The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 26, 1909, Image 4

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Published livery Thursday,
b. W. PSiK, Editor and Proprietor.
AUGUST 26, 1009
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
I'nr n,tmre of 8 lines 8 limrx 11 M).
I'ur square each subsequent Insertion.... M).
An advertisements Inti'rteil fir leu than
hrt;e months charged by the tquare.
3 mot. 1 flu-ni. 1 yr.
One-fourth ".ol iimn....
One hiif nolumn
One Column
. . .815 .00.
.. . 2". 00.
.... 40.00.
40 on
so no
71). 00
llustontown U. B. Charge.
For Sunday August '2'Jlh.
Hustontowa Sunday school
!t:P,0: preaching 10::!0.
Piothlohem Sunday school
preaching 3; C. F- "..'!().
Knobsville l'roaching 7:;!0.
Mt. Tabor Sunday school
(.'. E 7:30.
We 1 1 a Valley Sunday school 0;
class 10, C. K. 7:3i.
Program for llushmeeting at
Dublin Mills, August L'S, preach
ing 10, 2 and 7:30, Moyer Ueidol;
Aug. !.(th. preaching 10, 2 and
7:30, II. Wolf and others.
S. H. Uontf an pastor.
Idleuess means trouble for any
one, It's the same with a lazy
liver. It causes constipation,
headache, jaundice, sallow com
plexion, pimples and blotches,
loss of apptre, nausea, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills soon banish
liver troubles and build up your
health. L'oc. at Trout's drug
Myers Keith and family, of
Clay township, Huntingdon coun
ty, and George Brindle and wife,
of Tyrone, Pa, visited Frank
Mrs. Kobt. Miller, of Taylor
township, and Mrs. Lixzie Black
Kice, of Cumberland, visited the
family of John Thomas.
Martha Mills, a trained nurse
in Philadelphia, and little Lirkin
Moore, arrived home on Satur
day evening. Martha will spend
her vacation with her parents, F.
Ci. Mills and wilo.
Mrs. dtheriue McClain, of
Taylor, u visiting friends in this
section a few days.
Robert and Fred McClain, of
Mount Union, are having a grand
old titre spending their vacation
with friends here.
Dr. C A. U. McClain, of Mount
Union, took a spin up to New
Grenada last Sunday in his auto.
Mrs. Olive Leslie, oT Pittsburg,
is visitin at F. G. Mills'.
Mrs. James F. McClain and
sou John Jay, visited friends at
Broad top City a few days.
Iiuth Cuumngham and Edith
Shaffer are visiting in Mount Un
iou. Frank Thomas and family visit
ed at the home of George Keith
near Saltillo, n Sunday. Shorty
knows how to eat chicken.
L. L.Cunningham was hustling
in part of Huntingdon county a
few days hst week, in Fire and
Life Insurance business. Ho
represents the good old Equitable
Life Co.
Harry Caster, wife and son
Ernest, called on friends at Wa
terfall on Sunday.
A Pleasant Surprise,
Mr. George Bishop will remnin
ber willi pleasure Saturday cvo
uing, August L'Ut. Mr. Hishop
after having finished his evening
chores was sitting on his porch
enjoying" the beautiful eveuing
when his attention was attracted
by hearing some one talking in
the lane leading to his home, and
as they rjamo no nearer and the
sound seemed ever to increase,
Mr Bishop went'out to investigate
when to his surprise he found
uio lane mien Willi his maiiy
frieuds and ueighbors. Howev
er, Mr. liishop soon remember
ed that this was his ."2d birthday
anniversary and in his hospita
ble manner made them welcome.
Ice creum, cake and lemonade
were served and the evening was
spent in social chat until the
clock held its bauds up over its
face in dismay. The guests ttien
departed for their homes, wish
ing Mr. Bihhop many hapuy re
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. John Bishop, and children,
Blanche, Harvey and Buelah, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bishop and
daughter, Miss Mary: Mr. and
Mrs. Shade Truax and daughter
Lenr.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Peck
and daughter Amy; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Souders; Mrs. Mary
Gregory, Mrs Susan Bishop,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gordon,
Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman,
and children, Clem and Viola; Mr
and Mrs. T. H. Truax and daugh
ter Miss Jessie; Miss Ethel Pow
el, Clarence Deshong, Allison
Deshong, Goldio Sharp, Kalph
Mellott, Brethed Powell, Elwood
Yeakle, Jennie Funk, Scott Mel
lott, Jacob Powell, Ira Mellott,
Gilbert Wigfield, Lucy Mellott,
James Peck, Clifford Gordon.
Holla Mellott, Cnarles Pinge and
Mary Mellott.
O.vic Who Was Thkkk
A Splendid Chance.
Everybody who Is weak, deli
cate or sickly want 4 to get well.
Dr, Greene of J West Hth Street
Now York City, makes a special
ty of treating patients through
letter correspondence. The wis
est thing ull suffering peoplo can
do is to write. Dr. Greene, stating
just Vow they feel, mentioning
every symptom of which they
complain, and he will answer the
letter, explaining each symptom
and descrihiug the case so thor
oughly that patients understand
their complaint as well as thougn
they had talked with the doctor.
It saves a journey to the city and
doctor's fees, and costs nothing,
Dr. Greene is the most success
ful spee'ahst in curing nervous
and chrouic diseases. Ho is the
discoverer of that wonderful
medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy. Thous
ands are being cured through his
perfect system of letter correspondence.
Write to-day for fui:i: bottle of
Dr. Greene's Laxura for all stom
ach, lfver and bowel trouble.
Washington's Plague Spots
lie in the low, marshy bottoms of
the Potomac, the breeding ground
of malaria germs. These germs
cause ch.Ils, fever and ague, bil
iousness, jaundice, lassitude,
weakness and general debility,
and bring suffering or death to
thousands yearly. But Electric
Bitters never fail to destroy them
and cure malaria troubles.
"They are the best all around ton
ie and euro for malaria I ever us
ed," writes U. M. James, of Lou
ellen, S. C They cure stoma'-.h,
liver, kidney, and blood troubles,
and will prevent typhoid. .Try
them, 50c. Guaranteed by
Trout's drug store.
Ridding Fields of Dodder.
There has been considerable
complaint this year in regard to
the appearance in grass fields of
the plant known as Dodder. A
specimen was sent to the De
partment of Agriculture from
Lancaster county, and Professor
II. A. Surface, the State Zoolo
gist, gave the following informa
tion in regard to it:
The parasitic plant which you
sent us is Clover Dodder (Cuscu
ta Glomerata), as you suggested.
1 think that this weed will be en
tirely destroyed in the usual
three or four years' rotation of
crops, and even in less time. The
best means of getting rid of it is
to pnt the field into cultivation,
or, whero this 13 not practical,
mow it as soon and as often as it
comes into bloom and thus keep
it from going to seed.
"It produces seed of its own,
and these grow, sending up stalks
until they are high enough to
reach som a plant to which they
fasten, and from which they
.1 . . .
uraw nourishment its own
roots and stalk then die. It was
doubtless brought into your field
in the grass seed which vou
The hum of the thresher is the
music of the day.
Singing at Antioch on Sunday
eveuing was well attended.
Quite a number of our young
folks attended the picnic at Pec
tonville. All report a fine time.
Miss Mary Bishop spent last
Sunday the guest of her friend
Miss Jessie Truax.
James Peck spent Saturday
afternoon visiting in the home of
Joseph Mellott.
Salvation Army camp is still in
Mrs. Georgia Truax visited
Mrs. Mollie Stone last Friday.
Ralph Mellott, James Funk and
Newton Peck all of Republic,
Ohio, are spending a few days
visiting 'riends in this vicinity.
Charles Souders and Bert Wei
ler are burning a limekiln for T.
1 1 Truax this week.
Nettie Yeakle is spending this
week with friends in the Cove.
Listen for wedding bells !
$25,000 For Gymuaxium.
A gift of $23,000 toward the
new gymnasium of Mercersburg j sowed last year. Therohas been
academy has been aunouueed bv ouito an unusual amount ot it in
Dr. William Mann Irvine, presi- i h.Ry 10 this State during
dent of the institution. The name ! ho Uv?. ?ear8 and ,l ' luite
of the donor is at present being
withheld. The generous gift as-
a nuisance.
Frank Mort, who had been
su res the immediate erection of spoudinga few days with his fam
fie splendid gymnasium that has J ily up at Clear Hidgo, has return
1 ing been the greatest need of ed to Waynesboro, whero he has
Mercersburg. employment as a carpenter.
A thin, pale oil. High real viscosity no fictitious body.
Retains its lubricating powers at high temperatures. The
best oil for either air or water-cooled cars. fr
" Perfect Lubrication Without Carbon Deposit"
' Jit k your deaUr-a trial will corwlnc.
UdMdnt Oil Kcftaora.
Harri.sonvllle Circuit M. E. Church.
For Sunday, August 2'Jth.
Asbury Sunday school, 9:30;
preaching, 10:30.
Ebenezer .Sunday school, 2:00.
Siloam Sunday school, 9:00;
preaching, 8:00.
Dr. W. W. Evans, District
Supt. will hold the third quarter
ly conference at Siloam, Thurs
day, Sept. 9th, promptly at 1:15
p.m. The. envelopes for July,
August, and September, should
be handed in by that time.
L. W. McOauvky, pastor.
Snpcrvisors Are Entitled to Pay,
Jungo Schull, of tho Perry-J un
iata district, recently rendered
an important opinion in the case
of the Supervisors of Tuscarora
township vs. the township to re
cover wages for services as sup
ervisors. He decided that the
supervisors are' entitled to pay
for their services. This will ap
ply to supervisors of all other
townships. It settles a question
which has been in controvessy ev
er since the new Jaw was passed
and settles it riijht. Supervisors
should be paid for their services
which is just and proper we
Ileuben Holhnshead's baby is
slowly improving.
Ben Keefer and Misses Altie
and Mame Hill, and Isaac Peck
and Boy Gregory, spout last Sat
urday evening in the home of
Wm. Kellner.
Isaac Peck and Maggie and Sa
die Kellner, spent last Sunday in
tho home of David Hill.
Quite a number of our poople
attended the festival at Ezra
Peck's last Saturday evening.
Some of our people attended
Salvation meetmg last Sunday,
Sam Clevenuer, of Need more,
was robbed Monday event iir.
Tho show at Pleasant Ridge
was a grand success. They had
largo attendance and a nice clean
show. The silver set given away
was a tie vote between Mary
Strait and Mary Deshong, and
the manager, Mr. Burke, gave
tho young ladles each a silver set,
which speaks well for Mr. Burke.
- The base ball club at Pleasant
Ridge held a festival, which was
well attended.
Subscribe tor tho "News;"
only f 1.00 a year.
pnnrnsrn amfntmknt to tttw
A criNHTrrnroN sr umi rrrcn to
tiim crnr.xs k this ommoy.
It I Ml "IK i.. HV TIIK ill.NMiAl, AS-HI-'.MIIl.Y
I'l'llftl'AXi'K OK AKTI'.'l.K .Will OK
Propositi unii-nilmi nts to en-llons eti;ht
ami twenty-one nf iirlli-li- four, wi'tlnim
el.ven mid twelve-nf nrthle five, sit
tlons two, tliroe, unit fourteen nf nrllele
elirlil. fertlun mio nf nrllc li twelve, nn.l
Se.-tlons two nml Heven of iillli le four
teen, of the 'onKtltutloii of peiiiipyl
Viinl;i. nml provision n selinlule for
enirvInK the r.memlinentn Into eiTeet.
Beet Ion 1. He It reHolveil Iv the Senntn
Unit llonwn of UepieeHntlses of tho
I 'nmnionweMlth of IvniiHylvttnlii In Oen
r;ll Assembly met, Thnt tlm TollowlliK
nre proposed n. pmemlmrntu to the Con
ntlttitlon of the Comnionwenlth of petm
fyh'Miti t. In neeor.tnnee w-ltli the provi
sions of thl eighteenth nrtlele thereof;
Amendment One To Artlclu Four, Sec
tion KlKht.
Section 5. Amend wet Inn eluht of nrtlele
four of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
Widen reildH n follows:
"lie shnll nominate and. by and with
the advice and consent of two-thirds of
nil the memhera of the Semite, appoint
n Secretary of the ( 'omnionweullh and
an Attorney Oenernl during pleasure, n
Superintendent of piihlie Instruction for
four years, and such other ofllcers of
the OommonwonlUi as he Is or may be Ized by the Constitution or by
law to appoint; he shall h;ive power to
fill all vacancies that may happen. In of
fices to which be may appoint, durluK
the recess of the Senate, by granting
rnmmlsslons which shall expire at the
end of their next session: he shall have
power to fill any vacancy that may hap
pen, during the recess of the Senate, in
the otme of Auditor riencral. State
Treasurer. Secretary of Internal Affairs
or Superintendent of Public Instriirtlon,
In a Judicial olllce, or in any other elec
tive olTice which he Is or may be au
thorized to nil; if the vacancy shall hap
pen during the session of the Senate,
the Governor shall nominate to the Hen
ate, before their final adjournment, n
proper person to fill said vacancy; hut
In any such case of vacancy. In nn elec
tive otllce. a person shall be chosen to
said oMtcp at the next general election,
unless the vacancy shall happen within
three calendar months Immediately pre
ceding such election. In which case the
election for snld otllce shall be held at
the second succeeding general election.
In acting on executive nominations the
Senate shall sit with open doors, and. In
rondrniLi:: or rejecting the nominations
of the fTTivornor, the vote shall be taken
by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on
the Journal," so as to read as follows:
He shall nominate anil, by and with
the advice nnd consent of two-thirds of
nil the members of the Senate, appoint
Secretary of the Commonwealth nnd
a Attorney Oeneral during pleasure, n
Superintendent of Public Instruction for
lour years, and such other rdllcers of the
Commonwealth as he Is or may be nu-
thoriEcil by the Constitution or by law
to appoint: he shall have power to fill
all vacancies that may happen. In offlce
to which he may appoint, during the re
cess of the Senate, by granting commis
sions which shall expire at the end of
their next session; he tha!l have power
to till any vacancy that may happen,
during the recess of the Senate, In the
nflicft of Auditor Oeneral. State Treas
urer, Secretary of" Internal Affairs 01
Superintendent of Public Instruction. In
a Judicial otllce. or In any other elective
otlice which he Is or may be uuthorlzcd
to till; If the vacancy shall happen dur
ing the session of the Senate,' the Gov
ernor shall nominate to the Senate, be
fore their final adjournment, u proper
person to fill said vacancy; but In any
such c-ase of vacancy. In an elective of
fice, a perhon shall be chosen to said of
fice on the next election day approprlatt
to such olllre, according to the provisions
of this Constitution, unless the vacant-)
shall happen within two calendar month;
Immediately preceding such eloctlon day
In which ease the election for said ofllc
hnll be held on the second succeeiliiu:
election day appropriate to such ofltcc
Tn acting on executive nominations tlx'
Senate shall sit with open doors, and. Ir
confirming or rejecting 'he nomlnatloni
of the Governor, the vote shall he taker
by yeas and nays, nnd shall be entered
on the journal.
Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec
lion Twenty-one.
Section 3. Amend Miction twenty-one ol
article four, which reads as follows
"The term of the Secretary of Interna
AtT.ilra slum be four yoirs; of the Audi
tor (.i-neral three years: and of the Klat
Treasurer two years. These ofllcers
be chosen by the n,uallllcd (lectors of th(
State at general elections. No p.-rsor
eieeien 10 tne otitce of Auditor Genera'
or Htate Treasurer shall be capable ol
minting the same oftlcc for two consecu
tlve terms." so as to read:
The terms of the Secretary of Interna
Airairs. tne Auditor General, and tin
State Treasurer shall each be four vears
and they shall be chosin by the o,uallllec
electors or the Htate at genera elections
but a State Treasurer, elected In the yeat
one loousanu nine nundrcil and nine
anail tterve for three years, nnd his sue
cessors shall be elected at the general
election in the year one thousand nlm
hundred and twelve, and In every fount
year thereafter. No person elected to tin
omco or A minor General or Htate Trcns
urer snail tie capable of holding tin
same omee tor two consecutive terms.
Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec
tion Kleven.
Section 4. Amend section eleven nf ar
tlile live, which reads as follows:
f.xeepi as otherwise provided In thli
t.onsiiiution. justices of the peace or al
dermen ahull be elected In the aevera
wards, districts, borougha and townshlpi
i oe iiiiiu oi iue election or constables
by the quallllcd electors thereof. In sucr
manner as sluill be directed by law. an!
shall be commissioned by the Governoi
ior a term or nve yearn. No township
ward, district or borough shall elect mon
than two Justices of the peace or alder-
men wimoui tne consent of a majorlt)
lononeii electors within such town
ship, ward or borough; no per. on hal
be elected to such olllce unless he slial
have rcald.-d within the township, borough
wurd or district for one year next preced
ing his election. In cities containing over
fifty thousand inhabitants, not more thai
one ulderman shall be elected In cad
ward or district." so as to read:
i-.xcept as otherwise provided In (hit
;onsmuiion. justices of the peace
aiiiermen shall be elected In the several
warns, uinirietH. iioroughs or townships,
by tho nuallllcd electors thereof, at tin-
'I'1" eieeiioo, in sueii manner ni-
snau oe uirectcii ny law. and shall be
commissioned by the Govrnor for a
term of six years. No township, ward
uisinci or noiongn shall elect more than
iwo justices or me peace or aldermen
without the consent of n majority of tin
(lualltled electors within such township
ward or borough: no person shall la?
elected to such otllce unless h'e shall havt
resided within the township, borough
ward or district for one year next pre
ceding his election. In cities containing
over tlfty thousand Inhabitants, not more
than one alderman shall ha elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment FourTo Article Five. Sec
tlr.n Twelve,
flection I. Amend section twelve of arti
cle five of the Const It uton. which reads
aa follows:
"In Philadelphia there shall be estab
llshed, for each thirty thousand Inhabit
nnts. on court, not of record, of police
and elvll causes, with jurisdiction not
exceeding one hundred dollurs; such
courts shall he held by magistrates whoso
term of otlice shall bo live years and
they shall bo elected on general ticket
by the qualltled voters at large; and In
the election of the said nmKlsti'ntcs no
voter shall vole for more thuu two thirds
of the number of persons to bo elected
when more than one urt to be chosen:
they shall ho compensated only by Used
salaries, to be Dald bv said count v: and
shall exercise such Jurisdiction; civil and
criminal, except as, herein provided, as
Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to
such changes, not Involving an Increasa
of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, as may be mad by law. In Phila
delphia tha offlcs of aldermaa U abol
ished," so as to rand as follows:
l PhtisrfelnMa there shsll bs tstah.
llsheil, for e-ic'n thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of police
11 nd civil causes, with Jurisdiction not
e-ei edlng one . hundred dollars; such
Minns shall .(. held by magl.-lrati s whose
term of oiljie shall be six years, and they
shall be elected on general ticket at the
municipal election. by the inilltlcd
votets al large; and In the election
tho said meabitraten no voter shall vote
for more than two-thirds of the number
of persons to be elected when more than
one are to lie chosen; tin y shall be com
pensated only by fixed salaries, to be
paid by said county; and shall exercise
such jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ex
cepl as herein provided, as Is now ex
crclscd by nld.rmen, subject to ctich
changes, not Involving an Increase of
civil Jurisdiction or conferring polltlcul
duties, ns may he made by law. In Phllu-
oeipniu the olllco of ulderman Is abolish.-.!.
Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec
tion Two.
Section fl. Amend section two of article
fight, which reads as follows:
"The general election shall be held an
nually on the Tuesday next following the
first Monday of November, but the Gen
eral Assembly may by law fix a different
day. two-thirds of all the members of
each House contenting thereto," so us to
read :
The general election shall he held hi
ennlally on the Tuesday next following
the (list Monday of November In each
even number" d year, but the General As
semhly may by law fix a different day.
two-thirds of all the members of cm h
limine consenting thereto: Provided
That such election shall always be held
In an even-numbered year.
Amendment Six To Article Fight, Sec
tion Three.
Sc tlon 7. Amend section three of article
eight, which reads as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, borough
nnd township ollicers, for regular terms
of sirvl.-e. shall be held on the third
Tuesday of February," so as to read:
All Judges elected by the electors of the
State at large may be elected at either
a cem-ral or municipal election, as cir
cumstances may require. All elections
for Judges of the courts for the several
Judicial districts, and for county, city,
ward, borough, and township ofllcers for
regular terms of service, shall bo held
on the municipal election day; namely,
the Tuesday next following the first Mon
day of November In each odd-numbered
year, but the General Assembly may by
law fix a different day, two-thirds of al!
the membi rs of each House consenting
thereto: Provided. That such election
shall always be held In an odd-numbered
Amendmetst Seven To Article Eight, Sec
tion Fourteen.
Section . Amend section fourteen of
article eight, which rends ns follows:
"Histrlet election hoards shall consist of
a Judge nnd two inspectors, who shall
be chosen annually by the citizens. Each
elector shall have the right to vote for the
Judge nnd one Inspector, and each Inspect
or shall appoint one clerk. The first elec
tion board for any new district shall tie
selected, and vacancies In election hoardt
oiled, as shall be provided by law. Flec
tion oftl.-ers shall be privileged from ar
rest upon days of election, and while en
gaged in making up and transmitting re
turns, except upon warrant of' a court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of the peace. In cities they may
claim exemption from Jury duty during
their terms of service," so ns to read:
District election boards shall consist o(
a Judge and two inspectors, who shall b
chosen biennially, by the citizens at th
municipal election: but the General As
sembly may require said boarda to bf
appointed In such manner as It may by
law provide. Laws regulating the ap
pointment of said bonrds may be enacted
to apply to cities only: Provided, That
such laws be uniform for cities of tht
same class. Each elector shall have th
right to vote for the Judge nnd one In
spector, and each inspector shall appoint
one clerk. The Urst election bourd fot
any new district shall be selected, ami
vacancies in election bonrds filled, a.
shall be provided by law. Election offi
cers shall he privileged from arrest upor
days of election, and while engaged Ir
making up and transmitting returns, ex
cept upon warrant of a court of record
or Judge thereof, for nn election fraud
for felony, or for wanton breach of the
peace. In cities they may claim exemn
lion from Jury duly during their terms ol
Amendment Eight To Article Twelve
Section One.
hection 9. Amend section one, artlcb
twelve, which reads as follows:
"All ollicers, whose selection is not oro
vlded for In this Constitution, shall bt
elected or appointed us may be dlrecter
tiy law. so as to read:
All ofllcers, whose selection Is not pro
vlded for In this Constitution, shall Ik
elected or appointed ns may be directed
by law: Provided. That elections of StaK
ollicers shall be held on a general electlor
day, and i lections of local ollicers shall
tie held on a municipal election tlav. ex
cept w hen. In either case, special election
may c required to fill unexpired terms.
Amendment Nine To Artlele Fourteen
Heel Ion Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of artlcb
fourteen, which reuds as follows:
"County ofllcers shall he elected at th
general elect Ions and shall hold theli
oinees for the term of three years, be
ginning on the first Monday of Janunr
next after their election, and until their
successors shall ho duly quitllHed; al
vacancies not otherwise provided for
shall be filled In such manner us may br
provuicn ny law, so as to read :
County ollicers shall be elected at th
municipal elections nnd shall hold their
omces for the term of four vears. he
ginning on the first Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall Ik- duly qualified; ull
vacancies not otherwise provided for
shall b- tn such manner as may be
proviue 1 ny ja w .
Amendment Ton4To Article Fourteen,
Hectton Seven.
Section 11. Aim-nil section seven, article
rourtecn. writcn reads as follows:
1 hree county rommls.-dnucrs atid three
county an. mors shall Iw elected In each
coin ty uIiit" such officers are chosen. In
the Mar one thousand eight hundred and
aeve; ty-tlv- and every third year there
after; and ill the election of said ollicers
eat h .im'i:i.- l elector shall vote for no
mo--- loan two persons, and the three
persons having the highest number
votes shall be elected; liny casual vacancy
In the olllce of county commissioner or
rr.inty auditor shall be filled, "by the
court or common pleas of the countv in
which such vacancy shall occur, by the
appointment of an elector of the proper
county wno 41111111 nave voted for tne
commissioner or auditor whose place Is
to he ruled, so as to read:
Three county commissioners and three
oamy auuiioi-s snau oe etecteu in each
county where such ofllcers are chosen.
In the year one thousand nlr.a hundred
and eleven and every fourth year there
after; and in the election of said ollicers
ach qualified elector shall vote for no
rnoru than two persons, and tha threa
persons having the highest number of
Votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy
In the office of county commissoner or
county auditor shall las filled by the court
of common pleas of the county In which
such vacancy shall occur, by the appoint
ment of an elector of the proper county
who shall have voted for tho counnls.
loner or auditor whose placa Is to b
Schedule for the Amendments.
8"ction 11 That no Inconvenience maw
rise from tho changes In the Constitu
tion of tho Commonwealth, mid In order
to carry tha same Into complelu ouera.
tlon, It is hereby declared that
in the case of ollicers elected by tha
people, ull terms of ottica fixed by net of
Assembly m an odd number of years
shall each be lengthened one year, but
the Legislature niav change the length
of tlm term, provided the terms for which
such ntileeis uru elected shall always bo
for an even number of years.
he above extension of oin.lul terms
hall not affect ollicers elected at tha
generui election of one thousand nine,
hundred and eight; nor any city, ward,
borough, township, or lection division
officers, whose terms of offlcs, under ex
isting law, end In tha year ons thousand
nlns hundred and ten.
In the year on thousand nln hundred
nd tan the municipal election shall bs
held on the third Tuesday of Fsbrusry,
herstofura; but ell oltictri eftosen at
" g" ; th rtanilsT term
of which Is two years, nnil also 11T) elec
tion iwileer and assessors chosen nt that
election, shall serve until the first Mon
day nf December In the year one thou
and nine hundred and eleven. All olli
cers rhosen nt that election to offices the
term of which Is now four years, or Is
made four years by tho operation of
these amendment or this schedule, shall
serve until the first Monday of December
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and thirteen. All Justices of tho p. ace,
magistrates, and aldermen, chosen nt that
election, shall serve until the first Mon
day of December In the yenr one thou-
sTiml nine Hundred nnd fifteen. After the
year nineteen hundred and ten, and until
the Legislature shall otherwise provide,
nil terms of city, ward, borough, town-
ship, and election division ofllcers shall
begin on the llrst Monday of December
in an oilil-numtiered year.
All city, wurd, borough, and township
ofllcers holding ofllcc at the date of the
approval or these amendments, whosa
terms of otllce may end In the year 0110
tnnusaini nine nundred and eleven, shall
continue to hold their offices until the
nrst Monday or December of thnt year.
All judges of the courts for the sev
ernl Judicial districts, and also all county
ofllcers, holding nfllce at tho dale of the
approval of these amendments, whoso
terms nf olllce may end In the yenr one
thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall
continue to hold their offices until tho
nrst .Monday of January, one thousand
nine nundred and twelve.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Life's a Funny Proposition,
Man comes into the world with
out his consent and leaves it
against his will. During his stay
on earth his time is spent in ono
continuous round of contraries
and misunderstandings. In his
infancy he is an angel; m 1ns boy
hood he is a devil; in his manhood
he is everything from a lizard up;
if he raises a family he is a
chump; if ho raises a check he is
a thief, and then the law raises
Cain with him; if he isapoor man
he is a poor manager and has no
sense; if he is rich, he is dishon
est, buf- considered smart; if he
is in politics, he is a grafter and
a croon; if he is out of politics.
you can't place him, as he is an
undesirable citizen;' if he goes
to church he is a hypocrite; if he
stays away from chinch, he is a
sinner; if he donates to foreign
missions, he does it for show; if
he does'nt, he is stingy and a
tightwad.'' When he first
comes into the world everybody
wants to kiss him; before he goes
out they all want to kick him. If
he dies young, there was a great
future before him; if he lives to a
ripe old age, he is in the way, on
ly liviDg to save funeral expenses.
F. T. in Philadelphia Press.
President Jndee Mmi. S Me ,T
..Aviate J-lra-U. T. IluinberT.
V,VJ'"t.)ts,M'rllf-'- """man.
""""ssioner..-Uavld II. .1. .
Myers, r I-
Clerk M. Kninu llenrv '
Couill.vSupenaieliitetu .il ( ,..
Attorney,-, w. .Scot t Alex-imlel 'orv,l
Slpes. Thomas K. y, oati. V! ! ' Mm,
It.'. sines s w
Lynch, H. N. Hipcs. L Yb Wlble ' hlrk' ' "
Ti unit.
Auditors-Wm. W Ink, D. II
justice or the Peace-.Inn p i- .
uon-tahie- Charles Meak ""u,u"
Purges- W. it. NeMiii. '
Coancllmen -Thomas llamll. ! ...
John Sheets, Michael Hlacli n ,L, 1 ""r
II. V. Nuce. Albert stonor S bua''U
Clerk-(J. W. 1'eck.
School ...Irectors-John Cotncrer 11 .
finger. Harry Hitmll, i;u. u sia, L (;"
Woollct. M. W. Nure ' M,l,"er, a, .
Hoard of Health -.lotin P. sine. -IrD
v. p ; George VV. Havs sc??" i'
Lynch, John W. Mosser, M. U c ,: r.
Tlm fleet Am r .u. r.
.... vv.oi ui mo courts of P i
ton counly in the year shall cnnl
on t!e Tuesday following the 2 c?
Monday of loVc itcLT?
The second term commences ni''
third Mouday of March, T
The third term on the Tuesdnv
following the second Monday of Ja-1
at 10 o'clock a. m. 3 1 JuM.
The fourth terra on the first m.i
October, at 2 o'clock p. m MJDd8
PRESBYTFRIAN.-Rev. John 1)1, n
Sabbath school at :15. p.ehi '
10:30 an alternate Sundays l "!.
every Sunday. Christian Endeavoi'i
A" at e cord ially invito,
Methodist episcopal Rev c w
B-ryner, Pastor. Sunday School
at :30 a. m. Preaching ever,
Sunday morning at lo:30 and ever,
Sunday evening nr. 7 -mi v.... "J
League at ;00 p. m. Prayer ieelto!
Thursday evening at 7:00. "
United i-rksbyterian Kev. J j.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school atovn
f " . ,7?o ln& everv Sunday morn
ing at 10:JO, and everv nth PI filing.,.
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young fro
pie's Christian Union at 7:00 " p.
atf-OO weunesuay eveniiif
vinFassoldPastor. Sunday school 615
a. tn. Preaching everv other Sn'..
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. hristiao En.
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meetlc,
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. m. c.
tor. Sundav at. o.-i L
. . . . " - v v.. iv a . m,
reaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christias
Lndeavor at. 6:00 p. m. Prayer mce"
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00,
Dealer In
Pianos s Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fulton county that he is prepared
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at prices that are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an instrument of national reputa
tion: and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he lg prepared jn short no
tice to tune pianos or repair organs.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen In the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me know, I
can save you money.
kfc-tll BO YEAR&
a. '
)-4 Titar? Mipua
Copyright &.e.
Anrnne nmndtng a nketr-h nnd 1fmcrtrt.on mmf
qtikj itwt-tirfKm our opinion fru wheihur a
uivf iiilnu tn nhlilf pnHjiitHbltt. f ontnmmr
ttnmt Hlrietlr nmitldetillal. lUmltxaok on I'fttauu
tiit troo. Ol0flt fcuroncy for fH'ruriiijr pnutnu.
Hiiitmta Ukiu 'Jirouirti JMunti a Co. rwcelvi
ST' ' .lima nun i no, tU UiV
Scientific Jimerican.
lisnitsnmalr lllnntrsiM wiwklr T,reit elf
Dilution of stir tcifei.lllln Journal. I'sruia. S3 s
ffir; f..or months. l. told by all nawi'tralara.
tr.MAh 1 !! if r S.. VaahUulna O 7l
'VrtCLDU jTTWAi twin rf
No. 744 meets every BYiday evening Id
tne Clevenger's Hall in McConnelli
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 mefti
every Saturday evening in the New Hall
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meeti
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrlsonvllle Lodge No. 710 rWt
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrison ville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meet. e
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellow.'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meeti
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. P.. No. 365 meeti to
McConnellsburg in Clevenger's Hall
the first Saturday in every month all
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 550, P. 0.
S. of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum
meets every first and third Mnnrini
evening in Clevenger's Hall, McConnellsburg.
Washington Camn Nn. iai P n. S.
A., of New Grenada, meots every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Ball
Washincton Qunn. Nn Khd p n s.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur-
"j ovcuiuK m f. u. a. or a. nan.
John O. T.vlor Post, n a t? Nn.
089, meets every Saturday, on or juit
preceding full moon in tashley hall
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
woman'i Relief Corns. No. M
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKibbin Post dNo.401
O. A. S., meets tha sncnnrl an fnurls
Haturaays in each month at Pleaaanl
Clenr R!dca Pniitioll nv, am ir O.
V. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear
R:dpe every Saturday evenibir.-
IheAspasia Rebekah Lodge, I. 0.
O. V , of Harrlsonvllle. meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of e.-h mnnth. In
the I O O. F Hall at Harrlsonvllle.
Clear Rldtre Gi-anirH K.i l.lllfi P. of
H., meets the first nml r.hlrrt Friday
right each month in Jr. O. U. A. M-Hall
Hustontown, Pa.
Cold Crown and Bridge Work a
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
All Work Guaranteed.
Will be in oflloe from Thut-sdav ev
rning until Monday morning of each
. agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engine 's, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
, FerHullers, Saw
J mills, Sc.
Engines on hand all
tht time, ,