t Blank notes at the Nkws office. The Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. P., ifl in session at Atlantic City this week. Trespass notices at the Nkws office.. S. M. Kobinson, Justice of the Peace, McConnellsburg, Pa. 7-7 -m.3. 50 cents pays the fare one way between McConnellsburg and Mercersburg. Shoots stage line. The foundation of the new building of Judge IIoop, on Mark et street is finished and ready for the carpenters. Call at The Irwin Store and see the now Claywood Art Pot tery. East window. The literary society at Ba'.d Eigle schoolhouge in Thompson township, will not be held on Sat urday evening of this week. We sell Coal Oil at 7c. gal. Don't buy Fodder Yarn until you see ours for quality and price. Hull & Becder. "McConnellsburg, Pa.," En graved on each sheet of tine fab ric tinish writing paper. 25 cts.a box at The Irwin Store. A very pleasant picnic was b9ld on Saturday by the congre gation and Sunday scbool of the Presbyterian church at Green hill. Those who spent Sunday at Ja cob Sharp's, at Knjbsville, were N. F. Sharpo, wife and little son Guy; Geo. W. Sipe, wife and son Glenn and daughter Vera; Jam Campbell, Samuel Kelso, and Earl Long. Foil Salk. Forty A n g o ra Goats, bred from registered stock. From 2 to 6 dollars. If Interested call on or write to E. D. Akerk, 9 8 t3. Akersville, Pa. The postponed session of tbe Rays IJill and Southern Peunsyl vania, conference will convene in Everett, Pa., on Wednesday Sep tember 28th at 2 o'clock p. m. and continue over Sunday. HIDES. James Sipea & Soni. pay the highest market price for beef hides at Pieir butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins sheepskins and tallow. A nine-pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Van Cleve last Friday, at their home at Ocheyedan, Iowa. Mrs. Van Cleve will be remembered as Miss Carrie Humbert, of Ayr township. Rev. E. O. Keen, pastor ot St. Paul's Reformed church, aynes boro, Pa., will preach in St. Paul's Reformed Church, this place, next Sunday at 10.30 a. m., and 7.30 p. m., and at Hebron at 2.30 p. m. You are invited to these services. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, for I have med it with perfect success," writes Mrs. M. 1. Bas ford, Poolesville, Md. For sale' by all dealers. The festival hold at the Road school house south of town, last Saturday night, for the purpose of raising money toward purchas ing a school library, was well at tended and proved quite a sue cess. About $ 17.08 was cleared which will be used for purchasing books. Miss Sophia 11 oli man is the teacher of this school. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely es soon as the injury is received and observing the directions with , each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For Bale by all dealers. Ethel Deshong, daughter of Henry Deshoop, of Sipes Mill, who ha been vury low with ty phoid fever, is better. Mr. Desh ong's wife Rhoda, and sn Sher man, aged 15, cow have it. Mrs. Howard Mellott. of Pitt.-.'.jurg, came home to help cuthh thu sick and now sho has taken the fever. Mr. Mellott arrived on Tuesday at their home to help cire for them. Former United States Senator and Mrs. George L. Wellington of Cumberland, announced the engagement of their eldest daughter, Miss Gretchen Well ington, to James Elder Horn bird, only son of Mr. and Mrs J. Wilon Hum bird, of Cumberland. Mr, Hombird is a relative of the Humberts in Ayr township. J. K. JOHNSTON BEAR THIS IN TVUND FOR COLD WEATHER WILL SOON BE HERE. AND YOU WILL NEED SOME OF THESE GOODS We Now Have Them In Stock Men's Suits Hourly to wear, and fresh and lip-to-datfi, In color and style, running in price $5 to $15. Boys' and Youths' Clothing that will pay you to look at $1.50 to $9.00. Shoes Men's everyday solid leather Shoe $2.50 to $3.50. Also carry some cheaper grades. Ladies' Good Strong Every day and Dress Shoes $1.25 to $3.00. Don't forget our Children's School Shoes. They need the best and we have them. Here is an Elegance about a Taylor made suit Mat you cannot find in any oQer This' is duo in part to tlio un usually nobby all wool fabrics' and tbo great caro put into tlio tailoring. The Taylor, models too aro tho very latest and bavo all been through tho refining process of our own expert designers. This is a combination that is hard to equal let alono surpass. Seo them for yourself and bo con vinced that Taylor tailoring is beyond compare. Popular Prices too. r On Display At 'Ladies' Jacket Suits Blue, Grey, and Macks, Ve nitian or Mohair Linings. Blacks, $6.00 to $12.00. Blue and Grey, $9.00 to $14.00. Ladies' New Fall Coats are the prettiest and most sty llsh we have ever handled', $2.50 to $12.50. We have one for you, if you need it. Children's and Misses $1.00 to $8.00. AH Wool Dress Goods Outiofj Flannels, Muslins, bleached or brown; Ginghams, Shirtings, Comforts and Blank ets. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery: Men's Everyday and Dress Shirts; Ladies' Black Sateen, Shirtwaists and all wool Skirts. These goods are all fresh and up-to-date. We are still Headquarters for all kinds of GUNS:AND:-AMMUNITION Now is the time to select a Good Gun, and be ready for Squirrels. J. K. Johnston. Sale Register. Saturday, October 1, Rev, B. B. Hoffman intending to remove from the County, will sell at his residence at Dublin Mills, 1 horse, good driver quiet and gentle and will work anywhere; 1 buggy, set driving harness, good parlor or gan, set chairs, couch, sink, 20 bushel potatoes, GO nice chickens, and other articles, Sale begins at 2 o'clock, p. m. Credit 6 months. Friday, October 14, Thomas B. Litton and son Wilson E. Litton will sell at the residence of the former in Thomspon township, 8 miles northeast of Hancock, and 1J mile southeast of Plum Run postoftice, horses cattle, hogs, farming implements, household goods, &c. Sale begins at 10 o' clock a. m. The Lash of a Fiend would have been about as welcome to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a merciless lung racking cough that defied all remedies for years. "It was most troublesome at night," he writes, "nothing help ed me til I used Dr. King's New' Discovery which cured me com pletely. 1 never cough at night now." Millions know its match less merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whooj ing cough, or hay fever. ; It relieves quickly and never fans to satisfy. A trial convinces. 50c. $1.00. Trial bot tie free. It's positively guaran teed by Trout's drug store. The cemetery connected with the Presbyterian church in this place, baa been greatly improved within the. past few weeks bv lowering the fence around it about three feet and giving it a coat of whitewash, and cleaning tbe grass and weeds oil the graves. It bas made quite a marked improvement In the ap pearance of the cemetery. If the tombstones, many of which are loaning, were straightened, it would greatly help the looks of "dod'aAcre." Geo. B. 7Vellott McConnellsburg, Ra. , 85 Store open every morning at 0 a. m. Closed at 7:00 p. m. Monday. Wedne- day and Friday. Open until 10:00 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. . gg ; I have just got in my Enterprise Goods Lard Presses, Meat Chop- pers, and repairs for the same. 85 Come and See My Frlce Before You Buy J Teir Rope ! Tar Rope ! 5 U2t Cts 1 have bought two tons of tar rope, guaranteed pure Sisal, 21 6z., price 5 f-2 c. per pound. gg . : gg Wire Nails and Cut Nails, Wire Fencing and Smooth WireaSpcial- 8 ty. I am selling Sharpless and Dairy Maid Cream Separa- 8 tors right along. Any farmer who figures closely will p soon find he can't afford to do without one. Horse Blankets is I will have the largest line of Horse Blankets I have ever had and will sell'them at stunningly low prices. gg , . . . fc .a- Note Prices on Just a Few. of the Many Arti- j eles I Have in Stock For Sale. 85 Kitchen Sawg. - - - . 30c Kitchen saw blades. - lo an inch Compass saws, - - -10 and 21o Hand saws, 30c, 35c, 00c $1.00 and 1.75 Slmond cross-cut saws, 5 ft., - $3.10 " " 5 ft., - 13.45 " " 0 ft., , . 4 00 Doubleblt axes, aslowss- - 45o Pole axes .... 00o William Mann Axes, . . . 70o Iiobt. Mann axes Half roe lor and Crown Patterns 70o Lanterns, . " ' 30o and 8'kj Dash lunterns, - 45c and tl.00 Coach driving lamp, " 2 40 Apple peelers, 43c and 68c Hold-fast shoo nails, - ' ' 2 for 5o Mattocks, all steel, Picks, Pick handles, Fork handles, Half bushsl measures, Scoop shovels, -Dirt shovels, Manure forks, - Yellow collar pads, 11 in, Felt " Crowbars, -Wire and cut nails, Smooth wire, Barb wire, Cow chains, Breast chains, 4 V . 45o - 17o 10c and lOo 45o 60o and 70c 40o and 50o 45c, 55c and 60c 20o and 25o ' 37o 6o per lb I2 40 per 100 lbs $2.55 per 100 lbs S3 25 per 100 lbs 13o and 17o 30o and 50o t"I have a great number of bargains in a great many small articles that would not justify the expemto of advertising such as tiles, drawing knives',' tack and claw ham- ' mers, trowels of all kinds and sizes, etc : : : t : : : : ! : : : Come in and see me. It will pay you. Thanking you for the pa tronage I have so kindly received. I am, yours truly GEO. Q. MELLOTT, ' . ' iOXXXXXCXXXXXXXOCOOOC Keai estate I have farms for sale in all parts ot Fulton, Franklin, and Cumberland counties: Town Properties Building Lots and Timber Lands for Sale. - Costs you nothing to list your property. Loans negotiated for purchasers needing money. See me before buying or selling. GEO. A. HARRIb. Agent McConnellsburg, Pa. COCOCOOOCOXX0000000000( REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BAM of McConnellsburg, At the close of business Sept. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loann and Discount J2I7.S31.79 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. , 1WV2S U. S. Iloods to secure circulation 25,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds. ,i 614.46 Honda, securities, eta S0.478.W Bunking bouse, furniture, and fixtures 270.00 Due from State, Private Banks, and Hunkers, Trust Co s and Sav. Banks ' 132.01 Due from approved reserve agents.., 23.lft5.lft Checks and other oasb Items 1,090.42 Notes of other National Banks 610.00 Fraotlontl paper currency, nickels and cents 109.23 LawkulMonhy Rbnkiivbin Bank, viz : Specie lie. 08(1.40 Legal-tender notes I.UIO.OO 10,249.40 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cenc. of circulation) 1,250.00 Total 1339,272 64 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in t000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes pnld 4,oiRs National Bank notes outstanding 2Ti.0O0.00 Due to other National Banks .121 si Dividends unpaid 8 )0 Individual deposits subject to oheck . 3.(;. :i Demand certificates of deposit TIB. TO Time cert flcates of deposit 1M1.oh.v o Cashier's checks outstanding t.iw "S TOTAL 339,!2,S Compare the above state ment with statement pub lished since June 30th, 1910, and note our growth. Q J. NELSON SIPF.S, WILSON. L. NACE, i'resiuent. Assistant Cashier, The Farmer and His Banker Our bank never fails to give as good service to the farmer as it gives to any business man. As a mat ter ot fact few banks could exist in this day and age of the world without the co-operation of the farmers. Often a farmer can make money by borrowing. Do not hesitate to call on us when you want money. We welcome a responsible borrower quite as heartily as a substantial deposit er. It will pay every farmer to carry a checking account with us. Why not come in and talk it over with us to-day? Accounts may be Opened . bv mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this way with equal facility. We make a special- ty of serving the farmer. We Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest. FULTON COUNTY BANK W. H. NELSON, Cashier. oosss ioccossaoossw: Have Your Garments Tailored-to-Order AE offer garments made- to-measure for about one-half what most ladies' tailors charge. Suits, $13.50 up Coats, $10.00 up Skirts, $5.00 up Dresses, $12.00 up Capes, $7.50 up. . "You can have your choice of 268 fabrics, all the stunning styles designed for fall by the American Ladies Tailoring Co., Chicago. The garments will be made to vour individual measure, under the person al direction of M. Kayser the famous designer of the American Ladies Tail oring Co. We guarantee your per fection in fit, workmanship and ma terials. Yet the cost will be almost as little as for the same grade -in ready-mades. i v j A. U. NACE Cz. '4I 1 ff fif fill 'I Wl i ' I'll 111 w ill I CON.