The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 07, 1909, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
3. W. Editor and Proprietor.
OCTOBER 7, 1909
Published Weekly. jfl.OOper
Annum in Advance.
Pnr square cf "Until Vw.-s II A
Per miil'ire filch mitci'ii-iil IrmTtlon.... ho.
Aji ivlverttsemeMt- -rn'-i-ievl for luna than
taruo mor.lh nUu. k-'-d by Hie lejunre.
.1 :
'is. i H iii.m. I 1 yr.
One ftrirth "il"imn.
One hi: f column....
One Column
...II su. I'jiinn r
.. . -ri.iio 1 icon f-o n.
.... IOOO. I 55.00. 75. OC
Young Lady Honored.
Miss Vera L , daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Y. Slovens, of
Mechanicsburg, I'a , has been
honored by an appointment by
Gov. Stuart to a scholarship in
the Pennsylvania Museum nati
School of Industrial Art, in Plula
dolphia, ono of tho finest art
schools in the State. This is
quite an honor, and any one re
cciving an appointment is to be
highly congratulated. Miss Vera
is an artist of no mean repute,
and we foel confident that she
will p-'ovc herself worthy of the
confidence of Hie tovenior, who
thus honored her, as well as her
many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens arc na
tive.s of this county, and their
daughter vuited hero this sum-mir.
The Bed Rock ol Success
lies in a keen, clear brain, backed
by indomitable will and resistless
energy. Such power conies
from tho splendid health that Dr.
King's New Life Pills impart.
They vitalize every organ and
build up brain and body. ,J. A.
Harmon, Lizomore,V. Va., writes:
''They are the best pills I ;ver
U3ed." 25c atTrout's drug store
Miss Mayme Fields and MissGoldie
Winegardner were among the shop
pers at the County Sent on Saturday.
Wesley Fraker, of Fort Littloton,
was an early Monday morning visitor
to this plui.'u.
Mrs. J. 1. Kerlin and daughter
Miss Irene and son Otis spent .Satur
day and Sunday at liert Henry's in
the Cove.
Mary Jane Fields and Mary A.
Fields spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J...
A very interesting Institute was held
at No 8, on last Friday night
Clarence K. Shore camo home last
Thursday, he had heen in uttendanee
at the Port lloyal Fair. He belongs
to the Huntingdon Hand, he has a
lucrative position in Huntingdon and
left early Monday morning to be, on
the scene of his labor at tha. place.
Many of our people are picking ap
ples and making apple butter.
Mrs. Cecelia Andetsun expects to
have a sale Saturday a week
Mrs. J. V. Mower and Miss Jess
Henry spent Saturday and Sunday in
the home of the farmer's brother Jos.
Alexander, of I)ry Kun. They report
having had a pleasant visit.
Miss Anna Fields was a Fort Llt
tleton visitor on Monday.
Among the number who left early
Monday morning for court, were J. A
Henry, Gilbert Kerlin, J. II. Fields,
J. I'. Kerlin and T. K. Fleming.
Isaac liolinger, of Dublin Mills,
passed through here on Sunday on
Ills way to a'tend court in McCon
nellsburg this week.
T. C. Appleby came home from
Neelytou last .Saturday.
T. E. Fleming attended the alo of
Daniel Appleby at Neelytou last week.
I I I f Jw
No Danger
If vod uia th right iiolinc
Mora uto tranhltt can ba traced
to i lifer i or funlliii titan (rom ail
ethr ctUMci. Why not cniur your
micliln, confident that th powr U
Uf iut wbca yea Deed it riotU
Vavorly Gasoline
mrm mtnufaeturvd tror nW f"f tutomo
t uu, Try IU WVrlX brauOa.
7G Motor Stove
You iry ht uurd ol tnntantinsmis. pw
r.m iiriacxiJ'Min. irvt'Ottni iron, wixji
trM)iiton i(Jt j, t fa cylirwirrt.
WTrly Oil Wr!U Ca
(Continued from lirst page.)
th'! court until noon when the
jury rendered a verdict of guilty
on too counts of burglary, as
sault, and larceny. Set guilty
as to the charge of robbery.
To the charge of larceny on
oath of C ayton Deshong, the
prisoners plead guilty. These
men afier having left Mr. (Jlev
euger's at uoon that day, went to
Clayton Doshong's and broke in
to his house a'id took somethings.
In the case of the Common
wealth vs Jacob Yeaklo, charged
with asMiult and battery on oath
of Mrs. John II. Gordon, the cise
was settled by the dtfoud tnt pay
ing the costs.
(' )in mon wealth vs. Elsie Khng.
I'.i.irge larceny. Nolle pros.
Com mon wealth vs. ILirryPiack
Charge F. and I!. Nol. Pros.
Com mon wealth vs. ToddLynch,
MyrtloEverhart, and ScottLynch
C.iarge assault and battery. Con
Oa account of the absence of
one of the Attorneys, court ad
j'lurncd at noon Tuesday until
Wednesday morning.
The Grand Jury having exam
ined the County Jail and Sur
roundings, reported as follows:
That we liud the jail in a filthy
and unsanitary condition, espec
(ally the calls and jul yard. This
if course, is not intended to cast
any reflection on the Sherilfor
his family. We recommend a
new toilet for use of tho Sheriff's
family in tho jail. We rocoin
inend a thorough scrubbing and
cleaning of the cells and corridors
of the jail, and whitewashing of
walls; that new Locks be placed
on all doors where they are need
ed. We also recommend the re
pairing of the walls of the j til and
jul yard where needed; also the
erection of new steps leading to
the jail yard, and that two secure
concrete cells be placed m the
jiil in place of two now therein.
Wo congratulate the County
Commissioners on the erection
of a tasty, substantial, and much
needed porch in front of the jail.
The tirst part of Wednesday
morning's session was taken up
with tno Moseby vs. Fleck et al.
case, and when everything seem
ed in shape to go alio id, the plain
tiff plead surprise, and the case
was ccntiuued.
llowe Mollott vs. J. J. Kelly et
al., known as the Pmmill case,
was next taken up, and is on
hsnds at the time of goig to
The two Germans who assault
ed Samuel M. Cieveugei", at
Need more, have not yet received
Better Not Get
If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by
effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion.
But don't trifle with Indigestion.
A preat many people who have
trifled with Indigestion, have been
enrry for 11 when nervous or
chronic dyspepsia resulted, and
they have not been able to cure It.
Vf Kodol and prevent having
Kveryonn Is subject to Indiges
tion. Slonineh dernriKement follows
ptomach abupp. Just as naturally
mid Jm:t as surely an a sound m.d
healthy stomach results upoa tho
taking of Kodol.
Vhen you experience sourness
of stomach, belching of gas and
nauseating fluid, bloated sensation,
gnawing pain In the pit of the
stomach, heart burn (so-called),
dlnrrhoea, headaches, dullness or
chronic tired feeling you need Ko
dol. And then tho quicker you tak!
Kodol the better. Eat what you
ant, lot Kodol digest It.
Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tnh
Mb," physics, etc., are not likely
to bo of much benefit to you, in
digestive ailuien'.s. Pepsin Is only
a partial dlpcster and physics are
not dlnestcrs at all.
Kodol ia a perfect digester. If
you could see Kodol dlpesfingevery
pnrticle of food, of all klndH, In the
plnss test-tubes In our laboratories
you would know this Just as well
as we do.
Nature nnd Kodol will nlwnys
cure a sick Ptomach but In order
lo be cured, the stomach must rest.
That la what Kodol does rests the
stomach, while tho stomach pets
well. Just as simple as A, lt, C.
Our Guarantee
Oo to your 1iii(r(rtHt todny nm! trt AnU
lnr lott;o. 'J livn all.-r ou Imve iwd the
iitlre contrutH of tlie Imult) If y,m can
IioMi'mO.v nay, that It linn not clone 'vm any
f ikvI, n lni n On? Iioltlc to the Urin' .'Kt nnd
lie will refund your tnnniv withn'it (jura
tion ut'iicliiy. We will tiic'n piyv tin. oruif
irn.t for tin! bottle. Don't hwltati-. ail
oriipiflHtB know thul otlr imiirimtr.' in ( ikkI.
HiIhoIit uppMi-H to tli? lu,-..(. Ik-cK. only
utnl to bnl one In a family. 'J'ho lai L-e lit-
tl. n, ml. ..., LL !..,. i. ..-.
" ra s wucu tim uiit
ctut boUlu.
Kodol Is prepnred at the lnbnrv
tork'B of E. C. UeWltt & Co., Chicago.
For Sale at Trout's Drug Store.
Wins Huntingdon County llride, and Nnp
tial Event Took Place at Four 0'.
clock Tuesday Afternoon.
At the residence cf tho bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Wiltington, at Petersburg, Pa ,
on Tuesday evening, October 4,
l'JOO, Mr. Roy M. Morton was
united in marriage to Miss Mar
garet Wiltington, bv liev. Glover
pastor of the M. E church at Pe
tersburg. The bride is a charm
ing young lady of many accom
phshments, and tho groom, who
is a son of Uon. and Mrs. Teter
Morton, near town, is a graduate
of the State Forestry Academy
at Mont Alto, Pa , and is now in
the employ of tho State Forestry
Commission, and has charge of
tho Reservation in Huntingdon
Tho happy couple left Tuesday
oveuing on their wedding tour,
and will visit Niagara Falls and
other points of interest. The
Nkws extends congratulations.
Local Institute.
The tirst local institute of
Brush Creek township, was held
at Locust Grove, October 1, 1!0'..
The institute was well attended
by patrons, who took an active
part in the discussions. The
teachers were all present, and
were glid to have two directors
with them.
The institute was enlivened by
a number of good recitations and
music by the graphophore.
The next institute will be held
it Em maville, October "2nd. Ev
erybody is invited to attend.
Lucy Peightel, sec'y.
From Clinton county comes the
melancholy news that Thanks
giving and Christmas turkeys
are to be scarce aDd dear this
year. While as many if not more
than the usual number were
hatched they could not be raised.
Oiuj farmer states that out of a
j tlock of twenty-six he was able
itoiaUe only four. Many rea
I sons are giveo for the condition
I of affairs, but no two persons
' agree. Wild turkeys will also be
; scarce, although several large
1 flocks have been soon in southern
Chntou county. From all over
tho state cornea the same news
relative to the scircity of tho
The State Sunday School Convention.
The big Sunday School Conven
tion to be held at Uarnsburg, Oc
tober lo-14-li) will, without ques
tion, bring together the largest
gathering of Sunday school work
ers assembled in the State.
Five different States have bn(n
drawn upon to furnish speakers
for the program.
Thursdav, October 14th, will be
the big day. The railroads will
run special trains carrying large
delegations of men who will go
with bands and banners to take
part in a big parade made up en
tirely or men belonging to Adult
Bible Classes. Governor Stuait
will be the guest of honor and ad
dress a mass meeting at night.
Friday afternoon, October 15th
the special feature wi'l be a pi
rade of children from the Sunday
schoo's ol Llarnsburg and vicini
ty. Tho Convention has been large
ly advertised and every one of
the sixty-seven Counties will be
well represented. Fulton county
is entitled to five delegates.
Those desiring to go as delegates
may apply to Rnv. Jno. M. Diehl
McConnellsburg, Pa., for cre
Mrs. G, J. Mollott, of Gem,
called at the Nkwh office a few
' minutes while in town last Fri
It still continues dry and dusty
in this section of the country.
The oyster and chicken and
waflle supper which was held at
Crystal Springs camp ground
last Saturday evening was large
ly attended. Quite a large sum
of money was rised. Mrs. M.
W. IJixon and family left last
weelt for Everett to make that
place their future home.
Dr. R B. Campbell, of New
Grenada visited friends in our
Valley last Saturday and Sunday
Fred Lodge, who is teaching in
Wells Valley, visited his mother,
Mrs. E II. Lodge, of Em maville,
last. Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Amos Palmer, who had
been spending some time with
relatives in Pittsburg, stopped
off on her way home and spe it
Saturday evening and Sunday in
the home of M. E. Barton.
John B. Lucas and wife, of Ev
erett, spent a few diys last week
with Mrs. Luca-t'a parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. E Barton.
Sebert Barton and Miss Ada
Decker spent Saturday and Sun
day a the home M. E. Barton.
Rebecca lllxon is ill at this
Misses Ella aud Ada Barton
were home for the oyster supper.
Mrs. G. E Dunlapand daugh
ter Mildred, art) spending some
time at New York, Baeonne and
Newark. N. J , the guest of her
daughter Lena, at the latter place.
Sbippeosburg Chronicle,
And Dewey Is Dcsd.
Last Sunday morning, Then
dore Appleby, who had spent the
night in the home of his father-in-law,
T E Fleming, at Clear
Ridge, went to the barn to feed
the stock; and, as he looked into
the horse stable, to his great sur
prise, he saw Dewey lying dead
The horse was apparently well in
tho evening and ate his hay.
What was the cause of his death
so unexpectedly, will never be
known. The last work ho did
was on Wednesday, when he.
with three other horses, driven
by Lloyd and David Fleming, took
a load of coal for Fleming Broth
ers' blacksmith shop in McCon
nellsburg, ai d since that had
been runuing in pasture and
standing in the stable.
Dewey was a good quiet sensi
ble horse one that could be hm
died by any child. II j was net
so foolish as to snare at automo
biles and any lady could drive
him. Ho was was once owned
by John Sheets in McConnells
ourg, and many passengers were
conveyed across the mountain by
to A A Cnisholm, of Treadwell,
N. Y., now. His reason is well
worth reading: ''For a long time
I suffered from indigestion, tor
pid liver, constipation, nervous
ness, and general debiht3'," he
writes. "1 couldn't sleep, had
no appetite, nor ambition, grew
weaker every day in spito of e11
medical treatment. Then used
Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles
restored all my old-time health
and vigor. Now I can attend to
business every day. It's a won
derful medicine." Infallible for
stomach, liver, kidneys, blood
and Derves. 503. atTrout's drug
Charley Cutchall and wile, and
Mrs James Cutchall, were guests
in the home of Joseph Barnett
last Sunday.
Uncle Johd B?rnett has been
confined to his room during the
past week ;he first time in
eighty years.
Samuel Laidig had twenty
acres of buckwheat that gave him
an average yield of bushels to
the acre.
W. (J McCUiu, of Robertsdale,
made a flying trip to Taylor town
bhip on business.
Notwithstanding the largo
wheat crop the past harvest,
therein a flour famne in this
neighborhood on account of the
long continued spwll .-f dry weath
er putting the mills out of husi
L L CunniugJiam pasetd
through Taylor on business. L tw
son is an all-right gentleman
C irue again, and call on tho good
Isaac O. McCain sustained
quite a loss by the tire in his plau
ing mill last Wednesday.
A. S. Edwards and wife, ..f the
Valley, were guests in the home
of A. M. Corbia.
Rudisil Lamberson was the
guest of James Cutchall.
Rev. Erb preached his fare
well sermon at Tabor last Sun
day evening.
Leslie Ritchey has been a guest
in the home of Harriet Barnett
during the last few days.
Miss Belle Witter has return
tad to Philadelphia.
Innrofrr amitndmkn'ti to tmi
coxsTiTn ro.M tiMwrrrFn to,
tVKAt.TM Fori THKin Al'PnoVAIj OR
It K.I Kl 'TION. TlV THI-: fSI-.NK.n.M. AS
Tin: coNsri'ir rioN. ,
Tropopilnn nninnilmi-ntn to Hfrtlonn elKht i
and twi'tity-nno of tirtlrlr four, uertlons
Hvrn nnd twelve of nrtlolfl five, sre
tlnn two. lhrV. nnil fourlnrn of nrtlcln
pliiht. m-Ptinn orn of nrtlrlo twi-lvp. mvl
Hprtion two nnd hpvpii of nrtlrlo four
tppti, of tho Constitution of Ppnimyl
vnnln. nnil providing a uchi'dnlo for
cnrrylnK tho nmondinrnts Irito pflV'rt.
Rpptlon 1. Hp It risi'lvcd hy the Hrnnte
nnd llouso of IlipiPHcntiitlVPd of tho
Conimonwprilth of I'mnsylvunla In Oon
ernl A""rnlily mpt. Thit tho following
nrn jirnpiiHi-d ns inni'mlmi'iita to thp Con
ftltutlon of tho C'omnionwiMilth of Ponn
rylvnnhi. In nccordnnce with tho provi
sions of tho rlKhtprnth nrtlrlo thprenf:
Anvnilinont Ono To Article Four, Sec
tion KlKht.
S'-ctton 2. Amond Rprllnn Pluht of artlpla
four of tho Constitution of Pennsylvania,
whl'-h r.'ndH n follows: i
"lln Hhnll nominate nnd, by nnd with .
tho ndvlee nnd runscnt of two-thirds of
nil the momhrrs of tho Sonntp, appoint
n S''t-rctnry of tho Cominonwonlth nnd
an Attornpy Uenem! during plonsure, a
fiuprrlntpiident of Public Instruction for
four ycni-s. and such other ofllcors of
tho Commonwealth as he is or may ho :
nuthorlzod by tho Constitution or hy !
lnw to nppolnt; he ahull have power to
fill nil vacnnclpa that may happen, In of
fices to which hp may appoint, during
tho recess of tho Senate, by granting
commissions which slmll expire at the
end of their next session; he Hhnll have
power to nil eny vacancy that may hap
pen, during the recess of the Senate. In
tho odlro of Auditor Ceneral, Stnto
Trensurer. Secretary of Internal Affairs
or Superintendent of Public Instruction,
In a Judicial nlllce. or In any other elec
tive otllce which ho Is or mav he au
thorized to nil: If tho vacancy shall hap
pen during the session of the Senate,
the Governor shall nominate to the Sen
ate, before their flnal adjournment, a
proper person to fill said vacancy; hut
In any such case of vacancy. In an elec
tive ortlce, a person shall be chosen to
aid otllce nt the next general election,
unless the v.icancy shall happen within
three calendar months Immediately pre
ceding such election. In which case the
election for said olllco shall he held at
tho second succeeding general election,
In acting on executive nominations tho
Senate shall sit with open doors, nnd. In
confirming or rejecting the nominations
of the fiovernor. the vote shall he taken
by yens and n.'iys. and shall bo entered on
the Journal." so as to read as follows:
He shall nominate nnd. by and with
tho advice and consent of two-thirds of
all tho members of the Senate, nppolnt
ft Serr.'t.-iry of tho Commonwealth and
nn Attorney !i nernl during pleasure, a
Superintendent of Public Instruction for
four y-ars, nnd such other olflcers of the
Commonwealth as he is or mny he authorized-
hy the Constitution or by law
lo appoint; he shall have power to fill
all vacancies that may happen, In offices
to which he mny nppolnt, during the re
cess of the S.-nate. by granting commis
sions which shall expire at the end. of
their next e.-sslon; he shall have power
to till any vacancy that may happen,
during the recess of the Senate, in the
otllce of An litor f.eneral. State Treas
urer, Secretary of Internal Affairs 01
Kuperlnt' Mdent of Public Instruction, In
a Judicial otllce, or In any other elective
oflii-e which he Is or may be authorized
to till: If the vacancy shall happen dur
ing th" so ion of the Senate, the Gov
ernor slnll nominate to tho Senate, be
fore their flnid adjournment, a propel
person to fill said vacancy; but In any
such of vacancy, in nn elective of
fice, a person shall be chosen lo said of
f.ce on the next election day approprlatt
to such ofllco, according to tho provisloni
of this Constitution, unless the vacancj
shnli happen within two calendar month!
Immediately preeedlng such election day,
In which case tho election for said oflle
shall bo held on the second succeeding
election day appropriate to such office
In acting on executive nomlnattuns thi
Senate shall sit with open doors, and. It
confirming or rejecting the nomination
of the tiovcrnor, the vote shall be taker,
by yeas and nays, and shall be entered
on- tho journal.
Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec
tion Twenty-or.e.
Section 3. Ami-nil section twenty-one ol
arlii'lc four, which reads an follows:
"The term of the Secretary of Interna:
Affair shall bo four years; of tho Audi
tor General three years; and of the Stat
Treasurer two years. These officers sh ill
bo chosen by the qualified electors of tin
State at general elections. No pernor
elected to the office of Auditor General
or State Treasurer shall be capable ol
holding the same office for two consecu
tive terms," so ns to read:
The terms of the Secretary of Interna:
Affairs, the Auditor General, and ttu
State Treasurer shall each be four years
and they ahull ho chosen by the qualified
eleotori of the State at general elections
but a State Treasurer, elected In the yeal
one thou.' and nine hundred - and nine
hall servo for throe years, nnd his suc
cessors ahull be elected at the general
election In tho year one thousand nine
hundred nnd twelve, and In every fount
year thereafter. No person elected to th
office of Auditor General or State Treas
urer shall bo capable of holding thi
same office for two consecutive terms.
Amendment Three To Article Five, See-
tion Eleven.
Section 4. Amend, Bectton eleven of ar
ticle five, which reads as follows:
"Exec lit as othe rwise provided in thli
Constitution. Justices of the peace or al
dermen shall bo elected in tho severa.
wards, districts, boroughs and township)
at tho time of the election of constables
by the qualified electors thereof, In suet"
manner as Hhnll be directed by law, and
shnll be commissioned by the Governoi
for a term of five years. No township
ward, district or borouuh shall elect more
thai, two Justices of the peace or alder
men without the consent (if a majorlt)
of the fiu-illtied electors within such town
ship, ward or borough; no per. on shal.
be i to such office unless ho shal)
have resided within the township, borough
ward or district for one year next preced
ing his election. In cities containing oVel
fifty thousand inhabitants, not more thar
one alderman shall be elected in eacr,
ward or district," ao as to read:
Kxcept us otherwise provided In this
Constitution, Justices of the peace 01
aldermen shall be elected in the several
wards, districts, boroughs or townships,
by the qualified electors thereof, at the
municipal election. In such manner al
shall be ill reeled by law. and shall be
commlsaloned by the Governor for n
term of six years. No township, ward
district or borough shall eloct more than
two Justlees of the peace or aldermen
without the consent of a majority of the
qualified electors within such township,
ward or borough; no person shall be
elected to such office unless he shall have
resided within the township, borough,
ward or district for one yenr next pre
ceding his election. In cities containing
over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more
than one alderman shall be elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment Four To Article Five, Bee
tion Twelve.
Section 1. Amend section twelve of arti
cle Ave of the C'onatlluton, which read,
as follows:
"In Philadelphia there shnll be estab
llshed. for each thirty thoimarid Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of police
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction net
exceeding one hundred dollars; such
courts shull lie held by magistrates whose
term of oftt.-a shull be live years and
they shull l, elected on general ticket
by the eiualliid voters at luige; and In
the election of the said magistrates no
voter shall vote for more than two-thirds
of the miinlr of persons to be elected
whan more than one are to be chosen)
they shall be compensated only by fixed
salaries, to be puld by said county; and
shall exercise such Jurlsolction, civil and
criminal, except as herein provided, as
fa nosy exercised by aldermen, subject, to
lucn changes, not Involving an Increase
oi' civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
dui'ns, as may be made by law. -. In Phlla
dolphla the office of alderman la abol
ished," ao as to read aa follows:
J .rrdladcljihUL, urn ibail k HVk-
IlsheeJ, tor each thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, ono court, not of record, of police
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not
exceeding ono hundred dollars; such
courts shall be hold hy magistrates whose
term of office shall be six years, and they
shall lie elected on general ticket at the
municipal election, by the qtinlllled
voters at Inrge; and In th election of
the said magistrate's no voter shall vote
for more than two-thirds of the number
of persons to bo elected when more than
one are to be chosen; they shall be com
pensated only by fixed salaries, to be
paid by said county; and shall exercise
such Jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ex
cept ns herein provided, ns Is now ex
ercised by nldermon, subject to such
chnnges, not Involving nn Incrense of
civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, as may he mndo by law. In Phila
delphia the office of alderman is abol
ished. Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec
tion Two.
Section 8. Amend section two of article
eight, which reads as fullejwa:
"The general election shall ho held an
nually on tho Tuesday next following the
first Monday of November, but tho Gen
eral Assembly may by law fix a different
day. two-thirds of all the members of
each House conocnting thereto," so as to
rend :
The general election shall be held bl
ennlnlly on the Tuesday next following
tho first Monday of November In each
even-numbered year, but the Generol As
sembly may by law fix a different day.
two-thirds of all the members of each
House consenting thereto: Provided,
That such election shall always be held
In an oven-numbered yenr.
Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec
tion Three.
Section 7. Amend section three o article
eight, which roads as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, borough
nnd township officers, for regular terms
of service, shall be held on tho third
Tui'se'oy of February," so as to read:
All Judges elected by the electors of the
State nt largo may be elected at either
a ge-neral or municipal election, as cir
cumstances may require. All elections
for Judges of the courts for the aevoral
Judicial districts, and for county, city,
ward, borough, and township officers for
regular terms of service, shall be held
on the munlclpnl election day; namely,
the Tuesday next following the first Mon
day of November in each odd-numbered
year, but tho General Assembly may by
iaw fix a different clay, two-thirds of all
tho members of each House consenting
thereto: Provided. That such election
shall always be held in an odd-numbered
Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Sec
tion Fourteen.
Section 8. Amend section fourteen of
article eight, which reads as follows:
"District election boards shall consist of
a Juelgo and two Inspectors, who shall
be chosen annually by tho cltlze-na. Each
elector shall hnve the right to vote for the
Judge and on inspector, and each inspect
or shall appoint one clerk. The first elec
tion board for any new district shall be
selected, anil vacancies In election board
filled, as shnll be provided by law. Elec
tion otTle-crs shall he privileged from ar
rest upon dayB of election, and while en
gaged In making up and transmitting re
turns, except upon warrant of a court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wnntnn
breach of the peace. In cities they mny
claim exemption from Jury duty during
their terms of service." so ns to read:
District election boards shall consist ol
a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall b
chosen biennially, by the citizens at tht
municipal election; but the General As
sembly may require said boards to be
appointed In such manner ns It may by
lnw provide. Laws regulating the ap
pointment of said bonrds may be enacted
to apply to cities only: Provided, Thnl
such laws bo uniform for cities of th
same clans. Each elector shall have the
right to vote for the Judge and one In
spector, and each inspector shall appolnl
one clerk. The first election board foi
any new district shall be selected, and
vncaneles In election boards filled, a
shall be provided by law. Election offi
cers shall bo privileged from arrest upor
days of election, and while engaged lr
making up and transmitting returns, ex
cept upon warrant of a court of record
or Judge thereof, for an election fraud
for felony, or for wanton broach of the
pe-ace. In cities they may claim exe-nip-tion
from Jury duty during their terms ol
Amendment Eight To Article Twelve
Section One.
Section t. Amend section one, article
twelve, which reads as follows:
"All officers, whose selection Is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall bi
elected or appointed as may be llrectoc
by law." so as to read :
All officers, whose selection Is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall bi
elected or appointed as may be clMes-ted
by law; Provided. That elections of State
officers shall be held on a general elcctlor
daj. and elections of local officers shall
be held on a municipal election day. ex
cept when, in either case, spoclnl electlont
may be required to fill unexpired terms.
Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of article
fourteen, which reads as follows:-
"County officers shall be elected at th
general elections and shall hold thelt
offices for the term of three years, be
ginning on the first Monday of January
next nftor their election, and until thelt
successors shall be duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for.
shall be filled In such manner as may be
provided by law," so aa to rend :
County officers shall be elected at the
municipal elections and shall hold theli
offices for the term of four years, be
ginning on the first Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for,
shull be filled In such manner as may be
provided by iaw.
Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen,
Section Seven.
Section 11. Amend section seven, article
fourteen, which -reads as follows:
"Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall be elected In each
county where such officers are chosen, in
the year one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-five and every third year there
after; and In the election of said officers
each qualified elector shall vote for no
more than two persons, and the three
persons having the highest number e f
votes shnll be elected; any casual vacancy
In the office of county commissioner or
rr.inty auditor shall be filled, by tha
court of common pleas of the county In
which such vne-ancy shall occur, by the
appointment of an elector of the proper
county who shall hnve voted for tno
commissioner or auditor whose place Is
to be filled," so as to read:
Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall be elected In each
county -where such officers are chosen.
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and eleven and every fourth year there
after; and in the election of said officers
each qualified elector shall vote for no
more than two persons, and the three
persons having the highest number of
votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy
In the office of eounty commlssoner or
county auditor shall be filled by the court
of common pleas of the county In which
such vacancy shall occur, by the appoint
ment of an elector of the proper county
who shall have voted for the commis
sioner or auditor whose place la to be
Schedule for the Amendments.
Section 11 That no Inconvenience may
arise from the changes In the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth, and In order
to carry the same Into complete opera
tion. It la hereby declared that
In the case of officers elected by the
people, all terms of office fixed by act of
Assembly at an odd number of year
shall each be lengthened one year, but
the Legislature may change the length
of the term, provided the terms for which
such officers are elected shull always be
for an even number of years. ,
The aliove extension of official term
snail nut affect officer elected at the
general election of one thousand nine
hundred and eight; nor any city, ward,
borough, township, or election division
officers, whose terms of office, under ex
isting law, end in the year one thousand
nine hundred and ten.
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and ten the municipal eieotloo shall be
held on tho third Tuesday of February,
as heretofore; but all offloera eheaea al
Ut alee tion to tut Ac Uu uauJwr Uu
of which Is two years, nnd" alnb aTl t
tion officers nnd assessors chosen nt ti I
election, shall serve until the tlrt M
day of December In the year one th,,,!!
sand nine hundred nnd eleven All n
cers chosen at that election to offices t .
term of which Is now four yer, nr ,
mnde four years by the operation nJ
these amendments or this sche dule L, ,!
servo until the first Momlny of I iern,i ''!
In tho year one thousand nine nun. Zl
snd thirteen. All Justices of the ,,,.
mnglstrat.'S. nnd aldermen, chosen at th,
election, shnll servo until the first M.
day of December in the year one th,,,"
sand nine hundred and fifteen. After t .
year nineteen hundred nnd ten. nnd n.,i
the Legislature shall otherwise provl
nll terms of rily, wnrd. borough tow '
ship, and election division officers .h, i
begin nn the first Monday of Docenih .
in an odd-numbered year.
All city. ward, borough, and town,),
officers holding office at tho date of M
approval of these amendments Whr,.I
terms of office mny end In the vour o -,!
thousand nine hundred nnd eleven sh-iii
continue to hold their offices until 'h
first Monday of December of that yoar
All Judges of the courts for the'
oral Judicial districts, nnd also all count,
officers, holding office at the date of the
approval of these amendments whose
terms of office may end In the yenr orZ
thousand nine hundred and eleven shall
continue to hold their offices until the
first Monday of January, one thousand
nine hundred and twelve. na
A true copy of the Joint Resolution
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