V RESTING PABASBAPHS fwflrr Ilnrr and Rlliott Smith f K il llf'Hnr?, were here a few hours TunW. M. R. tshaffner, Esq., is making pn automobile trip among his (luuii-fcdou county relatives and friends. Samuel W. Bender, of Marion, Frat'klin county, was here yester day at tending the iuneral of Chas C. B nder. Georgia Wilson, of Webster Mills, spent a few days recently with tier little friend, George 13. Alexander, in McCjunellsburg. Aliss Emily Greathead and her brother Ciiarlie attended the fu neral of their aunt, Miss Nettie Deilinger, at Clearsprmg, on Tuesday. The Misses Greathead enter tained a number of their friends very delightfully at their home at the corner of Main and First Sueets, Tuesday evening. Pok Sale One Fifteen-horsepower Portable Steam Engine, and Log Mill for sale cheap. Call or address: Zentmykr Wagon Works. 5 27 m3. Mercersburg, Pa. Thomas Bender, of New Bloom field, Pa.., and Edward, of Lexing ton, N. C , reached this place Tuesday evening on "account of the death of their brother, Char lie. J. S. Eitemiller and wife, of McKeesport, H. A. Comerer and wile, and L. A. Youse and wife, of this place all spent last Fn day very pleasantly at John Shaf fers. Mrs. Grace Bender desires through the medium of the News to thank the many kind frinds for their assistance during the llluess and death of her husband, the late Chas. C. Bender. Mrs. Mattie Stouteagle wishes, in this way, to express her appre cution of the sympathy of her friends and neighbors expressed ou account of the death of her husband, the late El ward Stout eagle. Our old friend William Alexan der, of Lemaster, and grandson, Chester Bncker. of Harrisburg, spent the time trom Saturday un til Monday with the former's son m law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rinedollar, in East E id extension. DoWitt's Little Early Risers, the pleasant, safe, sure, easy lit tle liver pills. A salve you may always depend upon in any case where you need salve, is DeWitt's Cirbolized Witch Hazel Salve especially good for pijes. Sold by Trout's drug store. Mrs. W. M. Xile and Mrs. C.J. MiiNeal both of Jacksonville, Fla , are visiting in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Scott Wagner, at Knobs ville. Mrs. Kile will be better remembered as Miss Ella Wag ner, and is north a few weeks on account of her health. A fire down the Cove Tuesday evening created a grod deal of ex citement in town until it was found to be a hay shed with a con siderable quantity of hay, on the old Lump farm near Jugtown. It h owned by the Knauff heirsi and t'ifi fire was supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eitemiller, of McKeesport, Pa., are visiting among their Fulton county rela tives and friends, after an ab sence of nearly four years. Jake is another Fulton county boy that hi gone "out into the world" and made good, and his success is d ae largely to the fact that he has always been faithful to his Dmnlnirara' lntaroat. Ml- anrl Mrs. Eitemiller are a pair of rmghfy nice people, and always reoive the glad band when they come to McConn9llsburg. Gilbert J. Mellott, one of Beth el townsh.p's hustling young citizens, was in town attending to 1 business early Monday morning. Mr. Mellott has a splendid steam sawmill outfit, including a planer. Jh also has a good .farra, and is iuipnving it by putting new buildings on it. Finding that he has more on his bands than one man can well atteDd to, he has decided to offer for sale his saw mill outfit. If you know anybody that wants to go into the lumber business that would like to get a good outfit on easy terms, just ihii tnem about this chance. Mr Mellitt'a postoftice address is arrordaburg, Pa,, UouteNo. X. a J9 ma aa in another column. J. S. Eitemiller and wife, Mrs, Henry Comerer, Miss Harriet Eitemiller, and Miss Nellie Cjm erer, npent Tuesday at Knobs villo, the guests of Abraham Wag nei. Mrs. Ed. D. Shimer and ''son Master Frank, returned home last Saturday, after a very pleas ant visit in New York state, dur ing which time she was at Nm gara Falls and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs Henry W. Scott, of Chambersburg, are visiting among their Fulton county rela tives and friend's. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were formerly residents of this place aud have lots of warm friends here. Mrs. Mary Kelly spent last week with friends and relatives in Thompson township and was accompanied to the Douglass Hess wedding by her sister, Mrs Isaac Culler, aud two children, M ary and Lloyd. There is some trolley talk about a line from Bedford to Chambers burg, but there has been so much hot air expended in this direction that we shall wait for further de velopments, oetore giving any thing out through the News. Take Kodol at the times when you feel what you have eaten is not digesting. Kodol digests what you eat, so you can eat suf ticieutly of any good, wholesome food, if you will just let Kodol di gest it- Sold by Trout's drug storo. Mrs. D. S. Maun and her grand son, Willie Tritle, returned home last Saturday, after having spent tw weeks very pleasantly in Wayh esboro, visiting Mis. Maun's brother, M. L Rinedollar, and other Fulton county friends in that manufacturing town. Rev. S. J. Fitteuger, of Burnt Cabins, and Rey. C. W. Bryner, of McConnellsburg, exchanged pulpits last Sunday the former preaching at Littleton in the morning, at Knobsville in the af ternoon, and at McConnellsburg in the evening, and the latter, preaching and holding commun ion services at Burnt Cabins in the morning, Carrick in the after noon; and at Fannettsburg in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed R. Shollen- berger, and the former's mother, Mrs. E. B. Sliollenberger, and Mr. Chas. Cull and Miss Louie Prey made a trip In Ed's auto mobile from their home at Ham burg, Pa., to McConnellsburg last Sunday morning, arriving at the Washington House in time for dinner. They remained until after supper, leaving here about six o'clock, and drose home that night. The distance as register ed by the speedometer is 147 miles, hence the round trip of the day is 294 miles. Ed is an en thusiastic automobilist, and last Sunday was driving an Overland. Among those who attended the Walnut Grove ca mpmeeting from this place last Sunday, were Earl Morton and Miss Mazie Mellott, Hal Gnssinger and Miss Blanche Morton, Robert Alexander and Miss Joanna Morton, J. Scott Al exander and Miss Emma Doyle, George B. Mock and family, Mrs C. R. Spanwler and son Rudolph, Cloyd Ever hart and Miss Etta Fields, Leslie Harr and Miss Val lance, Ed Stevens and wife and daughter Helen, Boyd Elvey and wife and daughter Hazel, Roy C. Cromwell, wife and child; Harvey Nesbit, Robert and Roy Fleming, Miss Nora Ritchey, ancr Prof. J. N. Deavor, of Omaha, Neb., and Miss Rachel Thomas. Mr. Dyson F. Fraker, of 'Fort Littleton, and son Daniel W., a prosperous North Dakota farmer and school teacher, spent last Saturday in towu. Duniel took advantage of the season between planting and reaping to visit the home folks. He left for his west ern home yesterday In order to be home lor his wheat harvest. He oyns a good farm, and is about to add another nine thousand dol lar farm to his earthly posses sions. lie teaches school through the winter season atf0 a month, and finds time in summer to raise 80 acres of wheat. He plants his wheat the last of April or the first of May, and in 120 days it is ready for the reaper. One man with two horses can farm' 80 acres of wheat there, as easy as fifteen or twenty acres id this county. Most farmers to North Dakota own automobiles, and have plenty of time to use them too. Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. You need a sufficient amount of pood wholesome food and more than thl.s you need to fully digest It. Else you can't gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach If It Is weak. You must eat In order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic ient amount of food regularly. But tills food must be digested, and It must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can't do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do Is to eat what you want, and let Kodol di gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach Is weak it needs help; you must help It by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar buttle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from it, after using tho entire bottle, the drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a family. We could not afford to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 254 times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is made at the laboratories of K. V. DeWiH & Co., Chicago. For Sale at Irojfs Druj Store. Miss Bess Vancleve, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Reinbeck, Iowa, is spending this week, the guest of Miss N'etha Nesbit. and visiting other friends and relatives in the Cove. Miss Vancleve is on her return home from a trip to the eastern cities and to the seashore. Mrs. Rachel Margorum, son Frank, and grandson Timothy, of Princeton, N. J. were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Shives, of this place, from Satur day evening until Monday after noon, when Mr. Shives took them down to Peter Kirk's at Big Cove Tannery. Mrs. Margerum is a native of Thompson township, and a daughter of Peter C. Peck by hi.s second wife who was Bet sy, a sister of the late Shade Tru ax and of Mrs. Thomas Humbert. Her father was a half uncle of the Editor, and she is a step sis ter of P. P. Shives. The visitors expect to spend a day or two among relatives in the lower end rf the county and return home by way of Washington, D. C. Fall Term Opening. Week of August 80, 1009. The Tri-State Business College, Cu m- berland, Md. 7-15 0t THE CRIME OP IDLENESS. Idleness means trouble for any one, It's the same with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow com plexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish Jiver troubles and build up your health. 25c. at TroutV drug store. Western Maryland Railroad Company. In Effect June 6. 1909. Trnlns leuve Hancock as follow; No. 87.00 a. m. (ilully) for Huifcrstown. HI timore. Wuynesboro, Chumbersburtf, uud Intermediate. No. 4 10 OH a. m. (week days) llaltlraore, Get tysburg, Yorlt and Intermediate. No. 2 3 00 p. m. (week days) Haltlmore und In termediate KtatioDs. Vestibule train with observation buffet ear. No. 1 S BO a. m. (week days) Cumberland, und intermediate. No. 31.01 P m. (week days) Utile Orleans, Old Town, Cumberland. Klkius und w est. Vestibule train w ith observation buffet ear. No. 5 8.50 p. m (dally) leaves Haltlmore S.0B p. m., llaiferstown KM p. in. All tralDs make connection at llrueevf!l for Frederick uud trains f) and 4 for points north and at Haltlmore (Union Station) for Phlla, delphlu and New York. F. M. HOWK1.L, C. W. MYKRS, Gen. Pass. Agt. Atfent. Chas. R. Steach, Successor to Stench & Thompson. Painter and Paper Hanger. The partnership so long exist ing between Dwight Thomp son and myself has been dis solved on account of Mr. Thompson's moving to Philadelphia, and this Is to notify the public that I will continue the business of Puintlng and Paper hanging, and guarantee the same satis faction that we have always fflven. Latest Styles of Paper, and samples mn.V llR ftenn hv .MilltTwr tin mo r.i. ti rf - v. " dropping me a postal. Chas. li. Steach, McConnellsburg, Pa. I and CU riETHE SL&S KGS j 1 ! r, JiCT r I tbStii0 HTX)fl',.CUUlE WEE 1 6 1AffANTESO SATsrACTOfir Hustontown U. B. Charge. For Sunday, August lath. Hustontown Sunday school, 9:30; preaching, 10:30. Bethlehem Sunday school, 2; preaching, 3; C E., 7:30. Knobsville Preaching, 73:0. Mt. Tabor Sunday school, 9:- 30; C E , 7:30. Wells Valley Sunday school, 9:30; class meeting, 10:30; C. E., 7:30. S. B. Hoffman, pastor. - LAUREL RIDtib. Milton Mellott and wife, of Sipes Mills, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Robert II. Mel lott and family. George Williams spent last Saturday evening the guest of Frank Shives. Mary Shives 13 still on the sick list. Singing at Antioch was well attended. Flora Shives is spending a few days on the Ridge. Mrs. Margaret Lynch spent Sunday with Biddis Lyuch. The wedding of Goldie Hess was well attended, ' about litty were present. The Sunday school was notvery well attended. Wilbert Mann spent Sunday the guest of Harry Shaw. Mrs. Thomas' Humbert is re ported on the sick list. Alice Shives spent one dav last week at Joseph Richards' Walter Hays, of Hancock, is visiting U. G. Humbert. Rev. Hann preached a nice ser mon at Laurel Ridge last Sunday Sunday school next Sunday at nine o'clock. There will be a meeting held at Laurel Ridge by Rev. A. (i. B. Powers commencing the 13th of August, and continuing! 'lover Sabbath. Come one and alL THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING I MLB I 11 II ma Ifyon wnnt elthern VlhratlnKShnttle, Rolary bbultleor a Kinu'le Thread Chain eUtlchl Hcwlug Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Monr newlng mochinr arr maHc to icll regardless 4 quality, bat the Xew Home U made to wear. Our gitatanty never rant out. kold by authorised denlern only' rug AUt BY Isaac N. Watson, Tonsonal Artist nesppc'fully announces that he has re moved his liurher Shop to his resi dence un second street opposite the l'lesbyloriun church where he is tern ptn ily loctited and where he will be glml to b(-u his olrl customer as well us new- ones. Every thing up to date a ' lean towel to every customer. 7-1, iw. ICE! ICE! ICE! J. N. Hoch of Mercersbnrff has made arrangements with UieC'hauibernljurtf Ice and Cold StorageCoinpany ofCJh am bora burg forthehandlingof all their ice, delivered at Mercersburg ICE WILL BE RECEIV ED BY CARLOAD LOTS Aa the season ia approach ing for the use of Ice, it would .be well to arrange for your supply of ice for the summer season. Ice will be delivered 'over town every morning, except N Sabbath. Also on Saturday evening. For further information in reference to pricoa or large . lota Inquire of .. J. N. HOCH, Mercersburg, Pa. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digeats what you eat. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburg, Pa. All legal bus.nem and collections en t rusted will eoelve careful and prompt attention. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type. It Always Tells The News As It IS. Promptly and Fully. Read la Every Kngllstt Speaking Country. Racket Store Prices Big Reduction in Low Shoes 4.00 low shoes 3.2': $:i.50 for $2.75; $.1.00 ones 2.:i5: 2.3o oues 2.00; $2.00 onea 1.15; 11.50 onea $1.25; 1.23 ones -1 no. We have some Children's and Misses' low shoes we are selling at a bargain. Here is a chance to buy good shoes cheap. It has invariably bpen the great ef fort of the Thrlce-a-Week edition of the New York World to publish the news impartially In order that it may be an accurate reporter of what has happened. It tells the truth, irrespec tive of party, and for that reason it has achieved a position with the pub lic unique among papers of Its class. If you want the news as it really is, subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edi tion of the New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and U thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 15(i papers. We offer this unequaled newspaper and THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of tho two papers is 12.00. Tin Fruit Cans Strings for same Jar gums 500 matches 1000 matches 25 needles Safty pins 2. 25 good envelopes i sheets paper Tablet, pen and pencil Hooka and eyes Pants buttons, 144 for Alarm clocka 58, Ladies' vests Ladies' gauze pants Talcum powder Tooth powder Glass jars 4; Ribbon Carpet tacks, .1 boxes Tea spoons Table spoons Axle washers Paring knives Wire coat and hat hooks Tubular rivets Split rivets Mouse traps Hog rings Hog wringers Barrel sliding bolts 14 in. horse rasp 10 in. horse rasp Horse shoe hammers Hold fast shoe nails Brass shoe nails 12 in. shoeing pincers 12 in. shoeing nippers 14 in. shoeing nippers The best horse nail made 3Hc 4c do. 5 and 7c 4c 10c 1c 3 and )c do. 4c lu 1 to c 2c do. 5c 75 and 1..'W 5 to l.Sc 2oc 10c i, 50 and t5c lc to lc yd 5c Gc set 12c set 4c coil 5 to 10c ic do. 4c box 4c box 3 for 5c c hundred Kc 5c 20c 25c 2.ic 3e 4c 48c 70c 80c at 12c. We don't dare tell you the name. 6 In. monkey wrenches 8 in. monkey wrenches 10 in. monkey wrenches Liquid shoe polish Whittmores French gloss shoe pol Rim knob Un-ks Mortise locks A good varnish $1.25 X-ray stove polish Rising sun polish Climax polish ID and Capitol poultry and stock powders 25c Rize 10 qt. galvanize pails 12 qt. galvanize pails 10 qt. tin pail 5 qt. tin pail Writing ink A good grain bag 25c or 24c by Castor oil axle grease Castor oil axle grease, bucket Suspenders It), 15 and Pure neutfoot oil 75c Tin cups Machine thread Cold cream soap Lenox soup, 7 cunes Oil Window shades Felt shades The nicest line of .'I coat blue and white granite wear you ever did see. Shlppensburg 30 In. shirts and well sewed See our clothing. If you want to save money. Also the best and cheapest line of shoes in the county. 20c 25c .toe . He 2"c 45c gul 4c 5c 13c 15c 15c Inj loc He 3c do. He 2:to 24c gal 2c 4c 4c 25c 20c He 45c HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa. August 16th Saturday August 16th BARGAINS I N MEN'S TROUS ERS FOR WORK OR DRESS All Sizes and Styles Regular Line Marked Down. Good Only to August 16th. We Have Your Size $1.25 to $1.50 trousers marked down to 75c. and $1.00 $1.75 to $2,00 trousers marked down to $1.25 and $1.50 $2.50 to $2,75 trousers marked down to $2.00 and $2.25 $3.25 to $4,25 trousers marked down to $2.50 August 16th Remember the Date August 16th GEO. W.REISNER & CO.