The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 07, 1910, Image 4

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Published livery Thursday.
B W. P.K, Editor aad Proprietor.
JULY 7, 1910
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
All legal bus nrss and collrntinr.a entrusted
will ecetvu citrcfui anil ur.imul attention.
Persq lure of s linen 3 tlcrei I' SO.
Fer sunre eu;h Hutmeijuci t Insertion.... 0.
An advprtl-wments Insi-rtnl for lew than
hree monlhK oharxed by iuc squnrc.
3 njts. j fl niov I I yr.
. . I ijd.k) I l io
.. . 2'r un, 41 00 W.K
... 40.00. I Ki.00. 75 00
One-fourth column...
Oue-hulf column
ne Column
Church Notices.
Announcements tor Sunday
10, 11(10.
S. 15. Hoffman, pastor.
Bpthlohom Sunday school 9:00.
Cromwell Sunday sehuol 0.
Preaching, 7:4-1.
Ml. Tabor Sunday school 2:00.
Preaching .1.
Christian Endeavor 8:00.
Wells Valley Sunday school 0:00.
I'reachinir 10:00.
Christian Endeavor :00.
Preaching at Duhlin'Mills Grove, Sat
urday evonTng, July 0th.
Quarterly Conference, July 11th; busi
ness meeting, 2:3f; corninunion at 8
L. W. McGarvcy, I'astor.
Fairview Sunday school I);.'!1!.
Preaching, lo:30.
Center Sunday school 1:110.
Preaching 2:.'!0.
Ilustontown- Sunday school 9:00.
Class 10.
K.pworth League, 7::iJ.
Preaching 8:'i).
l'raycr mei-ting Thursday S:()0. p. m.
Napoleon's Orlt
was of tho unconquerable, never
say die kind, the kind that you
need moat when you have a bad
cold, cough or luny disease. Sup
pose troches, couh syrups, cod
liver oil or doctors, have all fail
ed, don't lose heart or hope. Take
Dr. Kiug's Now Discovery. SutU
faction is guaranteed when used
for any throat or lung trouble
It has saved thousands of hope
less sufferers. It masters stub
born colds, obstiaate cough?,
hemorrhages, lagrippo, croup,
asthma, hay fever, and whooping
cough and is the most safe and
certain remedy for all bronchial
affections. 50?,. 1.00. Trial bot
tie free at Trout's drug store.
Iialpft McKee, of .Marion, Pa.,
is visiting his grand parents Dr.
and Mrs. YV. L. McXibbin.
Many ot our people attended
the Fairview picnic and report it
a success.
The speakers at the Fairview
picnic were Rev. James Logue
and Rev. Jesse Huff man.
We were treated to some fine
music by the Helle Grove Band
passing through on its way to
the Fairview picnic.
Goldie Lynch who was visiting
the home of her grand parents
returned home Sunday.
Mrs. hlMo McKibbin visited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
IIuou of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Divelbiss visited
their daughter last Sunday.
L. II. Carnell, wife and two sons
were guests of C. W. Stanley
Sunday, and W. II. Deneen and
wife were guests in the home of
Theodore Fletcher.
Wm. Rice and wife called onF.
M. Diehl last Sunday evening.
No Danger
M um th right caaalln.
Mora auto troubles cart be trucad
to Inferior kaolin than hum
Mhif aauaea. Why nut aruoy your
machlna. confidant that tha KWlf il
Uwi lual wticn you ne mwt.
Waverly Gasolines
are manufactured opraaafy for automo
bile um. Xiy the Vvarly biauua.
76 Motor ioe
R you aav b ird 1,1 Instantaiiaoua, lrw-
Offv.'Kain i,.r a i-liw. or la cyorxM-ra.
Wl OH Waaka Co.
1 1-
Colloquy In a Railway Station Ending
In a Draw.
An Irluhman was Bitting In a depot
amoklnx when a womnn rn-mo, and,
attttnK down besldo hliu, remarked:
"Sir, If you were a gentleman you
would not smoke here."
"Mum," he snld, "If ye wuz a lady
ye'd sit farther away."
Irtty Boon the woman burst out
"If you were my husband I'd give
you poison."
"Well, mum," returned the Irish
man, as he puffed away at hla pipe,
"If you wuz me wife I'd take It"
Juitlc and Lucre.
Judge (Mies Baker, of a Pennsyl
vania county, was likewise cashier of
his home hank. A man presented a
check one (lay for payment. He waa
a at ranger. His evidence of identifi
cation was not satisfactory to the
"Why, Judge," said the man, "I've
known you to sentence men to be
hanged on no better evidence than
"Very likely," replied the Judge,
"flut when It comes to letting go of
cold cash we have to be mighty careful.
Some Thoughts on Sheep and Goats.
Sheep live higher, but more la ex
pected of them. Goats have to do
without some things, but they've less
on their minds.
It's a great distinction to be a
sheep, but it wouldn't be, only for
the goats.
None except sheep get into Boclety.
None except goats know what a parcel
of foolishness society la.
There are sheep who wonder If It's
worth all it costs. Goats would be
fairly contented if it wasn't for their
wives all the time dying to be sheep.
No Assistance Needed.
Luclnda stood in the presence of
two famous surgeons who had Just ns
su. ed her that her present condition
demanded an operation and that un
less it was performed within a short
time she would in all probability die.
I.uclnda listened respectfully.
"I'm jes as much obliged to you
gen'mans aa I can be," she assured
them, "but ef de deah Lord has done
made up his mln' to call me home, I
thinks he kin translate me widout no
A Work of Supererogation.
Henry dislikes being bathed and ar
gues with his mother over every
square inch of his four-year-old ana
One night, when his patience waa
especially tried by what he considered
wholly unnecessary work, he exclaim
'Oh, mamma, couldn't you skip ray
stomach ? Nobody ever sees my stomach!"
"That new girl breaks everything!"
"Yea; she even cracked a smile
this morning and then broke Into a
Hla Standard.
Mr. Purist: I tell you our modern
literature Is deteriorating very rapidly.
Uncle Hiram Well, I guess. You
can't read the patent-medicine adver
tisements nowadays without having
them all broken up by these blamed
continued stories In between.
Walnut Grove Campmeetinj;.
The Walnut Grove Campmeet
ing Association have made all ar
rangements for thecampmeeting
to be held August 5 to 11. All
tents are rented and several ap
plications for tents are unsup
plied. Arrangements will be
made for these. No admission
fee will be charged this year.
E'ermanent tent holders will have
all the rights they had last year
and no changes will be made in
the rules. Tentholders who do
not occupy their tents must noti
fy the General Manager, Rev. F.
W. McGuire, at least 30 days be
fore te camp of that fac The
boarriinp house will be conducted
by J. C. Cromwell, Maddensville.
The hack will be run by E. 1?.
VVible, Selei. Iloardii.g will te
$G for term of 1') days. Furnish
ed rooms for $3 for term. Lodg-leg!.
The singing and spiritual part
of the work will be in charge of
Rev. G ,11. M. Ruidell pastor of
the church of Walnut Grove.
Miss Hertlia Locke will preside
it the organ. Winona Hymns
will be used la the services. Pi of
U S. Urinser of Lancaster C .,
vill have charge of the Children's
ier vices A tnong the preachers
vho will bo present are Dr. Yaha
and Dr. Forney of Ilarrlsbure,
Rev. Waggouner and Banishoffof
Altoona and a numtier of others.
Iror loruf aiaii in write Hi v. V ,
W.' McGuire, Saiton, Ta.
Try Following Few Rules to Keep Cool
While II Lasts.
Now that summer ,is here that
the weather man had promised it
to be warmer, that the heavy
clothing has been put away, and
that all doubt of winter's return
is passed, it is a good thing to re
meinber a few rules for keeping
conl, especially while tho hot and
oppressive weather lasts.
Don't put too much faith in
cold baths. They sot the body
in a glow avoided when tho ther
mometer is around 90 degrees.
Don't forget to take a little time
to rest during the day.
Don't cut out all exercise be
cause it is hot. Take it in the
early morning or after the sun
goes down, or even a walk just
before bedtime.
Don't run for street cars or
trains. It is safer to start in
time unless we are courting heat
Don't do any work that is un
Don't drink too many iced
drinks. They spoil the digestion
and complexion and only make
you warmer in the end. It is
better to have your drinks cold
without being actually iced.
These are just a few of the
homely things that we all know
quite well and yet we all forget
to put into practice when the hot
days are upon us.
Base Ball Carnival.
The Andover Stars intend to
hold a festival July 23rd, mile
south of Siloam church. There
will be ball played during the
day. Three of the best teams in
the county will play. The first
game will be played at 10 a. m.,
sherp; the next, at 1.30 p. ra., and
the last game will bo played at
the conclusion of tho second. Let
everybody come and have a good
time. The Oak Glen cornet band
will furnish music. Proceeds for
the benelitof SiloamM.E. church.
7-7 3t. Committee.
Most of our young people spent
the second at Ilustontown.
Mrs. Johu V. Glunt is spending
some time with her daughter
Mrs. David Wible who is serious
ly ill at Cito.
Wm. Gunnells and wife have
gone to Chambersourg, where
they expect to remain for an in
definite period.
Missllattie Mumma, of Rox-
bury, has returned home after
spending the past three weeks at
her former home in this place.
Miss Mary Stinson was visiting
friends at Clear Ridge over Sat
urday and Sunday.
Will Scheidleman has gone to!
Lemaster where he has employ- Ilustontown.
ment. unetnut,
Master Robert House, of IIus-; Hoover, W W
tintown, is spending this week . uarton,
with his cousin Ralph Kelso. Hoover, C B
Harrison Locke and wife, of , iaylor,
Selea, are spending a few days I Fraker, R
with the latter 's relatives in this : Lamber sou,
Gum and Sweet Juice on Stone Fruits.
A request for information as to
the wax like gum which appears
on poaches, and the assembling
of ants at the ends of the twigs
of cherry trees, was answere d by
Prof. H A Surface, State Zoolo
gist of Pennsylvania, as follows:
"The appearance of wax like
drops, like gum on pachcs, is
caused by the Curcuho, of which
there are two species. However,
they may bo caused, also, by any
thing that punctures the skin.
Of course, the Curculio is the
greatest olTender. It is to be
prevented by spraying with one
or two pounds of arsenate of lead
in half bt ength Bordeaux mix
ture, the latter being made by
using one aud one half pounds of
bluestone, and three pounds of
lime, in fifty gallons of water.
"The ants, as a rule, do not
injure ch'-rry twigs. They are
probably licking up the sweet
juice which is to be found there.
Oftentimes, when ants are seen
going up and down trees, they
are visiticg insects, such as scale
insects and plant lice, that are to
be seen on leaf or bark. The
auts themselves do not inflict the
injury, but they indicate the
presence of insects which are in
jurious. Thus the real culprits
injuring your cherry trees are
plant lice, which are found be
neath the leaves, and which give
out a sweet liquid called honey
dew, upon which the ants feed.
It is this honey dew which is
sticky and eum my and soils the
leaves. To prevent it and prevent
injury by plaut lice, you phould
spray with ore pound of Whale
Oil Soap in four or five gallons of
water before the leaves curl, aud
shortly after they come from the
buds. This is the proper time of
year to spray. It is too late to
Bpray after the leaves curl, as the
Aphids can not then be reached."
How delicious were the pies of
boyhood. No pies now ever t iste
so good. What's changed, the
pies? No. it's you. You've
lost the strong, healthy stomach,
the vigorous liver, the active kid
neys, the regular bowels of boy
hood. Y'our digestion is poor ind
you blame the food. What's
needed? A complete toning up
by Electric Bitters of all organs
of digestion stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels. Try them. They'll
restore your boyhood appetite
and appreciation of food and fair
ly saturate your body with new
health, strength and vigor. 50c
at Trout's drug store.
Base Ball.
At Ilustontown last Saturday.
c Wilson,
p Fraker, B ,
lb Johnson,
ss Cromer,
2 b llorton,
'3b Deshong, R
rf Deshong, A
cf Guitlard,
If Gracey.
0 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 x 10
00100010 02
vicinity. k.
Lola Wilson spent Saturday Keebaugh,
and Sunday with her uncle Clem Score:
Chesnutat Ilustontown. Ilustontown
Miss Mary Horton, of Qarns- Pick-ups
burg, is now employed at D. W.
Kelso's. W. L. S;evens and familv wish
July 1st being the birthday of j in this manner to thank the
Vina Kelso, on the evening of that frienda and neighbors for their
day, a number of her young kind assistance during the illness
friends gathered at her home and and after the death ot their
gave her a very pleasant surprise, daughter, Stella B. Stevens.
Madam! You'll
Never Cut Your Hand
Cleaning an
E-Z Seal Jar
(Lik-htuluf Trluuuluira)
for the edge at top Is smooth not jag
ged and rough as common jars often are.
Atlas E-Z Seal jars are machine made
that means well made no thin spots
nor weak places. Ask youf dealer to
show you the "Atlas E-Z Seal" note
its wide mouth (or large fruit its instant
and perfect sealing device." Here is
one illustrated below, tilled with big
peaches you can have Just such
handsome jars yourself if you use -
me "Atlas t.-L seal."
Wattling. W. Va.
Cf r !r Bin You no longer need wear your
J VJ ft 111 self out with the weakening:
heat of an intensely hot kitch
en. You can cook in comfort.
Here is a stove that gives no outside heat. All its heat
is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter than
either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. AU the
heat is utilized in cooking none in outside heating.
il Cook-stove
entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and
immediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is pro
jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there
is no surrounding heat no smell no smoke.
Why? Because The New Perfection
ans!9 i "sjGSii-j?- ' J 4 0,1 took-atove is scientifically and
tVT .'T r'i 7- - . M Vi :: I too RlUrh wick It ( ailtnffn.ttr.ltw
controlled. You get the maximum heat
no smoke. The burner is simple. One
wipe with a cloth cleans it conse
quently there is no smell.
The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stova
ia wonderful for year-round use, but
especially in summer. Its heat oper
ates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but
not beyond or around. It ia useless
for heating a room.
It haa a Cabinet Top with shelf
for keeping plates and food hot.
It has long turquoise-blue enamel
chimneys. The nickel finish, with tha
bright blue of the chimneys, makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burnera; the 2
and 3-burner stoves can be had with
or without Cabinet.
Kv-ry rtMln -v.r?wliTt If nnt at yntira, wrlta
for leicrtyMYe Circular to Mia uearenlageucj uflha
g fanttonary Note: Be mrell
9 vou set this 11 "V
that the name-plate
reads New Par lection."
The Atlantic Refining Company
(Incorporated )
School Lettings
And Teachers Examinations for
Provisional Cer'iticates will be
held as follows:
July 18, Licking (Jreek, Uarrison
ville. July l'J, Wells, Number 2.
July L'0, Taylor, Ilustontown.
July 21, Dublin, Fort Littleton.
July 22, Todd, McGoverns'. .
July L';i, Ayr, Webster Mills.
July 25, Belfast, Need more.
July 2(i, Brush Creek, Emmaville.
July 27, Uuion, Center.
July 28, Bethel, Warfordsburg.
July 2!), Thompson, Center.
Examinations will begin prompt
ly at eight o'clock.
The school boards of the vari
ous townships will meet as above
indicated for tho purpose of se
lecting teachers, buying books,
and the transacting of such other
business as may come before
Examinations will be given only
in Licking Creek, Taylor, Todd,
Ayr, Brush Creek and Bethel.
The age and certificate limit
will be the same as last year.
Applicants for . examination
from other counties mustptesent
a recommendation, as to charac
ter, &c.
School boards will please meet
al 10 o'clock, a. m.
Yours truly, .
B. C. Lamhkusont,
County Supt.
To Our Readers.
Should any of our readers de
sire to buy one or more shares of
stock in the automobile line we
are now trying to promote, in or
der to better our transportation
facilities, we will be pleased to
buy the same for them and send
them their certificates as soon as
tbey are issued after the charter
is granted. Should anything pre
vent the charter being granted,
we will return the money prompt
The shares are 1 10 each.
This is a good chance to make
a small investment for yourself,
wife, boy or girl, and then be
come identified with a prrject
that will revolutionize some ante
date methods we are now beiug
punished with.
Daisy Hoovar spent a few days
the latter part of last week and
first of this v eek ith friends at
ll'is'o town,
Our community vas very well
represented at the Independence
Day celebration at Ilustontown
last Saturday.
Nathan Deshong has returned
to his home in this township, aft
er ar. absence of a few months in
Ll jlng Crwok township, where
he had been employed mrst ot
the time nung the engne at
Cleveland M'illott's saw mill.
Some folks who do Dot livn in
this community having heard
about observing the Fourth of
July in a proper spirit, mistak
enly imbibed Bpirits of frumecti,
got stranded on Sideling 11 ill
mountain Friday night kindled a
fire (uot patriotic) although the
temperature wan meventy in the
shude, and probably reached
home Saturday morning.
Notice to Contractors.
Scaled bids will be received by the
Belfast township School Hoard for a
School House at Needmore. All bids
to be handed to the undersigned by 1
o'clock, July 9, 1910.
Specifications can be seen with sec
retary. Milton Mellott, Sec'y.
0-23, 3t. Sipes Mill. Pa.
$15 Reward.
Owing to the fact that the undersign
ed has been having bee trees cut and
destroyed; has been having his peach
es stolen year after year, and this
year, his cherries stolen and the trees
cut to pieces and destroyed, he will
pay a reward of FIFTEEN DOLLARS
for the arrest of parties trespassing
on his furm and cutting bee trees,
stealing fruit and destroying trees,
and for information that they were the
parties that did the damage. The
farm is known as the old Bishop farm
along Scrub Ridge mountain adjoin
ing farms of Joseph B. Mellott and
Klius Wink, and Is occupied by Aus
tin Lake as tenant.
(i-2.1, 4t. WALKER MELLOTT
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In Effect January 1, 1910. '
Trultm leuve Hunoock an follows:
No. 0 R.V a. m. (dully) for Huaemtowft. Bal
timore, WuyuuNburo, Cbuinberubury,
ttuu luiermeuiuie. - v
No. 18 60 a. m. (week days) Cumberland, and
No. 4 101'H a. m. (week duys) Baltimore, Get-
lysDurif, x orK una inieruieaiaie.
No. J !.H p m. (week dnyn Little Orleans.
Old Town, Cumberland, Kiklaa and
west. Ventlbule trulu with observation
Dunei car.
No. t 2 65 p m. (week dayn Dultlmore and In-
terruediute KLatlouH. Vestibule train
wltu observation bunot cur.
No. & b.48 p. m. (dully) leuve Baltimore 4.15
p. hi., nugerHlowu 7.4U p. m.
The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type.
it Always Tells The News As It
la. Promptly and Fully.
Read la Every Engilin-Speaklaf Country.
It has Invariably been the great ef
fort of the Thrice-a-Week editloa of
the New York World to publish the
news Impartially In order that it may
be an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells the truth, Irrespec
tive of party, and for that reason it
haa achieved a position with the pub
lic unique among papers of its class.
If you want the news as It really is,
subscribe to the Thrlce-a-Week edi
tion of the New York World, which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and is thus practically a
dally at the price of a weekly.
regular subscription price Is otoly tl.00
per year, and this pays for 156 papers
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for tl.75.
. The regular subscription price of
tho two paper is 12.00. .
8ucceed when everything else fulla.
In nervous proatration and female
weukneatea they are tha auprema
remedy, aa thousands have teatined.
it ia the brat medklne ever sold
over a drugglat's counter.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
( jMcConnellsburgPa.
l'rrfililnnt .luili'"-lion. S. Mc. Swops.
Akhoi!mLu JllrilfHN 1. 'IV 1 1 (I till,.-.-. f
l-fnnn. '
rrothnnotiry. Ac- (Jnoivf A. llinrls.
Klstrliit AUorm-y I'.runU l ynoh, .
Tri.miri'r-Chin lea. II. htovens.
ShprltT .loll llnrrtN.
ln-puty Mii'i-lif-A. H. Unhrr.nn.
Illl-V l'fltltltilM.itm,rk lluviil II,, I. .
Trunk. "
Auditor Wm. Wink, 1). It. Mycro, c
Co. .Commissioner Kmuuucl Keefer, J
Sharp. Ouulel VV. Cn'iuor.
tierK i. r TiiDK nenry.
County Superintendent II C. I.umlieison
Alt. U' V.,,,,1 A , . -
Slpes. Tliouula K S um. I'. MeN. Julmsli in "vi"
U l,-,(V,,..t- l..hnli kin... U 11 I.....
... -iui . . ..un. f . l
Lynoh, 11. N. blues, L. U. Wlblu. '
Justine of the Potve .Ino. P. Conrad
Cnii-iub:c Churlt. Pteult,
Hurt-'esK W. II. Nslm.
Cnunellmrn-Thomiw HamH, Pnnl Wninu.
John Sheets, Mli'hsel Black, Marry Uuiiin,ii
H. U. Nivee, Albert Stoner. '"'
Clerk U. W. Pek.
Sehool 1'lreotorn John Comercr. D L (irU
ilnifer, Hnrrv Unnill, td. 1). Shinier, s 11
Woollet. M. W. Nnce.
Bo-rd of Heulih-John P. Slpes. pres I a
Irwin, v. p: (ieoiue W. Hiiys. aeo'y; V ' a'
Lynch, John W. Mower, M. U.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall comments
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m,
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June
at 10 o'clock a. m. 1
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Pkesbyteri A n . Re v . John Diehl
Sabbath school at :15. Preaching
10:.'t0 an alternate Sundays, and 7:30
every Sunday. Christian Endeavor at
6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve
ning at 7:00. All are cordially invited,
Methodist fianscoPAL Rev. C W.
Bryner, Pastor, Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Kev, J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
Ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo-
pie's Christian' Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evenlns
at 7:00.
H V ANG ELl KjAli iiUTHERAN-P.ev. Cal
vinFassoldPaslor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30fand every other Sun
day evening atl 7:00. hristian En
deavor at 6:00 pf m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. Rice, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at, 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'Conneilsburg Lodge
No. 741 meets every Friday evening in
tne Clevenger's Hall In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening in the New Hall
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 710 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrisonvllle.
' Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada. "
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets
In W-aferdsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.. No.. 365 meets in
McConnellsburg In Clevenger's Hall
the tirst Saturday In every month at 2
Washington Camp, No. 550, P. O.
S. of A. meets every .first and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum
meets every first and third Monday
evening In Clevenger's Hall, McCon
nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 5b4, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No.
589, meets even Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon in Lashley hall,
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman'i Relief Corps, No. 8o
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKibbin Post dNo.401
G. A. S., meets the second an fourth
Haturdaya In each month at Pleasant
Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O.
U. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear
Ridge every Saturday evening.
The Aspasia Rebekab Lodge, I. O.
O. V., of Ilarrisonvillei meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of each month, in
the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrisonvllle.
Clear Ridge Grange No.' 1306, P. of
u., meets trie nrst ana third Frill a
nignis eacn montn in Jr. U. U. A.
. a
."- -vi
V3-t-'i. .-j -a. sr.n aa . ...
nivl Copyrights &e.
Anrnnaaniullna a .hHrh and rinapHntlim n
aiilokiy aa-jrtxiii r,nr ui'iiuuii froa wliaihitr all
Invention la proliablf piitmilMl,liL rmi.nninlr'
tt.iu.mriollrtioiitlitbMtlul. lliui.lbookoii Piumiu
aunt fre nl-1,.t autuiry foi mitiriujr ua'til.
1'itlriiila tk,il "lirmurli Uiiim Jk ('.,. nuwla
fpfcou notice wtv louichnrua, lutha
Scientific Hcrl
4 handinmelr tllntrftt4 wcHr rinttsl d
tilnitoii of any unemtuo Journal. 1 di-mi. 93
S-r: four ni'i'itk U tiold by nil TiewsKli-nfani. ,
trwh linn, ft, Y .. Waahlluilua ft O
J.l .V