Spring Humors Com to moat people and eauie many J troubles, pimples, boili tnd other erup tions, irl- loss of appetite, that tired: '; feeling, biliousness, indigestion and head ache. Tho sooner you get rid of them the) bet ter, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system ia to take Hood's Sarsaparilla The Spring Medicine par excellence a) shown by uncquulcd, radical and perma nent cures, (let it tod.iv in uoal liiiiid form or chocolated tablet called Sareatnbs. Don'tDuyaCommonRcfrigcralor a, ' t If willsnna become a vile smelling, sWaaWtBr?--, disrate liieriling thinr. Our lit r. -- "TJI bouklettriU hj. Ak lor il. ;2v?!j bu the Leonard Clcanalilc ilieel sii-i-l, all 0110 niece. hut rrwk or rrrvii-e fur germs to iwte. You ran 'I bresk, acritrh or "" li """il m m" "' 'I'aned at a chin f 'J Hrfith, nine altt lo save ire: odor- raa n ir.a, -aiiMai w a,i iiui ii'ir, , a,r-,i - Pi ln.h....l U'....II.I....UI,..A .It' we hive no denier. VYrneloitaf u for dining, btiklel and free sam ples ol Ihe porcelain lining. CiRAND RAPIDS RLIKICFRATOR CO. 15J Clyde l'trk Aveaua Gruid Rir-idi, Mien. Direct Running Saw Mills. jlr th ht nn ih nmrkH fnr pirtji rij qm. Thrf Th'f ro Hitni'ii. riiiikiii'i, hj r run nni mni.,. kr fM'iiunii4'ji I hci'ii i hi i'i rtiiir ) hHp lo rrniti, mill Ihrjr w lit rut Witt utimIikI h mount nf iituhrr si Itin It'll t ffM-n). ff oii h lit to Kt tnn-d ritfht In iti liiiulrT hi. pint) mill makn tli rnoht moiiff . (nTMi(inio I h iHrnrt Milt rn'fir. UK N'Uil lur riffmiiili'g.fctnuiig juui rrqiuivuieniA. WM BARTLEY & SONS, Bartley, N. J. W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 14191 1. Keeps Horaeahoert Busy. Tbcte are lined In the British urmy IS, 000 horseshoes every mouih. Better trenernl health i anre to follow the u- of the natural Herb laxative, Uar field Tea. It corrccta constipation. Men aptonUli themselves than they astonish their John Oliver llobbes. fnr more friends. Constipation causes and seriously aegm; vatrs runny dise.ises. It i f linroit-hly cure 1 br Dr. 1'ierce's l'ellet. Tiny siigiir-cnatril granules. It has always appeared to nip thBt good manners are almost ns vnliinhla an usHet In roirmercWil us In diplo matic a.fT;iirB. Urd Cromer. I'orTOI.nS nnd filllP Tlirki' 1'ai-i iiiNK ih t li Ih-'.i ri-medr r )trvrn ttin ucliltii; mill fvt-rlHtiiii-nH- - cure (lift CoM hip! rrsloD-N mirmui foniltlloiift It M liquid rffi-fiN liuiiiciiiuu-ly. lot'., andiiiA'. A Sign. wit'o Btlll "Is your coldly?" 'Is she? dinner." treatltiR you I (lave me Ire pudding for i mi hi 1 1. li i r tiiit KTTni (III Mai.U.U.I lallOVK.S lAVI'l I.KM Cllll.l l' Tin tirui TONU Von l.nm nhiil ytiu .irn tnkiiig. ruitil.1 i ttl.i inlv urltiiHl fTcrv Ih.ii.o. fn.mtiia it in NUuiiir V"'iunn iin.l mm in a inwn Innn. 'I'h. i,iiiiiiii- ilrUfs out lh niiliiil rwt ili Imn inillu ni 1 it ntMi'tu. Nild t; all araivri Itir J) nkt. t'rU M ki nik Comparison. "What do ou think of the Idea of n extra session of congress?" "Well," replied Fanner CorntOBsel, "some extry sessions is like some ex try newspapers. They ain't enough in 'tm to Justify the hollerin'." After a Big Haul. "I'in'vS ined to be daft on the sub ject of buried treasure. What's he up to now ?" "He's got up nn expedition lo Asia Minor to try to find the place where Mettiust lali stored his birthday pres ents." His Interest. "You are goim? to interest yourself In this reform enterprise?" "f'oi'tainh," teplied Senator Sor glimn. "Hut I thought It was unfavorable to your friends." "Il Is. And I'm going lo Interest nmclf In It far enough to let mo ofler suggestions that will render It Iniprai Ileal." ( Somewhat Satirical, r A whist enthusiast wrote and pub ; llshed a book on the ganio and sent t a iopy to a famous player for his opinion of it. In about a week tho ! book was returned to him, with the following letter: 1 "My Dear Sir:- Your favor of the I 10th instant, accompanied by our j book, was duly received. I have read j It ery carefully, it seems to he a very good game, but I don't think It ? Js as good a ganio as whist!" J CCFFEE HEART Very Plain in Some People. i 5 A great ninny people go on suffering I from annoying nllmentu for a long I U,,1P beforo they can get their own consent to give up tho indulgence. from which their trouble arises. A gentleman In Brooklyn describes bis txperlenre, ns follows; ; "I become satisfied somo months j "go that I owed tbo palpitation of the j benrt from which I suffered almost dally, to the use of coffee, (I had been J a coffee drinker for 30 yenrs) but I found It very hard to give up the bev- ersge. , ' " ,n'r 1 ran across a very sen- wide and straightforward presenta "on of the claims of Fostum, nnd M 80 Impressed thereby that I con- j eluded to glvo It a trial. i i My experience with it was unsnt , Isfactory tm i enrnPd how u OHght ; to ho prepared by thorough boiling i 'T, not l(s hnn 15 or 20 minutes. , Arter I learned that lesson thore was no trouble. "Posium proved to be a most palat- l tide and satisfactory hot beverage. .1. have " ever since, it The effect on my health has been i "t salutary. The heart palpitation , iron, which i ,,sod ,0 suffer so much, j Pnrticinrl.v after breakfast, has dls- r "ppeared and I never have a return of excep, wh(,n , dno or hnph RwRy j trom h Hnd (rink oM kn(j I r5r ''"'Pe Postum Is not served, t i nnd thnt Postum cheers and Invlg- i- , V1" " Vrndwn no harmful ttlnn, ... Name given by Postum X Hnttle Creek, Mich. to nis'nv'5' tH,tl 1)0V', ey6 Pcner Wul ").e bnok' "Tn to ' ton - I,k8''' "rh'r' a npa- e,";:':? ; ' a mrn,Z' ,r.nm t,mr " They For the Hostess New Geouraphy Party. Thle party wua urraiiKod and car ried out by a fiyid aunt for her little nleco axed ten. Thero were 20 giioata) and tho InvltallutiR read thua: "Mlna Dorothy llrown requeata tho pleriHute of Mlaa Mary C'olllna' com pany at a geournphy pnrty on Tues day from four to Devon, April 21, at 342S Spring street. CoHtumes." Tho luvltatlona were sent out a good two weeks In advance to give the mothers tlmo to talk it over and plan the costumes. In many Instances what the children hud determined tbo char acter they represented. Kor example: The little boy who had a complete Indian outfit wont as "Tho first Amer ican," a lad who rejoiced In a good big. fat plaster pig went as an Irish man with a clay pipe and a high hat, a vivid green necktie nnd a quaint lit tlo black swallow-tall cont worn over brilliant green knee breeches.. The young hosfoss represented "Miss Geography." Jler dress was of pale blue silk, with a band of maps around tho bottom put on with library paste; a wide girdle was the equator. It was of black velvet and the nhoul dors bad a series of graduated capes of grayish silk, marked "Cape Morn," "Cape Hatteras." Her neck was cir cled by the Isthmus of I'anama. On her head she wore a cunningly de vised enp of papier marhe made from a globo. In her hand she carried a wnnd, from which blue and white rib bons streamed, bearing the names "North and South roles." One of the amusements was a Jolly game called "Mall Hags." The guests sat on chairs In a semi-circle and when the lender called out "The mall Is going from Ireland to Mexico," the two children representing theno places ran and changed chairs as quickly au possible. Whon tho lender ciilled"(5en- ernl Delivery" then every one changed pluces, a chnlr being taken out quick ly by the leader and tho one who was left becanio the leader when tho next "mall went out." Another game proved a great success. A large map of Kurope was bung on the wall and each child was given a kit of rapcr marked "Han (I must explain that Dan was nliout to go to Kurope for the rummer); the game was to istudy the map first to find the location of rails; then each child In turn was blindfolded nnd tiled to see how near they could come to pulling "Dan" In Dresses T IK dress shown In the first Illustra tion Is quit) simple but smart; It Is sultab'e for making up In nny tine wool n, Shnntung or linen. Our model Is In rcyeda enshmero; a shnped piece Is ndded to tho lower part of skirt; It may be laid on flat and the Joining covered by trimming or hnve n piping of striped silk stand ing up from ef!ge. The bodice Is cut and trimmed to match the skirt; If has a yoke and un dersleeves of tucked nlnon. Small turn-over collar of white embroidered lawn. The new beaded sashes are lovely. Marquisette blouses are high in favor nnd may be had in all styles nnd colorings. Cur '.s hanging nt one side of the heHd have returned to favor. This style Is suitable for the youthful type of face. For the frock of lingerie there Is the dnlnty sheer mull rlwlss and eatlst embroideries m wide banding, Inter tlons and edgings. innufacturers are turning out pat ent leather pumps daintily lined with scnrlet morocco, with heeli about three quartert of an Inch In height. Among the uselul fabrlct that find Drst place In won. en's favor are the henrlvttas and foft cashmeres that l.-nd themselves to either a tlmpU or ornate style. The springtime cn ored blouse that Batches the uiatei'.als of which the lirSi bi til S frrf'1;- ft' ';,i I km IF k m a iNfoquc furls. Knob slip of paper was left Just where placed on the map until all had tried. Then- 11 was great fun to soo where "Dan" found himself. Only one cume any place near Carls. Tho last amusement of all was the most fun. The guests were told to form in lino nnd go Into the next room to buy their tickets for the coun try or place fliey represented. Tho found a real ticket office, with an ac commodating father as the business like agent At the applicant presented himself the question was: "What country are you?" Tho answer, we'll ssy was "France." "Well, here Is a ticket for Carls." Wheu the Indian reached the ofllce, Uie ugent said: "Of course you want to see Uncle Sam, so here's a ticket for Washington." The Irishman bought a ticket for Cork, and w hen all 20 passengers were ready to start they went back to the living room and found a train of 20 rlmlrs wulilng to begin the Journey. A conductor and engineer were on band with whittle and punch, and as tho tickets weri punched each child got off the train and found his or Vr city or place of destination on a large map of the world hanging on the wall. Ther was a pointer so all could see the place when found. From eacb destination there was suspended a ribbon attached to a small parcel which the traveler took for his own and returned to the train. When all had their parcels tho Journey was ended. The favors were small band boxes, trunks and suit cares filled with bonbons. MAPAME MKRRI. From Towels. A simple and useful combing Jacket or peignoir may be made from a good largti towel. Divide It Into four even parts; cut off the two of theBe parts nearest tho ends and sew them at tight angles i the central portion. Sew tape where tho pieces Join to tlo tho peignoir on. ! From three crash dlshtowels you ; ran make a sewing apron, turning up ! the bottom and stitching It Into pock- ! ets. Kibbon strings complete the npron. A large embroidered towel will make a good bureau cover for sum mer. A line of drawnwoik will add to the appearance of a plain one used for the same purpose. for Girls Materials required: s yards 48 Inches, 4 yards lining enshmore. i yard striped st!k, i yard nlnon 42 Inches wide. -ri x -i' . . i s.'iuiiu picture snows a very useful Princess dress for school wear tnat enn be carried out well In serge. The panel back nnd front are luld over sides In wide wrapped seams. Tho small bishop sleeves hnve pin In cuffs about 3 Inches deep. An em broidered collar and loopy ribbon How finish the throat. Materials required: 4 yarda 46 Inches wide, 4 ysrdt sateen. tailored suit is made Is an Important factor In tho outfit of every well dressed woman. The Coming Skirt. They will show more fullness, which Is a decided departure from the shackled line of the winter. But this fullness will be scanty enough to pre serve a straight line. An effort to hold to the slender ef fect at the hips Is made by all makers. So If fullness be Introduced it Is shirred nnd tucked in many cases to give a yoke effect. On suits (here Is a suggestion of a circular yoke that extends quite below the hip ilne. On dressy reftornoon frocks and on nenrly all types of evening gowns a decided return to the graceful train Is evident. It Is certainly less conve nient, but more becoming; and wo mankind, after a thort freedom due to the "Little 01rIM modes, Is ready to adopt the beauty minus comfort. She Wa Eggstremely Anxious. The western girl who married tha, man who found her name on an egg wsa evidently laying for a husband Elisha's Heavenly ' Defenders StsdV Schtal Ltie far April f, 1911 Specially Arrant ed lor Thli Pa par LKHHQN TKXT-2 Klng f t 23. Mem cry Verses Ki-17. OOl.DKN TKXT "For he shall give )IU iiiiki'Ik rtinrKn over then, to keep thee In all tliy waya.-Psa. 91:11. Tl.MK According" to most scholars, this event occurred In tho reign of Jrhnrani in. C. 04-S.'i. needier, Ml-SO, llaatlnK)., Mrs. IloUKhlon. however, holiln that the' Hyiiun kins- of tills story wits lluz.iel and tlm king of Israel was Jehu. FI.ACK- lothan, a email town alinut ten miles north of Samaria, situated on a reiiiitrkHhln Isolated hill, eiirioumlnd on three ahl'-a by hills. Truces of walls may still be si en ull around Hie hill top. Also Hiininrln. the capital of the Northern Kingdom. How did F.llaha show himself to ho a true patriot? Ily using for his coun try his supernatural knowledge, ns we should use for our country our lesaei knowledge, and oil our powers. Assy ria was not nt the time pressing upon Syria, so that Syria could attack her hereditary enemy to tho south. Hut tho plans of Henhadad II. were frus trilled over and over. Kllsha was then living In Dothan, about ten miles torih of Snniai la. Dothan was "n small town, of which some ruins and a well tlll mark the site." The caravan route from beyond Jordan passes, from tho Plain of Ksdraelon, close to It. Prob ably Henhndnd's route on Ms preda tory expeditions lay through this pass, which was narrow nnd easily defend- ed. Therefore when the Syrians' com ing was revealed to Kllsha and told by him to King Jehornm, a comparatively small body of Israelites, posted a little north of Dothan, would effectually check their progress. How can wo apply to ourselves Ku cha's advice, "Beware thnt thou pass not such a place?" By recognizing all places of special temptation, and being on our guard there. "Think of the men who cannot get past any gam- I tiling resort to save their souls! There . are certain stores and hay lofts nn 1 street corners nnd vacant lots that nre more dangerous to hoys than pest houses. There Is absolutely no pos sible safety except In avoiding them." lioys, and men. too, beware! How did Henhadad plan to circum vent Kllsha? Sending spies, ami learn- Ing that tin' prophet was living at I Dothaiu. he sent a large body of env elry and chattels to rapture him. To r"cure such n man was vital. It would nt once deprive Jehornm of one who w ns inspired by the gods and put him at i the service of Syria, for It would be ns 1 sinned that he could he bribed to help either side. I How did Kllsha. In the knowledge I nf his heavenly helpers, meet the I Syrians? Our version, the Hebrew, ! implies thnt Kllsha nnd his servant I boldly went down from Dothan Into ! the vnll,v. anil that the leaders of the ! Syrians came down from the heights I nn which they were encamped, to par ; ley with the prophet. He prayed; for ; prayer Is the recourse of all the strong est men In the time when they need to he strongest. Prayer Is n powerful thing, for (iod has bound nnd tied him self thereto. He prayed that blindness nileht fall upon Ihe Syrians, nnd at once his prayer was granted. Not lit eral blindness Is meant, probably, fnr they were ablp to follow Kllsha to Sa maria, but a confusion of vision or of mind, so that they were readily de luded. Perhaps only Ihe leaders were affected. Why did Kllsha lead tho Syrians ten) miles to Samnrla? To show them, andl nlso to show the Israelites, how power less they were before Jehovah. Kllshat made the pompous and confident Inva-1 ders appear ridiculous, which Is the; most thorough defeat that can be I given to any enemy. Besides, one rca- 1 Bon why Klisha had led the Syrians to A. , , . , , . j uio capital was mat tney nngiii ne , kindly treated, feasted nnd sent back ! . - ,, . I to Benhndnd with coals of lire heap- ; cd upon their bends. ! What is the great teaching of our ! lesson for modern people. The real- I ity of the Invisible world, and Its pow- i er to help nnd comfort. To hnve no sense of the Invisible Is the ruin of art. It Is the ruin of nil life also. Many 1 W'lll believe only what their unlnstruct: ed eyes can see. j Christians should be continually up- i held by the realization of their angel- j Ic helpers. The brave man nerd not see any celestial form with spear and j helmet by his side, yot he may know as he goes out to the battle Hint the 1 spirits of Justice every w hero nie sym pathizing with Win Hnd helping him in unknown ways. The mother may not discern an angel bending over the bed on which her child Is laid, but still she may know that there ate oilier watchers bv Its bed beside herself, stiir- Its whom God has sent to see that! none of his little ones take nny harm. ! The soul In Its bereavement may not look to see here again the very pres ence and feature of the friend whom God has taken, yel still may be sure that even now, In such unknown ways as soul may present Itself to soul, bis friend Is with him, for encouragement and Btrength. Pity we cannot now practice Elisha's plan of ending war. When the comet of October, 1858, appeared, a lecturer made a tour of tome country villages In Devonshire with a view to telling the country peo ple some facts about the beautiful ob ject; and among other points he touch ed upon the calculations which astron omers had made as to tho enormous length of the tail of the comet. A countryman treated this part of his lecture with contemptuous Incredulity. "I saw the comet myself." said the man, "aud Its tail was Just four feet long; and how are we to believe this man who comes to tell us that It It ever so many millions of ml'es?" Example' of Thrift. "Yei" boasted an over-dressed In dividual, "I make my clothes last. This hat is nn example of my thrift. Bought It three years ago, had It blocked twice, and exchanged It once for a new one at a cafe." Never Again for Willie. Sunday School Teacher If you art a good boy, Willie, you will go to heaven and have a gold crown on your head. Willie Not for mine, then. I had one of them things puf on a tooth once. Puck. SPINSTER LOSES HER TEETH Go Astray in Mailt and Lady Puts It Up to the Postmaster General. A Jersey spinster Intrusted her false teeth to the mails, and they went astray. Font master General Hitch cock received tho following appeal from her: ''Dear Sir I supposo you have re ceived a note from tho Camden post master Uiat tho upper plates of my teeth have been lost. In tho malls. They were mailed nt Camden on Jan uary 1. I should liko very much to hear from you. If you are unfortunate enough to linvo store teeth, you know how inconvenient It Is to have to do without them, nnd I have not had them even a year. I paid $:!5 for them, and I cannot afford to get any more Just now. So will you kindly do what you ran "for nie, and as quick ly as possible? "V. S. They were very good teeth." Tho poKttnashr general put one of tho best Inspectors In tho service on the Job to find the missing Ivories. SCALES ALL OVER HER BODY "About three years ago I was af fected by white scab's on my knees and elbows. I consulted a doctor who treated me for ringworm. I saw no change nnd consulted a specialist and he claimed I had psoriasis. I contin ued treat moms under him for about Mx months until I saw scales break- j ,nB ollt R" over my body savo my face. My scnlp was affected, and mv hair began to fall. I then changed doctors to no avail. I went to two hospitals and ench wanted to make a study of tho caso nnd seemed unable to cure It or ansuro me of a euro. I tried several patent medicines and was finally advised by a friend who has used Cutlcura on her children since their birth, to purchnso the Cutlcura Itemedles. I purchased a enko of Soap, tho Ointment and the Resolvent. After tho first application ,1 ; tne itching was allayed. I i am sun using tno tionp and Olnt- I ment nnd now feel that none other Is i good enough for my skin The psor iasis has disappeared nnd I every where feel better. My hnnds were so disfigured before using tho Cutlcura Itemedles that I hnd to wear gloves nil the time. Now my body and hnnds nie looking tine." (Signed) Miss Sara Burnett, 2i::.r, Fltzwater St., Philadel phia. Pa.. Sept. SO, 1910. Cutlcura Soap (2.r,c) nnd Cutlcura Ointment (TiOc) nre sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chetn. Corp, sole props., 13j Colum bus Ave., Boston, for free book on af fections of the skin nnd scnlp. Generous Advice. "If the Japanese want to flj;lit us," said tin1 nervous man. "why don't they begin?" "Perhaps." replied the cnlm and col lected person, "they nre waiting for mote tips from our military experts tin how to proceed." Free Blood Cure. i If yen have pimples, oIlctiMve eruptions, I old lino, raiiciT, itclmik', sci .1 tching eczenm. Niippuralini; i-uelliiiii, bone pinns, I hot M.in. it 11 i,iir blond i thin or on pure, t ).- llMtdiui' Blond Balm iHII.lt) j will heal every nre, stop nil itrhuin nnd make the blood pure and rich. Cures after all rl-e faiN. M 110 per la i lie bottle at dnis el ores. Sample free by writing Blood ' Balm Co., Allan la, (ia.. Department li. Unfortunate Allusion. She Too many men expect their wives to run their homes on prac- j tlcally nothing. They forget that no one can make bricks without straw. He My wife does -out of (lour. I t Itll.DltKV WHO A II I. MI'KI.V. MmiIhtkhi ;,1 n,-Ter tie wit limit a 1, of Mnlher tlnij 'itSwi-i't r.twdrrn turChllilri-n. Tlirjr llreiifc np t nlit. Ki-lli've t-'ev,-rttiiirK, I'uiKtliuitloii I',m-i hi tig OKirilcrs H.-aiIiii i ami Hliiniii li Tmiittl,-. 1A. il if i,,i ii.-i nr ' reiir. 'i 11 n.n, ii nit itw m r.u y Au h.i.i i.t ail Urog sim.-n, j.v. K m i antpt iiro'te. HanuiiemaUiii in ikiomij moihur. AiMO'im Allen S. olmitHl. Le Kor, N. Y. I Proof Positive. "I heard he ns In bad odor with her family. Is that true?" "Draw your own conclusions. It was a centless marriage." For RlK.iDAi'lilc -ll'eka' CAP! ni."VK Whether from I'oM Heat, Hfomaeh Ol Vervou Trouhie. I'm, mime will relieTe you ti n lhiiltl - plenum) to Inke aelM hnmeill- , ati-ly. 'l'r It. Ii,'., , iiiiJ Mt t'eiil at itrug I stores The heart Is a small thing, but do si rot r great mnt'ers; it Is not sufTl clent for a kite's dinner, yet the world is not sufficient for it. Hugo. TIoneold troubles; Henil.iche. Tooth seip, Karnrhe. Stomach ache. Hamlin" Winrd Oil rui-e thee ache nnd pains so why don't you keep a bottle in the hoile. What we are doing spenks with rvaXr fn,'p ,lu"1 Kmt wp 1B- l'0sion. e say- Mr. Wlnslon- s Hootlitnir Syrup for ChlMren teethiiiir. Bofit-ni. t ht- ir'i'n. reilnceH lnSHniniH lion, allays paiii.riirvM wind eolie, S.'k.- a bottle. It Is the rally of loyal allies which helps most to w in a good cause to vic tory. W. S. Royston. To restore a normal action to liver, kid neys, stomach and bowels, take Garfield Tea, the mild Herb laxative. All dn.prml.s. Think all you speak, but spenk not all you think. Didnretn. a "My father hns been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five years ami never found any relief until be began taking your Cascarett. Since he has begun taking Cascarets he hat never had the headache. They have entirely cured bitn. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using hit name." IJ. M. Dickson, 1120 Keainer St., W. Indianapolis, Iud. rieasanl. Palatable, Potent, Taate Good. HoUood. Naverbk.ken.iWenlii.il or (iltj. 10c. 2V, 0c. Never sold lo bulk. The gen uine ublet atamped C C C. vatutrantewd to cursor your mousy back. sVS tktktQrtat BnglUh Remedy asasst a m m saaagv asst. am at a avat, Sate, Ssre, trfectire. 60o. ti I. VJfli DRurHHSTS.atsHr.asakin si. V. krljU a ' 11 I PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colors thsn anv dye any gannent without ripping apart. wnta tor hie A POLITICAL TALK. t .ri(Ea "We've scoured uie town lor von.-,. "And now I supposo you expect i clean election." BETTER TEETH FEWER DENTIST'S BILLS Your I fit It decay because particles of food get into crevices between and around tho teeth and create germs of decay. Ordinary tooth powders nnd washes are entirely Inadoqunto lo prevent It. Try Paxtlno Toilet Antiseptic, a de liclous, harmless germicide. Just a little In a glass of water, and rinse the mouth nnd brush the teeth thoroughly. ' It will whiten the teeth, prevent nnd remove tartar, destroy all germs , of decay and save you dentist's bills. Paxilne thoroughly cleanses, de- odorlzes and keeps pure and odorless , false teeth and bridge ork. Paxtlno j Is far superior to liquid nntiseptlcs and peroxide for nil toilet nnd hy gienic uses. At Druggists I'j and Due, i or sent postpaid upon receipt of prlco ly The Buxton Toilet fo Boston, Mass. Send for a free sample And They Were. Boarder (on leavingi - Madam, you ! are one of the most honest persons I j have ever met. ! Landlady I'm glad to hear joii say that, sir. ' I Hoarder Y's; jour honesty Is i ri n apparent on the vuy front of i your establishment. Your sign says j "Boarders taken in!" Stray Stories. , Important to Mothers) Kxaniine caniuliy every bottl of i CASTOHIA, a sale and sure remedy for i infants and children, nnd see that it Bears Ihe Signature of Cfajy In Vso For Over ,'( Yeats. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought. Severe Critic. Alice -I like Tom in niensily and lie's very much the gentlemen; but he does like to talk about himself! Grace-- Yes, dear, your knight hath a thousand I s. Puck. T.ivl,ir' t Ik ml.ee lietiiclv of Sweet Gum and Mullen i Nature" (.-eat n i li ("urea ( ough.. Celd-i. Crimp and Whooping t'oiinh nnd all tloo.it nnd limn trundle. At (Iruuijist, 'J',c, .Vic anil 81.01 t,er buttle. it Is no use running; times is the main point. to set ont.be- -I.a Fontaine. PreT ' ia et t a . jf- iTj rvTl I I P" lrn7LJ I I , ' m a47 u -a. a c. Jh, fyt Dr. Pierce's- Golden Medical Discovery Tlii supplies pure blood by aiding dieition, increasing1 assimilation and im parting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart tonic and a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to eliminate Ihe poisona from the blood. To enrich Ihe Mood and increase Ihe red blond enrpusclea, thereby feeding Ihe nerves on rich red hlood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Ur. Pierce'a (inldcn Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer lo insult your intelligence with the " just as good kind." The " Discovery " has 10 ytari of rurts behind il and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredi ents plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent frtt on receipt of stamps to pay expense ol st rapping and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent atampt for the French cloth-bound book. Addresa; Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. PINKEYE mm Cures the Hkin ami sets s a preventive for oilier. I l.juld pi Ten op) the 1,, ue. h.fe ftir !r,1 itmre atwt ni I other tle-l kiillii-v remrj v . :l cent itn.l II ui it !, i tie ; .' do ami (In oo Hie itoieti. Smlil liy all itnir in .la an, I liurhe khh)s li,,uei, or sent rtrrH palil, t,y Hie liiaiiufai-turera. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, demists. GOSHEN, INDIANA W. L. DOUGLAS fee8 2-B5 3 3-5& $4 Shoes r&EE! oiiglua shoes cost more to make than ordinary ahoea, be.cau.H0 higlior grailo leathers are used and selected with greater care. These, are ilia reawuia w hy V. I DouKlas ahoea arc, guar anteed to hold tlielr aliapo, look and lit belter and wear longer tuan any omnr allocs you can nny. t r Pf WA fff PF SUBSTITUTES. 1 1 The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and (he retail price atamped on Ihe bottom, which guarantees lull value , nd protects the wearer against high prices REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CLAIMCO TO ii yrairnesierraiiral siinnlT Ten with Ihe urnnlne W.t..lnnlaa shoes, write for Mill OiUrr ( s'alii. St.,. iii ,1ir,.t from tat-torT ,-r,-r, all t-'isrifes B0V8' 8H0C S prauaiO. V. 1.. Ilouul,... IIS n,mrL Kl., Ur.rkiMO, Maa. I 00,t2.B04t9-00 fiss Dengs and Miss Whiton's School for Girls WITHIN' EASY AtVKH.S of nil nnrta of the city, and of the great libraries and muneiima. t importunity xlven for attunduncu at putillu I'liturtalnmeiita of eiluctilionnl nnd artistic :iiue. TllolKH till AND t'ONHKRVATIVK TUAININO. moral, Intellectual and pliysical, with expert supervision In every department, thus Insuring dvflnita and certain icaiilts. KACri.TV l.AHHK, each tenclier a specialist; and pupils' assured tha Indt vldiml ntlenilon mlupted to their respective neeils. 1'ltlMAHV, BltKi'AUATOUV ANI ACAHK.MK! DK.PAItTMENTS; also unlipie l, I'liitmi'iil snovsn as ihe lU'I'Klt lliil'KK, for grnduntn and special sliiilenls ,l, irlnK lo spend the winter In New York In a rontrenliil social atmos phere, under tin, moat favorable condition for culture of ao Inl graces and for (nlelllKi-nt miviinceiuent. The t'l'l'l.lt. HOUHIC la In a large degree (re from Hie onllnary reattictlona of a scIuhiI. BKKT ADVANTAUKH of New Torlc available for the ttudy of Muale, Art. Elocution, l.nnKUSiri-s and I 'am Ins. rHVHICAI. KXKKi'lHKH. Hpeelal attention given with the object of promot ing health, srare and eaan of motion and repose of manner. Tha gymnastic en-lsca are In cliarse of n Kriiiliiale. of Dr. Hurgftlt, of Cambridge, Masa, SUM MKIt CAMP In New Hampshire. THK Ml CCEfW OK TUB 8C1IOOI, has been an pronounced that it haa re ceived the highest commendation of tha leading educators of the country as well ss of the highest nfltclala of the It. Ft. Government: Mlaa Bangs and Mlaa Whlton refer bv permission to tha presidents! of ten enlleaea and tinlverslllee aim to i-reatneni ann Mra. Tan. kx - vice 1'reslilent nnd Mrs. Itoosevelt, and the Chief Justice. FADELESS other dye. OnelOc package colors all fibers. They drain iree noomei now 10 I've, Mearn ann Mia colors. To Get Its Beneficial Effects Always Buy (he Genuine lYwHFws ant) nwm: mar.ufarfural byilio 5oId by r.ll leading OneSizeOnly.ftH oDolUe For POULTRY AILMENTS. If your chicltt are worth 25 cents lu-y a bottle of Mustang Unimrnt and be rendy. A few drops will over come Pip, Gapes, Roup, Canker, etc Mr. Sndi Dunn, IdlVild, FU., writnti "I nm ui':jn "nr Mriuitn Mn-lunn I.tn i;nrnt n r.iv i hu kin. 1 hn! tine chit-koa w:.h c lt-rin th thrott I l' l nit !" I ,r ui lii i. I'm I niiiiniriu'l ti dr!r I, r I - ul ti' t!inl -1 f would cvfr lur; it to. k xv r iw.iTlv tlnre but I avtj K-r, I li irr tV'tlw r nnw with re hfetd .. id am uv;;K tl;e Mut.ir. on hT " 2Zc. GOc. H ft boU! at Dma & Cen'l Sor. IF YOU IIAVE assa-' nonprnlte. Imllicretlon, I lnlulrnce. Sick llm, Utile, "all run tluon" or loilng lleih, you ill find ' uthat you nerd. Thrytone uptheweak j Mi, math and build ut tli llaunlni encrglra. WHY SUFFER FROM PILES? rltlM Tlf F UKMHY III il iinrr.M.in iirt'ii i'iiiU'ii fi.r ii.-hitm, irm ruihtitf ami Mibit ruet. It itsfa, (t;itn inoianiiv . iti itrhintf "1 'ft' -: Hon. It i not only nn t iii-ilinl n-niftif fM m l r,i . lit Is J 11 -.t nf. i-(Tfi'tlt In I t fri nn.l fhnmlr on it.. lniiT of I tin MiWct Hint nin mtt Mm on t Ik- tint rk'-r ti pit" ctirco f-i it in t h i t.aiti .ict-v 'I'M K A Mil A M I'll K HKMHI'Y n-e-r f.i.v hi-tut for M rMlitr ttml top itfrttit. l'r,-f x)i The Fabram Co., 48 Broad Street, New York, N. If. DEFIANCE Gold Wafer Starch mukes lauii, try work u pieii.ure. til or pkt;. liw If the blond ii poor and filled with the "l,IH"" ,r"m ""'sieo kitlncyt or inactive liver, the heurt i not only starved but poisoned at well, there arc many con ull,,',,. UUC lu llllfMIIU dropsy, fainting apclla, or the many scrofulous ct " fever-Mires," white aw uillona aue in imnnre lilnotl n,.h impure nervous debility conditiona, ulcers. wellinila.ttc. All lhii uc utcfcuinc inu vurcu ey DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES and inferiorshoes. Kj BE'JUST AS GOOD' CaJ. - i'resirtent ana Mrs. Fairbanks, Kx- cold water better than stir other dra. You csa aiuniHUC UHUtt cumkssi, yaiacr. nm 5 ULhlH Uriiment Toffs Pills