The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 09, 1911, Image 6

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(If I ikI and Oeaeral Interest, Gitbered
at Home or Clipped frm our
' . Exchanges.
i Blank notes at the News office.
' Mrs. H. I. Cromwell, of Taylor
js spending this week visiting in
the home of her, son Roy in this
v Fmt Rent. The Stone house
property on Water street. Rent
reasonable. Apply soon to
Alex Patterson.
W. II Nesbit, sustained a se
me sprain of his left ankle while
working at the Trout-Peck-S to
ner, fire. He has been confined
to tne house since.
( Lightning struck the cupalo of
the State Capitol at Jefferson,
Mo., on Sunday pightandcomple
tely destroyed the building and
many valuable state papers.
' Wanted. A span of mules.
Age between 0 and 10. Weight
not less than 1000 pounds. For
work in the woods.
H Address, News Office,
j McConnellsburg, Pa,
f John, twelve-year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pittman
-bo live about two miles west of
town, had his right leg broken
last Thursday afternoon. John
was at a sawmill near bis home,
tnd was accidentally run down
by a log truck. The leg was
fractured between the knee and
! Sedentary habits, lack of out
door exercise, insufficient masti
cation of food, constipation, a
torpid liver, worry and anxiety,
are the most common causes of
Itomach troubles. Correct your
habits and take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and
jou will soon be well again. For
ale by all dealers.
Mr. George W. Paylor, tenant
farmer on the' Sanner Ray farm
sear Webster Mills had the mis
fortune a few days ago to have
One of his legs badly fractured.
It happened in the kitchen, when
m a little friendly "tussle" with
bis farm hand Clark Wright, he
got his body in a twist and
napped the bones off.
You are probably aware that
pneumonia always results from a
bold, but you never heard of a
Cold resulting in pneumonia when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
vas used. Why take the risk
When this remedy may be had
for a trifle? For sale by all deal
ers. I Oaterburg, Bad ford county and
Vicinity are now in the throes of
tj genuine oil excitement. The
belief of the people of that com
munity that there is oil in that
territory received fresh confirma
ion during the past two weeks,
all due to the fact that oil has
been discovered in a well on the
rmot George Deffibaugh who
hves about half way between
Oaterburg and Imler.
I A piece of flannel dampened
With Chamberlain's Liniment and
bound on to the aflected parts is
superior to any plaster. When
troubled with lame back or pains
IB the side or chest give It a trial
nd you are certain to be more
Shan pleased with the prompt re
lief which it affords. Sold by all
iJohnYeager, well known in
his community but now a resi
dent of Franklin county is in
trouble again. It may be re
liombered that about a year ago
ae made an unmerciful attack on
s wife and almost killed her.'
About the same time he made a
area, that he would kill his
ither ia law, the first time .he
Jt his eyes on him.1 Yeaer
Tfasonaloadof hay at Loudon
'1st Thursday when he saw his
ither in law, John Rothrock, ap
jroaching. He got down and
tent to the side of the highway
fhere he gathered up several
Jones. Then he awaited his ap
proach and began firing several
'V'nes when not far apart. One
? the stones struck Mr. Roth
Jx on the head and injured bim
everely. Yeager then jumped
'pon him and it is believed was
pit to carry out his threat when
! number of neigubora caught
"cwutni tlh,t h" bu continuously
drink h.w. "rii,,nT Por ,h r
dLW?- . w"' for partloulars.
ttlaliJlu In,,Uu, Western
8 Fifth A., rittiburjh,
Our old friend Joseph B. Cham
ber s, formerly of the Cove, but
for several years a resident of
South Wayne, Wis., m sending
the cash to renew his subacrip
tion says, that tbey have but lit'
tie snow this winter, and but few
cold days. Just at this time the
ground is covered with a coating
of ice. Mr. Chambers underwent
a Burgical operation for an attack
ot appendicitis recently, and is
just beginning to be out again.
Rev. S. B. Hoffman, of Claren
don, Pa., formerly of Dublin Mills
this countv writes that he has
had several letters of condolence
from friends in this county, and
desires to say through the News
that he is thankful that he is able
to say that there has not been any
circumstances in his family late
ly to call for such letters. The
misunderstanding came from our
Dublin Mills correspondent of
the issue ol January 20th saying
that Ada, a daughter of Rev.
Hoffman, had died. We are in
formed that a child of Rev. Frank
Strayer, a former pastor of the
U. B. congregations in this coun
ty, died recently, and we suspect
that the Dublin Mills correspond
ent was incorrectly informed.
lu remitting the cash to ad
vance her subscription to the
Fulton Countv News into the
year 1912, Mrs. J. E. Carberry,
of Canonsburg, Pa., says: "The
News is a welcome guest into
our family every Friday. It
comes like a letter from home
telling us of old friends who have
crossed the river or of those who
are starting out joyously in mat
rimonial ventures. The common
place gossip of the correspond
ents all means much to us when
we get away from the county. In
our town we have two tin-mills,
one bridge works, one large pot
tery, and another in course of
erection. We have the Buffa
coal mines here, but they are
only working two or three days a
week. Everything else is run
ning full time."
Andrew Musselman, a farmer
near Milnor, Franklin county was
killed by lightning during an
electric storm last Friday even
ing. Andrew had been at the
store at Milnor during the even
ing and started to go home. lie
was walking along a wire fence
on the road when the bolt hit the
fence. The lightning then jump
ed over onto his head. The burns
on his body showed that it ran
down his back and one leg to the
knee. Then it jumped over to
the other leg and ran down it and
into the ground. In entering the
ground the electricity had torn
off the man's shoe and hurled it
across the fence into the field.
Mr. Musselman was smoking a
pipe and chewing tobacco and
when he was found Saturday
morning both were still in his
mouth, indicating that death had
come instantly. Ilia body was
horribly burned. The fence was
also torn.
Wife Got Tip Top Advice.
"My wife wanted me to take
our boy to the doctor to cure an
ugly boil," writes D. Frankel, of
Stroud, Okla. "I said 'put Buck
ten's Arnica Salve on ' ' She did
so, and it cured tho ooil in a short
time." Quickest healer of Barns
Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruises,
Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile
cure on earth. Try it. Only "5c
at Trout's drug store.
The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type.
It Always Tells The News As It
IS. Promptly and tully.
Read la fcverr ills-Speskln Country.
It has Invariably been the great of
fort of the Thrlce-a-Weelc edition of
the New York World to publish the
news Impartially In order that it may
be an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells the truth, Irrespec
tive of nartv. and for that reason it
has achieved a position with the pub-
llc unique among papers of its class.
If you want the news as it really is,
subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edi
tion of the New York World, .which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and is thus practically a
daily at the price of a weekly.
regular subscription price Is only 11.00
per year, and this pays for 156 papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for 11.15.
The regular subscription price of
tho two papers is $2.00.
Table Manners.
"Table manners in their simp
lest form are so taken for granted
by well-bred people that at the
first impulse it seems almost un
necessary to give instructions
concerning details of behavior,"
says Christine Terbune Herrick
in Woman's Home Companion for
January. "But the offenses
against convention we all see at
times prove that everyone does
not know exactly what constitutes
good conduct at meals.
"Is it needful at this stage of
civilization to say that one should
not eat with the knife? It ought
to be, but I am afraid it is not.
Those of us who are accustomed
to eating only in our own homes
or at tables of our friends are
prone to think that nona but bar
barians eat with their knives. A
littln foreign travel is likely to
cure us of that notion Not only
foreigners whom we meet at
hotels or in prisons shock our
sensibilities by suchoffensos, but
our own countrymen often show
us examples of their skill in
sword-swallowing exploits.
"Yet in no circumstances is
eating with the knife anything
but a crime against good manners
The knife is to cut with, the fork
to be used in eating.
Over 1,100 applications have
been made to Prof. II. A. Surface,
State Zoologist, Harrisburg, re
questing bm to accept orchards
belonging to the applicants for
the purpose of supervising or
directing this year, to show how
to control pests, and manage the
orchard in such a way as to pro
duce the largest, most perfect
and most profitable crop of fruit
The undersigned intending to quit
farming will sell at tne Mrs. . (j.
Johnston farm along the main road
1 3-4 miles south of McConnellsburg
On Friday. Fcbruury 17, 1911,
During the mouths of July,
August and September last the
number of porsons killed in train
accidents was 321, while 3,892
were injured.
the following property, to wit :
No. 1. a fine large Bay Mare rising 8
years old, a splendid worker wherever
bitched. Mo. i, a nue uray Mare,
coining 14 years old can't be hitched
wrong and as active as a five-year-olu
No. 3, Gray Mare 8 years old, an off
side worker, thought to be in foal. No
4, Hay Horse Colt comlDg three years
old, lull or snap, ' will make a good
driver. Has been driven single and
double. No. 6, Steel-grey Percheron
Horse Colt coming 2 years old. bred
from Metcalf Horse will make a heavy
horse. No. 0, a tine Way Mare rising
2 years old, will make an exceptional
ly tine and stylish driver. No. 7, is an
8 months old Mare Colt, will make a
fine driver. 1 1 HEAD OF CATTLE
7. of which are Cows mostly young
and will be Iresh or close springers by
day of sale. 1 Bull of the dairy type a
urade Alucrney. i line dairy (mirers,
1 a fine high grade Holstcln. 10 Head
ol Mioats, these are Hue and tnrifly
and will weigh 75 to 80 pounds each
Hay by the ton, and other articles not
nere mentioned.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m., when
a reasonable credit will be given.
A. L. Wible, Auct.
Interest Is Mailed Every Six Months
at the rate of Four Per Cent, per annum, to holders of
oar Certificates of Deposit. These convenient forms of
Investment are Issued In sums of 9500 and upward,
and present many attractive features. Interest begiiM
at the date of issue, and certificates are renewable
without surrender at the expiration of each six months
period. There are no commliwlons or fees a straight
4 Investment, absolutely safe, and available at any
time as collateral at this bank, up to Its full fare value.
Write for special booklet on this attractive investment.
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
ftmlthfleld Street and Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Harris' Sale List
The A. L. Lamberson property at
Gem, Pa., good house, fine store room
ice house, good stable, hay shed, fruit
good water, 3 acres ground, very low
price if sola soon, good opening for
200 acre farm in Dublin township.
good buildings, well watered, lime
stone on farm, 100 acres in timber,
400 'acres timber land In Dublin
township, near Huntingdon County
line, well timbered, very cheap.
The Mrs. Krb house and lot in Mc
Connellsburg, fine pro)erty.
240 acre 'farm in Licking Creek town
ship, fair buildings about '125 acres of
which is excellent timber, white pine
and white oak, well watered.
100 acre farm in Taylor township,
excellent buildings, near P. O., school
and church, red shale land.
300 acre farm Taylor township, one
of the finest lying farms in the Coun
ty, about 100 acres in timber, good
buildings. 1
A farm in Belfast township, near
Pleasant llidge containiug about 150
acres with more than timbor enough
on It to pay for it.
70 acre farm in Taylor township,
good house and stable, about 20 acres
in timber. Cheap home.
Good house and lot in McConnells
burg, a nice home or a good invest
ment to rent.
Fine home In McConnellsburg, i
acre, hot and cold water, bath, &c.
Good farm of 250 acres Belfast town
ship, red shale, fine large orchard.
well watered, good buildings.
2 Mill properties in the County, both
doing a fine business, one has full
roller process and fine water power.'
Fine large farm in Todd township,
one of the finost in the County, line
stock farm, about 100 acres excellent
A fine home, threo acres, fine build
Ings, fine fruit and water in Ayr town
ship.known as thellev. Houston home.
100 acres farm In Wells township,
near Broad Top Market.
Several building lots in Hustontown
The A. C. SIpes home near Iluston
town, Pa , 25 acres, well Improved
lots of fruit, well watered, fine build
ings price very low If sold before
April first.
200 acres, fine white pine timber in
Licking Creek township, finest in the
237 acres fine timber near Andover
Licking Creek township, white pine
and white oak.
Fine house and lot East Water Street
McConnellsburg, property in good
condition. This property has been
occupied by two families and is a good
renter. This property is In good con
A fine hotel property, Interested par
ties Inquire and get particulars.
100 acre farm about li miles South
of Hustontown, good frame house,
barn, Ac. There is about 75 acres ex
cellent timbor on tract, farm in good
400 acre farm In Todd township,
new buildings and in good condition,
about 250 acres of this place is in
young timber. This will be sold very
A good two-horse farm on Pattor
sons Hun, Licking Creek township to
rent, possession April 1st.
Franklin County Farms.
24.1 acres limestone land, 2 miles
from Greencastle, good buildings,
water and fruit $21,000.
305 acres gravoled and timbor land,
8 miles fromMercersburg, buildings
good, large orchard, fine pasture,
running water, 15500 00T
202 acres fine slate and gravel land,
near Pleasant Hall, new brick house,
good barn, timber, fine place (15,200.00
150 aeros near Dovjesburg, Path
Valley, good producing farm, 91700.00
140 acres fine limestone land, 2 milos
from Chambersburg, running water,
good buildings, splendid neighbors,
190.00 per acre.
112 acres fine land, 40, young timbor;
close to Upper Strasburg; 13200.00; a
60 acres, 7 miles from Mercersburg,
a bargain at $2500.00.
45 acres slate land, good quality,
five miles from Chambersburg. Good
buildings, a fine home, 12500.00.
I have listed 15 farms in Cumberland County, and several others in
Franklin. Have taken these farms to accommodate Fulton County
people who are thinking of locating elsewhere. I can save you money
by buying through me.
Fine Building Lots.
I have just plotted 25 fine building lots In the North of McConnellsburg,
location and prices to suit all, this is an opportunity to get a lot for a
home or an investment at a low price, and in a fine location. Call and
see plan. Deeds written, titles examined and loans to purchasers se
cured FREE.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
We Want To Quote You A Few Prices For February And March.
This is the time of year to use
Cross Cut Saws, Axes and
Wedges. We have the most
complete line of these goods
we ever had.
If you haven't tried any of our 48,
60, or 70c. Axes, you ought to call
and see the best axe you ever did
see. We sell the Mann and Kelley
axes at 70o. Why do you pay 90c.
and 11.00?
Disston Cross Cut Saws
$1.00, $1.15 and $1.25.
Steel Wedges
Kelly and Plumb Hatchets
Pruning Shears,
Horse Rasps
Pint Cans of Paint
Curry Combs
Horse Brushes
14 inch Wood Files
8 inch Cross-cut Files
10 inch "
20o each.
40, 45 and 48c.
20 and 25c.
5, 8, 10 and 10c.
4i inch.Toper Files
6 inch Slim Taper Files
7 inch " " "
7 J feet Plow Traces
Butt Traces
Broast Chains
4 and 5c.
, So.
48 and 55o.
35 and 40c.
We have the greatest line of Plow Gears, Buggy
Harness, Bridles Collars, Pads, &c., that you ever
looked at and at prices that can't be matched. If
you want any of these goods, we can make it pay
you to trado with us.
No. 1, Lanterns 45c.
No. 2, Cold Blast Lanterns 08c.
Just got 100 yards of these yard wide Linoleum
remnants at -28c. yard.
Coat and Hat nooks 6o. doz.
Nest Eggs 13c. doz.
Try Our 12c. norse Nails.
Just got our Matting, Carpet, and Linoleum in for
spring the patterns are One. Also our Men's and
Boys' Coats. Our Tin-ware and Granite-ware are
in good shape for spring. Felt Window Shades
8c, Oil Shades, 22 to 35c. We have a great line
of Garden Seeds for this season.
Thanks to the people of Fulton County for the nice increase in
our business last year, we are yours for still better service.
Ladies' Coats
Very Cheap
A Clean Sweep
of all wraps, and it will not be our fault
if it is not done. Some
Positive Bargains
If you want a bargain, come in.
Became it ii pitted
No underlined, wormy or
cabby specimen It's
all marketable.
th.-W.rt..BM.' W h.-IM "M
I also carry Dewing Barrel and
Bucket Sprayers in stock.
Every sprayer guaranteed to glr
ll-17-m2. Sipes MllUPa
Ladies! i,Te Money and Keep in
r Style by Reading McClT
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
i m -y.n. u . i.ii,
help you drnna ltrl
Hiljr at a niuderata
expeniebx keeping
you poited on Uia
latest fashions In
clothe! and lata. 60
Now Fashion Dojlem
In each luue. Also
ralunble Information
on all borne and per
aonal matters. Onlr
60o t year, Including
a free pattern. Pult
acrlbe today or scud
for bee sample copy.
McCall Pattern will enable you to make In your
own home, wlthyourown bauda. clothing for
yourself and children which will be perfect
in style and fit. Trice none higher than 16
conu. Bond for free l'attern Catalogue. f
Ws Will Girt Tn FiM rente for getting sub
scriptions among your friends. Hend for free
Premium Catalogue and Cash Prise Offer.
THE IcCAU COiWNT, k) 249 Was 37 St. HEW YOU
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todol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
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300 Pictures Every
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A wonderful atory of the Progress of this Mechan
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Lawyers, Teachers, r armere, Business Men, Man.
ufocturera. Mechanics. Has 1 J0t.WW readers every
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you understand why. Ask the man who reads it.
Your newsdealer will show you one; or write the
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The "Shop IMoIps" Dept. l'?
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"Amalenr Mechanics' ""EfSsSSl
furniture, wireless, boats, engine, magic, and all
the things a boy love.
ft. 60 ptr awr, stag oxV IS oars
123 Washhsgtoa St- Chicago
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