The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 13, 1910, Image 4

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    Sale Register.
Friday, October 14, Thomas R.
Litton and son Wilson E. Litton
Trill soil at the residence of tho
former in Thomspon township,
8 miles northeast of Hancock, and
li mile southeast of Plum Run
postollice, horsc9 cattle, hogs,
farming implements, household
poods, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'
clock a. tn.
Tuesday, October 25 Scott
Kegaria will sell at his residence
1J mile south of Saluvia, cattle,
hogs, farming implements, bug
g, lumber, bees, household
goods, and many other things
Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit
6 months on all Sums over five
Saturday, October 2fl Joseph
C. Harnett, relinquishing farm
ing, 'will sell at his residence near
Speck's church in Taylor town
ship, horses, cattle, hogs, farm
ing implements, wheat, corn and
buckwheat, and other things.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock, a. m.
$100 REWARD, $I0G
The readers of this paper will
be pleased to learn that there is
at least one dreaded disease that
science has been able to cure in
all lis stages, and that is Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
txmitive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. . Catarrh be-
mer a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces olthe
system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors b we so
much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dol
lars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. Address
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
Casper Brant and wife, ami Mrs
FraDklin Davis and Goldie I'.eeder
visited relatives in Wells Valley on
Amick &, Keaey the hucksters from
Bloomfield township, Bedford county
had seventy-two bushiels of apples
and pears last week besides butter and
eggs, when they left this township,
Alexander Foreman, of Kearney
passed through this vicinity on Sat
urdav and Sunday on his way to and
from his brother John Foreman's who
live.? on the. Benedict farm in Dublin
township. Mr. Foreman's wife acc.oin
panied him on Saturday and will re
main at John Foreman's during the
week to help attend Mr. Foreman's
mother who is 111 with typhoid fever.
Mr. Foreman has lived at Kearney
the past six years. This year he is
farming in addition to his work of
handling timber for the mines. Inci
dentally, we have heard that his crop
of potatoes will approximate four hun
dred bushels. Had there been more
rain, there would likely have been six
or seven hundred bushels.
Mrs. Myrtle Floud and Miss
Annie Hampton were visiting Jes
sie Briggs and family last Sunday.
Samuel Miller and daughter of
Shade Gap, passed through our
town last Sunday.
f racy Naugle is having his
well drilled deeper. Robert Dru-
itt, of Pleasant Valley is doing
the work.
Scott Uershey, of Knobsville,
and Miss Cehp Brubaker, of
Fort Littleton, visited Mr. and
Mrs. William Clioe near the Cab
ins last Sunday.
William Brubaker and Alice
Fraker, of Fort Littleton, was
visiting the latters brother WTil- Trough Creek were borne Satur-
ham Fraker near the Cabins last day evening and Sunday.
Mark Lodge, of Saxton, assist
ed in the painting of Dr. Camp
bell's house a few days.
George Lodge, of Brush Creek
township, was in our town last
Fuday night.
Ella Parks,- of Robertsdale,
visited friends in our village last
Saturday evening and Sunday.
Richard Alloway and family
visited at Gracey.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shapiro,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Gris
singer all of Broadtop City, were
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James F. McClain last Sun
Amon and Dallas Keith, of
Roy McGeehee and wife spent
last Saturday at Knowsville visit
ing his wife's sisters Mrs. Ger
trude Charlton and Mrs. Blanch
Mrs. Carrie Llertzler and three
children were visiting her mother
Mrs Divens and Mrs Libbie Kee
baugh at Knobsville last Satur
Miss Cora Fraker who has been
employed in Pittsburg is visiting
Mrs Sarah Comerer at this place.
Temporary Heat Quickly
Did you ever stop to think of the many ways in which t
perfect oil heater is of value ? If you want to sleep with your win
dow open in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil hyeater
while you undress at night, and then turn it off. Apply a match
in the morning, when you get out or
bed.and you have heat while you dress.
Those who have to eat an early
breakfast before the stove is radiating
heat can get immediate warmth from
an oil heater, and then turn it off.
The girl who practices on the piano
in a cold room in the morning can
have warmth from an oil heater while
she plays, and then turn it off.
The member of the family who
has to walk the floor on a cold , win
ter's night witfra restless baby can get
temporary heat with an oil heater, and
then turn it off. The
Reaching The Top
in any calling of life, demands a
vigorous body and a keen brain,
Without health there is no sue
cess, liut Uilectric Hitters is tne
greatest Health Builder the world
has ever known. It compels per
feet action of stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels, purines and en
riches the blood, tones-and mvig
orates the whole system and en
While Dr. Frank S. Campbell
was here, his nice driving horse
was kicked and one leg so bad'y
injured that the horse could not
be driven home. It looks now as
if the bone was broken, and- that
the horse may have to be killed,
which would mean quite a loss to
the Doctor.
Ida Alloway is suffering with
a sore ringer something in the
nature of a felon. Stella Gracey
came last Sunday to assist in the
W. F. Laidig and his helpers,
of llustontown, are erecting a
new porch at Frank Thomas's.
Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Campbell
and the . latter's sister, Miss
Grace Lodge, had a nice trip last
week, in which they visited Toron
to, Can. ; Niagara Fdls, New York
City, and other points. They
were absent from Wednesday un
til Saturday, inclusive. While
the Doctor was absent, his broth
er Frank, of Hopewell, was here
Absolutely tmokelest and odorless
pacify of quickly giving heat. Apply a match and It la lm
it will burn tor nine Hours witnout refilling, it la aate,
Is lnvaluab tn Its ca
mediately at work.
smokeless and odorlesa. It has a damper top and a cool handle. An indicator
always shows the amount of oil in the font.
It baa an automatic-locking llame spreader which prevents the
wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and ia easy to remove and drop
back so that the wick can oo cleaned in an instant.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be quickly
unscrewed for rewicklng. Finished In Japan or nickel, strong, durable, well
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. .
Cualtrl Euarywhtrt. If not at yours, wrftt for dfscriptirt circular
to in i
Number One.
Proponing an amendment to section twenty-six
of article five of the Constitution
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Resolved (If the Senate concur). That
the following amendment to iectlon twenty-fix
of article Ave of the Constitution
of Pennsylvania be, and the same Is here
by, proposed. In accordance with the
eighteenth article thereof:
That section til of Article v., which
reads as follows: "Section S4. .All laws re
lating to courts shall be general and of
uniform operation, and the organization,
Jurisdiction, and powers of all courts of
the same class or grade, so far as regu
luted by law, and the force and effect of
the procesa and Judgments of auch courts.
shall be uniform; and the General Assenv
bly la hereby prohibited from creating
other courts to exercise the powers vested
by this Constitution In the Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas and Orphans'
Courts," be amended so that the same
shall read as follows:
Section 28. All laws relating to courts
shall be general and of uniform opera
tion, and the organization. Jurisdiction,
and powers of all courts of the same clans
or grade, so far as regulated by law, and
the force and effect of the process and
Judgments of auch courts, shall be unl-
ill Ml 1 -
utartst agtncy a thi
The Atlantic Rellnlng Comp
a iiiitiiii svaiim turn i i 1
: FALL, 1910 :
New Millinery
Smart Styles
Superior Quality.
ablesyouto stand the wear and taklDg care of the Doctor's prac
tear of your daily work. After ..
Albert Stoner and wife, of Mc-
( Vinna'.lahtirov sr.nnnprl in New
of Cashing, Me., three bottles of Grenada between trains iagt Sat
hiHctric liitters made me ieei
months of suffering from Kidney
Trouble." wntea W. M. Sherman
like a new man."
drug store.
50c at Trout's
Mrs. V. D. Schenck and son Harry
visited friends in Loysburg lastThurs
J. N. Duvall, who is employed in
Altoona, is home for a few days.
M iss Klizabeth I'etigrew, of Everett,
visited Mrs. S. P. Wlshart recently
Mrs. Fred Ilelchley, of St. Clair,
Pa., Is visiting her husband here. He
is one of the tirm of Keichley & Co.,
lumber manufacturers.
Mrs. Martin Barndollar, Mrs. Kath
erine Barndollar, Mrs. Frank Gump,
and Mrs. Samuel Piper all of Ever
ett, visited Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. S
P. Wlshart, part of last week.
II. L. Wlshart,
urday on their way to Saxton to
visit their daughter Myrtie, Mrs
W. M. Lodge.
Geo. W. Coulter, ticket agent
at Edgewood Park, accompanied
by his wife, son Paul, and daugh
ter Maude, visited friends here a
few days recently.
Jacob S. Black purchased a I
fine buggy and driving horse re
An Offer That Involves No Risk For
Those Who Accept It
We are so positive our remedy
assistant manager will completely relieve constipa
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer is Ap
pendicitis with many victims.
Bat Dr. King's New Life Pais
kill it by prevention. They gent
ly stinis'.ate stomach, liver and
bowels, preventing that clogging
that invite arpendicitis, curing
Constipation, Ueadache, Bilious
ness, Chills. 23c. at Trout's
drug store.
of a large powder plant at Pottstown,
Is visiting his parents here.
Miss Dollle Helsel has just returned
from a two weeks' visit to Hollidays-
burg and Altoona
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moseby and
daughter, ol Dry Kun, are
parents here.
William and Irvln Young, of Pitts'
burg, were pleasant callers in our
town last week.
The stork visited Mr, and Mrs
Charles Stunkard and left a little ba
by girl.
Joe Horton and family have moved
to Glendale for the winter. They
promised to return In the "good old"
tion, no matter how chronic it
may be, that we offer to furnish
it free of ail cost if it fails.
Constipation is caused by weak
ness of the nerves and muscles
visLlng of the large intestines or descend
ing colon. To expect a cure you
must therefore tone up and
strengthen those organs and re
store them to healthier activity.
We want you to try Rexall Or
derlies on cur guarantee. They
are eaten like candy, and are par
ticularly ideal for children. They
act directly on the nerves and
Mrs. J. L. Duvall gathered in .Sep
tember three pints of fine strawberries
The editor and family are in
debted to Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan
llann, of Pleasant Ridge, for a
mess olthe finest sweet potatoes
that we have seen for a long time.
They were the real old fashioned
kind, and the largest in size ever
given to a printer.
Bv tr
burns free and clear and
steady never "frosts" the
chimney or chars the wick.
It is triple-refined
Family Favorlto
, Lamp Oil
YouTl find it at your deal
er's in original barrels direct
from our refineries. Costs
no more than inferior tank
wagon oils gives more
light, more service saves
work and saves eyesight.
Your dealer will recommend it.
Also Bikn of W avert r rectal Auto
OU awl Weverty waawu
muscies ol trie bowels. rney
have a neutral action on tbo oth-
at one picsiug, uubujttiior suauwuea an(1a Tho-. fl
at uinereni limes. ,
About thlrtv-Uve of Harvev Bivens' P"ge or cause any inconven-
friends gathered In his home Monday lence wnatever. 'IDey Will posi
evening to celebrate his twenty-first tively overcome chronic or habit-
birthday. All report a pleasant time. uai constitution and the mvriads
of associate or dependent chronic
ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies
at our risk. Two sizes, 10c and
25c. Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store. Leslie W.
Mrs. S. W. Jones and daughter, of
Dry P.un, visited Mrs. Jones' sister,
Mrs. Will Sprowl, last week
In accordance with an arraagement
made by presbytery, Ilev. Morrison
near New York, delivered a lecture In
the Presbyterian church, at this place,
one eveningJust week. His subject
was the "Country Church." He talk
ed, one hour and thirty-live minutes, Ira Zimmerman's big ears of
and It was so interesting and full of corn iast woeij nave broueht out
gooa common sense, vnai every one a Marfl a Rioa . ttrin
nrt-aent. wluhprl that, hrt hn.ii tallcml lone I r i
r.... - r . ftfM onH Mro V T?. Nina nt
among the different proU;stant denom- the tollgate up against the moun
lnatlons, and more attention to proper tain west of linger s distillery,
entrtalnments for the younger mem- wfco does a little farming on blS
bors of the church. ' ij rn
.... ..I uwu awuuut uu ibug uiu iuui
At tne invuaiion oi tne iocai caBiie
of Golden Kaeles. Ilev. Kennedy, of Plttuoi auu ua u co V4 "
Saxton, preached In the Presbyterian day that measures U lncnes in
church in this place last Sunday even length and contains 18 rows
tniy a vrv InHlrurrtlva arrrinn to the I -.. . . an m .n Vis. M..m
'-r, . ' . t uvcragiug uu gt aiua w bua u'n(
T , v , ,, , J. , T i"Wn ' 0 1080 KralD8'
lu.aa nf tV.n T cHiaa' Tnmn a a as niA 1 I I 0
Hla arnon waa based uuon the text: ,,u' uus lu tulUTOU
(jult ye like men." His history of Martin amuses, Dimsou snooting
the ancient knights was very Interest- hawks. During the past month
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot ofnewTop
Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging In price
from t45 00 up to 975.00 for the best hand-made Miflllin
burg buggy. My f45 buggy is a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell ou time to suit customers. v It will pjy you to
examine ray stock before you buy elsewhere.
Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of their favors I ara,
Very truly yours,
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P.
Peck, of Knobsville, spent last
Sunday in the home of their son
Grover, who lives in the same
neighborhood. Mrs. , Peck has
I been confined to her home for
i several months on account of be
, lng parlrilly paraljzad, and the
; fact that she has Improved suffl
1 ciently to take even a small trip,
will bo gUd ues to her friends.
he has shot and killed nine, which
are nailed to a board on a tree
near the tollgato and attract the
attention of every traveler that
goes by.
Th curt that haa beta continuously
auccewful for mora than Si jrcara fa
worth inveaUzntinir. For the drug- or
v Ml
L - 1 V m 'ir: -r. ;jaw mm m
drink baMt.
r v
Prima. 444 filth Av iitburtf li, Taw
for parllvnlHraw
Prize Offer from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." 'Inventions needed."
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for ,
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of
the U. S. Patent Office. , '
Patent Attorneys
exeppt as 1ieri1n provided, ahall ncvr
Kirr,, t-y.i i uiu upon ui aMi.,j
value of th taxable property therun
ahall any auch municipality or rtlatrlrt ,
cur any new debt, or Inrreane Ita ind.hT
dnesa to an amount exceeding -
centum upon auch aeeeeard valuation i
property, wl'.hout the anient of the u?
tora thereof at a public election In ,' ,
manner aa ahall be provided by law k .
any city, the debt of which now exi4,'i.
aeven per centum of auch bkrpmm ...
...Inn Mnv h all(hni...J t. . K
" " 1 " " ujr law to In.
creaae the anme three per centum, In th
aKin-eRata. at any one time, upon lur!
vnluatlon, except thnt any debt or db.i
hereinafter Incurred by the city and coun
ty of Philadelphia for the contructi".
nj urvciutiiiiciii ui nuuwnye it(r transit
purpoaea. or for the conetructlon o!
wharvea and docks, or the reclamation ol
land to be used In the construction of i
ayetcm of wharvea and docka, aa nuhM.
Improvement, owned or to be owned b
aid city and county of Phlladelnhi. ...
which ahall yield to the. city and count!
of Philadelphia current net revenue In e.
ceaa of the Intercut on aald debt or dtbii
and of the annual Inatallmenta necemirj
11,111 v.. ..Iu uem or aebtt.
may be excluded In ascertaining the now.
r of the city and county of Philadelphia
to become otherwise Indebted: Provide!
That a alnklns fund for their canceliatioi
ahall be established and maintained.
A true copy ot joint Resolution No L
unni'DT X, . r... L
Becretary of the Commonwealth.
Local Institute.
The first local institute of Lick
ing Creek township was held at
form hut rtnl wit hut nnrllnff anv nrnvl.
Ions of Hits Constitution, the General ShaD63 School last Friday even-
yiRnt-uiuijr vuuii nwvtj tun power w rniuu i . 11 J a. .
llsh new courts, from time to time, aa tha lDg. is Was Called tO order bv
anme may be needed In any city or coun- u tpaf hfir Mla Maurlo TWl,
ty. and to prescribe the powera and iu- lne eaCner, '1SB fliauae JJeSh-
rlsdlctlon thereof, and to Increase tha ong, WhO appointed A. E Desh
number of Judcea In any courta now ex-
latins; or hereafter created, or to reorgan- ODg president. lhe folloWlD!?
ize me aame, or to vest in otner courta ,,-, ki. ,
the jurisdiction theretofore exercised by questions Were ably dlSCUSSCd
courta not of record, and to abolish tha Dy the teachers: 1. ReadlDC
aame wherever It may be deemed neces- I "
aury for the orderly and efficient admlnla- I primary plan 8 OF methods. 2,
irimon ot justice. ltru-i 1J u . i
ir uau vvuuiu jruu iitiauu lo a DOy
who expects to remain on a farm?
8. Teaching beginners.
Nine teachers were present-
Myrtle Stevens and Levi Morton
of Dublin; Maude Deshnns
Maude Strait, 0. W. Mellott, Ear
ry Deshong, David Sipes, A. E.
Deshong, and Kathryn Hoop, of
We offer for the comin(f season the most superb line of high grade
Fashionable Millinery it has ever been our go( d fortune to offer
to our customers and trade.
We have all the latest New
York and Philadelphia styles.
Our Hats-trimmed and untrimmed -have a certain charm and In
dividuality about them that you only find in a first-clats Milli
nery Store.
Prices, you will always find right.
Thanking you for past favors you are cordially invited to call,
see our goods, get prices, and be one of our many customers.
ANNA B. FREY, McConnellsburg, Pa.
-:- MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S -:-
Big Underselling Store.
We want to inform our patrons that we
have a splendid line of trimmed hats of
surpassing loveliness. The moment you
see our exquisitely trimmed hats, you will
no longer wonder why our store is famous
over Fulton county for its good workman
ship and low prices. A superb display of
new creations have just been placed in
stock. We have large-, medium, and small
hats, hats that are becoming to every face.
When you come in to see us just take a '
peep at our Children's Bear Skin Coats
and Capes in all colors. Also collars, belts,
belt buckles, a fine line of hair ornaments,
hosiery and handkerchiefs. Come to see
our stock. You are welcome. Thanking
you for past patronage.
A true copy of Resolution No. 1.
Becretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth of Penn
aylvanta, so as to eliminate the require.
ment of payment of taxes aa a qualifi
cation or the right to vote.
Resolved (If the House of Representa.
tlvea concur), That the following- amend
ment to the Constitution of the Common
wcim ul ruiuiDj'ivuiiiu ua, miu ins same I , m ,
I. hereby, proposed, In accordance with I LilCklng OreeiC,
tne eighteenth article thereof
That aectlon one of article eight be
amended, by atrlklng out the fourth
numbered paragraph thereof, so that tha
aald section ahull read as follows:
Section 1. Every male citizen twenty-
one yeurs of age, possessing the follow.
Ing qualifications, shall be entitled to
vote at all elections, subject however to
auch lawa requiring and regulating the ryn M. Hoop, Sec'Y'
A Mnrntilv mnv aann n
First. He shall have been a citizen of rorceo 10 Leave florae.
the United RtRte. fit lpnnt nn. month
Second. He shall have resided In the liiVerV Veaf a Jarsre number Of
State one year (or If, having previously t i
been a qualified elector or native-born POOr SUfiOrerS Whose lungs are
citizen of tho State, he shall have re- Bria BnA ,Ql,oH with onnohi nr.
mnM thorofrnm an ratni-nori than alv I .uwuv,aua uib
months). Immediately preceding tha eleo- Urged to gO to another Climate.
Third. He shall have resided In tha LUt IQ1S IS COSUV ana not always
lection district where he shall offer to rpi ' i i tt. ,
vote at least two months Immediately Bur6. There's a better Way. Ut
preceding the election. , T)r Kintr's DlSCOVerV CUrfl VOU at
.A number of fine selections
were rendered on the grapho-
phone. The literary work was
excellent, and speaks well for
both teacher and pupils. Kath-
true copy of Resolution No. Z.
Bocretary of the Commonwealth.
home. "It cured me of lung
trouble," W. R. Nelson, of Cala-
Number Three. mino Arlr . nhon nil olao failed
A TOT VT RTTariT ITT1HM I ' ' ..v-
Proposing an amendment to the Constl- and I gained 47 pounds in weight
Siv?nl To 0"..; Its surely the Kirg of all cough
courts of common pleaa of Allegheny aQ(J lunff CUrOS.". Th0U8ands
County. 0
Section 1. Be It resolved by the Senate 0W6 their liVCS and health tO It.
ana noun oi rtepreseniaiivea or tne It. i a. j
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen- ItS positively guaranteed
eral Assembly met That the following Coughs , Colds, LaGrippe, Asth-'
amendment to the Constitution of Penn- I ""6"!
aylvanla be, and the aame is hereby, pro- ma, (JrOUD all TDroat aud LUI12
nmaA In ottfnrAtinnm with t V. . tU I C
troubles. , 50o and $1 00. Trial
bottle free at Trout's Drug Store.
Most of our farmers are done
cutting corn. There is some
article thereof:
That section six of article five be
amended, by striking out the aald soo
tion. and Inserting In place thereof the
Section . In the county of Phlladel
phla all the Jurisdiction and powera now
vested In the district courts and courta of
common Dices, auhtect to innh rhnnvn.
aa may be made by thla Constitution or I gram yet tO be SOW6d,
uy law, niiciii ira ill niiiauMipum VVBiea in
five distinct and separate courta of equal
and co-ordinate Jurisdiction, composed
of three Judgea each. The aald courta In
Philadelphia shall be designated respect
ively a. the court of common pleaa num
ber one, number two, number three.
number four, and number five, but tha
number of aald courta may be by law
Increased, fr'tn time to time, and shall be
in lfke manner deslomated bv successive
' numbers. The number of Judges In any Fannie Diehl met With What
of said courts, or Sn any county where ... ,
the establishment or an additional court I ujiituuava ucbu a voijr ocu
may be authorized by law. may be In- oplrlnnt n. fflT ni-ht,a ntrn While
creaaed. from time to time, and when- OCiaen a lOT nigDlS ago. Y U"
aver auch increase ahall amount In the 1 gQQ a8 preparing to retire,
compose a distinct and separate court aa became bewildered and plunged
aforesaid, which shall be numbered as I , lk. ,.ra
aforesaid. In Philadelphia all aulta ahall vwu nuo ouauo, loooiviuti
be Instituted tn tha said courta of com. hruispa Shu wan cattinc? aloDtf
mon oleaa without deslimatlnir the num- Cruises. OD6 Was gelling aiuiig
ber of the aald court, and the several as Well aS COuH be CXDected, UQ'
business among them In such manner aa til Saturday evening, when
snail n proviaea ny ruiea or court, ana
Rev. J. M, Kauff man spent Sat
urday night in the home of Edgar
A Diehl.
Annie Plessinger, widow of the
late Abraham Plessinger, is quite
ill in the home of her son Albert
became worse. Dr. J. M.
Klbbin was called Sunday.
Ligue Plessinger and family
each court, to which any suit shall be
thua aaslgned, ahall have exclusive Juris.
diction thereof, subject to Chang of
venue, aa.hall be provided by law
In tne county or Aiiegneny ail tne . 0 , . . i
Jurisdiction and powera now vested In Spent bunday in the home 01 Ai
the aeveral numbered courta of common I hart Plaaaincrai
niea. shall be vented In one court of com- O1 -trieBOlUger.
mon pica., composed of oil the judgea in E, A. Hoopengardner and fam
commission in mmu ruiira. Dui;n juris- I . . .
diction and powera shaii extend to an ily spent Sunday in the home 01
proceeding, at law ano in equity wnicn t il j xt j
hall have been Instituted In the several J06 Garland, at Needmore,
numbered courta, and ahall be aubject to Jqk WiQter is hODDlDfiT arOUDd
auch changea aa may be made by law. " 'Ff"a.
and subject to changa of venue aa pro- Wearing a 8fDlle as H)Dg SS a feDCfl
vlded by law. The president Judge of , , , T,,
aald court shaii be selected aa provided rail ana brcal accordingly, its
by law. The number or lungea in sain
court may be by law Increased "from
time to time. Thla amendment ahall take
affect on the first day of January suc
ceeding Its adoption.
. A true copy of Resolution No. I.
Secretary cf the Commonwealth.
a dish washer.
Sam Smith brought to this of'
fice yesterday morning a stalk of
corn cut on the Daniel Gilbert
farm east of town, that measured
11 feet and 4 inches in length.
The farm is tenanted by Russell
Number Four. , t
Proposing an amendment to aectlon eight,
article nine, of tha Constitution of Penu-
Section t. Be It resolved by the Senate I SouderS Who evidently kUOWs
and House of RepresantatlVHa of the Com-1 , . .
monwtfalth of Pennsylvania In General uow su imav iiuib luujyui vaut vcit
Assembly met. That tha following ia pro-1
posed aa an amendment to the Constitu
tion ot the Commonwealth of Pennaylva-1
nla. In accordance with the provisions of I
th eighteenth article thereof..
Amendment to Article Nina, Section
. Eight.
Bectlon 1 Amend aectlon eight, article I
sine, of the fnmittutlon of Pennsylvania,
aectlon a Th debt of any county, scarce, he will niake on Tpesasy
jity. borough, township, school district, ot
other munlclpullty or Incorporated dla.
trlct, except aa herein provided, ahall nv
r exceed aeven per centum upon tha aa.
aessed value of th taxabl property there
in, nor shall any auch municipality ol
district Incur any new debt, or Increase
Ita Indobtedneaa to an amount exceeding
two per centnm uuon auch assessed val
nation of property, without tha assent ot
the electora thereof at a publlo election in
tucb manner aa ahall be provided by law:
but any city, the debt of which now ax
Ma aI i.u.n wm ..An, aim nf aitk
valuation, may be authorized by law to I log claims agalost aald astat If 111 preeul
Increase the 'aania three Mr fiantllllL ' In I th.m nwiiiHrlv nit hnilmljwl for fcAtLleniefltt
aggregate, at any one urn, upon auoo an0 ttuM9 owlll tBe Mma wU pieB, ou
lation," so aa to read aa fellowst I u r
Cider Making.
The undersigned will make ci
der at bis home near Jugtowa
schoolhouse. As apples ra
of each week only.
0 1 tf.. I Nick Hohman.
Administrator's Notice.
ExUttvwt Hlaa Sarah S. DtuktoD, lata of
borough of MoCODaelUiburg, Pa., deuassed.
Notice I hereby glveo, that Letters q'
niluistratlon upon tha above eaute have be"
gnaled to lhe rndeivlgned. All persona ha
Bectlon 1 "The debt of any county, city,
borough, townahip, acbool district, or oth
t JJ!il-,?1?la?3Ut I Uf5'XD.ilU4. aU?W"H!
, "AaauolnWliWr'