The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 10, 1910, Image 7

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    No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A strong man i strong; all over. ' No man can be
ronJ who ii suffering from weak stomach with its
consequent indigestion, or front tome other disease
of the stomach and its associated organs, which im-
Rairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach
i weak or diseased there is loss of the nutrition
contained in food, which is the source of all physical
strength. When man " doesn't feel Just right,"
when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable
feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond
ant, be is losing tho nutrition needed to make strength.
Bach m man should use Dr. Pierce' it Golden Medical
Discovery. It care diseases ot the stomach and other
organs ot digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood.
Invigorates the liver, strengthens the hldneys, nourishes
the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH 71KD STRE.WTU TO
Yoa can't afford to aoeept a ttcrtt nostrum at substitute for this non
koholia medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer
say thereby make littlo bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
Dbonchiax. Troches
An tmroedUte rellel let Khiimiu, Coufha, Sort
Thro', Bronchial end AethmsUc Troubles. Aa
srttela el superior merit, absolutely trim from any
ksrmful b-ieridlent.
Price, 26 ontr. 60 cents and $1,00 per box.
Oemple mailed on request.
Knew Mule Nature.
"Hit's all In de onderstandln' ob
4e mewel natur," said E;hraim
Johnson, with an expansive display
f ivory.
He had been backing two mulon
and a load of brick up a small hilt
on. Twelfth Street. It looked un
reasonable in Eph., but it turned out
to be the mules.
"Dey des wouldn't have It for
wards," said Eph. "Hit ain't so
much er hill, nutber, but .ley didn't
like de looks er it an e'very time
I druT 'em at bit, dey des back and
back, en
"Whup 'em? Nossa. Dat ain't no
way ter hannle er mewel. You goi
ter ondrstnn' mewel natur, to
ttannle 'em. Dem mcwels wanted
ter back, en day didn't like de looks
r dat hill, so I des back 'em up hit."
Kansan City Star.
The compass was first used in navi
gation about 1250 A. D.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
rhirtlfTrt Til " f Taa tt-nnMn. nrUk
tailing and Inflammation, and the doc
K'iiLjsSTSb. ' I tors said I could not
Rei wen unless i
had an operation.
I knew I could not
stand the strain of
one. sn I wrote to
you sometime ago
udoutj my neaitn
and you told me
wnat to ao. Alter
takino- T.vrlia K.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and
to-day a well woman." Mrs. William
ahrens, 888 W. Silat St., Chicago, 111.
lyciia E. I'lnkham's vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
Serbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
f female diseases of any similar medi
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on file in
the Plnkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., . from women who have Seen
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration, displacements.flbroid tumors,
Irregularities, periodio pains, backache,
Indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would Hke special advice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and alwayt. helnful.
f i 'i i i' Hi
"Casesrets art certainly ne. I pn a friend
me wheu the doctor trcetins; him for cancer
el the stomach. The next morning be passed
lour pieorsof tape worn. He then tot a bos
ana in three cUtb be passer! a mm 48 fee
t It was Sir. MeU FreckT iSXrVbu!?
jMuphla Co.. Pa. I em onlte worker for CescE
reu. I nee them nyeellud And them beneficial
t '"J disease censed by impure blood."
CJiae. K. ComIos, Lewulon, Fs., (Mifflin CoJ
esaa, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good.
i 'i00 Never bkken.Weeken or Gripe,
jpc.c. 30c- Mover sold Id bulk. The a sou
In tsblei strmped C C C. liaararitced to
or er yoa- noar back. 821
Cento a Rod
for turn. Hen meet It S-4e for
Vlnrh i IS S- for lunch i tic
-.r 14 Im bi tea Cor a 4T locb
reria r.eee. W-uteh Poultry
rssoeSSs. (tola oa ao ejaye
rial. W roef aiool Ideal Su 6 Utlatotfuetre.
aa sa MUMCia, ia7o.
PuTFKT? Tnda-Marki, PsnilonivBounty
1 ill Hill 10, ry, CUlrai against th Cov
srment, SoUduni.
Address W. R WILLS.
812 lad. Ava Washlngtoa, 0. C
a Vaar ej 8 etm eik r.Uar
Sm aeaav, aak eT UMInaalaU aa4 Ie Ban' Inaanl
Vaaaa Sr. N. H. tukua'S Sofa, Baa B, aUeate, aa,
DUTClITt Capltallee Tonr bralnt. Adrtoa
I A I t II I ISaud book W free. Bpartal of.
a a aaii V J(JT paraimal earrloal. PalanUi
adeajrtlted frea. B. B.Oirea, W aehlastOB, U.V.
A gift of $100,000 to endow a
chair of medicine recently was ma:l
to the University of Pennsylvania.
tree lo Our Itrntlers.
Write Murine Eye Kemetly Oo., Chirffo,
for 4S-Fage illustrated Eye Book r'ree.
Write all about Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise s to the Proper Applica
tion of the Murine Eve Kemndies in Your
Special t'as. Your OruggiKt will tell you
that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength
ens Weak Eyes, DoefVt Smart, Soothes
Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It in Your
Eyes and in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids
aud Granulation.
French tailored suits ".re all very
Wheat haate aaa-.Ha J -
. vviiiii, npir, stomach of
stoies. urUaT
Heels are getting higher; toes
To Cure Cold In One Pay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
lhnista refund money if it fails to cure.
E. . Grove's signniure is on each box. 25c.
A new cotton-picker is modeled
cn the vacuum cleaner.
Dr. Pierre's Plpimsnt Pellets cure consti
pstion. t'onatipation is the came of many
ili8PHKC8. Cure the muse and you cure the
riWjiiw. Knxv to take.
More than r0 native languages
are spoken in India.
H. TT. Oar.r.M's Hosts, ot Atlanta, G., are
the only successful Dropsy Spealull.ats in tu
Itorld. Kee their liberal offer In advertise
Kent In another column of this paper.
'At last accounts there were 16,
894 liceiiHed vehicles In London.
Weekly Review of Trade and
Market Reports;
K. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly revltv
of trade says:
"Business conditions vary so wide
ly in one section from another and In
one trade from nnothcr that a gen
eralization broad enough for the situ
ation as a whole Is difficult. Yet,
making due allowance for the effect
of the severe weather in certain parts
of the country, for the influence upon
financial confidence of political un
certainties and for the consequences
of speculative reaction, It appears
that the volume of trade continues
very large and the outlook for the
spring is in no small degree better
than it was two weeks ago.
"Jobbers of dry goods are doing
a very fair trade, and they are not
duplicating as usual in the primary
markets for adldtlonal spring mer
chandise, and these rule generally
quiet. Staple prints were advanced
half a cent a yard, and the leading
line of fall flannelettes has been soK
up for fall and withdrawn. Kxport
trade in cotton goods is light, save
In staple prints. Cotton yarns are
weak and tending lower. An Ir
regular volume of ordering Is noted
In woolens and worsteds, and cotton
Roods have again been adversely in
fluenced by another wide fluctuation
In the price of the staple.
"There Is a lack of new business
Df account In footwear, and buyers
generally believe that prices will de
cline. New England manufacturers
are firm, but reports from the East
note that split shoes have sold at
lower figures, made possible by the
lower prices for splits. Further
weakness has developed In hides,
and sales of packer have been made
at sharp declines."
r" I' i
i .rwyxiijwiiffi.iiii.k.i'j.i',. Milium mmaWkaWmrsrjXJr
(Fac simile of the genuine package slightly reduced.)
Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or
woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed.
It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any
sudden movement sends a sharp twinge through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At
night the sufferer retires to toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull
aching in the kidneys. To cure backache you must first cure the kidneys. Plasters or liniments 'won't
do. You must get at the cause, inside.
dflcn'e i-unfl Bnham has for years enred
neep-aeateu coughs, ookls and bronchitis.
Everybody should know about it.
Chocolate Is served to the ladies
In the churches in Mexico.
How a Doctor Cured Scalp Disease.
"When I was ten or twelve years
old 1 had a scalp disease, something
like scald head, though It wasn't that.
I suffered for several months, and
most ot my hair came out. Finally
they had a doctor to see me and ho
recommended the Cuticura Remedies.
They cured me In a few weeks.- I have
used the Cuticura Remedies, also, for
a breaking out on my hands and was
benefited a great deal. I haven't had
any more trouble with the scalp dis
ease. Miss Jessie F. Buchanan, R. F.
D. 3, Hamilton, Ga., Jan. 7, 1009."
Kept With Barnum's Circus.
P. T. Barnum, the famous circus
man, once wrote: "I have had the
Cuticura Remedies among the con
tents of my medicine chest with my
shows for the last three seasons, and
I can cheerfully certify that they wero
very effective In every case which
colled for their use.
, Not A Bit Worse Off.
-They bad driven 14 milea to the
lake, and then rowed six miles across
the lake to get to the railroad sta
tion, when the Chicago man asked:
"How in the world do you get
your mail and newspapers here in
the winter when the storms are on?"
"Wa'al, we don't, sometimes. I've
seen thla lake thick up so that it
was three weeks before we could get
a Chicago paper," answered tho man
from "nowhere."
"Well, you were cut off," said the
Chicago man.
"Ya'as, we were eo," was the re
ply.' "Still the Chicago folks were
just as badly off."
"How so?". '
"Wa'al," drawled the man, "we
dld't know what was going on In
Chicago, of course. But then, neither
did Chicago folks know what was
going on down here." Ladles' Home'
' Twenty-three specified presorv.
tlves or adulterants are under the
ban of. Pennsylvania's new pure food
law, which allows small quantities of
benzoate of soda to be used.
ataarsa's Paw Paw PUIa eoes tbs liver
Inla ectlrlty by g-erjile nut hole. TUoy da
But scour, crtl" er weaken. They are a
tmile to the aiomarh, liter aud Berree
Intlfortte Indeed of weaken. They sa
IR-h the blood and enable the steoeac-h to
get lb ueurUhBent from foad that la
put Into It Three pllIB contain do calo
mel 1 they er Booitluf, beaiiaa; and atuaw
u let in a-. For Bale by all draaiets In iue
and w ataae. If oa Bead kecal ad
vire. wrtlt Moayoara Doctors. 1 u will
adttr to the lent or tbc-ir r.m. ,bv.
Ulely frea of t harre. r , .'a, e-4
aad rremea mu, t-kilaaelyM, e
Wholesale Markets.
Xw York. Wheat Spot firm;
No. 2 red, 130c. nominal elevator, do
mestic, and nominal f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 Northern Duluth and No. 2
hard winter, 127Ts nominal f. o. b.
Corn Spot steady; steamer, 69c.
and No. 4. 66c. sales, both elevator
export basis; No. 2, 69 nominal f. o.
b. afloat.
Oats Spot quiet; mixed, 26(fi 32
lbs. nominal; natural white, 26ri32
lbs., 52 V4 ( 5."c; clipped white, ' 34
42 lbs.. bZ'bCri 56 i.
Butter steady; receipts. 9.102
pkgs. Creamery specials, 3 Hi 32c.
I Eggs unsettled; receipts, 24.221
cases. Pennsylvania and nearby hen
! nery. white, fancy, 35 h 42c: do.
I hennery, brown and mixed, fancy,
;29fi'30; do, gathered brown, fair to
! prime, 27 Vs ?' -'8 ; Western firsts,
!27 $127; seconds. 26 (a 26 lh; rc
I friserators, 23(ff 25',6.
I Poultry Alive steady; Western
(chickens, 17Jfl7c; fowls, 20:
turkeys, 14f20. llresFcd firm;
Western chickens, 16fil7c.; fowls,
14C(il814; turkeys, 22 25.
Philadelphia. Wheat dull and lc.
lower; contract grade February, 125
rj 127.
Corn steady: February and
March, 67 V fi 6Sc.
Oats ',4c. lower; No, 2 white nat
ural, 54ti54V4c.
Butter steady; extra Western
creamery, 33; do, nearby prints, 34.
Eggs firm; good demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, f. c,
28, at mark; do, current receipts, in
returnable cases. 27. at mark: West
ern firsts, f. c.V 28, at mark; do., cur
rent receipts, f. c, 23 ft 27, at mark.
Dressed poultry firm; fresh killed
fowls, choice. 1$ Vi ft 19; do., fair to
good, 17ffM8; old roosters, 14;
broiling chickens, nearby, 18W24;
do.. Western. 21(?f 22; roasting chick
ens, Western, 15(f21; turkeys, near
by, choice, 25ffi27: do., Western,
choice, 25; do., fair to good, 22 24;
ducks, nearby, 20 22; Western, do.,
18(&20; peese. nearby, 1315; do.
Western, I0frl2.
Baltimore Wheat No. 2 reJ
Western 125 ; No. 2 red, 125: No
3 red, 120: steamer No. 2 red, 11814;
stesmer No. 2 red Western. 119.
The closing was firm; No. 2 rei
125 bid; May, 121 nominal.
Corn Western opened steady;
spot, 67 94 (' 67: March, 67 &
'67; May, 71',.g;71.
Oats White, as to weight No.
2. 53; No. 3, 52 53; No. 4. 50
51. Mixed No. 2, 51 52;
No. 3, 50 51.
Hay No. 1 timothy, $21.50; No.
2 timothy, $2021; No. 3 timothy,
$17.6019; choice clover mixed,
$20.00; No. 1 clover mixed, $20; No.
2 clover mixed, $17.6019; No. I
clover. $20; No. 2 clover, $17.50
Straw Straight rye straw, fair to
choice, $16 16.50; tangled rye
(blocks). $10.5011; wheat blocks,
fair to choice, $8b.50; oat, good
to prime, $9 10.
Butter Creamery fancy, 31c;
creamery choice 29 30; creamery
good, 27 (ii 28; creamery imitation,
21 23; creamery prints, 30 32.
Cheese The market Is steady. We
quote jobbing prices, per lb., 18
1 8 c.
Eggs Prices were advanced c.
per doz. We quote per doz.; Mary
land. Pennsylvania and nearby firsts,
26; Western firsts. 26: West
Virginia firsts, 26; Sou titer a firsts,
Dressed Poultry The market Is
firm at unchanged prices. We quot
per lb.: Turkeys Choice, small, 21
i !."ic; do., medium to large, 22
23; fair to good. 21 23; old toms,
2 0 ff a 1 . ' Chickens Choice, young,
1920; old and mixed, 1718; old
roosters. 11 12. Ducks, 18 20c.
Geese Nearby, 1415c; Western
and Southern, 1213. Capons
Large, 25 26c; medium, 2223;
email and slips, 1920.
Live Stock.
riltsbui'c Pa. Cattle supply
Ilsht; cho'ce, $6.75 & 7.01); prime,
$5.506.70. . .
Sheep Supply light; prime weth
ers, $7.1 5 7.40; culls and common,
$H.004.50; lambs, $6.5008.50;
veal calves, $10. 00 10.05.
Hogs Receipts light; prime heav
ies, $9 95; mediums, $9.909.95;
heavy Yorkers, $9.90 9.95; light
Yorkers. $9.758.80: pigs, $9.70
9.7S; roughs. $8.609.25.
Chicago'.Cattle Market steady.
Steers, $5 8.10; cows. $4 6.75;
heifers, $46; bulls, $4.506.50;
calves. $3 10; Blockers and feed
ers. $4 2i 5.75.
Hogs Receipts estimated at 22,
000 bead. Market steady. Choice
heavy, $9 60 9.65; butchers', $9.50
9.65; light mixed, $9.359.60;
choice light, $9.459.f5; packing,
$9.45 9.65; pigs. $9 G 9.25; bulk of
sales, $9.50 9.60.
Kansas City, Mo. Cattle-Market j
steady to lOo. lower. Choice export
and dressed beef steers, $.65U7.60j
fair to good, $5.90 6.60. j
OUSNESS Completely Relieved by Doan's Kid
ney Pills In Two Tests.
Mrs. p. W. BeMingor. 1328 Tnylor St.,
Columbia, 8. C, ays: "1 heartily recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pilia, knowing from
experience that they are a valuable rem
edy. Several ycarg ago 1 Buffered severely
at times from pnin in the small of my
hnck and often felt dixry and nervous.
The kidney secietions were irregular in
pauage and caused me much annoyance.
Hearing Doao'a Kidney Pills highly rec
ommended 1 procured a supply, and after
taking the contents of several boxes 1 was
so greatly relieved that 1 considered it
unneceasnrv to continue thnir use. Re
cently 1 felt a alight recurrence of my
trouble, but 1 immediately began using
Doan's Kidnev Pills and was relieved."
sideAche, pains when stooping or lifting,
sudden sharp twinges, rheumatic painK,
neuralgin, painful, scanty or too frequent
urination, dizzy spells, dropsy.
cloudy urine. Urine that contains sedi
ment. Urine that stains the linen. 1'uin
ful paxriages. lilood or shreds in the mine.
Let a bottleful of the morning urine stand
for 24 hours. If it shows a cloudy or
fleecy settling, or a layer of fine grains,
like brick-dust, the kidneys arc disordered.
Ila karhe. Kidney and Itlodder Trou
ble Disappeared For Good.
J. A. Wirt Russell St Canisteo, N. Y.,
ays: "I hail kidney timl bladder trouble
for more than a year. My back was lame
and I had an ache across my kidners day
and night, i'or doys at a time I could not
stoop ir lift, and if l attempted to do so
sharp shooting pmns radiated through my
body. The knlney secretions were unnat
ural an.l there was much sediment in
them. 1 he passages were also too fre
quent and caused me much annovance.
Having Dunn's Kidney Pills brought to
my attention I obtained a box. Their use
brought relief in a few hours, and the con
tents ot four boxes completely cured me
At that time 1 told of my experience in a
public statement, and can now say thnt
during the years which have since elapsed
I have found Doan's Kidney Pills cfTcitive
believer I have taken them."
Tsst Doan's Kid
ney Pills Yourself
Sold'by a.11 dealers. Price 5o cents., Toster-Milburn Co; 'Buffalo. N Y-'
Ha. ItS Your Kidneys
xe-... i.i ' H
sukvaar m
"Proprietors. irihetelnlsThere i
Cut out this eonnon, mail it to Foster-
Milhurn Co., Buffalo. N". Y. A free trial
package of Doan's Kidney Tills will be
mailed you promptly. A. C. L.
A HorilMo Death.
Lou Chapln was on his way back
from Kansas to Clnclnnattl. In his
spare time Lou travels In the Interest
of humanity and soap. Mis road busi
ness is the collection and retaillnf?
of Incidents and anecdotes. He could
do a wholesale business just as well
and perhaps with greater profit, es
pecially if he organized a newspaper
synJicate for the purpose, but he is
one of those rare spirits who prefer
self-sacrifice in the cause of the com
mon people.
Stopping over in Louisville be
tween trains and dairy lunches his
usually cheerful countenance was so
overcast, as to prompt inquiry as to
the cause of his melancholy.
"Just heard of the tleath of ,loe
Ilinlilii," was the lugubrious reply.
"Friend of yours' maybe?"
. "Xopo, Just a lineman In Chicago."
"Owe you anything?"
"Well, then, what are you so cut
up about?"
"Oh, he died such a horrible
death. It was simply awful. I
( never heard of anything like it."
"Mow was that?"
"Well, he was at work on the roof
of the Masonic Temple, and he got
too close to the edge and rtllp;ied
Thinking of that sheer drop of 21
stories The Man Around Town re
pressed a violent shuJder with both
"Oh, but that wattn't the worst
of It," "Chape" continued. hlB sym
pathetic face working overtime while
great tears stood in his eyes. "Tho
poo-poor du-du-devll had on his rub-ub-her
"Yes ," sympathetically.
"And he bu-bu-bounced up and dtt-du-down
for three dud-days and
nights and they had to shoot him to
keep him from starving to death!"
Louisville Time.
European scientists arc turning
a fredi'Ious ear to reports from
native sources that a huge monster,
possibly a survivor of the prehistoric
reptiles, Is living In a lake in the
Interior of the Dark Continent, never
visited by white men.
To securo entry of a pharmaceuti
cal product Into Spain it Is necessary
to deposit the formula at every custom-house
at which the entry Is to
be for approval and registra
tion. tllAMJK THE viiin.vrio.N
It Makes For Health.
A man tried leaving off meat, po
tatoes, coffee, and etc., and adopted a
breakfast of fruit, Grape-Nuts with
cream, some crisp toast and a cup of
His health began to Improve at
once for the reason that meat eater
will reach a place once In while
where bis system seems to become
clogged and the machinery doesn't
work smoothly.
A .change- of this kind puts aside
food of low nutritive value and takes
up food and drink of the highest
value, already quickly digested and
capable of being quickly changed Into
good, rich blood and strong tissue.
A most valuable feature of Grape
Nuts Is tba natural phosphate of pot
ash grown In the grains from which
It Is made. This Is the element which
transforms albumen In the body Into
soft gray substance which fills brain
and nerve centres.
few days' use of Grape-Nuts will
give one a degree of nervous strength
well worth the trial.
- Look In pkgs. for the little book,
"Tha Road to WenTlHe." "There's a
An all-rubber automobile wheel
has been patented, rigid at the center
and with the hardness lessening
gradually until the circumference is
In Winter Tse Allen's Foot-Ease.
The antiseptic powder. Your feet feel un
comfortable, nervous and often cold and
damp. If you have sweating, sore feet or
tight shoes, try Allen's t'oot-Kase. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores, 2-r cents.
Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olm
sted. Le Kny. N. Y.
Necklaces after antique styles are
high in fashion.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Roothlng Rvrup for flilldren
teetliinu-. soften theums. reduces intlsmma- I
Hon, allays pain.ourea wind eolle.asc a bottle
All the best authorities predict a
"white summer."
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a
Samlury Lotion. Xevcr fails. At diuggiiAs.
With "The Chantecler" rage comes
wings galore.
An Observant Child.
Little Adelaide was inclinei to be
cowardly. Her father found that
sympathy only Increased this unfor
tunate tendency, and decided to have
a serious talk with his little daugh
ter on the subject of her foolish
"Papa," she ventured, nt the rlosc
of the lecture, "when you see u cow.
aren't ou afraid?"
"Why, certiilnly not, Adelaide.
Why should I be?-'
"Well, when you see a dog, aren't
you afraid then?"
"No, Indeed!" with marked em
phasis on the "no."
"Aren't you afraid when It thun
ders, papa?"
"Why, no," and he laughed at the
thought, and added, "Oh, you silly
"Papa." and Adelaide came closer
and looked Into her parent's eye.
"aren't you afraid of nothing; In the
the world but Just mamma?" Suc
cess .Magazine.
Major Alfred Dreyfus now spends
his lelsuro hours in the of
the social problems.
Hick's rprniNs Is the best, remedy-
fhi'M "'I ,,'hi,"r 'everlshnew-eurea
the ( old and restores normal conditions. It's
jHiutd- effc-is immediately. 10c., sic. and
roc., atilruir stores.
Pockets of odd cut are prominent
on elaborate suits.
Potash has a direct relation to the increase
in your bank account. It is like money put into a
successful manufacturine plant. It pays dividends.
Totash produces more and better crops.
and the difference between a cood bank balan
and none at all, frequently is Potash
Potash Pays
Potash isn't oil there is to fcrtilizine, but
it is so essential that you must consider it.
Urge your fertilizer dealer to carry
I'otash Salt, m stock. He will have
no trouble in buying them if he will
write to us about it.
Continental Building Baltimore. Md
tit.'-. .-'rniy.
100 to
of Potaab per
acre on swamp
Piles Cured In fl to 14 Days.
Pazo I nntraent is guaranteed to cure any
caseofltehiuir, Blind, HleedingorProtniding
Piles in 8 to 14 days or money refunded. fx)c
Velvet stiped voiles are among the
season's novelties.
Don't accents substitute for fVrry Jnm's
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Paris has 1(0,000 liquor selling
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Minrncsntrh. Be, for SO-lnrh. 1 !. for SS-inrh. 1 !. for t.lnrh anrl is., fnraunrh
WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Nothinallkelt hua eveVbeforebeen
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Ot TXTfl HI II ism g-WSs, jaw stlHnk iM tnlennilr
anippind rever
fi Catarrhal Fever.
Si.T.!4.7"fK!i " " torque: sou oa iae linoi i
tt eKSfiii?" ?u',r- I-"-' eelllua II. e took remedy. Cures
A T-AVTJ tzms
eealUa i,
I walafaua
Rants aae4
illla hw aleaulebiC graaaisle4 suae Is
ras4 asUlac MsrUlae. edelirkaaa srrup
sjm! a errua bAtldr tlua BMblA. W -
U auld by rrnn kUod Se sieoip fut rauanla
end recipe auufc. CusouU Mia. Oa.. Otuxnt.
For sore throat, sharp pain
in lungs, tightness across the
chest, hoarseness or cough,
lave the parts with Sloan's
Liniment. You don't need to
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tion and stops the pain.
Here's the Proof.
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says : "We have used Sloan's lini
ment for a year, and find it an excel
lent thing for sore throat, chest pains,
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is sasier to use than porous
plasters, acts quicker and does
not clog up the pores of the skin.
ji is an excellent an
tiseptic remedy for
asthma, bronchitis,
and aii inflammatory
diseases of the
throat and cheat;
mill break up tha
deadly membrane in
an attack of croup,
and will kill any kind
of neuralgia ur rheu.
matic pains.
All etrnea-tsla kea
uska s us
Prices f to- UV a c i nfl
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be asxsW-w w bf. tneeaa au4 MIX Uaere.
TWy dye In eold itre boose tkea ar Mrwe S-s.
"US vaiu Vs bslvr. I