aMitff Powder Ibjolu1ely Tare Only Baking Powder made trom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from Grape Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening agents. John 13. Runyan has been houa ed up with a dose of grippe since last Saturday. IJarry E. Huston, Saltillo, Pa., wants 500 bushels of potatoes at 65 cents a bushel. 3l82t. Mrs. It. S. Patterson and chil dren, of Big Spring Avenue, have been on the sick list during the past few days. Last Week's Val ley Times, Xewville. Pa. Watches, clocks and jewelry re paired. Get it done at The Irwin Store. Fourteen buggies and twelve sets of harness went at the bale at Websttr Mills last Saturday. Buyiog buggies at auction seems to be the popular way just now. Hidks Wanted. Highest market price paid for beef hides, horse hides, wildcat skins, and all kinds of grease, at Paul Wag ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg. We couldn't get aiong without the Fulton County News, writes J. ft Carberry, of West Virginia. It is like getting a letter from home every Saturday. The entire carload of buggies was cleaned up at Will Kesbit's salo Monday, and he informs us that he took orders for two ad ditional ones to be delivered at once. HIDES. James Sipes & Sons pay the highest market price for beef hiiies at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. The Riddlesburg furnace has suspended operations in order that some necessary repairs can be made. It is believed that the plant will not be idle very long. Mrs. Samuel Kelley is having the wagon-maker shop connect ed with her res'.dence converted into rooms for living purposes, and also having a back porch built to her house. Fakmhand Wanted. Single man, start with $i!0 a month with chance of better wages if suited; 15 minutes walk from Johnstown, good locality, and desirable job. Address Adam Keim'LEU, It. F. D. 5. Johnstown, Pa. Levi Skiles was so unfortunate as to lose a valuable horse Mon day morning. About a week ago the animal was badly kicked, and death resulted from the in juries. ' An Allegheny mountiin Stork swooped down upon the city of Altoona on Wednesday of last week, entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Mellott, and left them a nice baby girl. The parents are very proud of the young lady. We say without hesitat'on that DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are unequaled for weak kid neys, backache, inflammation of the blidder and U urinary disor dors. They are antiseptic and act promptly in all cases of weak back, backache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains. Accept no sub Btitute. We sell and recommend them. Trout's drug store. Mr. W. Scott Kinedollar, a member of the nrm of Em mo & Kinedollar, merchant tailors, and J. Reed Riy, an employe of that establishment, returned to Ever ett on Thursday of last week from New York City, where they had been takiog a special coursa in the cutting department of a large tailoring house. Everett Republican. f I Cblckcm la The Ministry. The Rev. A. Z. Conrad, pastor Pirk Street, church, relates this one: A country minister in the course of his dining out on the ciicuit came to a house wbera a roast chicken was sei ved for din ner. He had previously encoun tered a series of rib corned beef dinners and the chicken looked good to him. 'Well," he facetiously remark ed 'here's where that chicken en ters the ministry." "Hope it does better there than in lay work," rejoined the smalj boy of the family. Boston Record. HIRAM. If you wan't to make somebody happy let him do something for you. Rev. Cling preached his fare well sermon at Fairview M. E. church last Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Stevens, of Laidig, visited Mrs. Sadie Shaw last Sunday. W. C. Erb, of this place has re turned home from Woodbury, Bedford county where he was at tending the funeral of his grand father Benjamin C. Erb. Allen Deavor purchased a fine horse. Now, girls, look for Al len. The Laidig Base Ball team has reorganized with Alton Pi ice as manager. Look out for the Lai! dig boys. Ii. I. Reeder has gone to Jean nette, where h9 has found em ployment. Everybody is busy building fence. Joe Edwards expects to im prove his place with some new buildings this spring. STOMACH DISTRESS. And All Missry From Indigestion Van ishes Five Minutei Later. Every family here ought to keepsome.Diapepsin in the house, as any one of you may have an at tack of Indigestion or Stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and over come a sour stomach live min utes afterwards. If your meals dqn't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to till you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one triangule after supper tonight There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigest ed food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, full ness or heavy fetling in the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or intesti nal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be do sour food left over in the stomach to jo!son your breath with nause ous odors.' Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery, be cause It will take hold of your food and digest it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Actual, prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your Pharmacist, waiting for you. These largo 50-cent cases con tain more than sufficient to cure a caso bf Dytpepsia or Indigea-tiv. Sale Register. Saturday, March 20, Mrs. Del ia Brubaker will sell at the resi dence of John Campbell, Sr., in Dublin township, a Merry-go-Round, Gquare Tent, 3 Band Horns, 5 Marionetts, Silversmith desk, stool, and tools; Room stove, a bby carriage good as new, lot of dishes, and other house hold goods too numerous to men tion here. Sale begins at 1 o' clock. A. L. Wible, auctioneer. Thursday, March 25, G. J. Mei lott, intending to quit farming and give bis entire attention to his store, will sell at his residence at Gem, 2 good horses, a good cow, farm implements, wagons, harness, stoves, and many other articles. Sale begins at 10 o' clock. Credit 9 months. Saturday, March 27 The Big Cove Lumber Company, intend ing to change their method ot op erating, and give their work out by contract hereafter, will sell at their mills in the Corner in Ayr township, mile south of Joseph B. Mellott's, 4 head of work hors es, lot of strong work harness, buggy harness. 2 good strong 4 horse wagons, 20,000 feet of 1 and 2 inch lumber oak, chesnut, and poplar; lot of handles ax, pick, sledge, andcanthook; hay, house hold goods, And many other things. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. Credit 0 months. Tuesday, March 30, Ahimaaz Runyan, having disposed of hi real estate and intending to quit housekeeping, will sell at his res' idence at Needmore, farming im plements, household goods, &c Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit 6 months. A. L. Wible, auction eer. Tuesday, March 30, Rev. S. B. Houston, intending to remove from the County, will sell at his residence, 4 miles south of Mc Connellsburg, a horse, a cow, a surrey, an open buggy, a spring wagon, a sleigh, harrow, cutting box, bone cutter, lot of household goods, and many other articles Sale begins at 12 o'clock, noon. Credit 8 months. Tuesday, April 6 Grant Bak er will sell at public sale at his residence about a mile north of Knobsville, on the road leading to Fort Littleton, a lot of good hors es, cattle, hugs, shoep, farming implements, wheat and potatoes. Sale begins at 9 o'clock sharp. Credit 10 months. A. L. Wible, auctioneer. Summer Normal. The undersigned will teach a Sum mer Normal lu the new school build ing, at McConnellsburg, Pa., begin ning Monday, May 10, 1!WJ, at 1:30 p. m., and continuing elyht weeks. Good board may be had for .I 00 a week, or $2 50 from Monday noon to Friday noon inclusive. An examination for provisional certificates by the County Superintendent, will be given at the close of the term. For further Information address Kmkky Thomas, Lewis Harris. NEbDMORt. Capt. Chas. T. Dixon, of Salu via is visiting friends here. Mrs. Mollie Dixon will ship her household goods to Pittsburg uext Thursday where she will reside in the near future. Mr. John S. Truax who has been sick for some time, U worse at this writing. Miss Belle Mellott and Elijih Wink have been having very sore throats during the past week. The Handle Mill has been work ing overtime during the past week, but with gasoline lights it is possible to work with ease. Miss Laura Runyan is spend ing some time with her. uncle A. Runyan. Eld. Funk preached here last Sunday evening. Mrs. Ross Mellott and little son are spending some time with her parents, Eld. and Mrs". C. L. Funk. Merchant W. F. Hart and Con stable Harvey Snyder sj ent Mon day and Tuesday attending court at McConnellsburg. The store property of G. L Wolf, near Mercersburg, which was advertised in the news a few weeks ago, has recently been sold to Mr. S. C. Barton, of Pittsburg, Pa , for the sum of 13,000. We believe Mr. Barton has made a good deal, and that he "nJl find it a pleasant and profitable proposi tion. He gets possession of the property , on the first of April. M r. Wolf writes : The advertise ment in the News did the business. - sine r fj o . rr ALfr - -- 'f03PArrPABKt $VCeS$tTM, MWF33 HeGNT3 A0AU Greater Progress CAN BE MADE AT The Carlisle Commercial College than at any similar school In this part of the country, as our instruction is all INDIVIDUAL. Each student works independent of another. We cannot supply the demand vow. our graduates. Civil Service and Mall Courses, a specially. Special Teachers' Course during spring and summer term. Write for particulars at once, as we expect a large class. , 0.. K. WEIBLEY, Principal, Carlisle, Pa. Polly Wants a Cracker No, she wants some new furniture which can be bought at the up-to-date Furniture Store of ... . THOMAS B. STEVENS & SON McConnellsburg, pa. We have the largest and nicest line that we ever had Bedroom Suits, 2.t.75 to $29.75 Iron Beds, $3. 75, $4.25 to 1.1.5a Bed Springs, $2.50 to $.'1.50 Mattresses, $4.00 to $8.00 Cribs, $2.00 to $2.75 Commodes, $2.85 Coxtumers, 75 cents Extra Dressers, $10.00 Bedroom Chairs, $5.50 for 0 Kitchen Chairs, $4 00 to 5.50 Dining Chairs, $i.00 to $H.0O Hocking Chairs, 1.25 to $i 00 High Chairs, 1.00 and up Extension Tables, 1.00 up per ft. Falling-Leaf Tables, $4.00 Kitchen Cabinets, 0.75 to $10 00 Square Cupboards, $8.00 Side Boards, $13.00 to 22.50 Parlor Stands, 15c. to $0.00 Book Cases, $0 00 Writing Desks, $fi.25 Couches. $0.50, $8 00 la $10.00 Hall I Jacks, 7 00 Towel Hacks, 75o. Clothes Hacks, $1.00 Ironing Boards, $1.25 Sinks. $5.00 Tabourettes, 50c. to 80c. Chiffoniers, 8.00 to $10.00 Framed Mirrors, 5c. to 15.00 Framed Pictures, 60c. to $2 00 Easels. (iOc. to 75c. Spring Cots, $1.75 to tlJiH Spring Beds, We also have in stock a large assortment of Picture Frame Mouldings. Mat Board, etc , and we are prepared to frame any size or shape of picture you may have at very low prices. Give us a trial. We have just received our new line of Carpet Samples- a nicer line you never saw in me following grades, Axminster, Velvets, Tapestry, Ingrains, Hall and Stair Carpets, Stair Pads. China and .Tanan Straw Mattlnira. Thanking you for your past patronage and wishing a share of your fu ture traue, we are Very respectfully, THOS. B. STEVENS & SON. Come - umere the - i si 7 . I i Uothes i are Kictht I - A t JtTAVlOR&CUi 7 ' ACS 1 t i fair i ' mmu 1 . There are lots of Tailors making made-to-measure Clothes, but there is only one Taylor making them right. Proof? Gill here and see the values see the famous All Wool Book containing five hundred of the newest fabrics and compare the prices , J. K. Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa. J MIDWINTER Clearance Sale John S. Wilson's Store, Three Springs. While there Is practically three months of winter weather to be expected yet, the wide-awake merchant begins early to clear his stock to make room for Spring purchases. The old way of merchandising was to carry over from one season to another all unsold goods, and never parting with an ar ticle unless the full retail prices was received. That day is gone by. Goods bought for the winter trade must go In the winter, and it is much better in the end that the itock should be closed out at profit or no profit, than to be at the trouble of storing it away and beginning next winter's business with old out-of-date stuff. During the Month of February we shall sell at way-down prices, Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing Blankets, Arctics, Rubbers, Carpets, and with these goods will go at Special Prices. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Housefurnishing Goods. v We want it distinctly understood that when it comes to quality of goods we will not be under sold by anybody. y B HANCOCK Marble-:-and : Granite i WORKS. 0 0. All kinds of Cemetery Work at mod ern prices at least ONE-FOURTH-lower than you have been paying. I use the very best grade ot Mar ble and Granite. I keep in stock a nice line of both Foreign and Domestic Granite. My lettering is as good as the best. All lettering and carving is done by pneumatic tools, which is a great advantage over lettering by hand. It will pay you to get my prices. Ev erything as represented. AUSTIN C PECK, Hancock, Md. FULTON COUNTY BANK McConnellsburg, F. (ORGANIZED IN 1887.) EIGHTEEN STOCKHOLDERS " all among the prominent business men of the County. The resources of this Bank now far exceed any period In its ex existence. ' v We Pay 3 Per Cent. Interest. Our customers value and "bank on" our security to depositors, and our willingness and ability to assist them in every way consist ent with sound banking. Mure Than $300,000.00 Sccurltv to Depositors. W. II. NELSON, - - - Cashier. uiutwuus : J. Nelson Sipes, Chas. It. Spangler, A. U. Nace W Win. H. Nelson, J. P. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. P. Baker oooooooooo XT v mm m 8 What We Do We bave two objects in advertising. We wish to Increase our business. We want your account, whether it, be large or small and we want you to feel that we will do everything possible to serve you and further your interests. We are prepared to loan you money on proper security, transmit money for you to other places, safeguard your deposits, and to reader every service in keeping with 'the opera tion of a souudly managed financial institution. J ; The First National Bank of McConnellsburg, Sooooooooooo WE PAY 3 PER CENT. . . ... oooooooooocooo 1 . ,1