The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 08, 1910, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B tf. PiuK, Editor and Proprietor.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
All legal bus ncss and collections entrusted
will ecelve careful and prompt attention
Per square of "lines S times
Per square each subsequent insertion.... 0.
All advertisements Inserted for less than
hree months churned by the square.
One -f ou rthaol umn....
One h:ilf column
oa Column
i root. I mm. I 1 yr. ilitfoo irwoo
... 2i 00. (a.OO f0.00
.... 10 00. I M00. 76.00
Church Notices.
Announeempnts tor Sunday, Sept.
11, 1!10.
S. H. Huffman, pastor.
Ilastontown l'reachinp; 10:30.
Bethlehem Sunday school 1:30.
Preaching 2:.!0.
Knobville Preaching ":45.
Cromwell Sunday school 0.
Class, 10.
Mt. Tabor Sunday school 0:00.
Class 10.
Christian Kndeavor 7:30.
Wells Valley Sunday school 9:00.
Class 10:oo.
Christian Kndeavor 7:30.
The Lash of a Fiend
would have been about as welcome
to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as
a merciless lung racking cough
that defied all remedies for years.
"It was most troublesome' at
night," he writes, "nothing help
ed me til I used Dr. King's Mew
Discovery which cured me com
pletely. 1 never cough at night
now." Millions know its match;
les9 merit for stubborn colds,
obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la
grippe, asthma, hemorrhage,
croup, whooping cough, or hay
fever. It relieves quickly and
never fans to satisfy. A trial
convinces. 50c. 1 00. Trial bot
tie free. It's positively guaran
teed by Trout's drug store.
There will be a festival at Fairview
on Saturday evening, September 10th.
Proceeds for church purposes.
Mrs. Joseph Laidig and daughter
Gertrude, of Minersville, spent Sun
day at Iloss King's.
Some of our people attended Bush
meeting at Hustontown on Sunday.
Uoss King has added much to the
convenience of his property by having
the water from one of his springs piped
to the barn and house.
Edwin Brunt has secured employ
ment as brakeman on the Wells Val
ley railrpad. S
Some of the people of our township
have been hunting raccoons and test
ing their fitness for food.
Erra Clevenger spent a day or two
last week at Job Garland's In Belfast
township. While there ho got treat
ment from Dr. Palmer tor his eyes,
which have been giving him trouble
for the past year.
A number of line two-year-old colts
from Somerset county were kept at
James K. Lyon's last Wednesday
Digestion and Assimilation.
It is not the quantity of food
taken but the amount digested
and assimilated that gives
strength and vitality to the sys
tem. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and enable
them to perform their functions
naturally. For sale by all dealers.
Miss Orpha Snyder, of Need
more, is spending this week with
relatives in town, and with her
uncle Jonathan Peck's family at
Knobsville. Her sister, Miss Ad
die brought her to town Tuesday
and she was accompanied home
by C. Wilson Peck, who will re
main at Need more over Sunday.
Wilaoa is taking an enforced va
cation on account of a severely
sprained ankle, which is, we are
glad to say, growing st-'-or.
Drawn for Court Convenes Octo
ber 3. 1910.
Brush Oiwk Jacob Garlick.
Bethel-Arch W. Pisher.
Ayr Biddis Lynch.
Dublin-John Brown, G. C. Flcldi.
Kuwurd Morton.
McConuellsburg E. H. McClain,
Clyde Ott, Kiley Peck, Charles Gold
smith. Taylor -C. J Barton, W. M. Clip
piiiL'cr, Grant Hoover, Harry Lumber
Tod John D. Barmont, Samuel Div
ens, Dan Trout.
Thompson John W. Truxell, Ben
jamin Bollenshead.
I'nion Clay llcndurshot, Garfield
Wells Ilichard Alloway, George
Sh a ITer.
Licking Creek Isaiah Cline.
Ayr John S. Carbaugh, James M.
Gordon, J. H. Johnston, Peter iCirk,
Lloyd Bay, Martin Soudeis.
Belfast-Kli M Peck, AndrewTruax.
Bethel Howard Charlton,, Milton
B. Hill, Samuel Winter.
Brush Creek Clark Barton, T. J.
Walter. '
Dublin Baldwin Fraker. Luther
Grove, Beuben Helman, John Sher
man, George Wilson.
Licking Creek Thomas McClure,
Harry Mumma.
McConnellsburg P. F. Black. Harry
Hull, Charles Scott, JohnComerer, T.
J. Comerer.
Taylor A. M. Corbln, J. H. Fields,
M. I). Mathlas, Bart Stevens, John
Thompson W. W. Douglas, Jacob
Powell, Lemuel Shlves.
Tod-Daniel Hamil.
Union Wilson Beatty, S. G. Lasli
iey. Wells-A. D. Keith, Harry Zern.
It Saved His Leg.
'All thought I'd lose my leg,"
writes J. A. Swensei., of Water
town, Wis. "Ten years of eczema
that 15 doctors could not cure,
had at last laid me up. Ihen
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it,
sound and well.". Infallible for
Skin Eruptions, Eczema. Salt
Rheum, Boils, Fever Sores,
Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Pils. 25c
at Trout's drug store.
Mary Bishop, of CovaP. pent
Saturday and Sunday will, her
aunt, Mrs. Isaac Culler.
Our farmers are now
The rains of the past few days
have greatly revived vegetation.
Edward Barton and family
spent Sunday at John Pee's.
O. A. Barton and wife spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
friends in Rays Cove. Guests at
El. N.-Barton Sunday were Ada
and Ella Barton and family.
John Bard and family of
Emmaville spent Sunday with
relatives near Sipes Mill.
Grant F. Spade called on
friends at Akersville Saturday
Sebert Barton spent Saturday
evening and Sunday at O. A. Bar
ton's. Mrs. Irene Truax and son Earl
spent Sunday afternoon at Geo.
W. Hixson's.
M. J. Liixson is spending some
time in West Virginia where
he is thinking of locating in the
near future.
Sadie and Tida Barton spent
Saturday and Sunday in the
home of their uncle, Preston
Deshong in Everett.
Clara, Ivy, and Olive Ilixson,
and Uoss Jackson, spout Sunday
evening in the home of M. E.
Fred Lodge left last Saturday
to take charge of his school in
Dublin township.
Kev. C. F. Weise took dinner at
F. M. Lodge's, Sunday.
A number of people from ttjis
neighborhood attended all Day
Services at the Whips Cove
Christian church last Sunday.
Geo. W. Schenck spent Sun
day afternoon at B. F. Whit
The "Gray Eagle Ball Team"
will meet at Crystal Springs
Saturday afternoon Sept. 10th,
to practice.
L. T. Deshong, of Harrisonville,
dropped into our oflice for a little
while ou Monday and pushed his
subscription ahead another year.
Absolutely fr from carbon. Lit ht la
color. Flow ajvanly. Waves no cUuosit.
V-XiA ;.'L-
WaverlvGas Emrine Oil WMXTW
your angina. Jber ar
Pennsylvania Cruda OiL
will protact
mad fram
rafiaad to perfection.
Wsrerly Oil Works Co)., Pittsburg, Pa,
InJtpwndent Rtfinari ,s
Alaa sealun of W..rly Special A a la Oil aaa1
U7 a., 1 1
nwif Mini mm.
TSi 1 ' lal
Letter to Charles Steach,
' McCnnncllshurg, Pa.
Dear Sir: You are to paint
Mr. 's house for , we
won't tt 11 your private affairs
no matter what figure, it's a fair
What paint'll you use ?
We're thinking of one, all paint
and as strong as a paint can be;
it'll take about 15 gallons, $75 for
paint and painting.
Another, half paint; it'll take
about 30 gallons of that, if 1 50 for
paint and painting.
The least gallons paint, of
course, will wear a long time; the
other is good while it lasts.
Least gallons, least cost, best job
It isn't every trade that lets a
man do a cheap job and. make
money and friends like that.
Yours truly
70 F. W. Dkvoe & Co.
P. S. Hull & Bender, McCon
nellsburg; J. A. Boyd, Mercers
burg, and Norman O. lluber,
Chambersburg, sell our paint.
The state road under construe
tion here, is rapidly neanngcora
pletion, the main road bed and
bridges are finished from the
state line north to Cbarlton's
fording, and work is now being
done through Warfordsburg.
Owing to the heavy tills and deep
cuttings, together with the two
bridges here, it will be at least a
month before the road through
this village will be open for travel.
The heavy trafic has been turned
off this road, which causes some
inconvenience, but the people are
taking it good naturedly.-looking
forward to the time when mud
hnles will be things of the past,
on the main road, at least.
Charles A. Cover and family of
Covington, Va., arrived here a
few days ago in a large automo
bile. They will spend some time
visiting relatives and friends.
G. Hayes Markley, principal of
the Berrysburg public schools,
returned to that place on Monday
to resume his work,
Grover C. Kirk left on Monday
to attend the State Normal School
at West Chester.
Frank Ranck spent three days
last week attending the Grangers
picnic at Williams Grove. ,
W. B. Stigers is on a two weeks'
vacation visiting v in Kansas and
other western states.
Frank R. Markley left on Mon
day morning to begin his second
year of studies at the C. V. S. N.
School at Shippensburg. He was
accompanied by his sister Clara,
who is beginning a four years'
course at the same institution.
Albert Manning, the young
man who acciclently shot himself
recently, is still in the hospital at
Martinsburg, W. Va., and is Im
proving. His right hand was not
amputated, as at first reported,
but it will be somewhat disabled.
W. P. Yonker and his force of
carpenters have just finished
building a modern school house
in Pigeon Cove, and are now work
ing in Hancock.
Phil. Schnber, the Need more
artist is painting the residence
and store buildings of Wm. Pal
mer, and Frank Markley has just
finished painting the large farm
house on the Ranck estate. These
men not only know how to apply
pleasing effects to buildings, but
they are artists also, with the
violin and guitar.
Edward Spiker, of Thompson
township, has been employed to
work on the farm of J as. E. Pal
mer here, to take the place of H.
II. Harris who has secured em
ployment in Hancock.
S. M. Andrews, the rural mail
carrier, will add many improve
ments to his residence, in the
near future.
James E Palmer was a guest
at the Campbell Lodge wedding
in Brush Creek last week.
MissVerna Hill is taking a
course of lessons in short hand
and typewriting in Hat: cock.
' S. O. Deneen was obliged to cut
down the row of giant locust trees
east of this village, to make room
for the state road.
The I O. O F. have added five
new members to their fraternity
here within the last few weeks.
Anderson Mellott, of Belfast
township, spent Tuesday night
in town the truest ot lii brother.
ex-County Treasurer George B.
Melktt .Mr. Mellott said that a
very heavy rain and wind storm
passed over part of his township
last Saturday aftornoon, blowing
down large trees, and flattening
out cornfields as though a laud
roller had been run over them.
As Mr. Ellis Trogler of rear
Mercersburg was quietly going
about his wojk Tuesday morning
August 2:lrd he was a little sur
prised by so many of his relatives
and friends coming, on the same
day, to visit him. On reaching
the house, he was soon reminded
of the fact, that it was his thirty
sixth birthday. The invited
guests knowing that they were
threshing at Mr. Trngler's, did
not arrive till a little late. After
a pleasaut conversation in the
parlor, the guests were conduct
to the dining room where they
found the table heavily laden with
good things, such as roast turkey
and chicken, cojd beef, light rolls,
pickles, ice cream, cake, etc..
prepared by Mrs. Trogler and
her mother Mrs. Harriet Desh
ong. After dinner had been
served, they retired to the parlor
where they spent the remainder
of the afternoon 'very pleasantly
chatting with each other.
Those present were: Henry
Martin and wife, David Martin
and wife, Mrs. Lanah Elliott,
Mrs. Jacob Keller and two chil
dren, John Lanton and wife,
Isaac Hendershot and son Sharpe,
Mrs. Harriet Deshong, Charles
Brindle wife, and children Edna,
Wilbert, Harry, John and Ruth;
Elhs Trogler wife, and children
Harold, Ethel and Edith all of
near Mercersburg, J. L. Garland
and daughter Hazel, of McCcn
nellsburg; Miss Katheryn Meiz,
of Loudon, Clayton Trogler, of
Denver Col. and Martin Deshong
of Everett.
Mr. Trogler was the recipient
of many nice, useful presents
and a number of beautiful post
cards. As the sun neared the
horizon the guests departed wish
ing Mr. Trogler many more such
happy birthdays and feeling that
it was a day well spent.
One who was there.
How's This? "
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Citarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him perfect
ly honorable mail business trans
actions and financially able . to
carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonials sent,
free. Price 75 cents per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for
Geo. W. Swope received a telegram
last Saturday informing him that his
brother Alvin of Pittsburg, had died.
The remains were brought to Broad
top City and interred at that place,
where other relatives are burled.
Alvin was aged about 70 years, and
was born and raised in Belfast town
ship. A number of his relatives in
this community attended the funeral.
J. N. Duvall received a telegram the
same day stating that his brother Da
vid was lying very ill at his home in
Bollwood, Pa. John started Sunday
morning for the bedside of his sick
Mrs. Harry K. Spangler is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Susan Palmer at
Mount Union.
Rachel Wishart visited her friend
Katherine Zeth at Hopewell part of
lust week.
Clair Heckman seems to have some
attraction in Bays Cove.
The Stork landed a tine big boy Into
the 'home of Mr. aud Mrs. Chester
George Horton, of Galltzin, is home
for a few days.
Mrs. Eliza Wilder, of Derrick City,
Is visiting her niece, Mrs. H. M. Grif
fith. Mrs. J. C. Kirk and her children
Harold and Marjorie are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Greenland.' I
Mrs Heleu Fore Peck left Mc
Connellsburg yosterday morning
for BulT.ilo, N. Y., where she will
enter upon' a three years' course
ot training in the German Hospit
al in that city to become a profes
sional nurse. Outside of the mod
ical profession, no class of people
are In a position tj be more use
ful in the alleviation of the suffer
ings of the sick and afflicted thaa
the trained nurse. We hope
Mrs. Pock may find that she has
not made a mistake in the choice
of a profession.
Cider Making.
The undersigned will make ci
der at his home near Jugtown
schoolhouse. As apples are
scarce, he will make on Tuesday
of each week only.
9 1 tf. Nick Hohman.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Miss Sarah S. Dickson, late of the
borough of Mr Co nellshurg. Pa., deceased.
Notice Is berchy given, that Letters of Ad
ministration upon ths above estate huve been
grunted to the undersigned. AU persons hav
ing claims against said estate will present
them properly authenticated for settlement,
and those owing the same will please call und
8 K Ht. Administrator.
Saturday, September 24, 1910, at 2 P. M.
The School Board of Ayr township
will sell at public sale on trie premis
es one mile south of McConnellsburg
the old School House ; known as the
McXaughton school building. .The
building is about 24 by 28 feet is plank
and weatherboarded "iacd painted.
All school furniture will be excepted.
The new school building will be
ready to be occupied by November 1,
when the old build ing' will be vacated
and the purchaser will be expected to
remove it as soon as possible.
Geo W. Humhkkt, President.
School Tax Notice.
' Notice is hereby given to the tax
payers of Belfast township that the
undersigned, treasurer of the school
board will be at the following places
for the receiving of the school tax for
the current year:
Monday, September 19th at Joe
Baker Mellott's store from 8 to 12 in
the forenoon, and at Scott Bumgar
ner's from 1 to 4 o'clock in the after
noon. Tuesday, September 20th at Need
more from 8 to 12, and at McKibbin
postollice from 1 to 4. i
On all school tar paid during the
month of September an abatement of
5 per cent, will be allowed. During
October the full amount must be paid,
and after the lasti of October the law
requires What 5 percent, be added.
E. P. STB.A1T,
8-25, .'It. Treasurer.
Young Men and Young Women.
Departments: 1 The College. 2
The Academy. 3 The School of
Education. 4 The Bible School.
5 The School of Music. 6 The
Business School.
Special Features: Large Facul
ty; Small Classes; Full Equipment
in Library, Laboratories, and
Gymnasium; Comfortable Oormi- .
tories; Healthful Location; Easy
of Access; Moderate Charges.
Fall Term will begin Monday,
September 19, 1910.
Write for catalogue and illustra
ted bulletin.
Huntingdon, Pa.
8-18, 5t.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect May 29. 1910.
Trains leave Hancock as follows ;
No. 106 6 IW a. in. (Sunday only) ar Baltimore
and Intermediate point.
No. H OOa. m. (week days) for Hagerstown,
Hiltimore, Waynesuoro.Ohambereburg,
y and Intermediate.
No. 1 S -VI a. m. ( week daya) Cumberland, and
No. 4 10 OH a. m. (week daya) Baltimore, Get
tysburg, York and Intermediate.
No. S-'I'4.M p m. (week daya) Little Orleans,
Old Town, Cumberland, Klkins und
west. Vestibule trulo with observation
builut car.
No. S S 00 p. m. (week daya) Baltimore and In
termediate stations. Vestibule train
' with observation buffet car.
No. k R tii p m. (week days) leave Baltimore
buo p. in., HuKeralown 40 p. m.
No. 105 p. in. (Sunday only) leaves Balti
more 4.16 p. ui.
Don't Break Down.
Severe strains on the vital or
gans, like strains on machinery,
cause breaK-uowDs. You can t
over tax stomach, liver, kidney,
bowels or nerves without serious
danger to yourself. If you are
weak or run-down, or under
strain of any kind, take Electric
Hitters the matchless, tonic m"d
icine. Mrs. J. E Van de Sande,
of Klrkland, 111 , writes: "That
I did not break down, while en
during a most severe strain, for
three months, is due wholly to
Elactrio Bitters " Use them and
enjoy health aud strength. Sat
isfaction positively guaranteed.
50o. i Tout's drug it.'re.
Ladies! STe Money and Keep b
1 Style by Reading McCall'i
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
nip you drew atyl
Islily at a moderate
expense by keeping
fou posted on tba
uit faauloni In
clothes and Lata. 60
New fashion Designs
lu each luo. AImi
valuable Information
on all borne aud pur
soual mailers. Only
due year. Including
a free pattern. Hub
s'r!b Unlay or send
(or free sample copy.
McCal Pattens will enable yon to make In your
own boma. rlib yourown bauds, trlotlilnv for
yourself and children which will be perfect'
lu style and fit. Price none blither than 14
eon is. Bud (or free Pattern Catalugu. m
Ws WiS Civs Tm fim 'masts far retting rub
s rliiiiuns suioiig your fi iniids. Bend Turtle .
1' minium i aialogua and Lash Priss Offer,
TM HiUIl CWAHr. k Z4I Wag Sfe fc, HI I0lf
Number One.
Proponing an amendment to section twen-
ty-alx of article five of the Constitution
of the Cotninnnwenllh of Pennsylvania.
Itpsolved (If the Senate concur). That
the following; nmendiupnt to section twen-ty-alx
of article five of the Constitution
of Pennsylvania he, nnd (he same la here
by. proposed, In accordance with the
elKhtcenth article thereof :
That section 2tl of Article V., which
rends an follows: "Section 2. All laws re
latlnK to courts shall be general and of
uniform operation, nnd the omnnlzntlon,
Jurisdiction, nnil powers of all courts of
the same class or Krade, so far as rcgu
luted by law, and the force and effect of
tbe'process and Judgments of such courta,
shall be uniform; and the General Assem
bly la hereby prohibited from creating
other courts to exercise the powers vested
by this Constitution In the Judges of the
Courta of Common Pleas and Orphans'
Courts." be emended so that the same
shall read ns follows:
Section 81. All laws relating to courts
shall be general and of uniform opera
tion, and the organization, Jurisdiction,
and powers of all courts of the same class
or guide, so far as regulated by law, and
the force and effect of the process and
Judgments of such courts, shall be uni
form; but, notwithstanding any provi
sions of this Constitution, the General
Assembly shall have full power to estab
lish new courts, from time to time, as the
same may be needed In any city or coun
ty, and to prescribe the powers and Ju
risdiction thereof, and to Increase the
number of Judges In any courta now ex
isting or hereafter created, or to reorgan
ise the same, or to vest In other courts
the Jurisdiction theretofore exercised by
courts not of record, nnd toNibollsh the
same wherever It may be deemed neces
sary for the orderly and efficient adminis
tration of Justice.
A true copy of Resolution No. 1.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwenlth of Penn
sylvania, so as to. eliminate the require
ment of payment of taxes aa a qualifi
cation of the right to vote.
Resolved (If the House of Representa
tives concur), That the following amend
ment to the Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania beand the same
Is hereby, proposed, In accordance with
the eighteenth article thereof:
That section one of article eight be
amended, by striking out. the fourth
numbered paragraph thereof, so that the
snid section shall rend as follows:
Section 1. Every mule cltlsien twenty
one years of age, possessing the follow
ing qualifications, shall be entitled to
vote at all elections, subject however to
such laws requiring nnd 'regulating the
registration of electors aa the General
Assembly mny enact.
First. Ho shall have been a cltlaen of
the United States nt least one month.
Second. He Bhall have rpslded In the
State one yenr (or If, having previously
been a qualified elector or native-born
citizen of the State, he shnll hnve re
moved therefrom and returned, then alx
months). Immediately preceding the elec
tion. Third. He shall have resided In the
election district where he shall offer to
vote nt least two months Immediately
preceding the election.
A true copy of Resolution No. i.
Bocretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwenlth of Penn
sylvania, so- aa to consolidate the
courts of common pleus of Allegheny
Section 1. Bo It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth' of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly mot. Thut the following
amendment to the Constitution of Penn
sylvania bo, nnd the same is hereby, pro
posed, in accordance with the eighteenth
artlclo thereof:
That section six of article five be
amended, by Blrllilng out the said seo
tlon, and Inserting In place thereof the
Section 9. In the couqty of Philadel
phia all tho Jurisdiction and powers now
vested In the district courta and courts of
common pleas, subject to such changes
as may be made by this Constitution or
by law, shnll be In Philadelphia vested In
five distinct and separate courts of equal
and co-ordinate Jurisdiction, composed
of three Judges each. The said courts In
Philadelphia shnll be designated respect
ively aa the court of common pleas' num
ber one, number . two, number three,
number four, and number five, but the
number of said courts may be by law
increased, frr m time to time, and shall be
In like manner designated by successive
numbers. The number of Judges In any
of aald ' courts, or In any county where
the establishment of an additional court
may be authorized by law, may be 1n
crenaed, from time to time, and when
ever such Increase shall amount In the
whole to three, auch three Judges shall
compose a distinct and separate court as
aforesaid, which shnll be numbered as
aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall
be Instituted In the said courts of com
mon plena without designating the num
ber of the said court, and the several
courta shall distribute and apportion the
business among them In such manner as
shall be provided by rules of court, and
each court, to which any suit shall be
thus assigned, shall have exclusive Juris
diction thereof, subject to change of
venue, aa shall be provided by law.
In the county of Allegheny all the
Jurisdiction and powers now vested In
the severul numbered courts of common
pleas shall be vested In one court of com
mon pleas, composed of all the Judges In
commission In auld courts. Such Juris
diction and powers shall extend to all
proceedings at law and In equity which
shnll have been Instituted In the several
numbered courts, and shall be subject to
such changes as mny be made by law,
and subject to chnnge of venue aa pro
vlded by law. The president Judge of
said court shnll be selected as provided
by law. The number of Judges In said
court may be by law Increased from
time to time. This amendment shnll take
effect on the first day of January suc
ceeding Its adoption.
A true copy of Resolution No. S.
. Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing an amendment to section eight,
article nine, of the Constitution of Penn
sylvania. Section 1. Be It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania In General
Assembly met. That the following Is pro
posed as an amendment to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia. In accordance with the provisions of
the eighteenth article thereof:. '
Amendment to Article Nine, Bectlon
Section 1 Amend section eight, article
nine, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
which reads as follows:
"Sections. The debt of any county,
slty, borough, township, school district, ot
ether municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property there
in. ior. shnll any such municipality oi
district Incur any new debt, or Increas
Ita Indebtedness to an amount exceeding
two per centum upon uch assessed val
uation of property, without the assent ot
Ui electors thereof at a public election in
ucb manner as shall be provided by law;
but any city, the debt ot which now ex..
seeds seven per centum of such assessed
valuation, may be authorised by law to
Increase the sam three per centum, In
the aggregate, at any on time, upon such
valuation," so as to read a follows:
action 1 The debt of any county, olty,
borough, township, school district, or oth
y mutilclnaUy or Incorporated district,
except s herein provided, shall nevrr
ceed seven per centum upon the awnj
veins of the taxable property therein
shnll any such municipality or district hi'
cur any new debt, or Increase Its lndbt
edness to nn amount exceeding two o-t
centum upon such assessed valuation ol
property, without the assent of the eP0
tors thereof nt a public election in rii-'h
manner ns shnll be provided by ,IW. J"
any city, the debt of which now exeee, I
seven per centum of such assess,.,! vni
untlon, may be authorized by law to n!
crease the same three per centum. In :
aggregate, at any one time, upon ur!
valuation, except that any debt or dVt,.,
hetelnnfier Incurred by the city nnd cnun
ty of Philadelphia for the construpti,,.
and development of subways for trnnslt
purposes, or for the construction ot
wharves and dorks, or the reclamation 0f
land to be ued In the construction of t
system of wharves nnd docks, ns pubn.
Improvements, owned or to be owned h
said city and county of Philadelphia, anil
which shall yield to the city and cnuntj
of Philadelphia current net revenue In ex.
cess of tho Interest on said debt or dehti
and of the annual Installments necessnrr
for the cancellation of said debt or debt
may. be excluded In ascertaining the now!
er of the city and county of Philadelphia
to become otherwise Indebted: Provided.
That a sinking fund for their cancellation
shall be established and maintained.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No L
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Miss Ethel Hays and her sister
Miss Alice, left Monday morning
for New Jersey where they win
be engaged in teaching in the
public schools of that state dur
ing the ensuing school year-Miss
Ethel at Pie isantville and Miss
Alice at Northfleld. Miss Ethul
taught at Pieasantville last year,
Gtillie Johnston, a hustling
farmer living near Millstone, Md.,
spent the time from Friday until
Monday in the home of his broth
er Thomas Johnson of this place,
Stillie has built a big barn since
thefir8tof Juno .aud now has it
stored full of grain and hay.
Dr. J, Alvin Comerer and wife
and daughter Fay, of Vintondale,
Pa., have been spending the last
week visiting the Doctor's mother
Mrs. Nancy Comerer, near Burnt
Cabins, and other friends and re
latives in this county. They were
the guests of his brother T. J.
Comerer in this place Monday.
S. M. Lauthers, of Burnt Cab
ins, was in Chambersburg on
Wednesday, closing the deal with
W. L. Mmnick, Esq., for the pur
chase of his farm near Orrstown,
consisting of 110 acres. Mr. L.
may move to his new home in the
spring or he may hold the proper
ty as an investment. People's
We have been having some
good rains, which will be a gieat
benefit to the late corn and buck
wheat. Dennis Everts who owns and
operates the old Hess mill, is
greatly Improving his property
by putting in a concrete for lay,
Mr. Everts contemplates putting
in a concrete dpm in the near
future. Ills mill will be ready
for grinding and cider making
the first of next week.
. Miss Lillian Brewer, of Hagers
town, is visiting her aunt Mrs.
Mac . Litton. Mrs. Litton has
been very much indisposed
for some time, but is better at
this writing. 1
W. K. Daniels and wife spent
a few days recently with friends
m and near Mercersburg.
Mrs. IL C. Zimmerman and
daughters Iva and Mary spent
the latter part of last week wifi
relatives near Dickeys mountain,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Litton
spent Sunday at B. R. Simpson's.
The Misses Mills, of Johns
town, have returned home after
having visited the families of W.
W. and J. C. Douglass.
The Bald Eagle Literary Socie
ty will hold its first meeting ot
the season on the last Saturday
night of this month.
Richard JJewitt and wife, of
Cumberland, Md., and Jacob Rob
mson, of Baltimore, are .visitiDg
the for mer '8 brothers and sisters
and the latter's uncles and aunts
jT. m. comerer,
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators. Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills. Sc.
Engines on hand all
the time.
AND Gil R! u THE 9.11 ll1d
Ui iftOta FVwm smfiMP'l