The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 20, 1911, Image 7

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Vetoed IJy ;oveimr.
Two House bills were vetoed by
Hie (iovernor, both bi-iim disapproved
on the ground or not being neces
sary. The tians bill to '' il 8
misdemeanor for any one In a llrst
claaa city to permit liny Hiilist inn- to
flow into an Inlet, drain or sewer,
which would form a deposit tending
to obstruct, was vetoed on the
ground that the subject Ih one which
nil be dealt with by tli- municipal
authorities by ordinance.
The otlier bill to meet executive
disapproval appropriated $!.nou for
iuadrenulul inspection by tlm lo
partmeiit. of Internal Affair of
boundary line monuments.
Approved lly (iovernor.
(iovernor Tener aiiproved iiino
bills, including the McMcliol Senate
bill miiklim It a misdemeanor for any
jier.-on t give any dramatic, theat
rical, oiMintic or vaudeville exhibi
tion r show any tled or moving
pictures of a "lascivious, sacrilegious,
obscene. Indecent or Immoral na
ture," under penalty of a flue not ex
ceeding $l,0ini or Imprisonment for
not more than a year, or both.
Another bill sinned was the Mc
lnherney House bill to enable coun
ties to Issue bonds anil appropriate
money to construct and maintain
canals in conjunction with other
counties, the State or other States
or the I'nlted States.
Hill To I ill pencil .Indues.
The passant? by the House of the
Sliern bill. providing for and regulat
ing Investigations when ctaargti are
preferred against a Judge of' any
Judicial district, has given rise to
many rumors and caused more dis
content among the members of the
House than any other piece of legis
lation passed thus far In the session.
. The procedure adopted and the Inci
dents which surround It were not
only peculiar, but unique, and gave
the new members of the House a les
hoii In legislative procedure which
they may have read of, but have
never bad the opportunity of seeing
put Into actual practice.
Deislieni Pension Hill.
a conference of Senators and
Representatives Interested In pension
bills, It was determined that prefer
rnce should be shown in the Senate
to the bill presented by Mr. lr
sheni. 1'nlon. to grant pensions at
the rate of $.1 for those who served
for three months; $C for those serv
ing less than a year, and $7 for over
two years. The Dershem bill has
passed the House nnd the Gray bill,
which provides for pensions for the
emergency men who served for less
than three months. Is booked to pass.
There are three pension bills In the
Inspect .-,(, 000 Dairy Farms.
More than fifty thousand dairy
farms In Pennsylvania are now beln
-artfully Inspected by odlrers of the
State Department of Health in fur
therance of the campaign which Stat
Health Commissioner Mxon is wag
Ing to give the people pure milk.
This Is the seventh insjectlon of Its
kind that the department has in ado
snd each one has been productive of
ftrently Improved sanitary condi
tions on the dairy farms as shown 1 j
the reports of the !,ealth odlcers.
The inspections are made at stated
periods throughout the year. They
extend not only to the premises' pro
ducing milk wholesale and retail dis
tribution, but also to every farm pro
ducing milk for sale to creameries,
to butter-making establishments.
r)ie.a. factories, rondensorles, etc.
The cleanliness of the cow, the sani
tary condition of the stable, the cow
yard and the milk house ore all care
fully Investigated and rigidly report
ed. The cleanliness of the persons
who do the milking receives particu
lar attention.
In its dealings with the dairymen
the State Department of Health has
from the first endeavored to make
the farmer understand that It yvas
vastly to his benefit to keep his dairy
In a sanitary condition.
New Position for Hniise.
N. K. Hause, of Hawley, Wayne
county, was elected secretary of the
State Hoard of Public Grounds nnd
Iluildings. He succeeds Henry I).
.Tones, r Montrose, who resigned.
Mr. Hause Is chief clerk to the Audi
tor General
New P.I1N In the House.
The following . bills Mere Intro
duced in the House:
Mr. Shreve. Krle Regulating
registration of corporations chartered
in other States.
Mr. Schofleld, Wa-ren Prohi
biting the sale of pheasants and
other game birds except under re
Ftrlction of law.
Mr. Caldwell, Northumberland
Providing $10 fine as penalty for
Imitation of commercial feeding
stuffs when manufacturers comply
with State law requiring printing of
composition on label.
Mr. Freeman, Lebanon Providing
that suits against State treasurer for
recovery of unclaimed bank deposits
shall be brought In Dauphin County
Mr. Whitman. Venango. Requir
ing county treasurer to deposit
county funds in banks offering best
rate of Interest at public letting.
Xew Hills In Semite.
The following bills were Intro
duced in tho Senate:.
Mr. Uuckninn, Burks -Providing
that where property 19 left In tnmt
for eharlty and the object of the trust
Is found to be Impracticable, the
property shall ro to the heirs.
Mr. Vnre, Philadelphia Making It
a mlmleineanor for any employee or
balb-c who without Just cause or ex
cuse, negleets or refuses to return
any animal or vehicle to the person
to whom or to the place where It wag
his duty to return It.
11KSM ANSHII' of a high degree of excellence wan displayed by the gunners of the battleship New Hamp
shire' when they were given the chance to fire the vessel's big guns at the old battleship San Marcos former
ly the Texas The out of date warship was smashed to pieces, ami me
both U regard to the gunnery and to the remarkable qualities of ' Kxploslve
of which has been given to the government by the Inventor, Colonel Dunn.
Chicago Eoard of Health Issues
Warning Bulletin.
Urges Vegetarian Diet and Gives
Polnten to Those Who Must
Have Meat Much Nutrition
In Cheap Steak.
Chicago "Don't make a Junkshop
of your stomach." is the warning of
tho Chicago health department In the
weekly bulletin Issued the other day.
The editor of tho bulletin advocates
a vegetarian diet, but for those who
must have meat with their meuls he
points out a way to get around the
high cost of living problem.
"The cost of an article of food Is no
true guide as to Its real nutritive
vnlue," he says. "For example, a glass
of pure milk with bread and butter, an
egg and a dish of fruit, costing all
told 25 cents. Is a much better meal
for the average person than a big sir
loin steak, which, with trimmings.'
will cost five times as much."
"The trouble with many people Is
they are willing to pay high prices for
food that, while It tickles or pleases
their palates, Is of no more value than
that costing much less.
" nminii of nroteln or fat from a
tenderloin steak at 28 cents a pound
contains no more nutrition than the
same amount from Bhoulder or rouud
steak at less than half the expense.
Even In these days of high prices 25
cents will buy meat enough, with vege
tables ndded. to make a savory , and
nourishing stew for six persons; and
the entire cost, Including bread, butter,
coffee and vegetables, need not ex
ceed 10 cents per person.
"According to the I.ondan Lancet,
there Is very little difference between
the nutritive value of wheat and rye.
One distinct advantage of rye bread
Is that It keeps fresh longer than
wheat bread. Rye bread also has dis
tinct laxative properties.
"The effect of deep breathing as a
mental stimulant Is very pronounced
Two minutes' exercise of deep breath
ing will remove all feelings or slug
gishness, provided, of course, that the
exercise be taken In a room with tho
windows w ide open, .or, belter still, In
the open air.
"The mouth Is the seat of mnny of
tho communicable diseases. For this
reason month sanitation Is Important.
A dean mouth and sound teeth are
big factors In promoting physical
health. Oral hygiene, as It is called.
Is becoming an Important and recog
nized branch of medical school Inspec
tion. It Is well understood that proper
raro and nttentlon given to the mouth
means that the child will be healthier,
better able to assimilate Us food, make
better progress in its studies and be
less liable to attack from the usual
epidemic diseases of childhood.
"During the months of January nnd
February of this year 13.458 physical
examinations were made of children In
tho public .schools. Of this number
5,350 were found to require treatment.
The principal ailments, and to which
parents were urged that Immediate at
tention be given, were as follows:
Diseases of the eye
loumalism 300 Years Old and as Frea
at In Amerlcp Public Affalrg
Discussed Frankly.
Philadelphia. Moro than 1,800
newspapers aud magazines are print
ed In Japan. Every town of more
than 10,000 has one newspaper, nnd
usually more Tha leading Tokyo
dally claims a circulation of 180,000
copies; the Asnhl und the Malnlchi, of
Osaka, claim a dally circulation of
Journillsm In Japnn Is nearly 300
years old, but the publication of news
papers there as a distinct enterprise Is
recent. Until after the middle of the
nineteenth century such news sheets
as were published were somewhat of
the nature of bulletins roushly I Tint
ed from wooden blocks and Issued at
Irreeular times by any one who fbw nt
tn have them prepared. Tho first of
the (treat dallies of later times was
the Yokohama Malnlchi Sulmbun.
which made its first appearance about
- rrf ,4
'-ri4 -f v..-- .........
Havoc tYeoooHr or rue of rue. flew iAMPSHcs
Rad teeth 5.245
Knlarged glands 1.73S
Defective hearing 174
Defective nasal breathing 5G3
Adenoids 599
Affected tonsils 2,550
"To properly appreciate the value to
the child of medical school Inspection
when properly done It should be clear
ly understood that any one of tho
minor defects noted and for which
treatment was urged amounts to a se
rious and positive handicap or hin
drance to the child's educational de
velopment and progress. And this Is
leaving out of consideration entirely
the serious physical harm that so often
follows neglect to treat and correct
In their Inclplency these ailments so
common during the adolescent period."
Miss Meta Reddish, Young Soprano,
Scores Successful Debut at San
Carlo Opera House.
Naples. Miss Meta Reddish, a young
American soprano, has Just made a
successful debut at the San Carlo
Opera house. Her Anilna In "Souam-
bula" was a brilliant achievement for
such a young woman. The audience
went wild with enthusiasm, Insisting
that she respond to many encores.
Two years ago Miss Reddish was
placed by Miss Kmma Thursby with
Maestro Carlo Sehnstlunl In this city.
Her remarkable performance as Ami
na reveals her to be an artiste of sin
gular value, and the critics here pre
dict a great future for her. Although
she sang with the famous tenor,
College Professor Says Empiret Will
Be Driven to Fate of Rome If
Wives Don't Reform.
New York. If Prof. Scott Nearlng,
who holds a chair In the economic de
partment of the Vnlverslty of Penn
sylvania, does not get "In bad" with
the modern woman, then wonders
never cease. Hear him:
"If the women of t,oday continue to
lie the economic burdens to men thnt
they are now they will ruin this coun
try Just as the dissolute women of
Rome ruined that empire.
"The wife no longer contributes to
the family Income by creating values.
With the Increased standard of elab
orate dressing she Is often its chief
"Modern Industry has .converted
men into earners and women Into
When a reporter called on him to
day he was found In a cosy little
home, with a very pretty wife In a
erlBp white dress.
'The woman of today," said Profes
sor Nearlng, "Is in the third stage.
First she was the slave, a creature
that might be beaten by her lord and
master. Second came a state of co
40 years ago It was afterward moved
to Tokyo, where It Is still published
as the Tokyo Malnlchi.
The press of Japan Is as free as
that of any other civilized country. No
restraint is placed on the discussion of
public affairs as long as there Is no of
fense to public morula and no menace
to public order.
Colorado Orchardlst discovers Para
site and It Busy Trying to Force
Increase of Number.
Grand Junction, Col. How would
you like to feed and care for a bunch
of sleeping parasites during the win
ter months In order that they might
bo happy and healthy to begin work
early in the spring? This has been
what a number of flrand Valley or -
ohrHiuta have heen lining thin win-
; ter, and as a result they hope to en
xvj:v - :;.vr fl
- " fhjt'; : .
irxi a '-'
1," the new explosive, the formula
Giorglnl, bho received the lion's bbara
of the applause.
The success of her first appearance
has resulted In her engagement to ap
pear at the San Carlo Opera house for
the season. Already she has received
many requests from Italian noblemen
to sing at fashionable concerts and so
ciety functions.
At the fall of the curtain she was
presented with a beautiful gold watch,
set with diamonds and rubles. The
donor's name was kept secret.
Explorers Locate It In Depths of Royal
Gorge 500 Feet Above River
How Found.
Canon City, Col. Another attrac
tion has JUBt been added to Canon
City's list of scenic wonders by the
rediscovery of a wonderful cave In
the depths of the Royal Gorge by a
party organized from the Canon City
Merchants' association.
For muny years there have been ru
mors of the existence of such a cav
ern, but, owing to the difficulty of
crossing the river and exploring the
region, all efforts to find It proved un
availing. A recent letter to Guy U. Hardy
from G. A. Anderson of Portland, Ore.,
gave a description rf the cave and Its
Following the description the party
crossed the river near the gorge station
one mile east of the hanging bridge,
and found .the eutrance to the cavern
In a ravlue about 500 feet above the
827 Rati Caught In Rick.
London. During the thrashlnK of
an average corn rick on Lady Want
age's Ilerks estate, It was stated at a
meeting of the Berks and Oxfordshire
chamber of agriculture at Reading, no
fewer than 827 rats were killed.
operative labor with the cook stove
and tho loom.
"Now we have the parasite woman.
The whole Idea of the women of the
middle and upper classes is to sponge
upon the men.
"And whoso is the. fault?" was
"Nobody Is to blame," answered
Professor Nearlng. "The women of
today are not to blame for what they
aro, any more than are the men.
"Hut the time has como when two
roads open before the woman of the
future. Either she must continue to
be a parasite and go down to ruin,
dragging nations with her. or she
must become a producer with an
economic necessity for her existence."
Bells on Cats Save Birds,
Spokane, Wash. Mrs. J. D. Mur
phy, living at 1827 Kust ftlverslde ave
nue, is advocating a movement In
Spokane that all owners of cats pro
vide their pets with bells In the In
terest of preserving the song birds.
Mrs. Murphy has Interested a num
ber of women In her campaign, and a
"Hell on Cut" society will be organ
ized. cape entirely the ravages of the cod
ling moth in their orchards this sea
son. The codling moth Is that fuzzy, oily
little worm you occasionally tlnd In
Prof. E. P. Taylor discovered the
parasite on the codling moth last sum
mer, and he has been trying to force1
a multiplication of their number ever
since. The codling moth's enemy Is
a little bee.
It takes eighty-three of them placed
on end to take up an Inch. The only
difficulty Is that the bee begins work
too late In the season, and Professor
Taylor has beon trying to remedy that
by having all the orchardh.ts collect
and caro for them during the winter
Chancellor Honored by Kaiser.
Uerlln. In connection with the
launching of tho battleship Kaiser,
Emperor William has created Chan-
cellor von Hutlininnn-iioiiweg a major
i gcneinl a la aulte of the army. Prince
I von lludow, who Is alro a clvlliau.
I wiiB accorded this bouor when he was
- 1 uliaucellur.
Observing the
lure nf ni.rliitf Is In my bluoil,
cull or nrrlnit 1 (K-ar;
I fain woulil iriiilK" Hie furrst lands and
impuiIowi fur nnil nitar;
The sky In an Italian blue, tlm sun Is
hlnluK bright
r, let us mriill ilnwn country wuys that
bloMom wit I) ddllght!
Hut ltt us take uur overcoats and furs
befuro we go.
Bo that we limy ciime bark t ea amid
tha driving Know.
Tin willow budi are oponlnf. the lllao
leaves eep nut,
The new greim grans Is flushing on the
lilllnlilf-e all ubout;
1). who would hive himself Indoors when
nature rail to come
And see the crocus nodding, and to hear
the llmt face's hum?
So let u ko and feel the glow that makea
us eliid to live.
But first let's Hike a goodly dote of grip
The anclont Adam In ue all now manl-
fents Itsi'lf;
We take the hoe and rake from where
they (trace the cellar elielf,
And turn in gardening again, and as we
plant wo dream
Ilnw beautiful the flowere and the kltren
plnnla will cii
Hut lot u uve enough of eeede to plant
tlie place anew
When miow and freeie and froet have
done all thoy expect to do.
Ah, now a more Insistent rail cornea from
the babbling brook;
We get our nshltig tackle down and fix
the line and hook.
The balmy breein aenuree ua that the flah
are keen to bite;
We'll trudge away at dewy dawn and not
be home till night.
But while we take the pole and line and
box of lunch, and bait.
We'll also take our hockey sticks, anc1
be prepared to kkate.
"And you say the preacher got the
congregation to subscribe largely to
the heathen fund ?" asked Rooter. "He
must have a good delivery."
"Sure," answered IUeacher. "He
was putting hot shot right over the
plate while the collection was being
taken up."
Worse Than He Thought
The wife, who Is away for the sum
mer, writes y her husband, saying:
"I have been struck extremely by a
red auto"
Hero the husband, reading the let
ter, shudders and groans in anguish.
"ThlB is terrible," he moans, "I must
hasten to her side."
He turns the sheet and reads on:
'which 1 saw at Hlcprlce & Co.'b.
It is a love of a mathlno and I have
bought It and told them to draw on
you for the price, $5,000."
The husband shudders again.
"This," he cries, "is even worse,"
The Symptom.
"My dear Mr. Jlbbslugger," says Mr.
Wunder to the guest of honor, with
whom ho is but slightly acuualuted,
you are getting quite bald. It Is
time you wore getting married, If you
are not already married.
'But I am married, Mr. under.
You "
"Then It's time you were getting a
After the Honeymoon.
"Kverybody believes that two can
live cheaper than one."
"Everybody except hotel clerks.
All Different.
"Men," said the female philosopher,
are readily divided Into three classes
the good, tho bad, aud tho Indiffer
ent." "Some of us only meet one class.
sighed the antique maiden, who was
taking notes or the lecture. "1 nave
never seen any of tho good or bad."
A Timely Subject.
"Gracious!" exclaims the friend
who runs across the professor In the
music store. "What In the world are
you buying all those coon songs and
rugtlmo ditties for?"
"I am about," the professor ex
plains, "to write a lecture on The Un
popularity of the Popular Song." "
Those Vanished Days.
"Do you remember," he asked,
"when we were little folks, how
used to carry you over this very
stream in my arms?"
"Ah. vcb." she sighed. "How our
Illusions vunl-di. I'll warrant that you
never think of doing thut now."
T'A 'i'i'iin'.i I
l J
Tin) lore nf ni.rliitf Is In my bluoil, Ilia
Actor Finally Got the Gas Man Awak
ened and Attending to His
"Years go," says Guy Hates Post,
the aclwr, "I appeared ill an amateur
performance of a play that had a dis
tinct religious flavor. The leading
player had studied for the ministry
and had a deep and fi.noious voice. In
one or the scenes the lights ''re sup
posed to be turned down and a raging
storm slmulutcd. The accompanying
Hues were: y'
"Oh, Lord, deliver us from the pow
ers of darkness.'
"The leading man spoke the lines,
but darkness didn't follow. He spoke
them again, and still the stage was
distressingly light. Finally he roared:
"'Oh, Lord, deliver us from tho pow
er of darkness, and also give that fool
gas man sense enough to turn down
the lights.'
"The gas lights went down and the
su.ilence roared." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Baby Teethes on the Table.
"We are rnlled ti'" to repair all
kinds of damages," ft furniture dealer
I the other day said. "Hut me mosi
pulling defacement I ever saw was
that which appeared on a beautiful ma
hogany table brought In for roflnlsh
Ing. All around Its margin were rows
of scratches und small Indentations
which were hard to explain, an the ta
ble was otherwise uninjured.
"What happened to It?" I asked
when tho owner came.
"Well," she replied, "the baby In
sisted on cutting his teeth uroiiud the
edgo of It. Of course, It was rather
expensive, but we both think there Is
nothing loo good for the baby."
Symptoms Were There.
"Your husband might have a little
solid food directly he begins to mend,"
said the doctor. "Rut how am I to
tell?" Inquired the anxious wife.
"The convalescent stages of Influ
enza," replied the doctor, "are marked
by a slight Irritability."
The next day ho called and found
the patient's wife radlaut. "When I
refused to order his steak and onions,"
she explained, "he came Into the j
kitchen nnd smashed 14 soup plates ;
and a dinner service; so, of course, I ;
sent out for steak at once." Stray I
Stories. !
TO DltlVE ft T M W.AIII .,
Tk tho Old Planiliirj tiimVK S 'I AM'M.h-d
( llll. I, COMt Vnn know hal on m kikinu. I
Tin lunuulii l pinliiif iinnim en urn ii,mi',
klmwhiK it is Mniiily vulnlnr anil lnn In a InMr-li-w
furui. Tli Oiilmii. lrlv4 itlil III- mmurlR
mid In (run liulll up tn vimu. uy
il-aler fur JU jrara. I'rli- Ul emu.
Opposite Methods.
"Why has Miss Writ em such a far
away look?"
"Kecaiise he poses us a near
genius." For COLDS and CHIP
Illi kV I'ii'i iin W the rrini-dv rr-
Iirre 111 Hell I li If unit fi-vrrlnlllim rlirea the
(old and rentnrrn ituruuil' t-omlltluiK. IT
llciild-e(Te,-u Immediately. 10c., SV., and 5m-.
At drutf utoreii.
The One Destination.
"Is there any field for new poets?"
"Yes. potter's field." I.ippincott's
Sore Threat is no trifling ailment. Tt
tnitv rsrrv limine fprtm tu anv pirt of
the lmdv'tlimiich the fund you Ml. When
von f"el tare throat coming on, ue Ham
lin Wizard Oil.
Health Is the greatest of all posses
sions, and 'tis a maxim with mo that
a hale cobbler Is a better man' than a
sick king. ItlckerstnlT.
Tr. rirrce'n PlcAnnt Pellets cure consti
pation, t'otiitipation is the t-aue of many
disease. Cure the cnue and you cure
the diM'usr. Kaay to take.
It is not the quality of tho meat but
the cheerfulness of the guests which
makes the feast. Lord C'larendou.
Pimple remedies are ut! (iurtield Tc
ia simple, pure, gentle in notion, nnd al
ways potent. Composed of Herbs, not drills!
Man without patience Is the lamp
without oil; pride In a rage Is a had
counselor. A. de Musset.
ANbgctable Preparation for As
similating the Food atHl Regula
ting (he Stomachs and llowcls of
Promotes Dif,cslion,Chrful-
nfss and Rest Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not narcotic
Wjor tfou DrSASvurtrcrat
flinim Sum
Jnitt SttJ
H 'trm Sttd
Wmkrffti fhvtr
A perfect Remedy forConstlpa-
lion . sour Dionidui.Lmi 1 1 w
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
Tae Simile Signatureo
Tki Centaur Company,
flfiiiarnnteed under the Kooriaiidl
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
jiyygtyajataia; etsaaWW
II H I VlaaaaBil-israB I
r r
im r j- x m. t- : w If. f:,i Fit U 'U V IV CAM
buaftt-ii -i,Jmrini-"1 i . ..
Krti It. ' hiw in rour l t uirirlM. wlio 111 uei It fur Jint. t "
1 n m, nntl I'urfH.1' HKt inl A-iiU watilfd.
By Lydia E. Pinkham'j
Vegetable Compound
Haltimore, JIJ. "I send you lu re,
Villi tho picture of my fifteen year old
aauRincr viice, w in
was restored to
health by Lvdiii JJ.
I'inklnini's Vegeta.
bio Compound. Mo
was palo, with dark
circles under her
eyes, weak and irri
t.ible. Two different
doctors treated Jn-t
and called it Green.
Sickness, but slu
grew worse nil V,.i
time. Lydia LU'ink.
lam's "Vepptablo Compound was r'c,
oimnciuled, and after taking three but.
ties she has regained her health, thaukj
to your medicine. I can recommend it
f ir all female troubles." Mrs. L. A.
CouKitAtf, 11U3 Hutlaud Street, lialtl.
more, Md,
Hundreds of such letters from moth,
rrs expressing their gratitude for what
I.ydia K. l'liikhain's Vegetable Com.
iiound has accomplished for them h;iv
been received by the Lydla K. Tiuklum
Medicine Company, Ljmu, llass.
Younff Girls, Hfcd This Advice.
Girls who are troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, head,
ncbe, dragglnK-down sensations, faint,
Inir stiells or indigestion, should taka
i immediate action and bo restored to
health by Lydla h. rniKiiatirs ci
table Compound. Thousands have beta
restored to health by its use.
Write to Mrt. Plnkliaju, Lynn,
Mass., for advice, free.
The testimony of users is the but
advertising. We have hundreda of
letters like this one; they say no Sore,
Wound or Sprain U too deiperate for
Mexican Mustang1 Liniment to cure.
Mr. A.C. WillUini, Sprintfield. Mo., wiilm
"For a g.iotl ninny yrnrt 1 hareutrtt Mft
Iran MiutanK I.inimrnton myatlt'unr! hri.
Far mulici, burn, cuts and tormt It it tht
bail thing I knew of. Tor hor-tra und sl"
Kcnerally 1 think it is tinrqiiAlkd. if
niy experience with the pood old Mnii-an
Mustang Liniment will be of anv me ro
are welcome to puhlisu it. 1 am a bUt-ksmitli."
25c 50c. f 1 a bottla at Drai A Gol St or...
Don't Suffer From Pilss
prttpuruUun furltebius. prulruUiim and DliuJ l"
It today aiid su.p sunVruiK. I'rU'a 11 M
THE FABRAM CO., 48 Broad Street, Ne York, Hi
Buy Your Cigars Direct From Factor)
Dox of 25 Ten Cent Cigars, f 1.00.
R. A. Smith, Apr Manufacturer, McSherrjstown
defiance: starch rjM:.'
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1 a ah ii 1 ml '
For Infanta and Children.
MThs Kind You Have
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Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Ywl aiaraua tmmrtnr. at w "
f)iireiiran1 poUI(ireitlT.tiom(t-'rtiowtn'rit 'i;ln,u( ',-!
or".lHHl., l.Kpilit v 1 u tu 111 lilitir 1 at'U uD ttir HImI Bn.i ' '"'Lifil
ihakttioiifta.TitiNlrointtifbtxU. Curm Mtnii'r In 1F 'Hl ,.., ,,.ii
Kuhr)', Urvtwt i-.llnr Ht ""fk muni; tVrm I t rti-l 1'"'
mil Kttltifv r'i.'.lv. fru aurl 11 lmtttr. f ami 10 ""., "I""" '