The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 26, 1911, Image 6

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Published Every Thursday,
ff. P2CK, Editor and Proprietor.
JANUARY 26, 1911
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Persquareersilness time II M.
Per square each subsequent Insertion.... 50.
Al advertisements Inserted fur leu than
h ree monthi charged by the square.
8 moM. DmoM, 1 yr.
One-fourth column
Oae-balf aolumo....
ne Column
IIS. 00. 1 120.00 I moo
S.OO. 40.00 I M OO
40.00. M OO. 76.00
Tbe grippiest grip that ever
gripped with a grippen grip has
gotten about all of us with in its
grip. Just what the good people
of the Cove have done that such
a grip should fasten its miseries
upon them your scribe has not as
vet decided and is not likely to
for some time to come.
II. M. Spangler, of Altoona,
and D. C. M allot t, representing
the Oliver Typewriter, spent part
of last week in the field. They
report the sale of one machine
with several prospects.
Rev. J. Ii. Logue, of Clearville,
and a Mr. Poor passed through
the Cove Wednesday on their
way to Cedar Grove where Mr.
Logue was to preach the funeral
of a Mrs. Iless.
S. P. Whetstone of Friends
Cove vas in the Cove Wednesday
looking after the interests of the
Friends Cove Fire Ins. Co.
David Garland, of Need more,
was in the Cove Wednesday on
Jennie Himes, Jennie Roara
baugh, Ruth Roarabaugh and
Mildred Himes, of Wmdber, came
to the home of George Mellott
Wednesday. They will remain
among relatives and friends for
some time.
The Smith ton Hunting Club
represented by Emory A. Diehl
has purchased the Robert Diehl
H. II. Lay ton is erecting a new
poultry house. Mr. Lyon, of
Hagerstown, was through this
section last week.
Jane Mellott and Rose Hoopen
gardner visited in tbe home of
Mrs. Amos Plessinger last
Thursday. They report Mrs.
Plessinger very ill.
Our lumberman Billy Stetler
is putting in good time this nice
weather. lie hauls the lumber
over Sideling Hill with the en
gine. Simon C. Layton who spent the
holidays in Altoona with his son
Ei, came home Thursday night,
lie says he bad a dandy time and
is going back again soon.
Asa Mellott is quite ill at this
Howard Mellott who was at a
Baltimore hospital more than a
year ago for treatment for a Kid
ney disorder, is not so well again
due to the same trouble.
Ira Smith called Dr. James Mc
Kibbin Saturday for his baby that
was very ill, it having had several
Rev. J. M. Kauffman was
through the Cove Friday on his
way to Ira Mellott 's Franklin
Mills. Saturday he called on the
good people of Cedar Grove, and
from thence to BuckValtay where
he filled his appointment at tbe
Christian Church.
Grant Spade, who teaches Oak
Grove School, went to his home at
Emmaville Friday evening.
II. II. Bradenstine, of Enid,
came to D. C. Mellott's Sunday
evening to' travel with Mr. Mallott
to sell Life Insurance, represent
mg the American Central.
Mr. Dowds, of Greensburg, is
visiting in the home of his son-in-law
Emory A. Diehl
The authorized version of the
Holy Bible is just 800 years old.
The tercentenary is to be ob
served with proper ceremonies
throughout the English speaking
Th lhr"WaTrlT
iDttitl iradai of Gaio-
lint manufacturvd
prawlf for Auto oral
Power without Cartas
Tha bast Auto Gaaolinoa
ea mad. Poaitioly
will Ml form carboa
A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any
thing Unless It Cures.
The active medicinal ingredi
ents of Rexall Orderlies, which
are odorless, tasteless and color
less, is an entirely new discovery.
Combined with other extremely
valuable ingredients, it forms a
perfect bowel regulator, intesti
nal invigorator and strengthener.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy and are notable for their
agreeableness to the palate and
gentleness of action. They do
not cause griping or any dis
agreeable effect or inconvenience.
Unlike other preparations for
a like purpose, they do not create
a habit but instead tbey overcome
the cause of,, habit acquired
through the use of ordinary laxa
tives, cathartics and harsh physic
and permanently remove the
cause of constipation or irregular
bowel action.
We will refund your money
without argument if they do not
do as we say they will. Two
sizes, 25c. and 10c Sold only at
our store The Rexall Store.
Leslie W. Seylar.
Mrs. W. M. Miller and Mrs.
Mary Iless, were pleasant callers
at Uyron Roher's last Wednes
day. Mrs. Arthur Roher is spending
some time with her mother, Mrs.
Nonemaker at Cherry Grove.
Miss Blanche Winegardner
was seen on our streets olq eve
ning recently.
Miss Viola Wible was a caller
in our town a day last week.
J. A. McClain, of Sharon, Pa.,
is spending some time in tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
We are sorry to learn of the
Heath of Ada, the three year old
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. B.
Bert Knepper attended a Spell
ing Bee at Meadow Gap Wednes
day evening.
J. S. Grissinger is improving
his house with a new roof.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hess and
daughter spent Sunday m our
Layton and Garland are very
busy sawing. They have four or
five sets to saw this spring.
Jacob Smith'aud wife ot Mar
tin, W. Va., are visiting friends
and relatives in this section.
Mrs. Susan Foreback and little
child, of Great Capon, W. Va.,
were visiting Mrs. Foreback's
aunt, Mrs. William Truax recent-
Daniel Garland has large smiles
all over his face because of the
arrival of a 9 pound boy. Dan
says, "Gee! i have something to
be proud of. The boy can, soon
take my place at the mill"
Lucius Garland, of Cumber
land, Md., was spending some
time with friends in this section.
Ralph May is jumping around
like a cat on hot bricks. It's a
Homer Sipes, of Harrisonvllle,
stayed over night with B. H.
Truax after the funeral of Mrs.
Lyda Hess.
Mr. Bert Cessna, a well known
printer of Altoona, while crossing
the track of the Pennsylvania
Railroad at Hollidaysburg, on
Tuesday afternoon, was struck
by the locomotive of a Bedford
division train, sustaining injuries
of a serious character. He was
rendered unconscious and re
mained in that condition for sev
eral hours. His condition is seri
ous but he is expected to recover.
Bert is a son of Professor John
1 1. Cessna, principal of an Altoona
Ward school, who was at one
time County Superintendent of
schools in Bedford county, and
well known in this county as a
representative of the American
Book Combany. 1
TlWWmrl' CU.
lines girrn turo, quick i
nit ion and instantaneous,
powerful and clean ex
plosion. Made from
Pennsylvania Crude Oil.
Ath your DmaUr
Waver!; Oil Works Co.
ladassssaat. Rafiaari
PitUborf, Pa.
al Auto Ot
'Twas the night before Sunday, when all through the town,
No creature was stirring, not one could be found.
The loafers were hung by the grocery fire
in hopes that the time would poon come to retire,
When the maid from her muse, the bum from his booze,
Would settle their brains for a midwinter snooze
When out on the street arose such a clatter,
1 fell through the door to see what was the matter.
Fike! Fire!! Fiue!!!
Away to the hose house I flew like a wolf,
Demolished the sidewalks, and tore off the roof.
The moon on the breast of the fast falling buow,
Had not yet arisen, as far. as I Know,
Wnen, what to my wondering eyes should disclose,
But a mineature cart, and a mile ot fire hose.
And a spirited leader so lively and quick
I knew in a moment it must be Sir Nick.
More rapid then eagles his firemen tbey came
There was no time to whistle or call them by nanle;
Now Dasher, now Dancer, lay hold with a will,
The fireplug is yonder away up the hill.
As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly
Or the soak to the barroom, whenever he's dry
So up to the fireplug his coursers they drew
This rickety cart and Sir Nicholas too.
And then in a twinkling I heard up the route
The prancing and pawing of each little loot,
As I fled to the sidewalk lest harm I should meet
The gleaming white hose lay stretched in the street.
With hand on the wrench we were ordered to stop,
The fire had been quencued with a bottle of pop.
But let me aver ere I draw out of sight,
Our laddies are there, when a tire is to fight.
Here's praising your pluck, and to all a good night.
c. v. i
How'i This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 Tears, and believe him perfect
ly honorable in all business trans
actions, and financially able to
carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Sold by all Druggists. Price,
75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
Cloyd Black visited friends in
Saltillo and Clay township.
Mrs. Catharine Tice moved in-1
to the Crider house on Rock St.
Robert Alexander spent Satur
day and Sunday with friends in
Taylor township.
Ritner Black now agent at
Cooks station on E. B. T. R. R.,
was home Saturday night and at
tended I. 0. 0. F., 773.
Robert Earley and Benjamin
R. Alexander of Wells Valley
were visitors in New Grenada on
Saturday, and were pleasant
callers at 1. 0. 0. F. 773.
Grace Lodge who was injured
in an accident in the Valley Mon
day after Christmas, has return
ed from the Hospital in Philadel
phia and so far recovered as to
take up her school work at No. 3
on Monday.
Candidates were numerous
here last week, Ellis Lynch from
McConnellsburg, Jonas Lake
from Laidig, William Sprowl
from Wells Tannery. William
Sprowl was accompanied by
James Horton. Both are Bchool
directors, and were visiting
schools while Billy Sprowl was
looking up his political fences.
James Horton was taking in the
sights and shaking hand with his
many friends
A wreck at Woodvale mines
caused by tbe sheave wheel on
top a derrick in which the
heavy steel rope run from the
shaft to the engine giving way it
crushed down through the build
ing demolishing rafters and eve
rything it came in contact with.
It was fortunate no one was hurt,
as no one was riding on the cage
at the time of the accident Fivo
minutes later the cage would
have been loaded with miners.
- John Mills of town who has
been at Ithaca, New York, con
creting for a railroad for some
time past had just about complet
ed his job and cars were on the
road when he was in the act of
finishing a concrete crossing
when he and his helper were run
down by a shifting engine back
ing down on them knocking John
a distance and bruising and in
juring him but not seriously,
while the life was crushed out of
his helper, instantly.
John McClain and wife and
Mrs. Evlyn McClain -who had
been living at Ithaca, came home
on Monday to occupy their house
which has been unoccupied for a
Friday and Saturday were Ice
House days in New Grenada.
Many tonB were stored away. '
Hicks tbe weather man ot St.
Louis, wrote in his almanac last
summer regarding the January
forecast; electrical manifestation
will culminate to the southward,
on and touching the 7tb, after
which colder weather and high
barometer. We got the electrical
display on the 8th here, and tbe
colder weather on Monday, with
a fierce gale. As a weather for
caster Hicks has them all guessing.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hallers, Saw
mills, &c. .
Engines on hand all
the time.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect May 29. 1910.
Trains leave Hnnoock as follows :
No. 106 6.S0 a. m. (Sunday only) for ilalllmore
nuu iiucriueuiuie puium.
No.t-.00a. m. (week days) for Hatrerstewn,
iiaiumore, tv aynesDoro.Unauiuersburg',
and iDlerraedlate.
No. 18 W a. m. (week days) Cumberland, and
No. i 10 OH a. m (week days) Baltimore, Get-
lyKuunc, x ora ana intermediate.
No. 8 lii.W p m. (week days) Little Orleans.
Town, Cumberland, Klklns and
west. Vestibule train with observation
Dune. oar.
No. I S 00 p. m. (week days) Haltltnore and In-
termeuiate stations. Vestibule train
with observation buffet oar.
No. 59.40 p. m. (week days) leaves Baltimore
6.06 p. m., Haseratown H.4o p. m.
No. 10610.16 p. m. (Sunday only) leaves Baltl-
iuui a y. ui
If yon wnnt either Vlhmtlnu Rhnltle, Rotary
bbutUeor a Winnie Thrwul Chain (Och
Hewing Miirhtne write to
Orange. Mass.
Many tewtnc machine, arp made to tell regardleu of
quality, but tha Si ew Home li made lo wear.
Our luaranty never rum out.
Sold by uthorliKt dealers only.
ro sal av
Ladies! S Money and Keep in
Style by Reading McCalTi
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
McCalTa Mat ailas will
help you druu styl
ishly at a moderate
elensuby keeping
you posted on the fashions in
eloibes and bats. 60
New Fashion Designs
lu eaeb Issue. Also
valuable information
on all home and per
soual matters. (July
too a year, Including
a free pattorn. Hub
scribe today or send
(or free sainule oouv.
McCall Pattern will enable you to make In your
own home, with yotirown hands, clothing for
yourself sod children which will be perfect
In style and nt. Price none higher than 16
cents, bend for free Pattern Catalogue.
W. WM Cns Tte flat 'nasals for getting sub
scriptions among your friends. Hend for free
Premium Catalogue and fash Prise Offer.
An Autimobile
You want the best your money will
get. No machine on the road to-day pos
sesses so many attractions to the careful
buyer as
iMBfWk fen
The E. M. F.
For size, speed, appearance, durability,
ease of control, hill-climbing and sand
ploughing, this
AT $1000,
is the greatest bargain on the market.
The Flanders at $700,
is asmaller machine but none the less de
sirable. Don't tie yourself up until you
have carefully examined these machines.
Agents for Fulton County. Everett, Pa.
A Customer of a
I Bank
) looks for safety-r-llberal terras courteous treatment and facllU
ties for the proper handling of his business. All of theso are
found In this conservatively conducted bade, and judging from
i the new accounts opened dally, the fuel Is widely recognized and
J appreciated. If you are not already one of our customers you
are invited to become one of the new ones. -
1 The First
1 National Bank
i Operates under the strict Banking Laws of the United States
5 Government. Pays 3 Per Cent. Compound Interest.
There are many of you.
That we appreciate " your patronage, your
loyalty and steadfastness, fully as much as vou
appreciate the help we have at times been able to
furnish you, goes without saying.
However, we want to take this public meth
od of thanking you for past patronage and, with
tull confidence that this patronage will continue,
we pledge you our best endeavors in the tuture
as you have had them in the past.
Wishing vou an increased measure of Hap
piness and Prosperity tor the year 1911, we are
Sincerely yours,
W. H. NELSON, Cashier.
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot of new Top
Buggies, both factory and hand-madeu ranging in price
. from 145.00 up to 175.00 for the best hand-made Mifflin
burg buggy. My 945 buggy is a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to
examine my stock before you buy elsewhere.
Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I am,
Very trujy yours,
Du.U.nt l.tA.. . Un. O It. t! ...
Associate Judges U. T. Humbert 1 i
Hood. ' W. f
Prothonotary, Ao. Oeorge A. Harris
IMhtrlol Attorney Krank 1. Lynch. '
Treasurer Charles iJ. Stevens.
Hherlff-JelT Harris.
, Deputy Sheriff A. D. Hohmao.
' .lllrv I !iimfiilMuinn,ru llitvl.l
Truux. '
Auditors Wm. Wink, D. II. Myers o
Bom. ' v'
Co. Commissioners Kmunuel Keeler j .
Sharp, Duulel W. Cromer. ' '
uierk M. Tii!iK Henry.
CouiitySuperlntendeut H. C. I.amhpr.n.
Slpen, Thoiims V. Sluuu. F. McN. Johnnt S
Lynch, H. N. Slpes, L. 11. Wlblc. ' '
Justice of the Peace J no. P. Conrad s ' 1
C!outable Charles Steuk,
HurKeH-W. H. Nesblt.
Councllmon Thomas ilumll, Paul W,
John Sheets, Mlubavl Hlaok, Harry n.5
11. U. Naec. Albert Stouer. "H
Clerk-C. W. Peck.
School Directors John Cotncrer, I) i
sinner, llarrv Humll, Ed. U. hhlmer li T
Woollet, M. W. Nace. '
Hoard of Heulth John P. Slpes. pre., j.
Irwin, v. p.; Ueortre W. Haya. seo , V
Lynch, John W. Moaser, M. D. '
Tha first tarm nf thA fnm.t. i r. .
vv.v yji jhi
ton county In the year shall commec
uu uo iucauoj luuuwiug me second
Monday of January.atlOo'cloeki n
The second term commences on ths
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
The third term on the Tuesday otn
following the second Monday of JUH
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Moodii
October, at 2 o'clock p. m. '
Presbyterian. Rev. John Diehl
Sabbath school at 0:15. l'rcach;
10:30 an alternate Sundays, and
every Sunday. Christian Endeavoru
6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday
ning at 7:00. All are cordially invited,
Methodist episcopal Rev, c W,
Oryner, Pastor, Sunday School
at U:30 a. ru. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and everj
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpwonl
TjA&irue at 8:00 n. m. IVato.
n r - - j w t
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school attl
a. m. Preaching every Sunday mor
Ing at 10:30, and every other Sundtt
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbti
eveningB are used by tbe Young Peo.
pie's Christian Union at 7:00 p. n.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evenia
at 7:00.
ford Hays Pastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sundaj
morning at 10:30 and every other Sua
day evening at 7:00. hristiaa E
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meetlcf
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. Rice, Pin
tor. Sunday school at 9:1)0 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sablmthi it
10:00 a. in. and 7:00 p. m, Christiii
Endeavor at, 6:00 p. m. Prayer me
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00,
Odd Fellows M'ConnellsburgLoty
No. 744 meets every Friday evening a
tne Clevenger's Iiall in McConoelli-
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meeli
every Saturday evening In the New Hill
at t on Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 nwti
every Saturday evening in Vila fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 710 mttti
every Saturday evening in Odd Fil
lows' Hall at Harrisonvllle.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets
erjr oavurua; evening id uuu reuu'i
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 mwtl
In Warfordsburg every Saturdi;
King PostG. A. R. No. 3G5 nieii li
McConnellsburg in Clevenger's Bill
the first Saturday in every month all
WftHhWt.nri Cumn. No. 5M. P, 0.
S. of A. meets every first and thirl
Saturday evening at tnelr nan at
Tuscarora Council, Royal Atj;aDUS
meets every first and third Monosj
evening In Clevenger's Hall, McCoo
nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. 0. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Bali
Washington Camp, No. 554, P. 0.8.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Saw
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Ball.
John O. Tuvlnp Pnat O. A. R.. KO'
589, meets every Saturday, on or J
preceding full moon in Lashley W
at i p. m., at Uuck valley.
Woman'a Relief Corps, No.
meets at same date and place at F "'
Gen. D. B. McKlbbln Post dNo.Kjj
D. A. R - mnnta annnnrl an fourtl
Haturdayt in each month at Pleaitnl
U. A. M., meets in their Hall at CIe'
Ridge every Saturday evening.
The Aspasia Rebekah Lodge, I-
O. V., of Harrisonvllle, moots the J"
and 3d Wednesday of each month. "
the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrlsonvll
Clear Ridge Grange No. 1366. P
H., meets the first and third FrWV
nights each month in Jr. O. U. A.
A Oompl.ts Library ta Ob Ti"
Onnralalnf Ini Information .
BTsrytninr aad CvsrrUimf A""
Oraat Many Thinfa.
In want accaralt naitlnriais 1 '
aloaal sHtloat, las 1010 orxtm, """"" VZ
rlas la phcti s tUiilt predocl.. aartal
SMala, adtatillc 4lieoTrrlts aod nvior"l.fl
lI0, vin aad otlr bapartaat btowrtral
anwta or Uw Uallad SUtaa. laemalaf
sad malta of naatftM, Stau. a d" J"
tariff, lb. traits aa4 party p4aUarsu, 0""
aloaal nconlt. sporting strata, oM ftT
tlf hts sad nranma, nalifIUn, rallfl "
abts at aalloaa, ladnstrtaa, mlas
births, aiarriaiai. alrorrw aad aWaiaa, rKl"-
hlila(. banklac saosar, tssaa, lawaaat.
Utlral partlM. aacitt aaclatlia, duba, IM I"
Ooa Momaant, wosaaa'i aurfratt aad
I0.04HI Othar Farla aad nr Ta as V"
af Starr day latcmt aad .alas as tr7b''
No awrrhaat. laraiar.1 ilibarar, kualaaal
Bouarwiiff oi hutiuaia wuaiaa, araaoi af "JZ
alnuld bt wllbout a cop; of this tala.tX "i.
an. t fulumt of uarftU tafnnaaOoa. I'D'4 ?
.it ol Huff.lo and t'ltubnrt, a ). HTl
Uc Addrna Tb Nw York Korld. N '