The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 12, 1911, Image 6

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Published Every Thursday.
fi . PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
JANUARY 12, 1911
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square eft linen 1 tlraea II 50.
per square each subsequent Insertion.... 60.
All advertisements inserted for leu than
bree months charged by tbe square.
8 mm, I gmos. 1 yr.
One-fourth column..
Oae-half eolumn
ne Column
....115.00. 1130 00 1130.00
25.00. 40.00 50.00
40.00. 1 56.00. 76.00
Church Notices.
Announcements lor Sunday, Jan.
15, 1911.
Ucstontown, M. E. Charge.
L. W. McGarvey, Pastor.
Dublin Mills Sunday School 9:30.
Preaching 10:30.
Clear Ridge Sunday School 1:30.
Prrachlng 2:30.
Epwonh League, 7:00
Hustontown Sunday school 2:00.
Epwoi-th League, 6:30.
Preaching 7:00.
Services at Wesley Chapel Saturday
7:00 p. m.
Solves A Deep Mystery.
I want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart," wrote C. B.
Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va.,
"for the wonderful double benefit
I pot from Electric Bitters, in
curing me of both a severe case
of stomach trouble and of rheu
matism, from which I had been
an almost helpless sufferer for
ten years. It suited my case as
though made just forme." For
dyspepsia, indigestion, jauntice
and to rid the system of kidney
poisons that cause rheumatism,
Electric Bitters has no equil.
Try them. Every bottle is guar
anteed to satisfy. Only 50c at
Trout's drug store.
The thunder shower Sunday
evening was followed by very
high winds Sunday night and
Monday which did much damage
to property.
T. V. Peck wife, and Harry
Beatty spent Saturday evening
and Sunday in Buck Valley.
Barry visited his grand-mother
Mrs. Iloopengardner, who is ser
iously ill of pneumonia.
Miss Enza Wink, after having
spent some time in a hospital in
Philadelphia, returned to her
home recently.
T. E. Wink wife, and Mrs. John
McCleilan attended the funeral
of Goldie Mellott last Monday.
Uncle Sammy Clevenger went
to Berkley Springs Monday to
spend some time in the home of
Abner Morgret
John S. Truax is very ill
Elder Funk will hold services
at Antioch next Sunday instead
ot at Tonoloway, preaching at 10
o'clock. Elder A. J. Garland is
also e: pdcted.
Rev. Powers assisted by Rev.
Barger, of 1 lagers town is hold
ing a series of meetings at Pleas
ant Grove.
We believed last spring when
the lawyer told the Court at that
time that the Commissioners
were making preparations to fill
in the abutments of tbe bridge at
Needmore, that he was putting
up a bluff, and now we know that
he was. It is a shame that $2,080
of the county's hard earned
money should be squandered in
such a weak attempt to build a
bridge. You could not get to the
bridge without wading water
during the past week. The old
foot bridge has even fallen down
and when the creek is high it is
impossible to get across. The
c6mmissioners were mighty good
to themselves to erect a Monu
ment on the banks of Tonoloway
creek coating $ 2,080, which will
go down in little Fulton's history
as their crowning piece of work
for the year 190U.
An Awful Toll Collected by Consump
tion, Many Unnecessary Deaths.
If people could only understand
that systemic catarrh is an in
ternal disease that external ap
plications cannot cure, they
would not need to be warned so
olten about this malady, which,
when neglected, paves the way
oftentimes for consumption, at
the cost of millions of lives every
year. Yet catarrh may be cured,
if the right treatment is employ
ed. '
The only way to successfully
treat catarrh is by employing a
medicine which is absorbed and
carried by the blood to all parts
of the system, so that the mucous
membrane or internal lining of
the body is toned up and made
capable of resisting the infection
of consumption and other dis
eases. We have a remedy prepared
from the prescription of a phy-'
siciaa who for thirty years stud
ied and made catarrh a specialty,
and whose record was a patient
restored to health in every case
where his treatment was follow
ed as prescribed. That remedy
is Rexall Mucu-Tone. We are so
positive that it will completely
overcome catarrh in all its various
forms, whether acute or chronic,
that we promise to return every
penny paid us for the medicine
in every case where it fails or for
any reason does l ot satisfy the
We want you to try Rexall
Mucu-Tone on our recommenda
tion and guarantee. We are right
here where you live, and you do
not contract any obligation or
risk when you try Rexall Mucu-
Tone on our guarantee. We have
Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes,
50 cents and 11.00. Very often
the taking of one 50 cent bottle is
sufficient to make a marked im
pression upon the case. Ot course
in chronic cases a longer treat
ment is necessary. The average
m such instances is three $100
bottles. Remember you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies in McCon
riellsburg only at our store The
Rexall Store. Leslie W. Seylar,
How's This.
We offer One Bundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Ball's Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
. We, the undersigned, have
known F. J . Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him perfect
ly honorable in all business trans
actions, and financially able to
carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
system. Testimonials sent free.
Sold by all Druggists. Price,
75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family ..Pills for
After-Dinner Mints.
If he is in perfect health, even
the blind man may look well.
We generally have' a short ac-
quintance with a fellow who is
It seems that even when he is
at home the weather man is gen
erally away off.
Race suicide may demonstrate
that the fewer families the fewer
family feuds.
Don't make love to the girl
across the street just on the
thejry that we should marry our
Even the woman who complains
of heart failure can run up a bill
without getting out of breath
about it.
The Pure Food man is after the
folks who sell bad nuts. Now if
he will take in hand all the nutty
When a man constantly refers
to a woman as "she," it is a sign
either that he likes her very well,
or that he dislikes her very much.
ar the products of mora than 30
years' experience. Three brands
76 Special Motor
Power Without Carbon
WTrl (Molina are alt rafined, auMlled
end treataa contain no "natural" gatolina.
which ara crude and unrefined and which carry
the maximum of carbon-producing lament.
Waverlr Oil Works Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.
Independent Refiners
Maktrt of Wamrly Special Ante Oil
A Creed For 1911.
The following is taken from an
an article in "The Herald of Gos
pel Liberty." and was written by
Rev. S. L. Baugher,, of Consho
hocken, Pa.,' bufc, a few years ago,
pastor of several of the Christian
churches in this county. The
suggestions it contains should be
helpful to members of all denom
ination as well as to non profess
ing christians. The clipping
"My beloved readers, do not
back-bite your fellow man. Do
not profess a religion that will
allow you to lie and find fault.
Never try to hurt a brother's in
fluence because of prejudice in
the heart by slandering him, or
saying mean things about him.
Remember that religion is love.
And perfect love, or sanctifica
tion (you may call it by either
name if you so desire) will bring
to the heart cleansing from all sin.
Then there will be no hatred, or
prejudice in the heart. Man
meets crosses and temptations.
He come into the world without
his consent and goes out of it
against his will, and the trip be
tween the two is exceedingly
rocky. Seek to aid, every man's
life, beloved, by helping clear
away the rocks instead of throw
ing more in the way. Speak evil
of no one. Be strictly honest,
for the good Book says, 'owe no
man.' Don't become a Mr. and
Mrs. Longtongue, or a Mrs. Gad
about, or a Mr. and Mrs. Gotellit
all. If you do, folks will not have
any confidence in your religion,
although you may make a loud
profession. Strew a man's path
way with flowers, instead of his
grave, the good words you have
to say about a man, say them
while he lives, while the ear can
hear them and the heart be made
glad. 'Remember that there is
do such a thing as a sinnning re
ligion. Men want a religion that
will uelp them out of sin, and
make them happy. Men love to
travel life's pathway when met
by encouraging smiles. Never
try to hurt a man because he has
been more successful in soul
saing, or has had a deeper spir
itual experience than you have
received. Remember that God
wills that even you may be entire
ly sanctified. If a man asks your
forgiveness do not keep on tell
ing everybody what was said, or
done, as if forgiveness had never
been asked for. Love every body.
Keep filled with the Holy Ghost,
and Christ will be revealed and
not self."
Hit Prospects.
"I fear I am not worthy of you."
"Never mind about that," responded
the young lady with the square Jaw.
"Between mother and myself I Imag
ine we can effect the necessary Im
provements." Louisville Courier
Journal. Many Unknown Regions.
On any map of the entire world It
Is Impossible to indicate all the un
known regions, since many of them
are comparatively small. A map
showing every section of the earth's
surface aa yet unmapped would be
dotted with thousands of Buch areas.
Surfers for His Deftness.
The most suspicious woman whom
we have heard of recently lives in
Edgewater. . She has become con
vinced because her husband is able
to hook her waist In the dark that he
can't be true to her. Chicago Record
Herald, j
Ravages of Hookworm.
Dr. Chamberlain, U. S. A., says that
CO per cent of Southern-bred soldiers
have hookworm disease, and of many
new recruits the percentage is at
times as high as 85. Southern recruits
are less well developed physically
than Northern ones. (
Steam Up.
A train of thought won't do you
much good unless you got up enough
steam to carry it through. New Yoric
Times. j
Revised. "
Truth la more of a stranger than
Other Qualities Count.
Clever men are good, but they art
not the best Carlyle.
Golf Defined.
"Howdo them summer boarders of
your'n keep busy?"
"They play golf."
"What'n Sam Hill's that?'
" S near'a I kin Agger, It's solitarie
Not His Fmlt.
The Poet "Poets are bora, Bo4
made." y
The Girl. "I know I wasn't blara.
In& you." Boston Transcript.
If the hens are fed hot corn for
supper, they wli no to bed happy
these cold winter nights. Feed
it ust as hot as they can eat it
comfortably. Shell some in a
baking pan and stir and heat it in
the oven.
If the hens were compelled to
work a little harder these days
for what gram they get, it would
be a good thing for them.
Some Hints and Ideas For the Farmer
And the City Man.
.Keep the dust box supplied
with nice clean dust, and see that
the gnt box Is never empty.
Keeping many breeds is a poor
way to succeed. Get down to
one or two varieties and give
them the best of care.
As the new corn gets dry and
hard it is safe to feed more than
when it was soft and green. It is
more easily disgested and gives
better results.
Never feed meat scraps that
were made of rotten meat. Good,
pure feed is the only thing that
ever ought to be fed to a fowl of
any kind.
During winter tbe drinking
vessels must be emptied each
evening; it is much easier to do
that than it is to break a solid
cake of ice in them tbe next
If it possibly can be done,
clean up the droppings each day.
It is work that well repays one.
Never allow this cleaning to be
delayed longer than a week.
Leaving the birds to fight their
own battles against lice and other
enemies may sae some work,
but it will cost some eggs, and
eggs are worth money these
Do not delay any longer the
job ot culling out the poor stock.
It is a mistake, to keep even a
single unprofitable fowl. .Have
the stock up in quality rather
than in quantity.
As the winter grows colder, in
crease the supply of corn. It is
a heating food. But never feed
it alone. A good grain mixture
for winter in two parts whole
corn, one part each wheat and
oats; all well mixed.
It is a good rule to keep the
fowl indoors during rainy, snowy
or windy weather. While the
rains during the summer will do
no harm to the fowls, the cold
rains of winter are injurious. Ex
posing fowls to bad weather is
but to invite sickness. There
fore, the more room in tbe hen
house, the more contented will
the fowls be when confined.
At this time of the year colds
may develop in the flock. It is
always best to nip these in the
bud. In the first stages a one
grain quinine pill each night for
a week will be found effective.
Remove the fowls to separate and
dry duarters. Generally in a
week the cold will have disap
peared. Colds are caused by
exposure or by closely built
houses, or by overcrowded flocks,
making the fowls sweat at night
while on the roosts and chill when
they leave their perch the next
morning. Have litter in the house
throwing the grain food amongst
it in the evening at feeding time,
and the fowls will start to scratch
ing the moment they get off the
roost at break of day. This ex
ercising warms up the blood and
puts the fowls in good condition
to appreciate and thorougly di
gest the morning mash. From
January Farm Journal.
The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type.
It Always Tells The News As It
IS. Promptly and Fully.
Read In Every Engllsh-Spcsklrn Country.
It has invariably been the pre at ef
fort of the Thrice-a-Week edition of
the New York World to publish the
news impartially In order that it may
be an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells the truth, Irrespec
tive of party, and for that reason it
has achieved a position with the pub
I lio unique among papers of its class.
If you want the news as it really is,
'x subscribe to the Thrlce-a-Week edi
I tion of the New York World, which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and is thus practically a
daily at the price of a weekly.
regular subscription price is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for 150 papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for $1.75.
The regular subscription price of
tho two papers is $2.00.
8ucceed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
It is the best medicine ever sold
over druggist's counter.
Ail Autimobile
You want the best your money will
get. No machine on the road to-day pos
sesses so many attractions to the careful
buyer as
For size, speed, appearance, durability,
ease of control, hill-climbing and sand
ploughing, this
AT $1000,
is the greatest bargain on the market.
The Flanders at $700,
is asmaller machine but none the less de
sirable. Don't tie yourself up until you
have carefully examined these machines.
Agents for Fulton County. Everett, Pa.
B A Customer of a
I Bank
O looks for safety liberal terms courteous treatment and faclll-
J ties for the proper handfing of his business. All of these are
found in this conservatively conducted bank, and judging from
0 the new accounts opened dally, the fact is widely recognized and
Jf appreciated. If you are not already one of our customers you
2 are invited to become one of the new ones.
The First
National Bank
Operates under the strict Banking Laws of tbe United States
J5 Government. Pays 3 Per
h There are many of you.
That we appreciate your patronage, your
loyalty and steadfastness, fully as much as vou
appreciate the help we have at times been able to
furnish you, goes without saying.
However, we want to take this public meth
od of thanking you for past patronage and, with
lull confidence that this patronage will continue,
we pledge you our best endeavors in the tuture
as you have had them in the past.
Wishing vou an increased measure of Hap
piness and Prosperity tor the year 1911, we are
Sincerely yours, I
W. H. NELSON, Cashier.
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lotofnewTop
Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging in price
from $45.00 up to 175.00 for the best hand-made Mitllin
burg buggy. My 845 buggy is a good, strong, substan
tial one thut I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will Bell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to
examine my stock before you buy elsewhere.
Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I am,
Very truly yours,
W . R . EVAN
.."' '-;t,i
E. M. F.
Cent. Compound Interest.
OUR 55
President Judxe Hon, 8. Mo. Swope.
AhhooIuIo Judtfea-D. T. Humbert, J. ur
Proihonotary, Ac Qeorsje A. Harris.
District Attorney Krank P. Lyuoh.
Treasurer Charles b. b lev ens.
Sheriff Jell Harris.
Deputy Sheriff A. D, llohman.
Jury Commissioner Huvlu Itotz, A
Auditors Wni. Wink, D. H. Myers, C
Co. Commissioner Emanuel Keefer. J
Shiirp, Duulel W. Cromer. ' "
Clerk B. Prank Henry.
County Superintendent B. C. Lumbetton
Attorney W. Keutt Alexuridur, J. KkIwh
Slpes, Tlioumn V. Sloun. F. Mo.N. Johnston M
It. Sbuffner, John'. Slpes. 8. W. Kirk. vp
Lynch, 11. N. Slpes, L. 11. Wlble.
Justice of the Peaoe Jno, P. Conrud
Coustuble Churles Hteuk,
HurKKKH W. H. Nesblt.
Couuullnien-ThomiiM Humll, Paul Waiter
John Sheeta, Michael lllauk, Harry Huum,il
H. U. Nace, Albert Stoner, '
Clerk-C. W. Peek.
School Directors John Comerer, D. L (Irli.
ilnk-er. Hurry Humll, Ed. U, Shinier. S ij
Woollet. M. W. Nace.
Hoard of Health John P. Hlne. pre J
Irwin, t. p.: Geork-e W. Hays, aeo'y; F V'
Lynch, John W. Mosser, M. U.
The first term of the Courts of Fu.
ton county In the year shall commeuc,
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of 10 o'clock a.m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m, .
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Mondaj
October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Presbvterian. Rev. John Diohl
Sabbath school at 9:15. lreaetiing
10:30 an alternate Sundays, and ":;w
every Sunday. Christian Endeavor at
6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve
ning at 7:00. All are cordially lnvittd.
Methodist mscoPAL Rev. C w,
Bryner, Pastor, Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every oilier
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epwonh
League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meetly
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by tbe Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
vinFassoidPastor. Sunday school :15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. hristlan En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformfjj Rov. Rice, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'ConnellsburgLods
No. 744 meets every Friday evenlnp in
tne Clevenger's Hall in McConnelli
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meet,
every Saturday evening In the New II all
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meet,
every Saturday evening In Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrlsonvllle Lodge No. 710 meet,
every Saturday evening in Odd Pel
lows' Hall at Harrlsonvllle.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 ' meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellow.'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meet.
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.. No. 365 meets In
McConnellsburg In Clevenger's Hall
the first Saturday In every month at 2
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 550, P. O.
S. of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening at thoir ball at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum
meets every first and third Mouday
evening in Clevenger's Hall, McCou
nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 554, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon in Lashley hal,
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. )
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Post dNo.401
G. A. S., meets the second an fourth
Saturdays In each month at Pleasant
Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O.
U. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear
Ridge every Saturday evening.
The Aspasla Rebekah Lodire, I. O.
O. F., of Harrlsonvllle, meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of each month, in
the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrlsonvllle.
Clear Ridge Grange No. 13C6, P. of
H., meets the first and third Friday
nights each month In Jr. O. U. A. M.
Ladies! ave Money and Keep in
Style by Reading McCall'l
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THE IcCJUl COMPANY, 239 249 Wat 37 St, KW TORI