The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 15, 1910, Image 8

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Ulanlt notes at the News office.
Trespass notices at the News
Any person wishing to pur
chase first class fruit trees at low
prices should call on, or address,
C. L. Funk, Noedmore, Pa. 1214t
HIDES. James Sipes & Soni.
pay the highest market price
for beaf hides at their butcher
shop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
A man naturally has a grudge
against fhe man who was once en
gaged to his wife and didn't
marry her.
Every lamily has need of a
good, reliable liniment. For
sprains, bruises, soreness of the
muscles and rheumatic pains
there is none better than Cham
berlain's. Sold by all dealers.
The Racket Store has just re
ceived the nicest lot of llugs,
Bibles, Handkerchiefs, etc., that
they ever had and at prices that
will cause you to wonder how they
got them. Call and see us for
Xmas presents.
Miss Euza Wink, who ha9 been
undergoing treatment for defec
tive sight, at the Jellerson Hos
pital in Philadelphia, returned to
her home at Necdmore last Sat
urday. The quicker a cold is gotten rid
of the less the danger from
pneumonia and other serious dis
eases. Mr. B. VV. L. Hall, of
Waverly. Va., Rays: "I firmly be
lieve Chamberlain's Cough Kem
edy to be absolutely the best pre
paration on the market for colds.
I have recommended it to my
friends and they all agree with
me." For sale bv all dealers.
The Ladies' Aid Society of
Asbury will hold a Cob-Web so
cial and fishing pond at Clifford
Manor near Saluvia on Saturday
evening, Dec. 17th. Refresh
ments, consisting of chicken
swallop, ice cream, cake and cof
fee, will be served. Everybody
Important i
properties of M
JJ the Grape are 0
11 transmitted M
to the food.
The food is
made more
tasty and
Every Woman Should Read this Advice
and the Generous Offer that
Goes With It.
The number of diseases pecu
liar to women is such that we be
lieve this space would hardly
contain a mere mention of their
names, and it is a fact that most
of these diseases are of a ca
tarrhal nature. A woman can
not be well if there is a trace of
catarrh in her system.
Some women think there is no
help for them. We positively
declare this to be a mistaken
idea. We are so sure of this that
we offer to supply medicine ab
solutely free of all cost In every
instance where it fails to give
satisfaction, or does not sub
stantiate our claims. With this
understanding, no woman should
hesitate to believe our honesty of
purpose, or hesitate to put our
claims to a test.
There is only one way to over
come catarrh. That way is
through the blood. You may
use all the snuffs, douches or like
remedies for years without get
ting more than temporary relief
at best. Catarrh in general is a
diseased condition of the system
that shows locally most frequent
ly in discharges from mucous
membranes. Local treatment
should be assisted by internal
treatment for the general dis
eased condition if a complete cure
is to be reached. That internal
treatment should be scientifically
devised and faithfully adminis
tered. Rexall Mucu Tone is scientifi
cally prepared from the prescrip
tion ot an eminent physician who
for thirty years made catarrh
his specialty. This remedy is
admirably adapted to the treat
ment of the catarrhal ailments of
women. It purifies and enriches
the blood, tends to stop mucous
discharges, aids in removing im
purities from the system, soothes
heals and strengthens the mucous
tissues, and briDgs about a feel
ing of health and strength.
We want you to try Rexall
Mucu-Tone on our guarantee.
If you are not benefited, or for
any reason not satisfied, simply
tell us and we will hand back
your money. Rexall Mucu-Tone
comes in two sizes, 50 cents and
1.00. Remember, you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies only at
The Kexall Store. Leslie W.
Additional Census Notes.
The census4 report shows that
Pennsylvania has an average
far surpassing that of Ohio and
Illinois, and about twenty less
than that of New York. The
population of the State is by no
means evenly dispersed; for it is
possible to pass through the
State from north to south with
out entering a county one fourth
as densely populated as the State
at large. Fulton county has an
average population of 23 to the
square mile, but two other coun
ties in the state have less Cam
eron, 20, and Pike, 13, . The coun
ty having the largest number cf
inhabitants to the square mile is
Philadelph'a with 11,916 and Al
legheny is second with 1,334.
Twenty-two of the sixty-seven
counties have a population of less
khan fifty to the square mile and
fourteen, less than forty. Of our
immediate neighbors, 'Bedford
has 30; Huntingdon, 41; and
Frankhn, 82.
Farmers' Week.
Farmers' Week at The Penn
sylvania State College will be held
this year December 19th to 24th,
A splendid opportunity is of
fered to all farmers interested in
a better agriculture. Lectures
on live topics will be given by
men who have practical experi
ence as well as scientific knowl
edge. In addition to the lectures,
many practical demonstrations
in judging dairy cattle, beef cat
tle, horses, sheep, swine and
poultry will be given. The pro
gram is so arranged that any in
dividual can attend lectures dur
ing each period upon the subjocta
which mtorest h'm most
Many of the speakers are men
of national prominence .In their
respective lines from " this and
other states. Every farmer, who
can possibly do so, should ar
range to spend at Jeast a part of
the wook in getting into touch
with this practical science which
is offered.
Sale Register.
Tuesday, March 7, C. M. Ray,
having bought a farm and being
obliged to reduce his stock, will
sell at his residence on the Patter
son farm, 2 miles southwest of
McConnellsburg, horses, cattle,
hogs, farming implements, &c.
Sale begins at 1 o'clock. A. L.
Wible, Auctioneer.
Thursday, March 0, George
Brant having bought a farm in
Cumberland county, and intend
ing to remove thereto, will sell at
his residence on "the old Gilhs
farm" 2J miles northwest of Mc
Connellsburg, horses, cattle, hogs
farming implements, hay, grain,
&c. A. L. Wible, Auctioneer.
Friday, March 17th, W. M.
Lathers,intending to remove from
the County, will sell at his resi
dence on the Sam Widney larm
1 mile east of Burnt Cabins, live
stock, farming implements, hay
grain, household goods, etc. Sale
will begin at 12 o'clock, noon. A.
U Wible, auctioneer.
Dog Tax For Schools.
A f nnd of 1 16, 000 that has been
accumulating in the Montgomery
county treasury for many years
from dog tax is about to be dis
tributed by the Commissioners
among the various school dis
tricts of the county. For some
reason former Commissioners
have neglected making this dis
tribution, and the present Board
thought that it would do the
BchooU more good than lying in
the county treasury. Under the
law the money derived from dog
tax is applied to damage claims
resulting from depredations by
canines. A certain percentage
of the money will be retained to
meet these.
Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter is a season of
trouble. The frost bitten toes'
and fingers, chapped hands and
hps, chilblains, cold, sores, red
and rough skins, prove this. But
such trouoles fly beforeBucklen's
Arnica Salve. A trial convinces.
Greatest healer ot Burns, Boils,
Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and
Sprains. Only 25c. at Trout's
drug store.
Lost A Shawl.
During the latter part of last
May, as Mr. and Mrs. Ahimaaz
Runyan were returning to their
home at Need more, from a visit
to Mr. Joseph Runyan's in the
lower end ot Pigeon, Cove, they
lost a black wool shawl. They
came out of Joseph Runyan's
field through the bars, over past
Mrs. Hughes's up to the Ridge
road, and missed the shawl just
before they got to Mr. Hender
shot's. It is not so much on ac
count of the intrinsic value of the
shawl, as because it belonged to
her mother, that Mrs. Runyan is
anxious to get the shawl back.
The finder will confer a great
favor by leaving it at her home at
Needmore, or with Joseph Run
yan's, or Howard Hill's at War-fordsburg.
Estray Notice.
About a month ago a white
faced cow and calf, a yearling
Holatein bull, and a yearling steer
came upon the premises of Ralph
Glenn, near Webster Mills, and
are there yet; the owner is here
by notified to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and
take them away, or they will be
disposed of according to law.
Election of Directors,
A regular meeting of the Share
holders of The First National
Bank of McConnellsburg, Pa.,
will be held on Tuesday, January
10, 1911 between the hours of 12
m. and 2 p. m., at the Banking
House. Election ot Directors.
. Merrill W. Nace,
12 8 15. Cashier.
Here 1 Am Again:
Christmas is Coming
And so is Santa Claus.
Santa Claus will arrive at D. H. Pat
terson & Son's Store, Webster Mills,
On Saturday, December 17, 1910,
and Stay Till After Christmas.
He will bring with him a bran new lot of Toys
mechanical and other kinds Babv Dolls,
Horns and Drums, Candies, Nuts and Fruits
of all kinds; Fascinators, Fancy Caps, Gloves.
Scarfs, and a great variety of Christmas Goods,
suitable for men, women, and children.
He will also bring with him his big
which will play popular airs all day long.
Every one is cordially inyited.
The IRWIN Store
We welcome the Christmas Season with the
most complete stock of Gifts for old and
young we've everxhad undqr our roof. We
mention a few of the many Beautiful Goods
on display. : : : : : : : :
Gent's and Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets,
Necklaces, Lockets, Fob Chains, Dutch Collar Pins, Bar
Pins, Hat Pins, Scarf Pins, Gold Finger Rings,
Belt Pins, Fountain Pens, Safety Razors,
Ebony and Silver Plated Dressing Cases, Fan
cy Clocks, Rogers and Community Silver
Plated Knives, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons,
a fine assortment of Cut Glass, Fancy Lamps
and Framed Pictures, Hand Painted China
Chop Dishes, Salad Bowls, Cups and Saucers,
Cake Dishes, &c.
Fine Decorated Toilet and Dinnerware in Sets
From Three to Twenty-four Dollars the Set.
A big lot of Books, all kinds, at 10, 20, 25, 35, and 60 cents. One
pound of fine fabric Writing Paper for 25 cts. 5000 Xmas Post
Cards atl cent each. Toys, Dolls and Games of all kinds. See ,
the Flexible Flyer Sleds. Fancy Groceries, Best Canned Goods,
Choice Dried Fruit, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &o." We sell only '
Pure Christmas Candles.
We welcome you to The Irwin Store where you
will receive courteous treatrnent and fair prices.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Of course one of our Overcoats
with the new convertible collar
or a good All Wool Suit for dress
or for every day would make a
Fine Christmas Gift for any man.
,For any Lady one of our New
Long Coats or a Jacket Suit and
a Set of Isabele Coney Furs can
not be excelled in ChristmasPres
ents. it
But here are a few suggestions of other articles that J. K.
Johnston offers to help in making out your list of presents:
Wool or Silk Mufflers, Fancy Vests, Wool or Leather Gloves, Coat Sweaters,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Neckties, to match: Fancy Suspenders, Shirts, Cuff
Links, Scarf Pins, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Fur Hats and Caps, A good
pair of Shoes, Revolvers, Fur Muffs Fur or Silk Scarfs, Knit Fascinators, La
dies' Patent Leather Shoes, Fancy Knit Sweater Coats, Underwear, Leggins,
Hay Mufflers, Cushion Tops, Towels, Pillow Shams, Bureau Scarfs, Material
for the following- Shirt Waists, Shirts, Jacket Suits, Dresses -of all kinds.
Aprons, Etc. Toques, Mittens, Bear Skin Coats, Bloomer Suits, Purses, Rub
bers, Belts, Watches, Baby Dresses, Hair Ribbons.
Robes, Horse Blankets, Stevens
RiflesCrack Shot and Favorite;
Comforts, Bed Blankets. ,
Quilts, and Counterpanes, these
and many otfyer beautiful articles
) of apparel or usefulness may be
found here. . - v
J. K. Johnston.
We are ready now with 100 Styles of Suitings
and Trouserings.
Suits Ready-to-Wear, Overcoats, Rain Coats,
Boys' Clothing of all kinds.
Coat Sweaters, in red, brown, white, and gray,
Silk and Wool Mufflers.
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Linen and Silk Hand
kerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Neckties.
A full and complete line of Underwear, Hats.
Caps, and any and every thing usually
found in an up-to-date Clothing and
Gents Furnishing Store and all at right
prices, too.
Come in and see us.
Christmas Announcement of
-:- MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S -:-
Big Underselling Store.
We wish to inform our patrons that
we have great Xmas, bargains which will
make handsome and useful presents.
Hats reduced to 1-3 less than regular ,
price. Children's bear skin coats in all
colors reduced to $1.75. Ladies' heather
bloom . petticoats 60c. Belts 25c'., now
15c; collars, necklaces, ruching, combs,
barretts, hair pins, belt buckles, toques,
baby caps. All the above are reduced.
Ladies' don't forget the special ribbon
sale going on at our store.
You may purchase a great many pret- .
ty Xmas gifts for a very small sum of
money here.
: FALL, 1910
New Millinery
"Smart Styles
Superior Quality.
We offer for the coming season the most superb line of high grade " ,
Fashionable Millinery it has ever, been our good fortune to offer
to our customers and trade.
We have all the latest- New
York and Philadelphia styles.
Our Hats trimmed and un trimmed have a certain charm and In
dividuality about them that ytfu only find f in a first-class Milll
" nery Store. "
Prices, you will always find right.
Thanking you for past favoxs you are oordlally Invited to call,
see our goods, get prices, and be one of our many customers.
ANNA B. FREY, McConnellsburg, Pa.
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot of new Top
, Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging In price .
from 145.00 up to 175.00 for the best hand-made Mifflin
burg buggy. My 145 buggy Is a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to
examine my stock before you buy elsewhere.
Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I am,
Very truly yours,
W . R . EVAN
Prizs Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Cock on patent. "Hints to Inventors "Inventions needed."
"Why some Inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for'
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as. such. had.fuU charge xl
ths U.S. Patent OL'Jcev , ,