The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 22, 1910, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B W. rivK, Editor and Proprietor.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1910
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
All legal bun. nem And collection entrusted
will eoelve careful end prompt attention
Per square of e lines 11 times II BO.
k'er square each subsequent Insertion.... AO
All advertisements Inserted for less than
taree months charged by the square.
3 mo, . moH. I yr.
One-fourth nnlumn Ill on.
Utie huif eolumn ift On.
on Column 40 00.
i w no I no oc
40 00 60.00
U 00. 7b 0C
Church Notices.
Announcements tor Sunday, Sft.
25. 1010.
C. W. Iiryner, Pastor.
McConnellsbupjr Sunday sell ol (1:30.
Preaching in:.H). Tlieme: " Forgive
ness." Epworth Iieait'ie ft:.'!0.
Preaching, 7:00. Tlieme. "Tho Sa
loon Debtor to Kuined Homes."
A special invitat ion Is extended to
all men to attend the evening ser
vice. The Holy Communion will
be administered both morning and
evening. A full attendance of the
membership is desired at these
l'rayermeetinj;, Wednesday 7:30.
Ft. Littleton Sunday school 9.
Class UMK).
Epwortii League 7:00.
Knobsville Sunday school 0:30.
Class 10:30.
Kverybody welcome at all our services
L. W. McGarvey, Pastor.
Dublin Mills Sunday school :.'Kl.
Preachins 10:30.
Clear Hidjjc Sunday school 1:30.
Preaching, 2:30.
Kpworth League 7:30.
Hustontown Sunday school 9:00.
Kpworth League, 7flK).
Trenching 7:30.
I'rayer meeting Thursday 7:30. p. m.
(Jmarterly collection will be lifted at
each preaching service.
Hakkiso.vviixk M. E. G'hakok,
W. M. Cline, Pastor.
Mt. Zion Preaching 10:00.
Don't Break Down.
Severe strains on the vital or
gans, like strains on machinery,
cause break downs. You can't
ever tax stomach, liver, kidneys,
bowels or nerves without serious
danger to yourself. If you are
weak or run-down, or under
strain of any kind, take Electric
Bitters the matchless, tonic med
icine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande,
ofKirkland, 111 , writes: "That
I did not break down, while en
during a most severe strain, for
three months, is due wholly to
Electric Bitters." Use them and
enjoy health and strength. Sat
isfaction positively guaranteed.
50c. at Trout's drug store.
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph
Barnett, at Mt. Tabor, was quite
largely attended by relatives and
friends. Mrs. Barnett had been
ailing for more than a year, but
rapidly grew worse the first of
last wecu and died on Tuesday of
last week. Tho sorrowing rela
tives have the sympathy of their
many friends in this bereavement
Mrs. James Gibson and Olive
Edwards, of Altwna, attended
the funeral of Mrs. Barnett on
Thursday, and have siuce been
spending a lew days with rela
tives in WeUs, Taylor, and Lick
ing Creek townships.
J. E. Cutchall, of Sixmile Run,
passed through our community
on Sunday, on his way to and
from Hustontown. Jere has been
at Sixmile Run for more than tif
teen years, going there first as a
laborer. For a number of years
he was associated with Joe P.
Gates, now of llarrisburg, in tho
coal and merchandise business.
For the past tew years, he has
been in tho merchandise business
alone, conducting it on n cish has
James E Lyon and wife -,tum
ed on Mooday from 'i trip it At
lantic City.
Letter to John P. Conrad.
McConnclloburf, Pa.
Dear Sir: Tho facts boiled
down are those:
Evory ji ib painted Dovoo take?
less gallons than of any other
And tho paint that takes least
tallons wears longest; Always.
We can't hlp it.
Yours truly
79 F. W. Dkvok & Co.
P. S. Bull & Bonder, McCon
nellsburg; J. A Boyd, Mercers
burg, and Norman O. Huber,
Charabersburg, sell our paint.
George Swopa who has been
helpless from the effects of rheu
matism, is ablo to sit up.
Frank Guillard has entered
Medico Chi, at Philadelphia.
Frank's many friends here will
miss him in church and socially.
We wih him success.
No. 1 School opened Monday
with 11 bert Eirly in Graded
room, and Miss Morton in Pri
mary room. The patrons should
be glad to have been able to se
cure these teachers, as they are
competent for the great work.
John Truax has been visiting
his brother and sister in Pitts
burg for the past ten days.
Leta Sprowl is visiting friends
in Altoona and South Fork.
Mrs. Grey of Pittsburg, is
visiting her daughter Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Myrtle Sipe Vance, of
East Liberty, is visiting her sis
ter Mrs. Newton Edwards.
S. P. Wishart and wife, and J.
A. W ishart and daughter, attend
ed the funeral of Mrs. Katherine
Barndollar in Everett, Thursday.
Capt. HarveyWishart is visit
ing his haughter Mrs. J. R. Hun
ter in Lewistown.
Joe Horton and Samuel Deni
son have gone to West Virginia
to do carpenter work.
James Stewart of Galitzen, is
visiting his father and mother
G A. Stewart and wife.
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee.'
We guarantee complete relief
to all sufferers from constipation.
In every case where we fail we
will supply the medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle,
effective, dependable and safe
bowel regulator, strengthener
and tonic. They re stablish na
ture's functions in a quiet, easy
way. They do not cause any in
convenience, griping or nausea.
They are so pleasant to take and
work so easily that they may be
taken by any one at any time.
They thoroughly tone up the
whob system to healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsur
passable and ideal for the use of
children, old folks and delicate
persons. We cannot too highly
recommend them to all sufferers
from any form of constipation
and its attendant evils. Two
sizes, 10c. and 2."c. Remember,
you can obtain Rexall Remedies
in this community only at our
store The Rexall Store. Leslie
W. Seylar.
Class in arithmetic, stand up:
It a six dollar goat swallows a ten
dollar bill and the goat is killed
to get the money, how much does
the owner of the goat lose if be
sells the hide for fifty cents and
palms the meat of as spring lamb,
taking no account of the cost of
the transportation?
Judge Morton sent to this
oflico last Saturday two peaches
that grew this season on a tree
that Brands near the Ridge road
in fleltast township, on the farm
owned many years ago by the
Judge's grandfather, William
Mjrton, and the farm is now
owned by Jacob Corder Mellott.
The fruit is well formed and of
excellent flavor, and what is of
special interest Is, that the tree
has been bearing for, at least, a
hundred years.
I 1 fMcVi- rnifmnm r.-rvmrmr rr'rmTrJ!'...y.. Jf jK A I 1
IP' 1 1 m i ii 1 1 vmmmmmwu n . i ,ii rii m
Xc CT-rrr?'T-rnirwttff s-wmitr
Lubrication Without Carbon
Thm Meal d lor eltVer lr-cooU4 er wtUr-cooUil machine. Dl
lltlvd from P MHarlvanUl lmd Oil. A thin, ! oil which faU (rawly
Ma will nor consl Abaolutaiy rra rn.ea Carbon.
If row dealer f sru hai b Wavarly Spatial, write M ami we'll
that you are auppliMi. y
uuitir CABINS.
Tho farmers are busy getting
their fall crops in.
Grant Baker made a business
trip to Burnt. Cabins last Satur
day. D. F., Trout, near McConnells
burg, made a business trip to
Burnt Cabins last Thursday.
Mr. Yokem, a lawyer from Car
lisle, was through our town last
W alter Haas, ot Pittsburg, is
visiting Lemuel Cline'a family.
Ralph North and Hall Cline left
last Sunday for Franklin county,
to look lor work.
Mrs. MikoNesbeth visited her
parents at Dry Run last week.
Warren Welch left for Pitts
burg, last week to seek employ
ment. Walter Comerer has changed
the day for making cider, to
Wednesday of each week.
U. B. llertzler and family visit
cd Samuel Divens and family last
. Roy McGehee is having a sVice
wall built around his yard. Roy
will have a nice home when finish
Samuel Miller, of Shade Gap,
passed through our town last Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are visit
nig friends and relatives at Shade
Prof. II. E. Burley. of Chatta
nooga, Tenn., is visiting his broth
er Rev. E. Burley, at 'this place.
Rev. Burley's mother, of Center
county, is also visiting him.
Elder Khng and wife, of Pitts
burg, are visiting the former's
Presiding elder Mosser, of the
Juniata district, will preach in
the M. E church on the 25th, at
10:30 a. m.
A Man of Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will and tremend
ous energy are never found where
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels are out of order, if you
want these qualities and the suc
cess they bring, use Dr. King's
New Life Pills, the matchless
regulators, for keen brain and
strong .body. 25c at Trout's
drug store.
A person can now be fined $200
if he takes from a postoffice mail
which has been put into his box
by mistake and does not return
it at onco. The law applies to pa
pers as well as letters. The ex
cuse that you found it in your
box and that it was the fault of
sjme employe of the postoffice
will not relieve you of responsi
According to the census o
1810, the population of this en
tire country one hundred years
ago, was 7,23.t,881; this year it Is
reported at 90,500,000, or twelve
and one-half times as much. The
three leading cities of the coun
try have now a population of over
8,000,000, which is more than a
million greater than tfiatof the
entire country one-hundred years
ago, New York being returned as
having a population of 4,600,000,
Chicago 2,400,000 and Philadel
phia over 1,000,000.
Digestion and Assimilation.
It is not the quantity of food
taken but the amount digested
and assimilated that gives
strength and vitality to the sys
tem. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and enable
them to perform their functions
naturally. For sale by all dealers.
On Sunday evening, Septem
ber 11th, in the Reformed church
at Fort Loudon, Mr. Clayton
Trogler and Miss Katharyn Metz
daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. John
II. Metz, of Loudon, were mar
ried. Mr. Metz was at one time
a resident of this place.
The Juniata Primitive Baptist
Association will be held at the
Sideling flill Baptist church on
the last day of Septamber and
the first two days of October.
Ministers from Virginia and from
Philadelphia are expected. All
who love to hear the gospel
preached are invited to attend.
The visitors at John Cabman's
at llarrisonvillo, last 8unday,
were Riley Sipe, wife and two
sons James and Roy; paltzer
Cutchall, wife and sod Clarence
and daughters Alice and Pearl;
Mrs. 'Harry Deshong and son
George, and David II My or and
Big Underselling Store.
Just arrived from the Eastern Cities after
spending several weeks there getting all
the latest ideas and carefully selecting
the largest line of millinery of 'all the lat
est shapes and shades that can be found
in any up-to-date Millinery Store. We
also nave -:- -:- , -:- -:-
Children's Bear Skin Coats and Caps in all Colors.
Collars, Belts, Belt Buckles, Combs, Barrettes,
Hair Nets, Hosiery, and Handkerchiefs.
All Hats Trimmed Free
at our Store.
Come and inspect goods before buying
elsewhere. You are welcome. Thanking
you for past patronage. -:- -:-
Our Whole Stock Shoes are
the best madefor hard
wear, and we have
a full line of
Men's Heavy Shoes $1.25 r.nd yp
Women's Shoes $1.25 and up
We Have the Same Brand of Rubbers we
had last year and the prices are right.
See our line of Dress Goods
at 20 and 2.1 cents
Outing Flannels, 6, 8, and 10c.
Flannelettes, 10 and 12jc.
A few pieces of Calico left
at 10 yds. for 50 cents.
Ginghams, 6 cents up.
Some Shippensbiu'K Work
Shirts, 45c.
Grain Bags, 25c
Table Oil Cloth, 15c
12-lnch Collar Iads, 28c
Bupgy Films, per set, $1.50.
Butfjjy Tire, per set, $1.50.
Wagon Tire, per lbj 3c.
Tin Cans, per doz., 34c.
Hand Saws, 4t)c.
Shovels, 50 and (iOc.
Wagon Kims, 1J Inch, per set, $3.00
Singletree Clips, ppr set 20c.
Doubletree Clips, per set 30c.
Fork Handles 15c.
Pick Handles 18c.
Shovel Handles 20c.
Horse Xuils 12c.
Cape well Nails , 18c.
10-qt Gray Knumeled Buckets 40c.
10-qt. Galvanized Buckets
16, 20, and 35c.
Galvanized Tubs 45c.
Cow Chains, Breast Chains, Hal
ter Chains, and everything else
usually found in an up-to-date
general store.
: Yours For Business.
I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot of new Top
Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging in price
from $45 00 up to $75.00 for the best hand-made Mllliin
burg buggy. My $15 buggy Is a good, strong, substan
tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will sell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to
examine my stock beforo you buy elsewhere.
i .Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
a continuance of 'heir favors I am,
Very truly yours,
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints to Inventors." 'Inventions needed."
Why some Inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. . Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
"Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of
the U. S. Patent Office.
Patent Attorneys flm
Washington. P. C.
pROW-tSWtl AAfFVnMF.NTfl TO Tltffl
i:n ii y orprr ok tiih hkcrktary.
, Numhpr On. '
Prnpoalrifc nn amendment to neetlon twen.
ty-Hlx of article five of the Con.tltutlnn
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
' Resolved (If the Senate concur). That
the following amendment to eeotlon twen-ty-Klx
of article five of the Constitution
of Pennsylvania be, and the name Is here
by, proposed. In accordance with the
eighteenth article thereof:
That section 21, of Article V., which
reads as follows: "Section 211. All laws re
lating to courts shall he general and of
uniform operation, and the organization,
jurisdiction, and powers of all courts of
the same class or grade, so far as regu
lated by law, and the force and effect of
Uie process and Juduments of such courts,
shall be uniform; and the Oenerul Assem
bly Is hereby prohibited from creating
other courts to exercise the powers vested
by this Constitution In the judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas and Orphans'
Courts," be amended so that the same
shall read as follows:
Section 21. All laws relating to courts
shall be general and of uniform opera
tion, and the organization, Jurisdiction,
and powers of all courts of the same class
or grade, so far as regulated by law, and
the force and effect of the process and
Judgments of such courts, shall be uni
form; but, notwithstanding any provi
sions 'of this Constitution, the General
Assembly shull have full power to estab
lish new courts, from time to time, as the
same may be needed In any city or coun
ty, anl to prescribe the powers and Ju
risdiction thereof, and to Increase the
number of judges In any courts now ex
isting or hereafter created, or to reorgan.
lite the same, or to vest In other courts
the Jurisdiction theretofore exercised by
courts not of record, and to abolish the
same wherever It may be deemed neces
sary for the orderly and efficient adminis
tration of Justice.
A true'eopy of Resolution No. 1.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Propolng en amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, so as to eliminate the require
ment of payment of taxes as a qualifi
cation of the right to vote.
Resolved (If the. House of Representa
tives concur). Thnt the following amend
ment to tJi Constitution of the Common
wealth ofPcnnsylvnnta be, and the same
Is hereby,' proposed. In accordance with
the eighteenth article thereof:
That section one of article eight be
amended, by striking out the fourth
numbered paragraph thereof, so that the
said section shall rend as follows:
Section L Every male citizen twenty
one years of age, possessing the follow
ing qualifications, shall be entitled to
vote at nil elections, subject however to
such laws requiring and reguliitlng the
registration of electors aa the General
Assembly mny enact.
First. He shall have been a citizen of
the United States at least one month.
Second. Ho shall have resided In the
State one year (or If. having previously
been a qualified elector or native-born
citizen of the State, he shnll have re
moved therefrom and returned, then six
months). Immediately preceding the elec
tion. Third. He shnll have resided In the
election district where he shnll offer to
vote at least two months Immediately
preceding the election.
A true copy of Resolution No. 2.
Bccretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, so as to consolidate the
courts of common pious of Allegheny
Section 1. Be It resolved by the" Senate
and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly met. That the following
amendment to the Constitution of Penn
sylvania be, and the same Is hereby, pro
posed, in accordance with the eighteenth
article thereof:
That section six of article five be
amended, by striking out the said sec
tion, and Inserting In place thereof tht
Section . In the county of Philadel
phia all the Jurisdiction and powers now
vested In the district courts and .courts of
common pleas, subject to such changes
as may be made by this 'Constitution or
by law, shall be In Philadelphia vested In
Ave distinct and separate courts of equal
and co-ordinate Jurisdiction, composed
of three Judges each. The said courts In
Philadelphia shall be designated respect
ively as the court of common pleas num
ber one. number two, number three,,
number four, and number five, but the
number of said courts may be by law
Increased, fn tn time to time, and shall be
In like manner designated by successive
numbers, The number of Judges In any
of said, courts, or In any county where
the establishment of n additional oourt
may be authorized by law, may be In
creased, from time to time, and when
ever such Increase shall amount In the
whole to three, such three judges shall
compose a distinct and separate court as
aforesaid, which shnll be numbered as
aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall
be Instituted In the snld courts of com
mon pleas without designating the num
ber of the said court, and the several
courts shall distribute and apportion the
business among them In such manner as
shall be provided by rules of court, and
each court, to which any suit shall be
thus assigned, shall have exclusive Juris
diction thereof, subject to change of
venue, as ahull be provided by law.
In the. county of Allegheny all the
Jurisdiction and powers now vested In
the several numbered courts of common
pleas shall be vested In one court of com
mon pleas, composed of all the judges In
commission Jn said courts. Such Juris
diction and powers shall extend to all
proceedings at law and In equity which
shall have been Instituted In the several
numbered courts, and shall be subject to
such changes as mny he made by law.
end subject to change of venue as pro
vided by law. The president Judge of
said court shall he selerted as. provided
by law. The number of Judges In said
court may be by law Increased from
time to time. This amendment shnll take
effect on the first day of January suc
ceeding Its adoption.
A true copy of Resolution No. S.
Becretarjr of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing an amendment to section eight,
article nine, of the Constitution of Penn
sylvania. Section 1. Re It resolved by the Senate
and, House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania In General
.Assembly sjiet. That the following Is pro
posed as an amendment to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, In accordance with the provisions of
the eighteenth article t hereof ;w
Amendment to Article Nine, Section
Section 1 Amend section eight, 'article
nine, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
which reads ss follows:
"Section 8. The debt of any county.
Jlty, borough, township, school district, of
Other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property there
in, nor shall any such municipality ot
district Incur any pew debt, or Increasi
Its Indebttdness to an amount sxoeedln
two per cen'um upon such assessed val
uation of property, without the assent 01
the eleetors thereof at a publio election In
such manner as shall be provided by law,
but any city, the debt of which sow ex
ceeds seven per centum of such assessed
valuation, may ' be authorised by law to
Increase the earns three per eentum. In
the aggregate, st any one time, upon such
valuation," so as to road as follows i
aotloD I The debt of any county, olty.
korough. township, school distrlet, or oth
r municipality or InuoQioad distrltt,
xenpt M 1ir1n privMefl, shnll nevet
ceed seven per centum upon the asses,,
value of the taxable property therein nvi
stiall any ruch municipality or distrle't i
cur any new debt, or Increase Its Inileht
edness to an amount exceeding two t"
oentum upon such assessed Valtintlon nt
property, wl'.hnut tho assent of the ee
tors thereof at a puhlln election In surh
manner ns shall bo provided by law but
any city, tho debt of which now exeee.i.
seven per centum of such assessed Vl .'
uatlon, mny he authorized by law to i!
crease the same three per centum, In ti t
atrm-onate, at any ono time, upon
Valuation, except that any d"ht or de l,-,
hereinafter Incurred hy the city and coun.
ty of Philadelphia for the constrnctl.,n
and development of subways for
purposos, or for the construction 01
wharves and docks, or the reclamation ot
land to be used In the construction of .
system of wharves nnd docks, as puhlls
Improvements, owned or to he owned ,
said city and county of Philadelphia, anJ
which shall yield to the city and county
of Philadelphia current net revenue In ex
cess of the ftiterest on snld debt or debt!
and of the annual Installments
for the cancellation of snld debt or debts,
may be excluded In ascertaining the pow.
er of the olty and county of Philadelphia
to become otherwise indebted: Provided,
That a sinking fund for their cancellation
shall bo established and maintained.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No t.
Becretary of tho Commonwealth.
Saturday, September 24, 1910, at 2 P.M.
The School Board of Ayr township
will sell at publio sale on the premis
es one mil south of McCormellsburg
the old School" House knows as the
McNaiighton school building.' The
building is about 24 by 28 feet is plank
and weatherboarded and painted.
All school furniture will be excepted.
The new school building will be
ready to be occupied by November 1,
when the old building will be vacated
and the purchaser will be expected to
remove it as soon as possible.
Geo. V. Humhert, President.
Young Men and Young Women,
Departments: 1 The College. 2
The Academy. 3 Tho School of
Education. 4 The Bible School.
5 The School of Music. 6 The
Business School.
Special Features: Large Facul
ty; Small Classes; Full Equipment
in Library, Laboratories, anil
Gymnasium; Comfortable Dormi
tories; Healthful Location; Easy
of Access; Moderate Charges.
Fall Term will begin Monday,
September 19, 1910.
Write for catalogue and Illustra
ted bulletin.
Huntingdon, Pa.
8-18, 5t.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect Mny 29. 1910.
Trains leave Hunoock as follows:
No. 100 R so u. ni. (Sunday only) for llultlniore
uuu intermediate points.
No. 6 H.OOa. m. (week dtiys) for Hnirorstowi,
. Baltimore, Waynesboro, (JnutnbersuurK,
and intermediate.
No. 18 60 a. m. (week days) Cumberland, and
No. 410 OH a. m. (week days) Baltimore, Get
tysburg, York and intermediate.
No. J li.W p m. (week days) Little Orleans,
Old Town, Cumberland, Elkins and
west. Vestibule train with observation
buffet oar.
No. 8 8 .00 p. m. (week days) Baltimore and In
termediate stations. Vestibule train
with observation bullet oar.
No. 5 9.40 p. m. (week days) leaves Baltimore
6.06 p. ui., HuuerstoWn B.-Kl p. m.
No. 10810.16 p. m. (Sunduy only) leaves Balti
more 8.16 p. m,
agent for
7hkgeiser manufac
' Turing company,
burnt cabins. pa.
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, Sc.
Engines on hand all
the time.
Ladies! $aTe Money and KP "
Style By Reading McCall'i
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
McCn't Msisstsswlll
help you dress styl
ishly at a moderate
expense by keeping
run posted on the
litest fashions In
clothes and bats. 60
New Fashion Deslrm
In eaeb luue. Also
valuable Information,
on all home sud per
sonal mailers. Only
60c a year. Includlnc
a free pattern, bub
scribe tdr or send
fur free sample copy. I
McCtll FsHm will enable you to moke In your
own borne, with yourown hands, clothing for '
yourself and children which will be perfect
In stylo and fit. Price none hlxlier than 16
cents. Heud for free Pattern Cauiloiue. I
W. Will Chtt Tm raw rVsMoHi fur getting sub
scriptions among your frieuits. Keud lor free
l'reiiilum Catalogue knil Ca.iu Prue Offer.
THE IcCAU COm-ANY, 239 la 249 Wast 37a ft, NEW tORl
Jt- H