The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 12, 1909, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
l. W. P'K, Editor and Proprietor.
AUGUST 12, 19)9
Wm, J. Criclcr, who has been
iu Kansas for a year or more, re
turned to the home of hi father,
Jacob Ccider, last Wednesday.
Miss Alma McClain, wh has
been at Huntingdon for some
tune, is home on a visit for a few
Miss Lola (Jlirk, of Hunting
dou, is visiting at M. W. llouelrs.
Harry C ymaus took a littlt
outing to his home at Decorum,
an incidentally attended tin.
Shade G ip picuic last Saturday.
Queen Houck is visi Un-friends
at Kobertsdale.
ll y Shafer visited over Hun-
day in the homo of his brother
llirvey at Fort Littleton.
S. R Metzler has started into
the butchering business. This
will be quite a convenience for
many of our people.
H. 11. IJridcnstine aud daugh
ter Mary, of PJumville, Pa., and
S. D. Hank, of Glen Campbell,
I 'a., managing agent for the
American Central Life insurance,
of Indiana, Pi., called on L. L
Cunningham last Thursday. Mr.
Uridunstine is also an agent foi
the same company. They are
botn very pleasant gentlemen.
Jesse O. McC'ain, of Koberts
dale is building a largestore room
addition to his property, into
which he experts to remove his
store about the tirst of Septem
be: , and vacate the room he is at
present using. i
Mrs. ii. W. Cunningham and
son Laverty, of Altoona, are
spending their vacation among
their New Grenada friends and
Tombstones and monuments
h kVe been erected in Bethel ceme
tery recently. The graves mark
ed are those of Mrs. James Gris
singer, Peter Iiaith, and Comrade
Charles Noel. Mr. Noel's was
furnished from the Quartermast
ei'-General's office, Washington,
D. C.
Ethel, daughter of Dr. C. A. Ii
McClain, of Mount Union, is visit
mg friends here during her sum
mer vacation. Ethel is a nice lit
tlo lady.
Miss Mary Thomas, of Saltillo,
and Miss Emma Fake, of Colum
bus, O., are visiting in the home
of the former's brother, John W.
Tnomas, of this place.
Isaau McClain has his steam
threshing outfit in the Valley,
threshing out the crops of the
Miss Maude Neal spent a few
days last week at her old home
in this place.
Mrs. Jesse O. McClain, and
Ruth and Blanche Alloway all
of Kobertsdale, visited at Wm.
Alloway 'a last Suuday.
Charlie Alloway, of Hroadtop
City visited friends here over
On account of the hot weather
and the dusty roads, very few of
our people went to the Walnut
Grove Cam pmee ting last Sunday.
Mrs. George Gress and John
Deshong, of Dane, spent last Sun
day at llirry Caster's.
UnlesH rain comes very soon,
gardens will have porished, and
the corn crop will be a Hat lailure.
Pasture is now burned up, the
streams are very low, and many
wells have gone out of business.
While coming down the mount
am last Saturday on a spring
wagon, Mrs. A. D. Keith was
thrown to the ground and severe
ly bruised. The accident wus
caused by one of the wheels drop
ping ii. to a deep bo'e in the road.
The luckiest mortala in thu er
ring world of ours are the road
supervisors. If thoy were called
to account for all the injury and
damage that comes from their
negligence, the courts would have
something to do.
Chesnut, K
II lover .
Chesnut, D
W( lodcock
Tay lor
Fi .slier, B
Fisher, P
1 Sj angler
I lelman
Base Ball
At McConnellsburg, last Sat
p IVnsinger
c Doylo
ScoreUoeper. lrvin Ilolman.
Hustontown 210 0 3 2 0." 2-15
McCounellsburg 00 2 1 00000- 3
At Harrisonvilie, Angut7th.
Ludig, Jrs. Harrisonvilie
I ?rant, C
lirant, D
M nm ma
Brant, E
Mellott, J
Score, 1 0-1 .'J, in favor of Laidig.
Umpire, Erra Clevenger. Score
keeper, Joseph Deshong. Fea
turo of game o-base hit by Ed
win Brant.
Everybody Talking About II,
Everybody is talking about the
great free oiTer of Dr. Greene's,
i Tnnrnspn AMirvntvTq m t??h
Isaac Perk, of Covalt, spent Sunday ! ro.NsvriTt i i.Vv xr liMrrrF.n TO
1 ,.. I ... ,,.,. ,. ., i TIIK CITI.KXS nf THIS IVlMMON-
in iiiim in vviiiintu ieiuier.
p Cmuelly
c Strait
lb Mellott,
-o Daniels
:!o Metzler
ss Lawyer, S
If Schooley
cf Lawyer, L
rf Mellott, B
AmnniT those wlin visit.. d TlnvM
who discovered that wonderful Hann's last Sunday wore: lirady Mel-
medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura lot', wife and son Paul: (ieo Mellott,
blood find nerve remedy, lie w'fe nnd sonllurokl: Mrs. Isatali Slp;s
makes a specialty of treating pa- 8"'1 rMHl'('11' Howard Truax. May
. .i u i .. , ; Lake. Harrison Mann, Mubelle Truax.
Units through letter correspond ' ,, ( hlvelu,J Mo)1()tt"iU
em (, and ail who accept his olTer j ,,,it.. e number of our people at-
ai 'J astonished at the marvelous t tended son- services at Hk; Dunkurd
success of this method. His of I'l'uroli Sunday evening.
titeisat Si West 14th St., Now I CJ'", Covnlt r"- Sunday evening
v i rv. i i , In the home of M. F. Daniels
oi k City, where he receives and .. ,. , ,,, . . L ,
, . ' . , uijr thosn visiting Isulah Mei-
carefully examines every letter it,;a llsl Sunday were;. David and
sent to him. After thoroughly Koss Gordon, Jonas Mellott and wile,
studying each case -he answers uml -Miss I',pri0 Mellon.
WKA1.TF1 l'l)H Til Kill APPROVAL, OR
I.ISHK.n F'.V OltllKIt OF Till', Sl-.Cltl'
llsh.Cc;, for each thirty thousand Inhnhlt
fints, tine court, not of record, of police
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not
exceeding ono hundred dollum; such
courts shall he-held by magistrates whose
term or otlloe shall be six years, and they
shall lie elected on general ticket ut the
municipal election., by the qualified
OK 'I'll K t')lMM IN Wl'.A l.'I'l I J N' Voters lit Wire: 01..I In (ho lee
vi KSI-ANi'K OP AHTICLK XVIII OP the said mnirlstrntos no voter shall vote
fur more thnn twp-thlrdH of the number
the letter, explaining the casG of
each symptom and telling a sure
way to get well and all this is en
tirely free of charge. They save
the expense of a trip to the city,
have no fee to pay. aud have
the benefitof the best medical ud
vice. Here is an opportunity for
you to get well, readers; you can
either accept or rpject it. Which
will you do?
Write to-day for fkkh bottle of
Dr. Greene's Laxura for all stom
ach, liver and bowel trouble.
The farmers are very busy
threshiug out their crops, and
are generally rewarded by ar
unusually good yield.
Prof. Miller's "sn giug" at tin
Christian church last Saturday
drew a largo and appreciative au
uieuce. Everybody was glad to
see the Professor again.
Bertha Laytou aud Ora Desh
ong spent part of last Saturday
the guests of Daisy Mellott.
Tntrty-four persons were pres
ent at the "party" at Riley Desh
ong's'last Friday night, and all
report a very enjoyable time.
Marie T. Derksom, and Jessie
Bard spent last Friday in the
home of E. V. Mellott.
The llarvist Meeting at the
Dunkard church last Sunday and
Sunday night was well attended.
Earl Bard has purchased anew
Milton Mellott made a business
trip to Hancock last Saturday.
Bertha Lay ton spent last Sat
urday night at II. S. Meliott's.
Augusta Henry Layton was
badly injured last Wednesday by
falling from a load of grain.
George W. Gray is on the sick
Mrs. Mary Paull has returned
to her home at South Fork, Pa.
Henry Deshong is wearing a
smile that will not rub off and
just because a young daughter
has come to their house.
Anna Hebner is visiting in the
home of Aaron Hess, and her sis
ter, Mave Hebner, is visiting the
family of John Stahle. in Buck
Miss Nellie Williams, of Ever
ett, is visiting in the home of G.
D. Mellott, at Fanklin Mills.
Walter Spade, of Hancock, is
visiting friends at Amaranth.
Mrs. Will Uair, of Saluvia, and
Mrs. John Murnma and daughter
Julia, of Laidig, spent a day re
cently visiting the family of Kev.
S. J. PitteDger, at Burnt Cabins.
Mrs. W. A. Chesnut, of Hus
tontown, is visiting her daughter
Airs. Elliott Smith, at Biddles
burg, and last Tuesday, the two
ladiftH spent the day at John Hoop to the mountain for huckleberries
fugarduer's. i but havo not found many.
W mhinglon'i Plague Spoil
He in the low, marshy bottoms of
the Potomac, the breeding ground
of malaria germs. These germs
cause chills, fever and ague, bil
iousness, jaundice, lassitude,
weakness aud general debility,
and bring suffering or death to
thousands yearly. But Electric
Bitters never fail to destroy them
and cure malaria troubles.
"They are the best all around ton
ic and cure for malaria I ever us
ed," writes U. M. James, of Lou
ellen, S. C. They cure ntomacb,
liver, kidney, and blood troubles,
and will prevent typboid. Try
them, 50c. Guaranteed by
Trout's drug store.
Mrs. Alfred Sipes and daugh
ter returned fuom visiting rela
tives iu Frauklin county.
Clarence Mellott, of Andnver,
made a trip to McC mnellsourg
on business last Tuesday.
Mrs. L W.McGarvey, is conva
lescing slowly owing to several
frights concerning her son Win.
Albert. Master Albert's mouth
is still very sore from the carbol
ic acid.
Mrs. Florence Wink was visit
ing at Richard Schooley 's Thurs
day. She had been taking treat
ment for her eyes at Needmore
for several weeks.
The berry crop was a disap
pointment to many owing to the
dry season.
Eleanor Bates spent several
days last week with friends in
Watson Schooley is erecting a
new grauary.
Miss Rebecca Sipes was taken
suddenly ill last Wednesday.
Overwork and the heat seemed to
be the cause.
Birthday parties and card
showers seem to be very popular
amusements. Owing to the at
tention shown the "inward man"
everybody says "I love card
O. J. Mellott burned his limekiln
last wtek.
Mr&. Jane Kline, who has been on
the slek list, is reported bettor.
The Cross Hoiids Sunday school is
progressing nicely.
Mrs. Dorothy Graven is spending
soinn time with her sister Mr. John
John M. Kunyan and son Kussell,
of MuConniieUabury, spent last, Mon
day nijiht with the former's parents
Mr, and Mrs. A. Kunyan.
Mrs. LulTerty, of New Jersey, spent
several days last week visiting in the
home of ljer sister, Mrs CharlesKersh
Kid. Funk preached here last Sun
day evening.
The touchers' examination was held
here last Friday. There were three
who took the, examination, and plenty
of applicants for the schools.
Alexander Mellott has opened his
new drive way, between the roads to
l'ijjoon Cove and Covalt. It muy be
delightful traveling along Burnett's
Run tlit-so hot days, but there is no
evidence of the roud having been used
There will be a "lletnedy Show"
town this week.
The drought still continues.
Daisy Kelly, of McCouneilsburg,
spent u few days lust week with her
friend Jessie Truax.
John M. Fittman, of Pigeon Cove,
spent Sunday ut II. Sharpens.
Maymond I.itton and cousin Mrs.
Uoush spent from .Saturday until Mon
day with friends in the Cove.
Mattie Winters spent Sunday with
her cousin I'.tta Douglass.
Mrs. V. II Pittman and daughter
Guynoll spout Sunday with Mrs. Pitt
man's brother Jacob less and family.
Peter Wolfe, of Mercersburg, is
spending this week tishing in Licking
Mrs. Mary A. Kelly, of McConnells
burg, visited friends near Sharpe last
Kev. Powers aud wife, of Xeedinoie,
spent lust Wednesday night ut W. II.
Mrs. Job Winters aud daughter,.
PropnsltiR amendment!) to wctlnnft eight
uml twnty-onc or urtlele four, section!)
eleven mid twelve of nrtlele live, ee
tlons two. three, iiimI fourteen of nrtlele
clijlit. Di-et'on one of nrtlele twelve, nnd
er!ioiix two uml Hevcn of nrtlele four
teen, of t'10 1 otiMtihitlon of f'entisyl
v:inln. nml provlilliiK a Deliedule for
cnrryltiK the nniemltnentn Into effect.
Section 1. lie It rciilvc(l by the Sennit)
Utiil Mouse of ItepreyentiillveH of the
Cofiinionwe.-ilth of I'cniiHylviintii In Ocn
tnil Assembly met, Thnt the following
lire proposed n a memlmentft to the ('on
Ftltiitlon of the ( 'omninnweiiMh of Penn
K Ivimiii. In ncror!nnce with the provi
sions of the elKhteenth nrtlele thereof:
Amendment One To Article Four, Sec
tion KiKht.
S"ctlon 2. Amend seel Ion oltcht of nrtlcl
four of the Constitution of Pennitylvnnlii,
which reads us follows:
"lie shall nominate and. by nnd with
tie- nrlvire nnd consent of two-thirds of
nil the member.! of the Senate, appoint
a Secretary of the Commonwealth and
nn Attorney Ocncrnl durinK pleasure, a
Fiipcrintendent of Public Instruction for
four years, and such other ofllcers of
the Commonwealth an he Is or may b
nuthorized by the Constitution or by
law to appoint; he shall have power to
fill h II vacancies that may happen, In of
fices to which be may appoint, during
the recess of the Senate, by KrantlnK
commissions which shall expire nt the
end of their next session: he shall have
power to till any vacancy that may hap
pen, diirlni? the recess of the Senate, in
the ofllco of Auditor ' C.erieral, Rtnto
Treasurer. Secretary of Internal Affairs
or Superintendent of Public Instruction,
.In a judicial olllee. or In any other elec
tive olllce which lie is or may be au
thorized to (111; if the vacancy shall hap
pen durinK the session of the Senate,
the Covernor shall nominate to the Sen
ate, before their final adjournment, a
proper 11, rson to H!l said vacancy; but
In any such ease of vacancy. In nn elec
tive olUce. n person shall be chosen to
said olllee at the next Keneral election,
unless the vacancy shall happen within
three calendar months Immediately pre
eediiiB siieh election, in which case the
election for sold ofllce shall be held at
the second siteccediiiK general election.
In netlti"; 011 executive nominations the
Senate stall sit with open doors, nnd. In
cnntirmiiiK or rejecting the nominations
of the ;iv-rnor. the vote shall be taken
by yeas and nays, nnd shall be entered on
of persons to be elected when more than
one lire to be chosen; they shall be com
pensated only by fixed salaries, to bo
paid by wild county; and nhnll exercise
mien Jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ex
cepl ns herein provided, ns Is now ex
erciseil by aldermen, subject to such
channel), not Involving an Increase of
civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, ns tuny be made by law. In Phila
delphia the ofllco of alderman Is abut
Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec
Hon Two.
Rectlon ft. Amend section two of article
eltslit, which rends nn follows:
"The general election shall be held nn
nuully on the Tuesday next following the
first Monday of November, but the den
eral Assembly may by law tlx a different
day, two-thirds of nil the members of
each House cohucntlng thereto," so as to
The general election shall be held 1)1
ennlally on the Tuesday next following
the first Monday of Novomlier In each
even-numbered year, but the General As
sembly may by lnw fix a different day.
two-thirds of all the members of each
House consenting thereto: Provided
Thnt such election shniralwaya be held
In nn even-numbered year.
Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec
tion Three.
Section 7. Amend section three of article
eight, which rends as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, borough
nnd township oflicers. for regular terms
01 service, shall be held on the third
Tuesdny of February," so as to read
All Judges elected by the electors of the
State nt large may be elected at either
a general or municipal election, as cir
cumstances may require. All elections
for Judges of the courts for the several
Judicial districts, and for county, city,
ward, borough, and township officers for
regular terms of service, shall be held
on the municipal election day; namely,
the 'luesdny next following the first Mon
day of November In each odd-numbered
year, but the General Assembly may by
law fix different day, two-thirds of al!
the members of each House consenting
thereto: Provided, That such election
shall always be held In an odd-numbered
Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Sec
tion Fourteen.
Section 8. Amend section fourteen of
article eight, which reads as follows:
"District election boards shall consist ot
a Judge and two Inspectors, who shal
tli" journal." so as to read ns follows: be chosen annually by the citizens. Each
in- siihi! iioininuu- nun, ny aim wun , elector shall have the right to vote for tin
the ndvjce and consent of two-thirds of Judge nnd 'one Inspector, and each Inspect
all the members of the Senate, appoint I or shall appoint one clerk. The first elec
n S-critary of the Commonwealth and tion board for nny new district shall be
an flimriii-y i.enerai ouring pleasure, h selected, nnd vacancies In election boardf
Superintendent of Public Instruction for ; filled, as shall be provided by law. Elec
tion oflicers shnll be privileged from ar, but, Oh, you birthday ! "'k ""d h,'p w children, und
v,h.. i-iirmn .Win X.U1KS WlTUCrS
Homer Sipes called to see his
uncle, Watson Schooley, Sunday.
Cadiz Schooley is busy -'breaking"
his broncho.
Seared With a Hot Iron,
or scalded by overturned kettle,
cut with a knife, bruised by slam
med door, injured by guu or in
any other way the thing needed
at once is Ducklen's Arnica Salve
to subdue iDtlamtnation and kill
the pain. It's earth's supreme
healer, infallible for boils, ulcers,
fever sores, eczoma, and piles.
25c. at Trout's drug store.
Joanna Morton, of McUonnella
burtr, and Florida ClevenV'er, of
WashinRton, D. C, spent a few
days recontly at the home of their
uncle, 1 1 i rani Clevenger.
Ross King and his mother,
Mrs. Susan King, spent last Fri
day ,at the heme of Mrs. King's
brother, James Henry, at McCon
Someol our farmers have beon
losing some sheep by disease.
A few of our people attended
eanipmeeting at Walnut Grove
on Sunday.
Everybody seems to be wishing
for rain.
Some of our people have been
There will be singing at Antioch
church Sunday eveninp, August 2Jnd.
Mrs. Alvin Funk was buried ut
P.ohoboth church last Sunday. The
two boys havo scarlet fever.
Festivals are all the go one every
Saturday night.
The song service held by Professor
Miller at Antioch last Friday night
was largely uttended.
Miss Hose Mellott, of McKlbbln,
was visiting her aunt Mrs. ShadeTru
ax at Sharpe last week.
On account of the dance at David
Hill's, there was not as largo a crowd
as usual at George W. Bishop's festi
val lust Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Gaily Chambers and
three children are homo on a visit.
They expect to return to their home In
Philadelphia about the first of September.
all of Greenville, Ohio, spent a cou
ple of weeks with friends near Plum
J Uin.
Owing to the pastor, Kev. Powers,
holding 11 "liui-h Meeting" at Laurel
Kidge there will be no services at Da
mascus next Sunday.
Mrs. S. W. Hart and children F.dith
und Harry, of Kennult Square, Ches
ter county, Pa , formerly of Emma
ville, were here on a visit among rela
tives and friends. Mrs. Hart is a
daughter of J. M. Truax, of Belfast
township. They look like Kennett
Square was a healthy place. They
were welcome visitors to the Cove.
They left for home over the Western
Maryland railroad from Hancock, on
the second day of August.
Mrs. C. W. Lynch und daughters
Mamie, Mary, und Gaylin, of Gaps
vilio, drove over to Sunn side last
Saturday, and returned Sunday.
William Burton und son, of Gruce
vlllo, passed through the Cove last
Wednesday on their way over to paint
.lob Truax's house, near Needmore.
They took dinner at Frank 1'. Pies
singer's. There are a few people in the Cove
that this dry weather doesn't suit.
Wm. Stetler's saw mill is running
on I'.manuel Mills' jilace. Charlie
P.obinson, of Hancock, is the sawyer.
The thresher is heard six days In
the week now. There have been four
different machines, three traction en
giues, aim one "oiu stand-tiy" at
work. So many machines would make
it look like this was a great farming
country; but It is 1 day to the ma
chine, to make six days In the week,
and not so much work, after all, to do
J'.esidents of Sunnyslde had an ice
t'onimonwenlth as he is or may be au
th'.rlzid by the f'nnslltulion or by lnw
to appoint: he shall have power to fill
all vaeatifies that mav happen. In ofllce!?
to wlileh he may appoint, during the re
cess of the Senate, by granting commis
sions which .hall expire nt the end of
their next session; he shall have power
to till any vacancy that may happen,
during the rcec-s of the Senate, In the
olllce of Auditor General. State Treas
urer. K" retary of Internal Affairs 01
r'.upi rbv- r.iU-.t of Public Instruction. In
a .hel.i'i.l nf'irc, or In any other electlvt
! of Ve which he is or mav be authorized
to til!: if the vacancy rbail happen dur
!:(. l lie so-don of the Senate, the Gov.
c tmr shall nominate to the Senate, be
f, re !i, ir final adjournment, a propel
person to fill said vacancy; but In any
such cn-e of vacancy, in nn elective of
fi' a p.TMui shall be chosen to said of
f -e on the next ch-ciion day npiiroprlatf
to si:eh ofllce. according to the provisions
of thiK Constitution, unless the vacuncj
shall happen, within two calendar month"
Immediatily precidlng such election day.
In which ase the election for said ofllci
shall be held on the second succccdlni:
ebc'lon day appropriate to such olllce
In artipg on executive nominations th
Senate : hall sit with open doors, and. In
entiflr.-iu.ig or rejecting the nomination!
of the Covi-nor. the vote shall be taker
by yeas nnd nnys, and shall be enlerec
tin i l,ej'iurpnl.
Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec
tion Twenty-one.
Fiction Amend section twenty-one ol
article four, which mails as follows:
"Tlie t.-r.n of the Secretary of Interna:
Aff iirs shall be four years; of the Audi
tor Mi neral three years: and of the Slate
Treasurer two y nrs. These olllcers shnl.
fee chosen by the qualified electors of th
State at general elections. No n-Tsor
rest upon diiys of election, and while en
gaged In making up and transmitting re
turns, except upon warrant of a- court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of the pence. In cities they may
claim exemption from Jury duty during
their terms of service," so ns to read:
District election boards shHll consist ol
a Judge nnd two Inspectors, who shall b"
chosen biennially, by the citizens at th elect Inn; but the Genernl As
sembly may require said boards to b
appointed In such manner ns It may b
law provide. Laws regulntlng the ap
pointment of said boards may be enacted
to apply to cities only: Provided. Thnt
such laws be uniform for cities of thf
same class. Knch elector shall have thf
right to vote for the judge nnd one In
spector, and cadi Inspector shall appoint
one clerk. The first election board fot
any new district shnll be selected, and
vacancies in election boards filled, n'
shall be provided by law. Election ofli
cers shall be privileged from arrest upor
dnys ot election, and while engaged ir
making up nnd transmitting returns, ex
cept upon warrant of a court of record
or Judge thereof, for an election fraud
for felony, or for wanton breach of thf
peace. In cl'.les they may claim exemp
tion from Jury duty during their terms ol
Amendment Klght To Article Twelve
Section One.
Section 9. Amend section one, article
twelve, which reads as follows:
"All olllcers, whose Selection Is not pro
vldcd for In this Constitution, shall bt
elected or appointed as may be direct ec
by law." so ns to read:
All officers, whose selection. Is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall b
elected or appointed as may be directed
by law: Provided. That elections of Stat
elected to the olllce of Auditor fienera' ', olllcers shall be held on a general eleetlor
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mellott and
family, Grace Lake, Will Stofer, and cream supper at Geo. Wu. Meliott's in Bedford were among those who honor of Mrs. S. W. Hart Those pres
attended the song service at Antioch ent were Mrs. Ituchol Har t, F, P.Pless
Friday evening. I lnger, wile, and children Mary and
Mrs. Shade Truax and Mis Rose Gene: Geo. Wa. Mellott and wife: W.
Mellott spent lust Saturday in Ilan- V. Hart, wife und children Leslie and
cock and on their way stopped, to see Marshall; Mrs. S. W. Hurt and chll-
the formers' sister Mrs. GoldieWeav-, dren Edith and Harry.
er- After supper Mrs. Mellott treaied the
The delegate meeting will be held on I party to some good inuslo on the
Saturday the l.ith at Antioch to elect gmphophone, closing with "Cod L e
a preacher for the coming year. With You. Till We Meet Again."
rvv v
Thm Ideal Oil for althr lm
Cooled or WBtr-cooled Mim
chinas. Distilled from Penn
sylvania Crude Oil light In
color, which means absolute
freedom from carbon.
an f bijip iui-ru t..r, MUn wui
If you have any diliiculty in
Waverly Special
from your driller or garage, cork
mimical with u at one. and wa
will at. that you ar. supplied.
"Prfct lubricatl.a with
nl carb.a"
Waverly Cll WorKs Co.
M(iiM.I matmmn
l ill.l.ura, !.
or State 'I n asiirer shall be callable ol
holding the same ofllce for two consecu
tive terms." so as to rend:
The terms of the Secretary of Interna
Affairs. Urn Auditor Oenernl. nnd t lit
State Treasure r shall each be four years
and they shall be chosen by the qualifier
elector. of the Stnte ut general elections
but a State Treasurer, el.i-ted In the yeai
on" thoii.-ainl nlne hundred and nine
eliall serve- for three years, und his suc
cessors shall be elected at the genera:
election In the year one thousand nlnt
hundred and twelve, and In every fourtr
year thereafter. No person elected to tht
olllee of Auditor Oenernl or State Treaa
urer shall be capable of holding tin
same o'licu for two consecutive terms.
Atnindment Three-To Article Five, Sec
tion i:ieven.
Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar
ticle live, which reads as follows:
"Kxei jit as otherwise provided In thh
Constitution. Justice, of the peace or at
dernien shall be i b eted In the aevera
wards, districts, boroughs and townshlpi
ut the time of the election of cnilHtablea
by the uunlllled electors thereof. In sue!
manner as .shall b? directed by law, anf
shall be commissioned by the (iovernoi
for a term of five years. No township
ward, district or borough shall elect mon
thnn two Justices of the peace or alder
mei, without the consent of a majorltj
of the qualllleil electors.wthln such town
ship, ward or borough; no per. on shal
b- e lected to such olllee unless he shal
have rrsld -d within the township, borough
ward or dloirlct for one year next preced
ing his election. In cities containing ovci
fifty thousand inhabitants, not inoru thai
one alderman shall be elected In eacl
ward or district." so as to read: v
Hxecpt us otherwise provided n Hilt
Constitution. Justices of the peace oi
aldermen shnll be elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs or townships,
by the qualified electors tr.ereof. nt ihr
municipal election. In such manner ni
shall be directed by law. and shall be
commissioned by the lioveruor for a
term of six years. No township, wtird.
district or borough shall elect more than
twi, Justices of the peace or aldermen
without the consent of a majority of the
miulilU-d electors within such township,
ward or borough: no person shall he
elected to such olllce unless ho shall have
resided within the township, borough
day. and elections of local officers shal
be held on a municipal election day, ex
cept when, In either case, special election!
mny l.e required to fill unexpired terms.
Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of artlclr
fourteen, which reads as follows:
"County officers shall lie elected at thf
general elections and shall hold theli
offices for the term of three years, be
ginning on the first Monday of Jiinuur
next after. their election, and until tili
successors .shall be duly qualified; al
vacancies not otherwise provided for
shall be filled In such manner as may bi
provided by law." so ns to rend:
County olllcers shall ,bo elected at thf
municipal elections and shall hold theli
offices for the term of four years, be
ginning on the tirst Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for.
shnll be tilled In such manner as mny be
provided by taw.
Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen.
Section Seven, a
Section 11. Amend section seven, article
fourteen, which reads aa follows:
"Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall be elected In euch
county where such officers are chosen, In
the year one thousand eight hundred and
eventy-flve nnd every third year there
after; and In the election of said officers
each qualified elector shall vote for no
more than two persons, and the thre
persons having the highest number cf
votes shall beelerted; any cnsuul vacancy
In the olllce of county commissioner or
rranty auditor shall be flllud, by the
court of common pleas of the county In
wnicn siicii vacancy shall occur, by the
appointment of un elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for tn
commissioner or auditor whose place Is
to be tilled." to as to read:
Three county commissioners and three
ronnty auditors shall he elected In each
eounty where such officers are chosen.
In the year one thousnnd nlno hundred
and eleven and every fourth year there
after; and In the election of aaid officers
each qualllled elector shall vote for no
more than two persons, and the three
persons having; the highest number of
of which Is two years, and also sll ,i
tlon oflicers and assessors chosen nt it
election, shall serve until the nr,, v"'
day of December In the year on. .i
sund nine hundred and eleven in J
cers chosen at that election to nm, 0,?'
term of which Is now four ye lr, "
tnnde four years by the op,.ra,i "
these amendments or this sche,i,,i
serve until ;ho tirst Monday of t,...'
In the year one thousnnd nine htnvl
i. All Justices of the o,..
and aldermen. clm.n
election, shnll serve until the first M "
day of December In the venr ono .h
Wind nine hundred and- fifteen. Aft.,
year nineteen hundred and ten ana. '
the Legislature shnll otherwise Do'n"
nil terms of city, ward, borough i,
shlp, and election division ntii..,.J. .
ship, and election division olllren
bcRln on the first Monday of Lecn-i;
In an odd-numhered year. '
All city. ward, borough, and t,,w.kI
oflicers holding office at the date of ,1
approval of these amendment .h
terms of office may end In the vear
thousnnd nine hundred nnd eleven .i?'"
continue to hold their offices until ik'
first Monday of December of that y,ar
All Judges of the courts for t ,
ernl Judicial districts, and also all onT
oflicers, holding olllce at the date of m
approval of these amendments h
terms of ofllce may end In the year
thousand nine hundred and eleven ,t ,
continue to hold their offices um'; ?
first Monday of Janunry, one th,,,,,,,,
nine hundred and twelve. '"'
A true copy of the Joint Resolution
Secretary of the Common,,
L. W.
Dealer In
Pianos 5 Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fulton county that he is prepared
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at prices that are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an Instrument of national reputa
tion: and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he Is prepared on short no
tice to tune pianos or repair organs.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen In the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting .
a piano or organ let me know, I
can save you money.
L. W. FUM,
Any Time
is Bliss Time
Keep a box of Bliss Native
Herbs on hand for all emergen
ciesfor headache distress
after eating biliousness con
stipation r h e u m a t i s m blood
disorders. Take a tablet once in
a while Just for "health's sake."
Is an old-time remedy of roots
herbs and barks pressed into
tablets easy to take 200 tablets
for $1.00 guaranteed to benefit
or money back.
Get the genuine in yellow
boxes only made by BLISS in
Washington, D. C.
sasssss SOLD BY
Knobsville, Pa.
Orders by mail solicited, and same
will have prompt attention.
votes stilt 1 1 be elected: any casual vscai.ev
ward or rilsiriei r.., ,... "" """ " u'lr commissopar or
cediB his election. 1 cltle, , . o : l-coun ty "dltor shall b. filled by the court
over ilfty thousand Inhabitants, not more
than one alderman shall be elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment Four To Article Five, Hoc
tion Twelve.
Section II. Amend section twelve of Hrt.
cle live of the Consiltuion, whM, reads
of common pleas of the county in which
such vacancy shall occur, by th appoint'
ment of an elector of the proper county
who shall havo voted for the commis
sioner or auditor whose place Is to be
Rchedule for the Amendments.
8ctlon ii That no Inconvenience may
"In I'li.ladelohla there shall be i 'ro.'n f "n'".' the t'onstltu-
llNhed. for racli thirty thousand Inhabit-' " tn Lom'nwl'h. ' order
n,s. one court, no, o, record, o, police ""J. .bLo,:C,!le "r11-
Hustontown, Pa.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
All Work Guaranteed.
Will be in ofllce from Thursday e
ening until Monday morning of each
cainvj. with Jurisdiction not
one hundred dollum: such
and civil
courts Khali hi) held by maKlslriiies whoso
term of otiice shall be live years aud
they shall be elected on genual ticket
by the iiuuiltled voters at Inrae: nnd In '
the election of the said miiKlsirutes no
voter shall volt for mora than two-third
of the number of persons to lie elected
when more than one are to be chosen ;
iney snail 1- compensated only by fixed
salaries, to be paid by said county; anJ
shall exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and
criminal, except us herein provided, as
Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to
such huii(e, m,t Involving- an Increase
of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, a may be made by law. In fhllu
d. i;j mi tu olllce of alderman l la abol
ished," so as to read follows:
.ridladrlnhut there shall bs lab
ia the case of officers elected by the
People, all terms of olllee fixed by uct of
Assembly ut an odd number of years
ahull each Is? lengthened one yeur, but
the Leatslature may chunite the length
of the term, provided the term for which
such oflicers are elected shall always bu
for an even number of years.
The ubovu extension of ottlclul terms
shall not affect officers elected strthe
general election- of one thousand ' nine
hundred aud eight; nor uny city, ward,
borotiKh, township, or election division
Officers, whose terms of ofllce, under ex
Isilng law. end In th year one thousana
nlne hundred and ten.
In th yeur one thousand nine hundred
and ten th municipal election shull be
hold on th third Tuesday of February.
( heretofore; but all oflicers chewii at
that election to an ofjlc th rtgulftj- term
- agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engine's, Gaso
line, Separators, Cfo
rerHullers, Saw
mills, Sc.
Engines on hand all
the tint.
Amoafjlousor and wife, Mis
Bess Motter and mother, and
Mrs. Mary Kelley, of McConnells
burg, attended the Douglass
llosa wedding at Jacob Clouser'l
last Wednesday. , ,