thirty-two private prop
erties with an estimated value of
$ S 5 , 0 0 0 would have to he rondenined
to bring this about and the work
would cost about $175,000. A bill
to appropriate $100,000 to start the
work of ronflnlng the Are was pre
sented In each House Immediately
after the report was read .
I tllltles Hill.
The first public hearing on the
public utilities bill was attended b
representatives of many of the pub'
lie service corporations of tho State
The discussion, which was taken part
in by the counsel for tho various
companies on the one side and At
torney General Hell and Representa
tive Gilpin Robinson for t he State,
resulted In a battle between lawyers
and was along legal lines through
nut. The gist of the arguments ail
vanced by tho corporation lawyer?
was that the utilities bill In Its
present form was unnecessary, tin
fair and burdensome in that It not
only compelled the corporations of
the Slate to obey existing laws,
which they were always ready to
do, but In addition they were com
pelled under the provisions of tho
bill to have additional rules and
regulations thrown around them.
MconM's for A vim ion.
In line with the progressive spirit
r( the age and the habit Into which
legislative bodies have fallen of reg
ulating and licensing everything on
tho earth and the waters under the
earth conies a hill providing for the
licensing of aviators who desire to
fly from any premises in the Com
mon wealth either for sport or exhi
bition. The measure provides that
any aviator who carries passengers
shall first satisfy the Secretary of
the Commonwealth that he or she Is
competent to manage an aeroplano
and shall have a license from an In
corporated society or association of
Individuals formed for the purpose of
promoting the science of aviation.
Any aviator who (lies for sport or
exhibition comes under the same
provision and is compelled lo satisfy
the Secretary of the Commonwealth
of his or her fitness to fly.
Cash for Itittetville Job.
The hill to provide the $4TH,(M)i)
which the Rlttersvlllo Commission
told Governor Toner was necessary
to complete tho buildings, was pre
sented in the Mouse by Chairman
Woodward, of the House Appropria
tions Committee. The bill rarrieg
the sum former Governor Stuart cut
out. of the appropriation, and says
the money Is for the purpose of car
rying out the provisions of the act
to erect the buildings.
Hotels Seeking Hearing.
The Philadelphia Hotel Associa
tion, through Thomas ( l-eslie, it
secretary, compiained to the Stato
RaHroad Commission that an Im
pression had been given that tho
hotels made money on their tele
phone service. The hotels. It was set
forth, lose money by reason -of tele
phones. A hearing Is desired to give
the commission a correct idea of th
Hills Passed in House nnd Senate.
The State Senate passed a Housu
bill making it. a misdemeanor for
any proprietor, manager or employed
of a theater or other public place of
amusement to discriminate against
any person wearing the uniform of
the I'nlted States. The penalty Is
a fine not exceeding $500 or im
prisonment not exceeding one year.
Authorizing cities and boroughs to
enact ordinances prescribing regula
tions for mining coal beneath them
to prevent the settling or caving Id
of the surface.
Authorizing the State to build
bridges over any river not more than
1,000 feet and not less than K00 feet
wide at localities not less than ten
miles distant from tho nearest pub
lic bridge over the same river In
counties where the indebtedness in
creased by the cost of such bridge
would exceed the limitation of two
per cent, of their assessed valuation.
Appropriating $110,000 Tor the
purchase of land for rifle rane or
land for permanent camping ground
for division encampment or for per
manent ramping ground for three
' eparate brigade encampments.
Pen Argyl. Miss Kthel Tucker
wan announced as having won the
valedictory honors of the Senior
Class of the local High School. Miss
Minnie Parsons Is the salutatorlan.
Tho commencement exercises will
take place on June 2.
York. Thousands of shnd are
swimming about In front of the big
dam at McCall's Ferry. Many of
them have been caught with dip nets
ami seines. It is stated that on ac
count of the dam they cannot get up
the river.
Johnstown, Three colored per
sons, one a woman, were killed, and
five, also one a woman, were In
jured In an automobile accident,
while returning from a dance. The
machine, running Hfty miles an hour,
skidded, jumped on to a pavement
and ran Into a telephone pole.
Mauch Chunk. A cablegram has
I en received from Peking, China,
by friends of Mrs. Harry ft. Packer,
loeenscd, slating Hint Mrs. Phi ker
lied of pneumonia and not by the
plague, as supposed, and that the
body will he shipped to Mauch
Cunk for burial, arriving at Sail
Ktanclsco on May 1 9.
Media. Harry C. Worrall. a farm
er of Newton township, began a suit
for divorce from his wife, Margaret
Worrall, charging her with miscon
duct with Thomas Pyle, of Lima.
Pyle is under ball for trial on a
charge preferred by Worrall. and
Worrall was held for trial on a
charge of assault and battery on hla
Bethlehem. -G"orge Iluss. a broth
er of Tobias Huss, of l.ehlghton, ro
relvod word that the I u Pont Pow
der Company had decided to purchase
Ills invention. The Invention Is one
by which powder Is manufactured
that Is non-exploslve unless Ignited
by fire. He has patented the Inven
tion In this country, Mexico and Ger
many. Plooinshurg.- Only the fact that a
bard storm whs its pi ogress saved the
village of Kxenange when the three
story planing mill of John 1 1 h rl 111 ;i 11
ind Jacob Smith caught fire and was
destroyed, entailing a $;i,(Mio loss.
The mill was in the center of the vil
lage ami with no tiro protection the
heavy rain kept the lla.'.ies from
Norristow 11.- - Hochiiho there Is not
sulllcieiit money in the county treas
ury, the erection of the new House
of Detention, bids for which have
been received, and which will cos?
about $1.1.11011. the building will
likely lie posCurier for a lime at tho
direction of County Controller
Jacobs, who says he wants the coun
ty to pay as It goes.
Chester. - John Grawl. of l.eipel'
ville, died in the Chester Hospital
from Injuries received at the Bald
win Locomotive Works in Kddy
stone, where he was employed. He
was adjusting the driving box of r
locomotive on wheels when he fell,
sustali Ing a fracture of the skull.
Grawl came to U'ipervllle a few
mouths ago from Heading.
Pottsville.- Armed with legs lorn
from the table in their ward, Adam
llanselman and William Colonis, two
Inmates at the county Insane asylum,
fought a duel to death. When at
tendants rushed to the ward, drawn
there by the sound of the scuffle, Col
onis, who Is 33 years old, was lying
on the floor with his head battered
In, while over him stood llanselman
uninjured. Colonis died shortly
a f torn ard.
Reading. The Jury In the case of
S. 11. Wagner and ('.' B. Wlckersham
against the RcHdlng Railway Com
pany for the destruction by fire of
their ham In Douglass township, al
leged to have lieen caused by sparks
from a locomotive, awarded the
plaintiffs $3. Run damages. The barn
was valued at $:',,ouo and contained
.Tops and machinery worth $1,200.
It was located forty feet from tho
Colebiookdale branch.
York. John B. Kone, of Chance
ford township, was badly injured by
an explosion of a small dynamite
:ap which had been hidden away In
some loose tobacco which he had
been carrying around In' his pocket.
Kone loaded the bulb of his pipe
villi the tobacco and, after lie had
given several strong puffs, there was
an explosion which carried away
portions of his nose, cut his eye and
burned his face badly.
Allentown. By direction of State
Health Commissioner Dixon the but
ter produced in the greater part of
Lower Macungle, a rich agricultural
township of lxhigh county, has been
(luarantlned on account of scarlet
fever. An epidemic of this ma'ady
which spread through the borough of
Ktnans and sundry villages, was
traced by the health Inspectors to ba
scarlet fever In the families of the
nioonisburg. At the closing ses
sion of the Northumberland Presby
tery here Rev. S. C. Dickson, of
nioonisburg. and Rev. W. K. Pres
ton, of Klysburg. were elected min
isterial, and I). H. Snyder, of Sun
bury, and Robert h. Montgomery,
of Warrior Run, lay ronimlssioncre
to the General Assembly.
Bethlehem. While on a visit to
his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Coleman, at
Butztown, Howard l-aubarh, for twen
ty years proprietor of the Hanover
ville Hotel was stricken by a stroke
of apoplexy and died, his age being
70 years.
Mauch Chunk. Clerk of ths
Courts of Carbon County John J
McGlnley, received a verdict for $10,
000 damages against tho Central
Railroad of New Jersey, for tho loss
of both his legs at Hauto, near I.ans
ford, on December 18, 1903. by an
accident. Ue was then a brakeman,
and while his train was receiving a
car loaded with timber a brake chain
broke and McGlnley was thrown on
the track the car passing over hoth
hla legs. It was stated at the trial
that theV liain was nerecuve, naving
been nit together with wire at
Ahnut three year ngn I tufTero.l with
appendicitis and after having an operation
performed it left) me with a severe cast
of kidney trouiim. 1 waft doctored by aev
rral phyiicians aul getting no relief I took
the advice of a friend nnd procured a bot
tle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. After
taking the contents of the first bottle I felt
greatly relieved and decided to continue it.
After using the contents of three more dol
lar bottles, I experienced a complete cure.
I cannot recommend Dr. Kilmer's
Bwatnp Knot too highly to anyone suffer,
ing from kidney or bladder trouble.
Your vrrv trulv,
Cartcrsville, Ga.
Sworn to and suhscrihod before ma
this July 12th. l!ofl.
Noturv Public,
B. Co., Ga.
I lX M
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Senl lo Dr. Kilmer k Co., Bingham
ton, X. Y., for sample bottle. It will
onm ittee anyone. You w ill alo receive,
a hnoUlet of valuable information, tellui
II about the kidneys and bladder. W hen
writing, be aure ami mention this paper,
l-'or K.ile at all drug atorei. Trice lifty
tenia nnd one dollar.
The Magistrate You aajr you didn't
know the pistol was loaded, yet tba,
dealer who sold It to you says you did
not pay for It.
rrlsoner What's that got to do with
The Mtglstrate Well, If you didn't
pay for It. then the dealer must hav
charged !t for you.
"I suffe-cd whh eczema on my neck
for about fx months, beginning by
little pimples breaking out. I kept
scratching till the blood came. It
kept getting worse, I couldn't sleep
nights any more. It kept Itching for
about a month, then I went to a doc
tor and gut some liquid to take. It
seemed as If I was going to get bet
ter. The Itching stopped for about
three days, but when It started again
wns even worse than before. The ec
zema Itched so badly I couldn't stand
It any more. I went to a doctor and
be gave no some medicine, but It
didn't do any good. We have been
having Cuilrura Remedies In tho
house, so I decided to try them. I
had been using Cutlcura Soap, so I
got me a box of Cutlcura Ointment,
and washed off the affected part with
Cutlcura So,p three times a day, and
then put the Cutlcura Ointment on.
The first day I put It on. It relieved
me of Itching so I could sleep all that
night. It took about a week, then I
could see tho scab come off. I kept
the treatment up for three weeks, and
my eczema waa cured.
"My brother got hla face binned
with gunpowder, and he used Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment. The peo
ple all thought ho would have scars,
but you can't see that he ever had
hla face burned. It was simply awful
to look at before tho Cutlcura Rem
edies (Soap and Ointment) cured It."
(Signed) Mis Elizabeth Gehrkl, For
rest City, Ark., Ocl. 16, 1910.
Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment are sold by druggists and deal
ers everywhere, a liberal sample of
each, with 32 page booklet on the care
and treatment of skin and hair, will be
sent, poKtfree, on application to Potter
D. & C. Corp.. Dept. X, Boston.
Bloodleu Battle.
"What we want," said the peace
promoter, "(s a system that will per
mit candid discussion to take the
place of actual conflict."
"Don't you think," inquired the man
who was rending the sporting page,
"that our professional pugilists have
come pretty near solving the prob
lem ?"
Wngge Why did llenpeck leave
the church?
. Jaggs Somebody told him mar
riage were made In heaven. Judge.
Constipation caue and aggravates many
nerioun HiM-ai". It is thnmuclilv cured by
Dr. Piercf'a Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite hniily laxative.
If a girl has a grown up brother she
acquires a pretty fair knowledge of
men without having to pass through
the agonies of matrimony.
To enjoy (rood hwtllh, take Garfield Tea;
it cures 'constipation tn regulates the
liver and kulneva.
It's a. wsjite of the other fellow
time when you talk foolish.
im UUEfl
"I find Cascrets so good that I would
not be without them. I wa troubled a
preat deal wkh torpid liver nd hedche.
Now since UkinR Cacrets Candy Cathar.
tic I feci very much better. I shall cer
Uinly recommend them to my friend a
tue best medicine 1 hare erer seen."
Anna Bnzinct,
Otborn Mill No. a, Fall River, Maaa.
rieanant. Palatable. Patent. Tail Rood.
j)o (ocx1. Never Sicken, Weaken or (irlpa.
10c, 25c, SOc. Never aolil In bulk. The tenw
Ine lahlet stamped C C C. Uuaxantcatl to
our or your money back.
h rnltFTivl ntany of HHVKItM UU.Irt, J ' I'l'c.
mitl Nn.I KAI.lilA. Mm. little wrlle, "Cap-IM-ltrip
I lint ntl all you rltttm II lit be. Hnd mo a Jin bo.t
nnil Mure Miimple lo alte lo hit frlt-mia." vio
Jt.iBk-itiK. Kwe i.nipl.- I' A UK liKOTHfr.tta,
Hot itna-Hull liuort. Marjrlnud.
tf mirtralwttli I
Thompson's Eyi Watoi
icicles T im Trrv
Ill Ih siiKKcstcd I I111I linrliilorii shall he
rompi-lli'il liy law to entitle tlicinselvi
"Master." and when mnrrled ttiey may
e known aa "Mlsler.")
The Hcnperks silt one evening-the day's
hnrd tusks were done,
llenpeck removed the Hpron from his
vest ;
He'd straightened up the table, washed
the dishes one by one
And now be settled down to have a rest.
He waited for the paper, which Mrs. Hen
peck read;
She reached some news that fllled her
with dellKht
"Cll bachelors all "Mnster"; the proper
plan." she said
And llenpeck. nodding sanely, vowed:
"That's right!"
'The men." said Mrs Itenpeck, "loo long
have bad full sway,
And bachelors must he Identified;
lo long as they're unmarried, a lax they
ought to pay
And sign tlieir names to show their
class, beside."
Then llenpeck kept on dnrnlng the socks,
to pass the while.
And. leaning down to get a better lllit,
Dr possibly to keep her from noticlii). his
He snld. with mck expression: "Yes.
that's right."
Then llenpeck sought the kitchen, and
set tlie bread to rise.
Ami put the onlmeiil properly to sunk.
And while he did his dot) hu musd
between his sighs:
"I onlv hope she doesn't see the Joke."
Hhe called lo him, serenely: 'pear, ure
the windows locked?
And have you got tilings cleared off for
the night?"
He came and took the pnper, nnd, "Mid
ler!" then he mocked -But
very sollu voce "Well, that's
right "
We often have wondered what psy j
Miological Impulse tells some women
when to laugh at the theater.
A man w ho is under 20 or over 40
finds It hard to understand why there
should be anything except aoubreltes
3n the stage.
Folks who adopt music as a profes
Ion may not be said to have a hold on
fame until they have caused the post
ponement of a concert because of
their illness.
Some people go around missing
trains Just because It gives them a
rhnnce to boast of their absentmlnd
The man who takes you to one side
and tells you that he Is simply rrnzy
because of his love for some girl, Is
Imply crazy.
Ixve makes, the world go 'round
but two drink of rye will give It r per
ceptlble whirl, according to Kentucky
A man will make more druses for
oelng fired than his boss does for Mr
ing him.
The man who stands on the street
'orner and oglea women Is usually the
line who applauds the loudest at the
play when the hero tells the villain lo
iinhnnd the girl.
Some men are mean enough to
make scrap books of baby food pic
lures and preserve them to show to
Iho victims In about 15 or 18 years.
"We must give up the open-door
policy, I am afraid," says the first dip
lomat. "And why?" demands the second
"The Ambassador from Klshwoo
will not agree to our plans, and you
know the whole open door idea hinges
upon his derision."
"Hinges on It, does tt?" asks the
lecond one. "Hinges on It? Tell you
what we'll do. We'll make It a sliding
door. See?"
Thus was shirt sleeved statecraft
given another great impetus.
Knew Her Limitations.
"Wouldn't you like to drive for a
little while. Motile?"
"Mercy, no! Why, I can't drive a
horse any better than I ran drive a
Just for Spite.
"She seems to be a woman of excep
tionally unpleasant disposition," ob
serves the newcomer, referring to an
absent ono.
"Unpleasant disposition?" echoes
the native. "Why, did you never heat
of what she did to cause heartburn
ings among her acquaintances? She
announced a big dinner and ball fot
a certain evening, and then never In
vited a soul to It."
A Mere Tyro. .
"You are flirting terribly; 1 do not
like It," said the Indignant wife.
"But, my dear," begged the poor
husband, "you must be lenient witr
me. Remember, thia Is my first at
tempt at flirting. I'll do better aa 1
get In practice."
Lack of Horse Sense.
"Ha. ha!" laughed the philosophical
man, after hla horse had thrown him.
"It's a good Joke on you. You are run
nlng to Greenville, and I am going tr
1 48 " V
Johnson and the Smart Children.
Full of Indignation against such par
ents as delight to produce their young
ones early into the talking world, Sam
uel Johnson gavo a good deal of pain,
by refusing to hpar the verses the chil
dren could recite, or tho songs they
could sing. One friend told him tba"
all two sons should repent Gray's
Elegy to him alternately, that he
might Judge who nad the happiest ea
lence. "No, pray, sir," said he, "let the
dears both speak at once."
ine Urn mull.T nftiT tiring Allen's Ki'l-Kuke. lh
ntltppilc pirnler to ba slisk.-n Into Hie RtH it
siukps tlitlit or nw tli.H-ti feel es.f : sites ItiMunt
rehof to corns soil t.tmlon. Tills Is in i-rt;
Sprmkln AUi-n's Kiiol-kit In one Kilo slid nnl In
;lieotber snvl mtiitillouinn-n-e. Sold eT.-rrwIiiTr.
Ife. hint aet'vl ' tnbtt if ute. For KKKK trisl
rat kage. sddruss Alkn tt olualfd. l.rK.ijr. N. V.
To be conscious that you are Ignor
ant Is a great step to knnwltdge.
Benjamin IHsraell.
To keep the Mon! pure nnd the kin
ilcjr, drink IIiirlcM Tea before retiring.
It Is not necessarily true that tho
worst Is yet to come.
When woman sprikt of her
silent secret' suffering the
trusts you. Millions have he
towed this mark of confi
dence on Dr. K. V. Pierce,
of Huffulo, N. Y. Tvery.
where there are women who
bear witness to the wonder
working, curing-power of Dr.
Pierce' 1 svorito Prescription
which save I lie tufftrin tt
from pain, and successfully
grapples with woman's weak
ill I
nesses and stubborn ills.
Dr. Ptem'M Pltmstal Pcllttn Indue mild
Ilix letter writing never amounts
to anything.
IHx (Hi. I don't know. Ten letters
cost me J 1,000 once.
Labrador' Future.
AeenrdiiiB' to statements made the
other day by Dr. (irenfell of Labrador,
the Cinderella of British possessions
has a brilliant future before It. Ir.
(irenfell, who has lived twenty years
in tlinl snowy country, says that In
Jays to come It will carry a popula
tion as easily as Norway does today.
It Is, he says, a better country than
Iceland, and to be greatly preferred
lo I.aplund, Finland, Siberia and
northern Alaska.
FD OF.KRS. "The grand old man." he
is called for he is so honest handlim;
horses in r:ice. He s.-ivs: "I have used
M'llllN'S DISTKMPKK Cl'RK for 12
years, alwava with liel success. It is the
only remedy I know to cure all forms nf
distemper and prevent horses in same sta
ble having the disease." 50c and $1 a bot
tle. All druggists, or manufacturers. Spohn
Medical Co., Chemists, (ioslten, Ind.
What We Are Coming To.
Jack I thought your landlord
didn't allow children.
Henry Sh! We call It Fldo -Harper's
A pin scratch may esur Mood poison,
a rustv nnil cut is very apt to do so.
n.imlins Wirard Oil used st onc drsws
nut all infection and makes blood poison
The Ignorance of Casey.
Casey Thwat kind av a horse ii a
Mulligan It's wan thot's been
raised intoirly on corn, ye Ignoramus.
For fOLDS) and fill IP
ttlrks' CsrcniNa Is the liest remedy re
lieves the aching mid feverish ness cures Ine
Colli amt restores normal coiiilltfons. It's
llqulil etfeels Inuuetliatrly. inc., it'., ami .S'.
&l drug stores.
Not Possible,
"la there a good parting acene In
that play?"
"No; tho hero's bald."
Nature's laxative, flnrfield Tea, nver
rnmes constipation and is iiieallv suited to
tone up the system in the Spring.
Who bo neglects learning In his
youth, loses the past and Is dead for
the future. Euripides.
It will b welcom nw to dyspr.ptles
to learn of a remedy that, In the opinion
of thousands, Is an absolute cure for In
digestion and all forma of stnmuch trou
ble, and. better still. It Is R-unrRntesd to
do so. The remedy la Ir. Caldwell's
Byrnp Pepsin.
Wa all know the value of pure pepsin
In IndlKeHtlon, and ndd tn this some ex
ceptional laxative Ingredients nnd ynu
have a truly wonderful remedy. Mr. T.
W. Worthy of Korsythe. Oil., got to the
point where lie could not even eat or di
gest veRetatilea and after many years of
seeking- he found the cure In Ir. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. Rudy Kasnerof
Mollne, III., was In the same bad pre
dicament wltli hla stomach, took Ryrup
j r" 5c Regular,
lA.i.n th strenuous
something rvrru .vpeciuL
1 y
on 1 he market. C.omnsrison will brwa It to you. Made br snecisl
opemlors nt attractive, extra sirons. isst color msirnaisi reintnrred snd
C.ll AkANT KH). Yourdeslrrcan supply you; If not. send ushlsnsme. roar
rollsr air and ths pi ice In stumps lor tsnipla shirt and book of nrwpsttcma.
THE PRESIDENT SHIRT COMPANY, HOW. Fayette Street Baltimore, Md.
Household Remedy
Taken In the Spring for Year.
Ralph Kust, Willis, Mich., write!
"Ihiod's Sarsaparilla has been houses
bold reined v m our home as long a J
run remember. 1 have taken it in the
spring lor several years. It hn no
nn.i for elennsing the blood and et
pelhng the humors that accumulate dur
ing the winter. Heing a fanner and ei
pnrd lo IihiI weather, mv svstem is often
flii'led. and I often take llood'a farsa
parilla ith (inoil results." i
Hood's Sariiparilla is Peculiar to Itself
There is no "just as need."
Get it lodav in iiual liquid firm et
thocoluti'd tablets called SoreatabS.
in New York City. Best features of roun
by and ciiy liie Out-of-door apotts on
1 hool park of 35 acre near the Hudson
Kiver. Academic Course Primary Clajsta
Graduation. Upper cla-ss fur Advanced
Special Students. Music and Art. Write
for catalogue and terms
St j kiwi mi ' sMIm. iimtilr nw. liiit it.. rJ. A. I
a truly
Honored by Women
No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her 000- ,
fidenre misplaced when she wrote for advice, to
the Wosio'j DisrsssAar Mimical Association, Dr.
It. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. v'
atlurtl bowel movtmtat one a day.
The Point of View.
"I notice that you have given t..
the fight for a cleauer city. You used
to be one of the lenders in the oppo
Kit Ion to the smoke nuisance."
"Yes. I've come to the conclusion
that smoke cannot be abolished. It
iisiIckr to keep harping on the que
I "lly the way, what business are you
In now?"
j "(Hi, I've quit working for a salary.
: An uncle of mine left me a valuable
j Interest In one of our biggest may
i chine shops "
Urn. Win. low's Ritothlitg 8.Trnp for liiiilresi
: teething, softens lite irnm. reiluces inflMiiim
tiuu, a.1ii puin, cureit wiuil colic, lc a. botila
If you move to another Hat thle
spring you villi have to get used to a
new set of noises and neighbors.
ll.iilttll lea. imaliiahlc in the (test
iticiil 1 liM-i slid Kidney dtM-iisa's!
No man becomes a jailbird just for
a lark
Constipation 4
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Core
I sit Purely vf
tle act lurcl
but gently
the liver.
Slop after
cure iadi-
cesooa - improve ike complex ion hi ightea
ike eyes. SsmII ML Snail Dm, Saull Price-
Cennina Duitkai Signature
Inrtvitftn ynnrcmp by inidin
I our Hif ktruin wiib n ( wenj
.1 nnl nit Mill; an.t il-tn.y tht)
muni NNr tit U'ttirf 1 lu wnj
H im, M.u'hliir. llrtYa Trail
pin til r ttiut -. iiUrit ttiioe
m.tlfralW. ltrk' nnd Huill
IVaarnl IWn Tl.rtlirrv U4
rrn itrmlnri. Writf J ..Owm4
Ill Ugh. H., tltJ..r, aU
.......... .... 4
lot Msttsrv of Trsvsl, Consult
Cnro Sfamthip und Railroad Pat: Agent
127 Baltimore Street. BHimore, MJ,
Ticket to and From Europe by All Linoa
Pai-tona II r ConducldToun,SummrCruiai.a
Travollrr'a Choquva Lallvra of Credit
kHIa atli4
htl,0 !. tltlkVIr
li , ai- 1 .tjinfs
l ull All !!
H !( mrLfti cmmJ
pill or tl a '. v4
toiastti rmjir mw
ibiat- Uutnnirll
fMlt Uftllritttlrra
r Nl I ft H'l fsif '.Ds
Hmni n tHuru
Wnlaoa E.CoUtuafi.Waiht
Intuni.ln. IWkxin. Hi ha.
rai.j. mm result
Ol K ItlU l l OW HI' 4 Ml H li K hTKI
I; iiiltiiii'n suvm von l.kti ir i-i)i on jinn l utrtde,
.ami )mintiiitnt. Hib hmi a ri i.,Mrr4,rei
W. N. U.. BALTIMORE, NO. 17-1911.
Trpsln an.l Is now cured. Hundred! ol
others would sTladly testify.
It Is a sTunrantced cure for Indigestion,
constipation, biliousness, hoadiu lies, (ti
on tlie stomach and similar cumplitlnl
A bottle can ba had at any drua st.irt
for ft ft y cents or a dollar, but If you wish
to make a test of It first send your ad
dress lo l'r. Caldwell and he will supply
a free samplo bottle, sent direct to yout
address. You will soon admit Hint vou
have found something; to replice suits,
cathartics, breath perfumes ami other
temporary reliefs. Syrup Pepsin will curat
your permanently.
Tor Ih free samnle addrs TV. W B.
Caldwell, Ml Caldwell buildlnc. Montl-
I cello, 111.
VThclt.M Kxtra Seectai
resident Work Shirt
ouulu to sppfitl tn yon at once. I.iks th
riow worn by ovrrJ MILLION MKN, It is made
wesr of work dsv.hut (orlhos nieo who want
Both srs lh areatst values or tlis money
,',T 4 X
1 vrm,",wi
j 7 5?