S. M. Robinson, Justice ojt the Peace, McConnellsburg, Pa. 'J7 -m3. ' N Rev. W. M. Hann living on the Knable farm io Ayr township found a pair of gold nosa glasses laat Friday. 50 cents pays the fare one way between McConnollsburg and Morcersburg. Shoots stago line. About a half-hundred town folks spont Monday afternoon very pleasantly on top of the mountain picnicking. TheAsbury Ladies' Aid Society will hold an ice cream and chick en swallop supper at Harrison villc, Saturday ovening, July 30th. All are cordially invitod to at tend. HIDES. James Sipes & Som. pay the highest market price for beef hMes at tieir butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins sheepskins and tallow. On the last Saturday evening in this month, there will be a fes tival on the grounds at the Zion Methodist church in Thompson township. Proceeds for the ben efit ot the church. John Spade and family, form erly of the Cove, but for some time residents of Sir John's Run, moved to McConnellsburg last Thursday and are now living in Senator Alexander's tenanthouse on West Water street. Mrs. Mary Fields widow, and Miss Jane Fields daughter, of the late David T. Fields, wish to ex press their thanks to the friends, neighbors, ministers, and com rades for their assistance and sympathy at the time of the death and funeral of the husband and father. THE VIRGINIAS TO BRING CROWDS. As an evidence of the prosper ity of Iowa farmers and their reckless disregard of the germ laden dollar bills, J. E. Johnston, of Albia cent a postoftice money order the other day w advance his subscription to the Fulton County News away into the year 1913. Thank you, Elmer. A few years ago, Dr. McCar thy, an enterprising physician in visiting Mercersburg noticed that the town depended upon cis terns and old wells for their wa ter supply. 1 le obtained permis sion Irora the Council to put in a plant and give them wholesome mountain water. This plant was put in at an expense of $35,OCO. Last Friday he closed out the plant to Harry liryon and II. II. Spangler, substantial business men of that town for $G0,000. J. C. Barton takes this means of contradicting the report, ma liciously circulated, to the effect that he would not permit persons who drive to the Crystal Springs Campmeeting to tie their horses in the timberland he lecently purchased from the Hanks' es tate. The report is entirely false and Mr. Barton never intimated anything to that effect to anyone, although he would like to be treated fair and hopes patrons of the Campmeeting will not de stroy his property. Pennsylvania leads the Christ ian Endeavor hosts of the world In the number of members. Gen eral Secretary A. J. Shartle, of Reading, in his biennial report, gave the total membership of the State as 253.800. A tremendous gain has been made during the last two years, there being a net increase of 405 societies, There are now 5,076 societies in the State as follows: Junior, 1,410; intermediate, 131; Young People's 3,495. A FRIGHTFUL WRECK of train, automobile, or buggy, may cause cuts, bruises, abras ions, sprains, or wounds that de naand Bucklen's Arnica Salve- . earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, it's supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c. at Trout's drug store. State League of Odd Fellows Looks Over Arrangements For Reunion at Pen-Mar, August 4. From the Waynesboro Daily Re cord of July 8th 1910. A committee representing the Tri state league of the 1. O. O. F. came to Waynesboro, Thursday afternoon, met the local commit toe on the Odd Fellows reunion at Pen-Mar, August 4, found the arrangements and outlook alto gether to its liking, definitely de cidod to abandon Its own reunion and join with the local committee n miking the Pen Mar reunion the greatest gathering of Odd Follows this section has ever wit nessed. The representatives of the Tri- state league were E T. Licklider. Shepherdstown, W. Va., presi dent, and A. T. Russler, Martins burg, W. Va. They were very much pleased with the entertain ment they received here and con vinced that the outlook for the August 4 reunion is such as to make it advisable to omit their annual gathering this year. Their league had made consid erable progress in its prepara tions for its reunion. The date had been selected August and the place Winchester, Va. Speakers had been engaged and the railroad arrangements were under way. Notwithstanding all these completed details, the league will cancel everything it has done toward its reunion and will even bring along with it to Pen Mar the two speakers who had consented to deliver addres ses at Winchester. These speakers are: Dr. D. P. Kessler, Cowen, W. Va., grand master of West Virginia, and A. J. Wilkinson, Grafton, W. Va., grand secretary of the state. They will participate in the Pen- Mar reunion. The Tri-state league is com posed of forty subordinate lodges It has been in exis tense six years and has held five reunions at In- wood or Island park, near Harp ers Ferry. These reunions have been attended by 8000 to 10,000 people. This year, however, inquiry developed the fact that probably not one-tenth of that number would be present, owing to the purpose of the great majority of the members to attend the Pen- Mar assemblage of Odd Fellows. The local committee has en gag ed the Wayne band for the day. It will give a concert program at 1:30 in the afternoon in the large auditorium, preceding the liter ary program. The speakers for the occasion will be: Grand Master E. E. Cranmer, Pittsburg; Grand Mas ter J. S. Green, M. D., Baltimore, and Rev. B. H. Hart, D. D., liar risburg, former rand master of this state. Watson R. Davison, Esq., this place, may preside over the exer cises. After the formal program in the auditorium there will be com potitive drills by a number of can tons (the uniformed rank) and drills by the Rebekahs, the worn en's auxiliary ol the order. All arrangements now look to a very large crowd and prepara tions are being made by railroads for carrying great numbers of people to Pen -Mar on that day. Church Festival. There will be a festival at Dub lin Mills Saturday evening, July 23. Proceeds for benefit of Meth ndist church. All who have at tended our former occasions know there is usually plenty of good things to eat, with plenty o Icecream of very best quality and good orangeade. Come and help a worthy cause. You Run No Rfsk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can re pair the damage already done by using Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, anti septic, germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimu lates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair rourisb ment, removes dandruff and re stores hair health. It is as pleas ant to use as bure water, and it is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try Rexall -'OS" Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless Lyou are perfectly satisned with its use. It come in two sizes, prices, 50c. and $1.00. Remem ber, you can obtain Rexall Reme dies in this comunity only at our store The Rexall Store Leslie W. Seylar, McCjnnellsburg. FOR FALLINQ HAIR. ') EXALL lilEMEDlES Read About Them Notice. A middle-aged man American good moral character, kind natured, sober and industrious, comfortably situated financially, would like to make the acquaint ance of a good protestent lady 35 to 40 years ot ege. matrimonially inclined. She must beef good character, and a good house keeper. To such a one is offered a home good enough to appreci ated by any lady. Early marri age, the object. No misrepre senting, Those interested should address. Box 114, Summer Hill, 7lt3. Cambria C j., Pa. Places To Hang Things. Many a home is hard to keep neat and presentable, simply be cause there is no place to put a ccat. hat, or pair of shoes, umess in a chair, on the floor or upon even hooks or nails along the kitchen walls. We have known plain farm houses to be ouilt without a single closet or place of any kind in which the men folks, or women, for that matter, could put a thing of wearing kind un less as described above. There is ce excuse for .this. Ample and frequent closets should be made in every house worthy of the name. It is nice to have a roomy one handy to the kitchen door coming in from the barn way. Better still, perhaps, is a place reserved for the coarser things in a closet in .the wood house near the kitchen door. Tbt Care of Butter. When the ice supply gives out, or you cannotget it, invert a large unglazad crock or jar over the but ter plate and keep it in the dark until time for using. The vessel being porous will keep the butter solid especially if a little water is poured around it in the dish where you havj it and a damp cloth U wrippod around the crock or jar. Letter to D. L. Grissinger, McConnellsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: We make you and every property owner in McCon nellsburg this offer: Paint half your job Devoe; paint the other halt whatever you like. If Devoe doesn't take less gallons and cost loss money, no pay. Yours truly . 09 F. W. Devoe & Co. P. 3. Hull & Bender, McCon nellsburg; J. A. Boyd, Mercers burg, and Norman O. Huber, Chambersburg, sell our paint LICKINQ CREliK. July 14. Mrs. Michael Mellott is a little better. Miss Louie Ethel Morton and Anna Payne visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mellott at Pleasant Uidge, nmg. Virgil Dard over to Yellow Wednesday eve- and wife drove Creek, Bedford county to see Mr. Bard's sister who had been very sick. They returned home last Sunday. Anna Pyne is spending the summer with Michael Mellott s family. Jacob Mellott is quite proud of his young farmer. Base Ball Carnival. The Andover Stars Intend to hold a festival July 23rd, $ mile south of Siloam church. There will be ball played during the day. Three of the best teams in the county will play. The first game will be played at 10 a. m., Bherp; the next, at 1.30 p. m., and the last game will be played at the conclusion of tho second. Let everybody come and have a good time. The Oak Glen cornet band will furnish music. Proceeds for the benefit of Siloam M. E. church. 7-7-3t. 1 Committee. Miller Wanted For mill twenty-barrel roller flour Must be tirst-clpss, strict ly sober and honest, and must tell where he last worked. Good wages. Address applications to Millek, care NEwa Office, 7-21, 3t McConnellsburg, Pa. For Sale or Exchange ' 200 acreaVa Fulton county, Pa., two dwellings, timber, cleared land, and lndicatiops of mineral deposits. treat bargain. "Owner," Postoftice Box 895, 7-21 4t Newport News, Va, Rexall Beef Wine and Iron the great strength giver, large bottles, 60c. Are you weak? have you that tired feeling? poor appetite? can't sleep? Rexall Celery and Iron tonic relieves the weakened organism ot every strain, gives nature perfect support until the system has recovered the harmonious tone of sound health until every organ is fulfilling its proper functions, 16 oz. bot tles 95c The Drug Trust charges you 50c for 40 kidney pills. Rexall Kidney Pills contain 60 to the box, costs you 35 cents, and your money refunded if you are not satisfied. Do your feet sweat and ache and burn, and give forth a bad odor? Rexall Foot Powder pack ages for 15 cents will correct this condition. Rexall Common Sense Rat Poison is 10c. a box. Rexall Blackberry Cordial is an ideal remedy for babies with summer complaint, 25c. a bottle. Rexall Aromatic Castor Oil contains all the lax ativ.e properties of castor oil without its nauseating ef fects, 25c. a bottle. The very young should be guarded against the toxic effects resulting from constipation, but great care should be exercised that more harm than good should not be done by giving strong medicine. Rexall Baby Laxative combines remedies that gently move the bowels, expel the pain causing gases, and do no harm to the delicate intestinal organism, 23 cents a large bottle. Rexall Seidhtz Powders zxt instantly soluble, 5 cents. Rexall Tea for the liver, kidneys, and bowels is one of the famous Rexall remedies. A 25 cent box makes a gallon. It is composed entirelv of herbs; no calomel or other mineral poison. Charcoal has been used as a stomach purifyer for more than 3000 years. Rexall pure willow charcoal tab lets are put up 60 in a box and sell tor 15 cents. It you want a Fountain Pen that wont leak or drop ink, and one that doesn't put too big a crimp in your bank roll, buy a Rexall. $1.00 to 2.50. It don't pay to carry a high priced watch when you can get a Rexall Watch for a dollar. Guaranteed. Rexall Straw Hat Cleaner makes old hats look like new. Rexall Red Cedar Flakes keep out Moths. 15 cents. Remember this Saturday Candy is as good as it can be made'at any price. Fresh every week. Doesn't taste t like a pine box, and the price is 29c. a pound. Every bottle or package of Rexall preparations is a third larger than those made by the patent medicine trust, and the price is lower, and, then, each one is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money cheer fully refunded. , Rexall preparations are. not "secret" or "patent." The ingredients and formula of each of the 320 remedies cheerfully given. ' REMEMBER: -There is only one place in F.ulton County where these Remedies may be obtained and that is at the REXALL STORE; McConnellsburg, Pa., Leslie W. Seylar, - Proprietor. mm 8 FULTON COUNTY BANK McConnellsburg, F. (ORGANIZED IN 1887.) EIGHTEEN STOCKHOLDERS all among the prominent business men ot the County. C J The resource of this Banlc now ar exceed any period in Its ex- g existence. We Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest. Our customers value and "bank on" our security to depositors, and our willingness and ability to assist them In every way consist ent with gonad banking. ' More Than $300,000.00 Security to Depositors. W. II. sNELSON, - Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of McConnellsburg, At the close of business June 30, 1910. RESOURCES. r.onnnnnrt Dfsoounn , 1197,441 26 Overdraft, Meoured nd unsecured. , 838.67 V. 8. Honda to neoure circulation Sft.OOOOO Premium on U. S. Ikmdt MM. 46 BondH, neourUlot, eto.. 60,676.47 Bunking houne, furniture, and fixture 870.00 Due from National llitnk (not reserve agents ) 1,176.08 Due from State, Private Hnnks. and Hunkers, Trunt Co'i and Sav. Hank 42B.0J Due from approved reserve agenta... S.1.91W.94 Checks anl other oab Item. 9H2 0R Note or other National Hanks IJ60.00 Fractional paper currency, nickel and cent 159.01 LAWKUL,Mc,NT KmfRVI IK 1UNK, VIE ! Specie iio.(W7.o Legal-tender notes I.CM.00 18,187.06 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6per cen.. of circulation) 1,250.00 . Total 1330,012 16 LIABILITIES. Uapltnl stock paid In Hurplu fund 7 Undivided pronto, lets expense and taieapald ... Natlouul Hunk note outstanding..,.. Dividend unpaid Individual deposit subjeot to check Demand certificate of deposit Time eert'flcatcsof deposit Certlllcd check Cashier's checks outstanding a.ooo.oo 10,000.00 2.MJ.7! as.ono.co ik.oo . ?3.63.W MW.OO 10S.3MU W) 7 t.m: si .f3.IO.ni2.i6 Compare the above state ment,with statement pub lished since March 29th, 1910, and note our growth. Unvarnished Dependable Facts Such points as peculiar sagging pockets, lapels becoming shapeless, buttons drop ping off at unwarranted moments, and seams ripping here and there, are all to tally foreign to the suits you buy of us. The Key-note of This Business Is, as much good making as can be squeezed into a suit made to your order. v :- The Suitings to Suit Are Here in All Grades. -: We have the season's styles, in Straw Hats, Stiff and Dress Hats. They come in new every few weeks. Dusters, Khaki Pantaloons, all kinds. Dress Shirts in great variety. Men's Boys' and Children's Suits. Do not forget the place. A. U. NACE & SON. Dtrt.ECTOri3 : J. Nelson Slpes, Cbas. R. Spangler, A. U. Nacu 0 Wm. U. Nelson, J. F. Johnson, Walter M. Cotuerer, A. F. Baker SPRING, 1910 New Millinery :-: Smart Styles :-: Superior Quality. We offer for the corning season the most superb line of high grade Fashionable Millinery it has ever, been our good fortune to offer to our customers and trade. .. - .. We have all the latest New York and Philadelphia styles. i Our Hats trimmed and untrimmed have a certain charm and individuality about them that you only find in a first-class Millinery Store Prices, youwill always find right. - Thanking you for past favors you are cordially in vited to call, see our goods, get pricesand be one of our many customers. ANNA B. FREY, McConnellsburg, Pa. BUGGIES: iBDGGIES . (f . I have 'ust refilled my sheds with a fine lot of new Topi Buggies, both factory and hand-made; ranging; In prlo, ' from U5.00 up to 178.00 for the beat hand-made Mlfflln burg buggy. My $15 buggy la ft good, strong, gubstaa- , ( tlal one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction. ' I will sell on time to suit cuatomers. It will pay you to . examine my stock before you buy elsewhere, . . . Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of their f avora I am, - . . ...,- Very truly yours, ; W - R . ,E V A N S HUOTONTOWN, PA,