Animal For the Farmer. The highest finished animal Is not ttually the proper one for the general farmer. Leave them for the breed ers. The farmer needs a bull of good strong vitality, and not one that re quires a skilful feeder to reduce him to breeding condition. Look for a good Individual in the pink of breed tog condition. Dairy Barn Implements. Every dairyman should enrTeavor to have as many labor-saving appli ances around and In his barn as pos sible. For Instance, the removal of manure from a dairy barn entails a great deal of hard work. However, the work may be greatly lessened If the farmers will install a manure car rier, which runs on a track. These carriers cost little In comparison to (be amount of labor they save. Every dairy farmer sheuid have a manure spreader. One spreader may do the work of several men in the spreading of manure on the fields. The manure is spread more evenly, and each ton returns more value for this reason. No dairy farmer can af ford to be without a manure spread er. Weekly Witness. care given the crop. We have also seen whole fields of potatoes from Buch poorly selected seed that not one-third of them could be marketed. It takes no more work to grow a mar ketable potato than to grow one that Is worthless for anything but plus or starch factories. So it pays greatly to select seed from large bills of smooth uniform potatoes. This and this alone will prevent potatoes from "running out." Dakota Farmer. Map of the World 150x100 to lie Miule by Bailey Willis. New York City. Halloy Willis, of the United States Geological Survey, who has been intending a scientific congress in London, returned with pinna for the construction of a com posite map of the world to be 160 by 100 feet. Each European country represented In the congress and Aus tralia and India are poins to contrib ute n certain number of sheets, Riving In detail all that Is known of their pnrtlrultir sectlonsof the world. There will bo 24 00 sheets In all. Shipping Crate. The size of the crate will depend upon the size of thecatf to be shipped. For an ordinary six or eight months' calf the crate should be three and a half feet high and eighteen inches wide. It is nailed Bolld, with the ex ception of two stanchion strips in tho front end, which are made removable tart i - - u II - "7 r ' r HI J 1 L II to as to be adjusted to the size of the calf's necTc. The top of the crate is open, and the quickest way is to lift the calf into the crate through the top. If desired, suggests Farm and Home, a small feed box can be at tached to the bottom of the front end of this crate. Ginsens; Culture, Flease advise me through your pa 'per as to the kind of soil adapted to the raising of ginseng. How should jit be planted to insure best results? ; P. E. M. i Answer The best soil for ginseng ood natured enough Ku.iuit, id a uiuici. ujmiuw. ueeD loam, i iignt rainer tnan Don't Sacrifice the Stock. Every farmer rejoices at the hlRh prices that now preyall for all kinds of grain and promise to continue un der normal conditions, and he is of course Justified in making every ef fort to increase his yields per acre and also his total acreage. If these results are brought about by better methods of tillage, better drainage and better seed all well and good. If, however, the acreage is Increased by breaking up good pastures and meadows and disposing of practically all stock but the work horses, we firmly believe that bad results will follow any general trend In this direc tion. . Under such a system the soil will naturally be drained of its fertility In a comparatively short time, but even were it practically possible to main tain the soil fertility, resulting prices would be such that a decided change would be demanded in a few years. Any great increase in the production of cereal crops would bring about a big drop in prices, and any decided reduction In the meat supply would necessarily boost the market price of cattle, sheep and hogs. Last fall the general rush to dispose of all classes of hogs, In order to save grain, has resulted In placing hog prices on a record-breaking level. Not only were small and unfinished pigs sent to the markets by the trainload, but the source of supply was very materially reduced by the sale of brood sows. Such action could only result in in flated prices for pork. With cereal crops one year's production may be such that the prices will drop amaz ingly. With meat production it may require several years to even catch up with the demand. Farmers should bear these things in mind and not sacrifice their stock interests to in crease their grain production. The pendulum of prices will swing back again, and diversified farming Is far the safest proposition to-day as it has ever been. Dakota Farmer. ? 'i; PENNSYLVANIA Cntrh Couiilorfolters. Attoona. Secret Service Officer Washer, of I'ittshurg, arrested Ijcwis ('. Statler at his home In this city on tho charge of counterfeltlnR. Wanner came here to Invc6tl(?ate the complaints received concerning the Hood of counterfeit nickels and dimes apparently bcinR distributed from this quarter. From informa tion received he decided to surprise Siatler In hlB home.' Stutler, see ing no c8apo, acknowledped hla gutlt and surrendered his outfit, con sisting of a complete counterfeltlnR Ilaut and n quantity of counterfeit nickels and dimes. Fourteen years ai;o Statler was arrested for a simi lar offense and served time. For many years he has had no occupa tion and no viFihle means of support, nlthough living well. We Give Away Abscldely Free of Cost&0h The People's Oor.i.-non Scnso Medics! Adviser, in rl k'''. KnClish, ov NUtiKj.-.s i.xplificd, hy ii. V. i'icrcc, M. l., T'-V?1'''"!,5 Cfciel Con'.ultir.i I'hv.iiciaa to tho Invalids' Motel and Sur SiJxs'iJw llicul Instiiet3 ut llullalo, a book of 1008 lnrj.c pn;'c and over 700 illustrations, in f fronj paper covers, to cny one sending 21 one-cent tamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in Trench Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies ol this complete Family Doctor Hook were told in cloth lundinit at rcult.r prico of $1.50, Aftcrwari'i, one and half million copies svero given awny r.s chovc. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready lor mailing. Iiettcr send NOW, heforo c!l ore gone. Address World's Dis IbN'SARY Medical Association, U. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dll. PStiKCK'S TAVOI1ITE PKESCaiPTIOI Tlirc ONF, RFMFnY for woman's peenliar ai'lmeots good enough that its makers are not. afraid to print on its outside wrapper its every Ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. TFF ONF, KEMF.y)Y for women which contains no aUohol and no babit-Corminj drugs. Made from native medicinal foraat rort ol well 9tallihed curative value. .(tmihle Ciuise Death. Ashland. - A rush of white damp at tho Ilawt colliery of the Philadel phia & RenfliiiR foal and Iron Com i sny raused n full oT coal and rock ir. a gangway v, h rc thirty-four men were worki;,c. Although none of iheni was enucht In a fall, they made a mad rush to get out of thi; , pas-poisoned ra-sagc when, they , Kornd of p prcnt body of the most poisonous niino gases. All escaped '. hut one, William Schultz, of Ash land. miners volunteered to go l ack nnd they found him lying on the ground in an unconscious : condition. He had fallen in rtiBh- Ina- to safety nnrt was probably stun ned nnd before he could recover tho R.13 Kot in it!; deadly work. K 1 . T T J 1 1 t iri ar -w Twm wv "T n i j l v -w ti i v.i mm KJ u iu. wmm nm co u ua a-2-x vn ntiw book. JBtmam juii dwub 1PI Pill rm A fT.AT0n tm l tn4 IM nra u irmcm rsWud wtfliKg MsfkUui, adlU.-ius tyrup la y1 n,le and tTtup fcrttor than anpla. atapieina la aulil hj rmrm. Bnail V at amp (or aamp'.a ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS FOR 1910. Being the Second After Hlsextilc, or I'ap Year; nnd I'ntil .July 4th, tho ISItli Year of the Independence of the United States. KfMPSKS FOIt THK YKAlt 1010. In the year 1910 there will he four eclipses, two of the Sun and tw of the Moon. I. A total eclipse of the Sun, May S-'J, visible in Taosmanla as total and in Australia as a partial eclipse. II. A total eclipse of the Moon, May 23-24. visible in I nlted States. Moon enters total shadow. May 23, 10 h 46 m. P. M. Middle of eclipse, May 24, 0 h. 34 m. A. M. Moon leaves total shadow. May 24, 2 h. 22 m. A. M. Magnitude of tho eclipse, 1.10 of tho Moon's diameter. III. A partial ecllpiie of the Sun, November 1. Visible in Siberia, Japan and Korea. IV. A total eclipse of the Moon. November 16, visible in the United States. Moon enters total Bhndow. November 16, 5 h. 44 in. P. M. Middle of eclipse, November 16, 7 h. 21 m. P. M. Moon leaves total shadow, November 16, 8 h. 58 m. P. M. Magnitude, of eclipse, 1.13 of the Moon's diameter. KKIGMNG l'liAMOT. Jupiter is the reigning planet this year. C'AKDIXAIj points. Vernal Equinox, entrance of the Sun Into Aries, March 21, at the morning. Summer Solstice, entrance of the Sun into Cancer, June 22, at the morning. Autumnal Equinox, entrance of tho Sun Into Libra, September 23 o'clock In the afternoon. Winter Solstice, entrance of the Sun into Capricorn, December 22, o'clock 15 in. at noon. Weaning Pigs. Many of us, when we think of weaning pigs, picture in our minds the little "runts" we've had some times, possibly caused by accident, or because we didn't know how to man age them. "Runts" are a nuisance at tho best, and are usually "poked" off onto the housewife because she is to care for heavy, and well Isupplled with decaying vegetable 'matter. It must be free from stones, jelods or other obstructions that might cause a branching of the roots. ,There should be a suitable subsoil laffordlng a good natural drainage, jlf such a soil Is nsed it will retain the proper supply of moisture. The seeds should be planted In the fall, one or ,two Inches apart and about an Inch deep, it is important that they re ceive plenty of moisture. When the seed are planted the bed should be covered an Inch deep with leaf mold. No cultivation but simply weeding is needed In the spring when the plants appear. The plants should be trans planted into permanent beds in the second autumn. Indiana Farmer. "It An Easjr Ufo on Land. is Interesting Henry Wallace, writing home from England, "how English farmers, who almost universally pay much higher rents than are paid in this country, can afford to live as well as they do. In point of fact, the tenant on the English farm has as much or more capital than is required to buy a farm in the Mississippi Valley, and ne lives a much easier life than does tha tenant on the average American farm. "Wherever we have found a man with eighty acres or over of good land we have found chap who has a pretty good time of It. H rino. t ork much, sometimes not at all, sim Piy bossing the Job. At other times works a little), sometimes a good sal. but he nils our idea of a bttsi- man rather than of a tenant wnner. He attends the markets and ales, buys wiaeiv fwi iini Whatever the breed may be. he has a ciass or eattle. In fact, be could come out whole with anything j. By forca of circumstances, he u Drains la hi farming; and ...... r circumstance roree ua to J1 wains rather than muscular labor tns result will be rary arident on our The Best Potato. swu let us org potato growers 6 Save their aaarl trnrm tt,M hi- kill. uniform fin. potatoes at digging " ! easy to see and know oe company the potatoes have been seeping. Then U th iim. .. ,. "J ttma It ! possible to get the best Potato. If we wait until tho po woj. tr, ,n tb0 9Mmf ,t wl be (m. !ule to tell wbxtnor the nioa Urge potato wo select la one of eight or obu 5 pottoe km. or th. i. . t ou among many u Po" What counts in po- !.7ii 1 w " number ar ones one can crow to the c", aot tho cumber of pounds. Wa seen potato fields in the famous wwpaca (Wui.) pouto district where nfnetj per cent of the potatoes I"" ""waaiabja. See4 aaleoUon had roro than all the other Some sows farrow "runt" pigs. others soon make runts of good ones. by being poor sticklers, while further, the farmer often makes them by Improper weaning and care. There is often some difficulty in weaning them properly, for If the sow is a good suckler tho pigs get so much nourishment that they don't care to learn to eat corn and drink slop. That makes a bad proposition, for when the sow is taken away from them they nearly starve before they will eat, and this gives them a conslder ble backset. We like to slop the sow regularly in a low trough, and when the little fellows begin to taste slop we build a pen close by the trough and put a small trough in the pen. It we leave a big enough crack open and throw In some shelled corn the little fellows go In and steal it, as it were, for they scamper off when we approach. After a few successful thefts they begin to expect it, and then if a little skim milk be placed in the pen they will "take to it." Feed does a pig twice the good if he can only satisfy himself that he is steal ing It. Did you ever notice that? When we get them to eating pretty well, which is usually at about elsht weeks old, we breed the sow if It is the proper time to do so. Few sows, will come in if the pigs are suckling at this age, so we generally pen the sow where the pigs cannot get to her. If the pigs get too hungry we turn them In for a few minutes and then separate them again. Under these conditions a sow usu ally comes in In three or four days and is bred. We usually keep them away from the pigs thereafter, but not always; it depends on the age and condition of the pigs. Plenty of skim milk with dishwat er and other scrape should be given them! and middlings (white shorts) should also be added to the slop, and they should have a moderate feed of corn, plenty of 'exercise and plenty of grass. pig never develops so well as when ha is continually In "deVil inent." Did you ever notice that? I wouldn't allow shoats to root much if rings and ringers, or rlmmers, were at hand, except, of course, iv case of a woods lot. Abraham Brothars, in the Indiana Farmer. THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASONS. Winter Solstice, 1909, beginning of Winter, December 22, 6 h A. M. Vernal Equinox, 1910, beginning of Spring. March 21. 7 h. A. M. Summer Solstiee, 1910, beginning of Summer, June 22. 3 h. A. M. Autumnal Equinox, 1910, beginninK of Autumn, September 23, 5 h. Winter Solstice, 1910, beginning of Winter, December 2 2, 0 h. A. M. P. M. , The Ideal At It does, by the ace of ty4e and pie tare, as near as possible, what a good salesman would do. Tho personal salesman fcaa the ad vantage of having his customer faos to face. Therefore, while tho advertisement cannot bo so personal so far as tho one buyer Is concerned. It can be per. onal from the standpoint ot tho dealer. Londoners live, on an average, ta. an ago ot fifty-seven, year, in moat' part ot England tho standard Is be-1 low au, DURATION Sun In Winter Signs, 89 d. 1 h. Sun in Spring Slsns, 92 d. 20 h. Sun In Summer Signs, 93 d. 14 h. Sun in Autumn Signs, 89 d. 19 h. OF THE SEASONS. Tropical Year. 2G5 d. 6 h. Sun North Equator, 186 d. 10 h. Sun South Equator. 178 d. 20 h. Difference, 7 d. 14 h. FIXED AND MOVABLE FEASTS OR CHURCH DAYS. New Year's Day, January 1. Conversion of St. Paul, January 25. 8eptuageslma Sunday. January 23. Sexagesima Sunday. January 30. Purification B. V. M., February 2. Quinquagesima Sunday, February 6. Shrove Tuesday, February 8. Ash Wednesday (Lent begins), Feb ruary 9. Quadragesima Sunday, February 13. St. Valentine, February 14. Mid-Lent Sunday, March 6. 8t. Patrick s Day, March 17. Palm Sunday, March 20. Good Friday, March 25. Easter Sunday, March 27. Ixw Sunday, April 3. St. George, April 23. St. Mark, April 25. Saints Philips and James, May 1. Rogation Sunday, May 1. Ascension (Holy J Thursday, May 5. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR 1010 Dominical Letter B Golden Number 11 Epact (Moon's age, Jan. 1) . . . . 19 Solar Cycle 15 Age of the word A New York branch of the Young Men's Christian Association has open ed h nleht course for students In t'.erciiiauticg 7 o'clock in 3 o'clock in at 5 at 12 HALLEY'H COMET APPEARS, it seems that Dr. Wolf, of Heidelberg, was the first astronomer to photo graph the reappearance of Halley's Comet in 1909. His telegram stated that he found It Sunday, September 12, Just within the confines of tho constella tion Gemini, near the boundary of Orion; and that it was of the sixteenth magnitude By some this Is believed to have been the "Star of Bethlehem." ItB reappearlngs since the thirteenth century seem to have been coincident with many disastrous events, which has tended to Increase the superstitious belief in tho malign influence of comets. This comet should be an interesting celestial object well Into 1910, rising at lirBt before the Sun, on May 8, about 2pm It will pass near Pollux in Gemini June 9, after lta conjunction with th Sun, when it ought to be at its greatest brilliancy as an evening star, setting about 2 hours 30 minutes after the Sun, at about the close of evening twilight. - AHAPPT NEW-"YEAR. T Anna fl. Prott. from OrcQpn to "Tcxaj.nJnv Florida o Maine, The ptcajant Newcar Qpeiittip arejjyinji life the blnJW. Afwl if 'wf can remember AH Uneir rmfatwr HU Vecember For COLDS and GKIP. Hlrk'a CAfrniss la thn hwt remadv fper", ihf arlilnc and fevrrtahnma cures l.f l"il1 ami rt'Morra nonrml conillllona. lta imulii-effpi'ta tmmtuiimly. lie., tr--.. and Kic, airbus atoroa Counterfeit Money At Sliciiiiiidonh. Shenandoah. Many counterfeit quarter and half dollar coins are in circulation in this city. In tho past two days no less than a half dozen prominent merchants were vle'ims. besides a number of small storekeepers. The spurious coins are of 190't denomination and are al most perfect, except in weight. EVENING AND MORNING STARS. Venus will be evening star (setting after the Sun) until February 12, then morning star (rlr-ing before tho Sun) until December 5, then evening star until the end of the year. Mars will bo evening star until September 22, then morning star until the end of the year. Jupiter will be morning star until April 1, then evening star until Oc tober 15, then morning star until tho end of the year. Snturn will be evening star until April 17, then morning star until Oc tober 24, then evening star until the end of the year. Wblt Sunday (Pentecost), May 15. Trinity Sunday, May 22. Corpus Chrlstl, May 26. St. Barnabas, June 11. St. John the Baptist, June 24. Saints Peter and Paul, June 29. 8t. Jamee, July 25. Transfiguration, August 6. St. Bartholomew, August 24. St. Matthew, September 21. Michaelmas (St. John and Angels), September 29. St. Luke, October 18. Saints Simon and Jude, October 28. Thanksgiving Day, November 24. Advent Sunday, November 27. St. Andrew, November 30. St. Thomas, December 21. Christmas Day, December 25. St. Stephen, December 25. St. John the Evangelist, December 26. Holy Innocents, December 28. Julian Period 6623 Roman Indication 8 Year Jewish Era, Oct. 3 5671 Mohammedan Era, Jan 13 1328 (Mosaic), 5903. Prominent People. Francis J. Heney has resigned as Assistant District Attorney ot Baa Francisco. William Powell Frith. noted Eng lish artist, died in London In bis nlno-ty-0rst year. ( ' Items of Interest. President Zelaya has transferred his property in Nicaragua to for elgners. Attorney-General Wickeraham asked Congresa to provide f 60,000 for car rying on the sugar rand provocations- , Green Tobacco (Iocs Up In Smoke. Lancaster. Sparks from a defec tive flue set fire to and destroyed the tobacco ham on tho farm of Silas Groft. at Pnradl.-te. Four acres of tobacco and many farming Imple ments were burned, entailing a Iofs of ? l.2o. Form Natural Science- Society. Pincgrove. The Schuylkill Coun ty Association of Natural Science has been organized to study geological formations and outcroppings and steps have been taken to secure n charter. The officers are: Presi dent, Ben II. Hay; vice president, Levi Miller; treasurer. Dr. 11. P. Ilcss; secretary, E. P. Uarr. Pastor Robbed While Preaching. Chester. The parsonage of the Ridley Park Methodist Episcopal Church was broken Into by thleve3 while Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Heth erlngton were at church. The burg lars ransacked every bureau and clos et In the house, securlnga large quan tity of silverware, trinkets and a sura of money. Full 00 Feet; Hurts Some. Mt. Carmel. John Wargo, aged .15 years, while going to work at tho Richards colliery foil down a mine rave-in on the mountainside. He fell ninety feet and escaped with a broken nose, fractured leg and sprained arm. An Irrigation project to cost $25,. 000,000 is on the cards in Argentina, the principal railroads to do work and be paid by the government in 6 per cent, irrigation bonds, with the water rentals to take car of tbe bonds. Boomerangs are now made of cel luloid and hard rubber. Celluloid Is better than cardboard because It Is waterproof, light, very hard to break and can be worked Into the peculiar curve and twist so necessary to give tho boomerang lta singular properties. Norway has a permanent pharma copoeia commission, consisting) of three proprietors of pharmacies and three professors of medicine. The first Norwegian pharmacopoeia was published In 1854, the second In 1870 and the third In 1895. Boston University, according to 1U now year book, baa an attendance of 1.614 in all its departmenta. Ot theoo, pea are men and 662 are wo men. Tho chief increase are in tbo College of Liberal Arta. tho courses' for teacher, and tbo School ot The ology. , The State of Jalisco hftB long been known as one of the richest In the Republic of Mexico In agriculture and mining. KhcumutiNm Cured in a Day. Dr. Deletion a I'ehcf for llhiuinntiem and N cm ilium railuiilly cures in 1 to 3 (Jciya. Ila iieiiiin is remni linlilc. Hcmovca the cause nnd liisi'use tniieUy d-'anppcHn. Firat doae Kivuily buiietila. T.iv. aou il. All druggists. A translation of the scriptures Into modern, idiomatic Spanish is being prepared for use in Porto Itlco, Cuba, Mexico and South America. Dr. Picree'a I'lcuwu I I'rll-'ta cure consti putioii. t onstipiit urn ia tho ciiuso of many ilim'n.'PM. Cure the eii-jsn mul you cure the itiiMNp. K.nv to take. The coal production of France is iii.siilticient for hei needs, nlthough in the Inst ten yean It has Increased fnr::i ."J ( t . 0 0 0 , 0 0 c j (( ;i, 0(10,000 tons. To Cure a Cold in One Day 'i'.il.c l.uxative Hronin tiuinini' Ta bleu. ill ll;:t:i-ts p'tllil't Iri'lir it II I'.llU In cure. K. V. tirove'b Mpint urc ia uu cauli box. 25c. Shot in ISiicU. Stroiidsburg. Returning from a birthday parly, Clinton Staples, 2!) years old, of Analomink, was shot in the hack by an unknown person. The bullet passed through his body. He with a number of others alight ed from the wagon in going up a steep hill. Staples took a short cut through the woods and was shot, when ho emerged from it. To Inspect Schuylkill. Harrishurg. Fish Commissioner William E. Median directed Chief Warden Criswell and a force of dep uty wardens from eastern counties to make an Inspection of the Schuyl kill River. The Inspection was or dered by the commissioner because of complaints made to bini by per sons living along the stream, who declared the river is polluted by coal tar, ;;a3 works waste, chemicals and other .substances from manufactur ing plants. Rob CukIi llov liming Church. Ashland. A cash box in the Meth odist Church was robbed of about $10 during services. There is no clew to the identity of the thief. During the last iso yi-uru the oil production l-tui itouMcd In America. The production is $ 1 C.ouo.noi) preat ! than tin; output o? gjold and silver in the United S'.utesi. Though its pumps are operated by steam in the usual manner, an auto mobile fire engine Jr. use in Berlin Is driven about by a gasoline motor. Skin Humor fasted 25 Years, "Cutlcura did wonders for me. For twenty-five years i suffered agony from u terrible humor, completely covering my head. Leek and shoul ders, so even to my wife, I became an object of dread. At large eipense I consulted the most abli doctors, far and near. Their treatment was of no avail, nor was that of the Hos pital, during six months' efforts. I suffered on and concluded there was no help for me this side of the grave. Then I heard of some one who had been cured by Cutlcura Remedies and thought that a trial could do no harm, in a surprisingly short time I was completely cured. S. P. Keyes, 147 Congress St., Boston, Mass., October 12, '09." Face Covered With Pimples. "I congratulate Cutlcura upon my speedy recovery from pimples which covered my face. I used Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent for ten days and my face cleared and I am perfectly well. I had tried doctors for several months but got no results. Win. .1. Sadlier, 1614 Susquehanna. Ave., Philadelphia, May 1. 1909." New York has started the erection of an $X.r,oo,00U municipal building. A!!cn' Kline Hnlsam hna for yonra cured ilppp-seiitoil f-fiunha, colda nnd bronchitis. Kvpi yliolv ahould know about it. Mr. Wuisiowj t-,tr .u-t vrup Children tei-t.uiiig.Miit ten1 rneuMiti.r!;:ep:inlluinirui. tiou, iiiluyn nam, cures v. iuc o d'.o. -' a: a bottle Wild Auiiii:ils He Didn't Know. "Mamma." said t h ree-y oa r-old Jatncp. "I want an apple." "II :'!p your:; 1! . my hi! J." "They's all js'imc" "Oh no. thorp en ll'o cellar. Cai;r.ot nn.l ; et one .'or yon ma. iher?' a d. ar." "I's 'I'l-a!'!." "I ii -ft ; you 'c cii"h a briy." Jamci thni!t ii ij li.'irl.T under his belt and after one lout, tt his mother smilingly trotieil of,". Coming back quick'.y with ntn- nppl- avl looking pa Li, l.e ran to his mnriima and lean ing on her lap. looking very serious said: "Mamma!" "What is it. my child?" "I run'd before I got 'cause I saw a big later with n rtring tied to it run out a barrel rt;iJ up the wail." Delineator. down in yen run down 1 1 ci;c for mam- Ms A militant socialist has been Eent to jail in Spokane for nU months. for lll'.ADA III- ntrka API'DIR Whether from Colda. Heat, ftomarh or Nervous TriaiM'. apnitne will relieve you. It'i linuKl-pleasMii to take-a'UM Imrmxll aielv. Try u,. luc., ihc and tw. at dru Korea Aiiti?tln Querol, the Spanish sculptor, died in Madrid. Piles Cured in r. to 14 Days. i'nzo Mutment i guaranteed to cure ftrif iimeii.'.'teliim'.Illiiid.Uleeiiingorl'rotruibnrt l'ilis in 0 to 14 duya or money ret-indud. Sou The first plaster fast was made by Vcrochio In 14 70. Don't ci'i't a aithatitute tor Perry Davis' I'niiikiller. Notltinir ia iim pood for rheuma tism, iieiiralpa ati l similar troubles. The big game season In New Eng land has cost 24 lives. Mid fined in 30 minulra b.v Wooiford's Sanitary l.otMn. .rver taila. At tlru'uiaLa. Jacob Felix. 01, Dies. Reading. lacob Felix, Reading's oldest retired undertaker, died of pneumonia, aged 94 years. He came, here from Dauphin County, in 1S74, nnd was engaged in tbe undertaking business up to a few years ago. Worse Than Death. When Charles Dudley Warner was tho editor of the Hartford (Ct.) Prcr.3 hack in the Cos, arousing the patriotism of the state by his vigor ous appeals, one of the typesetters came in from the composing room and, planting himself before the editor, said: "Well, Mr. Warner. I've decided to enlist in the army." With mingled sensation of pride and responsibility, Mr. Warner re plied encouragingly that lie was glad to seo tho man lelt the a ll of duty "Oh, It isn't that," said the truth ful compositor, "but I'd rather be shot than to try to set nny more of your cony." Rochester Herald. Kbiiniokin Man Killed Hy Train. Shamokin. Albert Ticknor, a well-known resident, was run down by n Reading Railway passenger train here and killed. Workman Roils To Dentil. Mt. Carmel. Michael Popov, em ployed at the Alaska colliery, fell into a tank of boiling water, am' was dead when recovered. Showing Her (iratitude. Young I.ndy Give me cue yard of why haven't I seen you before? Draper's Arh:tant Oo. Maud, have you forgotten me? 1 saved your life nt tho sea.siJn lnnf sii:nm.r. Young I.ady (warmly) Why. of i course, you did. Then you may give! me two yards of the rihbau, please ' Illustrated Hits. j The first census of the city of Bangkok, recently taken, showed a population of t 2 . 7 B. N. V. 53. Don't Wait THI Wight The moment you need help, take a candy Ca$cart. Then headaches vanish, dullness disappears. The results are natural, gentle, prompt. No harsher physic does more good, and all harsh physics injure. Crr Till oi'T, mall It wtti your aditreaa to Sterling HettieriytVmipaaT.CBirafO. Ill .and ra-ci-:ve a bundeome aotjTentr sold Boa Bod Pars. QUICKEST WITH SAFETY OS iiL LA,u i int. rA tvi VV A Krh " WITH YtJUS INrtP-HAL B1-WtA'nVE HU- rxTRMwArtn? ! 7:y ropU wi and you :wipt Til wu& wC7 Tug enoatM AT amr LOcM! DKAB cmtll I YJ11 TMI WaWsW irvt YouiorvB a ArwtxiiioMwuv ' ' ff rtEWrWL- JOhr).WaJ "T-ftOOp TRIALS .ViSVNEEDEMS Maaraa'a Paw Paw Pllla aaaz UMbwlBta amine j (.nil awtauda. Vary do anw, an pa a waaa Vaar ar a lonla to th avmarh. ltvar ao4 oarvaai lavlcmt InauaMl of wakav Titer a no la Muod and uatU, Iba a(oaaa4 ho fat ail Ifca aourlahmont from fu4 Utat la put Uiu, it Thmm pllla onaiala ao eataauati lit are aoolltilna. aaallna aud aUmalaUna. Hur aU k all draaataa, In lur d IfcoaUea. If you MU rotatical ad'M, writ Ifw yos'a iMMoea, Vby will atfaw to u heM M thmtt Jllty alMolutetr fraa itf Ckun. SILMWON'M, M aa JaflMaaa Kla., f aiiaaWlpaU, ra. CURE For the baby often meant rest (or both mother and child. Little ones like il too it's so palatable to take. Free from opiates. 11 1 ISMtL lafiaJtaaaasaWlattl W Buy FURS HM anal Wool Paataara, TaDaw, fc CaUaa SmU Yatew HaaX Ma WU Cbatar. ata. lr aaa Baas la I lata. kk aaSaaUaaJaSnajnam Ma SaUPOl aft SOBOa ST7 1, aexaf St. utmmm.iM.wi. Ctan-.W 11 Mail afkafaaaaawk DirnDijfpn Tnta-Harks, PaailoekiWontjr, 1 A 1 Mil U, ray, OalsM iitart tt Cov ntrmant, UUcmai. Addrea W. H. WILLS, Aity-aswf 312 fad. Av... Wrahajtoa, D. C ta TEAaa rBAOTKlB. ar Itcalaa of am II aiMalaa. av.. ataaap. OSOIk OHval OO SatHaMra. IM. OROPGY5i.'l?rH' aw af u aa ra HUH aavav Baa . !. Vanroa'a Cold ttaanady avraa a arid la ana day. Prlea tv. Maaoa'a KuMMaaUara KaaMdr railavafl aaaaai I aa4 wa la a Caw taara, l-Us