The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 01, 1909, Image 7

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    PE:y;NAjS.. Pennsylvania
For Cnmpi In the Stomach of 81s Tears'
"I was troubled with cramps in the
stomach for six years. I trieci many
kinds of medicine, also was treated
by three doctors.
"They said thct I had nervous dys
pepsia. I took the medicine for two
years, then I got sick again ard gave
up all hopes of getting cured.
Vl saw a testimonial of a man whose
case was similar to mine, being cured
by Peruna, so thought I would give it
trial. I procured a bottle at once,
and commenced taking it.
"I have taken nineteen bottles, ana
m entirely cured. I believe Peruna
Is all that Is claimed for It." Mrs. J.
C. Jamison, 6 1 Merchant 8t., Watson
ville, Cal.
CLA88,r",ED Advertisements
rHiiHiiiRAfn ,
-Ihe kind illffii-ult loolusln elewheie-la
curspeelalty. Try n and liei-onvlni-eri. !ai
Isfactlon j-oura or money hark. Prices always
the lowest consistent wftli If it work, W are
recoirnlred Kodak and Photo headquarters.
Mall orders ai render! toprooerlyand promotly.
Cataloif and Price 1.1st on application. THE
B. CiAl.F-CK I 'OPTICAL CO.. Richmond. Va,
WANTEIl Actle. i-neraelle mfn to reowaenl us.
Profitable positions. Hustlers malie nla aiufier.
Cash wrektr advance Complete mufti free. Wrlta
IremadlaloiT for our illiernl offer. W.T HuuD a CO.
Maatloa una Paper.
HltllSlOND, TA.
Only One Fool Emperor. ,
An American just returned from
a European tour brings this story
from Berlin. Two Americans were
walking In the Frlcdrlchstrasse, when
one. In the course of conversation,
paid, In a rather loud tone of voice,
"The Emperor Is a fool." The words
had hardly been spoken when a man
who had overheartl the remark step
ped up to the couple and Kald: "You
are under arrest you slandered the
Emperor." "Not at all," said tha
American; "I was speaking of tho
Emperor of China." "That Is not
true," said the patriotic German;
"you can't fool me there's only one
fool emperor." And the Americans
had to make further explanations to
the autrorltles. New York Tribune.
Warrant Por Maidens Who Were
To Have AcconiHnlel An "Anent."
thl Hols. By one of the victims)
becoming conscious striken, the po
lice department uncovered a traffic
In "white slaves" that apparently hiH
been flourshlng In this section for
Five young girls, all under 13
years of age, were to have been t "
victims In the lat deal, according to
the story of Lulu Bowers, 18 years
old, who was arrested by Chief Lo
gan on board a train, bound for
Fort Wayne, lnd. The child n In
the company of the "agent." She
was approached, she sit Id, some day.'
ago by .Myrtle Boring, a former D'l
Bols woman, and agreed to go with
her to Fort Wayne.
According to statements made by
the Bowers girl to Mayor Scofleld.
five other girls of her own age from
this Bectlon are now In Fort Wayne.
The girl gave the nnmes of those
who were to accompany her on the
trip, and warrant charging .them
wlih Incorrigibility were sworn out.
The Bowers girl's story alxo posted
the police on the moral condition In
this city and developments are anx
iously awaited.
I F.lKht-lmli Fall Kills Woman.
' Gettysburg. A fall of only eight
j Inches resulted fatally for Mrs. Eliza
; beth ,T. Shlvely, a prominent worn
I an of this section. Mrs. Shlvely. who
I was 82 years old, was descending the
! H,eps at her home and thought she
na roamed the tloor. One step re
mained and she fell heavily, sustain
ing internal Injuries, from which she
The Czar I will build two big
John Bull I will build four.
The Czar I will build eight.
John Bull I will build sixteen.
The Czar Let us have peace.
Hamilton (Can.) Spectator.
Lad Gi'KiVti'ickcii At Cousin'
Hindi, Fntls Life.
York. Grieving over the death
of his coti-ln and disappointed bo
rause lie had npt been appointed one
of the pallbearers, Palmer Khrhnvi.
16 years old, blew oft the top of his
head with his father's shotgun. Tin
youth seated himself In a rocking
ihair at his home and placing the
muzzle of the gun to his bead pullet
the trigger with his toe. All thai
poriion of the head above the eye1
was torn away.
Young Ehrhart, whose home is at
Fotosi, committed suicide while his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrhart.
were attending his cousin's funeral
about half a mile away, he bavin;;
refused to accompany them.
Or Tape I,lne.
"I always measure my words,"
aid the talkative man. i
"What do you use?" asked a la- j
conic listener, "a barrel or a tub?"
Chicago Record-Herald. J
Of Painting acquirements Will Save :
Much Expense.
Wben one sees the surface ot a
bouse or other building scaling, or
peeling, or spotted or blistered, or j
showing other symptoms ot paint ;
"disease," it is evident that a poor j
painter has been on the Job, or that :
poor paint was used or possibly that !
a good painter has been dominated by
a property-owner who knew nothing I
about paint. !
It 1b an easy matter to be Informed
on paint and painting. A complete j
painting guide, including a book of i
color schemes, either for exterior or I
Interior specifications for all kinds
of painting, and an instrument for
detecting adulteration in paint ma
terial, with directions for using It,
may be had free by writing National
Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Bldg.,
New York City, and asking for House
owner's Painting Outfit No. 49.
Then, every houseowner should
make It a point to sret onlv well-
known reliable brands in buying his j
materials. Pure white lead Is espe
cially Important, or the paint will
not prove satisfactory. The famous
"Dutch Boy Painter" trademark of I
National Lead Company, the largest
makers of pure white lead. Is an ab
solute guarantee of the purity and
quality of the white lead sold under
it. That trademark is a safeguard
against paint trouble.
Ynunghville Man Also Fatally
Wounds Self After Quarrel.
Youngsvllle. Lynn Hodges shot
snd fatally wounded his father-in-law,
A. P, Anderson, at the Joint
home of the two, in this city. A few
minutes later Hodges put a bullet in
his own bead.
An old dispute had been renewed,
and Hodges stepped up behind the
old man and, placing his revolver
at his back, fired, the bullet pene
trating the lung.
Mrs. Hodges alarmed the neigh
borhood with her screaniB. Twenty
minutes later, as neighbors began to
arrive at tho house, Hodges stepped
outside the door and shot himself.
Both men will die.
Paying Job. '
'Do you find poultry-keeping '
pays?" j
"Well, no; I can't say that it pays !
me, but I think it pays my boy Jim."
"How's that?"
"Well, you see, I bought him the I
fowls. I have to pay for their keep j
and buy the eggs from him, and he
eats them." Illustrated Bits. I
Purchaser Deserts His Allinity One
Yciir After Tbcy Elope.
Hazleton. Sold by her husband
for 60, a year ago, when she and
Joseph Folbratu eloped and were
caught, Mrs. Ann Patruza returned
from Mldvale, X. J., with a story of
cruel desertion.
Folbrata puld the woran's husband
ICO to withdraw 'prosecution when
the pair run away. Recently Fol
Lrata disposed of the couple's furni
ture, and took a' train at Mill vale
to accompany Mrs. Patruza and her
child to Hazleton.
After the train started, he Jumped
off und disappeared.
York Man Who Huh No Relatives
Drinks ('urlxilic Acid.
York. Drinking two ounces of
carbolic acid after a hearty supper,
as though for dessert, John Feld
man, 57 years old, a German shoe
maker, committed suicide. After
gulping down the poison he was hur
ried to the hospital, where he died
shortly after being admitted.
Feldman had no relatives in Amer
ica and it is ca d he committed sui
cide because he was ail alone In the
world. He came to York from Bal
timore about eight years ago.
A friend was once talking with a
crasy woman, when a stlgy man pass
ed by.
"Do you see that man?" said she,
with a cunning smile. "You could
Mow his aoul through a humming
bird's bill, Into a mosquito's eye, and
the mosquito wouldn't wink.
Catholic News.
A prehistoric forest, buried under
400 feet of sand, recently was dis
covered by army engineers boring an
artesian well at Bandy Hook, New
Manyon's Cot4 Hamad y Bellerea the
bead, throat (ad hinjs almoat Immediate
ly. Checks ssTera, atnua Discharges of
the bum, takes sway all aches aad pains
caused by colds. It cares Urlp sad eh
atluala Concha and prevent f aauiaonU.
Price 25c
liav joa stiff or swollea Joints, no mat
ter how chronic? Aak your druggist for
Muuyon'a UiM-amatlsui Wrmadi- aud so
., bow quickly yon will bo cured.
- If you hare any kidney or bladder tron
tie get afunynn's Sidney Remedy.
Munyoa's Vltaltaar stake weak gas
strut. aud restores loot power, '
Two Maaked Men Attuck Aged Man
At Dullols.
DuBols. O. H. Rose, aged 67, w-as
as'aulted by two masked men in a
lonely place on his way home. Aft
er robbing him of a gold watch, $75
In money and a valuable, ring, the
tobberg left him for dead.
Rose regained consciousness an
hour later, and managed to reach
the Mahler Glass Works, where he
rece'.ved medical attention, He gave
a good description of the men, but
no trace of them has been found.
Aged Man IMIheraUly Walks Into
Swiftly Moving Express,
Franklin. John Shaw, 65 years
old, of Bprlngvllle, Venango County,
deliberately, walked Into a swiftly
moving Lake Shore passenger train
aodwa Instantly killed.
When the engineer whistled the
o d man waved his hand In recog
nltlon, but made no attempt to get
oft the track, it was a case of sui
cide. Itoiuone Overcomes Prisoner.
Pottsvllle. -r- Overcome with re
morse, Patrick Nash, who killed
Harry Martin, at Mabunoy City
walks his cell in the county priso i
here In great nervousness. He ex
panses great sympathy (or the wid
ow and orphan children of his vic
tim. A great deal of his time is
spent reading a prayerbook.
Falling Coal Kills Miner.
DuBols. Jan Pojakl, a foreigner,
was crushed to death under a fali
of coal at Big Soldier Mines. His
helper, who attempted to drag Poja
kl, narrowly escaped the same fate.
rttchaid M. Grunwell and hla
wire, Eliza Grunwell, or Boothwyn,
have begun suit for $10,000 damages
against tho Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington Railroad Company
lor Injuries alleged to have been su
ta'ned to her and a team at a cross
ing at Llnwond, when the horse
stumbled on a projection and she
wna hulled to the ground. Just as an
expre.'s train came along and struck
the road cart.
Fire, presumably due to defective
insulation, destroyed the Greek
Catholic Church at Lansford, re
cently elected at a cost of $61.000.
A call was cent to the Mauch Chunk
and Tarn a qua fire companies for aid.
but the lire was confined to the one
building by brick walls.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood Mussina,
at Wllllanisport, celebrated their
golden wedding. The principals are
very prominent In business nnd so
cial circles, "and the affair was ar
ranged as a surprise to the couple.
Many gifts were received.
The birfn of John lioff master, at
Oley Line, was destroyed by fire.
The farm stock of the tenant, Mr.
Woonier, nlso perished. .
The report of ,f. Rolirnian Robin
son, of Media, auditor for Delaware
County, shows there Is a balance in
the account of the office of Pronoth
aiy and Recorder of Deed?, while
the office of Register of Wills failed
to meet the expensses
Berks County Commissioners
'nave decided to build a bridge nt
Moyertown over the Iron Stone Creel;
to replace a structure worn out.
At Joanna the Ice crop is so scarce
that the owners of the milk ship
ping stations will establish plants to
manufacture their own ice. The
milk business in that community
amounts to hundreds of thousands of
dollars annually, as nearly 500,000
quarts are shipped monthly.
State troopers for twelve hours
guarded the farmhouse of Henry
Heck, of Exeter, Berks County, so
that none of the farmer's family
could leave the house, which was
under quarantine on account of diph
theria in the family. This is the
first case on record in the county
where a farmer was guarded by
State officers.
PhyslcianB along the North Penn
Railroad are making an effort to
lave the principal part of the tu
berculosis exhibit of Philadelphia ex
hibited in towns along the road in
Bucks County.
Notice of a 10 per cent, reduction
to take place this week, has been
posted at the Crane Iron Works of
tl-e Empire Steel & Iron Co., at Cata
Hiuqua. Ethel, the 13-yenr-old daughter
of William Grove, of Taxvllle, was
raiiglit In the flywheel of the corn
shelling machine while her father
was shelling corn. Her right leg was
crushed and broken.
The engagement of Miss Anna Day,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel Applegnte, a school teacher of
Catasauqua, and George C. Bowers,
of Big Run, Pa., is announced.
The Jun'or class of Lafayette Col
lege has elected these ofllcers: Pres
ident. G. C. Baker; vice president,
F. W. Royer; secretary, A. T. War
ner; treasurer. J. J. Durfle; marshal,
W. W. Dasle.
Bv the breaking of a main at
Washington and Monroe Streets,
Media's water supply was shut off
lor several hours.
Rev. Dr. Max Hark, for sixteen
years principal of the Moravian Sem
inary for Young Women at Beth
lehem, has resigned.
The School Board of Coopersburg
has decided to build a new high
Citizens of East, North and South
Catasauqua will petition tho court
to bo annexed to CataBauqua.
Rev. George W. North, pastor of
the Norwood Methodist Episcopal
Church, has decided to retire from
the ministry. He has been an activo
preacher for forty years.
The James F. Dougherty H03c
Company, o' Leipervi'.ie, is making
arrangements' to house its new com
bination wagon on May 1. Thirty
two fire compcies w'U fake part in
the affair.
Phillip Powers fell through a trap
-Joor at the S. & L. Rubber Com
pany's plant In Chester, sustaining
three fractured ribs.
Weekly Review of Trade end latest
Market Reoorts.
Bradstreet's says:
"The introduction of the new tar
iff bill In Congress and the advance
of the spring Jnhbing season toward
its close have made for a rather quiet
tone In trade this wek. A fair busi
ness is doing In nearly all lines and
the turnover is in excess of a year
ago rat this date, but conservatism
rules. Spring Jobbing activity ha
passed its zenith, buying Is only to
cover Immediate necessities, the re
ults of Kaster trade at retail are
awaited with Interest, collections are
only fair and the volume of busi
ness done this spring so far Is, In
some respects, disappointing, Job
bing trade seems to have quieted
down nt a number of markets East
snd West Chicago, St. Louis and
Kansas City, In the West, and New
York, Philadelphia BaliimoTe and
Boston, in the East, reporting some
reduction in demand, partly explain
able by the advance of the season
and the return of buyers to their
"Business failures in the United
States for the week ending with
March 18 were 224, ngalnst 254 last
week. 303 In the like week of 1908.
167 in 1907, 170 in 1006 and 204
In 1905.
"Wheat. Including flour, exports
from the t'nlted States nnd Canada
for the week aggregate 1,804.013
bushels, against 2,289,847 last week
and 2.763.021 this week last year.
Corn exports for the week are 803,
282 bushels, against 930.848 lt
week and 383,649 In 1908."
i his ano i ha r
The electric motors on the New
York Edison system aggregate 205,-373-horsepower.
Roosevelt and Taft are the only
Presidents elected from the same
towns in which they were born.
Berlin buys nearly all Its milk in
bulk, the bottled milk trade being
Insignificant. Little sterilized milk
is sold.
Tax rates are so graded in Hol
land that the heaviest burdens fall
upon those who have the most prop
erty or Income.
The Dutch will celebrate the cen
tenary of the reestabllsbment of
national independence by a world's
fair at The Hague in 1913.
The electric blower for hot-air
furnaces baa been successfully used
for the beating of buildings
The fruit trees of China are the
ptach, apricot, plum, apple, arbutus,
orange, banana, Jujubee, pineapple,
mango, chestnut, walnut, persimmon.
Gorgaz, a town of 300 Inhabi
tant!, has been selected as the future
federal capital of Brazil. Owing to
its altitude, it enjoys a pleasant cli
mate. One of the biggest car companler
n this country has decided to aban
don the use of steam In Its plant and
Is now putting In a mammoth elec
tric plant
There Is a growing demand for
American pearjs. Those taken
from the Western waters last season
were valued at $500,000.
The British International Float
ing Exposition Company is sending
to Russia a steamer with samples of
EngliBb goods in order to acquaint
Russian merchants with the same.
The company also intends to use the
steamer for the exposition of Rus-
an goods in EnglUh ports.
Who'cusl" 'r'
New York. Wheat Spot Arm;
No. 2 red, 122Cr; 123c, elevator;
No. 2 red, 1.24, f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 Northern Duluth, 1.25. f. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 1.23Vi,
; f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Spot, steady; No. 2, 75, ele
vator, and 73,,j. f. o. h. afloat; No.
I 2 white nominal and No. 2 yellow,
73, f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts, 27.4.10 bush.; ex
ports, 1,645. Spot quiet; mixed, 26
ft 32 lbs., 5 7 (f? 8 ; natural white, 26
fff 32 lbs., 57 Co 59; clipped
white, 32ff40 lbs., 57(61.
Butter Fancy grades in short
supply and firm; receipts, 2,936
pkgs. Creamery specials, 30 dt
30 c. (official, 30); extras, 29;
third to tlrn. 21 28; held, com
mon to special, 20(g 28.
Eggs Firmer, State Pennsyl
vania and nearby, brown and mixed
fancy, 21c; do., fair to choice, 19
iff 20; Western firsts, 19; seconds.
Philadelphia. Wheat Quiet but
steady; contract grade, March, 121
Corn Quiet but steady; March,
71 ft 71 c.
Oats Dull and weak; No. 2 white
natural, 5859c.
Butter Firm; solid packed, lc.
higher; extra Western creamery, 31;
do., nearby prints, 32.
Eggs Firm, c. higher; Penn
sylvania and other nearby flrstB, free
cases, 20c. at mark; do., current re
ceipts, In returnable cases, 19, at
mark; Western firsts, free cases, 20,
at mark; do., current Tecelpts, free
cases, 1 8 (fl 1 9 , at mark.
Chepse Firm; good demand;
New York full creams, choice, 15'4
f)15c; do., fair to good, 14
Poultry Alive, firm; fowls high
er. Fowls, 16f) 1 6 c; old roost
ers. 10 fall; spring chickens, 17
rl8; ducks, 15 16; geese, 12'
Baltimore. Wheat The market
I for Western opened quiet; spot,
! 124 c; May, 1.22; July, 1.06,
I asked. The market was very dull,
i and after the opening quotations
were shaded. Sales 10,000 bush.;
July, 106c.
Settling prices were; No. 2 red
Western, 124c; contract, spot, 1.24;
No. 3 red, 1.22; steamer No. 2
red, 1.21; steamer No. 2 red West
crn, 1.21.
The closing was steady; spot and
March, 124c; May, 1.22; July, 1.06.
Corn Western opened steady;
spot, 71; April. 71; May, 71.
Very little interest wa shown in the
market and while prices became
harder changes were slight.
Settling prices were: Contract,
71; No. 2 white, 72; steamer
mixed, 69.
The closing was firmer; spot and
March. 7172; April, 71 72;
May, 72 72.
Oats We quote: White No. 2,
60(ft60; No. ,3, 58(fi59; No. 4,
56 57. Mixed No. 2, 57 58;
No. 3, 56(fj)66; No. 4, 5fff65.
Hay We quote, per ton: Timothy
No. 1. large bales, $15 15.50;
do., small blocks. $15f16.60; No.
2, as to location, $14 14.50; No. 3,
$11.50 ?8 12.60. Clover mixed
Choice, $13; No. 1, $12.50; No. 2,
$10.5011.60; No. 1. clover, $12
12.50; No. 2, do., $1011.60; no
grade hay, as to kind, quality and
condition, $6 9.
Butter Creamery, fancy, 30c;
creamery, choice, 28 29; creamery,
good, 23 25; creamery, imitation,
20 (ff 24.
Cheese Market steady. Jobbing
prices, per lb., 1616c.
Eggs Market steady on hen eggs,
and duck eggs In active demand and
higher. We quote, per dos.: Mary
laud, Pennsylvania and nearby
firsts, 18c; Eastern Shore, Maryland
and Virginia, 18; Western firsts. 18;
West Virginia, 18: Southern (North
Carolina), 17; guinea, 910; duck,
choice nearby, 29; goose, 65 0 60.
" Kiiti cK now:;,
Worn Out nnd Proatrnted With
Treacherous Trouble.
Miss Emma Shirley, Kill Uncle. N
Y., says; "i.'nder my doctor s treat
ment for general de
bility and stomach
trouble I lalled tc
improve, and had tc
take to my bed. I
was terribly ner
vous; headache ant'
dizzy spells and aw
ful spells of pain Ir
the back racked me.
The kidney secre
tions were much disordered. I con
sulted specialists, but without relief,
and sank lower and lower until given
up to die. Kidney I rouble was the
cause all the time, and when I began
using (loan's Kidney Pills I began to
Improve rltiht away. In good time 1 J
was cured, ntitl gained every bit I '
had lost."
Sold by all dealers. 50 rrnts a box.
Foster-Mllhurn Co.. llnlTfilr.. N". Y.
Hadn't dunged llnoiigli. 1
The Los Angeles Times says thnt.
Admiial riiilip C. Cooper, chief of 1
tho Asiatic sl.itinn, complained In a
leeent letter of tlie extortions of i
Innkeeper in out of the way parts
of the globe.
"In Menteviiic ii once," he wrote. "I
asked for my l II, alter having slept
over n'gh! at a certain hotel, and as
Foon as the document was banded to
me I took out my purse to settle it, '
I did not bother k, verily the various
Item. What would have been the :
"But my roadiiic?e to pay amazed
the landlord. 1 1" thought a nit.
ment, and he said, uneasily:
"'Will you If nt" have another!
look nt that bill? I think I have
omitted something.' j
Evilspei'al iau.
From the dark kliilnui there em
anated a series of thumps and angry
exclamations. Jones v;is looking !
for the cat. I
How Tommy Found It.
George Ado, at a dinner at the
Itliz, in London, said of luck:
"Nobody h so depei ,ent on luck
ss the playwright. W ..en he pros
pers he considers luck kindly god-de-s,
but when his wo. k lalis then
luck seems to him a sp.rlt perversely
cruel and mean.
"He regards luck then as Tom
Jackson's wife, of Lafayette, does.
"Tom Jackson la d ono morning at
I n aklast.
" Hang it all! While I was weed
ing I dropped my Imperial Order of
the Koo-tors pin ni 'lie lawn, and
I've been looking lor it now over half
an hour. It's gone for good I sup
poi e.'
"That night when Jackson sat
down io dinner there was his pin be
side his plate.
" Bully lor you:' ha'd he. "Where
did yon find I , Martha?'
"'1 i t Tommy go barefooted Hiis
afternoon,' said .Mrs. Jackson quiet
ly." Chicago Tribune.
What I. m d to be the first plate-glas-i
switchboard ever built has been
installed In a new high school in San
.lose, Cal.
Anlt Vinir I'l'iilor Ftr A llrii'p I- ool-
A iMimii-i It iritis tut? It-el. Cuius lorn.
lluiiiiili-,MV"llcii.ol f. I lol .till limn, Aching.
wtMtinu I'ccl huI lniwviii) .Null. Allen
l-'imt l'..i-c in..'en m'u nt I ti I .-tincj cafcy . Al
all Piiiiiue'lH himI Sliot -tiiics, '23 n-iitH. Ac
rep! no iMilMitutp. .-simple mtuld Khkk
Aclilrcs Ailen Ulitixieil. I.rlinv, N. Y.
The addition of a teaspoonful of
saltpeter to a pot of g'ue will aid the
glue to dry more rapidly and harder.
Piles Cured in (I to I t Days.
Psto Ointment i gtninntf-H to cure an?
cn-eel Itf hing. Itlitnl. iJleciluiiiiir Protruding
i'ilea in 6 to 14 day, or titnticy ri'luniierl. 5lic.
New Yolk Sta'e
$ 1 .", . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 in till"
"''al" culled the son from the
"Co to bed and let me alone,"
blurted Jones. "I've jtist li.n K"d my
"Pa!" insisted Tommy, afUir a
nioinent'B silence.
"Well, what is it? Didn't 1 f'l
you to keep qule: ?"
"I I didn't hear your shins
And the next moment Tommy va
being pursued by an angry siie
with a hair brush. Chicago Daily
I iieoiistitutlciial To Tickle.
Whey the detectives licliled a girl
until she laughed and di -closed t In
gold tooth thev were lookltie 'or. a-l
by nrnn: of which they could Identi
ty her. they violattd tie constitu
tional protection to which she was
entitled that she should n'it bo com
pelled to crm-i-t" herself. Tho
tickler and the "third degree" bear
considerable resemblance to meaiid
. r ev x crime .. --re come "
In the Middle Ages, but which It wa3
supposed that the modern world had
outgrown. Philadelphia Record.
For lll'.A II llv- III. u ' PI ntNH
WM-ther fn-rri nl.!. Ilir.t. Str.iv.a.-h or
Nervi-us Y i-nui-li. i 's.pmline will ipi-p you.
It's llu'ild i-!i n-itiit in t ti V. - - ft'i Immedi
ately. Tiy 11 ioc. ami .'ioo. ftl (lrutf
no t &
Over f.lio tons of steel recentlv
were moved in four minute-, a ' Ches
ter, Ph., by a Chicago bridge firm.
I ,
LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her.
Willimatitic. Conn. "For five years
I suffered untold HRony from female
troubles, causinj? backache, irregulari
ties, dizziness and nervous prostra
tion. It was Impossible for me to
walk upstairs
without stopping
on the way. I
tried three di.Ter
ent doctors ami
each tfiM fni mmp.
'4 thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf.
fer more. The last
doctor said noth
ing would restore
my health. 1 began
taking Lydia K. l'inkham's Voir -table
C'omiKiund to see w hat it would do,
nnd I am restored to my natural
health. "Mrs. J"n a IJonova.n, Jiox
2W, AVilliniantic. Conn.
The success ef I.ydia K. Pinkliatn's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect corlidonce by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, iihroid tumors, ir
reg'ilarities. periodic pains, liai-Kache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prost ra
tion. For thirty years I.ydia K. l'inkham's
Vegetable 'Compound has been the
standard remedy for female iils, and
Millerii'.if women' owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial.
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of ottiers, and why . should it
not cure you?
Snrp riir-nti'l pofcltlvp i.rv.itT., no ninttfr how hnrom t ar.J r
lnf"rt-i fr '.xpMfcfd, ' I.Ujiii-1. Kiwn n th Nuifnif. 'M on th HI"1 ami
'iliirvN, ntpclF- (in- jii.(.ni.u pi rm ftom the ImmIv. "tirM tiUtmiM-r In
Mii-1 Shii-n fiii'l ( h"i r:t In ivuliry, l.iiri:'"! Hltntr live tn-tt rMii0) "ur'
I.a 'r1i' ;iiniiitf Inirtmn Ih-itiw- imI If- ii tin KUlhey romMy. ftnl $1
ixittlp; an'l a riort-n. ( ut thl out. k('i It. SIh.w to your irifif I',
who will K-t It fi-r yim. Kn H klot, "lnMfaiMar, Cauan aii'i Cures.
rMi'mi aKPn;. wnnr-i.
SPflH'J MFMPAI Til Chemists and
u . VI 1 , lilkUlUllh U.f
.M.M.nlii I .. ., I
invit-ted nearly
year on school
I EacterioloitlBts
Whether you raise Chickens for fun or profit, you want to do it intelligently 'and
ny ine experience i omer.
you need to know on the mib
nian who made his living for
and in thnt time neceanly
much money to learn the best
for the small sum of 25
It tells you how to IVteet
Feed for Kgs, and also for
for Ilrecdinu l'urnoses. and
indeed nbnnt eei-yl lima you must know on the subject to make a success. tiENT
pet tlie best n-.-ulta. The way to do this is to prof;t
we oner a ihk leuing an
jeot a biek written bv a
25 years in raising Poultry,
had to experiment and spend
way to condui t t lie buiries
CKNTS in t'ostnee htatnps.
and Cure Dmease, how to
Market, which Fowls to Save
Book Publishing House, 134 Leonard St., N. Y. City.
There is more Catarrh in I tils section o!
the country Hum nil other ihsciiics put to
pettier, and until I he Ifirfi lew years wns sii
posed to be incurable. Kor a (treat mnni
years doctors pronounced it a local Hisciki
nnd prescribed local remedies, anil by con
Unruly failing to cure with local treatment
pronounced it incurable. Science hax provrr
Catarrh to be a coiiHtituliotinl dise.ixe, n1
therefore requires coiislitulinnal treatment
Hull's Catarrh Cure, lunnulaci uretl by F. .1
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O'lin, is the oniy con
ft itutional cureon the market. It is taken in
ternally in itoscs trom 10 drotis loa teaspoon
fill. It acts directly on the blood nnd mucous
surfaces ol the slem. They otlcr one nun
ilrcd dollars foranycnseit b: to cure. Send
lor circularsand tcitimnninU Addiess Fl
CilENT.y & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold hv PrupKiMti, 7.V.
Juke flail's Family Pills tor constipation
llusjiiesM Training For iirls.
"Your business college for young
ladies teems to be all riht."
"It Is all right."
"Do you give the girls a Kood prac
tical business training?"
"In reply to that (inestlon I can
only say that BO per cent, of our
graduates marry their emplo ers the
flr.-t year." Louisville Courier-.lournal.
For Col. OS nod tilt I P.
Rtek's CAreniMt Is the 1 ' remedy
relieves the acjiiiitf and fet eii-im v-cures
the Cold and resiut-'-s nni-nial mniOn-mi. It's
iluuldeffecus limiH-uiutcly. Inc., l:jo. aud
toe., atdruir taori-v
Let Her Help Herself.
Mother .lust run upstairs, Tom
lin i- ,...i.
Tommy Don't want to.
"Oh, well. If you're t.oing to be un
kind to your ne.v littl: sister, she'll
put on her wings aim lly had, smai.i
to heaven."
"Then let 1 e- put oi h r wive- and
fetch her i ightpown." Exchat pe.
'nil Ii I 4 '.lily (iuess.
"How many ribs have you. .John
ny?" asked the teacher of physiology.
"I don't know nri'am," giggled
Johnny, squirming around on one
foot. "I in so awful ticklish I never
cou'd count em." Philadelphia iio
cord. Kent Her With Care.
"Poor Jim was alv. ay w-iy con
siderate, mum."
"Considerate! Why the brute
used to beat you."
I "True, muni; but he never hit. nio
I where the marks could be seen by tho
! neighbors, mum."- --Host on Tran
script. ! There Is more steel In the hull
alone of the newest American butt let-hip
than in an entire vessel of th"
cruiser Hrooklyn type.
I'ruguy will spend J26.ST.0
ing for native coal. B. N". I".
I I.
The first class of Filipino physi
cians educated under American rule,
recently was graduated from th-'
Philippine medical school at .Manila.
A Domestic Itemedy
Compounded by Experienced Physician
Conform to Pure l-'ooil and Drills l,inv
Wins Friends Wherever I'vrd. Ask llrua
(riots for Murine Eyo Itemi-dy. Try Murine
yiip TCITIJ F,5,!'ne excels any drntilric
1 rlCi I Evla I n in cleansing, whitening tnc
removing lartai from ihe leeth, besides dettroytcf
all grrmt oi deny and d;sease winch ord.nir)
tooth preparations cac.ncl do.
VLIE atnilTU famine used a a moulh.
IHE. IY1UU I n wash disinfect, the mo-jth
and throat, purifies the breath, and lulls lh: germs
which collect in the mouth, causing sore ihroat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness..
I IlL bl bw and burn, may be milanlly
relieved aad strengthened by Faxtine.
PATABSU Paitine will destroy die germi
WA I Anfin dial cause calinh, heal the in
flammation and stop the discharge, it is a sure
len.eciy lor uterine catarrh.
Paxtire is a harmless yel powerful
perrr.kide. disinfectant and deodorizer.
L'sed in bathing it destroys odors and
leaves the body anuseptically clean.
j The pounding noltse of steam pipes
can be obviated by attaching to the
: pipes a small check valve, set to ud
I m.t air, but not to release pressure.
ClilcaKO. Cattle Market 10
1 Be. higher. Bteers, $57.25; cows,
13.60 6.60; heifers, $3.76 6;
bulls, $3.7605.25; calves, t3.C0v?
8.25; stock ers and feeder, $3.60
Hogs Market mostly 10c. lower.
Choice heavy shipping, $6.80 06.85;
butchers, $6.76 6.86; light mixed,
$6.60 6.60; choice light, $6.60
6.70; packing, $6.6006.70; pigs,
$5.256.25; bulk of sales, $6.60Q
Sheep Market steady. Sheep,
$4.6006.30; lambs, $607-90; year
lings, $5.6007.26.
New York. Beeves Feeling nom
inally weak. Dressed beef In limited
demand at 8 0 10c. for native sides.
Calves Feeling steady. Veals
old at $8.6009.60. Dressed calves
selling at 8tt01ta for city dressed
veale; country dressed do., at 7 V4 0
Sheep and Lambs Market slow
but steady. Sheep sold at $4 96.60;
yearlings at $7 J lambs t $7.15 fc)
Onlr One "Urouio Quinine"
i'hat is Laxative Urumo Quinine. Look
tor th signature of E, VV. Drove. I'sed the
World oer tojjurs a Cold in One Duy. He.
A new match box containing a
cigar-cutter clips off the end of a
cigar when the box is closed.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Pyrup forChililren
teething, softens t he gurus, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cure wind colic 25c a bonis.
Frank Huard, of Burlington, Vt.,
has a copper Japanese coin supposed
to be 600 years old.
Wise people use Hamlins Wizard Oil '.'
ton pain because they know it olways
makes) good. Foolish people try experi
ments. Aak your drunmsts about it.
Chicago may sell storilized milk
to public school pupils at a cent a
Spread Over Hand, Arms, I.egv nnd
-'n t- It Was Something Terrible
t omplete Cure by ( iiticura.
"About bftecn or cicht '-'ti years iiku ec
reuia devi-loped on top ot my bund. It
I burned and itched so tmo-h that 1 was
I ci-inpt-iicil to show it to a .Im-tor. He
! iiinmieil it ringworm. Alter tnirig his ti if -.
fcrcnt remedies tl.e ili-a-ase inert-ast-d urn!
I went up my arms mi l to my liv and
j dually on my face. The burning wns ome
I thing terrible. I went to another doctor
who had the reputation of being the bet
in town. He told me it was irii-iiu. His
luiilicine checked the advance of ihe d.s-
eac but no further. 1 linally ciuuluiled to j
iry trie i uucura lu-ineiucs ami munii renei
in the first trial. 1 cnntirim-.l until I was
completely free from the disease and I have
not been troubled since. ('. Itnrkhart. S.'lo
W. Market St., Chnmbershurg. Pa., Sept.
It). liKW." Potter Drug 4 Chem. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cuticura Kemediea, Huston, Mass.
I'nder a new British law. a "child''
Is under 14 years of age, while a
"young person" Is over 14, but under
Dyspeptus and nnuitipatton are avoidable
miaen Lake Uarnuid Tea, Nature's llurb
Cherrapangl, northeast of Calcutta,
Ib the rainiest spot on earth.
Itefc eared la 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
The number of postofflces In the
United Slates Is nearlng 62,000.
M. lngFiniinl4Sui.
SSSJJJBSBlBHBaa Km Munlhlv UulUtn
Bargains, profuMlv Illustrated, mailed tm i rs
ilas. DrotUMIV Illustrated, mailed frn : ara use
our R. ft. tart. E. A. STBOUT CO., Bsofc C I.
asii't Utraat fans Wn, U4 Tait if , rUa.
70 lw 1
This Trade-mark
VI: : i in
e laiiuiiiaieas All
in the purtbaae of
fiaint materials,
t is an absolute
f;udrantee of pur
ly aud quality.
For your own
protection, see
that it is on the tide of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1M1 1mt lailSial. bf Tart
TTdo-lUi . Ooprrlgal fun Hooka. Wllltniia, no.
luram, Sid. Maar aoi M to Soiuilf for susitiaa-s so4
liiau-PaUltTas, wh sacTtMl is las osni war, laavt-4,
sisvs MMiiral uat ,uuu,iai lor luam. ITur buuiss
aud Ualruotlsaa, AJdi-aaa. W. K. Wills. All's -a.
Lar,(Molarr ruuUo.1 sruia BallcUug, tlilaj. Xra.
WasbuiaTtott. O. a tint 1 fmn' tuaolu
Thompson's Ey e Waler
The He mod 1 Vak and Bell Mor Men's $3 00
t $3.60 Bboes Than Any Other Manuftcturer
Ii bmtM I r1 tba w4vrr U bM4t mt U aoat
coVpiu oriuiuyoi or Uftimtut upuii utf uihH
ita'awakiri ia th Gantry
Tns M:ct.a f ib tlhrt for ilrk prt t Us tho.
u4 tvtrrdtuil mt tlw ikmi Is vtrj sWptvrli 1
looked tm toy ib but ouutvkart m It gfeoaj mdtW?
If 1 could tbvw oa hew crfllT W L bfU abossi
tup, tt bailor, t wr lo r UtM m eti,r
Uly Hethttd of Tannfngt Soles mkts tttem ifo
Fitxtbl ant iwtp W taring thai ory $.
Hhftra fur V.vry Mrmhcr tf ths Famlltt
Mvu, Ho)i,WWfN,Mlitr mnt hllesrfsi.
For Miff hj thos t1Ur sTffTwhfrt.
rftllTlfsM 1 ou '"Ut" witfauul W. 1. tniin!a
vnUIIUil i luft'ii it4 prt t4syiiMa od tMMioua,
rasrt Ooisw KTlto Vm KxcJsvl7. Oa.l4vU m&4 fm.
V U DOUaiaAA, 147 6fMrt SI., BrattUM, U.
Par salaer's eatlo(, pas 13s.
Laxsjeat (rcwera nt oBlon and Tavsutble
seeds la lb world. Ill eataki tnmi or,
send 1 In stumps and rooelT eataloc and
llMI karssla sssk of osilona, eamxa, oaleir,
radlsbss, 1MU aacta lettuos, rutobaca. laf
bids, 1UO iarli7. 100 lonuuoaa, loi melons,
las) cbaravlng Sower saods. la all 10,au kar
iwla, eaallr worth St ot aar aaaa'a asouj.
Or, and IMe. and wa wlU add eava saKkace
ot Eariiaa I-arp otasr aa Cora.
ALZT StTB CO., Sail. C, U Cnsss. Wis.
A tef and our pn
vbUvui4 putitiv cwt
for all furau tA Dtu
Mf. laOusaua. PialMr,
CH4t wt Cl da in
Hortea. ShrD aa4 Dml
Ma aad ll.Ut at DniftiiU
or Bwpaid. Writ toilraa
UMkUt 1 Ir. tf.fl MPf.''
l)oor aaora sooa brighter as't fantr oolora Lkaa anr olhmr lira. Ooa lOrv paekao eolora U Sbcra. They d in eold wnts bellor than aar oslier sir. Tost
easv dja au gsnnsui wllaum rUxiUuf ataart. Wnw ur ttm book lax -Uuw vu l-js ilaawa aud Mis Vulura. MONalUat UatlU CU iininavr. Illinois.