The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 23, 1911, Image 8

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Will Mottor, otChambersburg,
is spending a few diys in the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Mottor, of Ayr town
ship. A bill providing for one cent
letter postage has been intro
duced in Congress, and if passed
and signed by the President .will
take effect July 1, 1011.
HIDES. James Sipes & Sont
pay the highest market price
for beef hiilos at fieir butcher
shop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
The last remaining 15,000 for
Chambersburg's new postoflice
has been appropriated and the
work of erection can now go on
without interruption. The struc
ture is to cost $80,QOO.
How to cure a cold is a ques
tion in which many are interest
just now. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has von its great re
putation and immense sale by its
remarkable cu re of colds. It can
always be depended upon. For
sale by all dealers.
Nurserymen say that more
trees have been planted in Penn
sylvania during the past year,
and more orders are now waiting
to bo filled in this State than m
any other State in the Union.
This is chiefly because of the ac
tivity of the persons officially en
gaged in advancing the interests
of orcharding in this State.
When her child is in danger a
woman will risk her life to pro
tect it No great act of heroism
or risk of life is necessary to pro
tecta child from croup. Give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and all danger is avoided. For
sale by all dealers.
Residents of Dry Run and vi
cinity are in anticipation of the
enjoyment of a home talent pro
duction "Dot, the Mmer'sDaugh
ter," to be presented on Satur
day, February 25. The charac
ters will be represented by well
known young ladies and gentle
men of that section. The Doyles
burg band will furnish music.
Life Saved At Death's Door.
"I neverjielt so near my grave,"
writes VV. R. Patterson, of Well
ington, Tex., as when a frightful
cough and lung trouble pulled me
down to 100 pounds, in spite of
doctor's treatment for two years.
My father, mother and two sis
ters died of consumption, and
that I am alive today is due sole
ly to Dr. King's New Discovery,
which completely cured me. JNow
I weigh 187 pounds and have been
well and strong for years. ''Quick
safe, sure, its the best remedy
on earth fcr coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup, and all
throat and lung troubles. 50c and
1(1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran
teed by Trout's drug store.
Wm. Clevenger, who has been
employed in West Virginia, is
spending some time with his
mother at Lai dig.
David Strait was unfortunate
enough to lose a horse last week.
Miss Sarah Grove, of Cbam
bersburg, is spending some time
visiting friends and relatives at
llustontown and Laidig.
Roy Laidig, who is employed
on P. C. Mellott's saw mill, spent
Sunday with his parents, Daniel
Laidig and wife.
I wish to correct the mistake
made in the News last week con
cerning P. 1$. Foreman spending
Sunday evening with Miss Nellie
Deshong. If that correspondent
would tell some truth about
themselves, it certainly would be
more of a credit to them.
Hakes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Crapo
Cream of Tartar
You catch the bird,
' We' 11 feather the nest;
You marry the girl,
We'll do the rest.
We are proud of pur new stock.of Furniture,
the elegant, elaborate, array of polished beau
ty that is filling our floors, It is the finest we
ever have had. It is Furniture that will wear,
Furniture that will be a source of Comfort,
Pride, and Joy to those who use it; and at
prices to suit everybody.
Dining Room Chairs, $ 3.85 to $10.00 Set
Extension Tables, 5.50 to 12.00 6 ft
Bed Room Suits, 13.50 to 50.00
Iron. Beds, 3.50 to 10.00
Bureaus, 6.00 to 18.00
Side Boards, 10.00 to 25.00
Sewing Machines, Couches, Cupboards.Sinks,
Rockers, Rockers for Children, Mattresses,
Kitchen Kabinets, Etc., Etc.
Over 50 different patterns of Velvets, Tapes
try and Axminsters to select from. We
match and sew to fit any room.
Ingrains, 30c. yd. and up.
Rag Carpets, 26c. yd. and up.
Mattings, 10c. yd. and up.
Stair Carpet, Linoleums, etc.
Congress has opened I Many important ques
tions will now be settled. We want to settle
an important question for you, and advise
you not to put off buying, as a boy does tooth
pulling, until compelled by suffering to make
a move. We have a complete line of
Ranges and Cook Stoves
and we sell our stoves on a positive Guarantee
If you are not perfectly satisfied, we will re
fund your money.
Steel Ranges.
When we say that we can save you money,
we speak the truth; and the way for you to be
satisfied, is to give us a trial.
Chas. Huston & Bro.
Three Springs,
Strawberry Plants.
All the latest and best varieties,
including Klondike and Gardner
Sample, and Glen Mary for Me
dftfW, and Senator Dunlap the
best Late. Also, Kansas and
Cumberland Black Cap Raspber
ry, Cuthbert Red Raspberry and
Lucretia Dewberry. Prices less
than those charged by distant
nurseries. I grow the plants
myself and know what the differ
ent varieties will do on Fulton
County soils.
Set Strawberry plants in early
April; Black Caps, a little later,
Red Raspberry and Dewberry as
soon as possible after frost is out.
Write a postal for prices.
2, 16, 3t Locust Grove, Pa.
la the Lutheran Church.
Commencing with Wednesday
evening, March 1, there will be a
series of services held in the St.
Paul's Lutheran church until
Easter. The special services will
be held on Wednesday evenings
and will be Church services in
stead of the regular mid-week
Prayer Meetings. Wednesday,
March 1, is known as Ash Wed
nesday, or the beginning of Lent.
The purpose of the meetings is to
set forth Christ's life as it is
known during the last week of
his earthly life prior to the Cruci
flxion. Eich Wednesday night
one day of that Last Week will
be studied, and with especial at
tention to the deepening of our
love and devotion to our Lord and
Saviour. The character of the
meetings will be deeply devotion
al, as we want to learn to love our
God more deeply because of his
great love tor us. If possible,
the series will .end with nightly
meetings during the week pre
ceding Easter, when one of the
sayings of the Cross will be stud
led each night to prepare us for
the iittiug celebration of the East
Mrs. Mary A. Kelly of this
place is spending a few days with
relatives in Thompson township.
A Mr.Fields.of Brockton, Mass.
announces the sale of his 7 week
old royal purple bull calf, for
$10,000, the highest amount, it is
believed, ever paid for a young
bull. Both sire and dam are pro
ducts of previous world's champions.
Is This You?
Struggling In the grip of rKeumititm.
Do you led it if tome giant tnpent wm
wound all around your body and limbi,
knotting them up and earning intense raflf.
ing We have cure that we know ia
genuine. If it doet not give you aatiifao
tion in every way bring ut back the empty
bottle and we'll give you back the money.
That'a the confidence we have ia
KlniKintt .m ftitrnvered hai Droved to
ucceuful and effective in curing and pre
venting rheumatiim. It cures by diuolvinfl
II mineral irritant, neutralizing uric acid
nd promoting the excretion, of these and
other impurities from the blood which
cause rheumatic affections. I
Two sizes, 50c. and 1 .00.
The 'ttoxaJUL Stor (I W
Here are a few of the Many Prices that we are able
to give you at a saving never before made in this town,
that no Economical Man or Woman should pass up. It
brings you the most batistactory Suits and Overcoats at
a saving that will surely pay you to inspect these Goods
before making your Purchase.
This is no Collection of cheap Clothes hastily flung
together as is generally done for "Bargain Sales."
Ladies' Suits:
S 6.00 Suits $ 4.25 Hlaok.
10.00 " 7.25 Blue.
11 00 " 8.50 Blue.
15.00 ' 12.50 Blue.
Ladies' Long Coats :
15 75 Coats It. 00
6.00 4 25
8.00 " 5.50
8.50 " 6.00
Children's Coats.
2 50 and $3.00 now $1 90.
3 50 and 4.00 now 2.75.
Men's Suits :
$ 0 00 Suits U 25.
7.50 " 5.50.
9 00 " 7.50.
10 00 " 8 25.
12.50 " 9.75.
Men's Overcoats:
$ 2.50 Coats $2 10.
4 25 " 3 50.
5 00 " 4.25.
C 00 " 4 50.
7 50 " 5 75. '
' 10.00 " 8 50.
This is only a few of the many "Real Bargains'
that we have to show you.
Let us Show you our line of
For Men, Women & Children That Will '
All kinds of Gum Goods in all Lasts.
We have made some extraordinary Cuts in this line.
We have these to match your Clothes with Price O. K.
General Merchandise,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
A call will convince you that the
following lines are bargains:
Men's and Bovs' Boots that were $1,25 to53.25,now 95c
to $2.00. These are all good solid stock, and better
leather than you can get to-day at the advance in price.
60 pairs of heavy Women's shoes at 85c and $1.00 that
can't be replaced at $1.40. These are bargains.
Men's and Boys' heavy shoes from 90c up that are worth
far more than the market price.
Horse Blankets-all new stock 58, 65, 75c, 1.25, 1.50,
2.00 and 2.25, that were 75c to 3.25. . Not more than
a half dozen of the best grades lef t.
In Dry Goods, Ginghams, Prints, etc., what is left of
some lines at prices far below actual value.
35o yards of Cotton Flannel at 7 and 8c in gray and
brown, that is worth 12 l-2c to-dav.
Space will not permit us to give prices in' detail. The
standard of quality of goods at Greathead's is known
to the trade throughout the county. If you want the
best, you will find it here.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
as much as you may, when you get old you have nothing unless you
mat save. Did you ever notice how
debts grow if you lot thorn alone? Savings grow the same way. If
you had put away Ave cents a day for the past 21 years, how much
M do you suppose you would have now? Almost 1000 counting the ln
W torest added every year. Your money begins to
?5 for you when placed on deposit with us. A bank account Is as good
as an Insurance policy. Better than some,
you can't always got your mony on a policy when you nood it. If the
frtllro a 9 umi urn tit fr if ft hnmA If V rtit urn nr. fn r air a A Oft.
cation, there's nothing like a good banlc account.
Reduction in Prices.
Leslie W. Seylar,
McConnellsburg, Fa.
I have some New Buggies I carried
over winter that I will sell at a re
duction in price while they last in
order to make room for my new
stock. I also have a lot of new hand
made Buggy Harness for sale. Please
give me a call.
Very truly yours,
Harris' Sale List
The A. L. Lamberson property at
Gem, Pa., good house, fine store room
ice house, good stable, hay shed, fruit
good water. 3 acres ground, very low
price if sold soon, 'good opening for
200 acre farm In Dublin township,
good buildings, well wutored, lime
stone on farm, 100 acres In timber,
400 acres timber land In Dublin
township, near Huntingdon County
line, well timbered, very cheap.
The Mrs. Erb house and lot in Mc
Connellsburg, fine property.
240 acre farm In Licking Creek town
ship, fair buildings about125 acres of
which Is excellent timber, white pine
and white oak, well watered.
UK) acre farm in Taylor township,
excollent buildings, near P. O., school
and church, red shale land.
300 acre farm Taylor township, one
of the finest lying farms in the Coun
ty, about 100 acres In timber, good
A farm in Belfast township, near
Pleasant lvldge containing about 150
acres with more than timber enough
on it to pay for it.
70 acre farm in Toylor township,
good house and stable, about 20 acres
in timber. Cheap home.
Good house and lot in McConnells
burg, a nice home or a good invest
ment to rent.
Fine home In McConnellsburg,
acre, hot and cold water, bath, Ac.
Good farm of 250 acres Belfast town
ship, red shale, fine large orchard,
well watered, good buildings.
2 Mill properties in the County, both
doing a fine business, one has full
roller process and fine water power.
Fine large farm In Todd township,
one of the finest In the County, fine
stock farm, about 100 acres excellent
A fine home, three acres, fine build
ings, fine fruit and water in Ayr town
shlp.known as thellev. Houston home.
100 acres farm in Wells township,
near Broad Top Market.
Several building lots in HuBtontown
The A. C. Sipes home near Huston
town, Pa., 25 acres, well improved,
lots of fruit, well watered, flne ,,
lngs price very low If Sul .
April first. m'
200 acres, fine white pine tint
Licking Creek township, finest lis
237 acres fine timber non a.i
and white oak.
Pino hmian flnrl 1ir tfnn. tit .
.,,, vaerj.
McConnellsburg, property n to
condition. This property hai
occupied bv two famlllna n,i .
ul 'Ktt
renter. This property Is in good J
A fine hotel property, Interested.,
ties inquire and get particulars
100 acre farm about 1J miles 8.
TT... . i . "5
ui uudwuiuwu, guou irame hoi.
barn. ka. Them la nhnnt ir. ..
"' crei(j
cellont timber on tract, furmln
400 acre farm in Todd town
new buildings ond in irood emM.
about 250 acres of this place iij
young winner, mis will be soldi
The Jonathan Snyder farm Iniw
son township, 5 miles from Harm
250 acres 100 of which Is excels
limber, fair buildings, good fr,,
watered. This land Is nearly all !,
and red shale. An Immense aim!
of the best Iron ore is found on tkj
The Harvey Wlshart arra of &
acres In Wells township, near tt.
Tannery, Pa.; about, 100 ucrei lail
timber. This is among the best lini
in the County, nearly K-vel, ill
grass, fine buildings, well watered,
room house and the largest barn
the County. This farm Is very deilr,
ble, Is near the Broad Top mark'
the best in the state.
The Dennis Everets Mill prooertr
Dickeys Mt. Thompson township. x
mill, roller process, burrs, shin;.
ana lathe mill, corn crusher, cii
mill, fine water power with codcw
forebay, &o. About 10 acres lu,
This will be sold very cheap
A good store property and ick
land, Post Olllce, &c. Interested
ties Inquire for particulars.
Franklin County Farms.
243 acres limestone land, 2 miles
from Greencastle, good buildings,
water and fruit $21,000.
305 acres graveled and timber land,
8 miles from Morcorsburg, buildings
good, large orchord, line posture,
running water, $5500.00.
202 acres fine slate and gravel land,
near Pleasant Hall, new brick house,
good barn, timber, fine place f 15,200.00
150 acres near Dovlesburg, Path
Valley, good producing farm, $1700.00
140 acres fine limestone land, 2
from Chambcrsburg, miming wiltt
good buildings, splendid neighbor.
$!)0.00 per acre.
112 acros fine land, 40, young timber
close to Upper Strasburg: t'sMsA:
(10 acres, 7 miles from Mercersbmj,
a bargain at $2500.00.
45 acres slate land, good qualitj,
five miles from Chambersbun;. Gooi
buildings, a fine home, $-"j0o.00,
I have listed 15 farms in Cumberland County, and several others In
Franklin. Have taken these farms to accommodate Fulton Count;
people who are thinking of locating elsewhere. I can save you monej
by buying through me.
Fine Building Lots.
I have just plotted 25 fine building lots In the North of McConnellsburg
location and prices to suit all, this is an opportunity to get a lot (or i
home or .in investment at a low price, and in a fine location. Call and
see plan. Deeds written, titles examined and loans to purchasers se
cured FREE.
INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE LIST. The majority of these properti
have come to mo without solicitation. I do not require owners to sign r
tions nor to tie up their property in any way. Tho many transfers I b"
made during the past live years Is the only reforence I give all parties bin
been satisfied.
. I can place about 15000.00 on real estate first mortgage or judgment at 5 pet
cent, about April first.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
I Want You
Buy a Fulton County home or two, and
take life easy the balance of your days.
1 have a select list of Poultry, Fruit,
Dairy, Grain and Stock Farms;
Country and Town Store
Property; Ideal Homes,
Building Lots and
Timber Land.
Buy Quick.
Loans negotiated to help you buy cheap for cash. 1911
booklet just completed. Will continue to add leallets. If
you want to buy or sell, write for booklet and state what
you want to buy or sell.
WANTED. I have a buyer for a Flour Mill and many
for small cheap homos suitable for fruit and poultry
I will be in home oftlce on Monday and Tuesday of each
week. Write me a fow days in advance, so I can arraugo
to show you properties on other days.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Stamps-MJautor I
70? coin or