(CRESTING PARAGRAPHS kll ( and Oeaeral Interest, Gathered it Home or Cllppea inn oar Ex:haofM. JtOSDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Yao want to see the Books at ,0,ndl5cent8at Irwin's. i Mir of 10c. men's heavy hose L250. at Johnston's. I The Sheets Stage Line takes yooto Mercersburtf for 50 cents. Get your wants at Johnston's. He will save you money on any ibicgyou buy. iihfnrBurbank ti'ainlns a Christmas tree to sprout its own J. K. Johnston can furnish you nith the best cotton or all wool Blankets in the town. Fare om way between Mer . ond MnCn.innllnhiirc Rfl wrsuuie -o - (eatg, Sheets Stage Line. The truest test ot love between biubaad and wife is whether they just like to have each other round. Somebody has been writing ibont the habits of cows. Well, it any rate, they haven't the to bftcco or booze habit. Johnston still has the Leavy unitary fleeced Men's Under wear at 35c. each; Ladies' at 45c. per suit Roy C. Cromwell has removed from the Patterson house on Wa ter street to D. E. Little's house od Market St, east of the Court House. Mrs. May Mellott, near Need- mnra hna fnr nn.ln two mwi nno of which will be fresh in this month, and the other next month; and also 14 good stock ewes. Fresh pork is fine eating, but be careful that the little folks do noteat too much of it at a time; and maybe you had better take this advice to yourself. Mr, and Mrs. Abner Morgret, of Berkely Springs, were called here last Sunday by the serious illness of Miss Jessie CorrelL They returned home Monday. When you have a cold the first thing to do is have the bowels move. Do not take anything that may constipate and most old fashioned cough cures do consti pate. Try Kennedy's 'Laxative Cough Syrup. It drives the cold from the system by a free yet gentle action of the bowels; it tops the cough, it is pleasant to take. Children like it Sold by Trout's drug store. Miss Alice Hoke, of this place, 11 spending a few days with her ister, Mrs. Houp, in Aitoona. Miss Hoke will also visit her brother Cil in Iowa, before returning. For Sale. Jersey Bull, Reg toered Number, 75,865. 8 years old. Sired by Ad Schley Pox. He la by an imported bull, whose ire sold for $7,500.00. His broth Bold for $10,000.00, the highest price ever paid for a Jersey at Motion. Price on application. Wl on or address, H 18 8. D. M. Black, Three Springs, Pa, R. D. i. One weather prognosticate, Wer, has been heard from, and predictions are that we are to we a mild, wet Winter, until fter the middle of February, ith a great warm wave the lat ter part of December, This will to good for coal consumers, if eritied, but just the reverse for co! dealers. DeWufs Little Evrly Eisers he safe, sure, gentle, easy little pilig. Be sure to getDe Wtt'i Carbolized Witch Hazel "'ve, me original Always re- substitutes and imitations, ihe original DeWitt's Carbolized "'-u nazal Salve is eood for inythiug a salve U used for, but especially good for piles, bold by Trout's drue store. Miss Emma McGovern, who oeen boarding at the Wash "sn aouge during the past "miner, left last Friday morn H tor Bristol, Tenn., where she xpects to spend the winter with u brother William. ", daughter , of Mr. and waiter Skibo, of South ork, died from scalds received DV f.lll.r. . ..... T . ,U iuui a oucuei or not wa bbe was rap.ino- a nnk bitten hen ihe fell and sat down Intbe B(et, receiving scalds on the LeRoy Cromwell, of this place, is having a siege ot la grippe this week. Nettie and Winifred Mellott were guests of Helen Washabaugh last Sunday. Miss Lillian Fleming, of Clear Ridge, is spending this week vis iting in McConnellsburg. Glenn Miller spent a day re cently with his uncle David Lai dig, near Hiram. The foundation wall for the new Grange Hall at Clear Ridge is be ing built now. There are 20 letters in the al phabet, but there are only two that aie really in it Gilbert Kerlin has been plas tering George Regi's house, near Knobsville during the 1 ast week. A 50c. necktie for 25c. at John ston's. Now is the time to get them. Make good Xmas pres ents. Misses Hattie and Helen Ken dall went to Ohio last week where they expect to reside permanent ly. Robert and John Fleming, of this place, spent a Sunday re cently with their parents at Clear Uidge. Rev. Harry Moyer, of Huston- town, is conducting his annual revival services in the church at Clear Ridge. Retta Woodal is badly afflicted with rheumatism, and on account of whicn she is not able to attend school. Men '8 overcoats and rain coats can be had at J. K. Johnston's, at a larger saving and belter made stuff, than can be hcd elsewhere. Bear this in mind whm you are going to buy. Mrs. Scott Mock and son Les ter, who had been in Maryland for some time, are visiting Mrs. Mock's parents, Newton Knable and wife. Nothing more attractive in style, quality and price, than our Holiday Stock of Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Watches, Gold Rings, Veil Pins. Brooches, Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons, Neck Chains, &c, at Irwin's. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Washa baugh spent last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodal, south of town. William Fields and son Cleve have been working at the carpen ter trade on Jesse O. MsClain's new house at Robertsdale. Federal Worm Powders will chase the worms and tone up your stock for the winter. 50c. spent now may save you a valu able horse or co v before the win ter is over. Seylar has it, and your money back if it don't. do the work. Labor is so scarce at Mount Union that a representative of the Bar bison-Walker company has gone to New York to get help from the newly arrived imml grants. The new shirt factory is working steadily and adding new help as it can be Becnred. If you have noticed symptoms of kidney trouble, do not delay in taking the most reliable and de pendable remedy possible, such as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. These wonderful pills are being used with great satisfac tion by thousands of people. Try DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills today. Sold by Trout's drug store. Berwick witnessed an unusual parade when 150 converts at re vival services now in progress at the West Berwick Methodist Episcopal church, together with hundreds of church workers, marched through the streets smg ing songs of praise. New advertisments this week: Seylar's Drug Store. T. B. Stevens & Son, Furniture' J. K. Johnston. Mrs. A. F. Little. Geo. W. Roisner & Co. Racket Store. Read these advertisements care fully, and when you come to town next week, go and see whither they are all tolling the truth 01 not YOUNO fllRLS ARB VICTIMS ot headache, as well as older worn en, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and stroug nerves, and build up your health. Try them. 25a at Trout's drug store. Local Institute. The fourth local institute in Belfast township was held at Morton's Point last Friday even ing. The meeting was called to older by the teacher, Nelle Mor ton, after which A. E. Deshong was elected president The sub jects for discussion were: "Ex actness in school work," "Use and abuse of school supplies," and "The daily program and how arranged." The foilowmg teach ers were present and took an ac tive part in the discussions: S. L, Wink, Orpba Snyder, Daisy Strait, .Blanche Smith. Bessie Morton, Nelle Morton, and Eva Bedford, of Belfast, and Charles Mellott, A. E. Deshong, and Ada Decker, of Licking Creek. The Bchool gave a number of recitations in a manner that de serves much praise tor both teach er and pupil. George Wink en tertained the crowd with a num ber of choice selections on his graphophone. The next institute will be held at Cross Roads, Fri day evening, November 26th. All 'fiends of education are cordially. invited. Eva Bedford, sec. The fourth local institute of Brush Creek township was held at Buchanan last Friday evening. The meeting was called to order by the teacher, Homer Akers, who appointed Chester Spade to act as president. Tbe subjects: 1. Co-opperation of parents; 2. Value of a good school in a com munity and visa versa; 3. Neat ness and politeness were thor oughly discussed by the follow ing teachers: Miss Grace Lodge, Grant and Chester Spade, Homer Akers, Lucy Peightel, and S. E. Walters of Bedford county, al so by the secretary of the board, A. M. Hixon and exteachers Wm. Hanks and George Lodge, who gave many helpful suggestions. Lucy L. Peightel, Secretary. What a Woman Will Not Do. There is nothing a woman would not do to regain her lost beauty. She ought to be fully as zealous in preserving her good looks. The herb drink called Lane's Family Medicine or Lane's Tea is the most efficient aid in preserving a beautiful skin, and will do more than anything else to restore the roses to faded cheeks. At all druggists' and dealers, 25c. School Reports. Report of Buffalo School for the second montn ending Nov. 12, 1909. Those who attended every day: Sadie Barton, Lyda Bar ton, Margaret Hixon, Minnie Lynch, Francena Whitfield, Daisy Barton, James Akers, James Barton, Roy Hixson, Marshall Hixson, Mearle Akers, Archie Akers, Percy Hixson. Average attendance during month, Male 14, Female 13, total 27; number enrolled, 30. Lucy L. Peightel, teacher. FORCED INTO EXILK. ' Wm. Upchurch, of Glen Oak, Okla., was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a frightful iung-racning cough that had defied all reme dies for two years. After six months he returned, death dog ging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. Kiug's New Discov ery," he writes, "and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infalli ble for coughs and colds, it dis pels hoarseness and sore throat Cures grip, bronchitis, hemorj rhages, asthma, croup, whooping cough. 50c and $1.00, trial bot tle free, guaranteed at Trout's drug store. Church Notices. Announcements tor Sunday, Nov. 28, 1909. MoCONNELLSBURQ, M. E. CHARGE. C. W. Dry ner, pastor. McConnellsburg Sunday school 9!30, followed by class. Jr. League 2:00. Ep worth League 6:00. Preaching 7. Wednesday Prayer meeting 7. He v.J. V. Adams, a former pastor, now stationed at Newport, will be with us on Sunday evening, and has kindly oonsented to preach. Knobivltle Sunday School 1:30. Preaching 2:30. Ft. Littleton Sunday School 9. Preaching 10, Epworth' League 7. Our Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held at McConnellsburg, Fri day morning, Deo. 3, at 0 o'clock. A full attendance of the Official members ia desired at this maetlug. , From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes No oil heater has higher efficiency or greater heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with SmokalM Devlea)) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. There is no possible question about it This means greater heat-power, a more rapid diffusion of heat and a sure conversion of all the heat-energy in the oil. In a cold room, light the heater and in 10 minutes you'll have a glowing heat that carries full content Turn the wick up as high as it will go no smoke no odor. In everything that appeals to the provident and the fastidious, the Perfection Oil Heater, with its new automatic smokeless" device, de cisively leads. Finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles. tnrf Dailer Kvarywhtrt. If Not At Yours, Writ lor Descriptive Circular to th Ncmrsst Agency ot the THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY ( Incorporated ) Mm . or A stranger gathered up about 1100 mud turtles along the streams in Pigeon Cove last week and shipped them to the eastern markets on Thursday. Duett farming will be more profitable in that community next summer. Irvin W. Mellott, formerly of this county, but now a resident of Richland, Iowa, took several carloads of sheep to C licago a lew weeks ago, and while chang ing cars at Galesburg, had the misfortune'to fall tn. the switch yards, breaking a number of bis ribs. He is not able to do very much now. J. Milton Unueh, vs. Annib E. Unuek, ( In tbe Court of Com- mon PleiiH of Fulton Coun I tv. of No. 1, Murcn Term IW. TO ANNIE E. UNOER, tbe respondent above numea; PleiiHe take notice that nn anDllcatlon for a divorce hB been mude In tlie ubove cune. up on the alleKutlon thut you huve wilfully and malicious. y aexerieuihe liDeuunt ami uhsenteu vourxelt from hi hubiiutiou without a reaKoo able caUHe for. and duriuir the term and sDaue of, two yeura. lly reitaoD of your default In not niinn an answer, ine cuse doh Deen refer red to me a muster. I have tlxed Saturday tbe IHth day of December, I9U9, at 9 ololock A. M., an the time, and my office in McConnellN burtf. Pa.. aN tbe place, for taking testimony In tbe cause, when and where you may attend, FRANK P. LYNCH, MsHter. 1118, tt, McConnellsburg', Pa. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 900 Acres Fine Land tn Buck Valley, Fulton Coun ty, Pa., Belonging to Estate of J. T. Richards, deceased. 222 acres of this is cleared and under state ot cultivation. Three houses, two bank barns, and other necessary buildings. Will be sold either as a whole or in subdivisions. Will make tour nice farms for general cultivation,, chicken or stock ranches, or orchards; soil well adapted to peaches, chestnuts and other fruits. Deer, tur key, pheasants, etc,, abound in the forests and it would be well suited for a hunting and fishing club. For price, terms, etc., ad dress, T. D. RICHARDS. Attorney-in-Fact for Heirs, Germantown, Md. ROY C. CROMWELL & BRO. PROPRIETORS OP STAGE LINE -HUT WEEN- MXonnellsburg & Mercersburg Uood Teams. Careful Drivers. Leave) McConnellsburjr, dally except Sunday, at 6:00 a in., 1:30 a. m., and 12:15 p. m.. and arrive at Merceriburg at 7:30 a. m., 10:00 a. in. and ZA5 p. m. Leave Merceriburg, dally except Sunday, on receipt of mall from trains due at 7:50 a. m.; 10:38 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. and arrive In MoConnelUburg In three hours. Carries Mall and ilx press Fare For Passenger, 60 Cts. Have your Express sent In care of Boy C. Cromwell It Oro. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburg, Pa. All ! ba.Bts and eoUeoUoM atntsMt wul ! aantlai a ad pnuapi asMaisua. W. M. COMERER, agent for 7HK GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time. DR. A. K. DAVIS, Hustontown, Pa. DENTAL WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Teeth extracted positively without pain. " All Work Guaranteed. Will Vi In nfflnA fpnm rTitiBn av ening until Monday morning of each wees. REISNERS' WILL SELL DURING Institute Week their entire line of Ladies' Misses', and Children's Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices A Coat well worth 10, will go at $8; 8-dolIar coats will go at 6; 6-dollar ones at $5 and so on. Better bargains have never before been offered in this town. A nice line of Ladies' Suits from one of the best makers in this country at bargain prices. A lot of Dress Goods that have been sold at 60 and 65c , will sell at 50 and some 50c. values will go at 35c. During institute week we will sell Domestics at the old prices although these goods cannot to-day be bought at wholesale in the city for what we ask for them. Best Lancaster Ginghams at 7c, best Muslins at 8, and very good Muslin at 6c. Blankets at any price from 50c. up. A splendid all-wool home-made Blanket 12-4 going at $4.50. Un derwear for Men at 75c. suit. Can't be beaten anywhere. Shoes for everybody all good styles and quality. Men's Clothing at your own price. We have from the cheap est to the best. Call at Reisners' for bargains. G. W. Reisner & Co. Racket Store Prices for November, and Part of December. Well, we told you in ourlast ad, what nice Underwear we had for the whole family, aud from the amount we have sold, a great number of people have taken notice. We have never had such goods fur the money; and never, up to this tim4 sola so much. We still have Children's separate shirts and draw ers at 10c to 30o : Boy's heavy fleece-lined, , 24c. each. Men's 35c. ones that weigh 15 ounces, and the heaviest that you can buy that Is 18 ounces at 43c , or 85o suit. This saves you 15c. suit. Don't forget that we have the best 23c. Ladies' vest we ever had also one at 48o. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF SHOES and the bestthat can be bought. In Men's dress shoes. We can sell you a Good Shoe that will give service at $1.65, $1.98, $2.00, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $4.00. IN LADIES' SHOES. We have a nice line at $1.00, $1.25, $1.48, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. We have the best Ladies' Comon Sense plain toe made . at $1.48. See our Boy's Shoes $1.25, $1.48 $1.60 and $2.00. Child's Shoes 10, 20. 25, 50 and 75c. Remember we have Rubbers at last year's Prices. for 45, 05, 75, 89c. and 00. The Best Lantern on Earth Shetland floss yarn 80. , Bed Blankets 50, 70, 75, 85o., II 25 and 1.75. Heavy Cotton Flannel Gloves 8 and 9c., Leather Gloves 23, 25, 30, 48 and Xo. Men's Sweater Coats 48, 95 to 11.95. Misses Leggens, button 3oe. Child's Button Le(;ens 25c. Ladles' Button Legens 4.ic. Tbe nicest as sortment of box paper at 5, 10, 13 and 15o. 25 good envelopes 4o per tab let. 5, 8 and 10c. Mouse traps 3 for 60 7 for 10c. Tad locks 10, 13, 20 and 30c. Wardrobe hooks 6c. dozen. Hold fast shoe nails 3c. pack. HOSIERY. We have a fine line of these goods and sizes and kinds to suit most any one. In Misses, we have bought IOS dozen of the Bear brand; and as longas they last we will sell them 2pair for 25c; but, if we have to buy again, they will sell for more money. The best Ladies' fleeced-lined you ever did see. at 13 and 18c, Ladies' wool at 20c, Men's wool 24c. t 21-quart Bread Raisers at 75c. 50 Pound Lard Cans 30 and 38c. We have a nice line of Handkerchiefs, Neck-ties, Bibles, Graniteware, Gloves, Suspenders, and .. most anything that is useful for Xmas Gifts. Thanks for the nico increase in business over any former year and soliciting a continuance. ROTOH AND rm lui II m FOR BOYS AND GIRLS auuracruin n Paramount Knitting Co. CHICACO FAMOUS BEAR BRAND HOSIERY We are, HULL & BENDER.