I'rimo Timothy SihhI for salo nt Stoutoaly's. Ki'V. Diolil will preach in the Presbyterian church uKiriiuulnll next Sunday morning at tlie usu al hour. Miss Zolpha, youngest diiuh tcr of Mr. uml Mrs. T. H Flem ing, of Clear Kulye, is seriously ill with typhoid lV'ver. IfniKS Wantki). Highest niivrkot prieo paid for heel' hides, horse hides, wildcat skins, and all kinds of reae, at I'aul War ner's Tannery, McConueUsbur'. Chas. K. Stevens, of Wells Val ley, was in town last Thursday on business connected witb the settlement of the estate of his la ther, J. D. Stevens, deceased. HIDES. James Wipes & Son; pay the highest market price for beef hHes at t'leir butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. Kev. Harry. Moyer, of Huston town, was an early caller at the News oliice Monday morning. He brought his daughter Ethel to town to enter the High School as a studeat this year. KoitSALK. A rubber-tiro run about, a set of uickle-trimined buggy harness, good as new, and a goo J robe and spread. Big bargain to quick purchaser. Call s.-ou or address, I'i.ii ronn Gordon, Sbarpe, I'a. Samuel McCain and wife, of Pittsburg, spent the time Irom Friday evening until Monday morniDg in this place. Mr. and Mrs. McCain made the journey here at this time on account of the serious illness of the former's sister, Mrs. Hattie Kendall. In a freight wreck ou the II. & li. T. li. K., near Uiddlesburg, on Weduesday ot last week, three were killed and two injured. The dead are: A. J. Mowrey, Saxton; J. J. Uiekard, Huntingdon; J. F. Zero, Suubury. W. M. ChneanU II. V. liupert of Huntingdon, were hurt Two engines and 11 cars were demolished. The fact that there are at least five cases of typhoid fever in the County, should to a sulliicieut warning to be careful in the use of water. If there is any rcasuu to suspect that the drinking wa-. ter is not entirely pure, it should bo boiled before using. This does not necessarily mean that the wa ter should be drunk hot, or even warm. The boiled water may be placed in a clean vessel, and plac ed where it may become cold enough to he entirely palatable. Do not oe deceived by unscrup ulous imitators, who would have you believe that the imitation pills are as good as DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Fills. There isn't anything just as good as thee wouderful pills for the re lief of backache, weak back, in llammation of the bladder, urn ary disorders, and all kidney com plaints. Any one can take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Fills as directed in perfect conrider.ee of grod results. Sold by Trout's drug store. Mr Ceo. II. Hinn and son litis Bell, of Wells Valley, were in town Monday morning. Mr. Hani, says that work on the new railroad is progress!. ig finely. About To or h) men are at work, and it is expected that the road will be completed to A. S. Green land's at the western base of Sideling hill in four or live weks. It is the intention of the Lnmber Company building tho road to extend it on across into Brush Creek Valley, and, perhaps, as far south as Kmmaville. The annual meeting of tho Di rectors and Managers of tho Peo ple's Telephone Company was hell at Clear Kidgo last Monday. The following are the ofiicers for tlie eusuing year. President, M. II. Shaffner.; Secretary aud Treas urer, L Ij. Cunningham; Auditor, Harry Dawney. Director: H:r risou Locke, S. K Kverharf, J A. Henry, K H Kirk, M. L Laidig, D-. II B Campbell, H L. Buck ley, A. J. Lambersou, M. It. Shad ner, and Harry Henry. A divi dend of 10 per cent, was declared. It was unanimously resolved to keep the lino in good repair, and give the puoplo Ui ut-class aervico. Sale Ki glsler. Wednesday. September 15 Mrs. .1. I). Stevens wiil sell at her residence at Cnlvm, Huuting don county, till her household goods. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit months. Tuesday, September LM D. A. Nelson, Samuel Mellott, C. J. Hrewer, and lieo. IS. Mellott, as signees for the benclit of the creditors of Daniel KnaulT, will sell at the residence of the as siguoi, four in les south of Mc C )iinellabuiT, head of horses, H head of cattle, fill head of hogs, farming implements, grain, household goods, Sale bo gins at V-.'M a. m. sharp. Credit (i months. Jurors For October Court. (JUAN I) .iritous. Ayr Joseph Swisher, Kolert Gordon. Bel hist James S. Millott, Chas. S. Mellott. Bethel Uiley Bishop, Grant Beruhcrt. Dublin Mowry Gelvn, Wilson ('line, sr., Sheridan Kamser. Licking Creek K. W. Swope. McCounellsburg Amos Clous er. Taylor Jehu Booth, Clark Bergstresser. Thompson Dennis Everts, Wrn. Sea'ourn, Isaac Culler, Geo. W. Hull. Todd Thomas Stevens, Ceo. Gross. Union Kdward Hamman, How ard Deneen, John S'tahle. Wells Charles Karly, W. B. Stunkard. I'KTIT .IL'IiOKS. Ayr Win. Kendall, Harvey Unger, Nicholas Hohman, David liinedollar, El ward Richards, Samuel Mellott, C. Murray Kay, John B. Kunyan, David Lauver, David Bivens, Geo. A. Comerer. Bethel W. P. Vonker, Thomas li. Sluslier. Brush Creek II M Jackson, C W Spade, Howard Lay ton, Wil son Conner, Win 11 William?, Carey G Liyton, Clarence Akers. Dublin T Scott Uershey, John Foreman, Irvin Biadnick. Licking Greek Win II Hoop, Klias Deshong, Frank Shives, Chas. Deshong, li P Deshong, Ralph Deckar. McCounellsburg Christ. Shi mer, Paul Wagner, Michael Black, Isaac I lull. Taylor Isaac Miller, David Hershey, James Foreman Thompson, Charles Weller, Denton Peck. Tod George FinilT, Sr.," John Shail'er, John Holman, A L Wi ble, Walter Anderson. Union Clem Lehman, George McKee. Wells Levi Truax, A D Berk stressor, Allison S. Edwards. Nitrite Wanted. A young vrl can cure a good home as nure, by inquiring: at ihU oflico. ; THE ROAD TO SUCCESS has many obstructions, but none so desperato as poor health. Sue cess to day demands health, but Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect ac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates tho whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their uso. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run down or sickly. Only 50c. Guar anteed by Ti out's drug store. HAKKISO.NVILLt. Everybody went to the Reunion Friday. It was an Ideal day, and everyone seemed to got their lid of "dust" and have a real good time. It was estimated the larg est rrowd in the history of tho as sociation. Ethel Schooley has returned fiom Fiatiklin county, whore she has been working for several months. Lois Decker, who was working at Bedford, has returned home. Delia and Ethel Deshong and Harry Klir.e have secured employ ment in Frankln county, and journeyed thither Monday. Richard Scbooley says a bron cho is, too slow; for him, so he rides in an automobile now, Ernest Sipes, of Follz, spent Suuda.y here with friends. Scott Dickson, who had been in the sorvico of the State High way Department, for several years, spent a few days visitiug relatives in this place, and on Monday Morning left for Detroit, Mich., by way t-f Buffalo, N. Y., where employment is awaiting him. ' . V ' - (I ' ;,7 V -A - Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine IP 1 izL El Call at our store and hear the specially prepared Records of bands 2nd other Instrumental Ausic, Sonss, Stories, Recitations, Etc, and assure yourself that this is the best offered. You Buy Only the Records. THESE RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY. As a home entertainer it hai no nnial. The best talent in the country is brought riirlit to your lire sida to while away the lotij; evenings with comieal rtettutions und sons. An iniiioiii)tu duniu may be gotten up ut a moment's not ice and here you have the best orchestra of the country to play the ilanee tmuie. Hr you uiuy wish to leurn a sone unit whut better instructor ciin you have thun one of the Peerless siinrcrs to pliraoe a soiijr over nml over again if need he. 1 he possibilities of tins wonderful little, machine for instruction and amusement are endless. One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome Flower Horn ( FRLE to every Customer whose Cash Purchases amount to I bee and hear this wonderful instrument and learn how easy you can obtain one. One Machine in a Home. We Keep a Full Line of Records Which will Fit Any Disc Machine. We have just received a Car Load of American Wire Fencing which we are selling at lowest prices. D. H. Patterson & Son GENERAL MERCHANDISE' Webster Mills. ROY C. CROMWELL & BRO. PKOI'UIKTOKS OK STAGE LINE -HUTU i;i;- M'Connellsburg & Mercersburg tJooU Teams, direful Drivers. I.enve .McOoifm lisbiirf,', daily except Sunday, ut "j:i)o a. in., ":.l'i a. in., and lL':l"i p. in . and arrive at Mi-rcershurt; at T::id a. in., ltl :Hi a. m. uml 2:4.") p. m Leave Mercershura, daily except Sunday, mi receipt of mail from trains due at 7:."ii a. m.: lo:-'W a m. and o:.1i p. in and arrive in MeConncllsburu in three hours. Carries Mail and Kxpreas Fare For Passenger, 50 Cts. Have your Kxpress sent in care of Hoy C. Cromwell & llro. Base Call. BUGGIESBUGGIES I have 'ust refilled my sheds w ith a fine lot of new Top Biljrgles, both factory and hand-made: ranjrinir in price from H 00 up to $7..l)0 for the best hand-made Milllin burg,' buj;try. My J." bimjry is a tr"od, strong, substan tial one that 1 will truarutitee to (five ood satisfaction. I will sell on time to suit eustnmsrs. It will pay you to examine! my stock before you bjy elsewhere. Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of their favors I urn, Very truly yours, W . R . EVANS HUSTON TO WIN, F. J. K. JOHNSTON, J. K. JOHNSTON. MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Faultlessly-Fashioned Suits Prices Lower than Inferior Makes. The very latest shades from $5 to $1.1. These are tjuaranteed the best value to be had anywhere. : Men's fancy Trousers in light or dark colors spring and summer weight. , Men's Dusters, Fancy Shirts, Un derwear, Hosiery, Neckwear and Shoes and Oxfords Ladles' Spring and Summer Jacket Suits, fn blue, tan, white nnd white and black stripe. Tho very latest Shades and styles. Heir ular 00 values. Our Price $;$.50. Shirt Waists in Silk and Net Messaline Taffeta Silk in White and Net Waists in Kcru Colors. Also a line lot of White Hatisteand Lawn Waists tailored styles or beautifully trimmed with Lace or Embroideries, button front or back, long or three-quarter sleeve 5,'c, 73., 1.03, $1.25. I HlPQ IfJrfc lQ Wue. "'ack and brown in many Slla(le, ClUIL3 k3fIIla and styles. French Percales, Hates Seer suckers, and Lancaster Ginghams, Muslins bleached and un bleached, Lawns, Batistes, Sueslne Silks, Jacket Suitings, ice. J. K. JOHNSTON. MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S BIG UNDERSELLING STORE 50.00 Spring and Summer Millinery, 4. Such entirely new Bhapes so quaint und picturesque such en tirely new color loveliness, that every woman should see this exhibit to be in touch with the new millinery. It is a triumphant pageant of art and beauty. It points the way to your achieving a new hat, which like the ones you have heretofore purchased at our store, you will en joy wearing. We have J-TEST STYLES shapes, and shades in hats and trimmings. We have a line line of fan cy goods. We aim to make quick sales and small prolits. Come and see our line of goods. You are welcome. MRS. A. F. LITTLE. mm ft 0M. FULTON COUNTY BANK McConnellsburg, Pa, At Knobsv KnobsviJlo Scheidlcnian Wilsou Kerlin Fraker, II Campbell Fraker, E. B Kelso, B Kelso, S Peck llle, September 4th. Big Cove Tannery p I'.iveas c Mellott, CI lb Wagner 2o Baker :io. Mellott, W ss Iielmaa rf Williams cf Gordon If Savilie Score: Knobsville 10 1 10 2 2 1 x-8 Tannery 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 LTmpirc, Geo. Fraker. Laidig. Gracey, K Warsmg, II Brant, C Brant, E Gillard, F Clevener, II Cutchall, E Foreman, B Brant, D Score: Laidg Pleasant Ridge 88 Waguer, lb Mellott, C 2b Desliona, A 3b Fisher, P If Deshong, B cf Taolor, rf Mellott, J p Spangler, J c Strait, S ss Truax, II If Wink. O c Mellott, N p Strait, S 19 7 1 4 5 1 1 x- Pleasant Ridge 2 012 10 1 7 Strike out Spaugler 1, Strait 2, Foreman 10. Umpire Chesnut and Hoover. Scorer P. WiUon. Manager Bernard Foreman A tILKRV LP CALL. Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick ! A box of Buculen'a Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned himself, terribly John nie cut tils (.ot with the axe- Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Bilhe has boils and my corus ache. She got it aud aoou cured all tho family. Us the greatest healer on earth. Sold by Trout's drug store. Is She Working Herself to Death Does your wife complain of too much dairy work? Do you ever hear her say she'll never got through washing milk things? How often does she Hay, ' Oh, if 1 only hud fewer pans, crocks and cans to wash, 1 could reud, write or sew more, or even take a little rest each day." AN EASIER TIME. Ask her about it. Arrange to make tho dairy work one half easier, one Jul half neater, one half more pleasant, unci liio j... per ft nt,. mole prof itable by usinsf a Sharpies Tubular ('ream Separator L'l.lil you try the Tubular, you can't imagine the ililVeri nee It nukes. It skims the nunc immediately alier milking-thero's i.,i mill: standing around no cans or pans to wash. The Tubular is entirely di lorenl from all others, so mueti more simple and convenient. Brin' yoi.r wife and let me take a Tubular apart for you. B. I. REEDER, Huston ' own, Pa. 0. ft O (ORGANIZED IN 1887.) ' 5 EIGHTEEN STOCKHOLDERS all among the prominent business men of the County. JJJ Tho resources of this Bank now ar exceed any period -existence. 3 Wc Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest. 0 Our customers value and "bank On" nnp RPPIll'lt.v In rlmir.citr.t-s J, and our willingness and ability to assist them in every way cousist- !l JJ ent with sound banking. SJ .nore man ;5O0,o)0.0() Security to Depositors. ,1 W. H. NELSON, - - - Cashier 5! 5 ors, JJ 0M. gDlUECTOUS : J. Nelson Slpss, Chas. It. Spangler, A. U. Nace Wm. II. Nelson, J. F. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F. Baker ooooooooc-xoxxooxoooo 3 Per Cent The Certificates of Deposit of this bank yield interest at the rata of 3 , per cent, per annum, thus affording a safe and convenient method of de positing savings or other idle money. WE ARE A STATE Executor's Notice. Letter tRitiinieuiurv on the etute of VA wuril StomeiU'le. lute of Avr townh,i. Full, 111 UDunty.l'it , tin xil. Imve Ipeen trrntit- el i.y the Ut-Klitcr or Ulls l I'.iltoti i-ountv, to the uiiuef-slujicd till )m-i-.oiin ituli-liii'il to Kiiitl i.sttite ute reijllesl.ett I , iij ,!;!- Immeilmte Jiav ment. unci those h vl"if -imui- iit.Mii.Nt ttie puttie will present thern without d'iiy. W. 11. NKLSO.V. H-tlMtt. .M Kjceeutor, :Conuellsburr. 1. Administrators' Notice. Nottoe ih nereiiy ifiven tht n-ttem of udir n iHtnitioti litive hceu urunteil tothe unilet-hiKUi U upou the ext-ile of V lli.un I (iorilon. l-i.. late of Ite-hel tu-p, l-'ttltou Co . 1., tleeeu -ml. All perMotiN huvlnv elulms u'aiut niii r-.. tute will luesimt tin in properly mil bnntleitii d for Mftlleinetit,. and It.ostJ owiiirf the kumu w 1 pleuNU uull and Hetlle. Mlts. MAItY flokltoV. l'Ull.lL't,. JHlH)N i-'. S 84 tt. AUiiiinii.lriitor. i Depository ICE! ICE! ICE! The First National Bank J. N. Iloch of Mercersbnrg has made arrangements with theChanibersburfc lee and Cold bturageCompany ofCha nbers hni'v' fortbeliandlingof all their ice iltlivofsd at Mercersburjf ICE WILL BE RECEIV- OF AlcCONNELLSBURG, 9. i CO OCOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO r ED BY CARLOAD LOTS Change in Schedule M'Connellsburg 8t Mercersburg STACE LINE. On and after July 1, KiOil. the llrl wu-on will It live McConnellsburtj at ft;:i" a. m., antl arrive at Mercerkburi;, at 1:M a. in., the train leaving at HAD Keturninif, tho w;on will leave Met cersburi.' upon the arrival of the 1 :- train and reach McOonuelUburif in II) hours. The second w a iron will leave McCon nellsburif at l'J:3i t. m., and arrive at Mercersburif at 2:5o d. m.f auj t,i,a train leaves at 3:1a. Ueturninif, the waoo will leave MercersburK iuituedl aicly upon the arrival of the (1 o'clock train and reach MuConnullsburi; in hours. John Sheetz St Son, t! 24-OU, tf. IVoprlrtori. As the season is approach ing for the use of Ice, it would be well to atTHticH ifor your supply of See for tho summer seusou. lee will be delivered 'over town every morning, except l Sabbath. AIsj on Saturday evening."' For further Information In r fei en.-e to prices or lure 1 )t inquire of J. N. HOCH, Mercersburg, Pa. flodcl tiyspcpsla Giiro Sgoita wiiat you aU YOU ARE GOING TO BUY Stackers and Feeding: Cattle THIS SEASON You want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the least money. Write or wire at ouce to JOHN J. LAWLER 163 EXCHANGE BUILDING UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed. ESTABLISHED OVER 23 YEARS REFERENCES! Live Stock Kxchaune National Bank, Chicago ' , Any Mercantile Agency Thousands o car ati:,iied customers. We handle more stockers and feeders then any firm in the world. A big; election at all times, bales , 40 to 30 loa.Il dully. Come to Chicago and we will sell direct to you, or order t once by mail or telegram and we will ship just what yu v.ant direct to you ut lowest mar ket prices. Write at once for our plan of fUlinx orders. We can VI you money. Write us for quoUtiua of prices before you buy.