w rliWtpJ. will cause hor to ' jdte to lier little ones only the most vholcaome and bcnefloial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-infonnod mother uaoa only ' the pleasant and gentle laxative rem tdy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of gonna when a laxative is required, u it is wholly freo from all objec tionable substances. To get its ben elclal effects always buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. For SPRAINS, CUTS and BRUISES, For CO years the Standard Remedy for Man and tfeast. Contain no alcohol; cannot iting or torture the flesh; soothe and heal Burn, Cut and Wound in a hurry. Mr.J. D. Andrews, Greensboro, G., writes t "A l ss I cnn remember I have used the Mexican Muiltni Liniment. I always keep It ui my huuK hiii! il suit of my family sret in jured in any wn v such an sprains, cuts, bruises, sic, I itlwiiys use it it is fur chfitKar than doctoi' lulls, iinmr horses and stock I never tlinik .if mintf anvthinsr else. 1 ci itnttirntl it tu -II farmers; it will keep their families anil slsu tlirir hursca und stock in good condition." 25c 50c. $1 a bottla at Drug &Cen'l Stores. if i lis grrit itirrru brought out nuny imilitioru, but Snowdrift Rogless lard has snowed tbem aliunier! Snowdrift is nude ol hltjlily rdinrj collon uri oil and bed Isl. Il is ike most Criiiiimical shortening you could select, goes snr lliird lurlher than lard, and in contrast Willi nog gnaw, is absolutely htattlilul in mult and ellert. It produces ine most knulJul psiltita and delicacies, and is ss rich as lullrr lor trying, Il is sold by lead ing progressive dealers everywhere, B sure to call l,,r Snowdrift I logics Lord, and emphasise (be lad thai you it'll not tolerate substitution. Made by , Tee Soitbirn Corns On Co. New York N.w Orleans aavanuak A-l Ibics 7 I COLLARS j) II v ,3'-TWOF0,,28 jj l GaAu-yJ J i X iCOLLARS fytiX. jj I C"ll llu Oumitv ,y i "i Qua IC C1.1 ton.., Mao,. y GollarGomforf !".?'"''' " ynn wear SLIP EASY COLLARS an., . : . ' "" WP Kiihy Tab Bhown above "'Ions the necktie t.. .11.1. Uuii .,,,1 1 tie mimt umrkeil improvement minis In eol- 4 Wl n at atv 1.I . .'" ""V" TllT c.mia In all ... n.n n,r anln ny tip to rtnle drillers, js 1. 1 si v..ur ire, write us and w will sea l are supplied, W. FERGUSON COLLAR CO., Troy.N.Y. T Constipation jvanishes Forever I Prompt ReliePermastent Cnro P,IE.R'S LITTLE Puitl. Jole set "t gently liver. I Slop after Sinner 1st 1 est urt indi. 'ion improve the rnmU: 1,.1.. " 'V. Small PdL S-.ll n. -.nV-Z" Genuiaa nusibsu Sicnature f" I l II .end a. lon aa they last my Si. Ilaak N For 10c in Stamp, or Coin iiMnii,.,! villi if) full nnim tinlflnnn siiy u.iarmua, PROP SNTlinMUninvrn m "lt' Wll. lit eu 2M Mietl. He. ftik :Yir I H IVER 19 t MOTHER GRAY'S SHEET ' "utiDERS FOR CHILDREN J!'1" .'rverishneas, Conatliia- "TTrfiW tiie at "rrect disorrlei s of At all Iiniy. FRKR. N. V. pi ISO'S' sjiMEDICINE Couci A Widow's Hero By JOHN P. ORTH Cupyrinht, igu, by Astociaie.1 Luersiy Frets VVlien tho widow Oillvlllo received 1 huckleberry girl. nH an angel up above, 8 k'Cnry of 15.000 Klin nut rintvn nml did Homo Horlous thinking. She had b!on a widow for five years, but whs 0110 of the overlooked. That la, be causo she had been left In poor clr cumHtanofs, she had not bocn sought by any of tho numerous widowers aa a wife. The time had now come when sho would bo. Mrs. (.'ollvlllo had had plenty of tinie during her widowhood to store her mind, she had run to romance, limtnad of cook books and family al manacs. Tho widow didn't say to hnrsolf Hint Hho wouldn't marry again, but Bte said that If alio did It would bo a hero. A hero might be alow In coin Ipk along, hut sho had plenty of time to vail. It wann t a ft.rtnlght after the news of thut legacy got around that Doa con Mlndniiin niacin an afternoon call on .Mrs. Colvillo. Mo was all dressed up and h.'id his hoots grease'd. Tor five years ho h;id simply nodded to Iht when thoy met. Kor Unco years he had hcen looking for a second wife looking right over her head and beyond. And now he entered her hoiiH.t with a bland smile on his face, and he givo her hand a hearty squeeze, and without saying a word about tho cash ho complimented her on looking younger and many other things. The deacon had a homo, ho said. It was now a clesolalo home, because there was no wile thero. It a bright star step In there in cook, sweep, bake, make Iho beds, put up the fall pickles and be a mother to the five children with unwashed faceH, and his house would bo a paradise on earth. Would the widow seize the golden op portunity? The deacon held out his anus, hut tho widow didn't seo them. Instead sho continued to sit on a caneseat chair six feet away while she replied: "Deacon, 1 f"rl that you have hon ored me, but 1 cntinot give you my heart, if I marry again It must be to a hero." "Do you mean the fellow who walks the tightrope at the circus?" he asked. "Oh, no. I mean a man who has done a bravo and gallant action and has thereby won tho praise of his f fi ll J "If You Were Only a Hero, Deacon." low men. You havo never saved n maiden from being carired uway by a villain, havo you?" "Of course not. What chanco have I ever had?" "Have you ever rescued a child as It was about to bo swept over the falls?" "There's nothing In the wny of falls around here." "Hut havo you led men In battle? Have you controlled a frenzied mob? Have you put your back to a rock and defended a pass? Hnvo you dashed Into tho ranks of tho enemy with your trusty sword and put a hundred men to flight?" "Look here, widow," said the dea con as bo rose up, "I'm a plain man. I raise wheat, corn and 'taters. I mind my business and let other folks act the fool. Is It yes or no to what I nsked you?" "If you were only a hero, deacon." And the good man stamped out and slammed the door and the gate be hind him. His tracks were hardly cold when tho sowing machine agent came along. He was a man who had never married, because tho girl be had been engnged to at twenty got lost In a huckleberry swamp and died of exhaustion. Ho vowed to be trim to her memory, but when he heard of that legacy It occurred to him that the Mould bo only too glad to see him get ting along In this world below. He therefore called on tho widow. He had meant to call yours before, but that vow had kept him from It. Would she bo his? "Mr. Matthews, are you a hero?" was calmly asked In reply. "No, I wouldn't go to say I was." "Then It Is useless to talk furthet on the subject. If I marry It must bo a hero. "Put I'm selling more machines than an7 other man on tho road." "No sewing mnchlne man can be a hero. This Is my Ironing day, and I am very biiBy." Next day thero enme Mr. Orlggs, the village grocer. Ho was red-faced, red-haired and fat, and ho was a widower. Ho was a man of business. With that ftvo thousand dollars he could enlarge his grocery and buy for cash. Tho widow ('ollvlllo looked good to hlni as sho opened the front door Iti response lo his knock. Ho had left ihe grocery in charge of a clerk and must, hasten bnck. lie there fore led oif almost at once- with: 1 "Widow Collvllle? I am a wld' ciwor." "Yen?" "I either want to get married again or I don't." "I see." "You are a widow, and you elthot want to get married again or don't." "rxactly, Mr. Orlggs." "As for me, I want a wife. I am here to ask you to marry me. You know who I am. You know what my grocery is. You cnn realize the hap l lness of lining able to send to the grcnery for anything wanted lu tha houso without having to pay caah down. I:t It yes or no?" "Mr. Orlggs, you aro nn abrupt man," wns the reply. "I nm, widow. When a farmer drives to my grocery with potatoes to eil I rail out the price I will pay. That settles It. He takes me or ho leaves me. . "I undersell all other grocers In the county. I've got codllsh down a cent a box below them all, ami keroseno Is to tako another drop next week." "Have you ever fought a duel with a villain?" "No, ma'am, and I never shall. Groceries are my lino, and I stick to 'em. Is It a hero you wnnt?" "It is." "Then our little deal Is off, and 1 bid you good-day. Remember tho cash-down grocery when you have an order to give." The next caller was a wire fence man, who had a Job of fencing for a farmer two miles outside tho village. Mo heard tho widow ('ollvlllo and her $5,000 talked about, and It occurred 10 him 1 hat L'rovldcnco was at last backing him for a good thing. Ho attended church of n Sunday to get a good look at her. No fault could be found with her looks. In the after noon he called to mm; her. She divined his errand, and when ho began to preface his remarks with words of praise for the way she joined In tho morning hymn of "The Sweet l!ye und llye," she interrupted him with: "You probably havo matrimony in view?" "Y-yes. I am a man who " "Hut aro you a hero?" "I I hardly know what you mean." "Have you done anything brave gallant great?" "Why, I licked an atitolst who nl most ran me clown." "That Is a mere nothing, sir. Have you handled sword and lanco?" "Not that I know of!" "Havo you rescued any one? Have you taken a motto und upheld It with battle-ax? Have you, sir havo yon " Hut tho wire fence man had faded away. Ho wasn't the last by five or six. A fair-looking widow with $5,000 In tho bank can't sink out of Bight llko a stono thrown Into a pond. Hut thero canio a slack at last, and the widow was asked If she didn't despair of finding hor hero. "Hut I have found him." she re plied. "It is Mr. Graham, tho shoe maker. We shall be married la two months." "Hut what great thing has he ever done?" "Made me a pair of shoes that took away a corn that had bothered me for five years!" A LOST ART. BLAME PHYSICIANS FOR GROWTH OF DOPE HABIT "It seems to me that our new maid ought at laast to know how to serve water, If she was six years with her last employer." "Well, It'a not surprising, dear. I know her last employer." ECZEMA GONE, BOILS CURED "My sod was about three weeks old when I noticed a breaking out on his cheeks, from which a watery sub stance oozed. A short time after, his arms, shoulders and breast broko out Druggists Say Prescriptions and Not Patsnt Medlclnss the Csusa. New York. Blanie for the prev alence and growth of the morphine hlll-ilt Vim t.lui.1 en 4ft. .liniilJ.a , I .,,. l. yiMV-U VU 117 DUUUIUUIl Wl : physicians, who prescribed th drug, ! at a meeting of druggists here to : night to protest against the recently ! enacted city ordinance prohibiting the 1 (ale at retail of any preparation con- talulng morphine or Its salts except i upon a doctor's prescription. 1 The ordinance is aimed primarily ! at paregoric and at stomach remedies, according to members of the board of health who were Instrumental In ob taining Its passagn. Caswell Mayo, one of the druggists, said he had niade a canvass by mall of several sanitariums and the replies convinced ' him 90 por cent, of the victims of drugs formed the habit as a result of using prescriptions given by physl clans and only 8 per cent, from using proprietary medicines. Ignorance. Laura Jean Llbbey, discussing in Brooklyn br appearance on the stage. said: "1 talk li my monologue about love, marriage und the other Interests of the heart. On these subjects women, e-.ipeclally young women, are strangoly Ignorant. "Thoy really make me think, you know, of the little girls who was asked by her teucher: " 'What can you tell us of Solo mon?' " 'Holonion,' replied the little girl, 'was very fond of animals.' '"And how, my dear,' said the teacher, 'do you make that out?' " Tiociuifo,' answered the little girl, 'tho lllble says he had ftvo luiti fired porcupines.' " j DISTEMPER In nil its fninie ammiK nil ni's of hurscs. 1 as ill a duns, cured and nincts in winie stable plrvfiited from hnvuisi flie ilnivnir 1 with H'oii vs i)isTi:.iri:i 1 1 kk. Kverv b. if tie giiiimntrvd Over OihhmiI buttles snl.l luit yc-ir tM ami t ml. Am smmiiI clriitixikt . nr acrid f" nuifiiitiirl urrr. Aneiit wanted. Spnlin Meilicnl Co., Spro. ContiiKtous I h.iMn'b. (ioslii'ii, 1 1 1 1 . Knees Eeeamo Stiff Five Year of 8 ovoro Rheumatism The cura of Nanry J. Goldstein, H Barton rJIreet, Boston, Mass, I anoth er victory by llooil bumaparllla. This great medlclnu las succeed". 1 In ninny case- where other have utterly failed. Mr. i.oldsisln any a: "I suf fered from rhsiiiiiailNin five yenrs. It kept nio from business and csus.-d ex cruciating pain. Mv knee would tm ccme a stiff n stent. I tried many niLHll.-lnt-ri wlthent relief, thtn took Hood's H:usipHrlU, soon folt much, better, and now consider myself oa Urely cured. I rm omnium! Hood'." Oft it todnv in iiMts.1 liuid form or checolkteil talih't culled Sareatabs. To Arrange Flowers. Hero are five golden rules which ahould bo observed by those who often also, and In a few days became a solid arinnge flowers. Use plenty of foliage . 1. - 1 .. . 1 ...J 11. ..t , . ' . r , . . Hciirj. 1 uen-miie uiui uiou, nnti t uiii-ti our family physician, who at once pro nounced tho disease ectema. The lit tle fellow was under his treatment for about three months. Iiy the end of that tlmo, he seemed no better. 1 became discouraged, end as I had read the advertisements of Culicura Remedies end testimonial!, of a great many people who had used them with wonderful success, I dropped the doc tor's treat mont, and commenced the use of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, and In a few days noticed a marked change. The eruption on his cheeks was almost honied, and his shoulders, arms and breast were decidedly bet ter. When he was about seven months old all trace of the eczema was gone. "During his teething period, his head and face were broken out In bulls which 1 cured with Cutlcura Soup and Ointment. Surely he must have been a great sufferer. During the time of teething and from the tone I dropped tho doctor's treatment, I used the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Oli.t merit, nothing else, and when two years old he was the picture of health. His complexion was soft Htid beauti ful, and his head a mass of silky curls. I had beun afraid that lie would never ba well, and I fci I that I owe a great deal to tho Cutlcura Remedies." (Signed) Mrs. Mary W. Ramsey, 224 E. Jackson St., Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 24, 1910. Twenty-Five Years of It. "Why do people have silver dings, pa?" 'Must to show to the world their powers of endurance, have be -Judge's Library. w oil- hat n," SROUND THE WORLD TWO GRAND CRUISES of about thten an-i on half month-i' duration rach. Tim Ant to inava Nrw lark Nov, I. 1911, arrt tha .cortt1 trom Sa triaciua ffb. 17, HI 2, Ly tttfl lari.0 tr&nutiaruic steamer "Cleveland" KE lattssisi All tisenses Abssr4 (nd Ashst il "i, t.r i nt;,n fUMM W(,.AHf I'll'tN I IN!'. 41.41 Uroadway, New lark. P.O. Bat lib? I'm your flowers In very lightly. I'so artistic glahsi s. Do not put more than two. or, at the most, three different kinds of flowers In one decoration. Arrange your colors to form a hold contract or, better still, a mift har mony. The aim of the decorator bhould lie to how off the flowers- not tho v:iv that contain them; the refore the j ... . u , ,., , , Mr iiislow a Soollilnu H.rup fur C 'ol.Irrii simpler ones are far preferable to ,,..,i,ir. .(l , u,.- vnm.. r. .in.-.., nei,.,,, , even the most elaborate, Classes for I on, uiUi- ..iiii,ciire aiu.l cii.-. 'j;..- a i,iil(. a dii'ii r table ihould be either while. 1 i He a live wire, nut clout hum your ! asiiocliites. Where Every Ear Is Stretched. Knl' kt r They say llMenlt.g Is lost art. Rocker Kvcr live It) a flat with dumb waller? A COUNTRY SCHOOL TOR GIRLS 1 in New York City. Hc-t le.itiires, of rutin tty mid c 11 y lilc Uui-of-dour sports cm k hi ui p.nlc of 35 ;n res near the 1 1 Hilton Kiver. Aeadcniu: C. in te l'ritnarv Cl.tss t' Cr.i.iiution I'pper c I.im for Advance.! S'ci ial Students. Mir ic and Art. Writu (,.r t it.llo;MI' .'it'll lei ms .. Utf i SiwUMIci, li 'Hit at -aw, unttM St.. fcvt.lt njuui'-t liiuaury wurk u im'sisuru. Iti.,?.. iia; PflTE.'JTSS e I son I, f 'nlrni e n,W-h. .f. l-.u- I r.sv M II- unl ttluivuixia. Isl rtttuita. a dedicate i hiole of green, or rose col or, aer irding to the dowers arranged in lie in. A Woman's Reason. "Why." asks the In'pih It Ive person, "do you enjoy having some one tell you that you are pretty, when you know you are not? Does It make you believe" that you SIC''.'" "No," she answers readily. "Hut It makes me believe that ho believes I am."- .liiilp". V. N. U BALTIMORE, NO. 4-1911. A Poor Weak Woman TO MIIVF O! T M AMI III It II I P TIIF iVTI'M 1 Tt.k til" Oil Mitlt;l t.l.tHK T AM l-.l.hi I 1 CM 1 1.1. I'CN.r. ' 'I k lit i w wl-'i! vnii urv latol ki. I 'Hi- ft trimi lit In t' i ni v (mIiucI ii cvrr U l U , fcllMft ititf , s mimic T (,''tllitif Mil. I p til 'II lMlt- I ias lull:!. 'i'lic V'llfltin till is t lit i:i:iurl i nl In if) Dm Ms ui' lii in. .!d t.r ml -aioisi fur vti 'ji. I'tlti ct-nt., V' t V' t "' (l-ysr-n, f the Vagaries of Finance. "I understand you have paid mortgage off your place." "Yep," replied Farmer Corntossol. "Then why do you complain of hard times?" "All tha neighbors have done the same thing. That leaves me with monoy on my hands that nobody wants to borrow." Do noblo things, not dronm them all day long. Klngsley. Any New Methods? "Ain't it strange, th' way Kelly bents his wife?" "I dunno. How does he do It?" I'or OI.IIS ami c:HI) Hick' t'AIM Itisr U 1 lie Im-nI rellie.lv re llrvea the acliltii; iiii.I ft't crUlini-Hs - cure the t'.il.l an. I reMtor" i.i.imiiiI i-..ii.llf Iiii- it' li.iii.l efTectH Itiiuit'.liiileiy. lit-., .c. un.l .Vv. At ilrtlaf atules. Ai he i termed, w'!l endure bravely and putiently ponies) which a stron niu i would give way under. 'I be faot i women sre more patient tlun ilicy ouijlit t'J be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the moat experienced medical advice fret ihm(i nd in obsatutt nufidtnet and privacy by writing tu the World' Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. I'tercc, Si. I)., President, linffalo, N. Y. Dr. l'ierce lies hren ciiici oonsullins; physician ol the Invalids' Holed and Siirfjicsil Institute, of I'uHuhi, N. Y., for many year and hu had a wider practical tsperience in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this country, llu uidicHirs are world-famous (or their astonishing ellicacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cate women is Dr. fierce' 1 avorite Prescription. IT MARTS wr.AK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptom pf woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in llain English in the 1'eople's Medical Adviser (I0(W pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition, cloth-bound, will he sent on receipt id 31 one. cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and nisiling fly. Address as above. RKD1AR No man ever knows how much he misses when he loses u chance of giv ing pleasure. rn rt rrnrn ir e tc k ntri V'.ir .Inn-jut will r.'tunl n,..n.- It I'A.O t'INT. VKNT ftola Ut iMits. mi em.. ..f liclcif. Itllri.l. tlleilllisl ur 1'rutru.iiiitf files iu S u, U ilatn. jc,-. i.tS vKo v. "Aft 1. GQ 0 I sTJX:&r omEixrerDWOSX SHIRT tffctr'-Trrrrs-aw-- There are many kinds of pleasures and seine of Hi'Tn aren't so pleasant. Over 2 Million Men uuw wear tha ;oc Regu lar Tresident Work Shirt pretty sure proof that it Vc,ars. Our Extra Special .'reside nt at $i is tjin nnw, doulilv C'xvl value w hich 1 ou w ill bo clad to know. Moth are made of wearproof, fast-color materialsbv expert operators, ami are the irruatest wnr1( shirt values nn the mar- 'tli arc (luarantrrd Outright bvus, the makers. ran atiie.U ynn if noc send lis Ida n-ime. Tour collar itainpi f r i,.mplf slief sm.I l,o..k .,f new patterns THE 1'Rr.SIDE NT SlllilT CO.. 1 10 W. Fayc tie St.. Baltimore x.tXT."T-r?rc. REXTRA5PECIAI& the I'KI'.sioen it Every Picture Tells a Story' It Wouldn't Do. "A man named Skidd w ants his name changed. "Why so?" 'He's going to manufacture automo bile tires." Feminine Chronology. Stella How old Is Mabel? Delia Old enough to be younger. A ft P ,. vx mifi ffl tkw WtifiA JHh &mA mm pm $M m& tiMm m M lWsm wMJm as"3 111 rvc iiMCLt or Tettr etiejiw a:ivne suvrnvneoorto' '"'V BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS Weary is the back that hears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest or peace for the man or woman who lias a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop and straighten. At night the suf ferer retires to toss and twist and grown. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching'in the kid neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause, inside. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS Speedometers Long in Use "Every now nnd then we read of mine wonderful new Invention nnd the entire reading world marvels, nnd then a littlo later some one else discovers tho fact that tho now Invention is nothing but an application or a revival of something that tho ancients knew of and Invented nnd used." paid M. J. Hammer of Detroit, Mich. "Why, In Vltruvlns' Trent iso on Architecture i, ,ia, riiies a method of measuring I the distance traveled by n vehicle. I 1,1 I il.M. .V,n.. Gearing was SO arranged tunc .u.-u ono Roman mile was traversed a peb ble or bull was dropped Into a brazen pot this giving nn audible notice of tho' end of tho mile; this, with tho hcur-glnBB, gave the speed indicator, and when the day's Journey was fin ibhed tho distance was found by count ing the pebbles In the brazen pot. VI truvlus dedicated his hook to the Em peror Augustus, who died A. D. 13, but ithe actual date of the publication Is (believed to have been a few years be fore the beginning of the Christian era. As he speaks of this Invention be ing used nt that time, it Is very likely more than 2.00 years old. It was also used for mensuring distances at sea. a pnddlewhoot being fixed on ono sida of tho ship to turn the gearing. If this wasn't the first odometer nnd speed, ometer combined I would like to know why." The Limit. Madge Charlie tells' mo thnt foot ball Isn't as brutal as many believe. Marjorle Tho games I've uoen haven't been half as bloodcurdling as the college yells. Useful Refuse, Liverpool collects a thousand tons ol refuse a day. Nearly all of It Is put te some use. Placed. "What sort of person Is Twlllor?" "He always saya 'half hose' Instead of 'socks.'" ft SCREAMED WITH PAIN. Mr. F. M. Carnrike, 1.10 Allen St., Rochester. N. Y., sitya: "My kidneys and bladder wcro in terrible condition. 1 he pain when pass ing the kidney se cretions wa so great as to mnke me srrenm. I wa treated by a physi cian without relief and for months I wns In iii up nnd did not walk a step. At last I began liinir lVmn's Kielnev I'ills and all my troubles disappeared. I was so much improved my friend could hardly believe it." How To Tell When The Kid neys Are Disordered s Painful Symptoma: Backache, sitlcache, pains when stooping or lifting, sudden sharp twin ges, rheumatic pains, ncuraloia, painful, scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, dropsy. Urinary Symptoma: Discolored or cloudy urine. Urine that contains sediment. Urine that stains the linen. Painful passages. Mood or shreds in the urine. I-ot a bottle of the morning urine stand for24 hours. If it shows a cloudy or fleecy settling, or a layer of fine grains, like brick dust, the kidneys are proba bly disordered. PHYSICIANS GAVE UP HOPE. Edward Gelston, 82 Wnllnce St., Hrldgeport, Conn., says: "So pain ful were the kidney secretions that neighbors heard me scream blocks away. 1 was in dif ferent hospitals and had two operations but was finally taken homo to cllo. As ' a last resort I began taking I loan's Kidney Tills nnd trained In weight from 134 to 1774 pounds. 1 loan's Kidney rills restored mo to perfect health." A TRIAL FREE aey Pills Yourself Cut out this coupon, mail it to Eoster-Milburn Co., HuDiilo, N. Y. A free trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed you promptly. N Y.N.U. j fifty .3w, ran BOAN'S KIDNEY PILL Sniff hr JtH rlnAlnfc PvIpa 5n rpnfe FritTm-Mit utmii t.n RnfYln MV Dsmi-iainae M, ailSrSCT VOUCt mown w "V -s. i..tni1,iaiUrn vv,, Vuuiiii,i I IVJIIIVIUISS IP THf. PAIN It THIS iMiti viaii nm. ir.ui1, awmamz tp th pass a Tttiea for s-archlnf flneat, ilueua. PUTNAM FADELESS DyESlBEF'WCERcii Coler men asextt krifjhtsr (net tsitsf enters Irvss ss"isf cits. On toe sscksas eelort sll Users. clrs 14 eat' water better than sthsf tfr. Veil esa s I H .niicted with I TL . .s r ui . Miiunieu)tiUicistil)inHii. Wills kw Us svlJi Ks tu On, sVlssck anil Mil CeConv, MOMROE DRVQ OOm, Qmlrfy, . sure eses, uae InOmpSOilt tyi Watltf