The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 03, 1910, Image 4

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y Published Every Thursday.
6 tf. PivK, Editor and Proprietor.
NOVEMBER 3, 1910 x
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Persijuare of s line S time II Ml.
Ver sguare each suliscquei.t Itisi'rtlon.,.. so.
Ai atlvertlsementN invrtMd for less that)
hree months charged by Ibc square.
:t idih. j i mos. 1 yr.
On-fourth rtoiuma.
One-h:!f column....
.e ColJaio
....;.V10. 1 (iO.OO I r'l'O:
.... . .'s.nO. 40.00 M O.
40 W. I bft.OO. '? K
Quite a diop in the therniome
ter during the last week.
Mrs. Watson I'lessinjrer spent b
clay last week at the homa of net
parents, J. D. Smith and wife a'
Mrs. Samuel Diehl and Mrs
George Diehl and little son, liar
per of Whips Ccne, spent a da;
last week in the home of Johr
Smith, jr.
Grace and Fred Lodge spen1
the latter part of the week at th
home of their mother. Mrs. E. 11
The institute at Buchanan or
Frday night was well attended.
Quite a lot of Valley peopli
were shopping at Everett las'
Ada Barton spent the lattei
part of last week at her homi
near Crystal Springs.
Hunter Jackson, wife and little
daughter Helen Belli, of Altoona.
are spending a few days at thou
respective homes at Akersvillo.
Lucy L. Peightel spent from
Friday evening until Sunday in
the home of M. E Barton.
Mr. and Mrs. Penrose Seaman
returned to their home at New
port, last Friday, after a two
weeks' visit at the latter's home
at Akersvillo.
Walter V. Barton spent sever
al days the latter part of last
week in the vicinity of Everett.
Lily Whittield returned to her
home here last week after spend
mg several weeks in Everett.
Howard Mellott was seen in
the vicinity of Eonmaville one day
last week.
Saves an Iowa Man's Life.
The very grave seemed to yawn
before Robert Madsen, of West
Burlington, Iowa, when, after
seven weeks in the hospital, four
of the best physicians gave him
up. Then was shown the mar
volous curative power of Electric
Bitters. For, after eight months
of frightful suffering from liver
trouble and yellow jaundice, get
ting no help from other remedies
or doctors, live bottles ot this
matchless medicine completely
cured lum. Its positively guar
anteed for Stomach, Liver or
Kidney troubles and never dis
appoints. Only 50c. at Trout's
drug store.
i The corn is getting its ears
dulled, and is turning out better
than was expected.
Blair Garland has accepted a
school at Bell Grove, Md. Suc
cess, Blair.
William Mellott, who had been
at home, started this week for
Washington, D. C. to seek em
The institute held at Pleasant
Grove was good except on part of
the teachers. We would advise
the balance of teachers of the
township that, were not present
that their time is coming to have
their institute; so, prep ire.
Clem Chesnut was around lay
ing up some of his political fences
for the coming November.
U II Truax will not get thirsty
for he has had two wells drilled
o i hl place by Wink and Mellott.
Joseph Plessinger, of N hraska
la visiting bin brothers .! Jin and
Jacob and Mher relative iu this
aoction. Although Mr. IVsplng
er hail a le removed about i ,vo
yea.'a ago, be has th Bctijty of
a boy, at the ripe age of 81.
Mra. John Spade, of McCon
nellaburg, spent, part of last
week in the borne of her mother
Mrs Amos Palmer.
Mias Nettie Mollott, of Gom,
spent from Friday , till Monday
with Miss Blanche Smith.
Sheridan Deshonj? and wife
were vUi ting iu the home of Sam
uel Tmax recently. '
"El Judge Morion was seen
driving on aomocf ourood roads.
F. E. C.inningham is spending
a few days wit,h his parents L. W.
Cunningham and wife.
Miss Grace Lodge spent Satur
day and Sunday at her home in
Brush Creek Valley.
Levi Truax is laid up with a
lame back.
H. M. Edwards and wife and
Mrs. Rebecca Edwards went to
Juniata on Wednesday. Mr.
Edwards returned on Friday but
the ladu's stayed for n more ex
tended visit with relatives there.
Mrs. Catharine Tico is spend
ing some time with friends in the
The social held at L W. Cun
ningham was a success both
linaucially and socially,
Miss Liu ra Edwards and her
cousin Nell C. spent Saturday at
liroadtop City.
Mrs. Chas. Deshoog is quite
poorly with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Elwood Bedding of Al
toona spent a few days with her
auut Mrs. L zzie Woodcock.
Mts. Jessie Guarenger, who
has been in the Valley with rela
tives for some time returned to
her home at Six Mile Run last
State of Ohio. CHv of Toledo )
Lucas County. )" ss
Frank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is senior partner of the
farm of F. J. Cheney & Co , doing
business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and
that said farm will pay the sum
of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of
Halls' Catarrh Cure.
Fkank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub
scribed in my presence, this Cth
day of December, A. D. 1880.
(seal.) A- Gli:ason
' Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo.'O
Sold by all Druggists 7uc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
Mrs. Walter Stouffer- master
Paul and baby Margaret, of Way
nesboro, returned home after
spending few days with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Mort.
Myrtle Taylor returned from
a Philadelphia hospital after hav
ing gone through an operation on
her eyes.
W. S. Kim oi el, Berjimin
Sharpe and wife, Miss Ruth Kim
mel and Miss Mae Mort, all of
Saltillo, ran out in the afternoon
in the former's auto and spent a
few hours with J. S. Mort's fam
Isaac Stinson formerly of this
place has been in all the western
States and for the past eight
years has been in Seattle, Wash
ington. He left home when a
boy about thirty-two years ago.
lie is a son of the late John Stin
son. Mrs. Gustie D.ake of Phila
delphia, is visiting her sister Mrs.
James Wible, of Dublin Mills,
and her brother, George Ever
hart of near McConnellsburg and
other friends.
Booming Real Estate.
Five Hundred copies of book
discriptivo of Fulton County Real
Estate for sale will scon be print
ed. It will contain a good write-
up ot the different sections of the
county, as well as the full discrip
tion of each property listed for
sale. It will contain a map of the
county showing the different
railroad surveys, the proposed
ones, the trolley lines, and such
other information as should in.
duco capitalists and other Strang
era to come to Fulton and Invest
in new enterprise, or real estate.
This book is being made much
more extensive than at first in
tended; hence, the delay in its
completion. -It will contam cuts
of buildings for sale, wh'en photo
graphs is furnished, that will
show up better than words can
express. Send discretion and
photo, quick. No expense to
owner unless property is sold.
Fkank Mason,
Real Estate Agent,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
S iott Kegaris, of SaluYia, has
taken charge of Keichley Bro.'s
boarding house, in the lumber
In some unknown way Rsich
ley & Co. 's No. 2 engine caught
fire and partly burned. Loss
soveruMiundred dollars.
A largo number of Mrs. J. B.
llorton's friends met in her home
Friday evening to celebrate her
40th birthday. All report a jolly
good time.
Mrs. N. W. Uorton entertained
about twenty of her young friends
Saturday evening.
Our blacksmith J. A. Horton of
whom mention was made two
weeks ago is still off duty.
Mr. Clem Chesnut called on us
Monday soliciting votes for his
election to the legislature.
top ti cauj. ttU al, lucgi
The Famous M&ltb
The Lamp with Diffused Light
should always be used where several
people sit, because It does not strain the
eyes of those sitting far from it.
The Kayo Lamp is constructed to give
the maximum diffused white light. Every
detail that Increases its light-giving value
has been included.
The Rayo Is a low-priced lamp. You may
pay $5, $10 or even $20 for other lames and eei
a more expensive container but you cannot get
a better light than the Rayo gives.
This season's Rayo has a new and strength
ened burner. A strong, durable shade-holder
keeps the shade on Arm and true. Easy to keep
polished, as it is made of solid brass, finished
in nickel.
Once a Rayo User, Always One.
Dta'ifM Eutrywhrrt. If not ot vavrs. urrlti far itscrlpth
circular to Iht ntarist agticyolnt
The Atlantic Refining Company
t mcrnoriitd)
a - m. M
: FALL, 1910 -:
New Millinery
Smart Styles
Superior Quality
We o(Ter for the coming season the most superb lino of high grade
Fashionable Millinery it has ever been our good fortune to offer
to our customers and trade.
We have all the latest New
York and Philadelphia styles.
Our Hats-trimmed and untrimmed -have a certain charm and in
dividuality about them that you only find in a iirst-clasa Milli
nery Store.
Prices, you will always find right.
Thanking you for past favors -you are cordially invited to call,
see our goods, get prices, and be one of our many customers.
ANNA B. FREY, McConnellsburg, Pa.
-:- MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S -:-
Big Underselling Store.
We want to.inform our patrons that we
have a splendid line of trimmed hats of
surpassing loveliness. The moment you
see our exquisitely trimmed hats, you will
. no longer wonder why our store is famous
over Fulton county for its good workman
ship and low prices. A superb display of
new creations have just been placed in
stock. We have large, medium, and small
hats, hats that are becoming to every face.
When you come in to see us just take a
peep at our Children's Bear Skin Coats
and Capes in all colors. Also collars, belts,
belt buckles, a fine line of hair ornaments,
hosiery and handkerchiefs. Come to see
our stock. You are welcome. Thanking
you for past patronage.
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lotofnewTop
Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging In price
from $45 00 up to 75.00 for the best hand-made Milllin
burg buggy. My t4S buggy la a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell on time to suit customnrs. It will pay you to
examlno my stock before you buy elsewhere.
Thanking the public for paat patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I am,
Very truly yours,
I t i JJ
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Cook on patents. "Hints to Inventors." "Inventions needed."
"Why soma inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for.
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of
the U. a Patent Office. ,
Patent Attorneys
Numhor One.
PtiiosIiih nn nmpndmpnt to mertlnn twen
ty-Klx of nrtlclo fiv of the Constitution
of ths Commonwealth of Prnn.ylvaniA.
Hpnolvcd (If the Senul conour), That
the following nmonlmont to noctlon twen-ty-i"lx
of nrtlrle five of the Constitution
of Pennaylvntila be, an. I the wimo In here
l.v, propfiiii'il. In accordance with ths
eiuhtconth article thereof:
That eectlon X or Article V., which
reiiiln as follows: "Knctloti 2ii. All laws re
latlnx to courts shall he Kcnnral and of
uniform operation, and tho organization,
jurisdiction, .and powers of all courts of
the same class or prade, so far as regu
lated by law. and the force and effect of
the process and Judgments of such courts,
shnll be uniform; and the Orneral Assem
bly Is hereby prohibited from creating;
other courts to exercise the powers vested
by this Constitution In the Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleus and Orphans'
Courts," be amended so that the same
shall read as follows;
Section 2ti. All laws relating to courts
shall be wneral and of uniform opera
tion, and the orKimlzntlon. Jurisdiction,
and powers of all courts of the same class
or (trade, so far as regulated by law, and
the force and effect of the process and
ludgments of such courts, shall be uni
form; but, notwithstanding any provi
sions of this Constitution, the General
AHacmbly shall have full power to estab
lish new courts, from tlme'to time, as the
same tuny bo needed In any city or coun
ty, and to prescribe the powers and Ju
rlxdlctlon thereof, and to Increaso the
number of Judges in any courts now ex
isting or hereafter created, or to reorgan
ize the samo. or to vest In other courts
the jurisdiction theretofore exercised by
courts not of recrd, and to abolish the
nmo wherever It may be deemed neces
ary for the orderly and efficient adminis
tration of justice.
A true copy of Resolution No. 1.
Bccrutary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, so as to eliminate the require
ment of payment of taxes as a qualifi
cation of the right to vote..
Resolved (if tho IIouso of Representa
tives concur). That tho following amend
ment to the Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania be, and the same
Is hereby, proposed, In accordance with
the eighteenth article thereof:
Thnt section one of article eight be
amended, by ntrikltiix out the fourth
numbered parai;r-iph, thereof, so that the
said section shall read as follows:
Section 1. Every mule citizen twenty
one years of age, possessing tho follow
ing qualifications, shall be entitled to
vote at all elections, subject however to
uch Inws rcMtilrlng and regulating the
registration of electors ns the General
Assembly may enact. .
First. He 'hnll have been a citizen of
the United dates nt lea.-it one month.
Second. He shall have resided In the
8tnte one year (or If. having previously
been a nuntmcd elector or native-born
citizen of the State, he shall have re
moved therefrom anil returned, then six
months). Immediately preceding the elec
tion. Third. He shall have resiled in the
election district where he shnll offer to
vote at least tw i rrfonths Immediately
preceding the election.
A truo copy of resolution No. 2.
becretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
J?roposlng nn amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, so ns to consolidate the
courts of common, pleas of Allegheny
Section I. He It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of ' the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly met, That the following
amendment to the Constitution of Penn
sylvania bo, and the same Is hereby, pro
posed. In nccnrduiice with the elfc-htooiith
article thereof:
That section six of article five be
amended, by striking out the said sec
tion, and Inserting In place thereof the
Section 8. Tn the county of Philadel
phia all the Jurisdiction and powers now
vested In the district courts and courts of
common pleas, subject to such changes
as may be made by this Constitution or
by law. shall be In Philadelphia vested In
Ave distinct and separate courts of equal
and co-ordlnato Jurisdiction, composed
of three Judges each. The said courts In
Philadelphia shnll be designated respect
ively as the court of common pleas num
ber one. number two, number three,
number four, and number five, but the
number of said courts may be by law
Increased, from-time to time, and shall be
In like manner designated by successive
numbers. The number of Judges In any
of said courts, or In any county where
tho establishment of an additional court
may be authorized by law, may be In
creased, from time to time, and "hen
ever such Increase shnll amount In the
whole to three, such three judges shall
compose a distinct and separate court as
aforesaid, which shall be numbered as
aforenald. In Philadelphia all suits shall
be Instituted In the en id courts of com
mon pleas without designating tho num
ber of the said court, and the several
courts sholl distribute and apportion the
business among them In such manner as
shnll he provided by rules of court, and
each court, to which sny suit shall be
tans assigned, shnll have exclusive Juris
diction thereof, subject to change of
venue, ns shall be provided by law.
In the county of Allegheny all the
Jurisdiction and powers n"'v vested In
the several numbered courts of common
pleas shall bo vested In one court of com
mon pleas, composed of nil the judges In
commission tn said courts. Such Juris
diction and powers svall extend to all
proceedings nt law rind In equity which
shall hnvc h"on Instituted In the several
numbered courts, aial sallba- subject to
such changes lis in iv ,l e mnde by law.
and sul ject to c"ier,. r.f venue as pro
vided by lnw. 1 lie Judge of
aid court shall te seleei'd as provided
by law. The mm her r f judges In said
court may be bv law Increased from
time to time. This ntnnndment shall take
effect on tho flint day of January suc
ceeding Its ndopttnn.
A true copy of Resolution No. S.
Becretary of the Commonwealth.
except as herein provided, shnll never ex
ceed seven per centum upon the assessed
value of the taxable property therein, nor
shall any such municipality or district In
cur any new debt, or Increase Its Indebt
edness to an amount exceeding two pet
centum upon auch assessed valuation of
property, without the assent of the elec
tors thereof at a public election In such
manner as shall be provided by law; but
any city, the debt of which now exceeds
even per centum of such assessed val
uation, may be authorized by law to In
crease the same three per centum, In ths
aggregate, at any one time, upon such
valuation, except that any debt or debts
hereinafter Incurred by the city and coun
ty of Philadelphia for the construction
and development of subways for transit
purposes, or for the construction of
wharves and docks, or the reclamation ol
land to be used In the construction of
system of wharves and docks, as public
Improvements, owned or to lie owned by
ss'd city and county of Philadelphia, and
which shall yield to the city and county
of Philadelphia current net revenue In ex
cess of the Interest on said debt or debts
and of the annual Installments necessary
for the cancellation of said debt or debts,
may be excluded In ascertaining the pow
er of the city and county of Philadelphia
to become otherwise Indebted: Provided,
That a sinking fund for their cancellation
shall be established and maintained.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 4,
Becretary of the Commonwealth.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned tiurtltor, appointed by the
Orphans' ( ou tof Kiilton County to make dis
tribution of the funils in the hands of S. M. Rob
itisnn hnd Wni M Kohiasou, trustees appoint
ed by Court to sell the real estste of Mitnuel
K Unlifnson. deceased, hereby gives notice
thut he will sit for the performance ol his duty
at uls ofllee In Mc"ouDel Mtrg. Pu on Satur
day. OotuberSi, 1910. al III o'clock, a. m when
unil where all persons Interested rnuy uttcod
If they see proper.
, . . S. W. KIRK,
IO-3t. Auditor.
F It
Number Four. ,
Proposing nn amendment to section eight,
article nine, of the Constitution of Penri
, sytvanla.
' Section 1. He It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania In General
Assembly met, That the following la pro
posed as an amendment to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, In accordance with the provisions of
the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment to Art lulu Nine, Beutlon
Section t Amend section eight, article
Dine, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
which reads as follows.'
"Sections. The debt of any' county.
Jlty. borough, township, school district, of
other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except us herein provided, shall nev
r exceed seven per centum 'upon the as
essed value of the taxable property there
in, nor ahull any suah municipality oi
district Incur any new debt, or Increase
Its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding
two per cen'tim upon such assessed val
uation of proiierty. without lha assent ol
the electors thereof at a public election Id
such manner as shall be provided by law;
but any city, the debt of which now ex
ceeds seven per centum of such assessed
valuation, may he authorized by law to
Increase the same thtee per centum. In
the sggresute. at any one time, upon aucb
valuation," so as lo read t follows:
Beetion 1 The debt of any county, city,
tporoiiKh. township, school dlstrlot, or oth
r niusiJctjittlit or V.'Jj"yoLta tltrtuJb
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Miss Harah S. Dickson, late of the
liorough of McCornellsburg, Pa., deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
ministration upon ths above estate hnve been
granted to the undersigned. All persons hnv
Ing claims against suld estate will present
then) properly authenticated for settlement,
and those o lng the same will please call and
9 fWt. Administrator.
Executrix's Notice.
Estate of Ueorge W. Hlxson, late of Brush
Creek township. Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on the above estate
huvlng been granted to the undersigned, all
persons Indebted to the suld esttte are re
quested to make payment, and those having
clnlms to present the some without delay.
Oct. 87, 10, et. Exeoutrix.
Jfyrra want either ft VihratlngShitt(le,Iotr.
fchuUleorarUimlcThrwid Cia(noVifcAI
Hewing Machine write to '
Orange, Mass.
Many ewlns mschlnr sre mnde tc fell rtzarrilew ft
quality, but ths New Home it made to wcat.
Our guaranty never runt out.
Sold by authorise! dealer only,
: roa 1ALS BY
I Succeed when everything else fails.
in nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are) the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it U the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
ESaSSSSSSf'ii'Silirsy n' lim, IHill I if, iltii '
jss i w, iisssj ii ii am -sin nwwniuiTAJJi v. ,
XGVAMvrteo susrAcroRV
1 Their Right to I
The people who intrust their money to a bank want to know
something of its financial strength. We fully recognize this
right and gladly furnish depositors with a list of our Directors
and Stockholders; then, from time to time, we publish reports
showing the condition of the bank. Copies of these reports are
kept on hand for those who may wish to see them.
The First National Bank!
Pays 3 Per Cent Compound Interest.
0 President. ' Assistant Cashier.
The Farmer and His Banker I
Our bank never fails to givers good service to the
farmer as it gives to any business man. As a mat
ter ot fact few banks could exist in this day and
age of the world without the co-operation ot the
farmers. Often a farmer can make money by
borrowing. Do not hesitate to call on us when
you want money. We welcome a responsible
borrower quite as heartily as a substantial deDosit-
X er. It will pay every farmer to carry a checking
li account with us. Why not come in and talk it
; over with us to-day? Accounts may be opened
by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn m
5 this way with equal facility. We make a special-;
li ty of serving the farmer.
5J We Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest.
W. H. NELSON, Cashier..
0P sl V a jji0 0S. 0Z0 00 iM0
. Heal hstate
I have farms for sale in all parts ot Fulton,
Franklin, and Cumberland Counties:
Town Properties
Building Lots .
and Timber Lands
for Sale.
Costs you nothing to list your property.
Loans negotiated for purchasers needing
money. See me before buying or selling. -
GEO. Ay llARRIb, Agent V
' " McConnellsburg, Pa.
r -