Bad BLOOD Before I began using Cascarets I bad B baa compiexiuu, punjucs un 111 mic, and my food was not digested as 11 should Jjive been. Now I am entirely well, and the pimples have all disappeared from my (ice. I can truthfully say that Cascareta are just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them." Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind. f tenant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. o (ioo.l. Never Sicken. Weaken or tirlpe. 0c, 25c. Mo. Never told in bulk. Tiie genu lue tablet stamped C C C, Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 827 Use the old reliable bale's Of norebound and Tar For Coughs and Colds Free from oirium or invthlng injurious At all drujtgMtt. V iPlfci'tToothicht Drcpt Ufcibfaial MEN AND Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discour ages and lessens ambi tion; beauty, vigor and YYTflVf F cheerfulness soon dlsnp. ' Vi'llvl l,n lh 1,1, 1,,,., . are out of order or dlseaseil. Kor a-nnd re sult use l'r. Kilmer's Swamp-ltont Hit great kidney remedy. At iiruifgiHta. sarin El bottle bv mull fre bIho ptimnhhr. Address, Or, Kilmer A Co., Illtigliaiutnn, N. Y, FARMERS Inerfiiao ronrrrnn by gr,uv our M'i uruln wli ti hd rui-nt iinnliiK Mi)l;tinl ilmlm? tui tn in NirM Uf tiHlnMtlitOfn n Hmnl Mm hlno. Ilim'ti Trims planter tlml k'-iji pliiriiM aiihr-tiMtU-iillr, uml hmull I V ami llfitn Tlin-Hhrm, hN Corn (ira-Vr. WrHnJ. L.uf .. Ill Lifhl At.. fUila.rt, Mil. FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt'l Liver Pills actaa klndlyonthe child, (he Ut licet e female or Infirm ol J age, as upoa !. porous man. luii's Pills Ive tone and strength to the weak ewcla, kidneys and bladdcr.-a-aw 3 for $1.00 or I for 50s W DonitlTfly ffuurantee yon 3 H.0O Knmnii fold or (ttwu flnUhed Hfarf lrm with hiintlHnintj tone nittiu(r for $1 IX) which W 1-3 of roil ahi Almitink but to tin ftiri'Mi worth Tin?. If Hcnrf pin or link an nut n nml HutUfnrtor.T tnoni'y will Iw rcfundrd. A trinl orlr IH prov o you that wv ar ewlllnir rmmI Jworv rhfap" i IhaiiHnvhoiiHrinlhrworl.l. JEWELRY SPECIALTY COMPANY, 486 Broadway, New York City. t MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN Relieve l-'evrrishness, Constip.ii Hon. Cold and correct disorders of tlie stomach and bowels. VsM As Molkntfor J2 yrars. At all lirnir. HI) :sc. Samtde mailed l-'Kl'li. Adlrrra A. a. Olmsted, La N. Y, I .. STILL IN HIS POSSESSION Remarkable Coincidence in Sum of ' Money That Rastus Had in His Pocket. lUi.stus was on trial, charged with stealing seven dollars and eighty-five cents. He pleaded not guilty, and, as be waa unable to hire an attorney, tho Judge appointed Lawyer Clearem as counsel. Clearem put' up a strong plea tn defenso, and Hastus waa uc Qultted. Counsel and client met a few min ors later outside the court room. "Now, Hastus," said Clearem, "you know the court allows the Counsel very little for defending this kind of case. I worked hard for you Hid got you clear. I'm entitled to tuinh more pay than I'm getting for my valuable services, and you should ''8 up a good sized fee. Have you got ny money?" "Yes, l.ohs," replied Hastus, "I done tot si-ben dollahs and eighty-five cents." A Budding Star. 'The teacher Informs me thnt Mary Anderson Wombat has considerable dramatic talent." "That's what. Why. that alrl can't rdu the multiplication tnblo without maKttig the most elegnnt gestures." We are Interested In others when they are Interested In us. Publlua Bynis. COFFEE CONGESTION Causes a Variety of Alia. A happy old lady in Wisconsin lays: "Lmrlns the time I was a coffee drinker 1 was subject to elck head es, sometimes lasting 2 or 3 days, wally unfitting nie for anything. " this ninictlon waa ndded, somo 'tlr8 "K. a trouble with, my heart as very painful, accompanied y a s'oUicring sensation and lalnt- "Dyspepsia, also, camo to make life wtier to bear. I took all sorts of pat- "l ni(liclnes but none of them helped m for ft,ly iongth of Ume IllO dnetr,ti .1.. ii i lii w, iv;ii!ieuuy win me ! thmt coffeo I felt as if I had no ive! 1 nnally decided about 2 Z aso to ab'mdon the use of cbf j entirely, and as I had read a great Z ? 0Ut rMtum 1 concluded to try ft r a breakfast beverage. I Hp,,, , eJ tll taste of it and was par , cuiarly piPa8e(1 t0 noMce thnt ,t dW Iua Cnl? "iy 08 coffee ud to. Tho a spells with my heart grew less L.m ,8 Sequent, and finally ceased tart I i1"' Md 1 havo not h,ld at" fyoar i hcaaucho for more than a !l am .i y,dlB'8tln la good, too, and iCh , kful Umt 1 once more a 1 T , W0"mn' 1 know W wonder uitiTn ruU'm to hcalth cnnle trom 'Kun. f. COrr(' and Uli'"8 Postum." tt rek. ftuch ty P08tUm Co" Dattl0 lofcJ?'' a reason." and it is this. ilth ..Z8 a dlrect acUn on the Uver Mire, , pPople' and causes parUal fc 11 ,' orean Preventing We Ba.,,. , al" via prevenung , natural outlet 4IPn YVtft BCUVUUllO, Ui. .mY follow blllnilBnooa oollnw s & eudache8' constipation and final- JNtiP,. 1110 Dlood corpuscles llad rproatraUon. Ml.VUUe bwk- "Tho Road to W" n I,k8a- "There's a Rea- IL "r2 J!)' uhav ,''" , '"!. ' ,ru ""a full of homaa lipl' HAS HARD TIME BREAKING IN rlajor League Stands Have Proved Big Handicap to Recruits From Smaller Clubs. Artlo Hofman, (he Cubs' star out lelder, frequently hns Interesting eon :rlbutlons to make to the baseball lit iralure of the duy. Just now Artie wines to remark that It In a mighty lard thing for a young outfielder to nnke good In the mnjor leagues these lays, ttnd says that "no matter how food tho recruit may look In the rec rds and when he Is with the minors, le Is bound to have a hard time hIiow tog any Holding form when he breaks In with fast company. "I played the outfield with minor league teams for some time, and have Seen with the Cubs for a good many icasons, too," says Hofman, "and luring all my experience In baseball :he things that strike me as being one )f the hardest things in the game for in outfielder to buck up against Is the slg type of grand stands which they ire building around the circuit now. "Tako the National league there Is PlttHl.urg, Cincinnati, Uoston and Phllntlolphla in all these cities are iilg, hl.-h grand stands which do not nave any effect on the Inflelders, but iurt the work of tho outfielders. With :heso big, nigh stands we do not seo a fly ball until It has pusued out of the grand stand line, when we gel some light behind It, and then It Is too late for us to know where It Is going '.o fall, and where we shall run to :atch It; If an outfloldcr gets used to Lhe different parks around tho circuit, this Is not so bnd, but when he is Just breaking In and Is not acquainted with Ihe parks It Is liable to 'kill' his game :ompleteIy. "There was a good deal of complaint Troni all the outfielders about this In Philadelphia during tho world series; with tho crowd on tho field they had tn especially hard time getting long flies, for they could not see the ball intil It waa almost on the ground, and 'hen it was too lute to chase- It any distance, and Impossible with a big :rowd on the flold." Artlo Is not suggesting any cure for '.his evil, but merely telling about It; In fact, thero Is no cure unless- we ire going to have the magnates tear ing down all their beautiful big grand it and a and making their spectators sit 3n nothing but little benches which son't Interfere with the daylight and make It hard to catch fly balls. MOORE BETTER THAN "MATTY" Philadelphia Twlrler la Picked Star Pitcher of National League by Umpire Klem. Karl Moore, former Nap, Is the best pitcher In the National league, sur passing Christy Mathewson, accord ing to mil Klem, a National league urn pi re. "Matty knows how to pitch better than nny other major leagno pitcher " v.. Earl Moore. and Is still a wonder, but ho hasn't the stuff he had four years ago," snld Klem. "Ho is not as strong as he used to bo and wins games through the use of his brain moro than Ills brawn. Matty doesn't zip that old fast ball through a he used to. He depends more on tho deceptive fade away. "Perhaps Matty Is caBlly the most valuablo pitcher In our league, yet I believe Karl Moore of the Phllllos has more stuff on his ball than any other pitcher I worked behind during the summer. "Really., I never saw a more decep tive ball to Judge than Moore's cross fire. It comes to you at a peculiar angln, and If It's half as hard to lilt as It Is for an umpiro to Judge, then I con ciiBlly understand whv the bat ters don't fatten their batting aver aes when Moore is working. Ills speed is tremendous and his rurves fast breaking. There are a lot of great pitchers In the National league, but Moore Is the one best bet to me." To Golf at Columbia. Columbia university has taken up golf for the first time In several years and will enter a team In the Intercol legiate tournament at nnltusrol the second week of September. Although Columbia has not been represented In the Intercollegiate tournament In a number of years, it has always re tained It 3 membership in the associa tion, which Is at present made up of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Williams, Dartmouth and the University of Pennsylvania. Ireland Defeat Scotland. Irishmen In New ?ork have Just (earned of the vlcWry of the Emerald Isle In the annual Rugby match be tween Scotland and Ireland, which took place at Iverlelth a few days ago. On account of the match being on their own grounds It was thought by many that the Scotchmen would come out victorious, but the Irish team won by a score of 1C to 10. The season approaches wherein the oascbnll scribes swoop down upon the English language and mangle it be yond all hope of recognition. 1 V A 1c BIG IRISH FIGHTER BREAKS DOWN nni iinnrfl Acting upon the advice of Tommy Ryan, his manager, Con O'Kelly, the big Irish wrestler fighter who has been registered as one of tbo leading as pirants of the country for the heavy weight championship, has sailed for his home In Ireland. Constant training and fighting broke down the big fellow's nervous system and be ran down alarmingly In weight. He wa homesick, too, and decided to LOOKING TO EAST FOR GAMES Michigan'! Tennis Team Will Play but Two Matches With Western Schools Both With Oberlin. Michigan's tennis team, as well as the baseball and track teams, will look to the east this spring for Hb games. With the exception of two matches with Oberlin college, one to he played at Oberlin and the other at Ann Arbor, all of the games scheduled for the Michigan racquet experts are to be played In the rast. Cornell, Co lumbia and Union are the three east ern Institutions nlready scheduled, while Captain Norlngton In giving out the schedule for the season Intimated that a game with either Princeton, Swarthmore or New York university would complete tho list of games. The first game of the season will bo played on Ferry field, Oberlin furnishing tho opposition. The re mainder of tho seheduln, as at pres ent arranged, are to be played away from home, us follows: May C Oberlin nt Ann Arbor. May 13 - Olxtlln at Oberlin. May 1R Union college nt Schenect ady. May 17 Columbia at New York. May IS Open. May 20 Cornell at Ithaca. Although thero are four veteran members of tho Michigan tennis tenm In college only two of them are eligible, cx-capts. I.eldy and Price hav ing exhausted their period of eligibili ty. However, Captain Norrlngton and Shafroth both are eligible and the chances are good for a strong tenm. according to Captain Norrlngton, who nlready Is arranging for the tourna ment which will deeido the makeup of the Michigan tenm. Louisville has released James ilyrd, Chief Miller and Charles Schneider, pitchers, and Catcher Sewell to Lex ington of tho Illuo Grass league. Terry Turner's arm seems to bo hopeless case and Manager McQuIre has about picked on Herman Hronkle to start tho season at third base for tho Naps. Lester Channell Is having trouble with the ankle thnt he broke while with tho New York Highlanders; he has been out of the Indianapolis prac tice work lately. Averages don't count much In tho fielding line. Lennox twice led the National leaguo third basemen, but nobody refused to waive on him when he was sent to LouIbvIIIo. "Hilly" Papke, Hugo Kelly, Jimmy Clabby, or any other middleweight, can have my ame If the proper In ducements are offered, is the state ment issued in Chicago by "Cyclone Johnny" Thompson. After a delay of at least fifty years an agitation has been begun In Eng land to put more snap Into cricket. The scheme of the Cricketers' asso ciation Is to make the bat narrower and the stumps higher. There Is an added Incentive for the St. Louis nrowns to beat Washington in the American rtnseball league pen nnnt race. Jimmy McAlecr has de clared he would quit the gnme If the Mound City men bent out the Sena tors. The Upton honor shield, given by Sir Thomas Llpton, on which will be engraved tho names of various asso ciation class winners, has boon ac cepted to be held In trust by the Massachusetts Yacht Racing associa tion. Sir Thomas has been chosen an honorary member of the association. take a summer's vacation. He weighed only 200 pounds when he left, al though his normal figure Is 220. O'Kelly will rest until AugiiKt and then try to get some bouts In Kng land. Riley to Lead Yale. Jsmes A. Ulley of Hrockton, Mass., has heon elected captain of the Yala basketball team for next year. HILDRETH GOES TO ENGLAND Big String. Including the Great Fits Herbert, Brooklyn Handicap Win ner, to Race Abroad. The pick of the Hildroth racing stables, Including tho great Fit Her bert, winner of last year's Ilrooklyn handicap, is likely to bo slilpped to Kngland shortly nccordlng to rumors current In New York the other day. S. C. Hlldreth, tho owner. It Is under stood, expects to race Ills thorough breds at the I'lmlico meeting and then. If the recent decision of the Sain Hildreth. Jockey club to hold no race meets In New York stands, to send them abroad for diaposal. Novelty, King James, Hestigouche, Zeus and other well-known horses are still In t ho Hildreth stables at Sheepshend Hay, where Jockey Shil ling ts putting them through their daily exercises. Shilling Is likely to go to Englnnd to rldo If tho Hildreth horses aro sent to ttiat country. New Harvard Code. The Harvard athletic committee has decided upon a complete revbdon of tho nthletlc eligibility rulos of tin university, nnd a committee compris ing penn E. II. Wells, Hyllger do Wlndt, tho footbnll mnnnger, nnd W. C. Ciiircelon, treasurer of the atliletlo association, hns been appointed to consider and report to tho athletic committee on a new code. San Francisco Wants Carnival. San FranciHco Is out for a big nth letlc carnival for 1915. The San Fran risco people want a flxturo for the Panama-Pacific exposition. The Ann teur Athletic union championships or Pnn-Americnu championships or sup plementary Olympic games would be acceptable. Soccer Coach at Harvard. Soccer football received a boost at Harvard tho other day when tho ath letic committee announced that Paul Wlthlngton had been authorized to secure a professional conch. Prac tice will commence as soon as the weather moderates. A southern trip for the track team during the spring recess Is also cnlled for In the com mittee report. The baseball team will spend a week at Annapolis. Power Boat Priies. The Illinois Valley Yacht club will gjvo $1,000 In prizes for tho third an nual regatta of the Western Power Dont association to be held at Pdoom Ington Aug. 8 and 9, William Ohl will act as starter, he will fill a similar position at the Dubuque regatta of the Mississippi association July 4. Ixmdon, England, Schools Swim ming association Inst year had 1.291 affiliated schools. During 1910 there were 10,497 first-class certificates Is sued to 6,000 boys able to swlru 100 yards, and 4,497 to girls able to swim 50 yards. Moreover, 1,328 llfe-8svlng certificates were awarded , IN OBEDIENCE TO ORDERS French Boy Caused Merriment by Taking the Order of the Court Too Literally. A droll Incident is reported as hav ing tnken place In ono of the pro vincial appeal courts In France. A boy, nbout 14, was summoned to glvo evidence, and his appearanco was such an to move tho whole court to laughter, He wore a long redlugote, peculiar to the tlasque country, and Immense boots. Ills trousers, collar and hat were unquestionably thoue of a mnn. The court was convulsed, and tho president asked tho boy how he dated to treat tho court In such a manner. The boy seemed as surprised as tho president, and taking out the citation from his pocket, road the formula In viting hi in, "Cotnparultro duns leu af faires de son pere." (To appear In his father's suit) THE ALARMING PREVALENCE OF ECZEMA Finds Victims Among Every Race, Age and Condition, Of all .tho diseases of tho skin and scalp which torture and disfigure man kind, three-fourths are eczematous. Millions are born with eczema, and It is tho only thing other millions have left when they dip. Neglect in Infancy and childhood, Irritating conditions af fecting the fkln. Ignorance of Its real nature, Improper remedies and nmny other causes th&t might bo mentioned have created an eczema which, with varying severity,' has afflicted count lens numbers during their entire lives. Eczema Is a skin disease. It is not re garded as hereditary, nor contagious, and Is Impartially distributed among tho rich and poor, the high urn! low. The agonizing Itching and burning of tho skin, causing loss of sleep, usual ly tho most distressing symptom and Is caused by tho bursting of little vesicles filled with an acrid fluid, which burns as with fire tho denuded skin. New vesicles form, fill ond burst, scales form upon scales, and crusts upon crust b until disfigurement Is added to torture. One or tho motit successful treat ments for eczema, whether applied to tho youngest Infant or the oldcBt per son, Is hot baths with Cutlriira Soap and gentle anointings of Cutlriira oint ment. For more than a generation, these pure, sweet and geutlo emolli ents havo proved the most efficient agents In the rioedy and permanent relief of all forms of eczema, raphes, Itchlngs and Irritations of the skin and scalp. Although Cutlcur.i soap and ointment aro sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. In order that those who havo suffered long and hopelessly and who have lost faith In everything may mako trial of them without charge, a liberal sample of each will be mailed free to any ad dress, together with a 32 page pamph let, giving a description and treatment of tho various forms of eczema, as well ns other affections of tho skin, scalp, hair and hands send to "Cull cura," Dcpt V, Uoston. Character Told In Greeting. Joseph Siiiiius. M. I)., In "Physiog nomy Illustrated," says : "Tho man who gives you a warm, cordial, hearty grasp, looks you straight In the fare, w ith ,i pleasant, open smile, nnd shakes your hand up ami down, withdrawing bis after a second earnest gentlo pres sure, Is almost without an exception an honest, earnest and true friend. The man who gives you the Wagging, hori zontal, mill hopper shake, and lets slip your hand n.-i If It were greasy or oily, will almost certainly be found to be a selfish, cunning and deceitful man, ready to sell you tho moment he can realise n dollar." Triumph of Courage. Courage and the "power of the hu man eye," paved Walter Sergeant, a prosperous rancher, In the Redwood district, Sun Jose, when ho was con fronted by n hungry mountain lion the other evening. Sergeant was driving a herd of cows to IiIh homo In the foothills when he noticed the hlg cat stalking Ii I m. As It crouched for a spring, Sargent turned and fixed the beast with his eye. Man and lion remained r.s Immovable as statues for a few seconds and then tho animal turned nnd trotted away. Cure for Hit Dyspepsia. Hogan Phwnt makes ye swally all your dinner In two minutes, llrogan? Aro ycr. at In' on a bet ? It's for the good av me dyspepsy, Molke. Sure tho docther tould me to list an hour alter atln', and hoiv else nm Ol goln' to git the hour of rlst in unless Ol ato lolko the dlvil?" Mrs. WhtHlnw' StMitlitn fiyrnp fur Children leethlii. sufiens the frnttis, reilnces inilHrniiut Uon, allays pain, cures wind colic, -13 a boitle. I am a man, and nothing that con cerns n man do I deem a matter of Indifference lo me. Terence. Constipation slow Iv impairs the ijctieial health --(iartiold T ea corrects const tpation sod bent ins the entire svstem. Man's best possession Is a sympa thetic wife. Kurlpldes. No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong man is strong" all over. No man can he strong who is suffering' from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which Ira pairs digestion and nutrition, l or when the stomach is wesk or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleeo well, bas an uncomfortable feeling in Ihe stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he Is losing the nutrition needed to mako strength. Such m wan mhould use Dr. Pierce' t Golden Medical DlBcorery. It caret dlseatea of the atomach mnd other oriana of dictation and nutrition. It enrlchea tho blood, Inrlioratea tho liver, atrenitheoa tho kldneya, nourishes tha nervea, mnd ao GIVES HEALTH 21XD STREXUTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. Yon can't afford to accept stcret nostrum as substitute tor this nnn alooholio medicine op known composition, not even though Ihe urgent dealer nay thereby make little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. PUTNAM Color more foods brighter and faster colors tlinn any dye any ssrment without Hppir.s apart. Writs (or JUST THE WAY. PL Mm j'Uu is She Where has your papa been all morning? lie Developing a couple of nega tives with an instantaneous developer. AN ESTABLISHED FACTORY Producing stnndard piod ued by stnre, bunk, hirmcrs mid pr.ict ically v crvlKidy, U sending it specul rein e-ent at i e to open n uixtriliutim; ullice fi.r tin dint net ami other unoccupied territory nnd deirea n resident dintnlmti-r with iWo to fc'l.uuo in c.isli, carry nig stock for immediately filling orders; wo allow .loo to if.'ij.i month ly comtipimntion, extl:i ci iiiiiii-vioik, of hco nnd m her -.'ciimi, per cimtrn t, ac ronliiitt to si.o of di-trict nllottinl and stock carried; permanent n rr.irinctiu-n I ; references reiiiired. If you can till re quirement write promptly. "I.ihrrtv" Matitifactiirinu Annoci.itioli, V.'lO Wet llu ron ht., t hu.iuo. Good Reason for It. "I see a premiere datiseue In ad vertlsed to dance with five snakes twined about her." "Should think she would. If n snake got on nie I'd bet I'd dance." Stray Stories. For III: tlM( II ; lUrka t'll'l IIIM-: Whether fmm ( lli-ut, Mmiuirh or Xt-rvioi Troiihlt-M. npnilli.e Kill rrllcve you. It' ll,uld - jilrafcnnt to Inke m-l liiiriir.ii Bt-lr Try It. Iljc , ., and W i-i iiib at ilruif etorrs. Of Course. "Why are hole bellboys railed 'Pul tons'?" "Itecause they're always off when you need 'em most." Taylor' ( Remedy of Sweet !nm and Mullen i Nature's great remedy -Cures ('iiu'lis, ('elds. Ciuup and Whooping CoiikIi nnd all throat ami lunn troublee. At driiiitH, 2.1c, 50c and H 00 per bottle. Praise not a woman for what she hath, but for what she hath not. and thy reward shall be exceeding greot. (lelett Hurgess. tJnrfiebl Tea rontnins no hxrmfu! drii;. Composed of Herbs, it is nn ideal laxative. Ijiugh nt a fool nnd he Imagines that you are laughing with him. Oarfield Ten. Herb remedy, ovrrrotnra constipation, indigent inn nnd m khoadnche. Ignorance of one's misfortune Is clear gain. Euripides. MIIXIONS EUXIRef SENNA fOR COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION AND JOUR STOMACH, CAS AND FERMENTATION, CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF Tilt CENUtNE SYRUP OF PCS AND EUXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OrFER IMITATIONS, IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXrENSE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH. OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU A'.K FOR . SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELEXIR OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR ING TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE, MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT 13 MANU FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE. CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE. OF THE .OaSiJja ' P DHUGGliTJ REGULAR PRICE SO. PER SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE. AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL fOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SAIJI BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California FioSYtiupCa W. L. DOUGLAS VbVS 2 3 3 ? & '4 S H 0 ES V1JS1 W. L. Douglas Spring Styles include more Snappy and Up-to-Date Sliapes in Oxfords and High Cuts than ever before produced. W.I..I hiiiglus warrants every pair of his shoes to ho J their shape, lisik and tit lstier and wear lunger than any other make, giving you better Tallin for the money than you ran obtain clsow hero. I ir-Pf wtne of ru.nsTiTUTrs.-vi The genuine Ituve. W I.. Iniilns nnme ami tlm retail rice. stiinin-il mi the Itottnm, whirti t-iiHriintees full value antl prtilei'ln the wenrer mishIiimI Ii I It prleestlnil Interior shoes. for MkiI ttnli-r I'nu I r four nt'sirr i simil siir'1''. wainri. nf mime i. irni tiifct rrnni V, I.. IIoubjIuv, I I A HpMrk fkl.. FADELESS DYES other dye. One 19c pack age colors all fibers. They dve it.rold water hetter than anvother dye. You can trre booklet How lo Dye, lilearh and Mis Colors. MONRUC DHUG COMPANY, Qalacy, III. Loss of Appetite Which is no common in the spring or upon tlio return of warm weather, is loea of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often forerunner of prostrating disease. It is serious and especially so to people mul keep up and doing or get be hindhand. The best medicine to take for it is tlie great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches tho blood ami builds up the whole system. (let it toduy in usual liquid form o chocolated tablets called Sarsatnbe. - - - .... Don'tBuy a Common Refrigerator J - J ll will toon heeome s vile smellinf. VWKTJIXX. iWa brertlnif Ihinc . Our lies ' b"kl" "" h'' A"1' ,or kV'Vj Iconard Clcanable jiVtii "f"l,j I innl iih relsirrrliin rnimtlon ' tfjI'-li-kiA;.' tkt'l sieel, all one piece. Nut rrk or rrfMre lis- termi lo hide.a Yoursn't brrik. icrslih or irt il. rasilv rlianrd tt s rhins ttikh. ninemalli In uveire: ndttr k .. irsn. nimuiy sna liunnir, rnrj ri A inlhrend. We irlldirerlwliei Vi - an, uriir,. niiiriKir X (nf Cllutoe. bnoklrf llllt trre laia- lilrl of the poneliin limns. CRAND RsPIDS RtfKK.fHMOR CO. 153 tljrde Pais. Aeaua Crtnit Rapid., Mica, Instead of Liquid Antiscpticsorperoxido 100,(M)0 s'(iilt' last year used . Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved in water iih needed. For nil toilet and lij-tfienic uses It is better and mure economical. To save nnd beautify tin teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de bt roy disease perms and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth nd bridtfeworkctean, rului-lc-H To remove nicotine from the teeth iindv purify the breath after Miiokinir. To eiadicate perspirntion und body odors by sponge batbing-. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves nnd strengthens tired, weak, inllamedeyes. Heals tore throat, won ik'.i and cuts, "'i and ,0 cts. a box, driiiririsl or bv mail post paid. K;ilill' I'rro. THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston. Mass. Direct Running Saw Mills Arn ihn hmt nn tht mnrhi-t ft.r purtuhln . Vhmf rv liiii . i'liiiifm. t, vny io run mid iluntli iv Thvf r s'(iii.inirtt I lininiMi tln- ri'tiir .. hlp t.i riHTit, Mini ill- will rut lhr Mrt-iitinl amount nf niiiiir nt ( lit I runt fiM-iiB. If vim uni tj nt Mnrte-tl rlfht in the lutiii'tr uihii anil ninki th Uiit nmiii-T. Itif Maiig:ii ih lurt-cl Mill twfttrt imy iiitf rM-tiii tur f ti'ticiitU-K.iii(,g 7tur mjtiirtMii' iiU. WM. BARTLEY & SONS, Bartley, N. J. ARE YOU GOING ABROAD? In Mttr of Travel, Contult ARTHUR V. ROBSON Ctntrat Steamship and Railroad Pott. Agent 127 E. Pallimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Ticket! lo and Frm F.urnpe by All Line Pertonally Conducted Touri, SummtrCruiM-i.&ti Trttvcller' CUvqus Leltr of Crodit STi P fi GRANULATED CAN BE CUKLO FAMILIES ' A'. M r. 1 ' - w I: jV-'--V'.-V.'if Jini.u cr,rtnr, Bj lliM1MIMBntMIL H .wwiiviuni iw Ultlir V- 4 Cm. MitisiiKi. rn itRfi BOTTLE. Of PACKACt w . I.. I Xjtitfls. slur.. writs Boys' Shoes m.-tory o wrsifr. nil 'tnrgts Jlrorktwa. Mu. $2.00,t 2.0O4$3.OO A Country School for Girls In New York City Beit Featursi of Country and Clt) Lit Out-of-door Sports on School Park of H.1 acres near the) Hudson Uiver. l-'ull Academic. Couisrt from Primary Class to lirHtlimllon. I'liper Class for Advanced Special Studenla. Mu sic ami Art. .Summer Session. Cer liftcato admits to Oollene. School Coach Meeta Day Pupils. IM Utp it llu Vl.i, IKniilc sit., mi IIH SI, Writ nAiSY Fi Y ku i rn li-ftf-UA kills kllilM Neii.rl..0.if.sia'D. l4l0smtniHt,akiehf. t.ta All 9sta. M bv1 of tnrial.etairt splil Klip sster, WU1 mil ot wt iJur ui lMU. (tlftrtBJlMslor rriif.or.lllaUr il ipreldfeilOn, MsKOI n NOMICRS lUUetBlht., rkltji Mmm lork W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO 16-1911. s i a i; 5S' 1 IT I v "as i in MP