The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 05, 1910, Image 7

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Leads all other medicines m
th cure of all spring ailments,
humors, loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, paleness and
nervousness. Take it.
Get It lkraU form er la Ub
lt, known Sarsatabe. IWOmci ti.
How He Hot lOvcn.
Wlseun Hello! Her comes'
Staylong, that chronic bore; but
here's where I get even with him.
Wlndlg What are you going to
Wlfleun (moving off) Leave you
to entertain him. Chicago News.
Vice Consul General Carl C Han
Ben reports that outside of Bangkok,
where electricity lg used (or light
ing, kerosene and other oil-burning
lamps and candles supply the means
for lighting and Illuminating pur
poses in Slam.
You Can Have a Model Kitchen
as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke,
no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances! The
il GboEt-stovs
is :he latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
Boils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Tod. with collapsible
rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date
feature imaginable. You want it, be
cause it will cook any dinner and not
beat the room. No heat, no smell,
no smoke, no coal to bring in, no ashes
to carry out. It does away with the
drudgery of cooking, and makes it a
pleasure. Women with the light touch
for pastry especially appreciate it, be
cause they cai immediately have a
quick fire, simply by turning a handle.
No half-hour prostration. It not only
is less trouble than coal, but it costs
less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke;
and it doesn't heat the kitchen.
The nickel finish, with the turquoise
blue of the enameled chimneys, makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2
and 3-burner stoves can be had with
or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere! If not at youro,
write for Descriptive Circular to the near''
agency of the
The Atlantic Refining Company
f TTiTTi7irniiitiiiidiiitiiiiiiiBMiiiMiiiiiiiyi'Miiiir, i ,m i iiiaflirr-i Mamawa
H Cantlonary Note: Be sure If
f you get this stove sea II
Chester County Fanners Happy.
West Chester. The farmerg of
Chester County were never In bet
ter spirits than they are now. The
wheat and grass never looked as
fine, and the cattle are already out
In the meadows and pastures. In
spite of the frosts the fruit trees are
full of young fruit, and berries prom
ise a big crop. Most of the corn has
been planted, and there Is nn un
usually large acreage of potatoes
planted. The season Is fully three
weeks ahead of time, and vegetation
is as far advanced as It usually Is
by the middle of May.
Investigate Cigarette Sales.
Media. Although Media Is a Pro
hibition borough, the temperance
meetings are not as well attended as
those Interested in the cause believe
they should. At a meeting of the
W. C. T. U. the question arose as
to why the attendance is so small.
Miss Mary Gibbons ascribed it to
the fact that so many beer wagons
enter the borough. The W. C. T. U.
decided to Investigate the sale of
cigarettes to minors.
' Cantlonary Note: Be sure
you get this stove ses
that the name.Dlate
reads New Perfection."
Among Mr. Carnegie's Scotch stor
ies is one about a caddie of St, An
drews. This caddie's wife so Mr. Carne
gie's story runswas much troubled
by her husband's loose way of life.
He could never have a good day on
the links but lie must end It with
s wet night at the tavern. So, to
cure him, the woman lay In wait
on the road one evening, dressed in
a white sheet.
When her husband appeared she
arose from behind a hedge, an awful
white figure without stretched arms.
"Who the de'll are you?" asked
the Intemperate caddie.
"I'm auld Nlckie," said the figure,
In a hollow voice.
"Gie's a shake o' yer hand, then,"
tald the tipsy caddie. "I'm married
tae a sister o' yours. She'll be
waltln" for us up at the house, an'
nae doot she'll mak' ye welcome."
New York Tribune.
Vegetable Compound
Galena, Kans. "A year Bgo last
March I fell, and a few days after
there was soreness in my right side.
in a snort time a Dimcu came ana it
bothered me so much at night I could
not sleep, it Kept
crowing larger and
by fall It was as
large as a ben's egg.
I could not go to
bed without a hot
water bottle applied
to that side. I had
one of the best doc
tors in Kansas and
be told my husband
that I would have to
be operated on as it
was something like
a tumor caused bv a ruDture. I wrote
to you for advice and you told me not
to pet discouraged but to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I did take it and soon the lump in my
tide broke and passed away." Mrs.
It It. IIuky, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena,
Lydia E. rinkham's"Vegetable Com.
Pound, made from roots and herbs,
has proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
jutlummation, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, periodlo pains, backache, bear,
lug-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it, and the result
lias boeu worth millions to many
suffering women.
If you want special advice write
forlt toMrs.I'iiikUamjLynn.Mass.
via free and always helpful.
POP P Send postal for
sT If I 1 F1 1'acltnge
I tm bi of Pax tine. ,
Better and more economical
liquid anllscDtlee
C"es one a sweet brants) clean, white,
enn-frea Uath amtuaptically clean
and throat purifies the breath
"- mokinf dispels all disejreeable
Pcnpirationaml body odors much ap
Jeiated by dainty women. A quick
'Jnedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A liula Paxbae powder dis
solved in a lUas of boa water
askss a delightful aBsisepbe so
lution, pnimiina esuantrliaary
tie easing, germicidal and bsav
ins, power, and absolutely haras,
ma. Try Sample. 50. a
lam boa si drueviafr or be luiL
JHC pAXTOft) TOILET CO., Besron, Mass.
Want of care does us more dan
age than want of knowledge. Frank,
wIIt,l:e.iSn Co'3'. Best, "toniaeh or
f,?.'TSuTrou,blM- Capudlne will relieve you.
Its liquid-pleasant to take-acts Immedl-
sw li. 10- 2So' nd 60o
A patent has been granted for at
attachment to rocking chairs to oper
ate a fan to cool the occupants while
swaying to and fro.
Awful Burning Itch Cured in a Day.
"In the middle of the night ol
March 30th I woke up with a burning
Itch in my two hands and I felt as li
I could pull them apart. In the morn
ing the Itching had gone to my chesl
and during that day It spread all ovei
my body. I was red and raw from
the top of my head to the soles of mj
feet and I was In continual agon)
from the itching. I could neither lis
down nor sit up. I happened to sea
about Cutlcura Remedies and I
thought I would give them a trial. ".
took a good bath with the Cutlcura
Soap and used the Cutlcura Ointment
I put it on from my head down to raj
feet and then went to bed. On th
first of April I felt like a new man.
The itching was almost gone. I con
tinued with the Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment and daring thai
day the itching completely left me
Frank Orldley, 825 East 43d Street
New York City, Apr. 37, 1909." Cu
tlcura Remedies are sold throughout
the world; Potter Drug & Chem
Corp.. Sole Props.. Boston, Mass.
: Shrewd Trading.
"Ye say ye want a dollar fur thi
boots. Take 70 centsT"
"Yes." a
"Ye mout throw in one o' then
woolen throat wermers, too, heyt"
"All right."
"Hold on tharl The boots ain't
got no strings."
"I'll give you a pair of strings."
"Better" make it two pair. Oni
won't last no time."
"Very well; two pair It is."
"Can't you chuck in one o' then
paper collars for good measure?"
"Oh, I guess so, rather than mis,
a trade."
"Look-a-here, when a feller buy)
a bill o' goods off'n you, don't yt
set '.m up?"
"Yes. What'll you take?"
"Gimme two plugs o' chewln' to
backer an' a nound o' scrapple."
Chicago Evening Post.
An Awful Jolt.
"I see you have a new automo
bile," said Wlggs, enviously.
"Yes," responded Biggs, as hi
slowed up the machine near the side
walk, "and It's a beauty. Everythlni
works like clockwork."
"That's good."
"The tires are puncture-proof."
"Better still."
"And she goes like the wind."
"Gee whiz! Wish I owned one."
"By the way, are you fond of rid
"Am I fond of riding? Well, I
should say so."
"Well, here's a street-car transfet
I Just found. I won't need it, anj
you can ride home on it." Chicagi
Tube Company Raises Wnaes.
Pittsburg. Following the an
nouncement of a wage raise by sev
eral subsidiary companies of the
United States Steel Corporation
comes that of the National Tube
Company, which has posted notices
that all employees' wages will be
advanced. The amount will be from
one to six per cent. A higher rate
also will affect day laborers, who
will be paid $1.75 Instead of $1.60
a day.
Mayor Imposes Unique Sentence.
Hasleton. Mayor Bruch Imposed
a unique sentence on five boys
brought before him on the charge of
removing brass letters from store
show windows. He fined each two
dollars and gave them an Indefinite
time in which to settle. They must
report to him every Monday evening
and pay at least one cent until the
entire amount is made good.
Confederate Stamp Cni-ripg Mail.
Berwick. Forty-five years after
the close of the Civil War, a letter
mailed by a former Union soldier
from Newport News, Va., to Mrs.
James Bowman, of Berwick, and
bearing a Confederate stamp, man
aged to get through the United States
malls and was safely delivered here.
Laborers Unenrth Man's Skeleton.
Bloomsburg. While Employees of
the Philadelphia & Reading Rnilroad
were engaged in the work of exca
vating at a point directly beneath
the railroad tracks In Catawissa they
came upon the skeleton of a six-foot
man. It was recalled that about 35
years ago the Reading coal dock oc
cupied the surface where the body
was found. Murder rumors have
been current ever since.
The Appetite
Calls tot.mori
Let a saucer of this
delightful food served
with cream tell why,
"The Memory Llnjers?
Pass. I Or- and ISc
Post urn Cereal Co., LtdV,
'. Battle Creek. Mich. . ,
Benefit For Media library.
Media. The Co-Medians gave a tri
ple bill tor the benefit of the Media
Free Library. Those who took part
were: Miss Fannie Cheyney, Mrs.
A. H. Rund, J. Claude Bedford. Rob
ert Fussell, C. Frank Williamson,
Albert J. Williams, Dr. Edward D.
Fitch, Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, Ward
Batchelor, A. H. Rund, Elmer E. Mel
ick, Dr. Benjamin Underhill, Master
Paul Clark, Mrs. Albert J. Williams,
Miss Ullle Riddle and Miss Eliza
beth Hall.
Woman With Thront Cut.
Pittsburg. Bent backward over a
broken chair, her neck slashed from
ear to ear and her clothing soaked
with blood, Mrs. Emily Mills, aged
28 years, keeper of a restaurant near
the downtown section, was found by
police Inspectors in a rear room of
ber place of business. The woman
died on the way to the hospital.
Sidney Mills, the husband of the
dead woman, was found wandering
around In the vicinity of the restau
rant, and after being questioned by
detectives was placed under arrest
as a suspicious person.
Waitresses at the restaurant have
stated that the couple were violently
Jealous of each other, and had been
quarreling for days. At the police
station the husband denied any
knowledge of how his wife met death,
mumbling "she killed herself, sho
killed herself."
The police are actively Investigat
ing the case.
Play "Along The Missouri."
Media. The Catholic Dramatic
Club rendered a three-act comedy,
entitled "Along the Missouri." Those
who took part were: J. J. McGinley,
William Morley, Paul Malseed,
George Smith, William L. Suter, Al
bert Marron, Miss Ellen Coppock.
Miss May Malseed and Miss Edith
Reading Doctors Klect Officers.
Reading. The Reading Medical
Association held Its annual meeting,
when the following officers were
elected: President, F. G. Runyeon:
vice-president, F. Colletti: treasurer,
A. F. East; secretary, Jesse Wagner;
curator, R. H. Hutchlns; trustees,
Drs. J. E. Longacre, Israel Gleaver
and W. H. Marks.
18 Cents A Day For Post runnier.
Saltsburg. A Job paying 18 cents
a day is offered by the United States
Government to any one who wishes
to become postmaster at Wheatfield.
near here. To permit the applicants
to show their competency the Civil
Service Commission will hold an ex
amination on May 7. Last year the
postofllce paid $64.
Noted Inventor Dead.
Easton. John I. Klnsey, who for
forty years was master mechanic of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany's local shops, died at his home
in this city, aged. 83 years.
He was one .of the best known
mechanical engineers and Inventors
in this section and the locomotives
built by him and which bore his
name were considered the strongest
and speediest type of their day. He
Invented a spark arrester or locomo
tives. Twelve years ago Mr. Klnsey
retired from active work.
Fights Rescuer.
Potlsvllle. Frank Madonas, aged
30 years, rendered desperate because
of unrequited love, rode at express
speed on a bicycle down the main
street of Mlnersvllle to the bridge
which crosses the swollen Schuylkill
River, Jumped from the wheel,
threw off his enp and plunged head
long over the ruil to the stream, 25
feet below.
Alexander Morris Jumped Into the
flood and rescued the mnn at the
risk of his own life, Madonas re
sisting all the wa" ashore and then
exclaiming as he was thrown upon
the bank:
"Why didn't you let me die!"
The would-be suicide gashed his
head and face on the rocks on the
bed of the stream. Madonas shortly
after his rescue made for the moun
tains, vowing he would make an end
of his life this time.
Major IHniKlicr Drowns.
Wilkee-Barre. The body of Ed
ward J. Dougher, major of the Ninth
Regiment, N. O. P., and "on ofllclal
of the locnl traction company, was
found dead In a creek In Bradford
Major Dougher went to Towanda
to attend reunion exercises held by
the Knights of Columbus of that
Failing to return, a general alarm
was Bent out. How he came to iueo
his death Is a mystery.
Increase Surprises Men.
Hazleton. The motormen and
conductors on the Lehigh Traction
line, the local trolley company, and
the Wilkes-Barre & Hazleton Rail
way, the third-rail system, received
notice of an increase of ten cents a
day in their wages.
The advance came without solici
tation and was a complete surprise
to the men.
Mrs. Mnry Mitehel Page Dion.
Lebanon. Mrs. Mary Mltchcl
Page, widow of the late Robert J
Page, died ut the home of her only
son. Rev. J. Mitehel Page. Mrs.
Page was the daughter of the late
John Mitehel, the celebrated Irish
Journalist, author and nationalist
She was born In Dublin, in 1846, and
during her childhood she shored
exile with her father in Australia
Wonuin Fights K'cttrlc Plant.
Media. Eliza C. Hartsel has be
gun suit In equity to prevent the
Delaware County Electric Company
from operating a distributing plant
at Lnnsdowne, on property near that
which she owns. She asks for an
injunction, declaring the plant would
be a detriment to her land, and
would destroy its availability for
dwelling houses.
Prohibitionists Nominate.
Chester. The Prohibitionists of
Delaware County have made the fol
lowing nominations: Congress, John
H. Paschall, of Concord: Legisla
ture, G. S. Pennock, of Lansdowne;
Jacob R. Jordan, of Prospect Park,
and John Macadam, of Chester.
Held For Girl's Death.
Lebanon (Special) Coroner Light
held an Inquest over the body of
Edna Walters, aged 19 years, of
North Annville Townshln. The girl
died on Sunday of peritonitis, the
result of kicks alleged to have been
administered by William Jennings,
who employed her ns housekeeper.
The jury returned a verdict that
the girl's death was due to kicks and
held Jennings responsible for her
death. He is held In Jail without
Find Suicide In Ridley River.
Chester. The body of James
Cross, of East Eleventh Street, was
found In Ridley River by Samuel
Collins, having evidently been in the
water since April 11, when Cross dis
appeared. It is supDosed he com
mited suicid from the fact that he
had frequently expressed a desire
to end his life.
Veteran Dies Mowing Down Grass.
Carlisle. Captain William H.
Brlckes, of Company M, Third Penn
sylvania Cavalry, during the Civil
War, fell dead while mowing grass
at his home. He was 70 years old.
Death was due to heart failure. He
is survived by a widow.
Cleaning Darby Of Dogs.
Darby. -While ' residents have
been formulating plans for the ex
termination of stray dogs, the ques
tion has been partly cleared by the
automobile. Within the last two
weeks fourteen dogs have been killed
by autos, which Is at the rate of
one a day, and many other stray bow.
wows have been rolled into the dust
and so badly frightened that the
have never stooped running uutll
they either struck the Philadelphia
county line or Colwyn on one side
or the confines of Sharon Hill Col
lingdale or Lansdowne on the other.
Young, Insjiector Killed By Train,
Altoona. The body of Charles
Berrang, a railroad car inspector of
this city, was found on the railroad,
twelve milet: weBt of this city. He
visited a brother at Cresson, and it
is supposed he fell from a train on
the return trip and was run over.
He was aged 24 and Is survived by
his wife and two children.
Engine To Fight Mine Firea,
Scranton. The latest acquisition
of the Susquehanna Coal Company Is
a chemical fire ertgine for extinguish
ing inside mine fires. One of the
practical features of the engine is
that It can be adjusted to run on
a track of any width. The engine
may he transported by any motive
power, by an electric or compressed
air locomotive or by mules.
A not her Industry For Chester.
Chester. Another Industry is to
be located In this city. The Robert
D. Clark Thread Company, capital
ized at $50,000, Is looking for a suit
able building site. When the plant
Is In operation employment will be
given to 200 persons. Charles H.
Gressy, of Philadelphia, will b as
sociated with the new concern.
Bar Pictures From Armories.
Doylestown. Because of a sweep
ing ruling of the Armory Board, mov
ing picture shows have been discon
tinued in the new armory of Com
pany O. The board Issued an order
against having projecting machines
in any armories.
Thousand Men Get Increase
Berwick. A 10 per cent. Increase
for the night shift of the Berwick
plant of the American Car ft Foun
dry Co. has been announced, to affect
1000 men.
Date For Cheater Heights Camp.
Media. Th annual Methodist
camp meeting will open at Chester
Heights on July 37 and close on Mon
day night. August 6. District Su
perlntendent E. E. Burrlg will be
solrltual director an.1 nit t
- ur w . sj a bUWlU
Jones, musical director.'
Dr. Raymond II, Koch Dies.
Easton. Dr. Raymond H. Koch,
or Martin's Creek, died of diphtheria
aged 27 years. He formerly resided
at Wescoevllle, Pa., and was a grad
uate of the Medico Chi. CoHeg
Philadelphia. , , '
So Weak From Kidney Trouble lie
Could Hardly Stand.
John McKay Williams, Bedford'
City, Va., says: "For two months I
suffered from sharp pains across the.'
small of my back
and I became so
weak I could hard
ly stand. I lost
flesh rapidly and
was becoming wor
ried. I 'ortunately
decided to try
Doan'a Kidney'
Pills. I began tak-
kV Ing them and 'je--
fore long every symptom of the trou
ble disappeared. I have had no re
turn of It np to now."
Remember the name Dosn's. For
sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. '
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. ,
How He Got Even.
A traveling man who stutters
spent all afternoon In trying to sell
a grouchy business man a bill of
goods, and was not very successful.
As the salesman was lockinK tin
hts grip the grough was impolite I
i enough to observe In the presence of j
,hls clerks: "You must find that lm-
i pediment In your speech very Incon- i
:venlent at times."
"Oh, n-no," replied the salesman.
"Everyone has his p-peculiarity.
S-stammerlng is mine. What's
"I'm not aware that I have any,"
(replied the merchant.
' " stir y-your coffee with
I your r-rlght hand?" asked the sales
man. "Why, yes, of course," replied the
merchant, a bit puzzled.
"W-well," went on the salesman,
"t-that's your p-pecullarity. Most
people use a t-teaspoon." Success.
A Package Mailed Free on Request of
. . a
,a ue ltchi oiomacn ana
sv' i. L,ver Pl"8 known and
Bf'i.'1ffi.yi' a nosltlv and pnor1
cure ior uonatipation,
Indigestion, Jaundice,!
Biliousness, Sour Stom
ach, Headache, and all
ailments nrlslng from a
disordered stomach or
sluggish liver. They
contain In concen
trated form all the
virtues and values of Munyon's Paw-i
. Paw tonic and are made from the
Juice of the Paw-Paw fruit. I un
hesitatingly recommend these pills as
, being the best laxative and cathartic
,ever compounded. Send us postal or
letter, requesting a free package of
Munyon'B Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa
tive Pills, and we will mall same free
of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO
and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Delicately formed and eently reared, women
will find, in all the season9 of their lives, as
maidens, wives or mothers, that the one simple,
wholesome remedy which act9 gently and
pleasantly and naturallv. and whir.h maw ha
used with truly beneficial effects, under any
v.ui.uiuu.i!, wien ma system needs
is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of K,
well known to be a 6imple combination
laxative and carminative DrinciolGs of
with pleasant aromatic liauids. wMr.h ara MH&3
agreeable and refreshinj to the taste and, iuvJi
accepiaDie to the system when its eantle iVV-V KJA
cleansing la desired. kVVfT Eft
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of &vJ fe' i
Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its tVM & V8&
beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the 'Ovf r v"
excellence of the remedy, the full name of the WVI VJ
company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed VV&H fii't vt
on the front of every package, and without it KOi iAf x
any preparation offered as Svrtin rf pi ?iJM
ixii l, ,,rvc
Ehxir of Senna i3 fraudulent and should be
declined. To those who know the quality of
this excellent laxativo, the offer of any substi
tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna
is called for, is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-clas3 drug establish
ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell
false brands.norimitation remedies. The genu
ine article may be bought of all reliable drug
gists everywhere; one size only. Regular
jjiio uu terns per Dottle.
to nave in the
per bottle. Get a bottle tadav $t4'&S5j$3l
house when needed. "5i7t3
To prevent explosions of coal dust
In mines experiments are under way
In Germany In which water Is pump
ed Into borings under pressure. It
thus Is forced Into fissures and, after
it Is pumped out, the coal can't be
broken down with picks without
Because the proeMco of conducting
the exhaust stenm from locomotive
air pumps through the stack creates
a draft that burns an unnecessary
amount of coal when locomotives are
noj. running, several railroads are
providing a sepcrate exhaust outlet
for it.
Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes.
In the 40 years, IMS to 1908,
Japan's yeartv fflreijn trade Increas
ed from $13,e00.e to $407,000,000.
ForOOMs aad BR IP,
J?,lrP X'4Pni;7" Is eras rsmrrly-
1 mhf dX!!'1,'',"'.'""I,",U "'"""as. It?
fcL'" ir. '"tufdlaasiT. is... ao. and
toe, st (IruK aujres.
Metnl filament lnraudtcnt lamps
nre now being used on ehlDS and
railroad cars.
In France a spinster Is not allowed
to put money In the bank or have a
'checkbook. However, once married
or a widow she can do business with
bankers as far as her means and mind,
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders forChildren,
cure Keverrnhness, IleAtiarhe, Bad Stomsch,
Tec'thinu DiHorderj.IieRulntethe Bowelsnnd
Dextroy Worms. They break up colds in 24
hours. Pleasant to tn ke, and harmless asmilk.
Never fail. AtI)niKgists,25c. Samrilemailerl
Fhee. Address Allen S.OlmstedLclioyI.Y.
A sot of clamps, operated by a
i lever and notched bar to draw and
; hold them together, has been pat
ented by a Pennsylvanlan to faclll
i tate the Joining of ends of a belt.
I Mrs, Wlnslow'fl BootlilnB Rvrnp for Children
' teethln(r,softenstheirum,rediieefiinnrama.
uon, res wind collo.2So a bottle
Building since 1880. Liverpool
only recently completed a great
water supply scheme. Including the
impounding of a Welsh river and
the building of a 76 milo aqueduct.
Tor Red, Itching KyWist, Oy. Styes,
Palling Fyelaslie nRl All Eyes lt.t Need
Care, 'fry Murine Kye fsilre. Aseptic
Tunes, Trial Size. 25c. Ank Your Druggist
or Write Murine Kye Renawlr t o. Chicago.
Preparations have begun for tak
ing, in 1911, the first reimus for the
commonwealth of Australia.
Constipation raimcs ami serioily aggra
vates many dme-ism. It is thoroughly
enrol by Dr. Piorees PeltoU. Trsy sugar
coated granules.
Persons born In spring are said to
have a more robust constitution than
those born at other seasons.
Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes.
The earth's fertile area Is esti
mated at 28,269,200 squars miles.
B. N. U. 18.
A Clean Man
Kinaitrierins In Kansas.
Herp is an Incident that a.Chanute
man tells as having occurred In a
certain Kansas town. He was In tho
ticket office and watched the pro.
A man came up to the window
and asked for a ticket to Kansas
City, inquiring the price.
"Two twenty-five," 6aH the agent
The man dug down Into a well
worn pocketbook and fished out a
bill It was a bank note for $2. It
was also all the money he had.
"How soon does this train go?"
he inquired.
"In 15 minutes,"' repliod the
The man hurried awav Soon he
was back with three silver dollars
with which he bought a ticket
"Pardon my curiosity," said the
ticket seller, "but how did you get
that money? It Isn't a loan, fni
I see you have disposed of the $2 1
"That's all right." Bald the mon
"No. I didn't borrow. I went to n
pawn shop and soaked the bill fot
11. SO. Then as I started bock hers
I met an old ncqnalntance to whom
I soil tho pawn ticket for ll.R0 I
then had $3 and ho has the nnwi
ticket for which the $2 bill stand?
as security." Kansas City Journal
Electricity, which picks the tiny
atoms of aluminum from the ore
deposits, has made the metal posslbln
tr the commercial world and In re
turn aluminum now ranks next tc
copper as the moRt desirable metal
for electrical machinery.
We are all as Ood made us. and
often-tlmes a great deal worse.
Outaide clennlisess is less than half the battle. A man may
scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be uneleon. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means
a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, clean liver, snd
new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. Ho will work with energy end think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts.
He will never bo troubled with liver, lunR, stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom
achs. Blood discuses are found where there is unclean blood.
vAiuiumpuon ana oronctntis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prerents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean
and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure,
clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion sail
prostration. It oontains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleassnt Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe, Essy to take as csndy.
I seller far roe Un sjusts srconaf'iiss snack sauTa
Reftrescs: sst suk ( Lnisrillc. Wa Israiik B
I l B'f Prst Is ssi tkitstrs. Wiilt he arks list. I
fljtSABELfcSOXS "'.";''' LssisTillc lr. I
j Character Is
1 Smiles.
I wirponnng
, U aoLd by rrocm hMM JM wtxmtm ww namphj
1 relp bouk. Cttcel lUkm. m. featl
property. Samuel
Comfort and
New Strength
Await" tho"pcr8on" who ."discovers
that a long train of cofTee. ails. can
be thrown oft by using
in place of Coffee
,'The comfort' and "itrengthcome'
from a rebuilding pf new nerve
5clla by the food elements in the
roasted : wheat! 6se4'. injjnaking
Tostum.,,. j . 1 '7
'And the 'relief "from "coffee alls
come from the absence, of (afftini
-the natural drug in coffee. '
1 Teidays.trialiwiir show; any
ohe ..,.'!"'''
"There's o Reason' for.
ventioo" and a "pound of cure." For bowel
troubles. aJun wounds, cuius, ana ower uis.
The average crow Is credited with
destroying; 700,000 Insects a year.
Buy "Battle Axe" Shoes.
Asking Too Much.
' The mother of little six-year-old
Mary had told her a number of times
cot to hitch ber sled to passing
i sleighs, feeling that It was a danger.
' oua practice. It was such a fasci
nating sport, however, that Mary
could not legist It, and one day her
mother saw her go skimming past
the house behind a farmer's "bobs."
When she came In from play she
waa taken to task, ber mother say
ing severely, "Mary, haven't I told
you that you must not hitch onto
bobsT Besides, you know It If
against the law."
Mary tosised her head. "Oh," shr
said, "don't talk to me about the
law. It's all I can do to keep the
Ten Commandments!" Woman's
Home Companion.
$59 S4f S3. 50, S3 & 82.50
0ov' 501 cuntro i
fchooH are worn
any other make,
w. i. it.iiRiuiifta.oo
nil 4.MrliM-rtei:i-l,
In t via, tit utitt tt-eur.
othr limit cutting ,
W.L.liMiirlitft M3.AO.
.I.OO mid 4. Mi ..
mrm the loweat prUt,
qiiAllty roiiil4ltruJ,in j
tlt world.
fast Color Euttett.
hi eniln huve W, T Vowu Im dim afd pru
tarns ., on ih bottom. Th InMlifitf,
Ak yiiiiritfalcr fur W J..lHiWsth(i. Ifthrj
r ixjt rr mlf in uitr lr. wrlu-f , klH VmW i u
log, irivir.H roll 'Urf.-tiory. how Uittntrr j mmW. rttiisr
oMrrM ,lirfi-t from fatoi dhtt-rr-d tlt wfr mil
tUugt. prcjil. W. U UoUUJ.a. tir?k. Mm
0 A $2.00
nnnPQV niscovssTf
Sksf I VV B J I etna eM u-
Sm il mm. sS er iwMbmmUJ m4 t- ay tri w
aval " V tiaaai e avsa, sa a, um, ,
"I have used your valuable Casoarcts
snd I find them perfect. Cevleha't do
without them. I haw used tbe-ai for
some time for indigestion aad Mliaaamns
and am now completely cared. Reeam
mend them to ever von a. One IrVd, yon
will never be without theaa in the
family." Ed ward A. Marx, AlWay, N.Y.
Pleasant. Palatable, Peaent. Tassa Ovod.
po U4. Never blckea.WMka r (ertcw.
10a.Bc. 90s. Never oiJ V be Ik. Tas eeV
sum tablet etamsad C C C UaaranMe4 is
aura at yaar aauuey baca. t&
pATffNTl ,r,deMrk. rMsiontaunr
i ffllilll0, fsy, Clalau Aisltut tat Ut-
raasnt. tollciUnt.
Address W. a WILLS.
ill lad. Ave Washlaa toa.0. C
as T Sabs' FRAOTtcK.
keatna lavte
nve. Upvslal of.
aavarueea Ires. R. Sl.Owea, Wasbtastaa. U.U
I" I rusj. m
BUY "Battle Axe" Skoes
w. ... ,. ..
laete alt sm .
it . a