The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 07, 1909, Image 7

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    Afraid of Ghosts
U.nv people are ainna m gnosis, reir peupio
,Je fridot(iermi. Yet the ghost in a latter and
the aerm is mui. - v...... "
toa size equal to Its terror it would appear moro
jhio than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs
Isn't be avoided. They oro ia the air we breathe,
the water wo drink.
The derm can only prosper when the condition
the yitem gives it free scope to establish it
.d develop. When thero is a deficiency ol
V . l...l.rt mtUMniw.. a anllnw cheek.
vital lorce, ,i.b -
" ,0low eye, when the appetite is poor and the
sleep i broken, it Is time to guard against the germ. You can
fortify the body against ell germs by the use ol Dr. Pierce's Gold
ea Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the
system oi clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stonv
och and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so
thst ths germ finds no weak or tainted spot In which to breed.
'Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or
habit-forming drugs. All its Ingredients printed on its outside
wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine op known
composition and with a record oi 40 jean of cum. Accept no
substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors.
A rl-AVOK that Is nM the Kims as Irmoa
1 orTaolUa. Hy dUftnlvins; gnuitilatM untrnr In
i wftlorand adfllag Maplr ine, adelicioun nrru p Is
I mwleenA a syrup bettor Minn maple. Mnplnina
is wilil by rrorcrB. Bond to stamp fnr nam pi a
and mips book. Crescent Mia. Co.. Status.
m:..rM.:iJ1.3 TH O.C TH.T
Can be MndlfKl very raally.ThttMrk are enrod.iinfl all Mher Hi
jwmfl ntnble, no mattrr how ,eJln1pfl,,, kfpt from hivtut ttie
diawajw, ny Udinir runx. a 1.1(41 111 uibtrmper CTTKV. Give
on Hie tonmie or In fowl. Art on the Mood and xpq fmrma
of all forntn of distemper. Best remMy otct known fir maren In
foal. One bottle (funrantred tonirnnerftK(v WV and 91 ahatfle;
$A and $lodo!i, of drtiifrltifind hnrntndtatfrw, or onteirprrM
Booklet Rlea everythln. isn ftntA witbteil. LArxeot
ifrZttr HAA M'lllnn horse remedr In ralnfenee-twelv er.
SPOHN MBDICAL CO., Chsmlsts snd Bsctsrlsloilrtt, Ooihsn, Ind., U. . A.
rr Th
is Trade-mark
Eliminates AH
In the purchase of
fiaint materials,
t is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
1S02 Trinity Bulling. Nm Yort
Kltkatt, Ha
tetar rotir
Tdav3trH. GopynKttl your ttooka, WrUirwi, eu.
lorn, ta Mw lot u to bounty for aa(Liera ao4
Unir rUUM, who Mrvad in taa otvU war, lil-4.
BinMoaral orar tot tauin, ITur blaain
ud laiiniotiooj, AOdresia, W, H. Wula. AUr-afi-Uw.iNotary
fubUo.) AulUuUOing, iHlrU. Xra
For the baby often means rest for
both mother and child. Little ones
lite it too it's so palatable to take.
Free from opiates.
All DrussUts. 28 cent.
m locomotive boilers by many Eu
ropean experts.
ttlck's ripnnija Is the bent rm-ay-J!
oi Ul? schlna- snd fpverlhnes-cures
Uie Cold nd rtstores normal vondlUona. It's
lii)uld-irfcu Immediately, loc. 'ion. n
Mcsidruf Ujrci
Not lonir
entered a railway carriage at Shef
field, and were immediately put down
U a bridal jalr. But they wor re
markably self-posseBsed, and be
layed with such sangfroid that the
other passengers began to doubt If
their first surmise was correct after
the yonng man rose to remove hU
overcoat, and a shower of rico foil
Jit, while the passengers smiled
But even that did not affect the
youth, who also smiled, and turning
10 his partner, remarked audibly:
By Jove May! I've stolen the
Driuegroom's overcoat!" Tatler
Croat Powers Those,
llenrinrann Unw u in .
w witness a conflict between the
Henpeck Witnessed one the oth
r day.
Henderson The other dayT Be
tween the powers?
Henpeck My wife and the cook
raj gome words.
Spread Whole Bo of It on Omckera
Si 2. Ix at '"Jury K. sulted
-Thus Proven Pure and 8wvt.
!KNe7lYork Wend of Cuticura writes:
My three year old son and heir, nfter
l put to bed on a trip across the At
ntic, m-.estigated the staUrooin and lo
aia s box of graham crackers and a box
mad! l'CU?i.0'u tme.nt- When """-el. was
th. t i" l,".' lt w" 'ound Ity and
1 n t know what else."
offerVT1. concl,ui.v evidence could be
K ?. absolutly pure, sweet and
Jwmless. If it may be safely eaten bv .
young child, none but the
S U 40 Bttend iu PPU-
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Prop,
of CuHcura Hemedies. Boston. Mais.
Lleiltnnnnt Ql.n.L.ii.
and m , """"""on, in nappy
In riv y !i:aec.h wh,ch h9 mad
by Mr Main tb6 feaBt of hu heBl"'
by that L inmann at lhe dlnDer K'en
uflrt f,J.Dtlemn t th0 savoy Hotel,
Mh. untrodden region, of the Ant.
e,"!" ?ary. he said, were alwayi
t.iLS " P'ofeisor In particular ai
'e a degree of pollteneaa vnuual
,uchk trln c'"om.tan""e.
Are you buay, Maw.onT' h called
,- wiun,
...jY- Verr uay.
son i ; " "" lo ouy. Maw
. ,:T an down a crevasse.'
do. ' profoM0' found hanging
:"n "evaase by bl four Bnger.
t' ch be could not hav'
ndon Daily Chrontclo.
One of the two observatories oi
the summit of Mont Blanc has beet
given up because of the violence o
the storms.
Constipntinn causes and seriously altera
vntes mnny diseases. It is thoroughly
cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar
coated granules.
Because the enormous rats oi
Uganda are so voracious missionaries,
aro using books bound In tin.
fTnr IIK lJl t . Silt lllrk l A Pt'ltltVK
Whether from Colds. Heat. Btnmseh or
flervonn Troulilvs. Capudltie win rellere you.
t's llyold pleasant to take sets Immedl-su-ly.
Try It. 10c.. 2Sa and We. at druc
A rapid decrease In the use ol
rye flour fop bread In recent yean
is noted in Germany.
Mrs. Wlnsiow'sHoothinff Hyrup f or Children
allays pain, euros wind colic, iioca bottle
Fnniillnrlty Breeds, Etc.
A novelist who lives near Indian
apolis once engaged an Individual
who claimed to be a ge.rvlener. Thai
his claim was without basis of fact
was boo.i made evident to the em
ployer, for the man proved well-nlgn
useless so useless in fact, that it
became necessary to dischfivge him
The man took the dismissal with
such jaunty Indfference that the no v.
ellst was somewhat nettled. "You
seem rather pleased than otherwise,"
said he to the man.
"Oh, I ain't worryln'," was the
prompt response.
"Indeed! Perhaps you won't do so
well as you think. May I venture
to inquire what you have Irf view?'-
"Well," answered the gardener,
"if the worst comes to the worBt, I
may take up writln' books. Sence
I've been hero I've found out it
don't take seen an awfully bright
man as I used to think it did."
Lipplncott's Magazine.
Petroleum has been discovered In
Ibltinga, Suo Paulo, Brazil, and a
company Is belLg formed to develop
the Industry.
Weekly Review of Trade and
Market Reports.
& Co.'s weekly review
Cartoon by G. William, in the Indianapilis Kews.
German Preparations of To-day Like Those Which Preceded the
Confict With France Britain Not Aroused Yet Warn
ings of Leaders Fail Fully to Awaken the People.
Chicago. In an interview pub'
llshed here Lord Northcliffe, manng
lng owner of a London newspaper, de
n. C. Dun
oi trade says:
Willie there are a few bad or
nneertaln spots In the business sit
uation, they nrc not sufltclcnt to
change the generally cheerful and,
In some respects, brilliant outlook.
The movement In Iron and steel Is
no tremendous, reaching at some
points to practically full capacity and
roHiiltlng In Instances nf premiums
paid for prompt delivery that the
only doubt cast upon It by anybody
Is that the puce inny lie loo fast. The
reports from the principal cities and
especially th" eloquent statistics of
rapidly expanding building opera
tions, confirm those figures. Tin I
rorolgn trade Is unsatisfactory In
view of the decreased exports and In
rmased imports, but it should not
be overlooked thnt the former Is the
result In part nf th more rapid ad
vance In price hr-n; than abroad,
while the big Imports testify to the
Increased spending capacity' of our
Bradstreet's say.-:
"Trade continues of favorable pro
portions, demands for staplo lines
being noteworthy features, though
there is a tone of conservatism in
many report. Shipments are heavy
and in many instances buyers are re
questing prompt deliveries. Business
on spring accounts U also of good
volume. Retail tralo Is getting into
better shape at mnry centers. Com
modity prices, both for raw materials
and edibles, are generally very firm.
"Business failurvs in the United
States for the week ending with Sep
tember 28 were 171. asainst 198 last
week. 267 In the like week of 1903.
Ififi in 1907, 165 In 1906 and 1S5 in
Not a Penny to Pay For tho Fullest
Medical Examination.
If you are in doubt as to the cause
of your disease mall us a postal re
questing a medical examination blank,
which you will fill out and return to
us. Our doctors will carefully diag
nose your case, and if you can be
cured you will be told so; If you can
not be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated to us In any way;
this advice Is absolutely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
you see fit. Send to-day for a medi
cal examination blank, fill out and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our emlnentdoctora will diagnose
your case thoroughly absolutely free.
Munyon's, 63d and Jefferson Sts.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Clares there is great danger of war
between Germany and Great Britain.
"The Americans are so busy," said
Lord Northcliffe, "with the affairs of
their own gigantic continent that they
have not the time to devote to the
study of European pollttcs, which are
more kaleidoscopic in their changes
than are those of the United States.
"There is an impression in this
country that some hostility exists be
tween the people of Great Britain and
of united Germany. I know the
Germans intimately. From childhood
I have traveled extensively through
out most of the German States. I
have many German family connec
tions, and I venture to say that out
side the usual body of Anglophobes
one meets In every country there is
little hostility to the British on the
part of the Germans.
''And, on the other hand, there Is
In England no dislike of Germany.
Au contraire, our statesmen are
adapting German legislation to our
needs, and if Imitation be the sin
cerest form of flattery the Germans
must be-well pleased with our pro
posed reproduction of their working
men's insurance, their labor bureau,
and a great many other legislative
improvements that, lt appears to me.
would be just as vital to the United
States as they seem to be to Great
"Why, then, if so hapny a state of
affairs exists between the two na
tions, should there be any section of
people in England to suggest the pos
sibillty of war? Turn back to 1869.
Was there any friction between
France and Prussia? There was no
hostility on either side. But any
reader of Bussche's Bismarck or stan
dard authority on the great German
Empire builder will acknowledge
there was immenre preparation on
the part of Germany a preparation
that was kept secret as far as possi
ble, and which also, as far as possible.
is being kept secret by Germany to
day. "As to that which is transpiring in
the German shipbuilding yards, we
more or less know that by 1912 Ger
many. In ships of the super-Dreadnought
class, will be the equal of
"If we were In your position, able
to grow our own food on our own
acres, lt would matter little to us If
wo had merely an ornamental navy.
But how few Americans rralice that
out food is brought to us from Aus
tralia, Canada, much of it from the
city of Chicago, and yout Western
whetit fields, from the Argentine Re
public nearly all of it from over the
"We have the official figures of the
German naval program un to 1912j
which are serious enough, but we
know that these figures are just as
Inaccurate as were the figures made
public by Germany prior to the Franco-Prussian
war of 1871.
"America Is a nation of optimists
England a nation of pessimists.
"America should produce great art
ists, great musicians, great statesmen
you have the material.
"Theodore Roosevelt is one of the
few met of this or any age great
enough to say what he thinks. Eu
rope has no one like him.
"John D. Rockefeller could make
no better use of his vast wealth than
the founding of your wonderful uni
versity. You should appreciate your
rich men mep like J. Pierpont Mor
gan for the wise use of their mill
ions. "You really are a marvelous pro
pie," he exclaimed, "marvelous for
your conservatism. Tou talk about
the income tax as though it was
something new and daring. Why, we
had oui discussion of the income tax
in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
"Tho American press is a great
educational force. It exerts untold
power for the uplifting of the public.
It is tho function of a paper to educate."
Every Housewife Can Save
Dy Larkia Factcry-to-Frily Dedtag
Vou can furnish your homo find clothe yourself out cf the sama
money you spend for your household-supplies: Coffee, Tens, Spices, Extracts,
Laundry and Toilet Soaps, etc., in all, tho Latkin f roilucts number over
800 such everyday necessities.
VV hen you buy direct from UH, tho manufacturers, you ppv prices
that include but our sinKlo profit; you save the expenses and profits of tho
wiioivsaier, saies-aicent ami retailer which you have
ia pay wnen you ouy at a store, lou get twi
much for your money as you can in any other
A Premium With Every Purchase
You are given your savinps in a
Tremium with every purchase. Without
Bpendinc' a cent extra, you can obtain all
kinds of desirable housohold-furninhimrs
and wearing-apparel. Think what a sufa
and sensible way of saving and how easily
you can accomplish itl
Over 1GG3 Premiums to Qoosc Frora
TJi Clinir illuvtrntH in hut an mrttitjIc of our
mnny n'Ti-rinKa. Our I'rt-mlunm include Silver,
war, Cbieki. Rug, Carpets, DtuhM, Furnilurv
Sroret. nln l ull nrol Winter Styliw In Women's
Fur, M4 (o-0-drr Suit., CmI, and othrr War
ins'Apparel; till hiKti-Kradu, dependable merchandise.
fARtCR ROCKF.S !fe.U05.
Glren with ft wunh ol Larkm Pmrfoct.
rm or a
Premium, ymi can hnvo them in
Wholesale Maikots.
New York Wheat Spot easy,
No. 2 red, 110 VsC, nominal, eleva
tor; No. 2 red, nominal, f. o. b. atloat;
No. 1 Northern Duluth, 1. US
nominal, f. o. b. afloa:; No. 2 hard
winter, 1.12, nominal, f. o. b
Corn Spot quiet; No. 2, 7Sc. ask- i
ed and 79c. delivery; No. 2, GoVi,!
f. o. b. afloat winter shipments.
Oats Spot steady; mixed, 41',2
$7i42c.; natural, 42045; clipped,!
43W45. I
Butter Steady; receipts, S.034
pkgs.; process, 24 It 27c; Western
factory, 22 ('(24; imitation cream-1
ery, 24,i (i 3 3 Vs.
Cheese steady and unchanged; 1
receipts, 2.500 boxes.
finBs Woaker; Western extra
firsts, 26 & 27c; flrst3. 24 Vi tfj 2D V4 ;
seconds, 20ji 22.
Pliilmlelphiu Wheat Steady;
contract grade, September, 105 in
Corn Dull. He. lower; No. 2
yellow for local trade, 7G1,j77c.
Oats Quiet, but firm; No. 2
white natural 44 Vi & 45c.
Butter Firm; prints lc. higher;
extra Weatoru creamery, S2c; do.,
nearby prints, 34.
Eggs Firm; good demand. Penn
sylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases. 27c. at mark; do., cur
rent receipts, In returnable cases,
25 at mark; Western firsts, free
cases, 27 at mark; do., current re
ceipts, free cases, 23ft' 2G at mark.
I.ivo Poultry Steady; fowls, 15 Vi
(TflCVjc. ; old rooster, Wi0i2
spring chickens. 16 1; ducks, old,
13 (a 14; do., spring, 14Q15. iniorc Wheat Tho market 1
for Western opened easier; spot, :
luSVic; October, 1.07V.; December, (
1.07'i. Spot was In some demand,
and the price hardened as the day
progressed, but tho other position i
were easy. At the midday call spot j
was lOS-'Uc and October, 1.07 U (a
If you do not care for your savings In the fn
extra Product. Fr.r example, for $10.00 you can hav 10.00 wortb of Ijirkin i'roducta of your
election ami any tlo.flO Premium in our Catilna-. Without the lkr.'inium, lor $lu Co you can
have tzO.OO worth of Products. Either way, tiu.00 worth for tlO.00.
Thirty Days' Free Trial Pay If Pleased
We will hip you 1 10.00 worth of Lnrkin Product nnd any 10.0 Prmhim offnH! br n.
m (hlrtv Hsivti t-riol Vau kAn ,,. Cm im it :.. . if . m i . .
vurtiiiMi, i ei u no me ireiKru-cnarwi! ann crmrv you nowinir fur a rawnniimi amount of
rwuu.icvt uiwn in irmi. vo iruaranw niiflinriion no tfry cuntornrY,
tv o are vie tanrrai manuiactururs in in world actiinir arrwrt to thi
consumer. ve navp own in numncwi tnirty-imir yam ana. nver two
muiion latnuiea savtj by purcuatunK their houtwrwiu-auppues irum ua. 7 A
It ta brimful of money-taTinir offera. It tefla you all .
bout Lark in l-actory-to-amiIy UcahnKt Riva tho entira J
I' -t inn n I ... ;n. . i Hi' i
wi wi ov rv MTKin rouucn uiuiit lira ana aeacTioea j
accurately and rUarly all of tho 1600 Larlfin V
fremiuma, aend tor a copy befora you V" a0'
1 nuiEtiFWrfl 9 fr
untof j
EilablubtJ, 1875
4A ..
sv " ir
New York ranks 'rst and Iowa
second in the valuo of its dairy pro
ducts each year.
In Agony From Asthma, Sho Had Begged Htr Husband to Provo
Hl Lov by Ending Her Life--Judge, Jury and
Spectators In Tears at the Recital.
Fans. "A man whose wife Is dying, medicine.' I said.
Novel Gift For Education.
In these days of large gifts fot
philanthropic purposes lt takes some,
thing of startling novelty or pro
digious size to attract even passing
notice. The Congregational Educa
tional Society is the recipient of a
favor that Is entitled to attention.
An entire town In Southern Missouri
has been made over to the organiza
tion upon the condition that lt shall
establish and maintain there an
acadomy for the Industrial training
of young men for forestry and min
ing work. The town has some 350
dwellings, stores, municipal build
ings, a bank and all the features of
a live village. The Jonor Is the
Missouri Lumber and Mining Com
pany, which, having exhausted the
timber resources of the vicinity, has
no further u;o for the town. Indus
trial education has leaped Into popu
lan favor In recent years. Few dis
pute Its value to the state. The
Missouri concern that glveB the town
of Grandln for the establisment of an
academy shows practical Interest In
a practical subject. Cleveland Plain
Women who suffer with backache,
bearing down pain, dizziness and that
constant dull, tired feeling, will And
comfort In tho advice of Mrs. James
T. Wrleht. nf SIB
Goldsbor JUKh St.. Cas
pian, lid., who nays:
1'My back was In a very
bad way, and wten
'not Dalnful was an
Weak It felt aa If brc
en. A friend urged
me to try Doan'i
Kidney Pills, which I
did. anrf thAV halnat
in. from the .tart. It mad me feel
Ilk a nw woman, and soon was
doing my work the same as ever."
Remember the name Doan'a. Sold
by all dealer. 60 eenti bo. Ko-ler-Mllburp
Co., Buffalo. N. T.
I srx'"
f( ;
of an agonizing disease Is justified In
killing her to put an end to her suffer
ing If she implores him to do so."
So a jury, perhaps rather emo
tional, decided In the Court of Assizes
here, and acquitted Edmond Baudin,
who, at her prayer, shot nnd killed
his wife on January SI last.
Mme. Baudin had been afflicted
with asthma for years. It gripped
her throat, lt was a weight on her
lungs, it stopped her breath. She
begged her husband to aid her by
killing her quickly to rid her of the
affection that was slowly throttling
Baudin, a mechanic, thirty-nine
years old, a rough and plain spoken
man. sought to justify his act with
words as straightforward as they
were made dramatic.
Tears streamed from his eyes while
he testified. The jurors also wept,
and the women in the courtroom were
The presiding judge, who disap
proved of the Jury's verdict, re
marked: "For the moment the bandage on
.the eyes of justice was a handker
chief." "My wife, whom I loved dearly,
had suffered tearfully from asthma,"
Baudin testified. "She could not
sleep. It she laid her head on the
pillow she would cry: 'I am choking!
In the name of the goad God, end my
misery! Let me die!'
"Ou tho night she she died she
was suffering intensely," Baudin went
on between sobs. "The medicine she
was taking was nearly exhausted.
" 'I will go and got you some more 1
" "No." she said, 'buy no more med
icine. You know we are poor. I am
gone. Medicine will do me no good.
I suffer! Oh, how I suffer!
" 'But pay no more for medicine. I
have cost you too much money al
ready. " 'If you love me, put ms out of
my misery. Prove your love and let
me leave you. Kill me! If you were
a determined man you would not see
me suffer as I do.'
"I was maddened by the sight or
her agony," Baudin ended. "I Eelzed
a revolver with which I Intended to
defend our home; I shot her In the
head; she died instantly.
"I determined then to kill myself,
but I thought of my Bister, the only
other being who depends on me. I
went to see my sister. She wept, but
told me I Bhould surrender myself to
the police, which I did at once."
When Bandin finished his testi
mony, given with unaffected emotion,
all In the conrt were In tears.
Following him,. Dr. Dupre, a dis
tinguished alienist, testified that Bau
din is perfectly sane. But, said
Dupre, he was Incited to his fatal act
by the stronger will of his wife. Pity
for her, directed by her will, led him
to shoot her.
As Baudin left the courtroom a
free man the crowd applauded him.
Tho question whether lt is morally
justifiable to end the suffering of
those who are bound to die of a mor.
tal disease has been discussed in this
country. Of course lt was decided
that such an act, whether Inspired by
love or pity, is murder.
John Davidson's Body Taken Out
Ten Miles From the Cornish Coast.
London. The recently recovered
body of the poet John Davidson was
burled at sea ten miles off the Cornish
village of Mousehole.
The body was conveyed from shore
In a ship's lifeboat.
John Davidson, a poet whose work
though highly esteemed by a few cul
tivated persons failed of general ap
preciation and so of a paying market,
disappeared from his home on March
23, and a document that be left
Indicated that he Intended suicide.
Prominent People.
Colonel George Harvey's collarbone
was broken In an automobile accident
at Manahawkln, N. J.
Y. Uchlda, Japanese Ambassador
to Austria, la to succeed Baron Taka
hli a at Washington, D. C.
Prince and Princess Kunl of Jcpan
were the guests of Dr. Takamlna at
Merriwold Park, Sullivan County,
New York.
Dr. Norman Hansen, a prominent
Danish physician, says that Dr. Cook
told him that Commander Peary took
forcible possession of hU (Dr. Cook'a)
house and supplies at Annotok.
Submarines Reach
Depth of 200 Feet.
Quincy, Mass. With one exesp
tion, the fleet of six submarine boait
constructed by the Electric Boat Com
pany for the Government have com
pleted all tests and will be turned
over to the naval officials' - in the
Charlestown Navy Yard. Aa a class.
thA submarines broke all records foi
submergence, reaching a depth of 200
feet. The Snapper, at Provlncetown,
was In the course of her twenty-four-hour
test, this being the only per
formance lacking In the fleet figures.
The Field of Sports.
Mr. C. Vanderbllt'a sloop Aurora
won the last race of the season In the
slxty-ftve-foot class of sloops, under
the auspices of the Larchmont Yacht
At Wbeaton Charles Evans, Jr.,
defeated Robert Cardner, the new
amateur golf champion. In the play
off of the Ue for the low qualifying
score honors.
There la a movement In the Marine
Corps in Washington for a broadei
development In athletics than bat
hitherto characterised th life of the
marine corps.
Sales--two cars No.
track. Canton, 110c; 2 cars
red, track, Canton, l.OSii
steamer No 2 red. spot, 1.01.
Settling prlcts were; No. 2 red
Western, 11 1 Vic; contract spot,
1 . l S :U ; No. 3 red, 1.0',; steamer No
2 red, 1.01; steamer No. 2 red West
ern, 1.02 'i.
Coin Western opened easier;
year, C Sj C 1 V4 c. ; January, (ia ', rj
G 3 .
j Hay We quote per ton: No. 1
timothy, large bales, 3 IS; do., small
bales, $18; No. 2 timothy, as to lo
cation, $1C.",0'1": No. 3 timothy,
"14.',0fj IS. 50; cliolco clover mixed,
l.-riO; No. 1 clover mixed, $1W
lfi.r.0; No. 2 clover mixed, S14K15;
No. 1 clover, 1 5.50 ' 1C; No. 2
clover, $14 is.
Oats Stock In elevators, 704.400
bushels; shipments from elevators,
9,784 busbfls. The quotations for
new oats on spot were: White,
No. 2, to weight, 4 3VjQ
44c; do., No. 3, 4243c; do., No.
4, 3947 40e.: do., mixed. No. 2,
42OT 42 Vic; do., No. 3, 40V441e.
Butter Creamery scgiarator, per
pound, 31 ft 32c; imitation, per
pound, 23 24c; prints, half-pound.
32r33c; do., pound, per pound, 32
ft. 33c; blocks, two-pound, per pound.
310 32c; dairy prints, Maryland,
Pennsylvania and Virginia, per
pound, 18 20c; Virginia and Wi-st
Virginia, store packed, per pound,
21c; Ohio, store packed, per pound,
21c; nearby rolls, per pound. 21c;
West Virginia rolls, per pound, 21c;
Ohio rolls, per pound. 21c
Eggs Maryland. Pennsylvania
nnd nearby firsts, per dozen, 27c;
Eastern Shore, Maryland and Vir
ginia, per dozen, 27c; Western firsts,
per dozen, 27c; West Virginia, per
dozen, 27c; North Carolina, per
dozen, 26c.
Cheese We quote. Jobbing lots,
per lb., 17 Vi (finite.
Live ctock.
Chicago Cattle .Market stendy.
Steers. J5.60 ii 8.50; cows, $3.50;
6.25; heifers, $3 6006; bullB. $3ir
4.65; calves, 3iP9; stockers and
feeders, $3.75 Si 5. DO.
Hogs Market 5f?10c higher.
Choice heavy. 18.40 Ct 8.52 Vi ; butch.
r'. $8.35(0 8.50: light mixed, $7.50
8.10: choice light, $8.10(38.35;
packing. $7.75 0 8.25; pis. $5 ft
6.75; bulk of sales. $8.10 ft 8.30.
Sheep Market steady. Sheep,
Hill; lambs. 1607.25; yearling
$5 S 6.40.
Kansus City. Mo. Cattle Mar
ket steady to weak. Choice exports
and dressed beet steers. $6.50
8 25: fair to good. $4,75 0-8 25;
Western steer, $3 80fT7; stockers
and feeders, 13 ft 6.30; Southern
steers. $3.25 4.76; Southern cows,
$2 2603.75; native ' cows, $2.25 4
4 40; native heifers, $J4f 5 69; bulls.
$Z.60& 8 76; calves, $3.60(3 7.50.
Hogs Market steady to 100.
higher. Top, $8.35; bulk of sales,
$7.708.25; heavy. $8.158 8&;
packar and butchers', $7 5jJ8 i5;
light, I7.C0 3 8.11V; pigs, 150
The majority of property owners
are under the Impression that Bprins
time is the only painting time. But
the fall of the year ofi'urs several ad
vantaees to the painter. One of the
most Important Is that surfaces are
almost sure to be dry. and there Is no
frost or Inner moisture to work out
after the paint Is applied.
Pure white lend the Dutch Roy
Painter kind mixed with pure lin
seed oil (tinted as desired I gives a
winter cont to a building that is an
armor aga!nnt the severest attacks of
the winter rain, sleet, winds and snow.
National Lead Company, 1902
Trinity Bids:.. New York City, makers
of pure white lead, Dutch Hoy Paint
er trndemark, are offering to those in
terested a complete painter's outfit,
consisting of a blow pipe and lead
tester, book of color schemes, etc.
State whether you want exterior or
Interior decorating.
The Pim. And The .Man.
A New York man, whose wife
asked him how many pipes he smok
ed a day, tried to work up the an
swer in detail, but, after a struggle,
abandoned tl d attempt at exactness
and answered "Hundreds." At this
the lady gave a sniff and lett the
The question, as it was put, prMi-
Buiy r.aa such an eniptinsls ttiat a
particular man was clearly indicated
Anyway, It is certain tint all men
do not .-moke the same number '
pipes, and so a hint is given of i ':
reason In the actions of ti e parti-i:-lar
wife. Apparently she is urn
reconciled to tho habit of smoUinr.
and is Inclined to try the i llicacy f
nas tlifit Is, of remonstrance. Hit
she I- dealing with a selli.-u v-rtch
who cm outlast her In a ro-ite: ,v
not looking (or speakinu ) pleas -int.
The partnership, hiiwver. d."
not. always work out this wav. Ii
presents, in fact, a Kriat variety ni
pos Ibilltles. Homo winien (In not
rag t'-nt Is, reiiior'..' rate wr -monstrate
occasionally, and s'iie
remonstrate all the time. Pome sink
ers sninf nifp aftc one'' r.ietl.
Fome double the allo'vance, and
fonin smoke all t'e time, txrptt
when they are rudely Interrupted 1 y
th necessity for eating and sleeping.
Columbia State
i:plulning it To Him.
John Smlin had worked for the
corporation 4 2 years and decided to
quit. The company in consideration
of ills long and faithful service ar
ranged to glvi him a monetary rec'ig.
nltlon, The su;)erntendent of the
works, a German and an extra goo.1
mechanic, was asked to present it.
He wa? advised to use a little senti
ment In making the presentation,
speech, and this Is the wav he did It:
"John, you hatf work for the
company over 4 0 years?"
"Yes "
"You are going to quit?"
"Veil! Tl ey are so tani glad cf If
that they ask :ue to hand vou thin
hundred dollars." Philadelphia Record
Electric laundries are being In
stalled on the big ocean liners, where
all th, washing, drying and Ironing
Is done by electricity.
At the beginning of the vear there
were 164.20X telephones In London
Seven persons out of ten have Bve
of differing strength. Ii. N L' 41.
Tr.kinj; Lydia E. PinkhanTs
Vegetable Compound
luiul)iis, Ohio. "1 have taken
r.vdia K.
i'inkliam's Wjjet.ilile Com-
pound ii ii r i ii g
eliane of lie. My
doctor told me it
was good, and since
Uikiuif it I feel so
much bi tter that
can do all my work
.kcain. I t h i ii !
I.ydia K. I'iiikliaiu'j
Vegetable Cum.
pound a tine remedy
i woman.
and I
;'.i.M.rt'.iVg. rfHf'.npvf r foriret to tell
The development of hydro-electric
enery, of which grent examples are
to be seen in Fao Paul , Rio J.
Janeiro, and Bahla. Is likely to he
one of the greatest lines of Industrial
development in Brazil In the near
rilll.hllKN KHOWKI) IT
Effect of Their Wurtn Drink in
"A year ago I whs a wrprlt frern
coffee drinking and was on the point
of giving up my position in the school
room becnii of nervousness.
"I was telling a frlnd shout It snd
she said. 'We drink nothing at meal
time but Postnm, and it Is such a
comfort to have something we can en
Joy drinking with the children.'
"I was SPtonlshed that she would
allow the children to drink any kind
cf coffee, but she said Postum was the
most healthful drink In the world for
children as well ns for older ones, and
that the condition of both the chil
dren and adults showed thst to be a
"My first trial was a failure. The
cook bnllod It four or Ave minutes,
and It tasted so flat that 1 was In de
spair, but determined to give It one
more trial Tbl ttrni we followed
the direction and boiled It fifteen
mlnutea arter the boiling began. It
was a derided success and I was com
pletely won by Its rich, delicious fla
vor. In a short time I ootlced a de
cided Improvement In my condition,
and kept growing better and better
month after month, nntll now I am
perfectly healthy, and do my work In
the school room with ease and pleas,
tire. I would not return to tbe nerve
destroying regular coffee for any
Head tho famous little "Health
Classic." "The Road to Wellvllle," In
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
liver read the above letterT A ne
one appevrs from time lo time. Thtf
nre genuine, true, and full of uuium
my tiicjids w hat i' has done for ni"."
-Airs, E. IIanmon. 304 East Iaiiiu .St..
I Columbus. Ohio.
I Another Woman Helped.
CiiihiWille, Vt. "I was passim?
through tlie ('haugnof Life and suffered
from nervousness ami other aniioviiig
symptom. Lydia K. 1'inkham's Yego.
Uilile Compound restored my healthand
strength. mid proved worth mountains
of gold to me. Tor the sake of other
siiueriiiif woken I am willing vou
.should publish my letter " l its.'
( iiaklks IUhclay, R.F.D., Grauite
viile, Vt.
V...i wlio are passing through this
critical period or who are sul.Vring
from any of those distressing ills ie.
culiar to their hex should not lose sight
of the fact that for thirty years I.ydia
K. I'inkliam's Vegetable Compound,
which is made from roots ami herbs,
has been the standard remedy for
female, ills. In almost every commii
iiity you will find women who havii
been restored to health by I.ydia ii'
Piukliuiu's Vegetable Compound.
"My father has brt a sufferer from sick
hradache for the lt twenty five years and
never found any relief until he began
taking your Cascareta. Since Ue has
brgua taking Cascarets be has never bad
the headache. They have enlitrlv cured
him. Cawcarets do what you recommend
ttaein to do. I will give yon tbe privilege
of uniug bis luiute." U. 11. Ihckson,
lira Kesiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind.
pHMtaant. Palatable, Potent, Tat flood.
It,od. Kv,r hloaoa. WoaVao -r Unpo.
liu. c. JOc. Kw sold la bulk. Tho rs
alo tablet atampoeCCC. Guaranteed l
eue er yn sueuey bee.
SectnJ Hand Bogi and Burlap,
lor Kind, knj (Joanllly, Anywhere.
Richmond, Virginia.
art . ft. f i uw b tci un ' in
4fM. M. at. Am , Altati.
Wat ILral-Haa.WsKdk,