The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 30, 1909, Image 5

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(jf l cl and Ocneral loterext, Gathered
t Home or Clipped Irm oar
Harry Irwin, special represen
tative of the Landia Tool Com
paoy, with headquarters in Chi
cago, is spending a few days with
his parents John A. Irwin and
William M. Patterson, with the
Fried Lindsay Company, Pitts
burg, spent the time from Satur
day until Monday with his par
ents, Hon. and Mrs. D. IL Patter
son, at Webster Mills.
The symptoms of kidney trou
ble are urinary disorders, weak
back and backache, rheumatism
and rheumatic pains and twing
es, pins in the groin, etc. There
is nothing as good for kidney and
bladder trouble as DeWitt's Kid
ney and' Bladder Pills. You may
depend upon them to give entire
satisfaction. They are antisep
tic, act promptly and soothe pain.
Sold by Trout's drug store.
Miss Minnie Dalbey, of Pitts
burg, who has a nice position
with the Westinghouse people,
Pittsburg, as stenographer, spent
Christmas with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. A. D. Dalbey.
Miss Maria Dickson Alexan
der, a student in the Broad Street
Conservatory of Music, Pbiladel
phia, Pa., is home for the holiday
season with her parents, Hon.
and Mrs. W. Scott Alexander.
Max. Irwin, who is employed
in a drug store in the Quaker
City, and his sister Miss Bess,
who is engaged in teaching in the
same city, are spending their hoi
lday vacation with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin.
Charles Hixson and family have
been having their share of ill luck
during the holidays. One of the
children has had scarlet fever,
and the house, of course, is quar
antined; and Charlie has been
laid up with tonsilitis for several
days. Dr. Robinson said yester
day that they were getting along
well, and would soon be all right
Rick Men' Gifts Are Poor
besides this: v "I want to goon
record as saying that 1 regard
Electric Bitters as one of the
greatest gifts that God has made
to women, writess Mrs. O. Rhine
vault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., "I
can never forget what it has done
forme." This glorious medicine
Rives a woman buoyant spirits,
vigor of body and jubilant health.
It quickly cures Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Head
ache, Backache, Painting and
Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the
weak, ailing and sickly. Try
them. 50c. at Trout's drug store.
wells tannery.
John Ranck, father of Mrs.
W. B. Stunkard, died at her home
the 21st, mst., aged 69 years. In
terment m the Saltillo cemetery,
the 23rd.
Miss Kirk Stunkard and Levi
Johnson were married in Cum
berland the 21st inst Their
many friends here -wish them a
happy voyage through life.
Mrs. V. D. Schenck and Mrs.
W, L. Sprowl, who have been
ick, are slowly recovering.
Bruce Spangler, wife, and lit
tle daughter, of McKees Rocks,
pent part of last week with his
brother Harry.
Mrs. Katherine Spangler is vis
ltmg her daughter, Mrs. Will
Hoke, at Saxton.
Miss Maude Baumgardner, of
Pittsburg Paul, of Philadelphia,
nd Harry, of Altoona, are at
home this week with their par
ents, W. a Baumgardner and
Mr. and Mn Pafa Rd
, m w, VITUS K-SU tVUUA Ul
Hopewell, spent Christmas with
me latter's parents, G. E. Truax
nd wifo.
A number of our young men
enjoyed a sled ride to Hopewell
last Saturday evening.
tools GuiUard, who had been
my for some time, returned
Anthony and Fred Reichley,
nd several men who are employ-
eu by them in their lumbering
v-mp, nave gone to their homes
Orlng to the great fall of snow
Sunday, our church going people
array's rest
Should Not Cost More
Than Fifteen or Six
teen Dollars.
The Master of a Grange, locat
ed m Jefterson county, wrote to
Professor H. A. Surface, the
State Zoologist, Harnsburg, Pa ,
for information as to the cost of a
spraying outfit. He mentioned
a double-acting sprayer with 25
feet of bos? and a ten-foot exten
sion pole, as about the kind of an
outfit that the members of his
Grange would want. As differ
ent members had determined to
procure the necessaary appara
tus for spraying their trees, the
information was requested to be
given before the next meeting of
the Grange.
The cost of spraying apparatus
is a question which has agitated
quite a good many farmers, some
of whom have deferred caring for
their trees and permitted the
San Jose scale to do great dam
age, because of the idea that an
outfit is expensive. The letter
of Professor Surface, therefore,
in reply to the one received from
the Grange, will be of general in
terest. Following is a copy of
the letter:
'Replying to your recent let
ter, 1 think you can get a spray
ing outfit such as you mention,
for about fifteen or sixteen dol
lars. I would recommend the
following as a complete outfit with
the pump: two 12J ft. sections of
hose (making twenty-five feet)
with hose connections complete;
a 10 -foot pole, or extension rod; a
stop cock or shutoff at the pump,
and another between the hose
and extension rod; an eighth-turn
to go on the far end of the exten
sion rod; a "Y" attachment which
will carry two nozzles; and two
good large nozzles of the "Mistry
Jr." or "friend" or "Brown"
type. I believe that the upright
lever sprayer will prove more
satisfactory than the ordinary
barrel pump. It will not cost
much more, and will give higher
and evener pressure, with less
labor. You can buy such ap
paratus from various firms, as
for instance: The Goulds Mfg.
Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y.; The
Doming Co., Salem, O.; The Field
Force Pump Co., Elmira, N. Y.;
The Spray-Motor Co., Buffalo, N.
Y.; Morrill and Morley, Benton
Harbor, Mich.; E. C. Brown and
Co., Rochester, N. Y.; F. E.
Myers & Bro., Ashland, O., and
other reliable firms who are ad
vertising in the various horticul
tural and agricultural papers. I
would recommend that you com
municate with each of these im
mediately and obtain prices, and,
if possible, get Grange Club
prices, which will doubtless give
you very considerable discount.
"Any agricultural or horticul
tural organization can obtain from
those companies giving them, the
Grange discounts mentioned
Stuhf For 15 Yean
by Indigestion's pangs trying
many doctors and $200.00 worth
of medicine in vain, B. F. Ayscue
of lngleside, N. L., at last used
Dr. King's New Life Pills, and
writes they wholly cured him.
They cuie Constipation, Billlous
ness, Sick Headache, Stomach,
Liver, Kidney and Bowel trou -bles.
25c at Trout's drug store.
Mr. C. B. Shore of Clear Ridge,
assisted with the entertainment
Saturday evening. Clarence is a
skilful clarinet player, and his so
los were much enjoyed.
Fare on 3 way between Mer
cersburg and McConnellskurg50
cents. Sheets Stage Line.
Valuable Farm of 90 Acres.
The undersigned 'offers at private
ale the mansion farm of the late
Samuel O. Oladfelter, situated near
Oak Grove, Huntingdon county, Pa.
2 miles North of Waterfall and about
S miles from Three Springs. The
farm contains 60 acres, with fair build
tags, good orchard, and neverfalllag
water. It is in' sight of Oak Grove
church and school house, adjoining
lands of Daniel Bollnger, Joseph H.
MoClaln, Din lei Oladfelter, J. Cal
Keith, and will be sold at a reasonable
price and easy terms. For particulars
pall on the undersigned, one of the Ex
ecutors, who resides near Zloo M. E.
church, or address him Three Springs,
Pa., R. D. No. 1.
Daniel, Gladfeltkr.
Deo. 27, 1800.
Arctic to Tropics
$sT. w?4i
in Ten Minutes
f No oil heater has a higher
efficiency or greater heating
power than the
. Oil Heater
;( Equipped with Smokeless Device);
With it you can go from the
cold of the Arctic to the warmth
of the Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Automatic Smokeless Device
prevents smoking. There is no possible question about It
This means greater heat-power, a more rapid diffusion of Heat
and a sure conversion of all the heat-energy in the oil.
In a cold room, light the heater and in 10 minutes youH have a
glowing heat that carries full content
Turn the wick up as high as it will go no smoke no odor.
In everything that appeals to the provident and the fastidious, th
Perfection Oil Heater, with its new automatic smokeless device, de
cisively leads. Finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles.
Erer Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yourt, Writ he DeecrlptlT Circular
to the Nereat Agency oi the
(Incorporated) ,
Harrisonville, Pa.
Note These Prices.
Tin water pails 15 to 50c Cedar tubs $1.00
Galvanized pails 16c Cedar buckets 16c
Galvanized Tubs 45c 4-gal. churns $2.25
Butter bowls 50c Ladles 10c
Enameled dish pans 25c Tin dish pans 10 and 15c
Tin basins 5 and 7c Enameled basins 10c
Fire shovels 5c Milk strainers 10 and 35c
Tin cups 3 for 5c Brushes 10c
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal bus.nctwi and eolleotiona entrusted
will ooolro oareful and prompt attention.
JVe have a good line of Men 's and
Boys' Overalls, Work Shirts,
Cord Pants, Cord Coats.
Men 's Underwear 75 to 85 c, suit
Ladies' Underwear 5 O to 90c. suit
Misses' Union Suits 25c up.
Men 's Plush Caps 4 Oc.
Boys' Plush Caps 30c.
Boys' Cloth Caps 1 Oc.
Hand Saws 40 cts.
Simond Cross-cut Saws 5 1-2 ft $3.50
Narrow Cross-cut Saws 5 1-2 ft $1.00
Butcher Knives 10c.
Horse-shoe Nails 12 and 18c.
Lanterns 50 75, 90c. and $1. OO
15 and 20c
70c to $2. 5 O
Horse Shoes all Sizes, also the Never Slips.
Oil Cloth 15 cts per yard.
Wagon-tire, Buggy-tire, Rims, Spokes, Etc.
Cow Chains
Leather Halters
Horse Collars
Horse Pads
Horse Blankets
Our line of Ball Band and
Straight line Rubbers
and Overshoes, We
think they are the best
Also our Whole Stock Shoes
cannot be beat. Chil
dren's $1.50, Misses' $1,
75, Ladies' 2,00, Boys'
2.00, and 2.25, Men's
" 2.25 and 2.50.
We also have Shoes from'
1.25 up both Men's and Women's.
Come and see
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, Sc.
Engines on hand all
, the time.
Cmtm CoU PreeoU PiWii la
Hustontown, Pa.
Gold Crown and Bridge-Work a
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
All Work Guaranteed.
Will be In office from Thursday er
eolng until Monday morning ot each
MXonnellsbarg & Mercersbnrg
Good Teams. Careful Drivers.
Leave McConnellabunr, dally except
Sunday, at 6:00 a m., 1:30 a. m., and
12:15 p. m.. and arrive at Mercersburff
at 7:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m. and 2:45 p: m.
Leave Mercersburtj, daily except
Sunday, on receiptor mall from trains
due at 7:5(1 a. m.; 10:38 a m. and 6:66
p. m. and arrive in McConnellBburg la
three hours. Carries Mall and Express
, Fare For Passenger, 60 Cts.
Office and residence on Market St.,
east of the Court House, where there
is always a good warm room for wait
ing passengers.
Have your Express sent in care of
Roy C. Cromwell it Bro.
Geo. W. Reisner k Co.
We sold during Insti
tute a large number of
Ladies' Coats
and have a few left that we
will close out at prime cost; if
you want a very good coat at a
very attractive price this is your
chance. We have left a few
Ladies' Tailored Suits
c:sta wbat )fj txta.
900 Acres Fine Land in
Buck Valley, Fulton Coun
ty, Pa., Belonging to Estate
of J. T. Richards, deceased.
222 acres of this is cleared
and under state of cultivation.
Three houses, two bank barns,
and other necessary buildings.
Will be sold either as a whole
or in subdivisions. Will make
four nice farms for general
cultivation, chicken or stock
ranches, or orchards; soil well
adapted to peaches, chestnuts
and other fruits. Deer, tur
key, pheasants, etc., abound m
the forests and it would be
well suited for a hunting and
fishing club.
For price, terms, etc., ad
dress, T. D. RICHARDS,
Attorney-in-Fact for Heirs,
Germantown, Md.
at astonishingly low prices when
quality and style are considered.
During the last ten or fifteen days
we have sold quite a lot of
Men's Overcoats.
We still have a
nice bunch at
Rock-Bottom Prices.
A large line of Warm Foot
wear for Men and Boys all
the very best makes at the
old prices.
We can save you lots of money on
quite a line of Domestic stuffs.
Let Us Show You.
G. W. Reisner & Co,
Prices for November, and Part of
Well, we told you in our last ad, what nice Underwear we had for the whole family, aud from the
amount we have sola, a great number of people have taken notice. We have never had such goods for
the money; and never, up to this timiaold so much. We still have Children's separate shirts and draw
ers at lOo to 30o: Boy's heavy fleece-lined, 24c. each. Men's 35c. ones that weigh 15 ounces, and the
heaviest that you can buy that is 18 ounces at 43o., or 85c suit. This saves you 15c. suit. Don't forget
that we have the best 23c. Ladies' vest we ever had also one at 48c.
and the bestthat can be bought. In
Men's dress shoes. We can sell you a
Good Shoe that will give service at $1.65,
$1.98, $2.00, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $4.00.
IN LADIES' SHOES. We have a nice line at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.48, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. We have the
best Ladies' Comon Sense plain toe made
at $1.48. See our Boy's Shoes $1.25, $1.48
$1.60 and $2.00. Child's Shoes 10, 20,
25, 50 and 75c.
Remember we have Rubbers at last year's Prices.
The Best Lantern on Earth
Shetland floss yarn 8c, Bed Blankets 50, 70, 75, 85c., 11.25 and 13.15.
Heavy Cotton Flannel Gloves 8 and 9c., Leather Gloves 23, 25, 30, 48 and
90o. Men's Sweater Coats 48, 95 to 11.05. Misses Leggens, button 35e.
Child's Button Legem 25o. Ladles' Button Legens 45o. The nicest as
sortment of box paper at 5, 10, 13 and 15o. 25 good envelopes 4o per tab
let, 6, 8 and 10c. Mouse traps 3 for So. 7 for 10c. Pad locks 10, 13, 20
and 30o. Wardrobe hooks 6c. dozen. Hold fast shoe nails 3o. pack.
We have a fine line of these goods and sizes and
kinds to suit most any one. In Misses, we have
bought 10"8 dozen of the Bear brand; and as
longas they last we will sell them 2pair for 25c;
but, if we have to buy again, they will sell for
more money. The best Ladies' fleeced-lined
you ever did see. at 13 and 18c, Ladies' wool
at 20c, Men's wool 24c. 21-quart Bread
Raisers at 75c.
50 Pound Lard Cans 30 and 38c.
We have a nice line of Handkerchiefs, Neck-ties,
Bibles, Graniteware, Gloves, Suspenders,. and
most anything that is useful for Xmas Gifts.
Thanks . for the nice increase in business
over any former year and soliciting a continuance. We are,
ParuBoont Knitting Co.
MAM or