The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 19, 1910, Image 7

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    I )h Wear Out A Brldgo.
John Shafer. Jr., deputy In the of
fice of County Surveyor Prank Hay-,
icock, of Hennepin County, says that
Hah have butted ' and rubbed up
spalnst the piles of ' the-bridge at'
Orono, Lake Mlrinetonka,' until that
aped edifice has become weakened,
necessitating lta closing.
Slinfer and Edward Terrell, an
other deputy, were sent out to In
ject the span.
' "Yea, sir," said Shafer, "those
fish kept on butting up against that
njpr until the wood was almost worn
awnv. In order to get there we had
to pound the water around the place
to keep the finny things away until
we could finish our inspection.
"Why, those fish are so numerous
at Mlnnetonka this year that they
!RPt puBhed through the narrow pas
sage so swift that they simply wear
out the wood." St Paul Dispatch.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Black Duck, Minn. "About a year'
ago i wrote you tnnt 1 was sick ana,
icouia not ao any of
I rn V h niiaflivni-V U
Mfi$frt"f sickness was called
P 'Jfiri-h m Retroflexion. When
1 would sit down I
felt as if I could not
fet up. I took
jrdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Coin-
pound and did lust
J as you told me and
now 1 am perfectly
cured, and have a
bitr baby bov."
Mrs. Avna Andehsojt, Box 10, Black
uucs, juiun.
Consider This Advice.
No woman Bhould submit to a surgi
cal operation, which may mean death,
until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made exclusive
ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be the
most valuable tonio and invigoratorof
the female organism. Women resid
ing in almost every city and town in
the United States bear willing testi
mony to tho wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It cures female Ills, and creates radi
ant, buoyant female health. If you
are ill, for your own sake as well as
those you lovo, give it a trial.
Mrs. IMnkliam, at Lynn, Mass.,
invites all sick women to write
Iter for a;! vice. Her advice is free,
and al" v. fieljjfuL
A Prize Cow.
Census takers of Long Island
have Ideas which help them xo give
a good account of our property. An
enumerator called at the fine home
of William M. Baldwin, a manufac
turer, in Garden City, and finding
none of the family there, proceeded
to gather Information from a visiting
"Have they a cow?" asked the
cenBus man.
"They do have a cow," was the
reply, "but all I know about it is
that it gives good milk."
"What would you say such a cow
as worth?"
"Really, I haven't an Idea."
"Don't you suppose it Is worth
about $200?"
"1 shouldn't wonder."
So the Garden City cow has been
set down at $200, which is as good
S showing as Long Islanders could
sk. considering the fact that the
prize-winning cow at the last Mine-'
Ola fair sold for only $90, and cows
are now selling for $65. Brooklyn
A Pleasing Sense of Health and
Strength Renewed and of
Ease and Comfort
follows the use of Syrup of Figs and
lElixir of Senna, as it acts gently on
!fhe kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans
ing the system effectually, when con-'
ftipated, or bilious, and dispels colds
fend headaches.
To get its beneficial effects, always
' 'i.V the genuine, manufactured fey
the California Fig Syrup Co.
' Three Million Dope Fiends.
It Is hard to believe that the gov
ernment officials are correct when
Jhoy announce there are 1,000,000
o-ralled dope fiends In this countr
J thai Is to say, victims of some of
rh lorilv drugs which most peopt
know only by name. Cocaine, mor
phine and other such devastating
drupe re being used In enlarged
AusntUies, and recent venets in this
J'lty show how widespread their use
' becoming. Here la a chance to do
come reform - work In a vigorous
v- There seems to be enough law
n the subject If it Is vigorously en-'"i-red,
but ' It is not true that pun
wiment Is now severe enuogb.
The use of these , drugs can Iva
ruppressed only by maintaining a
(trie control over the sal of them,
ij'tn. worst featur of them all Is that
are ao Insidious. It la a long
Jims before the victim Is known, and
Jhen It Is apt to be too late. It does
rva as If the federal government
'"d the states coull work, together
Z to make It Impossible for uh
. -f..i nnM o a snpnly.
"'hen n h a desire
W fff 'm be win rake almost
Pi" snrHe to ipir. f"m. ' Atco
, nl st ) v"-t !' e si -nolo matter
('"' isrd wii ropulne and other
ops."- Philadelphia inquirer.
; J.rrJ
KnighU Of Malt. ... . '.
Reading. At the session Cjf the1
Grand Commandry of the KuUhfe Of
Malta, there was oonaldefable flis'l
cusslon on the home and hospital to,
he erected and maintained py the'
Order at. Granville, Center Qounty,
ahd anaoBefhents were made to go1
ahead with the project as , seqn as;
possible. A ploce of ground 'contain-!
lot; ISO acres, located adjacettt to'
the villas of Granville, was pur
chased last year for $6,000. The
Home Association was chartered on
September 22. The committee on the
home made quite a lengthy report
to the Grand Commandery whldh was
The Finance Committee reported
the following estimated expenses of
the Grand Commandery for the en
suing year: Per capita tax, $7,300;
charter fees, $180; dispensations,
$700; rituals, $200; Red Cross Jew
els, $1,500; Past Commander's jew
els, $1,800; paraphernalia,' $1,000;
lantern slides, $150; other sources,
$150; total, $12,980.
The estimated expenditures for the
year are as follows: Supplies, $5,000;
Grand Commander's expenses, $350;
Grand Recorder's salary, $1,800;
sundry expenses, $1,700; rent at
headquarters, $468; printing, $900;
Supreme Representatives, $165;
Grand Officers and Committees, $600;
per capita tax to Supreme body, $2,
800; Grand Treasurer's salary and
expenses, $40; hospital and. home
fund, $150; official circular, $150;
Malta bulletin, $150; total, $14,
278.01. The following Grand Commandery
officers elected last February by the
subordinate commanderlee were In
stalled: Grand commander, Alfred E.
Corns, Wllkinburg; grand general
issimo, R. B. Keller, Stroudsburg;
grand captain general, A. B. Kelser
man, South Bethlehem; grand pre
late, Rev. Clinton S. Miller, Lebanon;
grand recorder, John H. Hoffman,
Harrisburg; grand treasurer, Charles
W. Bassler, Sunbury; grand senior
warden. Dr. Nathaniel Ross, Wilkes
Barre; grand junior warden, Dr. H.
F. Fleher, Braddock; grand warden,
A. G. Rutheford, Scranton.
White Pleague Wur.
Altoona. How tuberculosis Is be
ing successfully fought by the State
in the homes of the poor, and how
a general uplift in social and econo
mic conditions of this class Is being
accomplished, was told here by
Health Commissioner Samuel G. Dix
on at the annual dinner of the Church
Club of the Diocese of Harrisburg.
During the year of 1909 the
trained nurses of the State tu
berculosis dispensaries made 99,
061 visits to the home of poor
consumptives. The Important fact
brought out by Dr. Dixon as to
these visits was that the nurse does
not confine herself simply to admin
istering to the wants of the sick;
she makes a study of the general
conditions of that home and strives
to better them. Her work Is an Im
portant factor in that broad sociologi
cal study of tuberculosis which Is a
fundamental, part of the State's cru
sade against this disease and indeed
against preventable diseases in gen
eral. Speaking of scientific medical re
search work. Dr. Dixon said: "Those
whose peculiar bent of mind natural
ly Inclines them to such labors should
be able to devote their whole Uvea
to it and the provision should be
made In our scheme of medical edu
cation for the 'training of such men
and their support so that they may
not have to divide their time with
the exegencies of medical practice,
only uncongenial to them. On the
other hand the man who Intends ta
devote himself to the practice should
not be compelled to devote the prec
ious hours of preperatlon to the
study of chemical and biologic nice
ties of which he will -make no use
at the bedside."
Mrs. C. P. Stewart Get Divorce,
Media. A degree was signed by
judge William B. Broomall, granting
a divorce to Mrs. Sophie Gray Stew
art, of Swarthmore, formerly Miss
Sophie DeWaln Gray, against her
husband. Charles P. Stewart, has
been placed on the court records.
The divorce was granted on the
ground of desertion. Mrs Stewart
now resides at 227 Kenyon Avenue,
Swarthmore, but at the time of the
alleged desertion on January 8, 1907,
lived at 5344 Larch wood Avenue.
Child Impaled On Fence.
Chester. Kathryn Smith, a 12-year-old
girl, was playing bean bag
with a number of ber companions
when the bag was thrown over a
fence. There wao a scramble to se
cure the bag, and In climbing over
the fence Kathryn lost her. balance
land fell, the sharp end of a picket
penetrating her leg. She was re
re ased by her companions and car
ried to her home.
Imprison Trio For Arson.
Huntington. Irvln Reed, Carlton
Gates. Robert Earle. Jr., and Harry
MoCrum, who confessed to having
et fire to several planing mill plants,
two churches and a number of resi
dences on the night, of March 17,
resulting In the destruction of $161,
000 worth of property, were sen
tenced by Judge Woods. Reed, Gates
and. Earle were sent to the peniten
tiary for twelve years each and Mc
Crura to the Huntingdon Reforma
tory. All are minors.
Your County Lad Dies Of IXKkJaw.
York. Ralph Zelgler, 13 years
old, son of Allen Zelgler, of North
Codorus Township, stepped on a rusty
nail a few days ago. No further at
tention was paid to the slight wound
unt!) lockjaw i developed. Th lad
More Trout For Fishing Creek.
Bloomsburg. Sixty cans of young
brook trout, from the National Hatch
eries at White Sulphur Springs, Va.,
were planted In Fishing Creek and
its tributaries. y
" York. A- man, unidentified, ap
parently 65 years old, was killed by
a passenger train on the Maryland
and Pennsylvania Railroad In Spring
Garden Township, south of York.
Tbe stranger was well dressed and
wore a brown suit. His mustache
was partly gray.
. Cnestor. At the first quarterly
conference held In the Madison Street
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev.
Dr. William H. Shaffer was extended
an unanimous call to become tbe
'pastor of tbs church again next year.
His salary was fixed at $2,250.
Campaigning For Itomls. ,
"I'll never forpet the nlrrht I called
on the Widow Yarn. . She owned
forty acre? on the; main rond which
I hoped to have Improved. In prar.
ttrnlly every bouse in the county I
had been hospitably received because
I was a human being. A pioneer
citizen, member of the Good Rondrt
Club, took me In a carriage to see
the widow. "I'll watch the horses,"
this wise old citizen snld.
"I don't know what would frighten
them," I suggested, but he seemed to
expect a brass band or some other
unusual sight, although It was eight
o'clock at night. I Boon knew why
ho preferred to sit out there In the
"Mrs. Yarn, I believe?" I began,
Ingratiatingly, when the door was
"Well," the person who stood thero
observed, "I've been here forty years;
you ought to believe It."
"This," thinks I to myself, "Is a
strange place for curbstone humor."
And then aloud: "I have been talking
for good roads, madam. We bnvo
decided to run a rock road by here
and as "
"Who has decided?" This In the
voice a conductor uses when he asks
you bow old your little boy is.
"Why," I stammered, "tho Good
Roads Club, and "
"I don't belong to It, do I? They
wouldn't have s woman member,
would they?"
"I'm sure I don't know. I have
been&hlefly "
"Sure you don't," the Widow Yarn
snapped. "You're chiefly concerned
about taxing my forty acres into the
county treasury without letting me
vote on it. What right have yon to
come over here to build roads? Are
you a road-builder? Did you ever
build a road or pay for one?"
. "Madam," I said, "you really do
have a vote on this question it a road
district is organized. You have forty
votes one for every acre you own,
Her face lighted up with a light
that never was seen before on human
fare, unless perhaps in riding on an
old transfer or getting rid of a bad
nickel. She opened the door wider
I had not been admitted up to that
moment and asked me tc enter.
"You say I have forty votes?" sbo
"You have," I assured ber, feellus
like the bearer of good news.
"Well, glory be!" the Widow
Yarn sighed, rocking herself comfort
ably. "Glory be, say I; I'll cast them
all against your old rock road. Now
I must be getting ready for prayer
meeting." Charles Dillon, in Har
per's Weekly.
Good Roads and the Auto.
While the automobile has been re
sponsible, therefore, for the Increased
deterioration of roads formerly sup
posed to be almost perfect in con
struction, it has focussed attention
on the necessity for good roads, has
been largely responsible f.jr the ac
tive educational campaign in this
regard, and has undoubtedly had an
excellent effect in bringing to the pub
lic attention the enormous waste in
cident to poor and Ill-kept highways.
Realizing that the automobile is a
necessary factor to consider in high
way traffic, roal engineers have been
experimenting with new construc
tions, in order to arrive at the road
which will best embody the require
ments of automobile traffic without
any detrimental effect on the horse
traffic involved. By far the largest
proportion of the 'highway construc
tion conducted along the new lines
for the adaptation of the road to auto
mobile traffic has been done with
various forms of bitumen, ol'.s, tars
end asphalts, and up to the present
the moat satisfactory results from
the point of view of economy have
been with these materials. H. Tip
per, in Leslie's.
Curious African Tribes
The men of this (the Reshlat) and
the other tribes to the north of tbe
Omo River Murule and Kerre
carry about with them small wooden
pillows like miniature one-legged
stools, on which they sometimes sit.
Tbe Reshlat can often be seen
standing on one leg, with the sole of
the .other foot resting behind the
knee-joint and knee, at right angles
to the body-an attitude which has
often been noted among Hamitic peo
ple. The people that do this are
Somalia, Masai, Rendlle, Samburr,
Alui, Barl, Madl, and many other
non-Bantu people of Africa.
The Reshlat are the only Africans
I have yet met who make a practice
tof eating donkey-flesh, and the large
humber of these animals they breed
appear to be used for food only and
(or no other purpose.
' Padding For the Census.
Throughout the length of the Pa
cific Coast populous centres gathered
together all their suburbs as against
the coming count by the National
Government. ' And some of the work
accomplished has been almost phe
nomenal. Tbs West Is out to make
a brave showing. Los Angeles has
taken In 80,000 bewildered suburban
ites, including San Pedro, twenty-five
miles away. Ambitious Oakland has
taken in Berkeley and Alameda, miles
dlBtant, until It now rivals Ban Fran
cisco In population. Portland, not to
be outdone, Is taking ir the whole
county. Tacoma tbe other day added
102 square mlies to Its former 187,
taking in 15,000 new beads to count.
Seattle Times. ' .
Or an Immunity Bath,
A colored man who was much wor
ried by , the attentions paid to his
wife by a man of the same color went
to the Judge and told him all about It,
Tbe magistrate advised him to begin
at once proceedings for a divorce.
"But I don't want a divorce," pro
tested the complainant; "I want an
Injunction." Everybody's.
Thl Will Interest Mother.
t Mother Gray's Swprt l''iwlerfnr('liildrfn
jure Feverihnew. Headache, llnd Stomach
Ti-lhin(t DianrdiTs. Hglllatr th Ilo eland
,Itroy Worm. Thy brook up colds in 24
hour. Ploannnt totnke.ndharmlenniimilk
Neverf'iil. At Dnieint.2.5c. amp!er' '-rl
Fbeb. AddreAllcnS.01mted.LeKoy.. V
Electricity is the only motor
J)ower used In submarine boats.
For Red, Itching Kycllda. Cysts, Htyes,
.Falling Eyclnahes and All Eyes That Need
Care, Try Murine Eje Sr.lve. Aneptic
Tuhea, Trial Size, 25c. Ak Your DnifWKt
or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
In 15 years a locomotive will run
240,000 miles and earn $300,000.
Buy "Battle Alt" Bhoxs.
Discourtesy Rebuked.
Lord Palmerston expected work to
he done well, but Mr. PreBton
Thomas in his new book tells us
of mere pecadlloes he was tolerant.
Some young gentlemen in the for
lelgn office amused themselves by
'shining" you u r ladles -vho lived on
ftbe opposite side of the street that
Ss, by catching the rays of the sun
on a mirror and flashing them over
jthe way. The father of the young
ladles complained to Palmerston,
who thereupon Issued thiB minute:
"The secretary of state desires
that the gentlemen In his department
will not cast disagreeable reflections
on the ladles opposite." London
England's "boy scouts" now Bum
fcer 800,000.
Another Remarkable Cure of Serious
Kidney Trouble.
H. W. Solomon, 228 Market St.,
HarrUburg, Pa., says: "Kidney dls
ease afflicted me for years and dizzi
ness was so se
vere that I stag
gered as If drunk
My back was so
lame that often
I couldn't stir.
Three or four
doctors had ex
amined my urine
and all bad found
albumen. My
family doctor said I had Brigbt's dls
case and could not live three weeks.
1 had run down from 195 to ISt,
pounds. I began using Doan's Kid
ney Pills as a last resort and was
cured. I have had no kidney trouble
in over two years." .
Remember the name Donn's. Fov
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
According To Size.
' A certain Boston gentleman, wish
ing to take bis family to the country
past summer, visited a small farm
with a view to renting it.
' Everything was to his likelng and
jnegotations were about to be com
pleted, when the question of renting
also the farmer's cow came up. She
was an excellent animal, the fanner
declared, and even after feeding her
calf she would give eight quarts of
milk a day.
"Eight quarts a day!" exclaimed
the Boston gentleman. "is more
ithan my whole family could possi
bly use."
Then suddenly observing the calf
following the mother about the yard,
'he added:
. "I ll tell you what I'll do. I'"
ihlre the small cow. She looks Just
about our Blze. Exchange.
A Package Mailed Free on Request of
The best Stomach and
Liver Pills known and
a positive and speedy
cure for Constipation,
Indigestion, Jaundice,
Biliousness, Sour Stom
ach, Headache, and all
ailments arising from a
disordered stomach or
sluggish liver. They
contain In concen
trated form all tbs
virtues and values of Munyon's Paw
Paw tonic and are made from the
juice of the Paw-Paw fruit. I un
hesitatingly recommend these pills as
being the best laxative and cathartlo
ever compounded. Send us postal or
letter, requesting a free package of
Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa
tive Pills, and we will mall same free
of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO
and .Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mother's milk
will supply the
baby laxative enough, if
she takes a candy Cascaret.
And tbe laxative will be natural,
Senile, vegetablejust what baby
needs. Try one and you'll know
why millions of mothers use them.
She Approved.
"What's at?" Inquired three-yea'
old Marian, with her finger on an
ugly beast in her new plcturebook.
, "A hippopotamus," answere her
Marian gazed at the animal crltl
rnlly, then nodded. "Oh, yes," she
nt1ori; 'with -evident 'approval Of the
non-pnclature. "Fo 'tis!" Harper-iBazar.
rr lift A F rf i-fiirit., rA PinitR
Whether from CnUK Heat. Cln-nach or
P.ei ron Ti-iiiiMe. ( niniiline Kill relieve you.
Its lkuili-i)lra-n'it to take-acts Immodl
ately. Try It. luc., :ic. and Cue. at dru
tto na.
An automatic coupler for air and
jsteam hose on railroad trains has
i been Invented.
Buy "Battlb Axe'' Shoes.
! The governors of Australlla and
'Canada each receive a salary of $0,
;000 yearly.
B. N. U. 20.
Remedies are Needed
not, medicines would &-r:'-i' :i ,hI.W
our systems have be ""ii' 'y ,'r v,fl I'
broken down through '3'ir'!l
Were we perfect, which we sre
not often be needed, liut since
come weakened, imnaired and broken
Indiaoretions which have (one on from the early ages,
through countless generations, remedies an needed to
id Nature In correcting 'our ' inherited and otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach the scat of stomach
weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, a iflycerio compound, extracted from
Inal roots sold fur over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For
TV cak. Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Tain in the Stomach after eating.
Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Clironio Diorrhea and other Intestinal
Derangemo -, the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy.
The Genuine lias
on lta
wravoer the
ou can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco-bolio,
medicine op snown composition, not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.
In three hundred bsloon ascents
'there is, on an average, one fatal
I accident.
Ruby Wasted to a skeleton.
"My little son, when about a year
and a half old, began to have sores
Irome out on his face. I had a physl
jcian treat him, but tbe sores grew
(worse. Then they began to come out
on his arms, then on other parts of
ihls body, and then one came on his
chest, worse than the others. Then I
called another physician. Still he
grew worse. At the end of about a
year and a half of suffering he grew
(so bad that I had to tie his bands in
cloths at night to keep him from
scratching the sores and tearing tho
; flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton,
'and was hardly able to wtlk.
, "My aunt advised trie to try Cutl
cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment. 1
sent to a drug store and got a cake of
Cutlcura Soap and a box of the Oint
ment and followed directions. At the
end of two months the sores were all
well. He has never had any sores of
any kind since. I can sincerely say
that only for Cutlcura my child would
i have died. I used only one cake oi
Cutlcura Soap and about three boxes
of Ointment.
I "I am a nurse and my profession
.brings me Into many different fam
ilies and It Is always a pleasure for
Ime to tell my story and recommend
Cutlcura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert Shel
don, R. V. D. 1, Litchfield, Conn.,
Oct. 23. 1 909."
?.-v;vi . ws;.iiu ..1
Cautionary Note : am aure II X
n "
Cautionary Note : t sure 1
you ct this, atove r
that tft name-pin te
rdt Mew Perfection."
Many Women
4 who nvv.
Splendid Cooks
dread having to prepare an elab
orate dinner because they are
not sufficiently strong to stand
over an intensely hot coal
range. This is especially true
in summer. Every woman
takes pride in the table she sets,
but often it is done at tremen
dous cost to her own vitality
through the weakening effect of
cooking on a coal range in a
hot kitchen.
It is no longer necessary to wear
yourself out preparing a fine dinner.
Even in the heat of summer you can
cook a large dinner without being
Evening dresses run almost ex
clusively to draped effects.
. Kn. Wltislow's Soothing flymp for Children
I teothlrcfr.foftens tlieaumn, reduces Inflamma
' tlon,nllay pain.enr wind eollo.2Sc a bottle
The ball earrings are now more
In favor than the pendants
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti-
Sation. Constipation ia the entiMC of many
iaeases. Cure the cause and you cure the
AiHenme. Ens- to tAke.
, Crochet buttons are s new detail
In colored shirtwaists
Pnlnkfllrr For a (mdi'en chill, cold or
rollc upc Painkiller. 2V.. S.V., 50c. bottles.
Tbe genuine is Ferry Davis .
Nueremburg is the home of the
Ipocket timepiece.
Vast mini baa. 10 aaata-at aVat-ataraa.
FaavU saw Hi a aaUlaaa basal amtaly.
Great Field of Charity.
: We have reached a point now
Where hundreds of millions are being
put into every form of gift which can
be thought of for the public advan
tage, and It Is fortunate that theie
hotild be such a variety of objectn
available to meet every one's taste
or conviction as to what is most de
fi'iatle and useful. One puts tip an
art building or a library, anothor a
hospital or a college dormitory or a
'chapel, another lays out a park or
ndows a professorship or an idd poo
role's home. Trips In the country
hr? provided for children In the Burn
er and sanitariums for all soru
f diseases. Vast sums are o be atv-
n to learn tbe origin and nature of
leourges like tuberculosis, cancer and
he hockworm. The latest form of
endowment Is for nurnoaea nf orig
inal Investigation In many directions,
rwhlch, up to a very recent n
jhave been carried on by busy profes
sional men. Now experts are able
jto give alt their time and ability to
hunting down the secret of life, pry
ilng Into all ths arcana of nature
(and studying history and civilisation
At their sources. Within a short
time 14,000.000 has been set apart
ny a rich New Torker to provide a
home for convalescents and to assist
persons out or employment on ac
count of Illness, an excellent provis
ion, for which there Is need In every
large place. To stimulate research
tempting prises are offered. One
jhundred and fifty thousand dollar
waits the person who discovers a
Remedy for ,. tuberculosis. Cincin
nati Enquirer.
Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes.
A Woman's Way.
A prominent banker in this city
was talking the other day of the
Ifoihles of some of his feminine de
positors. I "Women are queer creatures when
it comes to business," he said. "For
(one thing, no woman can understand
why we won't send her unlimited
'amounts of money If she asks for
lit over the telephone.
i "But the funniest incident I've
known happened the other day. We
jsent word to one of our women de
positors that her account was over
drawn. We expected her to be
-angry. They usually are. But she
"No Indeed. She sat down and
wrote us a gracious and lovely letter
n crested paper, thanking us for
'letting her know that her account
was overdrawn.
" 'I am so glad to oblige you by
remedying the defect at once,' she
wrote. 1
"And she Inclosed a check for
$700 drawn on our own bank."
Philadelphia Times.
- Oil Cook-stove
Gives no outside heat, no smell, no smoke. It will conk the biggest dinnea
without heating the kitchen or the cook. It is immediately lighted anil immedi
ately extinguished. It can be changed from a slow to n quick fire by turning
handle. There's no drudgery connected with it, no coal to carry, no wood to chop.
You don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till its fire gels going. Apply a
light and it's ready. By simply turning the wick up or down you get a slow or an
intense heat on the bottom of the pot, pan, kettle or oven, and nowhere else. It
has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot, drop shelves for
coffee, teapot or saucepan, and even a rack for towels. It saves time, worry,
health and temper. It does all a woman needs nrd more than she experts. Made
with 1, 2, and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner sizes can be had with or without
ETryasalerrjwbere; If not at jonri. write for rieseriptlTeClreulrlolliiereKjcyof tua
The Atlantic Refining Company
or A FLAVOR ti'tt is oca the & irnwaj
Ey-- :rvauilla- I'v disrMving; gnnelateH taigar ha
fiam wofc-r and adding tanloino. aftuhf ttu p-rup la
Q KSr maaloftn'l aajnip bitir than ruapie. My,.ein
i is a-Jiil uy enters. ena .c pmit sor umpu
El aud roclpe ttuuk. descent HI. Cat. SettL.
A Warning.
A deaf but pious English lady,
visiting a small country town In
Scotland, went to church armed with
an ear trumpet. The elders had
never Been one. and viewed It with
suspicion and uneasiness. After a
short consulatlon one of them went
up to the lady, just before tbe open
ing of tbe service, and wagging his
linger at her warnlngly, wlspered:
'One toot and ye're oot!" Human
Colerldges Stick.
Of walking sticks there is no end.
We have heard of .Mr. Haldane's cor
dite one, and now we read of a stick
in the Guest collection nt Christie's
which belonged to tho very last Pond
Street watchman. For interesting
sticks, however, the one which Cole
ridgovas In tho habit of losing, dur
ing bis tramping days must take
first place. The philosopher was
never happy till he had got It back.
Ilo sent the crier round. Here Is
the cry, as noted by Mr. I.ucas in
one of his essays: "Missing a curious
walking stick. On one side It dis
plays the head of an eagle, the eyes
of which represent rising sun, and
the ears Turkish descendents: on the
other side Is the portrait of the own
er in woodwork. Around the neck
Is a Queen Elizabeth's ruff In tin.
All down It waves the line of beauty
In very ugly carving."
And then came the appeal and
warning note: "If any gentleman (or
lady) has fallen In love wtth the
above described stick and secretly
carried off the same ho (or she) Is
hereby earnestly admonished to con
quer a passion the continuance of
which must prove fatal to his (o
her) honesty. And If the said stick
has slipped into such a gentleman's
(or lady's) hand through Inadvert
ence he (or she) Is requested to
rertlfy the mistake with all conven
ient speed. God save the King!"
The stick came back! London
fmtiK BR if
I" B &
IB Ltt fej &
T3 Sertl tsosrnl for
Vrct' I'.-vliiige
a of I'axtinc.
Eeltcr and more economical
than liquid anttsepUe?
. v 4?a r in.
Gives one a sweet ; clean, white),
germ-free teeth antiseptically clean
mouth and throat purifies the breath
tfter smoking dispels nil disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for aore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paitine powder dis
solved in a la ol hot water
makes a delightful antiseptic so
lution, possessing extraordinary
pj S cleansing, germicKial and heal
w B j ing power, and absolutely harm
L i less. Try a Sample- 50c a
large bos at druggaAs or by maiL
The Storm Centre.
Don't you play baseball In Crlnr
son Gulch?"
"No." answered Broncho Hob
"We had to give It up. There wasn't
excitement enough to go 'round."
"Why, the game is full of excite
ment." "Yep. But one man gets more
than his share. After the first day's
scrap everybody wanted to be um
pire." Washington Star.
Some Sweet Day
what a -dainty, tempt
ing food you have been
Kj b:Es:cij;lirj:ersr
5, 4, 3.50, 3, 2.50 & 2
Millions of man wear
u i i, i.. i L -
cans ther are tha low. -x;.
! prices, quality com- iVt ,-
idc-, in th. world. fV, V
Ma'te upon honor.of tha ' .
base IrMhers. br tha f. ' ;!UkV
most skilled workmen. K .lut.
in all U laWsl fashions. ,: "tx
w. l uouaiaa S5.00 V . Vt
ana .uu shoos eoual 4L
Custom Bench Work At'f
fostios- $8.00 to 8.0O. 4tV
w l rw.-.., "" "
Ills r7,,. .rt ""as sy stsaipiaa
ins name and .r1.f on tha boli.m ImI tut til
'I'..., No " WrrWfaWrri
la. torrctmiTtrxl ftp.. W.L.ouasss. Hr.cktoalials.
Isiftj Delists,
ko visas as
kctttr hr na Hit stats sr ssansHlas McststaTI
I estreat asr sis. la Lstiirills. Ws hrabk
WaslBstsfmUsstSBstsns. Writs In fskt '1st
PATFNT Tri,,-"rM. rsnUonMeunty .'
1 AlfullO, riy, Claims .taut the Ge. 1
sorasat, Solldtlat.
Address W. II WILLS,
312 lad, Ave., WssilniWJ. C.
iJROPGY hkpj:
MrsSiows, J - - --'-i - - i
sasso. Or. a. It, utaaaa aoas, aa Tl i"i X
daisy FLY.ioucirrirsr -a
aIaeIlaBsaaBBaMaMassMisaisB- aw fkaMaV !. .
V i
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