The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 09, 1909, Image 7

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Not Tonny to Taj For tlic Fullest
Mi-dlrnl Examination.
If you ore In doubt as to the causo
of your disease mall us a postal re
qiiRSttnR a medical examlnatlonblunk,
which you will fill out and return to
as. Our doctors will carefully diag
nose your case, and If you can be
cared you will be told so; tf you can
not be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated to us In any way, for
this advice, Is absolutely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
you see lit. Send to-day for a medi
cal examination blank, fill out and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our eminent doctors will diagnose,
your case thoroughly absolutely free.
Munyon's, 63d and Jefferson Sts.,
Philadelphia, Ta.N
Too Great A Strain.
Theater ManoRcr You say you
object to liavlnt? real lood on the
table in the banquet scene, Mr.
Grcenspaynt. Why, the rest of the
company are delighted at It!"
.Mr. Greenspaynt Yea; but my
part requires me to rise from the
table after a couple of mouthfuls and
say; "I ennnot eat tonight a strange
dread comes over me; I will seek the
quiet of yonder apartment for a
time." Royal Magazine.
For COIr3 and GRIP.
Kirk's rprrims Is the brnt remedy
rtiirvm tin" 'lilnir anrt fcvertslinoss cures
the Colti and restore normal conditions. It'll
HnuKi-efrrcta Immediately, luc, 25c and
toe, at lruf "tores.
The Canadian government Is offer
ing free passage to commercial trav
elers who are Intent on furthering
Canadian export trade to South Africa.
IT. n. GnEit-Ts Hosb, of Atlanta, Ga., are
theonlysuccessful Dropsy HpeclaUats inth
orll. sex their liberal offor In odvertlao
ment to another column of this paper.
Partners In Crime.
The hard-looking customer had
been arrested for stealing an umbrel
la. "What have you to say for your
self?" asked the police Justice.
"Are you guilty or not guilty?"
"I'm one o' the guilty ones, y'r
honor, I reckon," answered the pris
oner. "The umbrella had the name
of J. Thompson on the handle, G. H.
Brlckley stamped on the Inside o
the cover, an' I stole it from a man
named Qulmby." Chicago Tribune.
The Usefulness Of Tears.
The psychological aspect of tears
has Interested thinkers for ages.
That crying brings about certain
mental crisis now and then is de
finitely asserted and, In all probabili
ty, very true. Every woman knows
thatnothingrelleves her feelings more,
readily or lifts a strain from her
mind more certainly than a good
ween on occasions.
The physical aspect or tears, how
ever, has never been considered very
seriously by scientific Investigators
until these latter days, when all our
lives center around these pestiferous
things we call germs. Everything
about us seems fashioned for one of
two purposes either to attract or
repel germs. Tears are said to be
great germ killers.
Wherefore, if the baby cries, for
Instance, be not distressed. It is
good for the baby to cry; It rids the
little thing of millions of bacteria.
If your young boy stubs his toe and
bawls with all the vigor of an offend
ed nature not yet arrived at youth
ful estate, console yourself that,
while his toe hurts, his tears are
washing away hosts of micro-organ-lsma
that might otherwise work greal
havoc with his physical self. If
prompted to have a good cry, let
nothing stay the flow of briny drops
incident thereto. Washington Herald.
H. E. HsI Liang, viceroy of Man
churia, asked for 10,000,000 taels
($5,900,000 gold) from the exche
quer to carry out reform measures in
the Manchurlan provinces, and a de
cree has been Issued granting his
Farts About Food Worth Knotting.
It Is a serious question sometimes
to know Just what to eat when a per
son's stomach is out of order, and
most foods cause trouble.
Grape-Nuts food can be taken al
any time with the certainty that II
will digest. Actual experience of peo
ple Is valuable to any one Interested
In foods.
A Terre Haute woman writes: "1
had suffered with Indigestion for
about four years, ever since at attack
of typhoid fever, and at times could
eat nothing but the very lightest food
and then suffer such agony with my
stomach I would wish I never had to
eat anything. ,
"I was urged to try Grape-Nuts,
and since using It I do not have to
starve myself any more, but I can eat
It at any time and feel nourished and
satisfied; dyspepsia Is a thing of the
past, Rnd I am now strong and well.
"My husband also had an exper
ience with Grape-Nuts. He was very
weak and sickly In the spring. Could
not attend to his work. He was put
under the doctor's care, but medicine
aid not seem to do hl.m any good un
til ho began to leave off ordinary food
nd use Grape-Nuts. It was positive
J surprising to see the change In
him. He grew better right off, and
naturally he has none but words of
praise for Grape-Nuts.
"Our boy thinks be cannot eat a
meal without Grnpe-Nuts, and he
learns to fast at school that his teach
r and other scholars comment on It
ara atlafled that It Is becauBe of the
NruiV"n0UrlahlDt e,olnent" ,n GraP-
"There's a Reason." "
It contains the phosphate of potaib
from wheat and barley, vhlch com
bines with albumen to make the gray
matter to dally reMl the brain and
nerve centres. v
Vf p,t3r thnt peopii d0 t know
what to feed their children. There ars
Many mothers who give their young
"era almost any kind of food and
when they become sick begin to' pout
the medicine down them. The real
Jy ta to stick to proper food and b
nalthy and get along without medl
ln and expense.
Ever read the aboveletter? A new
on appears from time to time. Tliej
gentiiue, truo, and full ol bumai
N AT U HE. CbJ$0;lE NC
Britain Is at last awakening to the
absolute necessity of progress and
:he highest kind of knowledge. Brlt
fih universities are opening technical
jolleges rivaling the great German
An electric glue heater has been
put upon the market which Is claimed
to melt glue In thirty minutes, and to
teep It at a temperature of 150 de
ees for several hours after the cur
rent has been switched off.
An electric heater for thawing ex
plosives is used at the Roosevelt
Iratnage tunnel In Cripple Creek,
2ol. It la In succesful operation. The
OBt of this method of heating Is
ibout ten cents for twenty-four hours,
tnd Is said to bo far more economical
ibarn coal.
A hydro-electric power station Is
projected near Wadesboro, N. C, on
ihe Rocky River, capable of produc
ing, with the Initial Installation
planned, 6000 to 7000 horse power.
The site la within a mile of the new
Southbound Railway, and a new town
!s expected to be developed by the ln
lustrlal facilities.
"One of the simplest things to rep
resent on the stage, one would think,
Is daylight," says an Italian named
fortuny In the Theatre Zeltung, "and
itlll its accomplishment has always
Daffled stage managers. Our daylight
does not come from one point, but
from all directions, and this light, as
Trom the sky. Is what has not yet
been produced. The difficulties, how
ever, have been overcome, and on the
stage of the new Royal Opera House
It Berlin the stage daylight of my In
vention will be seen when that house
Is completed. The effect is produced
by electric light, mirrors, prisms and
silk cloths of various colors, through
which the light is mado to stream."
There could hardly be a better ex
ample of the scientific spirit than the
recent application of the methods of
biometry to those excessive minute
animals, the bacteria. C. E. A. Wins
low and Anne Rogers Wlnslow have,
according to Professor F. P. Gorham,
marked the beginning of a new era In
bacteriological classification and no
menclature by their studies In this
direction. They have applied the
methods used by anthropologists and
students of variation and heredity to
the definition of the species of bac
teria. The results are, of course,
technical in their nature, and in them
selves only interesting to students of
the subject, but they have a broad
general interest because they serve
to assure the public that advance on
Btrictly scientific lines is being made
in the study of those almost Infinites
imal creatures that play so Important
a part In human life and everything
that human life depends upon.
Trying to Make Ends IVSeef
; &'
lint letters and hut numbers are
not a part of a soldier's p:iilpnieiii,
as their issue lias been discontinued.
Housewives aro not required aa n
part of the equipment, but their
convenience makes their lasuu very
C'nrtoon by O. William, In tlic Indianapolis Newi.
Well painted is value added wheth
er the house be built for one thousand
dollars or ten thousand. Well painted
means higher selling value, and high
er occupying value for there's an
additional pleasure In living In the
house that Is well dressed.
National Lead Company assist in
making the right use of the right
paint by sending free upon request to
all who ask for it, their "Houseown
ers' Painting Outfit No. 49." This
outfit includes u book of color schemes
for either exterior or Interior paint
ing, a book of specifications nnd an
instrument, for detecting ndulteratlon
in paint materials. Address National
Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Build
ing, New York City, and the outfit
will be promptly sent to you.
One Of Ills Worst.
The protrssor's suburbanite host
was explain ini! the untidy appearance
of his barnyard.
"I have had to reopen an mid
trench," he said, "leading from my
barn to the creek below. It had be
come clogged."
"Humph!" Ki'imted the professor,
"this is the frn time in your history
as a farmer thn1 I've ever known you
to practice retrenchment in any
form." ChlcaKo Tribune.
Men's Trousers Not the Only Gar
ments Thus to Get Out of Slutpe.
"It may have been often printed In
the fashion news, but that I never
see, and so," said chipper brother
Claude, "this Is spang fresh news to
me, that the skirt of Bister's new suit
Is bagging at the knee.
"That men's trousers bag In that
way Is notorious, In fact baggy trou
sers have long been a subject for the
jokesniith to exercise his wits upon,
as they have long been to their wear
ers a source of grief. No man likes
to have his trousers bag at the knee,
and there have been told storleB of
men particular about their apparel
who when In their finest attire de
clined to sit down for fear they'd get
their trousers out of shape there, and
it certainly Is a common thing to see
men, on sitting, hitch their trouser
legs up a little, to take the bagging
strain off the part that commonly
comes over the knee and to lessen the
"So men have always had trouble
with their trousers In this way, but
that women could have trouble 'of
such sort with their, skirts I had nev
er dreamed, for were not skirts so
voluminous that their folds could be
shifted and arranged at will, to pre
vent their getting out of shape? Well,
It seems that the close fitting skirt of
the present day Is so scant that it can
not be thus loosely disposed or shift
ed about, one. must sit In It as It Is,
and thus woman comes to have a
new experience and to get some faint
glimmer of one of the most trying
j troubles of men.
"It makes me smile to hear sister
say to nioiher that the skirt of her
new spring suit has already begun to
bag at the knee," New York Sun.
The Hudson-Fulton Celebra
tion will be;;in Saturday, Sep
tember 25, and end Saturday,
October 9.
J The first eight days will be de
' voted 'to events in and nbout
.New oru. me closing ween to
exercises along the Hudson from
Yonkers to Troy.
In the illuminations six bil
lions candle power will be em
ployed nightly.
Every nation in the world will
be represented, i
A great historical pageant will
be seen In New York on Tues
day, September 28; In Brooklyn
on Friday, October 1. and on
Staten Island on Saturday, Octo
ber 2.
Many prominent aviators will
participate in airship llishts
which will be begin on Monday,
September 2 7.
In u naval spectacle craft In
two divisions, ono from New
York, another from Albany, will
meet, in Newburg Bay on Friday,
October 1. The vessels will In
clude counterparts of Hudson's
Half Moon and Fulton's Cler
mont. More than five hundred thou
sand school children will partici
pate in festivals in Manhattan on
Saturday, October 2.
The expense of the celebration
will exceed $500,000.
Slceply Gross of New Mexico.
While making a trip through the
southwestern part of New Mexico
Herbert W. Wolcott, of Alamogordo,
N. M., found a grass from which he
believes a narcotic may be extracted
which will take the place of those
now known to medicine.
"The grass is known as 'sleepy
grass' to the natives of New Mexico
near the Apache reservation," said
Mr. Wolcott. "Cattle and horses will
eat It the first time they see it. It
makes them fall, to the ground in
their tracks and lie in a state of coma
for two days. When they wake up
they have no 111 effects from the opi
ate. But they will never eat it
again; In fact, they will run away If
It Is offered to them.
"This 'sleepy grass' is not to be
confused with the loco weed. The
Js-rasa Is a real grass, not unlike the
Kentucky blue grass in appearance.
The loco weed is a plant and bears a
flower. Horses and cattle become
loco fiends and are worthless after
tasting the deadly stuff." Kansas
CI'" Star.
Plenty Coming.
The fond husband was seeing his
tvlfe off with the children for their va
cation to the country. As she got
into the train he said, "But, my dear,
won't you take soma fiction to read?"
"Oh,, no!" she responded sweetly,
"I shall depend upon your letters
from home." Loudon Tatler.
Commission Officially Announces Schedule of Land and Water
Events in New York City and State to Which Many Na
tions Will Contribute Dazzling Electric Display a Feature
opening of the various exhibitions,
the nature ot which is to be an
nounced later, and the beginning ot
the airship flights over New York.
The historical parade is scheduled
for Tuesday, September 2S, and in
this pageant all nationalities will be
represented. There will bo dozens
of floats and moving tableaux repre
senting events In tbo history of the
aboriginal, Dutch, English, Revolu
tionary and American periods. These
floats have been prepared nt great ex
pense, and the costuming and effects,
aside from their historical fidelity,
will havo great educational value.
Aquatic sports opposite Riverside
Park and Yonkers will take place on
Wednesday, September 29. The day
will be marked by general commem
orative exercises In educational Insti
tutions throughout the State. Me
morials on spots dignified by great
historic events will be dedicated. The
day in Manhattan will be known as
"Bronx Borough Day" and the chief
celebration will be in that borough.
There will bo a festival In Richmond
Borough and a reception to United
States officials aud guests of the city
at West Point.
The military parade Is to take place
on Thursday, September 30. This
will be participated in by United
States infantry regiments. Navy and
Marine corps, the National Guard,
Naval Militia, veteran organizations
and marines and sailors from foreign
The parade of naval vessels, mer
chant marine, excursion boats nnd
pleasure craft of every description
will take place on Friday, Oct. 1. It
will be In two divisions, one starting
from New York, the other from Al
bany. The divisions will meet at
Newburg, celebrated In Revolution
ary history, and a general good time
will be enjoyed In Newburg Bay. In
the division bound north will be the
Half Moon, manned by Dutch" sailors
in the costumes of the mariners of
Hudson's day, and the Clermont, the
first boat built by Fulton, operated
by her own ster-.m.
Ceremonies will be held on both
these vessels at the joining of the
two divisions. At Newburg there will
be a parade, reception and the like,
with Illuminations and fireworks in
the evening. The vessels taking part
In the naval parade will return to
New York and tho Manhattan histori
cal parade previously mentioned will
be repeated In Brooklyn.
The school children In New York
will engage In festivals on Saturday,
October 2. There will be exercises
In fifty centres In New York, con
ducted In view of more than five hun
dred thousand children of the pub
lic and private schools. Tho two di
visions of the naval parade will be
welcomed on their return from New
burg.. There will be a historical par
ade on Staten Island and dedicatory
exercises at Stony Point, the scene of
a decisive battle during the Revolu
tion. In the evening there will be a
carnival parade in New York, in
which there will bo seen fifty bril
liantly Illuminated floats, escorted by
various organizations.
The final week of the celebration
will be devoted to events on the Hud
son north of New York from October
3 to October 9. Special ceremonies
with the historical floats In parades
will take place in all the river cities
and larger villages, with neighboring
smaller municipalities participating In
each of them. On Monday, October
4, the chief celebrations will be at
Poughkeepsle and Yonkers: Tuesday,
at Kingston, Hastings, Dobbs Ferry,
Irvlngton and Tarrytown; Wednes
day, at Catsklll nnd Nyack; Thurs
day, at Hudson, Osslnlng and Haver
r.traw; Friday, at Albany and Peeks
kill, and Saturday at Troy and Cold
Spring. Similar ceremonies will be
held at Cohoes on Monday, October
11. The carnival parade lu Brooklyn,
Saturday evening, October 9, will
bring the celebration to a close, as
far as Manhattan is concerned.
New York City. Excelling In mag
nitude of scope and brilliance of de
sign any celebration ever held in New
York, the Hudson-Fulton celebration
will begin on Saturday, September
25, and close on Saturday, October 9.
Tho commission having In charge the
details of the celebration has Issued
an official circular announcing tho
schedule of events for the first time.
The interest shown by foreign na
tions, especially England, Germany,
France and Holland, In the successful
outcome of tho celebration was a
source of great encouragement to the
commission In the early days of Its
labors. The countries named, not
to speak of others In South America
and the Orient, will be represented
in the big naval parade on September
25 by from one to five war ships, nil
representative of their class. The
United States war ships then In the
harbor will Join In the naval pageant.
While from time to time fragment
ary Items bearing upon the celebra
tion have been published, they lacked
the authoritative stamp of the com
mission. The official schedule now is
at hand, and it is an imposing array
of events. The celebration will begin
with a rendezvous of all foreign and
American vessel In the harbor, dip
ping of flags, firing of salutes and
other evidences of the entent cordlale
existing between the United States
and the world Powers. Then will
follow the first naval parade, during
which the foreign war ships will be
encircled, after which there will be
a reception of officials and other not
ables at 110th street and Riverside
drive, at three o'clock in tho after
noon. The evening of the first day will
witness the opening Illuminations. If
ono can imagine the light a bunch of
six billion wax candles, burning si
multaneously, can send to the clouds,
then one will have some Idea of the
brilliancy In and about Manhattan
nightly during the celebration. Mar
iners sny lesser illuminations have
been seen from the decks of ships one
hundred miles at sea, so that It Is
r.afe to say that many an Incoming
ship will view the glare before the
copst has been sighted.
There will be nothing doing of
ficially on 8unday, September 28, that
day being set aside for religious ob
servances. The following day, Mon
day, there will be official receptions,
The first electric Fineltlng plant in
the world in which pig iron v.ill be
produced on a roumiericlal scale Is
about to be Installed in Norway.
Women who suffer with backache,
bearing down pain, dizziness and that
constant dull, tired
feeling, will find
comfort In tho ad
vice of Mrs. .lames
T. Wright, of 51 y
Golutborougk St.,
Easton, Md., who
says: "My back was
in a very bad way,
and when not painful
was so weak It felt
as if broken. A friend nreed mn In
I try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did,
and they helped me from the start,
j It made me feel like a new woman,
1 and soon I was doing my work the
j same as ever."
I Sold by all dealers. B0 cents a box.
Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Not To Be Tolerated.
"Herel" shouted the railway offi
cial. "What do you mean by throw
ing those trunks about like that?"
Tho porter gasped in astonishment
and several travelers pinched them
selves to make sure that it was real.
Then tho official spoke again.
"Don't you see that you're making
big dents In this concrete platform?"
A Process Of Evolution.
He shouted for reform nt first.
He then got a position.
And now let's frankly face the
He's a plain politician.
Washington Star.
The first memorial to be prepared
for a place In the new Memorial
building at the University of Michi
gan will be a bronze bas-relief of
President Angel), to be presented to
the university by Regent Arthur
Hill, of Saginaw.
Rich Widow Weds Her Young
Nephew Despite I.nw.
Pittsfleld, Mass. Mrs. Adeline
Rucks, ot Wichita Falls, Tex., came
all the way to Massachusetts to marry
her young nephew, Ell Balllnger, and
la on her way back to Texas with her
husband. She Is fifty years old, twice
a widow, wealthy and weighs 250
pounds. He tins the scales at 118.
Notwithstanding that It is against
the State law for such near kinsfolk
to marry, Mrs. Rucks and her nephew
procured a license in the City Clerk's
office in North Adams.
Feminine Notes.
In Texas all trained nurses must
register and pass an examination be
fore the board of examiners.
Miss Alma Sturtevant was recently
appointed clerk of the County Court
In Boulder, Col. She is a Dative of
The wedding of Prluce Mlfciiel of
Bragansa and Miss Anita Stewart, ot
New York City, was sat lor Septem
ber 15.
Mrs. Jeannette M. Bradley has
charge ot the new legislative head
quarters of suffragists in Washing
ton..!?. .
Two Masked Bandits Hold
I'p n Hank in Iowa.
Mtneola, Iowa. -Search Is being
made' for tho two masked men, who,
armed with pistols, held up Cashier
F. II. Nlpp, of the Mills County Ger
man Bank here and escaped with
$1500 in cauli. Nlpp and two custom
ers were kept In the back room by
order of one of the robbers, white the
other took the money from the safe
and counter. The bandits fled afoot
and went east along the Wabash Rail
road toward Silver City, near which
place they disappeared in a cornfield.
The Labor World.
Spokane (Wash.) labor unions
have organized a metal trades coun
cil. Members of Minneapolis Typogra
phical Union, No. 42, are Interested
In obtaining the 1010 international
convention for that city.
The Trades and Labor Council of
Hamilton, Canada, bas appointed a
committee to decide on the advisabil
ity ot building a labor temple.
In Stockholm the local street rail
way company scored a complete vic
tory over the strikers, and take the
latter back at minimum wagos.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her.
Wlllimantic, Conn. "For five years
I suffered untold agony from female
troubles, causing; backache, irregulari
ties, dizziness aud nervous prostra
tion, it was impossible for me to
walk upstairs
without stopping
on the way.
tried three di.Ter
cnt doctors and
each told ine some
thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf
fer more. The last
doctor said noth
ing would restore
my health. I began
taking Lydia E. l'inkhum's Vegetable
compound to see wliat u would do,
and I am restored to my natural
health." Mrs. Etta Donovan, JJox
2UD, Wlllimantic, Conn.
Tho success of Lydia E. rinkhnm's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It muy be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, libroiil tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi-
?estiou, dizziness, or nervous probtra
iou. For thirty years Lydia E.Finkham'i
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial.
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, aud why should it
not cure you V
' ' '. ' Tt k " ' ' :
He Kenw Ills Rusincss.
Klndhearted maiden (fishing for
a stray penny In her purae I sup
pose you poor blind people feel your
misfortune keenly?
Blind Mendicant Yes, indeed.
The Lord only knows how I miss the
pleasure of being able to look Into
the beautiful faces of the handsome
and lovely ladles who aro kind
enough to donate
Kind-hearted Maiden (fishing out
a shilling) Here, poor fellow, take
this, I'm sure you are deserving.
spa I
V i-T 5-.-.Vl-
Honored by Women
When a womon iprqki of her
silent secret nufierinj( she
trusts you. Million have be
stowed thin mark oi confi
dence on L)r. R. V. Piarcc,
ol Buffalo, N. Y. Every
where there are women who
bear witness to the wonder
working, curing-power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
which saves tho tuffering trx
from pain, and succcMfully
grapples with woman's weak
nesses and ttubborn HI:.
m J
No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con
fidence misplaced when she wrote ior advice, to
the World's Dispr-NSAHV Msdical Association, Dr.
R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Plcrco'n Plcanant PetMa Induce mild natural bowel mnvemenl once a day.
Cures the wick find aetH n n preventive for other. I.i'jiiM
given tm the tongne. Sale for brotv! tnarev nml all others. Best
kidney remedy; ."ii cents nnd 81 a bottle; uud !() the down.
Sold I iy all ihngiftH and horV.j goodH houses, or Bent, exp-esa
paid, by the niunufiu'turcr.
Just Outside.
Two women chanced to meet on
a street car In Chicago, says the
Youth's Companion.
"Why, bow do you do, Mrs
Thompson?" exclaimed one of them.
"I called at your home one day la 't
week und there was nobody at
"We've moved. Mrs. diles," mid
the other. "Didn't you know that?"
"No. When did you move?"
"About two weeks nuo. We zi
tired of living in all the noise ;nid
bustle, and c went away out in the
"What direction."
"And whole are you incited now?"
"It's a now nt Sshborhood, .Mis. ;
Giles, and I enn't describe it exact
ly, but if I had a map of the city
hero I could show you We live
Just half an Inch outside the city
Lord Curzoti, at a mee'lng in Lon
don. t!"fliirt'd that tie enfranchise
ment of women would endanger the
safety of the empire.
C'oiwt inyt ion cntise nn ! -v.ttes nemy
enoiw uimmmh. it is tho!..iifc'i!v cure I by
I'r. I' e. 's I'lensnnt I'll!
family l.ixutive.
1 i.i: favorite
On condition of securing 2fio,n.eo
bales of henequen at $1.25 gold an
arroba (about 23 pounds), a busi
ness firm of Merida has contracted
for almost all this season's unsold
crop lit Yucatan.
Ry Hulling fireaso Shin All Cam
Off One Side ol' Face nnd llentl
Thought Her Disfigured For Life
I'seJ Cuticunt: No Se.-ir l'ft.
"My baby was sitting hi-sido the fender
nml we were propuritig the breakfast when
tho frying-pan full tf boiling gn a.-e was itf
set nnd it went all over one side of htr face
nnd head. St, mo one wiped the scald with a
towel, pulling the entile skin off. We took
her to n doctor, lie tended her a week
nnd gnvme Rome Muff to put en. Mut it
nil festeied nml I thought the baby was
disfigured for life. 1 used nbout three
boxes of Cutictirn Ointment nnd it was
tronderful how it healed. In nbout live
weeks it wns better nnd there wasn't a
mark to tell where the -M had been.
Her skin is just like velvet. Mrs. Hare,
1 Henry St., South MiieM, Durham,
land, March 22, 19 is."
l'otter Drug & t hem. Corp., Sole I'rops.
of Cuticura He-nedics, lioslon, Mass.
"All the World's Airships," is to be
published in Kngland, in October.
"Mi:.Mun;s of dan itit'i:," Tin:
At Last, There Is on Rale a Hoots
Iiriinful of American Humor.
Any bookseller will tell you that
the constant quest of his customers
Is for "a book which will make mo
laugh." The bookman Is compelled
to reply that the race of American
humorists has run out and comic lit
erature 1b scarcer than funny plays.
A wide sale Is therefore predicted for
tho ''Memoirs of Dan Kite," the
Clown of Our Daddies, written by
Maria Ward Brown, a book guar
anteed to make you roar with laugh
ter. The author presents to the pub
lic a volume of tho great jester's
most pungent Jokes, comic harnngiies,
caustic hits upon men and manners,
lectures, anecdotes, sketches of nd
venture, original songs and poetical
effusions: wlso nnd witty, Ferlous,
satirical, and sentimental sayings of
the sawdust arena of other days.
These "Memoirs" also contain a series
of adventures and Incidents altern.-it-
lng from grave to gay; descriptive
scones nnd thrilling events; the rec
ord of half a century of a remarkable
life. In the course of which the sub
ject was brought Into contact with
most of the national celebrities of the
day. The book abounds In anecdotes,
humorous and otherwise: pnd It nf
fords a clearer view of the Inside
mysteries of show life than any ac
count heretofore published. Old Dan
Rice, as the proprietor of the famous
"Ono Horse Show," was more of a
national character than Artemus
Ward, and this volume contains the
humor which made tho nation laugh
even while the great Civil War raged.
This fascinating book of f00 pages,
beautifully illustrated, will bo sent
postpaid to you for $1.50. Address
Book Publishing Houso, 134 Leonard
street. New York City.
A Tails blind man lias saved four
persons from drowning.
f'nr Hi A 11 I I II : -.. I, U . A I" t m R
V.'l.etl it I'iiiin ( r.Ms. Heat. stomAch or
Nerv.-ms 1'ni.iel.- tti.iUne will relievo you.
It'; ll-.ii u - i !. umii.I to lake li-'l imnteill
aielv. Tiy n !u;.. uo1 c. al tlrus
linen industry in Ireland em
ploys To. i persons
Mrs. Winslo s - 'iing vnip fornjiMrrn
teet ilieguins, ivlmesinllimniiv
Uuu.uUuys p.ilii.cureii vvnel i.-olic. lioc ft twttltt.
(lermany Is to have an Kncl'sh
theatre. ' 13. N. U. 37.
We Offer An Interest
In 12 Proven Mines
Wo have acquired 12
Colorado mines on one&
mountain which have
produced $2,009,000.00.
When former operators
reached water its acids
destroyed their pumps,
compelling operations to
cv.xse. We shall drain
out water by tunnol and
have millions above. For
financial asMstanci! in
driving our tuuuel will
take persons in witli us
who write immediately,
in Fubsci iptions of $50.00
up to $1,000.00.
CnN-.nret re cerlninly fine. 1 pave frirtirl
onr whrti (he doctor wu treating him for cn.L-r
of the M-itniich. The next morning he paw.l
four j)if i'f n ini worm, lie thru Kt h kx
aul in thrre t'.ov he passrt ttpt-worm 45 feet
nn. It was Mr. Matt Frctk. MiUt-rbnrx,
liMtiphtn Co . 1 am ijulte a worker for Cumi
rr:. 1 ue them mvarlf ut4 ftml them be neat ml
fur mKl any ilteje catiM-il 1y impure I4ti1."
CliMft. E. Comluu, L,ewiktuii, lJa., (Mttiim Co.)
Pleanant. Palatnble. Pcrrnr. Tast Good.
I o if iHiU. Never Sicken. Weaken or ( irife.
Kk:, 2V, 50c. Never told In bulk. Tiiek'iii
In tablet fctnnped C C C. Guaruuxa ta
euro or you lowney bmk. fell
ratvui yoiu
Tra-r.UoIi7ril!iu yuiir Book. WrtlmA im
lutw, in. . ululii lluuuiy tor aal Un il
lUoir rautOM, wiiu MrTcilu tlx oliU wu I
tif Muuraa um luc tu.iu. yuf' uiiu
ud Uiilri.imoiM, 11.UM, W, U, WUU. 111.4
l.,Soir)r fajUo.) Wui BulUmg, ill luA, Ai.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
In tbr Hirclusr ol
paint matirialk
It is an ilwJute
guarantee ot pjir.
ity and quality,
tor your own
protection, ice
that it it on the lide of
every keg ol white lead
you buy. .
ttOl Tiirlty Tort
.ntrU . Iak ef tnllMMUIt nmi ! U' tii 4
feseo. Dr. U. U. lkLkV auftn, t AilwU to
1 Now Y ir. 'uvy Utai i an 1 aha ill Our with
rvtckt UTt-e H.-ut.i n nveiir. .4 n i lp r
fciAUipt-'I'k Ul Ut.dUll.ta.UttiiUiM-v.a
Chicks Doisig Well ?
If Not, Learn Why rrom a Uook Costing
Less Than the Value of One Ctilcke.........
Whether you raise Cbickeiu for fun or profit, you want to do it intelligently n4
grt the brat reiulta. The way to do tlu la to prout ly the expenem' of other. Vie
oiler a book telling all you need to know on ihe subject a book written by nana
who mado hia living for 23 yearn in Kaiaing J'oultry, aud in that time ni-veanunly bad
to experiment and pond mm h money to Uaru the beat way to conduct tin buainra
(or the mall (um of 25 I KM 8 in postui;e stamps. It tells you how to lH-tect ami (Jura
Disease, how to Keed for I'gge, tnd aUo for Market, which Fowls to Sava ior 1! read
ing i'urpoara. and inilrnl alaiut evervtliine y" must know on th auliect to ruak
ucresa. fclXT I'Ofe'lTAlD ON RKt'Ell'T Of iS CENTS IN STAMl'S.
BOOK PUnUSIilNO HOUSE, 134 Leonard 8t N. V. City.
Color mora good, brlaauw aad faaiar salon tfeaa anr er are, Ona ion. par Mr colon all attar. Tfcor djr ta aoia water heiioc tha aur Mtwr dr. Toaj
van auy iuimw wlUwut ruVOM - Writ lu frv bootMi-Uuw w Kja, limoa ( UI QiMm MUMiUk lttlu to., ilalaay, lllla.