fULToN COUNTY NEWS Published Every Thursday. 8. V. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. SEPTEMBER 16, 1909 Published Weekly.. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. auTIRTfafKO SiTSS. Pernqutre of line i times II Per square each subsequent Insertion.... M. Ail advertisement Inserted for leal than hree momns charged br toe square. a miw. I limps. 1 yr. One-fourth oolumn.... One h;ilf eolumn Une Column ... .11 00. I 120.00 I l 00 .... WOO. 40 00 IM.00 .... 10 00. 66.00. I 75.00 WEBSTLR MILLS. C. W. Crouse aDd daughters Zella and Eva, who had been vis iting in Harrisburg for some time, have returnel 1 o ne. Lewis Crouse and family have moved into the Stouteagle mill property, recently purchased by 0. B. Stevens, McUonnellsburg. Lewis understands the tine points in milling, and will doubtless turn out a product that will take rank with the best. D. H. Tatterson and J. C. Pat terson ea'jh sold a horse this week trIIarman Shives of Mer cersburg. B. W. Logue has recovered from the fatigue oc3asioned by the long horseback ride he took through Franklin county, Pa., and Washington county, Md., in pursuit of his str.ayed-away bronchos and mule, lie overtook the bunch near Pen-Mar. Miss Pearl Logue, who has been home several months on a vacation, will return shortly to thoGermaD Hospital, Philadelphia to resume her duties as a nursu. Mrs. Josephine Blume is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Carbaugb in the Corner. Report has it that William Mel lott has purchased from Daniel Grissinger the Glazier and Bow ers farms in the Corner. Mrs Margaret Kendall and her niece Miss Helen Johnston have been visiting friends in Mercers burg during the last few days. A daughter was born to Me. and Mrs. Martin Souders last Sunday a week. Mr. and Mrs. HerbertI lays and daughter, who had been visiting Mrs. Hays' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duffy, for several weeks, have returned to their home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Wm. M. Patterson, of Pitts burg, Pa., spent a few days last week at the home of his parents, Hon. and Mrs. D. II. Patterson, at this place. Miss "Dot" Patterson, of Pitts burg, is home for several weeks. W. Sloan Warthin has been ap pointed by Forest Commissioner Conkling, to serve as Fire Ward en, for Ayr township and vicini ty. Miss Florence Valeant, of Balti more, Md., who had been visiting ber nieces, Mrs. V F. Sapping ton, and Mrs. J. C. Patterson, has returned home. Mthl On Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor, tortured by asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured bis neighbor. Later it cured his son's wifj of a severe lung trouble. Millions be lieve its the greatest Throat and Lung cure on Earth. Coughs, colds, croup, hemorrhages, and sore lungs are surely cured by it. Best for hay fever, grip, and whooping cough. 50c, and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Trout's drug store. John Edgar, son of the late Dr Edgar, formerly of Wilson Col lege, Chatnbersburg, died Mon day morning of last week, in Charlestown, W. Va., from the effects of the explosihn of a bar rel of gasoline. .Saturday even ing a severe storm broke over the town and M r. Edgar hastened to the cellar to close some windows which'were open. Being unable to tind his way through the eel Jar, he struck a match, not being aware that he was bo close to the barrel of gasoline. A spark from the match flew npon the barrel Before any one could escape the barrel of gasoline exploded, burn ing Mr. Edgar terribly and prae tically wrecking the house. Hit foil. At Ivnobsville, September1 llth. Knobsville. Dane. Spaugler, p Chosnut, Scheid'eman, c Peightel, Korlin, lb Kaker, Fraker, 2h Gress, GuDnels, 8b Connelly, C. Fore, ss Connelly, W. Campbell, rf Wible, Kelso, cf Morton, Peck, It Fix. Score; Knobsviile 1 2 0 2 1 5 2 Ox 13 Dane 20500200110 Umpire, Koy Wagner. BACK RUN. Most of the people of this vi cinity are seedmg. Raymond Paylor and Miss May Lake made a flying trip to Everett last Saturday. The furm er expecting to spend the winter there attending school. Murray Ray, wife and family visited Win. Citschall's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ida C oper visited Wm. Cooper's la9t Sunday. Sanner Ray, wife and family visited J. W. Souders' last Suu day. About thirty young people at tended the Ice Cream Social at Wm. Paylor's last Thursday night. Mrs. Mary A. Ott is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Allen Grissinger at Dublin Mills. Jesse Caster is on the sick list Mrs. Philip Ott is spending a few weeks with her parents Wm Paylor and wife. Absalom Lake, wife and chil dren, Elmer Hann aud Miss Nora Paylor are among those who at tended Camp meeting at Cito last Sunday. Our school is getting along nicely under the management of Miss Nettie Stouteagle. Powell Bivens and wife, of Han cock, Md., visited the latter's brother Wm. Pavlor recently. Go With Rush. The demand for that wonder ful stomach,' liver, and kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills is astounding. At Trout's drug store, they say they never saw the like. It's because they never fail to cure sour stomach, consti pation, indigestion, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, chills, and malaria. Only 25c. WELLS TANNERY. Charles Sipe has gone to Sax- ton to take third year's course in High School. Rev. Finney, of Shirleysburg, and Rev. Kennedy, of Saxton, were visiting friends in the Valley last week. Rody Gibson, one of our High School graduates has secured a school at Sandy Run where he will teach this winter. We wish him lots of success. Paul Baumgardner, who was a student in the Dental Department of the University of Pennsylvania last year, returned to Philadel phia Monday to enter upon the second year's work of the course. Israel P. Cockley, 87 years old, residing near Spippensburg, was maltreated and his niece, Miss Mary Brindle, also badly treated by a band of three mask ed robbers who made a raid on their house on Saturday morning about 3 o'clock. The burglars threatened to kill both unless they told where they kept their money. Mr. Cockley finally pointed toward a trunk and said all his money was in it. It was broken open and $100 in gold and 4 $20 bill, all the money the old man had taken. The burglars escaped. A reward of if 100 is illered by the Commissioners of Cumberland county, for their ap prehension. A DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION FOR PIMPLES To remove Pimples, Blackheads, Ulotchps and all forma of skin erup tions, In, according to a well known physician, a ery easy matter; he says that many are afflicted with aome one of the above allmnnta, and are subject to a (fro at deal of embarrassment on docoupt of the unsightly appearance rhk'h they present, and recommend the following simple, harm loss and In expensive treatment. Go to your drug gist and get tula" prescription filled: Clearola one-half ounce, Kther one ounce. Alcohol seven ouncea, mix, hake well and apply to the part af fected night and morning, allowing It to remain on the akin at leaat ton niln uttia. then wipe off the powder from the akin. Use a toft cloth or sponge la applying the mixture and In from ten days to two we kit your face will be smooth and clear as a marriage bell. Get the Pure Clearola, which is only put up In one-half ounce packages. Ask to see It. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back,' You Must First Relieve the Kidneys Thore Is no question about that I at all for the lame and aching back Is caused by a diseased con dition of the kidneys and bladder. It Is only common sense, any way that you miiBt cure a condition by removing the cause of the con dition. And lame and aching back are not by any means the only symptoms of derangement of the kidneys and bladder. There are a multitude of well-known and un mistakable indications or a more or less dangerous condition. Home of these are, for Instance: Extreme and unnatural lassitude and weari ness, nervous Irritability, heart Ir regularity, "nerves on edge," sleep lessness and Inability to secure rest, scalding sensation and sedi ment In the urine. Inflammation of the bladder and passages, etc. DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Tills are an exceptionally meritori ous remedy for any and all affec tions or diseased conditions of these organs. These Pills operate directly and promptly and thplr beneficial results are at once felt. They regulate, purify, and effec tually heal and restore the kid neys, bladder and liver, to perfect and healthy condition even In some of the most advanced cases. K. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111., want every man and woman who have the least suspicion that they are afflicted with kidney and blad der diseases to at once write them, and a trial box of these Pills will be sent free by return mall postpaid. For Sale at "Irojfs Druj Store. Big Cove Rifle Club Range, Webster Mi September 11, 1909. lis, Names. 20Yaids 300 Yards 50 i Yards Total. Capt. Gunning 4 3 5 5 E 2 4353 318 545555 332 . . 72 John Gordon 3 3 4 3 417 3 3 8 3 315 " 5 4 2 2 4 3 3 23. .55 Jemes Gordon 3 4 2 3 315 3 3 3 4 215 0 2 5 3 5 5 020. .50 Henry llann 4 305 315 4 0 4 4 416 3 4 4 2 5 5 5 28. .59 J.C.Patterson 4 4 3 2 518 3 02 4 312 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 20. .50 Harvey Gordon 2 5 4 2 417 0333 0 9 54 0 323 421 . .47 Dr. Sappington 4 2 4 4 317 3 4 3 4 418 5 4 4 3 3 5 3- 27. .02 George Keefer 4 4 5 3 420 4 3 3 0 414 4 2 3 4 5 5 3 20 . . GO Walter Cooper 23 34 214 3 2 03 311 2 3 4 3 2 2 21843 Sloan Warthin 4 4 3 4 419 4 3 4 4 318 2 3 5 2 0 5 5 22. .59 D. E Crouse 333 4 316 0 2 0 0 4 6 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4. .26 Frank Smith 4 3 3 2 517 3 4 4 4 419 not present 36. . John Reese 4 3 3 2 517 3 2 2 4 3 14 not present 31.. Reynold Miller not present 3 3 2 2 3 4 c 22 . . Luther Bishop not present 2 4 5 4 3 5 528 . . Lewis Crouse not present 4 4 4 2 5 4 326 . . Ernest Cooper not present 4 2 5 5 5 2 528 . Weather conditions good. BRUSH CHEEK. Our farmers are busy seeding. Russell Akers spent Sunday afternoon with Bruce Barton. K. M. Bussard and family, ol Clearville, spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. M. W. Hixson. Miss Delia Whitfield loft last Sunday for Everett, whore she has employment. , Quite a number of people from the Valley attended the dedica tion at Breezewood last Thurs day. Chas. Lodge, who recently re turned from a visit to the West, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. E. II. Lode. Miss Ada Barton left Satur to take charge of her school in Union township. Sebert Barton spent Saturday evening and Sunday in the home of O. A. Barton. Hunter Jackson and Miss Esta Akers spent a couple days last week at Bedlord Springs. The Medicine Show at Akers ville was well attended last week. Eita Akers received the silver set and Norman Duvall the baby ring. J. C. Barton made a business trip to the County Seat last Sat urday. Miss Ella Barton spent Sunday afternoon with iva Hixson. Caera Hixson and family spent Sunday at P. D. Hixson's. THE ROAD TO SUCCESS has many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Sue cess to day demands health, but Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world bas ever known. It compels perfect ac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purities and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run down or sickly, Only 50c. Guar anteed by Ti out's drug store. .Mrs. Scott Rinedollar spent the time from Friday evening to Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Boor, of Saxton. Everett Republican. Mrc. Mollie Mowery, widow of Andrew Mowery, who was killed in the railroad wreck at Red Rock cut, below Rlddleaburg, has made settlement with the Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad Company for $1,000. In addition the expense of preparing the body for burial and bringing it to Ev erett station was borne by the Company. NEW GRENADA. Mrs. Olive Noonin, of Mount Union, is visiting friends in New Grenada and Wells Valley. Cloyd Black, who has been at Pickering, Mo., all summer, has returned home. ' Geo, Shafer lost a valuable cow. E. D. Omans, of Homestead, Pa., agency supervisor of Equit able Life Insurance Co., spent a few days with their agent here, L. L Cunningham, who is doing a good business. Mrs. Geo. Shafer and Mrs. N. G. Cunningham are on the sick list. Mrs. Nicholas Metzler, of Burnt Cabins, is visiting at the home of her son, S. P. Metzlor, here. Jay McClain sold his nice little Shetland pony and cart to J. S. Sdapiro, Broad top City. Teddy Repper was admitted to Girard C llege last Tuesday. Geo. Ilimsey, oi Altoona, Pa., is visiting at the home of his brother Thomas, and is on the sick list Mrs. Carrie Limkin, of Alle gheny City, Pa., is visiting at th home of her brother, F. G. Mills. Miss Helen Watkin, cf Saltillo, teacher of Pine Grove school, Wood township, Huntingdon county, near New Grenada, ar rived there Sunday evening. Miss Edith Sbater, who has been at Mount Union a few weeks arrived home on Friday evening. News reached us on Saturday of the death of Harry H. lloup, of Hnllidaysburg, once a resident of Wells Valley. His death leaves only one member of the Um'y 'iv ng, Mrs. V D. Scenck, no at Wells Tannery. Asberry Black and four of his children, of Broad top City, have typhoid fever. Treat your machine right by using the right gasolines. WAVERLY 768 MOTOR STOVE ThrM spatial trad. Mad a front Pennaylvania Crude Oil. Oiva InataiK taiuou. powerful, clean aaploslcra. Fo Itivaly will nut form car Don dapoalta a spark plugs er In cylinder a. IsjnUas) readily oavtr (alia. Asa year dealer. Wva,rlr Oil Work) Co. Independent Oil Keduers Pitteburrf. Pa pnomr.rn AMP-.yrv.fF.vTn to tm CON'KT,Tt"MON Hf HMlTTF.n TO TlfK CITIZENS rip THIS COMMON VKAt.TH FOR THEIR AfPHOVAL. OR ItRJKCTION, BY THE OKNKHAI. AS PKMHf.Y OF- THE COMMONWKtlrH OK PENNSYLVANIA, AND I'l'H UFHKM RY OltDKll OK THK SECRE TARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. JN IVRRf'ANCE OF AHTICLE XVIU OF THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing amendments to sections eiKht nil twenty-onp of nrtlrle four, section eleven and twelve of article five, sec tion" two, throe, and fourteen of artlrln eluht. flection one of nrtlclo twelve, and section two and seven of article four teen, of the ConKtltiftlon of r'ennsyl van 1 1, and providing; a schedule for carrylna; the amendments Into effect. Section 1. He It resolved by the Senate and limine of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met. That the following are proposed as amendments to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In accordance with the provi sions of the eighteenth article thereof: Amendment One To Article Four, Sec tion Eight. Section i. Amend section eight of article four of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which reads as follows: "He shall nominate and. by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during plensure, a Buperlntendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such other officers of the Commonwealth as he la or may be authorized by the Constitution or by law to appoint; be shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen, In of fices to which he may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shnll expire at the end of their next session; he shall have power to fill any vacancy that may hap pen, during the recess of the Senate, in the office of Auditor General, State Treasurer. Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruction, In a Judicial office, or in any other elec tive ofnee which he la or may be au thorized to fill; If the vacancy shall hap pen during the session of the Senate, the Oovernor shall nominate to the Sen ate, before their final adjournment, a proper person to fill aald vacancy; but In any such case of vacancy. In an elec tive office, a person shall be chosen to said office at the next general election, unless the vacancy shall happen within three calendar months immediately pre ceding such election. In which case the election for said office shall be held at tho second succeeding general election. In acting on executive nominations the Senate shall sit with open doors, and. In confirming or rejecting the nominations of the Governor, the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the Journnl," so as to read as follows: He shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during pleasure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such other officers of the Commonwealth as he Is or may be au thorized by the Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen, In offices to which he may appoint, during the re cess of the Senate, by granting commis sions which shall expire at the end of their next session; he ahull have power to fill any vacancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, In tht office of Auditor General, State Treas urer, Secretary of Internal Affairs ot Superintendent of Public Instruction, In a Judicial office, or In any other electlvt office which he Is or may be authorized to fill: If tho vacancy shall happen dur ing the session of the Senate, the Gov ernor shall nominate to the Senate, be fore their (inul adjournment, a propel person to fill said vacancy; but In any such case of vacancy, In an elective of fice, a person shall be chosen to said of flee on the next election duy appropriate to such office, according to the provision! of this Constitution, unless the vacancj shall happen within two calendar monthi Immediately preceding such election day, In which case the election for said offtct Khali be held on the second succeedlns J election duy appropriate to such office In acting on executive nominations tht Senate shall sit with open doors, and. In confirming or rejecting the nomination! of the Governor, the vote shall be taker by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the Journnl. Amendment Two To Article Four, Bee Hon Twenty-one. Section 3. Amend section twenty-one ol article four, which reads as follows: "The term of the Secretary of Interna.' Aff.ilrs shall he four years: of the Audi tor General three years: and of the Stati Treasurer two years. These officers shall be chosen by the qualified electors of tht 8tate at general elections. No persor elected to the office, of Auditor General or Slate Treasurer shall be capable ol holding the same office for two consecu tive terms." so as to read: The terms of the Secretary of Interns, Affairs, the Auditor . General, and thi State Treasurer shall each be four years and they shall be chosen by the qualified electors ot the State at general elections but a State Treasurer, elected In the yeal one thousand nine hundred and nine shall serve for three years, and his suc cessors shall be elected at the general election In the year one thousand nlm hundred and twelve, and In every fount year thereafter. No person elected to th nice of Auditor General or State Treas urer shall be capable of holding tht same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec tion Kleven. Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle Ave. which reads as follows: "Except as otherwise provided In -thi! Constitution. Justices of the peace or al dermen shall be elected In the aevera. wards, districts, boroughs and townshlpi at the time of the election of constables by the qualified electors thereof. In suet manner as shall be directed by law, anc shall be commissioned by the Governoi for a term of five years. No township ward, district dr borough shall elect mori than two Justices of the peace or alder men without the consent of a jnajorit) of the qualified electors within such town ship, ward or borough; no person shal. be elected to such office unless he shal) have resided within the township, borough ward or district for one year next preced ing his election. In cltlea contulrilng ovel fifty thousund Inhabitants, not more thar one alderman ahall be elected In eacr ward or district." ao as to read: Except aa otherwise provided In this Constitution, Justices of the peace or aldermen shall be elected In the several wards, districts, boroughs or townships by the qualified electors thereof, at the municipal election. In such manner an shall be directed by law. and shall be commissioned by the Governor fur a terra of six years. No township, ward district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of the peace or aldermen - without the consent of a majority of tht qualified electors within such township, ward or borough: no person shall be elected to such office unless ha shall have resided within the township, borough warn or district lor one year next pre ceding his election. In cities contulnlnt Over fifty thoueand Inhabitants, not more than one alderman ahull be elected In ach ward or district. -Amendment Four To Article Five, Sec tion Twelve. Section t. Amend section twelve of arti cle five of the Constitutor which reads S-a follows: "In Philadelphia there ahull be estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, on court, not of record, of polios and clvtl causes, with jurisdiction stot exceeding trie hundred dollurs; such courts shall be held by magistrates whose term of office shall be five years and they ahall be elected on general ticket by the qualified voters at lurge; and In the election of the suld magistrates no voter shall vote fur more thuu two-thirds f the number of persons to be elected when more than one are to be chosni; they ahull be compensated onl by fixed salaries, to be paid by said county; and hull exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and criminal, except aa herein provided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to such changes, not Involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring poUtlcal duties, as may be mads by law. la Phila delphia tbs office of alderman la abol ished," ae as to read aa follows: In Philadelphia there shall be tat- llntd, foe inf IhlrtF ttlUUrtnfl !tlt!lith snis, one. court, hot "f record, n( pone snd civil causes, with jurisdiction fiflt exceeding ons hundred dnllnrsi Such rourts shall be held by magistrates whose term of office shall be six years, and they shall be elected on general ticket at the municipal election, by the qualified voters at large; and In the election of the said magistrates no voter shall vote for more than two-thirds of the number of persons to be elected when more than one are to be chosen; they shall be com pensated only by fixed salaries, to be paid by said county; and ahall exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ex cept as herein provided, aa Is now ex ercised by aldermen, subject to such changes, not Involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Phila delphia the office of alderman Is abol ished. Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec tion Two. flection 6. Amend section two of article Ight, which reads as follows: "The general election shall be held an nually on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November, but the Gen eral Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto," so as to read : The general election shall -bs held bi ennially on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November In each even-numbered year, but the General As sembly may by law fix a different day. two-thirds of all the members of each House consenting thereto: Provided, That such election shall always bs held In an even-numbered year. Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec tion Three. Section T. Amend section three of article eight, which reads as follows: "All elections for city, ward, borough and township officers, for regular terms of service, shall be held on the third Tuesday of February," so as to read: All judges elected by the electors of the State at large may be elected at either a general or municipal election, as cir cumstances may require. - All elections for Judges of the courts for the several Judicial districts, and for county, city. ward, borough, and township officers for regular terina of service, shall be held on the municipal election day; namely. the Tuesday next following the first Mon day of November In each odd-numbered year, but the General Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds ol ai: the members of each House consenting thereto: Provided. That such election shall always be held In an odd-numbered year. Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Bec- tlon Fourteen. Section J. Amend section fourteen of article eight, which reads as follows: "District election boards ahall consist of a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by the citizens. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the Judge and on Inspector, and each Inspect or shall appoint one clerk. The first elec tion board for any new district shall bs selected, and vacancies In election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Elec tion officers shall be privileged from ar rest upon days of election, and while en gaged In making up snd transmitting re turns, except upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thereof, for an elec Hon fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service, so ns to read: District election boards ahall consist ot a Judge and two Inspectors, who ahall h chosen biennially, by the citizens at th municipal election: but the General As sembly may require said boards to tx appointed in auch manner as It may by law provide. Laws regulating the ap pointment of said boards may be enacted to apply to cities only: Provided. That such laws be uniform for cities of tht same class. Each elector shall have th right to vote for the Judge and one In spector, and each Inspector shall appoint one clerk. The first election board foi any new district shall be selected, and vacancies In election boards filled, a shall be provided by law. Election off! cers shall be privileged from arrest upor days ot election, and while engaged Ir muklng up and transmitting returns, ex cept upon warrant of a court of record or Judge trfereof, for an election fraud for felony, or for wanton breach of tlx peace. In cities they may claim exemp tlon from Jury duty during their terms ot service. Amendment Eight To Article Twelve Section One. Section . Amend section one, artlcli twelve, which reads as follows: "All officers, whose selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall b, elected or appointed aa may be directed by law," so as to read: All officers, whose selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall bi elected or appointed as may be directed by law: Provided, That elections of Stati officers shall be held on a general electloi day, and elections of local officers shall be held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, In either case, special election) may be required to nil unexpired terms. Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of article fourteen, which reads as follows: "County officers shall be elected at th general elections and shall hold theli offices for the term of three years, be ginning on the first Monday of January next after their election, and until theli successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for shall be filled In such manner as may b provided by law," so as to read: County officers shall be elected at tht municipal elections and shall hold theli offices for the term of four - years, be ginning on the first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall be filled In such manner as may be provided by law. Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen, Section Seven. Section 11. Amend section seven, artlclt fourteen, which reads aa follows: "Three county commissioners and thre county auditors shall be elected In each county where such officers are chosen. In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five and every third year there after; and In the election of suld officers ach qualified elector shall vote for no more than two persons, and the three persons having the highest number if votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy In th office or county commissioner 01 Ttanty auditor ahall be filled, ' by the court of common pleas of the county In which such vacancy shall occur, by th appointment of an elector of the propel county wno snail have voted for tm commissioner or audltorawhose place to be filled," so as to read: Three county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected In each county whore such officers are chosen In th year ons thousand nlns hundred snd eleven and every fourth year there after; and In the election of said officers each qualliied elector shall vol for no mora than two persons, and th three persons having th highest number of votes shall b elected: any casual vacancy In the office of aounty commlssoner or county auditor shall be filled by the court oi common pleas of the county lu which such vacancy ahall occur, by th appoint ment or an elector of th proper county wno shall have voted for th commis sioner or auditor whoa plac is to be nuea. Schedule for th Amendments. Section 11 That no Inconvenlenc may rise from th changes In the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, and In order to carry the sam Into complete opera tlon. It la hereby declared that In th case of officer elected by the people, all terms of office Axed by act of Assembly at an odd number of years snail each be lengthened one year, but th Leglalatur may change th length of th term, provided th terms for which such officers ar eluded shall always be ror an even number or years. ' Th above extension of official terms shall not arfeot officer elected at the general election of on thouaand nine hundred and eight; nor any city, ward, borough, township, or election division officer, whoa terms of otTio, undar ax latlng law, end In th year on thouaand nin hundred and ten. In the year one thousand nln hundred and ten th municipal election shall b held on th third Tuesday of February a heretofore; but all off cere ehoaea at the e-w ... esc the regular term of wMiH l two ywrs, fin tins nffieara k. nl.:.."" elation, shall serve Until the first t- v. ..,-iiit,er in me year one t. sand nine hundred and ei.w. a,,"10'" cers chosen st that election in '. " term of which Is now four years . made four years by the operation ! these amendments or this schedule .k0,! serve until the first Monday of lW,S d thirteen. All ".m" "'""M magistrates, and aldermen, chosen e,",T election, shall ,n .1.. l '"at day of December In the year one th!!!!" sand nine hundred and fifteen. After 11 venr nineteen hiin,lrA ..... . l,lt 9 Legislature shall otherwise pov!1,'', terms of ell u m,-A 1 lMl&, . -.,,., uurungn trtwn ship, and election division officer'. .7, hes-ltl on the Or.. X ...... .: " alH In -n odd.m.mheren ' 01 u"bef All CtlV. ward, tinmrnrh a . officers holding office at the dt, JT' approval of these amendments I terms of office may end In the yMr ! thousand nine hundred and eleven .h-ii - '' unices until th. first Monday of December of that year All judges of the courts for the ... eral Judicial districts, and also all cn7' officers, holding office at the date of ,Z approval of these amendments ti terms of office may end In the year on, ...vu-...u ....... ..u. .,...- BM)I e even .h.ii -- " - ...r,. winces Until th. A tru copy of the Joint Resolution ROBERT McAKER Seoretary of the Commonwtait'h. DIVORCE NOTICE. J. Milton Vnger, Llbcllunt, vs. Annls K. ruder, ncnpuuueDl. In the Court of Common Plens of Fulton enn. ! all,.. ul.n In .1 ... . C.OU0" March Term. M& " ' " No ' To Annie E. Vnger, Respondent: Please take notice that you are required in be and appear at tho Court of i-nnm.. i,,.' of Fulton County, Penn's. to be held bi Mr! Connellsliurg. Pa., on the first Monday of Octo- uer. u. . ueinH ine unany of the ironm to show cause, if you have unv. hv th. J. Milton Unner should not be divorced from ...,,,,.,.,, ,-lCreu into n th vou. according to the libel titej in said ConrL and In default of such appearance you wl'l l llab e to have a divorce granted lu vour il, sence; persouul service on you huviinf failed on account of your ubsence. JEFFERSON HARRIS, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff MoConnellshurK. Pa., August 4, IIH9. ROY C. CROMWELL & BR0. PROPRIETORS OF STAGE LINE -nitTWKES- M'Connellsburg & Mercersburg Good Teams. Careful Drivers. Leave McConnellsburt?, dally except Sunday, at 5:0(1 a. m., 7:30 a. m., and 12:15 p. m . and arrive at Mercersburg at 7:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m. and i-15 p. m. Leave Mercersburrf, daily except Sunday, on receipt of mail from traios due at 7:5U a. m.: 10:38 a m. and S:5ti p. m. and arrive in McConnellsburg in three hours. Carries Mail and K.x press Fare For Passenger, 50 Cts. Have your Express sent in care of Roy C. Cromwell & Bro. L. W. FUNK Dealer In Pianos J Organs The undersigned takes this method of informing the people of Fulton county that he Is prepared to furnish High Grade Pianos and organs at prices that are attractive. Ue makes a specialty of the LESTER a t n PIANOS an Instrument of national reputa tion: and the MILLER AND THE WEAVER ORGANS Being a thoroughly trained ' tuner, he la prepared on short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A sample Lester Piano may be teen In the home of Geo. B. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or organ let me know, I can save you money. L. W. FUNK, NLEDMORE, PA. UMM,-. bo year' V' V EXPERIENCE -T .1 .' ...... DE.IOHS anyone ruunf a aiaim ,nu uwiTi ..r iillrlT aarsrluln our opinion fraa wliMlisr as iinnllon Is probablr pauinlaM O"'""""' ilmuslrlotlromiBdoiitliil. If andboos on I'siMM will fraa. OMeat siiannr f"I "eurlliar Jali"- PatenlS laiull -Jiruusb MunU CO. raosiai vm-iul nodes, "k Omnia, lu tha Scieniific Jlmerlcam hanitsnmalr IMnsfralafl arsealr T."at " J- r s. wasbliuriou r " III LLTHE COUCH ANDCURETHLUi:C5 JOAUTHRHTAK!) UiMTKOtiBlN t