The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 26, 1911, Image 9

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    - wmwp ' n innmmwwmiiiijiii 1 1 a rt.w'i
"'iMwiri-' ,v.'
nn n
I nt every rtinmlc rheumatic to tlm
.Lr nil H.i'l Lines, " 1111 ,""
S 'Sfrw rn'l rive aH'NVO'J ! I!IIKI V
ViSM lir.Mi;l)Y a trial. No matter v h '.
jiir doctor nmr bj.t. " matter wrt
I V,.. ft. a. r "i " Y"ir "n"'
'.Is 1. . V 't a bottle -f !'0 ltIIKi;.M
f rtl'.n.I will rrfiin l yiif iiiMti-r.-Mn-ij-o a
H.inimlcr thl remedy remains no m.1-Ir-rllr
nrl.l. n ",lMm .-ii--iil:M rnrpli,n.. or
, r hnrmrul .In.;- It I f t up ".l-r
le guuritiilee of tlio Ture loud and Iivbit
i'.'.r aa'e r " IrnesifK. I'rlce. C.
i Ferdinand She is nil the world to
Die! What would you advise mo to
i William -Sop a little more of tha
World, uld chap!
t Manv have the Idoa that anything
st'll ir advfrtlM'd Urotig i.noiigli.
1 his Is n Rrcat mistake. True, n
f. w falca tniKlit be made by advertis
ing an nb.-olutely worthless nrtlcle
tut It Is only tho article that la
koiiRlit drain and BRaln that pays.
An example cf the big success of a
worthy article is the enormous ale
that lias Krown tip for CiiHcurota
Candy Ciitl.nrtic. This wonderful rec
ord is tho result of great merit suc
cessfully mado known through p-r-alftent
advcrti-itiB and tho mouth-to-mouth
recommendation given Cus
tards by lis fr'ends and users.
$ I.Ike all great successes, trade pi
rates irry on the unsuBpectlng pub
lic, by niarkoCiig fake tablets similar
In appearance to Cnscarets. Care
should always be exercised In pur
chasing we'l advertised goods, espe
cially an article that has a national
Sale like Cnscarets. Do tut allow a
substitute to be palmed off on you.
I The O'dest Klickitat.
Jake Hunt, the oldest living Klicki
tat Indian known, lies at death's door
at his home adjoining this town east
cf here. The old Indian is reputed to
be mere than lnO years of ago.
Years ago an Indian village stood
hero the lli.nt family now carries on
l general fanning business. All that
Is left of the ol settlement Is a little
Jhiirch, a totem pole and numerous
ir.iiunds where the K.lekltuts lie who
!"ii:d not retch the century mark. Old
ake kivs that this was the Indians'
fcuradbe helore ihe advent of early
fclllte settlers.
Jake Hunt Is declined not to die a
nr Indian, li s lands ate as rich and
Irortuctlve as iny in the valley and
mmiiand a hlfch price. He 13 said to
iave married seven times dnrinir his
jt'iiK career, but there will be only a
plow and a fiw children to fall heir
Jo his valuable property. Hiisuni Cor
,J si(indeiice 1'ortland Oregonlan.
Art in the Nude.
The photographer's lady was ver.
prenccupli-d showing some sntnples of
ll.'tk to lirn..n..'lli-o alt faru u hnn n
tall and raw boned individual, appar
ently frtmi "the land." slnlkeil nolemn-
b Into the studio, and Intimated that
e would like to know what the "pic
frs" were worth.
"I.Ike that, $:i a dozen," said tho
'hiitngrapher's lady, linndlng blm one.
Ihe iartner caze.l Inner nml onrnnul.
t H the photograph of a very small
laky Httlng in a wash basin.
And what would It cost with mv
lollies on?" ho finally asked.
Army of Telegraphers.
The telegraph companies of this
tnimtry employ about 30,000 persons.
This docs not Include tho railroad
i Petrified creeds always have the
hnrpest angles.
a Cook?
Never mind you can have
goorj breakfast if there's a
package of
in the house.
This delicious food, ready
to serve without cooking, is
always welcome and makes
a Delight
"The Memory Lingers"
Dostum n-.nru. co., ltd.,
lattle Crock, ilkh,
j$fci !
4 X;iit:; h
Coach A. A. Stagg, University of Chicago.
Coach A. A. Stagg of tho Culverslty
of Chicago has evolved the new
"American Idea" for athletic training
In tho educational Institutions of the
land. Departments founded for tho
present and future welfare of all the
students, with specialized directors
find Improved facilities, j the coach's
plan for ti e correct physical culture
of co'.Ipkb youths.
Conch 8tagg's Ideals are embodied
In a report entitled "Some Comments
of Physical Kducatlon," prepared for
the Society of Directors of Physical
Kducatlon In ('ollcRes. of which he Is
president. In giving details for moro
efilc lent work In athletic lines he em
phasizes tho moral and educational
Importance of athletics In centers of
In addition to rnrlr.g for the stu
dents' health and morals Coach Statrg
recommends training that will benefit
the collegians nftcr graduation.
"An idenl schemo of physical educa
tion. It seems to me, would not be
complete unless It provided tho stu
dent with tho training for recrea
tional exercise In after life," he says.
"To that end. therefore, students
should be tatight and encouraged to
master with some degree of proficien
cy swimming, bowling, handball, basket-ball,
tennis, golf, boating, bicy
cling, horsemanship etc., so that he
King George Announces Thorough
breds Will Be Raced Next Year
Under Majesty's Colors.
Tho announcement has been re
ceived by several prominent American
turfmen that King George of England
would personally conduct his stable
of thoroughbreds on the English
tracks next year and follow the exam
ple of his father, King Edward.
King George has always been a
great admirer of racing and before as
cending the throne was prominently
King George.
engaged In most of the English clas
sics. After the death of King Ed
ward, however, those of His Majesty's
horses which were in trnlnlng were
run In the name of Lord Derby.
The news from England Is that
King Georgo has decided to take up
the famous thoroughbreds and will
enter all the horses In his own name.
The latest Issue of the English racing
calendar, the official Journal of the
Jockey Club, contains details of the
entries for next season's meetings
that have already entered into on be
half of the King. The engagements
relate to the New Market, Second Oc
tober, Bath, Rlbitry Club, DoncaBter
Spring, Gatwick October, Hurst Park
Wbltsun, Newbury Summer and San
down Park first summer meeting.
Among Other Things It Teaches Play
era Value of Moderation In Eat
ing and Drinking.
There Is no doubt that football Is a
very strenuous sport, and that It has
more than a dash of danger In It.
But, after all. lt has Its use, declares
the Baltimore Sun. and possibly they
will outweigh Its dangers In the long
run. It Is for the most part a clean,
manly sport, though there occasional
ly creeps Into a llne-up some coward
who takes advantage of the opportun
ity offered to wreak personal spite or
to gain victory by dirty work. The
game itself teaches young men in the
first place, the necessity for taking
care of themselves physically. It
teaches them that moderation In eat
ing and drinking is of the highest
value In putting athjetes In condition
and keeping them there, and lt Is thus
useful In forming their habits of life.
Then lt tenches them on the field that
Instntit, unhesitating dbedience tt
command Is absolutely necessary to
success; that they must not stop to
question the advisability or argue tho
expediency of a movement decided j
upen by the lender, but that they '
must Instantly obey.
should have a dogreo of pintieiency In
tunny forms of exercise and recrea
tion." The maroon tenr er's requirements
for directors of pltyslcnl education are
probably Ftrlcter than those enforced
In the majority of colleges In dis
cussing tho Ideal dlieelor he Fnys:
"I should nay first of nil, that lie
should have the Instinct of an educa
tor. He should have n broad col
legiate training so that he would have
breadth of vialon It would servo
Mm well If in college he could Fpe
clali7e In psychology and the theory
of educntlon. He should have normal
training In a pood school of physical
education, either preceding or follow
ing this with a complete course In
medicine. While In collfpe he should
have been Interested In and closely
studied gymnastics and athletics and
participated In them as much as pos
sible. "It has been truly said that the phy
sical director has more Influence on
student morals than any other teach
er. That then Indicates tho necessity
ot the director Inlng n man of high
Impulses, of fine personality, fair
minded, sympathetic nnd honest His
public and private relations with stu
dents demand frankness with sympa
thy, Justice with firmness and uncom
promising honesty."
Texas Senator Makes Announcement
That He Will Dispose of His
String of Trotters.
It is nnnoupced that Senator Joseph
V. Ilalley of Texas has decided to sell
his entire trotting horse string and
will retire permanently from the sport
The announcement Is made by his
Xew York agents, who have been au
thorized to sell his entire string of
horses, about DO head, at public auc
tion next month. The only horse
which will not go under the hammer
is the famous stallion Prodigal (216),
now 25 years old, which the Senator
has owned many years.
Senator llallev gives lack of time
nnd pressure of other business as the
reason for his decision. The senator
is now the only le'adlng man In rubllo
life Interested In the Amerleun trot
ter, lie Is rated as an authority on
blood lines and for many years has
taken an active part In the Improve
ment of tho American light harness
horse and the advancement of racing.
He Is the president of the American
Association of Trotting Horse llreed
Baltimore Is making strenuous ef
forts to get Bob Ungluub of the Wash
ington team.
It Is about time for another celeb
rity to "refuse to coach the Harvard
baseball team,"
George Huff, the Cubs' aggressive
scout, Is scouring tho woods In search
of the Ideal bat.
Editor Travis of an eastern golf
magaxlne Is maintaining his record for
continuous play In amateur tourneys.
Arthur Shafer, Giant utility lnfleld
er, has the distinction of being the
first American baseball player to go
to Japan as a coach.
Western Golf association leaders
want a few more concessions from the
reluctant east, so they are reviving
that familiar war talk once more.
Tommy BurnB Just can't stay re
tired. Now the Cnnadlan says he will
return to the fighting game and battle
Langford If he can cure a bad knee.
"Muggsy" McGraw, manager of the
Giants, arises and remarks that be
will get In condition this spring with
the intention of Jumping into the game
Handing titles to athletes has not
proved successful In the past and
Mahmout will be working under a
sort of hoodoo defending that passed
to blm by Gotch.
Elliott, new Inflelder of the New
York Highlanders, has fallen heir to
130,000 left by a relative. That Is not
enough to put him out of the game, he
says. Only the umnlre can do that. .
Jack Flynn, Pirate first ' baseman,
who was sought by Manager Chance
of tho Cubs when waivers were asked,
Is now scheduled to become nn un
derstudy to George Gibson, the Pitts
burg pitcher, who has been a much
overworked athlete in tho past.
National league magnates have come
to the conclusion that an umpire
should be put on the retired list when
his eyesight has failed him. This is a
Tirllllant and new Idea.,
Georgo Tebeatt, the Kansas City
baseball magnate, assures the Bcrlbes
something; worth reporting will pop In
the fall, but falls to mention how this
Is to help out In tho present emor-rency.
Leader of New York Giants "Gets
Goat" of Arbiter Johnctone by
Referring to Red Nose.
Wonder If the war between John J.
McGraw and Vmplro Johnstone's nose
will bo continued till through the cam
paign of 1911? It was a feature of tho
last three summers, anil John J. will
hardly let go of anything which af
fords him and his merry men so much
fun as has been given them by John
stone's bugie, Buys a New York core
spondent of tho Cleveland Leader.
I'mpiro Johnstone Is ono of those
florid men whose snouts got sunburn
ed In a hurry. After ahout ono week
of ren.l hot wenther his proboscts
bakes a flaming crlm:on, and standi
etit from hlr expressive countenance
like a white-headed Hwede nt a Span
ish c lanibako. It grows, redder and
redder as the hot spell continues, and
doesn't bleach out till the cool weath
er comes and what fun McGraw does
have with ti nt promontory!
John gos by first base and somo
other coacher by third. Ere long a de
cision bobs up that .lawn doesn't like,
and he barks merrily: "What's tho
greatest color for a human nose,
"R r red!" bellows tho coacher, and
Johnstone looks peeved.
"Costs lots of money to paint a nose
red. doesn't It. Kid?"
"Yep, but look nt the fun you have!"
By this time Johnston'o wl.olc face
begins to match the nose, but what
can be do? What ran ho say? Mc-
t&W V tn
i T a' j
5 f
"Muggsy" McGraw.
Graw pipes tin again. "Wouldn't an
elephant look funny if he had a bright
red trunk. Kid?"
"Yea, Bo. Maybe he'd be an um
pire then."
This Is some past the limit, and
Johnstone begins to growl, but ho Is
still helpless nothing he can soak
them on. McGraw resumes the bright
discussion. "Docs ryo or bourbon
make the nose the reddest. Kid?"
"Aw, anything that you don't pay
over five cents a drink for."
"Well, umpires know where to get
the biggest for the least, don't they?"
"Sure, Mac. Wish I knew whore
the place was."
"Why. you wouldn't drink what an
umpire drinks, would you, Kid?"
"Naw, because there ain't any left.
It's all gone Into that nose. I'd Just
like to know the place, thoug'a. for a
horrible example."
And about this time Mr. Johnstone
bolls over. Next day the New York
papers have another pathetic tale
about poor, abjised McGraw being
chased off the lot when he didn't do
a single thing.
Omaha 8igns Pickering.
Oille Pickering, the veteran out
fielder who distinguished himself wfth
th liuisvllle American association
team last season has been signed for
the 1011 season by Pa Rourke. Mr.
Rourke says Pickering will be placed
somewhere In the outfield, but does
not know where. Pickering was In
Omaha In 1898, when he did good
wnrk for the local team. His start In
the baseball world was made In Co
lumbus, O., In 1896. He was with the
St. Louis Browns In 1907, with Wash
ington in 1908. the next rear with the
rilllers of Minneapolis and last year
with Louisville.
To Investigate Morris.
Jim Corhett, always on the alert. Is
Investigating Carl Morris, the Okla
homa giant, who slaughtered Marvin
Hart In three rounds lrst week. Cor
bett says he is going to put on the
gloves with the former locomotive
fireman and may decide to take blm
In tow.
Change Name of Doves.
The name of the Boston Nationals
may be changed from tho Doves to
the "Rustlers." They were called
Dovec In honor of tho Dovey broth
ers, and now that Rusictl is In com
uaod a change would be tu order.
3 I
Capt. Jack I understand that you're
ciiKaKCil to one of the Bullion twins
lluw do you distinguish one from the
Lady Kitty I don't try.
The Wise Eis'iop.
To the brilliant Episcopal bishop of
Tennessee, Dr. Thomas (Jailor, a
Memphis of rather narrow views
c.'iniplHucd about charity halls.
"1 doubt if It be qulle reverent,
hhhup," the man said, "to give a ball
lor the purpose of charity."
lint lllshop Gailor, with a having
Pun t of conuiKiu sense, laughed and
"Why. my dear fellow, I'm sure. If
It would do anybody any good. I'd
dance i he whole length of Momrhis In
full canonicals.."
Free Cure for Rheumatism and Done
P.c.tiinie I'.l.i. .1 IUiii I II. B. 11. l ines
the w.nt caws of rheumatism, bone
pnitu, swollen iniwlen ami jnints, by
pin ifyin the hi I nil. I ilesliwinx the
i:iH' acid in tin- blued. Thmis-unU of
-HM- ciupI bv I!. II. II. nft.T nil ether
lie.'itiiirnN failed. Price $I.(HI per larte
hot tie at dniu store, with complete dine
timiH. I.uive sample free hv writing llloo.l
Halm Co., Atlanta, (la., 1). pnrtii.eiit It.
A Scarecrow.
Miss Brush I suppose you don't
mind my being In your field. Mr.
Farmer Gobel (heartily) -The long
er you stay, the better, miss. Fact is,
the birds 'ave been very troublesome
this season. London Tattler.
r.ikii lh Old M.indnr.1 l.UOKs TAs'l'f.l.K-h
I'll I I.I, 'I'oMI. You kn.m hut t.iu ur titkuttf
I ho formula Ih plainly rlni.l on iviT.r ImiIiic.
.hotting 11 In Hln.nijr (Jmtumt and Iron in n ta!
Itn lonn. Tin lnltum .Irlv.-s out ll.o nmlaru
r ..I Ih. Iron tmiWe, iii II'.' Nilil by ull
lre,a for JU y.-urn. I'rtrp Ml cru'.v
Habit Grows.
"I hate to see a little country buy
ing Its first battleship."
"Reminds me of a boy taking his
first smoke.."
It Is no use holdli'g up the divine
throne If you're treading on the chil
dren's toes to do It.
Fur over fifty years Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, and other painlid ailments have
licca cured by Hamlin W izard (hi. It is
a iinod honest remedy and .veil will not
U'niet liawng a bottle ready for use.
Modern life pushes a man Into the
mud and then chides him for ma
terialism. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum
nnd Mullen i Nature's (treat reinedv -l
ines CdiicIh, Colds. Croup nail hunpinc
('nimh and nil throat nnd lime At
diiicuistii, 2.V, .lllc and $1.0t) per bottle.
Somo turn their backs on ordinary
rrlncfples to gaze at heavenly p. ins
pects. (Vnstipntion raitse nnd rerinusly (jWi
vates many diseaws. It is c ue. I
by Dr. Fierce 'h Pullets. Tiny niyar -coated
Love's little deeds loom largest on
tho recording angel's books.
Tnk I.AXATIVH IIKH.MII (Julnlno 'iHMrts.
I n trpU'srrfunit iimni-jr tf U fnll to rure. Ik. W.
CiUoV b d kifc-nutm-w In on i-acti bui.
Calculated piety is the poorest kind
of calculation.
Doesn't such a statcmrnt appeal to YOU, a Northern farmer. strupElitif each year to produce
even one crop successfully? Skeptical thotinh vou may bo, we can furnish von absolute proof that
there IS a CLIMATE and a SOIL capable of producing TURKIC SUCCF.SS1VK CKOI'S IN
ONE YEAR. You say, "Show me this WONDERFUL COUNTRY." Corr.e then lrom your
land of ice and snow and see these.
Located in Ware County, (South) Georgia, the heart of the Wirecrass Country nnd the Garden Spot of the Statu.
It begins within three miles of the hustling City of W'avcross, a country that awaits the plow of the tanner and ihe many
who will return to the soil, Good Health, l'ure Water. Home Market, Good Soil, Level Land, Good Drainage, Good
Transportaiion, and THKEE CKOI'S A YEAR.
Read This Open Letter From a Successful Farmer
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a resident cf Ware County and my fiirm adjoins
Peen Lnnd Farina, located 11 miles unut hweiit of Wiiy
cro(8. I am cultivating 100 acres. 1 have brought my
land into a high tate of cultivation and today claim
one of the beK forma in 1 lie county. Thin year (HMO)
I planted 50 aeiea to corn and the crop mcnaurej
2,000 bushels or 40 biisheU to the acre. This corn
is worth Sd.lKI per bushel in the Waycroaa market,
but I have none to ncll, na it ia fed to my atoek
of which I have a plenty. The atook ernists of :i
homes, 4 mules, 73 lios, and ir0 head of entile. Had 3
Isn't that one of the most HOXKST nnd CONVINCING letters that you ever read? It docs not subscribe to a fake
a we can prove to YOUR SATISFAC TION, You ran t beat this land, and vou ran t brat our prices We guarantee it.
We'll allow you 60 days two months satisfy yourself that here'l the farm and here's the place you've been Imping for.
planning mr, dreaming ot. II It isnt if you are not more
than satisfied, we'll hand your money hack without a miiimur.
Show any misrepresentation and we will refund your money,
every penny of it, plus interest, right up to the hour of your last
payment. Here is tlm best land that lief out of doors, nnd cheap;
we want actual settlers, growers of truck, and small farmers.
That's why this land is selling now nt $jo to $ 15 an aero, according
to iiearufts tcj Wavcro.vs; all eipiftlly good soil; i per aire down
ami s c to pcr.'icie per month. In two eus y.,n wouldn't
se I it f..r Jjoo per acre. No; 110 luxes, 110 icl 'tiling tees.
' j. ' 1 ' .-,,... t ....WIITTTTI
ANlFgetable Preparation for As
similiHing the Food antlRcgula
limj (he Stomachs and Uowcls of
L i.
Promotes Distion,Chcc rful
ness and Rest Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
Kffr tfOlii lirSAHCUMCJOt
Pumpkin Sftt
Jtx Stn
Amu Sitd
hpytrmtnt -
h.rmSd .
A perfect Hcmedy forConM'tpA
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-ru-ss
Facsimile Signature of
Tim CtNTAun Company,
XGuaranteed umler Hie Fotidaffj ftjjli jSJ
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
pot two bottles and they cured me. I think it is the best Liniment a person
can have in the house. I shall always keep a bottle in my house as long as I
can get it." Mrs. E. R. Wallace, Morrisons, Va.
Another Letter.
Mrs. James McGraw, of 1216 M indeville St., New Oilcans, La., writes :
I take pleasure in writing to you that I had a pain in my arm for five years,
and I used
for one week and was completely cured.
Sloan's Liniment instantly relieves
stiffness of the Joints, Sore Throat,
tt r
Hoarseness, sprains,
and cheaper than porous plasters.
r 1 11 iiintni 1 v
Hlonn'B TrratUe on tlm Ilornn
no rADI Q QlflAN
-- -
T M r N A tA
Ga., Nov. 28, 1910.
aerea in hay which yielded one ton to the acre ami
worth $25 per ton. (Hie acre in nigar cane, winch
easily netted me J100.00. My aweet potatoes covered
two aerea of grcund nnd 1 dug 400 bushels, worth to.l.iv
HO eelita prr busliel. 1 used no commercial fertilizer,
whatever, only the mnnure from luv stock was spread
011 the lields and there is nothing that can beat It t'.ir
enriching the soil. 1 e. nsi.ler my income from the
farm to bp in excess of fct.(M0.(iO.
To those who nre necking a home and land that la
fertile, 1 say, come to Ware emintv and locate aouth
of Waycroha. Yours lespictfully,
M. TATt'M.
ilio itltr
Mm !1 y Bi
For Infants and Children.
Ths Kind You Havs
Always Bough!
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
"Two bottles
Cured My
" I luve been a suf
ferer from rheumatism
for about two years, and
have ;'sed many lini
ments and patent medi
cines which gave me nr
relief. A lady friend of
mine told me she had
rjt.'ZjgrTl ,lst'd your Liniment and
found relief at once. I
I recommend your Liniment very
"T 1 Ht'tlil
iNcuraiijia, ggg&
...... ...... - -
wnt Frr. Aldrr
Hlrk rllr A rar4
! rl ruf. H.wk .(tr.tlmo.lal. J II VPl trM
I t llKMK Al l V l lil r ilM TOM I.. Iln-
It.- .-K ;i.n N.-untVi'i '..'tt Uhci.tiiiitKrii I'nrn Ao.
' Out) um.ipli' An: I'lllh to., h. u., irh.
Tear Oil This Coupon and Mail lor Frco Information
Hon. Cccrc Vf. Dson, PrcslJsnt D:cn
Hca!!y & Improvement C s Waycross.Ga.
VltnH bimhI in( ytuir bitf PI yte lnwiklrt de
FuTthlni i'tMi Uutul Ir;trtt n, -ln full inf.TiittttiuUt
wixli auip, ithout oliyul!i-i. or cijcutc tu hjo.
Name , , ,,!
ncosnry; juit n'gn nii muil In an 0 rival 00.
nJdrcstcd at abovd coupon.)