The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 14, 1910, Image 8

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    A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. George Magsam Mou
day morning.
S. M. Robinson, Justice of the
Peace, McConnellsburg, Pa. 7-7
50 cents pava the faro one way
between McConneltsburg and
Mercersburg. Sheets stage
William Doshong, neur liar
risonville, has a hound that gave
birth to twenty puppies at one
Jitter recently fourteen male,
and six female.
Insure your buildings. Save
money, by writing M. It. Slu;I
ner, for rates, lie has the best
companns and gives lowest rates.
Do it now.
An oats stalk taken from a
field on the J. F. Johnston farm
near Knobsville, tenanted by
Jonathan P. Peck, measures 5
feet 11 inches. The oats crop in
this county is unusually fine.
HIDES. James Sipes & Son,
pay the highest market price
for beef hides at fieir butcher
shop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
Rev. Powers, of Meedmore,
will preach at Laurel Ridge at 3
o'clock in the afternoon of the
third Sunday in this month, and
at Antioch at o'clock in the ev
ening of the same day.
Find a good shady place and
read the Racket Store's new ad
vertisement. Their prices have
been marked down to suit hot
weather customers. They have
handled over ten miles of Ameri
can fence this summer.
The Fulton County Veteran
Association will meet on the Re
union Ground on Saturday, July
30, 1910, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for
leasing the booths and setting the
day for the Reunion.
Thornton Meilott, on the Ridge
road "i miles south of Pleasant
Ridge postoflicV, has an eleven-months-old
colt and an automobile-seat
buggy good as new that
he will sell right to a quick buyer.
By reference to the advertise
ment in another column of this
paper, it will be seen that the
time for receiving bids for the
building of the new school house
at Need more has been extended
to Monday, the 2uth ol July, at
10 o'clock.
There is more joy in a printing
office over one sinner that pays
in advance and abuses the editor
on every possible occasion than
there is over ninety and nine who
borrow the paper and sings its
praises, without contributing a
cent to keep it out of the poor
house. The first sea shore excursion
over the Cumberland Valley rail
road left Mercersburg this morn
ing., Other excursions will go
on the following dates: July 28th
August 11th and 25th, and Sep
tember 6th. If interested, cut
this out, as it will not appear
again. Fare, 5.00 round trip.
Time, 10 days.
Every young lady may mark it
down as a fact that if she flirts
and associates with "pick ups"
she will soon have no others for
associates. No matter how un
justly it may be, there will al
ways be a suspicion that those
who are not above making ac
quaintances in this way are not
as pure in heart and mind as they
ought to be. It would be unjust
to say no pure minded girls ilirt.
They do and many ot them lose
their purity by so doing. Others
though not so unfortunate, sub
ject themselves to suspicions
which every woman should be
Open Every Niuhl.
Oar store will bo open every
niht until 9 o'clock, and on Sat
urday night until 10:30.
lli;ix & Dunokk.
Bate Bill Carnival.
The Andover Stars Intend to
bold a festival July 23rd, i mile
south of Siloaru church. There
will be ball played during the
day. Three of the best teams in
the county will play. The first
game will be played at 10 a. m.,
uUtrv: the next, at 1.30 p. m .and
the last game will be played at
the conclusion of tho second. Let
everybody cooio and bave a good
time. The OakGleD cornet band
will fprrilsh music. Proceeds for
the benefit of SiloamM.E church.
7 7 St. CoMMITTfcK.
Public Notice to Stock Subscription.
Subsci iptiou of stock in Tho McConnellsburg Carrying
Cjmpany, to be incorporated for the purpose of transport
ing passengers, mail and express between McConnellsburg
and the C. V. Railroad by automobile will be received until
Saturday night, July 30, 1910.
Certificate receipts will be given for all money and these
will, bo exchanged for certificates of stock as soon as they
can be secured.
The shares are $ 10 each. Send your check for one or
more shares to either of tho undersigned who will execute
your order.
B. W. PECK, Editor News.
E. II. KIRK, Editor Democrat,
E. D. S1IIMER, Editor Republican,
or S. W. KIRK,,
Solicitor for the Company.
Farmer Leagues For Business.
Tho report of A. W. Thackara,
United States Consul-General at
Merlin, on farmer leagues in Gcr
many, just issued by the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor at
Washington, should prove of
great interest and value to Amen
can agriculturists.
There are in Germany 23,505
farmers' societies or unions form
ed for mutual aid, with a total
membership of 1,970,619. . These
societies have been combined in
to two great national organiza
tions, the Imperial Agricultural
Organization and the General Ag
ricultural Organization. These
two central organizations are
united for administrative pur
poses. At the last report of the Imper embraced 07
circuit unions, made up of 18,333
societies, with a membership of
1,575,000. These local societies
comprised 12,581 sivings and
loan societies, 2,129 co-operative
purchasing societies, 1,900 dairy
societies and 1,591 societies devot
ed to various other objects.
The General Organization is
made up mostly of savings and
loan societies. The total num
ber of societies is 5,172, of which
4,393 are savings and loan socie
ties, the other groups being devot
ed to various purposes correspond
ing to the classification in the lm
perial Organization.
The total assets of the savings
and loan societies in both the Im
perial and the General Organiza
tions is, in round numbers, $485,
Next in importance to the sav
ings and loan societies, is the
group known as the Co opeiative
Purchasing Society, made up of
more than 2,000 local societies
with a membership of over 225,-
000 for the co-operative purchase
of supplies.
Third in importance is the
group of dairy societies compris
ing 1,719 local dairy societies with
a membership of 178,132. The
businass of these societies is the
co-operative sale ot dairy products.
Besides these two great organ
lzitions of farmers in Germany
there are two others, one for the
technical advancement of agricul
ture and the other for the pro
tection of the political interests
of the farmer.
In closing his report Consul-
General Thackara quotes an em
inent economist as saying that
the significance of the agricutural
unions in Germany, lies in their
successful advocacy of honest
business dealing, In their insist
ency on casn payments and on
economy in operating expenses,
in their struggle against usury
and deception, in the business
and moral training they give and
in tho happy combination of pro
gressive principles and brotherly
sympathy which they stimulate.
The Patriot.
How delicious were the pies of
boyhood.' No pies now ever taste
so good. What's changed, the
piesr No. It's you. You've
lost the strong, healthy stomach,
the vigorous liver, tho active kid
neys, the regular bowels of boy
hood. Your digestion is poor and
you blame the food. - What'B
needed? A complete toning up
by Electric Bitters of all organs
of digestion stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels. Try the in. I They'll
restore your boyhood appotite
and appreciation of food and fair
ly saturate your body with new
health, strength and vigor. 50c
at Trout's drug store.
Prof. E p Kell, a former well
known book agent in this county,
will teaih In cue of the Orbisouia
public schools next winter.
A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong
We guarantoe complete relief
to all sufferers from constipation.
In every case where we fail we
will supply the medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle
effective, dependable and safe
bowel regulator, strei.gthener
and tonic. They re-establish na
ture's functions m a quiet, easy
way. They do not cause any in
convenience, griping or nausea.
They are so pleasant to take and
work so easily that they may be
taken by anyone at any time
They thoroughly tone up the
whole system to healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsurnass
able and ideal for the use of chil
dren, old folks and delicate per
sons. We cannot too highly re
commend them to all sufferers
from any form of constipation
and its attendint evils. Two sizes
10c. and 25c. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in
this community only at our store
The Rexall Store. Leslie W.
Seylar, McConnellsburg, Pa.
Preachers' Salaries.
A special report of the Census
Bureau presents the results of
tho first attempt made by that
bureau to secure official statistics
concerning salaries paid to minis
ters. The figures cover 164,299
religious organizations, represent
ing 102 denominations, and show
an average salary of only $003.
The salaries range from an aver
ago of $1,223 m cities of the first
class, to $1,110 in those of the sec
ond class, $1,003 in those of the
third class, $972 in those of the
fourth class, and $573 in the area
outside the principal cities.
Private Sale of Range Horses.
On Saturday, July 16, 1910, the
undersigned will sell at private
sale at the City Hotel, McCon
nellsburg, Pa., ten head of good
Range Horses and Mares. These
horses are suitable for all pur
poses. If you need a horse don't
fail to come and see these, they
will make you money.
W. L. Forney.
The Sunday school at Shanes
is progressing nicely.
While playing ball with the
Needmore team at Buck Valley
last Saturday, Norman Meilott
received a very bard knock at the
bands of one of the players, and
is severely injured.
Rev. Philip Cunningham and
wife, near Mercersburg, were
visiting friends m Fulton the lat
ter part of last week.
Quite a large crowd was pres
ent at the services held at the
Christian church last Sunday.
A large majority of the. people
are done harvesting and have be
gun to make hay.
Homer Sipes, wife and two
daughters visited in the home of
II II. Strait last Sunday.
Dr. J. J. Palmer has several
hands employed putting upa new
barn for him. '
Michael Meilott, wife and three
children spent Sunday with the
former's mother, Mrs. Ellen Mel
Scott and James Meilott at
tended services at Sbanesa last
of train, automobile, or buggy,
may cause cuts, bruises, abras
ions, sprains, or wounds that de
maud Bucklen's Arnica Salve
earth's greatest healer. Quick
relief and prompt cure results.
P.r burns, boils, sores of al
kinds, eczema, chapped hands
and lips, sore eyes or corns, It's
supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c.
at Trout's drug store.
Tho farmers are busy harvest
It. Mrs. Jos McClain and family,
of Oak Grove, spent Sunday with
D.iwson Strait.
Rella Raker, of Johnstown,
and sister Bess, of Dane, spent
Sunday at the home of J. W.
Mrs. Celia Shuman and chil
dren, of Shippensburg, are visit
ing Mrs. Shuman's brother, D.L,
S. D. Wolfe lost a valuablo mare
one d.iy last week.
J. C Birnett, wife and daugh
ter Zelola. spent Sunday at J. VV.
Myrtle Alloway, who had the
misfortune to injure one of her
arms very bedly on a rusty nail,
is now under the care of Dr. R.
B. Campbell.
There will be a Social in the
Grove at this place next Satur
day vening, J uly 10th. Benefits
for U. B. church. Everybody
James Patterson, of Kossuth,
Iowa, has a cow that is a profit
maker. She is a Jersev-Short
horn cross, and during the last
year she has made Patterson $105
in clear cash, after deducting all
expenses of her kaep. And that,
too, in selling milk at 5 cents a
quart, while others were selling
it at from 6 to 8 cents. This cow
eave 10,458.74 pounds of milk, or
461 quarts. This Was sold for
$243. The keep of the cow
amounted to $80.
Letter to John P. Sipes,
. McConnellsburg, Pa.
- Doar Sir: One of the ways to
get rich is to make a quarter look
like thirty cents.
There's a better: make it thir
ty cents. It has this advantage:
one keeps out of jail.
There are 200 paint manufac
turers making quarters look like
30, 40, 50, 00 cents, and all the
odd cents between. Tnat is,
their "paints"' profess to be
paint-:; and they are, in about the
proportions named. They get
30 to GO cents for' a quarter's
worth; some get 75.
There's a better way to paint:
Devoe. There are eight honest
paints. By "honest," we mean
not adulterated and full measure
These honest ones differ; no two
tre alike. In one, the quarter is
worth 27 or 28 cents; in another,
30 cents; there must be a best
oue in eight; it is the one that
takes least gallons to cover a pb
Devoe. To cover; that seems a light
way to speak of a paint. No, it
isn't. That is what paint is for:
to cover. It means to hide and
protect. The paint that goes
furthest is best, wears longest.
Go far is all; and Devoe is the go-
far painty
Yours truly
G8 F. W. Devoe & Co.
P. o. Hull & Bender, McCon
Lyrfsburg; J. A. Boyd, Mercers
burg, and Norman O. Huber,
Chambersburg, sell our paint.
Miss Ethel Elder, ot Tyrone, is
visiting her friend Miss Goldie
Now in Press
Theodore Roosevelt's
African Game Trails
... ' Gives In Book Form the Sole Account
v V of His AFRICAN HUNT ' . - . : (
in. everv
City, Town and Village
to handle.
Colonel Roosevelt's
Early Subscriptions Filled by First Copies from the Press
153 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK
Reduction Sale
O F-
Choice Millinery
' -AT- ...
McConnellsburg, Pa.
McGonnellsk?urg, Fex
and our willingness and ability to. assist them lu every way consist-
eut with imiarl liinlrlnir
ff 5 U among the prominent business men of the County
2 The resources of this Bank now ar exceed any period In Its ex- Q
jjij existence. ,
J? We Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest.
' .... . . ... . . M
uur customers vaiue ana "Danic on" our security 10 depositors, 0
ent with sousd banking.
More Thuu $300,000.00 Security to Depositors.
W. II. NELSON, V- - Cashier.
DIUECTOI13 : J. Nelson Sloes. Chas. Tt. Spanilnr. A. U. Nice
2 Win, H. Nelson, J. V. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F, Baker M
of McConnellsburg,
At the close of business June 30, 1910.
I.oiion and Discount (197,441 38
Overdrafts, neciired and unsecured , SH8.M
V. 8. Hand to no cure circulation 8R.0O0 00
Premium on U. S. Honda nil. 46
Bonds, neourliles, eta , 60.67S.47
II inking boune, furniture, and fixtures 370.00
Duo from National Hankn (not reserve
agents.) 1.17&.W
Due from State, Private Hank, and
Hunkens Trunt Co's and Sav. Hanks 4'.H.08
Due from approved reserve agents... 83,fKw.(H
Cheuks anl oilier cash Items oiijiW
Notes of other National Hunks -JtlU.OO
Fractions paper currency, nickels and
cents 159.01
Lawful Muskt Kekbrvs is Bank, vis :
Legal-tender notes 1.3H0.00 18,1H7.06
Redemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer
(It per cenv. of circulation) 1,260.00
Tor A 1 1330,613 15
Capital stock paid In IM.00o.oo
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes puld ... 2.ft)2.r
Nntloual Ilanlt notes outitandlng '.K.OuO.oo
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to Check 73,6 1 F7
Demand certificates of deposi 7.
Time cert ftcatesof deposit Ml.Bxoiw
Certilled checks &j-
Cushicr'a checks outstanding . i.m: M
Compare the above state
ment with statement pub
lished since March 29th,
1910, and note our growth.
Unvarnished Dependable Facts
Such points as peculiar sagging pockets,
lapels becoming shapeless, buttons drop
ping off at unwarranted moments, and
seams ripping here and there, are all to
tally foreign to the suits you buy of us.
The Key-note of This Business Is,
as much good making as can be squeezed
into a suit made to your order.
:- The Suitings to Suit Are Here in All Grades. -:- -:-
We have the season's styles, in Straw
Hats, Stiff and Dress Hats. They come
in new every few weeks.
Dusters, Khaki Pantaloons, all kinds.
Dress Shirts in great variety.
Men's Boys' and Children's Suits. Do not
forget the place.
SPRING, 1910
New Millinery :-: Smart
Styles :-: Superior Quality.
We offer for the coming season the most superb
line of high grade Fashionable Millinery it has ever
been our good fortune to offer to our customers and
We have all the latest New
York and Philadelphia styles.
Our Hats trimmed and untrimmed have a certain"
charm and individuality about them that you only
find in a first-class Millinery Store . .
Prices, you will always find right. S
Thanking you for past favors you are cordially in
vited to call, see bur goods, ' get prices, and be one
of'our many customers.
ANNA B. FREY, McConnellsburg, Pa.
I have 'ust refilled mj sheds with ft flue lot of new Top j 1
Bugles, both factory and hand-made; rangtnjr In price f
from 115.00 up to 175.00 for the best hand-made Mllllln
burjf buirjiy. My tW bugy Is a food, strong, substan-. ;
tlal one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction.
I will tell on time to suit customers. ' 1 1 w 1 11 pay you to
examine my stock before you buy elsewhere.
,.' Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting
continuanoe of their favors I am,
vv, Very truly yours, . ;
W. R . EyANS