f irtieularlv the Ladies. U only pie"" ,n(1. 'cfref '"S o Lie, but gently dewing and iweet r,0 the iytem, Syrup of Fik and of Sew Pu Urly adapted Sic and children, .and beneficial in euei in which wholesome, strength T8nd effective laxative should be It is perfectly safe at all bmes and U cold, headache and the pains Cd b? inJigeton and constipation to -nV.nd effectively that it is the one Wt family laxative which gives sativ L o all and U recommended by lorn of families who have used it and have personal knowledge of it ex- ffiSnderfJ popularity, however, has 1 unKmpulous dealers to offer imita- which act unsatisfactorily, lhere- when buying, to get its beneficial jcis alwavs note the full name or the rPany California Fig Syrup Co. iJy printed on the front of every W of the genuine Syrup of Figs J LJixir of Senna. , " Toe sale by all leading druggist. I nee ) cenU per bottle tblg la merely two nidles of fashion 4vorIng to Identify each other. i?!ench bean coffee, I 1 CENT A POUND B will IT" In your own garden, r p"lng hern 1" Wisconsin In !"0 i jt Splendid health roffua and cost 1 1 to grow about on cent a pound. A groat rarity; a healthful drink. gtnU us t'Mlay 13 centH In stamps t wa M ntnll you packago abovo cf.Jf seed with full directions and ci mammoth seed and plant rata 1 I'frce. Or Fend us 31 rents and we ill 10 pac kages (lenant flower and nurpaf.al)l vegetable seeds, miffl c"t to grow bushels of vegetables I 4 flowers. Or ninko your remittance 4) frits and wo add to nil of abovo 10 Pokag-s of wonderful farm need spe cialties and novelties. John A. Salzcr 8!i Co., 1S2 S. StU St., La Crosse. Wis A Woman's Letter. Ytflfn, It Is generally admitted, WTtte better letters than men. M Marre! Provost has discovered Ci reason for this superiority. "The eiflrnis meaning Is never the one we should read Into a woman's letter. Tisrn Is always a veiled meaning. V.'Ofran makes use of a letter Just as she employs a glnnco or a smile. In way that Is rarefully thought out, M with an ee to effect. And, after all, does a woman's hat serve to cover hef head? Itoes a woman's parasol imp off the sun? Why, then, should a woman's letter serve to convey her real thoughts to the person ad irssfifd. Just like the letters of some hosest grocer, who writes, 'I send you Hts pounds of coffee,' because he mil; does send you five pounds of sefce." Consumption Spreads In Syria. Consumptives In Syria are treated today much In the same way as tlio tcjsrs have been for the lust 2,001) yearn. Tuberculosis la a comparative ly fecptit dlsoiiHB among the Arabs and Byrliins, but so rapidly has it spread tlisl the nuthvs nro In great fear of Itj ConKoqueiitly when a member of family Is known to have the disease, lis Is frequently cant out and compelled to tin of exposure, und want A Btiiall hospital 'or eoiiKiiinptlves hns been P'il st Ilcyrcmt under the direction of Dr. Mary p. Eddy. I Work and Marriage. the New York courts recently fit, aul 17, on bdug told by her "Mtl.tr that sho was old enough to fo.to work, replied: "Work, I will Ml I prefer to marry." Whereupon was married before night to a Totog man owning $S per week. That Is of a p,ce Wth the reasoning .another Klrl who, being lnterro itl by a friend, "Where are you working; now, Mamie?" answered Promptly, "I aiu't working; I'm mar ". -Boston Herald. What Wat He? Mrs. Hoylo.My husband la ft para noiac. Urn. DoyleWhy didn't you marry a American? i The Taste I Test- Pos Toasiies ?!ave a dainty, sweet flavour Phases the palate and 'fsfus particular folks. "Tke Fact ,lmt ( actl J'ear increasing ,0,,s;inds use this delicious ls food evi,l..., f 'i'lll.irity. 10stToaMies or- ma k..r. -ujr IU f rve direct .... , Un am or milk-a con Lr' Whlesorao breakfast kh. 'The Memory Lingers" n'"lCrMk,U,ch,,a- j A FASHION PUZZLE. j J PROMOTER RETIRES FROM GAME v 1 1 1 Kv4 -7- 1-. ' V , J. -a T. fl '. Tex Rlckard 1x Rlckurd, probably the most In teresting character In the sporting world, at the Waldorf Astoria In New York the other day, told the story of a checkered career, from a cow punch er to a millionaire. Forty years old now and rolling In wealth, his life has been one series of tips and downs. At eleven years of age KUkard started life as a cow puncher on the Texas frontier. At twenty-live, with bartdy car faro, he went from Texas to Alaskn. In less than two years lie B'.ado $57,000 on Iawson mining prop srties there. In the spring of 1S09 h went to Nome with $3.1 and started a gambling I house there. In the fall of the same I yenr he had cleared up $10,000. One fear after his $.15 start he was $100, 000 to the good nnd In five yenrs was worth half a million. Ho sunk this In mining proper'les then and before six months had lost all but $1(1.000. With this he went to (ioldtleld In 1905 and with a partner Invested il.1,000 In the BOTH WERE QUICK THINKERS "Count" Herman Long and President Tom Lynch Had Fast Working Brains, Says Fred Tenney. Manager Fred Tenney of the lloston Rustlers, tells an anecdote that gives an Instance of the remarkable quick thinking on tho bnll field of the late Herman ("Count") Long, and also the liethods of President Thomas J. Lynch 9f the National League, when he was plain Tom Lynch, the umpire. "The old lloston team was playing the Giants at the I'olo Grounds." soys Tenney,' "several years ago. When I President Lynch. the Olants went In for their ninth Inn ing we had a lead of one run, with two out and no runs In They hnd a man on third nnd another on first. Jouett Meekln wns the runner at my 'corner, and George Van Haltren, a left-hand batter and a very fast man, was at the bat. "Herman, kuowlng Van's habit of JP Mexico frowns severely on boxing pxhlbltlons, but bullrlims nourish In that country. "There's such a thing as a hall play-, er's having too much temperament." ilghs Clark Griffith. Iw Moron will pitch for Cincinnati this season. No chance of tho I'ltts burg boy's figuring in a trade. Catcher Mitchell of the Yankees, now on his way to Rochester, was an American League pitcher nine years ago. At least one of John I. Taylor's trou bles has disappeared. Corrlgan, the catcher, affixed his signature to a con tract. When the feeling la a basketball I I u II r. I 1 i Si ) ii . S H III '' I X .rlli. rn saloon. In live years a $1,000,000 dividend was declared on the $l."i,(HM) Investment. The panic of 1H07 came near putting Tex ('own and out for good. Mining stocks went bad and he dropped a million and a half In cash. He had b Id considerable property, however, and w hen things boomed again bo sold his properties, realizing enough for another fresh start. When he came east last winter to bid for the John- son-Jeffries light Tex was suspected j to ue nroKo; dui no sn " u ir from It. Just now Klckard Is prepar- lug for a trip to .South America. "Are you contemplating anything of a sporting nature?" hn was asked. "No," ho replied, "tho fight game Is at a standstill. I'm going back to my first love cattle raising." Women were permitted to watch the Hackensrhmldt Zbyszko wrestling match tho other night at New York. Was It as sane as that? hitting toward right. Btayed up close to second. It was well he did, for Van Haltren hit a fast grounder perhaps six or seven feet tho other side of second, and Hermann was after It at the crack of tho bat. He made one of those marvelous left-handed scoops on the run for which he was noted. I was expecting the throw to first and so was Tom Lynch, who was the um pire on the bases. "Ixiiig, however, tho moment he clutched the bnll, saw with chain light ning baseball sense that Vnn Haltren would bent his throw, and to my amazement ho made a headlong dive and scramble for Bccond base to forco Meekln. H was a cinch that he got bis man. but. fearing that Lynch had missed tho play, In my excitement I I grabbed bis arm, exclaiming. 'Geo, ho got him!" " 'Let go o' my arm," growled Lynch, shaking me off. "For a moment I thought I had ipieered the play and tho score would bo tied. To my great relief Lynch In another second waved his arm. "The man Is out." he shouted. "Tho gamo was over and as we walked off the field I apologized to Lynch for taking hold of him. "That's all right," was his reply. "You were excited; 1 merely didn't like to have the crowd see you do It." Field Not to Coach Amherst. Jack Field, the Yale football player, denies tho statement published In sev eral newspapers that ho would coach tho Amherst football eleven next fall and would enter Harvard Iaw school. Field said that he was not going to coach any football team and was not going to enter tho Harvard I.w school. He stated that Amherst made him an offer to conch Its football eleven, but he declined It. That professor who Bays he will dis cover many stars and place them on the map ought to he In demand among innjor lengtio magnates. game becomes bo strong as to caiiBe suicide It Is carrying the Bport a HtUo too far. President Han It. Johnson of the American league says that, he will se lect the, official scorers In the same old way. Lob Enislle, National league umpire, won a trap shoot at Mutton, Out, and his friends claim that he can pass an eye test devised by the magnates of the organlzatoln. Jack Knight was not considered good enough for the Athletics or Red Sox. but has made good with a vengeanco with tho YHiikoos after having served a year In Usiltlmoro In tho Eastern league. Judge Elliott and William Connors, two of the olllclals of the Phillies, have sailed for Kuropo for a pleasure trip. President Fgel might have gone with them, but he was sick lu bed when they left. Taddy Livingston could not hold down his Job In Cincinnati and was forced to work tlirco years at Indian apolls before Cotmlu Alack resiued htm and made him a member of tho world's champions. r.HPFn 14 VFAftS. i 1 I Remarkable Recovery From Serious Kidney Trouble. Jacob See, 109 1'rlnce St., Newark, N. .!., suys: "I suffered unlll I thought I would be better dead. I was In con- plant pain, Incapacitat ed for work and could 0 $ not sleep. The urine kll n.inuufl tri fr-Ai.lv an.l 1 vN innnv times nt nlcht. I Y, was growing gradually worse. Nothing helped mo and then I began with Doan's Kidney I'HIs and was cured. This took place fourteen years ni) and I have had no trotitilo allien." Kemember the mime Doan's. Tor salo by all dealers. SO cents a box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, X Y WONDERFUL! 1 tm ,v J ( .She-1 wonder If the waiter speaks the new language--what do they -. call It ? Ks-perunto? Il Oh, yes! He talks It like a native. HEAD SOLID MASS OF HUMOR "I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best remedies for eczema 1 have ever heard of. My mother had n child who had a rnsh on Its head when It was real young. Doctor called It baby nihil. Hn gave us medicine, but It did no good. In a few days the head j was a solid mass; a running sore. It ' was awful, the child cried continually. ' We had to hold htm anil watch lilm ! to keep him from scratching the sore. Ills suuvring was oreaiiiui. At .lHt wo r).iu. inhered Cuticura Heme dies. We got a dollar bottle of Cuti cura Resolvent, a box of Cuticura Ointment, and a bar of Cuticura Soap. We gave the Kesolvent ss directed, washed the head with tlio Cuticura Soap, and applied tho Cuticura Oint merit. We had not used hair tierore 10 (.MUyH hpnj ,.i,.ar ad free from eczema, and It has never come back again. His head was healthy and he hnd a beautiful head of hair. I think the Cuticura Ointment very pood for the hair. It makes the hair grow and prevents falling hair." (Signed! Mrs. Francis Lund, I'lnln City. Vtah, Sept. 10, 1310. Send to the Potter Drug &. Cheni. Corp., lloston, Mass., for free Cuticura llook on the treatment of skin and scalp troubles. Reason Enough, A negro near Xenla, (., had been arrested for chicken stealing. He had stolen so many that his crime hud be come grand larceny. He was tried uml convicted, and brought In for sentence. "Have you any reason to offer why the Judgment of tho court should not be passed umiii you?" he was asked "Well. Jedge," he replied, "I cnln't go to Jail now, nohow. I'm bulldin' a shack out yonder, an' I Jus' caln't go till I git It done. You kin study see dnt." Philadelphia Sunday Evening l'Oht. Free Blood Cure. If you hav; pimples, olTrnMve eruptions, old tore, cancer, ik-limf, criitcluiig ecrninf tuppurut SHrllitis, bmie p:iiiin, hot kkin, or if jour blood in thin or im pute, then Itotiimc Mood Ilului ill It. II. I will hnil every sure, stop nil itching hikI make the Mood pure an I rich, ( iiiti sl'lt-r sll le finis. t (K) pir lame buttle at dni(( Meres. Nample fire bv writing lilo'X1 Halm Co., Atlanta, tiu., Depart incut B. The Easier Way. "Your wlfo nnd you seem to get along so beautifully together. Don't you ever have any differences of opiu Ion?" "Oh, yes, every day, but I don't let her llnd It out." TO IIKIVK OlT Mil U.I AMI lit II l ' THK SYSTFM T lh Ohl Mmi.nnl UIK'VB TASThl.K-s ( till. I. TONIC l"U know hal you r I.M4. Th formula H plainly prlnlrtl on rjmrf botli.i, Sloping li lit Ktmply Oiilnliirt mil Iron lu ft tit'l.--lrn torni. Th Oiilnllio ilrUM oul lh umlftrl Kii.l tlio Iron hullo up the umioiii. buUI bg U tur nil . I rlw Ul ckiiu. Civic Rivalry. - Squire Murnltt We're goto' to have a newspaper In Lonelyville. Cncle Welby Gosh (of Drearyhurst) Whore nre ye goln' to git it printed? Fnr HKAllArilK lllrka CAPI'IINK Whrihrr lr.nn oliln, Hi nt, munineh or N'rrTi-iiH TrouliloH. 1'hmiiIIiii will ri-llrre you. Il l UoilM- plrnniit to tlikr--el linmioll ntelT. Try II. 10c., 2So., ami W mm l drug turns. Intends to Be Boss. Maud Do you intend to marry or to retain your liberty? Ethel Hoth Taylor's Cherokee Tiemrdy of Fret Gum and 'Mullen i" Nature's great, ieine.lv Cures l'inii;li. Colds, Crnni nnd Whooping CiiukIi and nil threat and lung troubles. At druggists, "."'0, S0o and $1.00 per bottle. Tho entire object of truo education Is to make people not merely do tho right thing, but enjoy tho right thing. Ruskln. Mr. Pierce's Pellets, small, siigar-conteil, en to take nn candy, reirnl.ite an I invii; orate Kt on iu"h, liver nnd bum -Is. Do nut gripe. I honor any man any where, who, in the conscious dlnchargo of what be believes to lie his duly, dares to stand alone. Charles Sumner. Sore Throat i no trilling ailment. It will rnmct one earrv infection to tho en tire fvstem tlironirli tlie food von eat, IlatnliiiH Wizard (Id cures Sore Throat. Scoundrel's Last Refuge. Patriotism Is the hiBl refuge of a scoundrel. Johnson. rir.K ciKrn in atom hath Tonraii-pv-ist l r, ilin.1 money If I'AU OINT yi.Nl' l:iU to rnro mir rum of ItrliliiK, Mind, 111.-, air,! ur I'rolrml.nu I'llcn lu II lu 14 Uu;. 6UU. People seldom improve when they hnn no model but thumseives to uiy niter OoMhiulth. III r ' 17 IK 1 - QTATF MFWS. Jfottsvllle. Joseph Chrlstock, who murdered Mrs. Mary Fahls last No vember, and later confessed to twa other murders, surprised Sheriff Mur phy when the latter had read the death warrant for Chrlstock' execu tion on March HO by handing lilm the following statement, written in his own hand: "SlierllT: I am Indeed very, very sorry for what I have don to Mr. Fahls and family. I know that 1 must die and I am preparing for th same. I feel very grateful to Mr Flaig and his good wife for what they have done for me In my present trou ble. I hope nnd pray that the Ak mighty God will pardon me my sins, nnd also all of the people will foigivs me for what I have done." York. Mis. Louise Peterson, 74 years old, was found with her heai' crushed and neck broken on the brlety piivencnt of the yard at tlie lionrn in house of Mrs. Kate Much. Ths woman occupied a third-story room directly above where the body was found, nnd It Is evident Unit she haij lumped or fallen from the window The woman had been In falling health for sometime nnd several days age she remarked to her hoarding housn keeper that she did not epect to hi here much longer. Mrs. Peterson had lived her" for about a year with her sou, Lewis I'eterson, who Is superin tendent of a local watch case factory York. -A neighbor's quarrel result ed In a verdict in favor of Mis. Amelia Furry of flnn. Half nf this was for mental strain and the other half for expenses. John II. Matkle, n neigh bor of Mis. Forty, had pioseeiited her because she hail removed a landmark which had divided their properties l'he Grand Jury ignored the bill and Mrs. Forry then sued Markle f ir dam ngeH fur malicious prosecution. I'ottsville. William G. Faust, n prominent resident of Auburn, wsi killed by n Pennsylvania lUilroad work train at the railroad crossing near Auburn, when the auto truck which he was driving was struck and demolished. He was secretary of tin Auburn Ilorough Council and part owner of nn underwear factory In An burn. Glrardvllle- Tired of life because ot alleged domestic troubles, Simon Shutta, a miner, of William I'eiin blew off his head with dynamite Shutta entered the mine, went to the face nf the breast, but Instead of be ginning his dally work, tied several sticks of dynamite about his neck and lit the fuse. His body was horribly mutilated. York. John Shlve was elected n member of the West York Council by a flip nf n coin to succeed C. L. Green who had resigned. Mr. Sliive's oppo nent for the office was John Homer, and after four ballots had been taken the borough fathers found themselves In a deadlock. To legalize the election a ballot was enst after the coin had been tossed by Iturgess Luther E. New comer. Lancaster.- Mrs. Mary Wilson, aged 31 venrs, colored, died nt the Lancas ter General Hospital from a wound in flicted by her husband, Charles Wil son, aged .'tli years, also colored, who then killed himself. Mr. Wilson sep arated from her husband some tlin igo. Sho returned last week, but several days ago she again left his home, declaring she would never go. back. Hellertown. The choral choir nl Christ Lutheran Church. Alleulowa under Conductor E. R. Kocher's di rection, sang Spohr's honnUful ora tion, "The Last Judgment." here In Christ I'nlon Church. After the con rert the local choir presented a silver loving cup to John Selling, of the Al lentown choir. 1 tally. At a sale nf the poisonnl ef fects of the late Abraham Flint, ol Washington township, who was one ol the eldest members of the Meiinonites nf lower Herks county, s grandfather's clock, which was an heirloom in tho Ehst family, was sold to Mr. Runs, ol Harm, for $04. Committees represent imr the Rrorh prliood of Railroad Trainmen, who will hold their anniiMl convention ir this i lly in May, have Invited presi ilent Tnft to nddress the convention ahlch will contain delegates from every State in tho I'nlon. The com mitteemen are hopeful that the Pies tdent will accept. Mrs. Howard M. Ilird discovered a dynamite cartridge of high power in a bucket of coal she had Just emptied Jnto a stove. The cartridge was taken out by Mrs. Ilird just In time Tho cartridge was fused and capped and of the kind used In heavy blast ing. Itoyertown. Another rase of diph therla wns reported In the home o. C. W. Mnrkley.' This makes the ninth case in n short time. All the homes nre under strict quarantine. Reading. The Reading Iron Co. an nounced otllclally that a large mill ol Steel construction will be built this summer to replace the old North Ninth Street Rolling Mills. Plans for tho new mill nro now being prepared an 1 bids on tho structure will b'i asked for In the near future. Queensland Is one of the great sugar producing stntcs of Australia, and practically all of the sugar consumed In tho common wealth Is raised nud refined In that state nnd in the no'tli ern part of New South Wales. Muring 1010 there were 17.o"iS Hon golng vessels of l'J.i'i.'.T.nnn net regis tered ons arrived In Hamburg, an In crease of I! 4:1 vessels and 47:!,(m0 tons over the previous year. The total number of ships clearing from Ham burg to the I'nlted Stales (chiefly At lantic ports) during 1 ! 1 0 was :iM, of 1,G"7,.2! tons, against III:) ships, of 1,G24,S7: tons, In V.UIO. The Glnnelle lock on the Seine Is so constructed thnt one man ran open pr shut It by touching an electric but jon as he sits In his office. Modesty Is to merit as shades to fig ures In a picture; giving It streugtu and beauty. Hruyero. & .f r7nC.,.l.l T,. l...f.,r retiring J Cll " 1,1,1. -. - -n will inure that nil important iii.-hhui e, tlio dily cleaning of the system. Common sense In an uncommon de gree Is what the world calls wisdom. Coleridge. Mrs. Wlimlow'n Pootliln- Hyrnp fr Children trellilnK. nofieim the mini-, reiluee Iiimuiiiin.i Uuu, Hllayn pain, cure wiii.I cullc, '2Jc a Imiii;u. Some women nre good to look at, but bad to be lied to. Znmn. u m, u i imipv)' 'S 1!'! f -V I-.3 9 ALCOIIOI.-3 PER CENT AYtfectablc Preparation for As siiinliiting HieFoodoiHinegula liir the Siomai Jis and IJohiHs of I? nu-n:.-n.-!.rrjiTiLL Promotes DirjCslion,Clirfu! nrssantlKcM ConKiins rieithrr Oiuum.Morptiinc nor Mineral j Not Narcotic ,t f,hU. UK, . ;rt .-i li.'incdv forConsllpa- . linn . Sour Momjr h. Iliarrhova Mm h.wnu riiuilhinn t-vrrih -o ''uiiiia.vvii. - ncss and Loss OF MttP ';i ficSimitf Sign-lurf of Tire Cemtalu Company, NEW VOKK. Exstft Copy of Wrapper. ll-,.-.- ii .. ,1 .....J KM1 XfniarenteeJ under l!ic Fworlatjl mjjjj nTluliCi For DISTEMPER liir cumaiM o11l or'Vsi-il ' l .iint ikf i letiri'.nd rtni I rem tlie nlir . Itr.t swllirttr 1 IN HER LINE. Jack v ben you piny whist, do ou not play for money? I-'iln.i No, for KUsc. .lark Ah, how I ntltiilre a cheerful loser! Take This to Heart. Seine men otk hauler tryliiR to ;ot oul of (loim; a thlnn than it w.uihl '.like them to do Ii. Kxchanwe. l or 'OI.IH nihI 4;iCII Mirk1.' C!M iF. ! tin M'lltr.lv r tlrvi'n hf ii.'ltlmr ami fs'viTt.Hiiiif-.'- s'tiif Hit ( 4 li nikI r.'Hl 1 n '- in in ;i i rniiilnltitit. 1 1 ' lliptlil rtTfi-t iimui'diuli-.y. lt'i-., V.'h.'., and k . At dl'U sllHTS. The tesL of whether vou are eiln rated In, can you tin what you ouht nhen you otif.lit, whether ou want to lo It or not? Herbert Spencer. TO 1 rnr A Ol l IN ONK in Y rnk I A All V H lllil'Mil On, hill.. 'I.il.!t. On wKfuo-fiiiHl m 11. V l( 11 III.. I., .-lira b W. When the tight Ih-kIiis within hltn self. a man's worth tojinethlug. llrownlng. For constipation, bilioti-no, liver dis tut linni-i'S ami (luea-es ri'snltini; I10111 im pure lilooil, take loinli'ld Ten. The reward of u thliiR well done la to have done It. l'.merson. Do yon Oite, and lay your nc-n-rs all hition to lirf.c it-.r JK-i II1 .. LI d 9 H1 r i 1 i "'" Ii. I 'Vil "'fin' Wt" P"' 8 ""'r1 to your misery, i ou can oo it it M iV; IXV vo" w'''' "r' ' 'crcc's ColJcn Medical Discovery will B;'i! :ji i niiile you a dol'eretit individual. It will set your lu.y liver K ''l.':f ' 14 to woiL. It will set thini's rif'it in yoiir stomach, anj Underfill! coutjli, bronchitis, or bl'viiing ut tl o li.n;.s, it wit fcrini! ahont cure in per cent, of till cai.es. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. K. V. l'icree, of Dutfulo, N. Y., wluK.e advkf is fjven free 1 1 nil who wish to write bim. His great succctis hits roine from hii wi.lo evperienco ond vari'xl pructice. Don't he wliecdlcd by a r-iinyi$rahhiii! dei.lcr into taking inferior suhsti tilths for Dr. I'icrcc's medicines, recommended fo be "just as !-iod." Dr. l'ieree's medicines ure i.K SsowN coMrosmo-i. Their every intfredic-nt printcJ ou their wrappers. Made from roots w ithout iiL-ol ol. Contain no habit fiii inintt druj'H, World's Di spciisnry Medici.l Association, .(Tilo, N. Y. I. DOUGLAS IfTt? 2-50 3 3-B.? 4 GHOES XII W. hmAA j-Ium'H niMt iiici'M Ui tn:.K than orlin:ry hliin?, ln'iittso lu'iit-r uniiU' livitln'is nrv uu mA nvWvtrd wit li Ki'iaIT r:ir. Tlir-m iiin t i n'.isiHiM wliy NV. .. lonl.is Iumh an nuir ntt'i"l t Im! 1 tl":i ii.ip' lok uml lit lu'tUT uni Wi'iir lougor ll. .. ,.i. v j.il...r l.iU u v...i m l.iif no Kcnuifin nnvo iv t iuuiua trice atamped on th bcltom, which guixrnnteea full value A ,v . A ,$ nd protect! the wearer Afninut high pricei a nil inferiorshret. f'i Wrx RFUSesUBSTiTV7S CLA 'MID TO Dt 'JUSTASCOOn' S.Us 2j It your ilrnler i-ui-'t'tt tio-iiW ton with ttir j-ru"VHf . I .llonuliu. ituv-K wrltfl Bnva, .... lor Mn unlrr l''i i-i. ""I nl .Hr-.-t rn.m fn.-torj t ' nil .1. ru.- L ? - Hlui. IV. 1.. Iluuglo.. 14.1 lliii.il. Ml.. Jirxckluu, Mum. S2 OO.t J.604-S3.O" l3ooc3 s Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel intc, build you up. Be sure to take it this .spring. c.et It In niml liquid form or rhoeolme tablet eulle.l Sni-Hiititb-.. ! l)oe- 11. n VV A M For Infantg nnrl Childrea. The Kind You Have Always Bsught .Bears tho Signaturo In Uso For Over Thirty Years Tlnli Fye. Fploolld MilppiniJ trvrr Lulorrhal Kvver prisTntl. im nutter hvm liur-rtnv ptr r Inftcsl ven n tli ("t.'.r n is "ri tlie Mi m -1 nui ' i r tsi rirlsll. tuxl i nn I Mctii er In stnl sif-p i i i-i.ier 1 r 'tcj r ne.iY i ..rt-is 1 w irlii smtr c li"H'n lel mr 9 I 111 n-t m fine K IiIiict rnini-lr iVif n .1 I t U 9U ti.l i U en 'nt 'M m-i. Ksep M. fin I" t.mi r .1 r .'P'-t l" i Ii url It f- r y.ni. heo H .i.ltl, "lli.lriiitf, (uHiKnit urn ' hs-lsi 1 Arn t ti 't 0 SPQHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN. IND U. S. A. HaJe's Eionoy Off Horehound and Tar Looiens the Phlegm ; J Allay Irrtttion iv.J , V Arrriti Tickling -g Soolhri and MeI 11 .., Conlnint no npiunl ' J l;4 nor anvtinnt injurious Jfc EEz iJ For Coughs and Colds I Plfcs's loolhiclit Diops Curs In 0ns Mlnuts A COUNTRY SCHOOL f OK GIRLS in New Vtuk ( itv. He--l (e.ituies nf roun tiy nml city lile Out uf-d-'ur toits on IiikiI park of 35 ncres near thn Iluilsoa River. Academic Course Primary (' asslj (irailuation. t'pper class fur Advanird Special Stiiilrnt i. NfiiMC anil Art. W rits f. r catalogue anil ternx M lion ui S.mSMIm. Ii.trolr linir. Kir.'ilK Sl.Sntl t. S WE VCl M0EY.' Otif hni olTutt'uPill tavr manr dollar In doc- tir' hill. Cure dinrc of the Iheror howcJs l-ir uli k hrailmhe, I ppi, muUrU. c ntlr pat Ion and htltuuMiena, a aiilliMi people endurao Q BlNfsi Direct Running SawMills A ro t ho best nil l In mirVft f'r nri;ihlo tisc, Tht-f fl f.' At III 'ill' t-til M't. tu I II 'I .1 II 'K llit'. I'lli' Ht " ulttnuV.i I licrmi-tt itn-v ri"iuii It'i hrtp lq 0 I I :t t , Itll'l III' Hill rllt t t),1 L-1 . t 'r'Sf 1 11 otltit i'I ImnInT ill l In h ;iN' iH'.n-'. I; -ii n.iul 1m ti1 Miii'i1 rtk'lit in M-f himliiT h;i' in-- itl'-t ii ;ko tli lliosl Until' . t llM'-t H lr t In' ) I! Ii-.'l Mill .ff..i m. 1 1 it l"l ru'i'i.tUiiiisi.Mutifn; otit ti'iitiirriiu'lil. WM BARTLEY & SONS, Burtley, N. J. CAP-DE-cniP t.X;?z?;y hi-. tttii vii in.iny y i:uw el l", (siiirrn it ml Ml II A l.i 1 1 A. Mrv. Lit It wiltrs. l a p-1 inp, U llin iiii'l .lit '-hi flu ii !i .knl tn.' a i' ths tind Miiito Munpl! tsi s'l ",v Irl'-iuls " :. ui ilniKHiMv I .. M.tn pi. v f A UK ItlUM III its, iio uii llitliliiioi ti, Mni'i Itiinl. formula ich 'r.m, i'niii tmt Kri-kl, "''P' forii lnin'. It nut s:i t in! ,t I'tnr v . ti mint liU k. lint HI t , llrusmul, Hii lliktla'r 4r .,( klcC, IU. DEFIfiKCE ST&HCSI for rUarrhliif Uut'ftl llti W. N, U., BALTIMORE, NO. 10-1911. Do You. Feel This Way? Icel all tired out ? Do you sometimes BHSre m lie U (.3 rid J . ;,f, r III11IM )OII JUI.I (.1111 I Hn). l U1ll lUl a J,t sion or trmle any loiiiicr? Do vou have a poor snc- awake nt nights unuhle to sleep ? Arj i!or,e, and your stomach too ? Has m- alieud in the world kit you? It so, you yonrMppcl.'tc will come buck. It will purify your blood. If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption, it will keep that dread drstrover avny. L'en alter con. sumption bus almost Caincd a foothold in the form of a nnmo onu mo rnnu