The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 19, 1911, Image 5

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Published Every Thursday.
ff. P2DK, Editor and Proprietor.
JANUARY 19, 1911
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of 8 line 3 times 1160,
Persuunre each subtteauent InHertlon.... 60,
Al advertisements Inserted lor leu than
nree monmaonargea oy ine square.
a mos, 6mis, j 1 yr,
Oue-fourthaolumn IIS. 00.
Oae-bulf column '46.00.
ne Column 40.00.
JO 00
Church Notices.
Announcements tor Sunday, Jan.
22, 1911.
E. H. Swank, pastor.
Knobsvllle-Preachlng 10:30.
Bethel Preaching 7:00.
IIustontown, M. E. Chaiigk.
L. W. McGarvey, Pastor.
January 22, 1911.
Falrvlew Sunday school 9:30.
Preaching 10:30.
Center Sunday school 1:30.
Preaching, 2:30.
IIustontown Sunday school 2:00.
Epworth League, 0:30
Revival services at 7:00 and each
night during week.
Harrisonville M. E. Charge,
W. M. Cline, Pastor.
January 22, 1911.
Asbury Preaching 10:30.
Ebonezer Preaching 3 p. m.
Slioain Preaching 7 p. m.
Surprise Party.
A very pleasant surprise party
'was held at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Joseph SoweVs on the eve
ning of the 7th instant, at which
the following persons were pres
ent: Mrs. Catherine Vores, Mrs.
Asenath Mentzer, Mrs. Henry
Taylor, Mrs. A. K. Alexander,
Mrs. Henry Comerer, L. A.
Youse and wife, Miss Harriet
Eitemiller, Lloyd Ray and wife, i
Amos Clouser and wife, Charlie
Vores and family, Percey Mentz
er, Mrs. Linn Alexander, Mrs.
Kate Black, Walter and Lnther
Black, Bertha Clevenger, Virgin
ia Tritle, Mrs. N. II. Roettger,
Naoma and Ruth Roettger, John
Gress and wife, Miss Maggie
Jones, Scott Souders and family,
George Rinedollar and Joseph
Bowers and wife.
Solves A Deep Mystery.
'1 want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart," wrote C. B.
Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va.,
"for the wonderful double benefit
I got from Electric Bitters, in
curing me of both a severe case
of stomach trouble and of rheu
matism, from which I had been
an almost helpless sufferer for
ten years. It suited my case as
though made just forme." For
dyspepsia, indigestion, jauntice
and to rid the system of kidney
poisons that cause rheumatism,
Electric Bitters has no equil.
Try them. Every bottle is guar
anteed to satisfy. Only 50c at
Trout's drug store.
Favor "Direct" For Senators.
By a vote of 10 to 2 the senate
committee on judiciary Monday
decided to report favorably to the
senate a resolution providing for
an amendment to the constitution
directing that senators be elected
in each state by a direct vote of
the people For the first time in
the history ot the senate this ac
tion by the committee will bring
lhe proposition directly before
the senate,
Kind Friends.
I wish through the Fulton
County News to extend my
most hearty au3 sincere thanks
to my friends in Brush Creek
Valley, who so kindly sent me
postcards, to the number of 52
on my birthday, January 9, 1911.
T. 11. Walters,
107 3rd St., Altoona, Pa.
John K. Tener was inaugurat
ed on Tuesday of this week as
governor of this State.
it i v r
mMniiiiinniiinmnt'mriiT -
K i . Jill W)
m -. lUBtr vii ih:i w m m v mv m m w
Lubrication Without Carbon
Ideal oil for either aUNeooIed or watereoolod machines.
im Paon.rlrania Crude Oil. A thin, pale oil which foods freely
nor congeal. Absolutely Free From Carbon,
xir daaler or aerate has no Wererlr Special, writ W and we U
I you nra supplied.
Here Are Facts We Want You To Prove
At Our Risk.
Marvelous as it may seem
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has grown
nair on neads that were once
bald. Of course, in none of these
cases were the hair roots dead
nor bad the scalp taken on a
glazed, shiny appearance.
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic acts
scientifically, destoying the
germs which are usually re
sponsible for baldness. It pene
trates to the roots of the hair,
stimulating and nourishing them
It is a most pleasant toilet ne
cessity, is delicately perfumed
and will not gum or permanently
stain the hair.
We want you to get a bottle of
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use
it as directed. 'If it does not re
neve scalp irritation, remove
dandruff, prevent the bair from
falling out and promote an in
creased growth of hair, and in
every way give entire satisfac
tion, simply come back and tel
us, and without question or for
mality we will hand back to you
every penny you paid us for it.
Two sizes, 50c. and 11.00. Sold
only at our store The Rexall
Store. Leslie W. Seylar.
Mr. an Mrs. Ross Mellott and
little son Emrxel, of near McKib-
bin, spent las. Sunday at Fer
nando Decker's.
Rush Minnich of Johnstown,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. Ly
dia Minnich, at Saluvia.
Frank Hampton returned to
Hancock last Monday where be
has employment.
H. M. Strait is digging a well.
He believes in old times the
larger the hole the more water
he will have.
Grant Baker parchased a fine
lotofshoats from II. M. Strait
this week.
Quite a number of people from
this vicinity attended revival
meeting at Ebenezer last week.
Russell Mellott is all smiles-
all because the stork left a new
dish washer at his home.
Minnich Mellott is employed
at Judge Swope's sawing lath for
his new house.
Lewis Sponsleris spending his
vacation with his family.
Milton Decker and wife and
daughter Laura, spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting their daught
er, Mrs Edward Deshong.
BilJ Daniels is singing "There's
no place like home," etc., etc.
He has taken a boy to "raise."
Lee Decker spent Sunday with
his cousin, Chester Decker.
Alter having spent a few
months with her friends at Vine
land, N. J., Miss Anna Mann has
returned home.
Local Institute.
The fifth local Institute of Brush
Creek township was held at Emma'
ville last Friday evening. The meet
ing was called to order by the teacher
Ella Barton who appointed O. F.
Spade president. The questions;!
Plans for helping dull pupils. 2 Per
sonal work. 3 How can we make our
local institutes more beneficial? Were
thoroughly discussed by the teachers
present. The teachers present were:
Lucy Peightel, Amy Lodge, Chester
Spade, S. E. Walters, Homer Akers,
Grant Spade and Ella Barton, all of
Brush Creek; Ada Barton, ot Bedford
county, and Ally E. Deshong, of
Licking Creek. A number of patrons
were present, Bome of whom took part
in the discussions of the topics. A nura
ber of recitations wore well rendered
by the school. Meeting adjourned to
meet at Buffalo Feb. 3. All friends
of education Invited. Amy E. Lodge,
The sixth literary meeting was held
at Laurel Ridge last Saturday even
ing. The meeting was called to order
by the president, Raymond Shives.
Question! Resolved, That Washing
ton did did more for his country than
Lincoln? The Judges decided unani
mously In favor of the affirmative.
The next meeting will be held Jan.
23th. Question for debate: Resolved,
That the Soldier did more for our
Country titan the Statesman. Jessie
S. Mellott, Sect'y.
S u bscribe for the ' 'News, ' only
$1.00 a year.
em Mini i a j
Aeroplane Safeguard Soon to be
Compared with aviation, the
man who makes a parachute jump
or stirs ingredients in a factory
where nitroglycerine is made,
has a safe job with every pros
nect of dying of old age. In the
development of no other modern
art has so large a proportion
fatalities occurred, and in few, so
many deaths in the same length
of time. The story of 1910, with
all the glory of its long distance
and altitude records, is dimmed
when one contemplates the fear
ful price in human life at which
it has been purchased.
Fifty-three enthusastic airmen
more than one for each week in
the year, have paid the penalty of
their daring.
The closing Hours of the year
crowned the long roll of sacrifice
with the loss of three of our best
airmen; men who not only were
leaders on this side, but holders
of world's records. Johnstone
with the high altitude record at
the time of his death, then Mois
ant, who last October earned the
international trophy for speed,
and Hoxsey, who carried the al
titude record even yet higher.
The gloom which this galaxy of
death has brought to all interest
ed in aviation is in no degree
lessened by the thought that they
all perished in exhibition flights,
and that their desire to interest
and satisfy a gaping throng was
the occasion of their death.
The causes in a majority of
cases have been so similar as to
make evident a condition in con
struction of aeroplaues which
must be corrected before any
reasonable degree of safety will
insured. There is, however,
some reason to believe that the
secret of the chief cause of disas
ter has been recently discovered,
though not yet made public. The
principle is so simple that, as is
usually the case, the wonder will
be it was not observed months
ago, ana wben the time comes to
announce it, will be instantly un
derstood. It is devoutly to be
hoped that these expectations
will be fulfilled, for unless some
radical saieguaraing can be ac
complished in the very near fu
ture, the loss of life this year will
certainly be appalliug on account
of the hundreds of planes now
building or ordered for early de-
ivery. H. 1L Windson, in the
February Popular Mechanics
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him perfect
ly honorable in all business trans
actions, and financially able to
carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Rinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Sold by all Druggists. Price,
75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
Rev. McGarvey is holding a
series of protracted meetings in
this place.
Mrs. E. J. Downes, of Kansas
City, and her brother George
Burton Kirk, of Holden, Mo., are
visiting friends and relatives in
this place. This is Bert's first
visit to bis birth plice in 34 years.
M IBS Lillian Miller, of Hunting
don, is spendmg a few days with
her aunt Mrs. Jerre Laidig.
Miss Nell Kirk has relumed
bome alter naving spenc two
weeks very pleas antly m Cham
bars burg.
D. R. Mum ma and daughter
Viola have returned to their
home here after an absence of
several weeks.
LL E Chesnut and Chester
McElhaney expect to leave for
Philadelphia this week where
they intend to take a course in a
business College.
Harvey Clevenger and sister
Marjorie, and Howard Kirk, of
Hiram, spent Sunday with their
cousin Esther Kirk.
Listen for wedding bells.
Ex-Senator Alexander Stewart
a brother of Hon. John Stewart,
died at his home in Chambers-
burg on Thursday of last week.
Measles a Dangerous Malady.
Measles is a dangerous malady.
Although the mortality may not
be high, except in children under
2 years more of whom die from
it than from any other contagi
ous disease yet it causes many
deaths from pneumonia, pleurisy
and consumption, which follow in
its wake.
The cause of the disease is sup
posed, to be due to a germ con
veyed ' by discharges from the
nose and throat, and possibly by
pieces of skin thrown off from
the body during the peeling pro
cess. It is thought that it may
be carried by the clothing and
hands of those coming in direct
contact with the skin. It is catch
ing from the earliest symptoms
until after peeling of the skin is
completed, but is most danger
ous during the height of the erup
tion of the skin.
Patients suffering from mild
Pttacks can transmit the disease
equally as well as those with se
vere attacks. Children having it
in such mild form the parents
believe it is nothing worse than a
slight cold continue in school
play in intimate association with
their fellows and spread the dis
ease. Tnereiore any child with
soreness of the eyes and cold in
the bead, with or without a cough,
should be kept by itself until a
doctor is procured and can posi
tively state the child has not
The wrong method is to give
home remedies; to allow the child
to come in contact with others,
until more serious symptoms de
velop; then the doctor is sent for,
but too late, as the other children
who have not had the disease
have already caught it. Complete
separation of the sick from the
well must be maintained until the
skin has peeled.
The utensils used in the sick
room must oe disinfected or
boiled before they are removed;
and the caretaker or nurse should
not go into other parts of the
house, but where this is impossi
ble, the clothes and shoes should
be changed and the hands washed
with a disinfectant and then
scrubbed with soap and water.
Inexpensive muslins should be
cut up for handkerchiefs and
burned when Boiled. All bed
clothes, body clothes, towels, etc.,
that come m contact with the pa
tient should be soaked for a half
hour in a pail of water, to which
one-half pound of chloride of lime
has been added, before they are
removed from the room. They
should still be kept separate from
oiner laundry and washed as
soon as possible in boiling water.
The well members ot the fami-
y in the same house or apart
ment will not be allowed to at
tend school or any place where
children are likely to assemble.
t is a crime to try to hide a case
of contagious disease from the
health authorities to save trouble,
thereby causing in your neigh,
bor's family sickness, suffering,
expense and possibly death.
be Greatest Newspaper of Its Type.
It Always Tells The News As It
IS. Promptly and Fully.
Reid Jo Bvery Ea(Um-Speskinf Country.
It has Invariably been the great ef
fort of the Thrlce-a-Week edition of
the New York World to publish the
news Impartially In order that it may
be an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells the truth, Irrespec
tive of party, and for that reason it
has achieved a position with the pub
lic unique among papers of its class.
If you want the news as It really Is,
subscribe to the Thrlce-a-Week edl
tlon of the New York World, which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and Is thus practically a
dally at the price ot a weekly.
regular subscription price Is only 11.00
per year, and this pays for 150 papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for 11.75.
The regular subscription price of
tho two papors Is $2.00.
8ucceed when everything else foils.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
It to the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
An Autimobile
You want the best your money will
get. No machine on the road to-day pos
sesses so many attractions to the careful ,
buyer as
For size, speed,
ease of control, hill-climbing ana sana
ploughing, this
AT $1000,
is the greatest bargain on the market.
The Flanders at $700,
is asmaller machine but none the less de
sirable. .Don't tie yourself up until you
have carefully examined these machines.
Agents for Fulton County. Everett, Pa.
A Customer of a B
looks for safety liberal terms courteous treatment and facili
ties for the proper handling of his business. All of these are
found In this conservatively conducted bank, and judging from
the new accounts opened dally, the fact Is widely recognized and
appreciated. If you are not already one of our customers you
are Invited to become one of the new ones.
I The First
National Bank
Operates under the strict Banking Laws of the United States
Government. Pays 3 Ter
There are many of you.
That we appreciate your patronage, your
loyalty and steadfastness, fully as much as vou
appreciate the help we have at times been able to
furnish you, goes without saying.
However, we want to take this public meth
od of thanking you for past patronage and, with
lull confidence that this patronage will continue,
we pledge you our best endeavors in the future
as you have had them in the past. M
Wishing vou an increased measure of Hap- Q
piness and Prosperity tor the year 1911, we are O
Sincerely yours, x
f u mci crM ru: a
yg VV II. IIULOUn, VsctaillCI. m
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot ofnewTop
Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging In price
from $45.00 up to 175.00 for the best hand-made Mifflln
burg buggy. My $45 buggy is a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to
examine my stock before you buy elsewhere,
Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I am,
Very truly yours,
W . R . EVAN
E. M. F.
appearance, durability,
Cent. Compound Interest. i
Prenldent Judge Hon, 8. Mo. Swon.
Ho7p0'ttt0 JudKe',.u "umber?, J ,
f rolhonotsry. Ao.-Oeorire A. Hurrl.
plstrlot, Atlorney-Eruuk P. Lynch
Treasurer Charles B. Stevens
Sheriff Jeff Harris.
, Deputy Hherlfl-A. I). Hohmun.
Jury UoiuinlHloner UuvlU H0t ,
Truux. .
Auditors Wm TCinir n u ....
Co. CommlKKloneni-Emiinuel Keel .
Shurp, Uunlel W. Cromer. nee"r, J ,
fiuii. i. I,
Cleik li. Frunk Henry.
. j ti 1 1 n neurVi
Uouuty Superluteudent-B. C. Lnmh...
AUorneya-W. Houtt Alexander ' j i 5
Pf- Thomas'. Sloun, '. MoN. JoUnaf!!JS
R. Stmffner. John P. hipe" '"wlW
Lynch, H. N. Slpeu, L. II. Wlble. rk' '-t.
' JuHtloe of the Peaoe-Jno. P. Conrud
... uuuiicn Dioua.
IlurKCH W. H. NehbU.
Couniillmnn .Tluut.un u..Mti .
JohnSheetH, Mlutmel HJuck, Hurry m
H. U. Nttce. Albert Stuner. y
icin rv . rcuK,
School Dlreo torn-John Comerer D t r
Lynch, John W. Mouer, M. D. 1
The first term of the Courts of ri
ton county in the year shall coffln, ;
on the Tuesday following the 5
Monday of 10 o'clock. .
.vRewecod term commences 0lZ
third Monday of March, at 2 0"C"J
The third term on the TuesdsTt(I1
following the second Monday of JW
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first MonJi,
October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Sabbath school 'at 9:15. l-rcaxhi!
111. 'II on c 1 T-!
Kciuoto ouiiuays. and Mi
; ' J?""""- nrisiianr.nuesvorii
6:J0. Prayer meetJng Wed nesdsutl
nlnir nr. 7 fW1 A II ....,11.11. 7
n ... .d wiuiuujf invited.
Methodist hj'iscopal Rev. c w
Bryner, Pastor. Sunday Scbooi
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every oilii
Sunday morning at 10:30 and even
f.nn trim or fl-ftn n 11 r
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Tr... . .
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school it,)
a. m. Preaching every Sunday mora.
Ing at 10:30, and every other Sundir
1 on i.w. ine alternate Sabbutl
evenings are used by the Young Pw
pie's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m. vieuuosuay evtnioi
at 7 :00.
rLVANnrTn. .. i.nTDiPDiv. r... r.t
vlntassoidPasior. Sunday school.;15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morninir at lO'.'ln nnH .vanv ,,tv,r., c.
day evening at 7:00. hrlstlao En
deavor at o:uu p. m. Prayer meetlni
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed rv. Hire. P11.
tor. Sunday school at u ::n a m
Preaching on alternate Sabbathi it
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. thrlsllii
Endeavor at 8:00 p. m. Prayer me
Ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'PfinnnllahnroTM
No. 744 meets everv Frldnv evrniWli
toe Clevencer's Hall in McConneV
Fort Littleton Lodee No. 484 mMi
every Saturday evening In the New Hill
at i on Liiuieton.
Wells Valley Lodze No. 607 metti
everV Saturdnv AVnnlnrr In Oilrl F.I.
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Uarrlsonvilln Tr1
every Saturday evening In Odd Fel
lows- uau at tiarrlsonvl e.
Waterfall Lodee No. 773
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellon1
nu at 11 ew urenaaa.
Warfordsbura- odre No. fiOl mail
In Warfordsbur? everv Saturdu
evening. .
Kin? Post fl. A. R Hn 3fi! mti ll
McCnnnnllnhnra In Olnnm..'. Rill
the first Saturday In every month ill
p. Ul.
Washlntrton Camn. No. 650. P. 0.
S, of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening at their hali at Need-
Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcsnus
meets every first and third Mofidi)
evening In Clevenger's Hall, McCon-
WuUniri r.nn 'V. AOl P (1 1
" -- p. Kill U ..... W(, A "
n... oi new urenaaa, titeis every r
urday evening In P. O. S. of A. HiIL
w atuiington uamp, no. oo, r.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Saw
iim.h unit.. I n I T") a . A 1 .11.
TTT 1.1 . m v n C
cfv.m iu jr. KJt a, vi a.
John O. Tavlop Pout O. A. Ti.. NO'
589, meets every Saturday, on or j"
preceding full moot, in Lashley hil
at p. m., at buck vaney.
Woman's Relief Corps. No.
meets at same date and place at 4 p
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Post dNo.M
u. j. a., meets me secona an iuu"
Haturdays In each month at PleasW'
r i .1
A D . . . 1 . 1 J... I
PI... T!l. Pn,...ll TvT OIA Tr.O.
.vw. i . I vi u VUUUV11) .IU, 'TV v
U. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clef
Kiclge every Saturday evening.
Thn Astmsla TlphoV n n T.nilirn. I. 0.
O. F., of Harrisonville, meets theW
ahd 3d Wednesday of each month, U
the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrlsonvll
Clear Ridjre Grange No. 1308, P.'
H., meets the first and third FrWy
nlehts each month In Jr. O. U. A. '
Ladies! STe Money and Keep i
Style by Reading McCaD'i
Magazine and Using McCall Pattem
McCaD't MaLii"""'
holp you dross t
Ishly at a niodfn'J
exponse by keel""'
you pouted on
latest fashion!
clothea aud h
Kew Fublon
lu each Issue.
votunble lnformit
ou all homo tuii ftl
aoual mailers. u" '
too a year. IncluOI'J
a free pattern. u'j
acrlba today or "
fur free lampla copf-
McCaDPaHfae will enable you to maleo In r'
own botuo, with yourown hand, clotlilol"
yourself and children which will be V""l
in style and lit. Price noue b lither tli" "
cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. $
Ws Wffl Chr Tea Faw PreMnai for feltlnl f
scrlptlons amoni your friends. 6end I"""
Premium Catalonue and Cash Prise Off'' .
M5CAU. Mum