The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 09, 1910, Image 7

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    packaje Maiiearreo on nequesigi
The best Stomach and
Liver Pills known and
' T a positive and speedy
' C cure toT Constipation,
fW;) ttirila-estlon. Jaundice.
Biliousness, Sour 8tom-
I acta, Heaaaene, ana ail
I llmAtiti nrfslnff frftm
disordered stomach or
lueelsh liver. They
fj contain In concen
tk r ' tratad form all - the
virtues and values of Munyon't Paw
Paw tonlo and are made from the
lulce oi tha Paw-Paw fruit. I on
hesita Ingly recommend these pills as
being the best laxative and cathartic
er compounded. Send us postal or
letter, requesting a free package of
Munvon'a Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa
iiva Pills, and we will mall same fret
of charge. MUNYON S HOMOEO
and Jefferson Sta.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Your Health Worth7
Tsu start sickness by mistreating nature
end it generally shows first in the bowels
land liver. A loc bo (week's treatment)
.of CSCARETS will help nature help
vou. They wul ao more lining tnem
regularly as you need them than any
medicine on Earth. Get a box today;
take a CASCARBT tonight Better in
the raorning. It's the result that makes
millions take them. sn
CASCABBTS we a box for a week's
treatment, all drnntaa. BMrseet eel Iar
la th world. Milhoa boxes a month.
Of late years the diamond output
of South Africa the most Important
producing center of the world may
be regarded aa having practically
come from three groups the De
Beers, the New Jagerfonteln and the
Premier. There are others, but they
are of little Importance.
From experiments In the different
colonies It Is contemplated to estab
lish wireless stations In German East
Africa, Togoland, Kamerun and
German Southwest Africa, also be
tween the different German South
Bea colonies.
Sick kidneys give unmistakable sig
nals of distress. Too frequent or
canty urinary passages, backache,
I headache and dizzy
spells tell of disor
dered kidneys. Neg
lect of these warn
ings may prove fa
tal. Begin using
Doan's Kidney Pills.
They cure sick kidneys.
Mrs. W. B. Conway,
117 Railroad St.,
Punxsutawney. Pa.,
1 says: "I was In such
poor health I could scarcel- attend to
my housework. My back ached as It
It were being pulled apart,' and my
feet and anklea were badly swollen.
The kidney .secretions were In terri
ble condition. I was extremely ner
vous and my heart palpitated violent,
ly. Short use of Doan's Kidney Pills
relieved me and soon my whole sys
tem was renovated." ,
Remember the name Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
flToster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N Y.
in tne year ended March 31, 1909,
61am imported $1,724,115 worth of
taetal manufactures, exclusive of ma
chinery, hardware and cutlery.
Since 1878 there have been 19,121
cremations in Germany. In the United
States In the last year alone there
were 34,500.
Immigration regulations do not
admit paupers, and the immigrants
bring on an average $1,300,000 to
the port of New York eaoh month.
Though New York theater mana
gers give their customers plenty of
foreign plays, tley give two from
home authors where they give one
that is imported.
Samples of Turkish tobacco grown
In the Uganda protectorate, British
Eaat Africa, lost their cavalla char
acter, developing a new aroma and
flavor of good quality.
. Advices from Russia state that
tne International Harvester Comoany
has purchased a factory site in Mos
cow for the purpose of manufactur
ing agricultural machinery.
. .Tne Australian government is con
sidering plans for a transcontinental
railroad from east to west to devel
op Inaccessible country, to expedite
tte mails and for military purposes.
Switzerland's great industry, the
entertaining of tourists, brin her
over $25,000,000 a year.
The Navy Deoartment has arrang
ed plans whereby torpedo boaU may.
be employeJ as wlrelees stations to
relay messages from larger vessels
iar at sea.
A Taste
A Smile
'Xnd satisfaction to' the lost
mouthful j
There's pleasure in every
package. A trial will show
the fascinating flavour:
Served right from the pack
age with cream or milk and
sometimes fruit fresh, or
"The Memory Lingers"
Mis. 10c snJUc.
SoU by Grocarc.
(Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.'
Battle Creek, iiiok.-
Charles H. Helke, former secretary
of the Sugar Trust, made the dlrecV
charge that the late Henry O. Have
meyer was responsible for the trugav
weighing frauds.
The federal government has takes
legal steps to recover 3,090,000 acre
of land granted to the Oregon and
California Railway Company.
What Is supposed to have been 8)
chest containing $100,000 In gold and
belonging to Davis ' Bowers, of An
derson, Ind., Is missing.
Miss Edith K Thomas and Fred
L. Fogelman, students of Uralnut
College, Pa., were drowned while
boating at night.
With few exceptions stocks oo
the New York Stock Exchange reach,
ed the low level of the year.
Mayor Gaynor named a commute
of one hundred for a world's fait
In New York in 1913.
John A. DIx, Jr., bank president
paper manufacturer and opponent ol
William It. Hearst, succeeds William
T. Conners as chairman of the Demo
cratic State Committee of New York.
' Edmund A. Guggenheim, the son
of millionaire Senator Simon Gug
genheim, spent 35 minutes In jail
for speeding an auto in the street?
of New York.
Twenty burglaries in Memphis,
Tenn., are attributed to a man who
passed as Dr. J. C. Brown and lived
In fashionable apartments.
President Taft, In addressing the
graduating class at Bryn Mawr, fav
ored the higher education of women.
Joseph S. Harris, former president
of the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, died of apoplexy.
Then thousand woolen operatives
of Providence, R. I., have been plac
ed os short time.
E. H. Jennings and F. A. Griffin,
two bankers of Pittsburg, were fined
and given short Jail sentences after
confessing to bribery charges In
connection with the recent municipal
corruption exposures.
Announcement was mado that all
the employes of the Atchison, Tope
kaand Santa Fe Railway Company
receiving less than $80 per month,
have been granted an Increase of.
1 0 per cent. In wages.
One workman was killed and seven
were Injured when a scaffold col
lapsed fit the plant of the Forged
Steel Wheel Company under con
struction at Lyndora, Pa.
An Italian In Chicago bad his sav
ings of $747 burned up when a ped
dler knocked his vest. In a pocket
of whlc- he had the money, Into a
on of hot coals.
Henry S. Barber, chief Justice ot
the Court of Appeals of Kentucky,
accepted the r residency of the Stats
University of Kentucky, succeeding
James K. Patterson.
The month of May JuBt passed was
a record breaker for Chicago in the
number of automobile casualties
six killed and elght-ftve Injured.
The death in Yonkers, N. Y of
Edward F. Holllnster, revealed the
secret marriage of the deceased and
Mrs. Raymond two years ago.
After a suspension of coal mining
in the bituminous fields of Texas for
two months, five thousand miners
returned to work.
Prince Leopold IV.. reigning
prince of Llppe. and his brother,
Prince Julius, were stoned by a gang
of Italian laborers while motoring in'
Llppe and Prince Julius was wound
ed in the head.
Peru and Ecuador will both with
draw the troops they had mobilized
on the frontier preparatory to war,
the boundary dispute to be settled
by arbitration.
M. Poppoff, instructor of aviation
In the Russian Army, was probably
fatally Injured fn an aeroplane acci
dent at Gatchtna, Russia.
A. bill will be Introduced in the
Prussian Diet to Increase the Emper
or's allowance to about $5,000,009.
Colonel Roosevelt had a long con
ference with Joseph Chamberlain, the
English statesman. In London.
Juan Vicente Gomez was inaugur
ated at Caracas as president of Vene
zuela for term of four years.
Mrs. Pierre Lorillard Ronals, ot
f.'ew York, died In Paris.
The decree Issued by Dr. Irias In
rrmmand tbs the Madrlz war vessel
Venus, .that no -essel should entei
the port ot Blueflelda without the
permission of the Madrlz govern
ment, will be disregarded by Captain
Gilmer, of the United States Ship
Colonel Roosevelt and Lord Cro
rter are In accord with referencee te
Tr gland's Egyptian policy.
The Norwegian bark Borghlld
vss wrecked off Coster Ledges, Nova
fcptla. Two of the crew were
drowned and nineteen were rescued
in an exhausted condition. Eight
!!v3 were lost and half a dozen ves
sels wrecked In recent storm.
A Russian threw a tin can at
Crown Prince Frederick William of
Germany while the royal party was
retiring from a military review.
The British Antarttc expedition.
I i command ot Captain Scott, sailed
t;om England.
Twenty-nine young men wer
fmtenced to death and eight women
to imprisonment for life on charges
of being associated with a band of
robbers In Russia.
The trial of the last big case con
nected with the liquidation of the
revolution of 1895-6, Involving 227
accused, will soon begin before the
Military District Court of Riga,
In consequence of the difficulty ol
forming a new Danish Cabinet In
the present state of politics, "re
ntier Xahle, at the request of King
Frederick, has withdrawn the resig
nations of bis ministry.
Abraham Eierweiss, who threw a
ran of beans at the German Crown
Prince, has been placed In an asy
lum for Insane at Dalldorf.
Aged Somnambulic! Falls. .
New York (Special). Solomon
Levy, 108 years old. who Is given to
walking In bis sleep, fell from a
cornice on the roof of his bouse In
Brooklyn to the street and was tak
en to the Bayard 8treet Hospital suf
fering from contusions and shock
Owing to bis extreme age he can
not recover. Levy was born In Al
satia and came to this country after
the Franco-Prussian War Id 1870,
when Alsace-Loralns was ceded to
Germany by France
Harrlman's Will Fade From tinman
Mind, But Oil Magnate's Never.
Palo Alto.Cal. In President David
Starr Jordan's address to the gradu
ating class at Stanford University, the
subject of which was "The Wealth of
Nations," reference was made to the
lives ot E. H. Harrlman and other
great financiers In drawing the lesson
that man's success In life Is not meas
ured by what he does for himself, but
rather by what he does for humanity.
"In those matters in which the
permanent wealth of nations is con
cerned, In the long future of mental
and spiritual development, the name
of Harrlmaa," said Dr. Jordan, "finds
no place. The name of Newcomb in
the same connection will stand In
larger letters among these who by
life and Influence have made this
world a broader and a better one."
Continuing, he said: "The name ot
Rockefeller will not suggest Standard
toll or the association of monopolies.
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research represents one of the wisest
tend most far-reaching uses to which
any man's money can ever be put."
Ills Point Of Order.
After Senator Heyburn had niked
himself thirsty on the agricultural
bill he called for a glass ot water.
"That reminds me," said a gentle
man in the gallery, "of an incident
that happened in the New York Leg
islature. A member had been speak
ing on a certain bill for more than
an hour, much to the discomfort of
his hearers, when he called for a
glass of water and started oft afresh.
Another member on the other side
of the chamber was on his feet in
a jiffy and said: 'Mr. Speaker, I rise
to a point of order.' 'State your
point of order,' responded the speak,
er. 'Mr. Speaker,' said the objecting
member, 'I make the point ot order
against the member from Schoharie
County that it is out of order to
attempt to run a windmill with
water." Washington Herald.
'Twas The Stork.
A West Philadelphia teacher was
talking about wild animals and birds
to a class of little girls," said Her
man S. Decker, of Philadelphia, re
lating the following amusing inci
dent: "She had told them about the car
niverous animals and beasts of the
jungle, and began asking questions
about birds of prey.
" 'Can anyone In the class tell
me,' she asked, 'what bird It Is that
Is so strong that it can fly down
out of the sky and carry off a small
child of ease?'
"There was a moment's pause, and
then a little girl In the rear of the
classroom frantically raised her
" 'I know,' fairly shouted the
bright pupil, under stress of great
excitement; 'It's the stork, 'cause one
of 'em brought a baby to our house
last night' " Washington Herald.
Got A Flying Start.
Here is an old anecdote, oressed
iup in new clothes and located in the
liberal atmosphere' of Cincinnati.
Maybe you want to read it again
If you don't; don't! Anecdcte:
"A guest in a Cincinnati hotel wai
shot and killed. The negro portei
who beard the shooting was a wit
ness at the trial, 'How manv shots
did you hear?' asked the lawyer
'Two shots, sah, he replied. 'How
far apart were they?' ' 'Bout like
dis way,' explained the negro, clan
ping his hand with an Interval ol
about a second between them. 'Where
were you when the first shot wat
fired?' 'Shinln' a gemman'a shoe In
de basement of de hotel.' 'Where
were you when the second shot was
fired?' 'Ah was a passln' de Big Fo
depot' " Birmingham Aee Herald
Most Popular Joke.
The most popular joke which nae
been published in any language In
the history of the world Is stared to
be that which appeared in the ob
scure corner of the Punch Almanac
for 1845. It read: "Advice to per
sons about to marry Don't!" It
would be Interesting to know who
was its author. Another, founded on
a similar subject, was the "Advice
to persons who have 'fallen In love'
Fall out!" One of the most bril-i
llant things that ever appeared in
our comtemporary was the brief
dialogue between an Inquiring child
and his impatient parent: "What is
mind?" "No matter." "What is
matter?" "Never mind." W-wt-
minster Gazette.
Why He Missed Some Thing.
An Irish politician had JuBt re
turned from a trip abroad. A friend
met him and inquired:
"Did you have a fine time, Mike?"
"Of course, I did."
"Did you visit the theatres in
"Sure, I saw all the plays."
"And did you go to the cafes?"
"Sure, I was In all of 'em."
"Well, tell me, Mike, and did you
see any po names de terre?"
"No, I had the wife with me all
the time." Albany Argus.
On Properly Selected Food. It Pays
Dig Dividends. . "
If parents will give Just a little In.
telllgent thought to the feeding ot
their children the difference In the.
health of the little folks will pay,
many times over, for tbs small
A mother writes saying:' "Oor
children are all so much better and
stronger than they ever were before
we made a change In the character ot
the food. We have quit using pota
toes three times a day with coffee and
so much meat.
"Now we give tbs little folks some
fruit, either fresh, stewed, or canned,
some Grape-Nuts with cream, occa
sionally some soft boiled eggs, and
some Postum for breakfast and sup
per. Then tor dinner they have torn
meat and vegetables.
"It would be hard to realize the
change In the children, they have
grown so sturdy and strong, and w
attribute this change to th food ele
ments that, understand, exist iu
GraptvNuU snd Postum.
"A short time ago my baby was
teething and bad a great deal of
stomach and bowel trouble. Noth
ing seemed to agree with him until I
tried Grape-Nuts softened and mixed
with rich milk and he Improvod rap
Idly and got sturdy and well."
Read "The Road to Wellvtlte."
found in pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Ever t-nd In above letter? A new
on apitrurs from time to lime. They
are genuine, true, and, full of fanuiau
Weekly Review of Trade and
Market Reports. .
R. O. Dun ft Co.'s weekly review
of trade says: '
"Changes in the line of moderate,
Improvement. Crop prospects are
better, and this Is plainly Indicated
by the downward tendency of prices.
Visible Improvement Is taking place
In the iron and steel trade, and this
is the best development of the past
few days. There Is a larger demand
for both pig Iron and for finished
products, especially in agricultural
and structural lines. Demand from
railroads for equlment Is somewhat
restricted by uncertainty regarding
freight ratee, yet some good business
in rolling stock Is regarded as cer
tain, and rails have been taken In
modern amounts.'
Bradstreet says:
"Quiet still rules in trade and
many lines of industry, while specu
lation, exoept in grain, seems in a
waiting stage, pending clearer views
of ultimate crop and price outcome.
Relatively most activity in jobbing
trade Is centered In meeting current
demands, and fall business still
lacks form. Retail trade has shown
some gain at leading Western mar
kets, but is Btlll classed as below ex.
pectations. Unseasonably cool
weather is very commonly assigned
as the cause for backward trade, but
there are still In evidence the signs
that uncertainty as to prices hold
back future commitments. '
"Business failures In the United
States for the week ended May 26
were 200. against 225 last week,
205 In the like we!c of 1909, 263
In 1908, 142 in 1907 and 127 In
Wholesale Markets.
! New York. Wheat Spot weak;
No. 2 red, 107c. nominal e. 1. f.; No.
1 Northern, 113 nominal c. 1. f.
Corn Spot weak; No. 2, 67c. nom
inal elevator, domestic basis; export
No. 2, 61 Vi nominal f. o. b.
Oats Spot 'easy; mixed, 26 32
lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 32
lbs., 44 46; clipped white, 34 42
lbs., 44 49.
Hay Easy; prime, $1.15; No. 1,
$1.10; No. 2, $1.05; No. 3, 9095c.
Poultry Alive firm; Western and
Southern broilers, 33c; fowls quiet;
turkeys, 10 14. Dressed steady;
frozen chickens, 16 28c; Western
fowls, 14 19; do., turkeys, 16 19.
Philadelphia. Wheat 2c. lower;
contract grade, May, 105 108c.
Corn Steady; No. 2 yellow, for
local trade, 6868c
Oats Dull, c. lower; No. 2
white natural, 46'447c.
Butter Firm; extra Western cream
ery, 30c; do., nearby prints, 30.
Eggs Firm; Pennsylvania and
other nearby firsts, free cases, 21 c.
at mark; do., current receipts, in re
turnable cases, 20 at mark; West
ern firsts, free cases, 20 at mark;
do., current receipts, free cases, 20
at mark.
Cheese Firm; New York full
creams, choice, 1515V4c; do.,
fair to good, 1415.
Poultry Live, firm; fowls, 19
19 c; old roosters, 13V614;
broiling chickens, 32 36; ducks,
14 15; geese, 12 13.
Baltimore. Wheat No. 2 red
Western, 100c; No. 2 red, 1.00;
steamer No. 2 red, 95.
Corn Contract, 63c. The closing
was dull; spot, 62 nominal; July,
64 nominal.
Oats White No. 2, as to weight,
4747c; No 3, as to weight, 45
46; No. 4, as to weight, 44
44. Mixed No. 2, 45 46c;
No. 3, 444.
f Rye No. 2 rye, Western, domes
tic, 83 84c; No. 3 rye, Western,
domestic, 77 78; bag lots, as to
quality and condition, 70 74.
Hay No. 1 timothy, $20.50; No.
2 timorthy, $19.5020; No. 3 tim
othy, $15 17.50; choice clover mix
ed, $18.50; No. 1 clover mixed, $18;
No. 2 clover mixed, $16 17; No. 1
clover, $1616.50; No. 2 clover,
Butter Creamery Fancy, 30c;
choice, 2929; good, 2527; im
Itation, 21 23.
Cheese Jobbing prices, per lb.,
16 16c.
Eggs We quote, per doz.: Mary
land, Pennsylvania and nearby firsts,
21c; Western firsts, 21; West Vir
ginia firsts, 21; Southern flrets, 20;
guinea eggs, 10 11.
Live Poultry Chickens Old hens
heavy, 18c; do., small to medium,
.18; old roosters, 11; spring, 1 lbs.
and over, 33; do., 114 lbs., 30; do.,
1 lb. and under, 28 30. Ducks
Large, 1314c; small, 12; muscovy
and mongrel, 12 13; spring, 3 lbs.
and over, per lb., 20 22.
Live Stock.
Chicago. Cattle Market siow.
Steers, $6.258.60; cows. $4.50
6. HO; heifers, $4.25 8.76; bulls,
$4.50 5; calves, $3 8.35; stock
ers and feeders, $4.75 6.25.
Hogs Market strong to 6c. high
er. Choice heavy, $9.409.45;
butchers', $9.40 9.50; light mixed,
$9.359.45; choice light, $9.40
9.60; packing, $9.35 9.46; pigs, $9
9.40; bulk of sales, $9.40 9.46.
Sheep Market steady. Sheep,
$4.65 6.66; yearlings, $6 7;
lambs, $7 8.75; spring lambs,
$8.75 9.60.
Pittsburg, Pa. Cattle Supply
fair. Choice, $8.30 8.60; prime,
Sheep Supply fair; prime weth
ors, $5.105.25; culls and common,
$2.504; lambs, $4.508.50; veal
calves, $8.60 9.
Kansas City, Mo. Cattle Market
steady. Choice export and dressed
beef steers, $6.808.16; fair' to
good, $5.8007.10; Western steers,
$6.86 7.85; stockers and feeders,
$4. 20 6. 15; Southern steers, $4
7.25; Southern cows, $3.66 6.60;
native cows, $4 6.60; native heifers,
$4.707.35; bulla, $4; calves,
Hogs Market steady. Top, $9.40;
bulk of sales, 19.1509. 25; heavy,
$9.80 9.40 packers and butchers',
$9.25 & 9 40; light, $9.20 9.35;
pigs, $8.86 9.15.
Sheep Market steady. ' Lambs,
$768; yearlings, $56.25; wethers,
$4.5 6.76; ewes, $4.25 6.50;
stockers and feeders, $3 6.
The International and universal
exhibition 'or which the Belgian gov.
eminent and people have been mak
ing active preparations for the past
two or three years was opened at
Brussells by the King of the Belgians
on April 23.
An electric machine has been mad
to wash and purify the air in any
room. '
Household TTelps.
It Is surprising the mwnv different spps
tiling ways that Corned lleef cun be pre-
fiared for the fnmily'g menla. Every one
ike Corned Beef and there la no mors
healthful or delic-tou dish than Libby'a.
carefully selected from prime beet and
properly "cured."
There is ome want, to be sure, when
bought at the butchers, but in the plan
here auegrmted you may buy the finwit
corned beof in the world in which iher
ia absolutely do waate and every particl
of which can bo eaten.
Suppose you aak your grocer for LHv
by's Corned Beef. It represents all full
value no bone, no gristle jtiat clean, pur
corned beef ler-ted first hand from th
finest beef stock no scraps or second 1
fiiecea and corned and eonkad to per
oction in Libby'a wonderful whits en
amel kitchena. A can of Libby'a Corned
Beef sliced and served cold with dill
picklea and potato aaiad is a delightful
meal and will be enough for four people.
Corned Beef Hash. Take the content
of a can, chop fine, add one-foorth as murb
boiled or baked potatoes, a little fried
onion and a small quantity of water. Cook
lowly until thoroughly bested, then serve
on toast with or without poached egga.
Corned Beef Omelette. Bent (he volks
and whites of fou egga senaratelv and add
one-half of the white to all of the yolk.
Put in a hot frying pan and, when nicely
browned on the bottsm, sprinkle a cup of
minced corned beef over it. Spread over
thia the remainder of the whites, put in
the oven and brown on top. Then fold
ami serve.
Creamed Corned Beef. Mince the con
tents of a can of Lihby s Corned Beef.
Put over thia a dressing of cream gravy
with the yolk of an egg beaten into it.
6erve on t'laat.
New England Boiled Dinner. You may
have this in one-fourth of the timo I
usually take. Put a can of Libby'a Corne.l
Jeef in boiling water it is already cooked
p-end lerve in th usual manner with
Beside the economy in the uae of Lib
by's Corned Beef, another great advantage
,to the housewife rn using it ia that it is all
icooked when bought and ther ia no neces
sity for the long, tedious and xpeniv
.boiling which i necessary with raw cn-ne
beef. The house is not fills J witu ttwni
and odors and valuable time is saw'.
Libby'a Corned Beef is ready at once Lr
serving in any on of the many wry men
tioned above, and you will find it a great
.convenience to try it next time. Be sure
you get Libby, McNeill & Libby's Or-ed
A process has been discovered by
which tea and coffee are robbed of
their toxic qualities without Interfer
ing with the flavor.
For I! n AD Aril E-lllrks' CA Pl'DI K
Whether from Colds. Beat, Stomach or
ferrous Troubles, ('anudine will rellss you.
t's liquid-pleasant to take-arta immedi
ately. Try It, inc., 2tc aud 60c at drug
ato. ca.
Alfred Wade, of Montesano, Wash.;
raised 123 bushels of wheat on two
acres of land.
Uuy "Hattle Axe" Shoes.
Kmancipation In China.
Notwithstanding that part of the
Imperial rescript abolishing slavery
in China Is nominal rather than an
actual manumission, consisting in
prohibiting the retainers of the Man
chu princes from being called slaves
hereafter and the designating the
household slaves of the Manchus as
hired servants without changing
their coudition of bondage for life,
its general terms will eventually lem
to the freedom of millions of human
beings and put a Btop to slavery In
the empire. A notable provision is
that forbidding the sale of children
in times of famine, an immoral cus
tom, although' still permitting as s
compromise terms of bonde? service
until the age of 25.
The issue of the rescript makes
at least a significant beginning to
ward the ultimate freedom of the
Chinese by official recognition of the
impropriety of the barter and sale
of human beings. Changes come
slowly lu that land, and while the
extinction of Blavery there may be
deferred for years, the fact that it
has at least been undertaken is that
much gain for civilization. Pitts,
burg Dispatch.
Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes.
New York's 8,000 elevators carry
n.uuu.uuo persons a cay.
B. N. U. 23.
Women's Secrets
bam's Vegetable Compound
Elwood, InrJ3-"Your remedies have
cured me and I have only taken six
bottles of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta-
ibie Compound. 1
was sick three
months and could
not walk. I suf
fered all the timo.
The doctors said I
could not get well
without an opera
tion, for I could
hardly stand tho
pains In bit sides.
especially my right
one, and down my
rio-ht leer. I hemin
to feel better when I had taken only
one bottle of Compound, but k;nt on
as I was afraid to stop too soon." Mrs.
Sadie Mullen, 272a K. Ii. St., El
wood, Ind.
Why will women take chances with
an operation or drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three
fourths of the Joy of living, when they
can find health In Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound?
For thirty years It has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
has cured thousands of women who
have been troubled . with such ail
ments s displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, fibroid tumors. Irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges
tion, and nervona prostration.
If you have the sliffhtst doubt
that Lydia K. Pinkliam's Vege
table Compound will help you,
wrrite) to Mrs. Pinkbam at Lynn,
Afass4 for advice. Your Ik Iter
will be absolutely confidential,
and the advice free
1 VI
There is one man ia the United States who hi perhaps hearj
more women s secret thin any other man or woman in the
country, These secret are not secret of guilt or shame, hut
the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr.
R. V, Pierce in tho hope and expectation of advice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed ia their ex
pectation is proved by t'.i fact that ninety-eight per cent, ol
all women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if the
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. Rut when
that record applie to the treatment of more than hell-a- mil
lion women, in oractice of over 40 vears. it is Dhennmenal.
and entitle Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of
specialist in the treatment of women' disease.
Every tick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without
charge. All replies are mailed, sealed ia perfectly plain envelope, without
any printing or advertising whatever, upon tbem. Write without fear as with
out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Asaociatioa, Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Pre..
Buffalo, N. Y.
ISlola. Women Vvli
The tax on tobacco netted $51,
887,178 for the United States Treas.
ury during the year 1909.
Buy "Battlb Axe" Shocs.
A fire caused by an exploding lamp
may be quenched with milk, water
only spreading; the burning oil.
Sixteen Yearn of Skin Disease.
"For sixteen long years I have beeD
suffering with a bad case of skin dis
ease. While a child there broke out
a red sore on the legs Just In bnrk ol
my knees. It waied from bad to
worse, and r.t last I ssw I had a bad
skin disease. I tried many widely
known doctors In different cities, but
to no satisfactory result. The plague
bothered me more In warm weather
tbao In winter, and being on ray leg
lolnts it made It Impossible for me to
walk, and I was forced to stay Indoors
In the warmest weather. My hope's
of recovery were by this time spent
Sleepless nights and restless days
made life an unbearable burden. At
last I was advised to try the Cutlcura
Remedies Cutlcura Soap, Ointment
and Pills, and I did not need more
than a trial to, convince me that 1 Was
on the road of success this time. I
bought two sets of the Cutlcura Rem
edles and after these were gone I
was a different man entirely. I arn
now the happiest man that there Is at
least one true cure for skin diseases.
Leonard A. IHwtof, 11 Nostrand Ave.,
Urooklyn, N. Y., July 30. and August
S. 1909."
The lead pencil makers of Nurem
berg, Germany, use about 700,000
tons of American cedar each year.
For TOLD and r.Rlp.
ITIrk's (-ArnniNR Is the twit remedy
relieve the a liint.' snd fpverljhneis-cures
If" V'?1'1 i' rmal conditions. It'a
llqtilu etTn-h) limned, U'ljr. loc. Xts. and
toe, at urug ttoius.
SJalSai Srss.
A OKta om K rsTsrtfkaMO,
r m w 1 r.a.i , an hi
- 1 r m r a.
WaraM. Tl9
M S'rSt HP I
tmk oil,. ST V7oLsTta la hiH v
There are 270 known active vol
canoes in the world, but most of
them are too small to be dangerous.
Try Murine Eye Heniedy
For Red. Weak. Wearv, Watery Kyes and
Granulated Eyelid. f-oothes Eye Pain.
Murine Eve" Remedy Liquid. ?r)c. and 60c.
Murine Eve Salve. 25c. and kl.00.
"Some people, like hens, can never
find anything. where they laid it yes
terday,'' says tho Mobile Register.
Vr. Wlnslnw's Ronthlnc Syrnp for HilMren
feothl"' .softens trio-rum, reduce InflHmma
tioo, allays roln, oires wind collo.2jc a bottle
Foy-de-Dome, an extinct volcano in
France, yields large quantities of
carbolic acid.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet rarulata and
invigorate atoinach. liver and boweja.
bugar-eoated, tiuy granules, easy to take.
Do not grip.
The ecently discovered Chamber,
lain Falls In British Guiena are as
large as Niagara.
A snre wav ef cnrlntr cramrw. dtc-rhoa
and dvsenWy is to up FainkilUr. There
is only one kind retry iDavt's 25c.
Homing A lUiok Seller.
A well-dressed man was standing
outside a bookseller's shop In Char
ing Cross road, closely examining
one of Balzac's works, Illustrated by
Ciustave Dore. "How much is this
Balzac?" he asked an assistant out
side. "Twenty-five shillings," was the
"Oh, that's far too much. I must
see the manager about a reduction,"
continued the prospective customer,
nnd, suiting the action to the word,
he took up the book and went into
the shop.
Approaching the bookseller he took
the book from under his arm and
ask what he would give for It. "Sev
en shillings, hlgh'-t offer," he was
The offer was accepted; the man
took his money and left.
"Well," queried the assistant later,
after the man had gone, "were you
able to hit it off with the gentleman,
"Oh, yes; I managed to get an
other copy of that edition ot Balzac
for seven shillings."
Then the bookseller went out to
lodge a complaint with the police.
London Telegraph;
A vessel was recently launched at
a Scotch shipyard with all her ma
chinery aboard and steam up ready
to start.
ff , 4, 3.50, 3, 2.BO & 2
Millions 9I ma wear
W. L. DmiIu thou a.
camm lhr ar thm Low.
prievt. quality (o
im th world. IT'j-
AaAor.aftko I
t r
boat Uathors. bv lAa
mo. I killod worlunoo,
U aO Ibo Utaat fuluaiv.
W. I Donalu SI on
abJ S4.00 (BOB obimI
Cmobi Bobcb Work
ootiB .00 la Sa.oo.
mm nl rlr on iht hoUri. Look lr
'rssilriBvtiBr lav
MR htiw In rarrtop K k.i
r M mi t tni r 'i I .slw w-
i-tMvo-w wmrrsKi mrtx rroa
nAA ll l-fl ll rAsiaisaUwUM v
" ms wvilliflflAIVfl
tr.kii ana rrnn.i'ilin Ia msi hiv mm.r
rA OIK) WASftct.KAIf wakam eVrthM wabooi
J lh UM of wfcfctkari or bibtMbc Bend vou
ft k in- and ridr and ara wlil lend lott A !:kaaa
traa, HIXUX, bHuelUS UO. HouBiUa, ka,
Lilly's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a marked distinction
between Libby's Cooked Corned
Beef and even the best that's
sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured and
scientifically cocked in Libby's
Great White Kitcben, all the nat
ural flavot of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure,
wholesome, delicious, and it is
ready to serve at meal time.
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "HealthM"
Meal-Time-Hints, all ready to
serve, are :
Peerless Dried Beef
Yienna Sausage, Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Caked Beans, CLow Chow
Mixed Pickles
" Purity goes hend in hand
with the Libby Brand."
Insist on Libbs at your
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
Soul Invest Train Crews.
"The train crews of the Soutliwest,
from sheer necessity are made up of
men able to trke and appreciate a
Joke," says former Gouncilmnn L.
C. Carran. "Otherwise the rlroarl
nesR and monotony of their lives
might kill them.
"I was on a train In Arkansas re
rontly when the brakeman came
through the iar and bawled out some
sort of gibberish as we came to a
" 'What place is thia, please?" I
asked the conductor.
" 'Place? , this ain't no place,'
he said, and gnod naturedlv. too. at
that. 'This Is Just one of the habits
of the engineer. Whenever he noes
so many yards he stops Just from
force of habit." " Cleveland leader.
Trial Bottle Froe Cy Mail
If 50a lufl.r from Epilepsy. Fits. Filling Slckaess,
Spuuis. or bsTa rblldrra that do o, mj Ktw Pis
covory will relieve, thsm. snd all ynn art asked to
do la to send for a Frts Tilsl fi Ooiti et Br. atsj'e
aZpllaBptlolciaB OuB
1 1 ha cored thoauDds where ArsnthlBf (Is
filled. Guaranteed Ij Ms? atedlcsl LaDoratoi y
Vodrr Pur Food aid Drugs Act, J use SOik, 1W
Ounrsnij No. tm. Pti-aeo wrlu for Special Fre
Itoillseud f AGS and eomptst a4draac
OR. W. H. MAT, E43 Pearl Street. Ntv Tort
fa VI CU
I ketttf Ira' IBB (aaaaarlaareaBaif-LaaaiwkaU
Rtkrcacc as; tit, ia Lsainill. W tarsi
w ssi nsi rret u sof stissan. WIS M arrt "L
piipPVipn lrads-Marlu. oieas.ida(y
liliJlltlO, riy. CUlmt Afaiast tbs Gov.
oenneat, SeUdUnj'.
Address W. 1L WUXi
312 lad. Ave, Wosbinrtoa. . C.
sirKAkir PSAC1K K.
ANT to Buy Farm ,SVS
wptunpay, rr-BMnoimiorratini
J. C. SUtVup. Owner, OrMtwro, N. a
Ui. caMisar-t. (Krakya,)
ttlU tUl . I
t '
.towU r Its sMbM.' a
Nl r ftM vifrt"tasj.
MBmTMtarrat adaven.
BA10L 0 MIL 4
IM aWKtal otB t
'Buy "BATTLE " Shoes